University of Virginia Library

Lady Bounty.—
“It doth indeed my spirits cheer,
To see the Rev'rend Doctor here,
Whose many virtues and whose taste, Appear by none to be surpass'd;
Nay, that same chance I happy call
Which turn'd his face tow'rds Bounty Hall:
And while his conversation gives
That pleasure which with knowledge lives,
I trust he will employ a day His graphic talents to display
On the rich charming scenes which bound
My range of ornamental ground:
And that by his superior taste My antique sculptures may be plac'd,
(Too long the victims of neglect) In proper sight with due effect:
It is a favour I shall ask That he would undertake the task;
Nay, such assistance to impart Is a free boon he owes to Art,
Which, for these trophies' sake, demands
The labour of his head and hands.”