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Þenk also, a-noþur is þis
Þat niht and day moni mon is
ffalle in peril of soule way,
Þat þe fend haþ mad hem stray,
Þat is to sei þus forþi
In þe seuen synnes dedly:
In Glotenye and Lecherie,
Monslauȝt also and Envye.
And of alle þeose wikkede chaunses
Haþ crist mad þe diliueraunces,
He haþ þe saued as mihti kyng
Wiþ-outen þyn owne deseruyng!


And what hastou don him and whare
Þat haþ þe kept from al þis care?
Ȝif þou toke þus goode kepe
Whon þou awakest of þi slepe,
Hou mony goodnesses he haþ þe do,
And euer is to þe aboute mo,
Þow schuldest him loue souereynli
Ouer al þis world, witterli;
Þou schalt him fynde so bisy now
Euermore a-boute þi prow
As non oþur þyng he aboute were
But þe to kepe whil þou art here.
Whon þou hast þouȝt in þis wyse,
A-Morwe soone vp arise
And þonke þi lord of al þis goode,
Þat for þe wolde dye on Roode,
And sei to him wiþ herte fre
In þis maner þat i sei to þe:

Gracias ago tibi, domine Ihesu criste, qui me [miserum peccatorem] in hac nocte custodi[sti], [protexisti], visitasti, sanum saluum & incolimem ad hanc horam peruenire fecisti, & pro alijs vniuersis beneficiis que michi tua sola bonitate contulisti. Qui viuis & regnas deus per omnia.

Sey þus, for hit is to þi by-heue,
Boþe on Morwen and at eue.