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The Shamrock

or, Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, The Original Production of Ireland. To which are subjoined thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen: with practical proposals for a reformation [by Samuel Whyte]

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Now, the angry Lord of War
Wings the Thunder of his Car;
Darting quick, at his Command,
Stern Devastation shakes each guilty Land;
All his red-hot Fury hurl'd
Flames throughout the Western World;
Then, amid' the Storms of Fate,
Frederick rose supremely great;
Then, pour'd he all the Virtues of his Mind,
And all the Hero with the patriot Monarch join'd.


Witness, all ye Streams that flow
Through Germania's every Vale,
Oft you 've heard the Shrieks of Woe
Swell each horror-wafting Gale:
Billow'd oft with Austrian Blood,
Hast thou, O Albis, urg'd thy purple Way,
When Dresden's Towers, incumbent o'er thy Flood,
Though strength-encircled, own'd the Victor's Sway:
In vain, unnumber'd Foes
His rapid Speed oppose,
Vain, differing Interests combin'd,
Vain, with Nations Nations join'd;


As, over Egypt's wide-extended Plain,
The Locusts spread their dark-embody'd Train,
Before the heaven-sent Wind then plunge into the Main.


From ice-built Hills, and frozen Plains, afar,
Wide Russia spreads her congregated Host;
And Suevia sends her hardy Sons to War,
Erst lov'd of Mars, and stern Bellona's Boast:
From Vales, where tepid Breezes play,
Enliven'd by the solar Ray,
Fir'd by the Thirst of Sway, and wide Command,
Gallia by Myriads pours each warlike Band:
Where the fierce Danube whirls his Course,
And rolls through various Realms his headlong Force,
Impetuous as his Waves, th'embattled Throng
Urge the rough Tide of raging War along:
Behold ill-omen'd Grief, and pale Despair,
Perch'd on their Standards, fan the darken'd Air,
While Victory new-plumes her glistening Wing,
And, as at Rosbach's Plain, salutes her favourite King.