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Sancti [O]swaldi regis et martiris

Seint Oswold þe holy king of þe on ende of Engelonde
Kyng was as uel þulke tyme of al Norþhomberlond
Cristen man he was god and mid al is poer
He huld up þe lawe of Cristendom & teiȝte uer and ner
For he was king ar Cristendom purlich istabled were
He broȝte þerto al is men so wisliche he gan hom lere
To þe princes he sende of Scotlond & bede þat hi him sende
An wise clerk to wise is men hore lif forto amende
Hi him sende an holyman þat ihote was Aydan
Þat wende an[d] prechede al is lond & turnde many a man
Þoru is p[re]chinge & seint Oswold þat to alle godnesse him drou
Cristendom into al þe lond stable was inou
Seint Oswold made þis holiman bissop inis londe
And made him al is conseiler & herede Godes sonde
He nedude noþing wiþoute him wiþ him he huld faste
And were here togadere al hore lif & in heuene attelaste
A day as he sat and et seint Oswold þis holyman
And þis holyman bi him þe bissop Aydan
A sergant sede þat wiþoute poueremen þer were
And bede som god for Godes loue & god was þat me hom bere
Þe king nom inou of is mete þat biuore him stod
And sende þer of largeliche hom þat bede god
A diss of seluer he nom ek þat biuore him was ido
And brak him al to smale peces and sende him out also
Þe bissop sat and þis biheld as he were in þoȝte
Bi þe hond þe king he nom & a swete word out broȝte


Ne rote he sede neuere þis hond ac iblessed beo he sede
And euere hol and sond an eorþe he beo þat dude so god a dede
His bone was fol wel ihurd for it fel attelaste
Þat heþenmen inis lond worrede him wel uaste
He stod aȝen mid al is miȝte so þat a day hi come
And imette hom wiþ hore ost and bataille nome
Atte toune of Marsfeld hy smite togadere faste
Ac seint Oswold þis holyman aslawe was attelaste
And imartired of þis luþer men for oure Louerdes loue
Al hi tohewe is holy bodi þo hi were aboue
Ac hi nemiȝte for no þing make none wonde
In noþer of is holi honde ac smite is of hol & sonde
As hi beoþ ȝute of as uair hyu as hi euere were
And for fair relike iholde as me may ise[o] þere
He was of eiȝte and þritti ȝer þo he imartred was
And nye ȝer he hadde king ibe[o] bot lite wile it nas
Nou seint Oswold þe martir oure erende so beode
Þat oure Louerd us sende is swete help & alle þat habbeþ neode

De sancto Laurencio martire

Seinte Laurence godman was and in strang martirdom
He endede an eorþe is lif and to ioie of heuene com
Decius þe emperor þat luþer was inou
And Vallerian is Iustice þat to al ssrewede drou
Hy wende and soȝte Cristene men & wanne hi eni fonde
Hi defoulede hom wiþ tormens and broȝte hom sone to gronde
Hi come and fonde þe bissop Sixt þat hi slowe wiþ gret wou
Sein Laurence was is ercedekne þat god man was inou
Þo þe bissop ssolde inome be[o] þat þere nas non oþer won
Sein Laurence is ercedekne he let ofclupie anon
Al þe tresor of Holy Churche þat he togadere drou


Sein Laurance in warde he tok þat he weste it wel inou
Þe tormentors þat þis iseie hom boþe hi nome faste
Sein Sixt & sein Laurence ek in strong prison hi caste
Sein Sixt hi ladde to hore false godes & hore felawes also
& ssewede hom þe false ymages and bede hom loute þerto
Ac þo þis men it nolde do ac on oure Louerd cride uaste
Hi smite of hore heueden sone and hore bodies þere caste
Þe emperor hi sende word al þat hi hadde ido
And hou sein Laurence in prison was & in strong bendes also
And hou he al þe tresour hadde of churche to him idrawe
Þat þe bissop him hadde itake ar he were ibroȝt of dawe
Þo þe emperor ihurde þis glad he was and fawe
For he þoȝte al þat tresour habbe þei it were aȝen lawe
Þis holyman he let vecche and biuore him lede
He bihuld him sturneliche and wroþliche to him sede
War is þat tresour of churche þat þe was ibroȝt
Sein Laurence him stod wel stille & ne answerede riȝt noȝt
Þo was þe oþer wroþ inou for he ne ȝef him answere
Anon he wolde him habbe defouled vnneþe he miȝte forbere
He let clupie Vallerian þat was is heie Iustice
Nim he sede þisne þeof vaste in alle wise
And win of him þat tresour & make him do sacrefice
Oþer bring him in such torment þat him þer of agrise
Þis Iustice nom þis holyman & let him binde uaste
And bitok him Ipolit a kniȝt in strong prison attelaste
He broȝte him in strong prison inou & bilek him þere also
Wiþ þeues and wiþ luþermen þat þe emperor hadde misdo


An heþeneman þer was inne Lucille was is name
Þat þer inne hadde so muche iwope for sorwe & for ssame
Þat he wep out boþe is eiȝen & purblind was bicome
Sein Laurence hadde reuþe of him þat is siȝt him was binome
Biluf he sede on Iesu Crist þat for þe ssadde is blod
And vnderfong Cristendom & þou sselt habbe siȝt god
Ich biluue quaþ þis seliman on him mid al mi þoȝt
And forsake al þis false godes þat ne mowe me helpe noȝt
Sein Laurence him baptizede and anon mid þe dede
His siȝte him com wel cler & god þo gan he anon grede
Ihered beo oure Louerd Iesu Crist þat here cudde is miȝte
And þoru is sergant sein Laurence isend me haþ mi siȝte
For as ȝe witeþ euerichone mi siȝt me was binome
And þoru Iesu Crist & sein Laurence aȝen he is icome
Þis tidinge sprong wel wide sone so þat oþer inowe
Þat blinde were faste aboute þuderward drowe
And biluuede on Iesu Crist and hadde anon hore siȝte
Þo Ipolit þis isei þat oure Louerd hadde such miȝte
Merci he cride sein Laurence and to Iesu Crist him nom
And he and al is meine ek auenge Cristendom
Þer after sone Ualerian as it com inis þoȝte
Sende to Ipolit þe kniȝte þat he sein Laurence broȝte
Nou Laurence quaþ Ypolit forþ ich mot þe lede
Ȝe go we uorþ quaþ þis oþer us ne ssel noþing drede
For þe ioie of heuene iȝarked is to us boþe an alle wise
Ipolit him ladde uorþ touore þis luþer Iustise
Þis Iustice Valerian [] sein Laurence bihulde uaste
Bel amy he sede hou longe ssel þi folie ilaste
Turn þi þoȝt ich rede sone & ssewe us þe tresor
Of þe churche þat þe was bitake & deliuere it þe emperor


Sir Iustice quaþ sein Laurence ȝif þou vnderstode reson
Þou wost wel ich habbe longe ileie in prison
So þat inabbe noȝt þe tresour of churche her nou ȝare
Ȝif me þreo dawes uerst þat ich mowe aboute uare
And ich it wole togadere bringe and here biuore þe lede
Glad was þo þis Iustice of wordes þat he sede
For hope of þe grete tresour and for non oþer þinge
Þreo dawes he ȝaf him respit þat tresour forto bringe
He bitok him Ipolit in warde [þat] he him aȝen broȝte
Forþ he wende wide aboute and fair tresour soȝte
Alle selimen þat he miȝte finde þat pouere & feble were
In siknesse oþer miseise togadere hi broȝte þere
He hudde hom in Ipolites house & wende to the emperor
Þe emperor him esste anon ware were þat tresour
Sire sede sein Laurence al ȝare it is anon
He wende out after þis selimen & bad hom wiþ him gon
In þe paleis he ladde hom forþ biuore þe emperor
Lo sire he sede ich habbe ibroȝt Holi Chirches tresour
Þat tresour þat holi is and euere ssel ilaste
Þat neuere ne ssal wanie ac an eorþe wexe faste
Þat in eche londe iredi is wuder so mon wende
Þer wiþ me may þe ioie of heuene bugge wiþoute ende
Peter me þincþ he sede soþ pouere me mai ȝute finde
And ofte mo þanne me wolde and ȝute stondeþ some bihinde
A traitor quaþ þe emperor is it icome her to
Hastou us þus to hoker idriue namore ne sseltou so
Naked he let him strupe anon & wiþ scorges him bete
Þe blod orn bi stremes anon bi is limes longe & grete
Þo sede þis holyman Louerd ich þonke þe
Þat among þin holy companie þi wille is to bringe me
And þou wrecche luþer þing in gret torment þou worst iwis
In wraþþe and in sorwe of herte & noþewors me nis


A traitor quaþ þis luþerman nelte non oþer synge
Alle maner tormens touore him sone me let bringe
Hokes of ire and weoles ek wiþ rasours al aboute
Beddes of ire wiþ kene pikes al berninge wiþoute
Scorges of led & raketeies and oþere manion
Þat we ne conne of no name for þer nis nou such non
Lo sede þis emperor bihold nou al aboute
Oure godes honure ich rede anon oþer þou sselt herto route
Alle þeos tormens þat þou sucst & ȝute mo þerto
Bote þou turne þi þoȝt anon in þi bodi ssolle be[o] do
Þou wrecche quaþ þis holymon mi wille haþ euere ibe[o]
To come to such murie feste as ich her ise[o]
For wel more torment þanne here be[o] to þe is mad al ȝare
In þe pine of helle wanne i ssal to the ioie of heuene vare
Decius þo þe emperor ferde as he were wod
Þe companie of tormentors wel prest biuore him stod
He het hom wiþ grete staues legge him on to gronde
Þe tormentors him leide on and made him mony a wonde
As hi bete þis holi bodi sein Lauerence sede
Þou wrecche nou þou miȝt iseo þat inabbe of þe no drede
Nymeþ [him] anon quaþ þe emperor & makeþ is torment more
Preste were þe ssrewen alle to don is luþer lore
Platen of ire al bernynge inis wonden hi pulte sore
Swete Louerd quaþ þis holyman ich bidde þe milce and ore
For þo þat ich was acused i ne uorsok þe noȝt
Ac þo me asked ich was iknewe of þe wiþ word & þoȝt
Þo Decius hurde þis for wraþþe he gan grede
He let nime grete scorgen wiþ battes of lede
And let bete þis holyman þat is bones borste some
And he was upe þe point of deþ & is strengþe was al bynome
Louerd he sede Iesu Crist þat þoledest deþ for me


Vnderuong wanne ich hanne wende mi soule ich bidde þe
Þo com þer a swete uois adoun fram heuene anon
And þeos wordes to him sede as hi hurde echon
Ȝute þe beoþ for Godes loue tormens to come wel mo
Þo Decius hurde þis for wraþþe he gradde and wo
Lo he sede my barons þat min conseilers beoþ
To conseile me of mi court of þing þat ȝe yseoþ
Ȝe hureþ wel hou þe deuelen wiþ him spekeþ here
For of þing þat we hureþ alle .nemay he him noȝt skere
Hi comeþ here & conforteþ him as ȝe hureþ echon
Þat strong wicche is þat ne douteþ of oure godes noȝt on
Ne he ne douteþ noþemo of oure tormens non
Bi þe fei þat ich owe Mahon anoþer it schel gon
Oules he let nyme of ire þat harde were inou
And is fleiss þat er was bileued þer wiþ me todrou
Þo is fleiss was so todrawe þat reuþe it was to se[o]
Þeof he sede ȝute þe sselt in more torment be[o]
His cheken & is mouþ aboute hi lete bete wiþ stones
And dasste out is teþ of is heued & debrusede þe oþer bones
He was an vuel dobbe dent þer uore i ne rede ȝou noȝt
Hure him to deore to hele ȝoure teþ i not ware ȝe habbe iþoȝt
He radde him euere turne is þoȝt ar he þolede deþ
Sire emperor quaþ þis oþer þer aboute þou spillest breþ
Inelle honuri non oþer god þanne Iesus in none wise
For soule itormented her is Godes sacrefise
Þo Decius him hadde ido al þat he couþe biþenche
Certes he sede he ssel be[o] ded ne ssel he noȝt so blenche
Strong fur he let make & gret & a gridil þer uppe sette
Þis holyman sein Laurence þerto sone me vette
And along upe þe gridil ouer þe fur him caste


Þe tormentors stode al aboute & blewe þat fur faste
Wiþ irene pikes hi helde him ek and ssoue him uaste aboue
Louerd muche was þe pine þat he þolede for þi loue
Þat fur bineþe þat rostede him al quik wiþ fleiss & blode
Þe pikes of ire þat inis fleiss so deope aboue wode
Þo gan þis holyman to speke to þe emperor he sede
Þou luþer wrecche nim nou ȝeme þat þou dest a luþer dede
Nim ȝeme þat þi furi coles wel muche akeleþ me
And ssolleþ into þe stronge fure [] of helle bringe þe
Louerd Iesus þou it wost þat inabbe þe noȝt forsake
Al clanlich ich habbe al mi þoȝt & al mi bodi þe itake
Þo bihuld he þe emperor wiþ fair semlant & lou
Þou wrecche he sede þou hast irosted þulke side inou
Turn is upward & et is nou for ȝare he[o] is þerto
Wend þe oþer side & roste is ek forte he[o] be[o] inou also
Me specþ of mony stable heorte ac me þincþ þer was on
Þat lou þo him stod afure boþe fleiss and bon
Þo [b]ihuld he up an hei and to heuene is eien caste
Louerd he sede Iesu Crist ich þonke þe wel uaste
Þat ich it habbe ofserued in at þine ȝetes to wende
Bi þulke word he gan to deie & broȝte is lif to ende
He deide to hondred ȝer and nine and fifti riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd [] inis moder was aliȝt
Ipolit þe gode kniȝt þare he turnde to Cristendom
Þat him weste her in prison swuþe sori bicom
Biniȝte he wende stilleliche and þis holy bodi nom
And burede it wel priueliche after al is harde dom
Louerd muche was þe pine þat he þolede for þe here
Wel is it riȝt þat he beo apostles is yuere
Nou Iesus for þe grete pine þat Lauerance for þe hadde
Bring us to þulke ioie þat þin angles him to ladde


De assumptione sancte Marie matris domini nostri Iesu Christi

Seinte Marie Godes moder fram þe apostles nas noȝt
Þo þe Holy Gost a Witesoneday among hom was ibroȝt
Er he was on hure aliȝt ac naþeles he[o] was þere
He[o] ne dorste wende for þe Giwes fram þe apostles for fere
Ac suþþe þo þe apostles wende euerich inis side
To prechi aboute Cristendom in þe lond wel wide
Oure Leuedi was feble and old he[o] nemiȝte hom siwi noȝt
He[o] mournede ek muche for hure sone on him was al hure þoȝt
Biside þe hul of Cyon into an hous he[o] wende
In hure beden he[o] wonede þer forte oure Louerd after hure sende
Þe apostles come to hure ofte hure confort to make
And nameliche sein Iohn þewangelist for he[o] was him bitake
He[o] þoȝte so muche on hure sone þat wane he[o] miȝte ise[o]
Eni stude and þernei come þat he hadde on ibe[o]
Hure þoȝte heo was in ioie inou þeruore he[o] wende ofte
In studes as he hadde on ibe[o] priueliche and softe
As men doþ ȝute a pilrenage in gladnesse of hure mode
In stude as he was ibaptized and ido on þe rode
In þe stude as he ibured was and to heuene wende
Wanne he[o] to eny of þeos com hure herte bigan to amende
Nei sikemen ofte he[o] was to conforti hom of sore
Hure siwede ech godnesse for heo was fol of milce & ore
Such lif after hure sone deþ twelf ȝer he[o] ladde ney
And euere he[o] was in gret mornynge þat he[o] hure sone nesei
As he[o] sat in hure boure a dai hure com on a gret wille
Forto ise[o] hure swete sone sore he[o] wep & stille


An angel þer com to hure adoun cler wiþ alle & briȝt
As i[s] Leuedi vaire & wel he grette hure as it was riȝt
Hail be[o] þou mi Louerdes moder Leuedi of heuene also
Þi sone abid þe inis trone þou sselt sone come him to
Þis branche of palm he haþ þe isend fram heuene bi me
Þat me ssel bere biuore þi bere and also biuore þe
For þi soule ssel þe þridde day fram þi bodi wende
To heuene to þi swete sone he wole þer after sende
Glad was þo þis clene maide he[o] nemiȝte gladdore be[o]
And mest for hope þat heo hadde hure swete sone to se[o]
Ȝif ich mai he[o] sede leoue lif such grace habbe of þe
Ich bidde þe for mi sone loue þi name tel þou me
And mi leue sones & mi breþeren þe apostles euerichone
Lete hom er here come to me þat i ne beo noȝt al one
Þat ich hom mowe alle ise[o] and touore hom alle wende
And þat hi mowe nei me be[o] such þing bringe to ende
Milce and grace of one þinge [] mine sone ich bidde and þe
Þat no luþer wiȝt ne mowe [] come biuore me
Þat ich ne se[o] non of hom ich crie þe milce & ore
And seie mi sone þat noþing nis þat ich drede more
Mi Leuedi hende and heuene quene þe angel aȝen sede
Wanne deuelen beoþ þoru þe ouercome wi hastou of hom drede
Hy ne douteþ noþing more þanne þe þou doutest hom mid vnriȝt
And wel þou wost hi fondede er þi sone wiþ al hore miȝt
Hi nemiȝte noȝt nei him come ne hi ne mowe nei þe be[o]
And naþeles wanne þi wille is such þou ne sselt noȝt hom ise[o]


Ou Louerd wel aȝte we of hom sore drede
Wanne [heo] þoru wam hi were ouercome ho[m] dradde as heo sede
Wi wilnest[ou] þe angel sede my name forto wite
So hei he is & so gret þat he nemay noȝt wel be[o] write
Þe apostles þat þin children beoþ nemake of hom no mone
Hi ssolleþ her to day in þis place biuore þe come echone
In þe lond hi beoþ wide isprad and hider hi comeþ sone
And biuore hom þou sselt hanne wende hi ssolleþ do al þi bone
Þe angel wende to heuene aȝen þe maide bileuede al one
Þe branche ssinde swuþe briȝte and þe leues echone
Þe bowes were grete and briȝte þe leues as sterren were
Hi ssinde al aboute so briȝte þat murþe & ioie was þere
As sein Ion stod þe ewangelist in Ephecies londe
And prechede biuore al þat folk þer com Godes sonde
In þondre þer com a wiȝt cloude and sein Ion anhei nom
Op in þe lift sodeinliche me nuste ware he bicom
Iset he was touore oure Leuedi dore to uoluelle hure bone
Þis godeman þoȝte wonder gret hou he com þuder so sone
Touore oure Leuedi he com in ar he[o] it euere weste
Þe maide þe oþer grette and wiþ ioie clupte & custe
Muche was þe ioie þat þere was bitwene þe maidens tweie
Hi wondrede hou hi togadere come for ioie hi wope beie
Leue sone quaþ oure Leuedi ȝif þou riȝt vnderstode
Þou wost wel wat Iesus mi sone to us sede in þe rode
Þat þou me helde as þi moder & as mi sone ich þe
Nou is þe time mi leoue sone þat mi child comeþ after me
Þat ich ssel to him henne wende mi bodi ich þe bitake
And þine breþeren ȝif hi comeþ þat hi me noȝt forsake
Þe Giwes ofte bitwene hom þeos wordes habbeþ ised
Abide we forte Iesus moder Marie be[o] ded


Hure body we ssolleþ to doste berne & þanne we mowe ise[o]
Þe tricherie of hure false sone þat we slowe on þe tre[o]
Þere uore ich bidde þe leue sone tak þi[s] ȝeord to þe
And wanne ȝe me to eorþe bereþ bereþ is biuore me
For ichot it nis noȝt for noȝt þat mi sone is fram heuene sende
I nemiȝte bote ich þe tolde uore ar ich fram þe wende
Oure Louerd ȝeue quaþ sein Ion þat þe apostles alle
Þat beoþ oure breþeren here were ar þis ssolde biualle
Þe apostles were þo al tosprad in þe londe wel wide
Wiþ þis worde a cloude nom euerich inis side
And bar hom up into þe lift & sette hom adoun anon
Riȝt biuore oure Leuedi dore at o tyme euerichon
Hore euerich wondrede of him sulue & ech of oþer also
And esste hou oure Louerd hom hadde in o stude so ido
Sein Ion com to hom anon and eu[er]ich oþer custe
Þere me miȝte ioie ise[o] woso neuere of ioie nuste
Oure Louerd wolde quaþ sein Ion us alle hider sende
Oure Leuedi is swete moder out of þe worle ssel wende
We mote þanne nei hure beo & do þat þer is to done
Al ȝare we mote alle be[o] hure time comeþ sone
Ac loke þat non of ȝou neweope ne in mornynge ne be[o]
For þe Giwes us wolde scorne ȝif hi it miȝte ise[o]
And segge þat we þer of lieþ þat oure Louerd wole attenende
After oure deþ murie lif in þe ioie of heuene us sende
Ȝif we weopeþ for hure deþ hi wolleþ holde it lesinge
And liȝe us þer of to busmare and in gret sclandre us bringe
Þe apostles touore oure Louerdes moder wende i[n] euerichone
Hi made hure fair semlant inou and onurede hure al one
Sein Denis at þulke time Sarazin was
Ȝute he seiþ he was þere and isei al þis cas
Oure Leuedi sat wel softe adoun þo it com toward niȝte


Alle þe lampen and taperes wiþ candlen he let liȝte
Mine leue breþeren he[o] sede fram ȝou ich wende sone
Ne forsakeþ me noȝt ac beoþ here ney to do wat is to done
Hi honurede echone to don al hure wille
He[o] sat as he[o] were in þoȝte among hom euere stille
Atte þe þridde tide of þe niȝt gret liȝt of heuene þer com
And al þe strengþe of þe eorþe liȝt wel sone it bynom
Oure Louerd com to hure adoun as riȝt was to do
And angles mid him inowe and patriarcs also
Wel murie was þe song þat hi among hom songe
Þeose wordes sede oure Louerd to hure þoru is swete tonge
Com to me mi leoue moder and in myn owe trone
For ich wilni þe ichelle þe sette as mi riȝt is to done
Mi leoue sone quaþ oure Leuedi min heorte al ȝare is
Al ȝare he is and ichelle singe in my ioie & in mi blis
Þo sede þe oþer þis is þulke þat neuere nuste of folie
Ne of foles wille þat is in bedde Godes moder Marie
Alle kunrede oure Louerd sede edy me holdeþ iwis
For he me haþ muche ido þat al miȝti is
And is name is holy ek and is milce al aboute
Fram kunne to kunne geþ to him þat him wole doute
Þo sede þe chantor of hom alle com forþ here to me
Com here forþ mi lemman icrouned þou sselt be[o]
Lo lo quaþ oure Leuedi þo ich com anon to þe
For in þe heued of þe boc iwrite it is of me
Þat ich ssolde þi wille do [mi] God al one iwis


For mi [soule] haþ ioie imad [] in God þer min hele is
Mid þis word hure soule wende [] into hure sones arme
Wiþoute euerich sor of deþ and wiþoute euerich harme
Oure Louerd sede to þe apostles þat body nimeþ anon
And to þe ualeie of Iosaphat þerewiþ ȝe solleþ gon
A niwe sepulcre ȝe ssolleþ þer finde þereinne ȝe it do
And witeþ it forte þe þridde day þat ich come þerto
Þo was þer swuþe swote smul in al þe place þer
Þe swete angles murie songe as hi oure Leuedies soule ber
Woder woltou nou Leuedi wende þe apostles sede
Þench on us wanne þou comst þer as þi sone þe wole lede
Hy bihulde hou oure Louerd bar is moder soule anhei
Hi ssinde so cler þat non of hom for briȝte hure nesey
Þreo clene maidens wesse þat bodi as clene as hi miȝte
Hi uelde it wel and neseie it noȝt it ssinde so briȝte
Þe apostles it nome wiþ gret honur and in þe bere it leide
Peter þou most þis branche bere biuore hure sein Ion sede
And also biuore hure bere for oure Louerd þe haþ ido
And imad þe maister of Holy Churche and of us also
Leue broþer quaþ seinte Peter þou sselt it bere iwis
For þou ert maide of God ichose & god riȝt it is
Þat maidens baner maide bere and so þou sselt leue broþer
Þou lenedest eke o[p] Godes breste & so ne dude non oþer
And wanne þou more honur vonge of þe sone riȝt it is
Þat þou more honur þe moder do þou sselt is bere iwis
And ichelle uorþ mid oþer bere bihinde þis bere
Sein Ion and alle þe oþer dude as seinte Peter hom gon lere
For[þ] hi bere þis clene bodi sein Ion þe branche biuore
Murie song hi songe inou ar it were to ende ibore


Anon so hi bere þat bodi forþ a cloude þer com fle[o]
And ouercaste hom echone þat me nemiȝte hom noȝt ise[o]
Swote smul þer com of þat smulde aboute wide
Þat þe folk come eorne þuder for ioie in eche side
Þat murie sang hi hurde alle hi nemiȝte noþing ise[o]
Gret wonder hi hadde inou wat it miȝte be[o]
So þat me tolde þe Giwes fore þat oure Leuedi was ded þere
And þat þe song of þe apostles was as hi to eorþe hure bere
As armes bliue queþe þe ssrewen for sle we wolleþ echon
And þe traitors moder brenne boþe fleiss and bon
Þat echmon iseo is tricherie ar hi wende henne
For as we slowe him ssenfoliche is moder we wolleþ brenne
Þo þe ssrewen iarmed were after hi wende faste
And siwede þis holymen þat were of hom lite agaste
Þoru song and smul wiþoute siȝt to hom hi come attelaste
Hore maister prince boþe is honde on þe bere caste
Þo cleuede hi faste on þe bere þat he nemiȝte awei is drawe
Hi bicome ek stiue wiþ palsie þat he nemiȝte hom enes wawe
His bodi sok al for angwiss he cride wiþ reulich bere
Alle þe Giwes þat siwede him ek ablend echone were
Reulich cri among hom was for angwise and for fere
Dai þat recche ich segge for me wat wolde þe ssrewe þere
A Peter Peter quaþ þe maister þou haue merci of me
And help me nou in þisse neode as ich halp enes þe
Vnderstond þe atte domes halle ich halp þe þo me sede
Þat þou wiþ þulke Iesus were & þou forsoke him for drede


We ne mowe noȝt quaþ seinte Peter aboute þe in none wise
For aboute oure Leuedi we þencheþ so muche & aboute hure seruise
And naþeles biluf on him þat he[o] in hure wombe bar
And on is moder & þou worst hol ac be[o] efsone iwar
Certes quaþ þe oþer so ich do ich bidde him milce & ore
He is honden nom to him þat hi ne cleuede namore
Ac naþeles hi were stiue and dede þat he ne weld hom noȝt
Euere he cride on seinte Peter þat hi were to hele ibroȝt
Seinte Peter him let wiþ mouþe segge þat he biluuede þere
In Iesus þat he[o] in hure wombe ber & custe also þe bere
Anon so he hadde þis ido is honden þat dede were
Bicome hole wiþ þe word holore neuere hi nere
Nim þe branche of palm quaþ seinte Peter þat sein Ion berþ anhonde
And touche þer wiþ þe ablendemen & wo so wole vnderstonde
And biluue on him þat þou dest habbe he ssel is siȝte
Þo þe Giu hadde þus ido me miȝte iseo Godes miȝte
For al þat wolde in Gode bileue god siȝt hadde anon
And wo so nolde bileuede forþ as blind as þe ston
Þere were iheled of blindemen þritti þousond & mo
And wo so nolde in God biluue al blind he gan hom go
Þe apostles as oure Louerd hom bad þe holy body bere
In þe uaire sepulcre hi it leide þat hi fonde þere
Þe þridde day oure Louerd com wiþ angles a uair verhede
As he hom hadde er bihote pais beo wiþ ȝou he sede
Gret heinesse quaþ þe apostles Louerd wiþ þe be[o]
Þat al one miracle dest as echmon miȝte ise[o]


Wat honur is riȝt quaþ oure Louerd þat ich mi moder do
Þat me in þis worlde bar and norisside also
Certes Louerd quaþ þe apostles us þincþ euerichone
Þat as þou sist man and God in þi trone al one
Þat þou also þi moder soule to þe body aȝen sende
Ac lete boþe body and soule wiþ þe to heuene wende
To soþe me þincþ quaþ oure Louerd þat it is wel to done
Sein Michel com wiþ þe soule fram heuene wel sone
Þo sede oure Louerd to is moder moder com to me
Mi swete lemman mi wonnynge com here ich bidde þe
As þi body neuere iwemmed nas here of mannes ymone
Wiþoute wem also of rotynge hit schel arise of stone
Mi lemman aris mi swete moder aȝen kunde þei it be[o]
Mid þis word þe holy soule to þe holy body gan fle[o]
And he[o] aros to hure sone as þe apostles alle iseie
Þe angles hure bere anon to þe blisse of heuene heie
Of hure holy body here an eorþe noþing bileued þer nis
Þer of nabbe we no relike for in þe ioye of heuene it is
Ac of hure milk & hure here and of hure cloþes also
Among us for relikes beoþ and in gret nobleie ido
Sixti ȝer he[o] was old þo he[o] to heuene wende
And of fortene ȝer þo oure Louerd þe angel to hure sende
Mid hure sone heo was afterward þreo & þritti ȝer ney
Twelf ȝer heo liuede suþþe her suþþe oure Louerd to heuene stei
So þat he[o] was of sixti ȝer þo he[o] was henne inome
Nou God us granti forþ wiþ hure to þe ioie of heuene come

De sancto Bartholomeo

Sein Bartelmeu þe apostel com of kinges blode
Swuþe uair man and noble he was of glade & swete mode


Oure Louerd he siwede an eorþe her ar he deide on þe rode
And isei is priuetes wiþ oþere apostles gode
Þo oure Louerd was to heuene iwend he prechede of him faste
And wide wende in mani a lond þi wile is lyf ilaste
So þat to þe lond of Inde he com þoru Godes wille
Atte on ende of þe lond he bileuede wel stille
As a strang pilgrim [] he ȝeode up and doun
He ne sede noþer on [ne] þe oþer bote bihuld þane toun
A fals god þer was in þe temple a maumet luþer inou
Þerinne was þe deuel of helle & muche folk to him drou
Þe maumet hi clupede Astrot þat þoru þe deueles miȝte
Answerie men ofte wolde & monie bynime hore siȝte
Hore speche & ofte hore limes & wroȝte wowe inou
And wanne he aȝen eni sikman of is vuel wiþdrou
Þe sikman was þanne hol anon as he moste nede amende
Wanne he nadde oþer uuel mon bote as þe ssrewe him sende
And he wiþdrou him of is uuel he moste nede hol be[o]
Þe ssrewe tolde þanne men þat is wonder miȝte ise[o]
Þat he hadde þe man iheld wiþ is holy miȝte inou
Wanne þe ssrewe nedude non oþer god bote of is vuel wiþdrou
Þeruore sikemen aldai wel þicke aboute him soȝte
And cride on him deoluoliche þat he to hele hom broȝte
Of þing þat was ek to come me esste him uer and ner
And he hom tolde of alle þing þoru þe deueles poer
Þat folk com þicke aboute him bidaie and biniȝte
And he answerede hom of alle þing muche is þe deueles miȝte
Ac after þat sein Bartelmeu to þulke cite com
Þe poer of þis false god wel clanliche he bynom


For he nemiȝte after þulke time for nomon speke riȝt noȝt
Ne ȝiue answere of noþing so he was bineþe ibroȝt
Þat folk com þicke aboute him to wite at him hore wille
Of þinges þat hi were iwoned & euere þe schrewe was stille
Wonder þere was þer of inou deol and sor also
Hi dradde þat hi were forlore oþer þat hi hadde oȝt misdo
To a toun hi wende þere biside þoru hore alre wit
To anoþer maumet is felawe þat hi clupede Berit
Hi cride on him deoluoliche þat he hom tolde uore
Wi ȝare owe god Asterot is speche hadde forlore
Ȝe ȝe quaþ þis luþer best ȝe nute noȝt hou it is
Wiþ stronge cheynen al furi he is ibonde iwis
For Godes sergant Bartelmeu þat is þuder icome
And in þe cite geþ stilleliche is poer him haþ binome
And so faste him haþ ibonde þat he nemai drawe is breþ
And as clene is ouercome as he hadde iþoled deþ
Wat is he þulke Bartelmeu þis oþer him esste anon
Þat mai make oure miȝte god as ded as þe ston
He is quaþ þis maumet of gret poer as ȝe seoþ
He mai do wiþ us wat he wole for bineþe him we beoþ
Ech day an hondred siþe and oþer such biniȝte
He kneoleþ to is God in god entente þat him ȝifþ al is miȝte
Angles he haþ wiþ him inowe ware þoru he mai do
Al þat he wole wiþ us alle and al þis he wot also
For he wot nou þere as he is al oure speche & al oure þoȝt
Þere fore ich rede ȝou wel þat ȝe ne wraþþi him noȝt
Ech maner speche þat is he knouþ and spekþ also
Bote at o word alle þing he wot þat is ido
Ȝif ȝe him secheþ þei ȝe come [] riȝt bi him as he is
Ȝe ne ssolleþ him noȝt iseo bote he wole him sulf iwis


Ac þus ȝe him mowe iknowe ȝif ȝe him mowe ise[o]
He is swuþe long of body of swuþe fair forme and fre[o]
Opriȝt he geþ & euene inou swuþe wit is is ble[o]
Is her broun & swuþe crips crispore ne may non be[o]
Muchel eiȝene & euene nose istreiȝt adoun along
Þe berd long & sid inou & somdel hor among
In a wiȝt golion he geþ he naþ cloþes namo
Al þis sixe and twenti ȝer he haþ þer inne igo
Þat fram him neuer eft hi[t] necom hit ne apeireþ noȝt of hiwe
Ne foroldeþ noȝt wiþ alle ac euere is iliche niwe
Wel he wot wat we spekeþ & wat ȝe doþ nou here
Þeruore ȝif he esseþ oȝt ȝe ne mowe ȝou noȝt skere
Ac ȝif he him wole ssewe so þat ȝe him mowe yse[o]
Biddeþ him for is Louerdes loue þat he milde to me be[o]
Þat he ne come noȝt here nei me þat ich beo to gronde ibroȝt
And itormented as mi felawe for inelle misdo him noȝt
Þo þis folemen þis ihurde hi were in grete þoȝt
Hom þoȝte longe ar hi hadde sein Bartelmeu isoȝt
Hi wende aȝen to hore owe temple ac hi were al blinde
For tweie dawes hi soȝte him faste ac hi nemiȝte him finde
In a dai as al þis folk to þe temple was ibroȝt
Forte honure hore false godes þat nemiȝte hom helpe noȝt
A gidi man þer com ek þat þe deuel hadde ibeo inne longe
Wiþinne him & bynome is wit & tormentede him stronge
Anon so þis godeman into þis temple com
Þe deuel þat wiþinne him was greot deol to him nom
Wel loude he gradde sein Bartelmeu ich biseche þe
Þin orisons me brenneþ al haue merci of me
Þis holymon stod þer biside he answerede him stille anon


Beo dombe he sede ich þe rede & þat þou out of him gon
Þe deuel flei wiþ þulke word out of him in þe place
And þe sike werþ hol & sond anon þoru Godes grace
Þat folk stod in gret wonder þo hi seie þis cas
And bihelde þe holyman þat of such poer was
And tolde wide þe holi dede þat nemiȝte noȝt be[o] ihud
In þis manere sein Bartelmeu [] in Inde was ferst ikud
Pollimius het þe king þat of þulke contreie was
Þe tidinge sone to him com of þis holi cas
A doȝter he hadde lunatik þat þe deuel hadde wiþ to done
And made hure wod euerich monþe as it fel bi þe mone
He sende to þis holiman sein Bartelmeu wel sone
Þat he hadde of is doȝter reuþe & helde hure þoru is bone
Þuder wende þis holyman & þis maide he fonde
Bitinge al þat nei hure come & grenninge faste ibonde
Þis holyman stod & biheld þane deuel he made out wende
Hure riȝte wit he[o] hadde anon and to hure liues ende
Welle glad was hure uader þo & elles it were wou
He let vecche forþ riche cloþes and gold and seluer inou
And chargede camailes þer wiþ and wiþ ȝimmes also
To presenti wiþ þis holyman þat such dede hadde ido
Ac þer nas non þat miȝte him finde þo hi come mid al þis prute
Þer by hy miȝte vnderstonde þat hi tolde þerof lute
Þo nomon nemiȝte him finde hit of þoȝte sore þe kinge
Ac naþeles þis holyman neforȝet him no þinge
As he lay a niȝt inis bed and on him uaste þoȝte
Þis holyman stod him biuore he nuste wo him broȝte
Sire king he sede wat was þe to sende me such prute
Þou ne paidest me riȝt noȝt ich tolde þerof lute
Ac þe tresour þat ich of telle þat is heuene riche


Þat ne apeireþ neuere ne rousteþ ac is euere iliche
Forto teche ȝou þulke lawe hider ich am ibroȝt
And to bileue ȝoure false godes þat nemowe helpe noȝt
And ȝif þou nelt of þisse þinge ileoue þat it soþ be
Com wiþ me to ȝoure false god & þou sselt þat soþe ise
Þe king wende þo forþ wiþ him to hore false god anon
Hi fonde þere of luþer prestes biuore him monion
And dude to hom hore sacrefise as hi were iwoned to done
Þe deuel þat wiþ inne him was wel loude gradde sone
Wrecches he sede bileueþ anon ne onureþ me riȝt noȝt
Leste ȝe be[o] in such torment as ich am on ibroȝt
For Iesu Cristes angles þat þe Giwes to deþe broȝte
Faste beoþ her aboute me & bryngeþ me to noȝte
For mid berninge raketeies hi habbeþ me faste ibonde
Þoru poer of hore heie Louerd þat þe Giwes ȝaf deþes wonde
And he þer after þe þridde day so weilawei þe stonde
Fram deþe to liue aros and broȝte us alle to gronde
And in eche side is apostles sende to prechi is holy name
And on of hom is nou her þoru wam ich habbe such ssame
Þat folk stod & bihuld aboute & nuste wuch it was
Sein Bartelmeu stod & siȝte & sede alas alas
Nou ȝe moweþ alle ise[o] wuch lif ȝe ledeþ her
And in wuche godes ȝe biluueþ & wuch is hore poer
Ȝif ȝe wolleþ þat ich bidde for ȝou mi Louerd þat us boȝte
And draweþ adoun ȝoure maumet & brekeþ him al to noȝte
Þo þe king hurde þis his men he het echon
Aboute him caste stronge ropes and adoun him drawe anon
Iredi was þat folk þo and caste ropes inowe
Ac hi nemiȝte him noȝt enes wawe for al þat hi drowe
Abideþ quaþ sein Bartelmeu ȝoure ropes nymeþ adoun


Þo hi hadde þis ssrewe vnbunde he sede is orison
Þou deuel he sede þat bitraist þus monimen echon
Ȝif þou wolt þat i nemake þe noȝt to þe put of helle gon
Wend out anon of þulke forme & brek it al to noȝte
Þe deuel anon mid þis word wel narwe is wei soȝte
And debrusede þe wrecche maumet and wende out þer of anon
And al þe maumes of þe temple he todasste echon
Þat folk stode alle and þis iseie wel loude hi gonne to crie
Þer nis bote on almiȝti God ibore of þe maide Marie
Sein Bartelmeu cride on God and bad is orison
An angel com so briȝt so sonne fram heuene liȝt adoun
To þe four heornes he flei aboute and in euerich he drou
Wiþ is finger a uair crois apert and cler inou
Mi Louerd he sede me send hidere & as he me sede
Þis temple ichelle biuore ȝou alle clansy of eche foulhede
And ichelle nou uerst þane deuel ȝou alle ssewi iwis
Þat ȝe mowe þat soþe ise[o] wuch ȝoure bileue is
Ac þei he be[o] grislich to biholde nabbeþ þerof no doute
Ac such signe as ich habbe imad in þis four heornes aboute
Makeþ þulke sulue signe in ȝoure forheued echon
And ech luþer þing and luþer drede fram ȝou ssel anon gon
Þo made hi alle in ȝare front þe forme of þe rode
And þe angel hom ssewede al abrod þene deuel as hi stode
Þe forme of a grislich man þat al forbroide were
Swartore þanne eny blouman wiþ wel grislich chere
Ssarp face he hadde & al forcroked is berd grislich & long
Þe eiȝen brode and al bernynge red & swart among
His her tilde to is fet and after þe ssrewe drou
His honden bihinde at is rug hi were þere god inou
Berninge spelden al stinginge out at is mouþ he blaste


And fur of brymston out at is nose þat stonk also wel uaste
Croked was is nose & mouþ wrecched was is bone
Bote þis were an hende bacheler abid forte efsone
Nou day þat habbe such louerding and al þat him wel loue
Þei þe ssrewe habbe to muche miȝte euere God is aboue
Þou luþer þing quaþ þis angel þat here ert vnder me
For þou dest Bartelmeu is heste ichelle habbe reuþe of þe
And vnbinde þe and lete þe fle[o] an eorþe in eche ende
Forte þe dai of dome come þat þou to helle wende
Þo þe ssrewe vnbonde was wiþ wel grislich bere
He flei awei among hom alle and necom neuere eft þere
Þo þe angel hadde al þis ido to heuene he flei anhei
Ȝeorne cride al þat folk þat þis wonder isei
And herede God & þe angel þat þere among hom com
And cride on sein Barthelmeu þat he ȝeue hom Cristendom
Þe king Pollimius wiþ is quene al is children nom
And let hom baptise of þe apostel & suþþe al is kynedom
So þat to Cristendom þat lond was ibroȝt
Þe king forsok al is lond and ne tolde þerof noȝt
And siwede sein Bartelmeu & prechede wiþ him faste
And bicom wel holyman & bissop attelaste
A broþer herre king þanne he he was of grete prute
Astriages was is name þer biside a lite
Þe tiþinge of sein Bartelmeu wel sone to him com
Hou he turnde Pollimius [] is broþer to Cristendom
A Louerd muche is þi miȝte as þou ssowedest in þin hine
Þat eni bodi miȝte aliue an eorþe þol[ie] such pine
A þousond men yarmed wel after him he sende
To enqueri into al þe lond wuderward he wende
Hy wende and soȝte him steorneliche he was sone ifonde


And biuore Astriages þe kyng ibroȝt faste ibonde
Bel amy quaþ þe king hou hastou on itake
Ymad my broþer wiþ tricherie [] myne godes forsake
Bi þe fei þat ich owe Mahon ichelle serui þe also
Make þe bileue þi false god oþer in strong deþe þe do
And ȝute þeof more ssame up oþer as by mannes sawe
Þou hast oure godes ellesware defouled and todrawe
Sire quaþ sein Bartelmeu þou ne seist noȝt as þe hende
Þat ich ssolde mid tricherie þin broþer heorte wende
I newende him wiþ no tricherie ac mid soþnisse & riȝte
Ich broȝte him out of misbileue to him þat haþ al miȝte
Fram godes þat beoþ al miȝtles as is þe dede tre[o]
Þat ich let al todrawe and þat þou þat soþe ise[o]
Bring me to þin oþer god and ȝif ich mai do such dede
Biluf þat he is miȝtles and for sak him ich rede
Ac mid þe God þat ich on biluue ȝif þou miȝt on so take
Ich þe bihote triweliche þat ich him wole forsake
And ȝif þou miȝt him noþing do & ich þin ouercome
Forsak hom as hi beoþ worþe for hore miȝte hom is bynome
Nadde he bote þis word ised þat þer necom to þe kinge
A messager þat him broȝte a sori tyþinge
Þat Berit is owe god þat he wel ofte soȝte
Of þe temple was ifalle adoun & idasst al to noȝte
Þo þe king hurde þis sori he was inou
He uerde as witles man and al is cloþes to drou
He let nyme sein Bartelmeu and tormenti him wel uaste
And wiþ stronge stanes leide him on þe wile hi wolde ilaste
Þo hi him hadde defouled so þat reuþe it was to wite
As we findeþ in som stude of is lif iwrite


He let him do on þe rode is heued toward þe gronde
Vet and honde to þe treo inailed oþer ibonde
And suþþe to do him more pine as it is iwrite also
Þo he hadde þeron longe ihonge adoun he let him do
And hulde is fel fram þe uleiss al quik mid kene knyue
As me hult an oxe ded me hulde him aliue
Alas hou miȝte hi habbe þe heorte alas þe deoluol pine
Ȝute nemiȝte hi mid al þis wo bring is lif to fine
Attelaste þo he was ihuld as we findeþ iwrite also
Hi smite of is holy heued ar hi miȝte him to deþe do
His bodi was þoru Cristenmen ibured faire inou
Wel þicke also as hi derste þat folk þuder drou
Oure Louerd anon for is loue fair miracle sende
Ware þoru þe godemen aboute wel þicke þuder wende
Þe luþer king Astriages þat him let so quelle
Of þe miracle sore dradde þo he hurde þerof telle
Þe þritteþe dai þer after þat he let him martri þere
He nom wiþ him al þe grete maistres þat of þe temple were
And to þe tombe hi wende alle þer þis body lay
As sone as hi þuder come as al þat folk ysay
Þe deuel þat hore maister was tormented hom anon
For wrecche of þe holymon hi bicome gidie echon
And as wrecches so hi deide he nelet on no leng gon
He nom wiþ him þe soule forþ & bileuede fleiss & bon
Þe tidinge was sone wide ikud hi dradde hom alle sore
Þat of misbiluue were h[i] ne dorste þo namore
Ac forsoke hore false lawe and cride oure Louerdes ore
And let hom cristni echon þoru sein Bartelmeu is lore
Pollimius þat was king þat to oure Louerd him nom
Bissop hi made ouer hom alle to holde up Cristendom
Bissop [he] was twenti ȝer ar he gonne henne wende
He wende to þe ioie of heuene atte twenti ȝeres ende
Þer was of sein Barthelmeu miracle euere inou


And þat folk euere þicke aboute to is tombe drou
Ȝute þere were luþermen þat hadde þerto envie
Þat ne biluuede noȝt þat oure Louerd were ibore of Marie
A uetles hy made al of led and þerinne hi caste
Þis holi bodi wel uilliche and dutte is suþþe uaste
And caste it amidde þe se to deliueri hom so
Ac ȝute oure Louerd cudde is miȝte as he haþ ofte ido
For þat led aȝen is kunde þei it uuel were is riȝte
Bigan to vleote aboue þe water þer was Godes miȝte
For þe water nadde poer non to holde him bineþe at gronde
To þe toun it flet of Lippari þere it was ferst ifonde
And inome up of Cristen men and faire an eorþe ibroȝt
Þei he were þer oure Louerd ȝute ne forȝet him noȝt
For miracles he sende riue aboute þat bodi þere
Attelaste somme luþer men þat in þe londe were
Hadde þerto strong envie a time hi stele þerto
A[nd] nom upe þe bones fram þe stude þat hi were on ido
And in þe countreie aboute is bere and caste euerich inis side
Somme in o stude and somme in oþere and tospradde is so wel wide
For hi ne ssolde neuere togadere come miracle to do
Longe as Godes wille was defouled hi were so
Sein Bartelmeu com suþþe him sulf to a monk þere biside
Mine bones he sede beoþ icast and tosprad wel wide
Inelle namore þat hi beo so þeruore þou most gon
To niȝt aboute þer as hi beoþ & bringe is togadere echon
A sire merci quaþ þis oþer hou ssolde ich knowe nou
Fol wel quaþ þis holyman & ichelle þe telle hou
Ech of hom þere as hi liggeþ þer it derk niȝt beo
Ssyneþ so cler so þe sonne þat feor þou sselt hom iseo


Þis monk wende forþ biniȝte he ne fond of hom noȝt on
Þat ne ssinde so cler so sonne and so he gaderede echon
In a ssip he broȝte is in þe se wiþ gret onur attenende
Þat woder is swete wille were oure Louerd hom ssolde sende
A wind þer com and drof þat ssip softe and euene inou
So þat to þe lond of Apille þat ssip euene drou
Þere were þe bones uaire auonge & faire in ssrine ido
Moni uair miracle þer com suþþe & ȝute þer doþ also
Nou bidde we ȝeorne sein Bartelmeu þat hei apostel is
Þat we þe watloker þoru is bone come to heuene blis

Sancti Egidii confessoris et abbatis

Sein Gilis þe holyman ne louede noþing sunne
At Attenes he was ibore he com of kinges kunne
As he wende to Holy Churche inis ȝonghede a day
A sik man þat bad of is god amidde þe strete lay
Sein Gile strupte of is cu[r]tel and dude on þis sik man þer
And holmon he bicome anon as he was euer er
Sein Giles was is fader eir of gret eritage & god
Anon after is fader deþe þis godeman him vnderstod
Oure Louerd he ȝef is eritage as is wille was to done
Al he delde it pouere men & hadde ido wel sone
He vnderstod wel þat me nemiȝte twei louerdes serui noȝt
Oure Louerd and þis wrecche world bote he turnde fram þe on is þoȝt
As he was in churche a day is beden to bidde þer inne
A gidi man þer was ibonde þat þe deuel was wiþinne
He cride and made so gret noise þat þere nemiȝte non
For him ariȝt is beden bidde ac out hi wende echon


Þo sein Gile þis isei he bad hom ȝute abide
To þe gidiman he ȝeode as he lay þat so loude cride
Þane deuel he drof out of him þat in siknesse him broȝte
And he hadde is wit god inou of dede & ek of þoȝte
Bi þe se as he wende a day a ssip þer inne he sey
Þoru weder and strong tempest þat he adreinte wel ney
Reulich hi cride [on sein Gile ] þat þere inne were
Sein Giles bad oure Louerd for hom þat hi adreint nere
Anon so he sede is orison þe tempest wiþdrou
And þe ssip was al sauf in pes and þat weder murie inou
Þis men þonkede sein Gile þat to liue hom hadde ibroȝt
Serui and siwi him hi wolde ac hi nemoste for him noȝt
Sein Gilis isei þane world so luþer þat he nadde þerto no wille
And into a wildernesse a dai he wende wel stille
In an hongri lond he com hard lif forto lede
Al þe contreie liuede hore lif in honger and in wrechede
Gret reuþe hadde þe godeman ȝif he miȝte þer of rede
He het al þe lond aboute to porueie hom of sede
And tilie hore lond & sowe it wel so þat þe lond ber
Þat beste corn of al þat lond þoru is bede ech ȝer
And þe contreie bicom riche & god and of gret plente mid alle
And þonkede of alle god sein Gile þat hom was biualle
Sein Gile wende into a wode uer in wildernesse
To lede is lif out of þe world al one in clannesse
Þat abit he nom of blak monk & wende to a þicke place
In a deop ualeie he astunte & liuede þoru Godes grace
Ar he hadde longe þer inne ibeo an hinde þer com gon
Wilde and swuþe milch wiþ alle to sein Giles he[o] com anon


And bad him hure odren mildeliche to nyme þerof is mete
He milkede þis wilde best þat milk he gan to ete
Þo sein Giles hadde iȝete þat best gan to him loute
And wende to is mete aȝen in þe wode aboute
Amorwe he[o] com eft þulke tyme & þis godeman outsoȝte
And euerich dai at one tyme milk inou he[o] him broȝte
Wanne þe godman hadde iȝete inou to hire mete heo wende also
Þere ne bileuede noȝt o day þat þis best nolde þus do
So þat þis godeman þere liuede al bi þis beste
And þere non oþer mete ne et & hadde hure to is heste
Þe kinges hontes wende a day anhonteþ þere aboute
So þat hi fonde þis seli hinde among oþer in þe route
Þe hondes þat ssolde þe bestes cacche bileuede þe oþer echone
And orne after þis seli hinde to cacche hure al one
Þis best flei þe wile heo miȝte weri he[o] was wiþ alle
To sein Giles hure louerd heo com and at is fet gan ualle
Þis holyman isei is norise wery and eþi so faste
He wolcomede hure & hadde wonder wat þing hure so agaste
Ac non hond bi a stones þreu nedorste come him ney
Þis godeman biheld aboute and þeos hondes isey
Louerd he sede þat wille hast þat ich serui here þe
Mi norise þat þou me hast ilend ich bidde saue me
Wanne þou hure senst to uede me ich bidde þi swete wille
Þat non of þis hondes poer nabbe myn norise to spille
Þis hondes alle mid þisse worde gonne to ȝolle anon
And ȝollinge turnde aȝen to hore louerd echon
Gret wonder þoȝte þe honten alle ac hi nolde noleng bileue


To ofseche wat þe hondes deode for it was al at eue
Amorwe he greiþede hom efsone to hore honting also
Þis seli hinde hi fonde efsone as hi hadde er ido
Þis hondes hure siwede faste anon þis hinde gan eft fleo
To sein Giles hure leoue louerd þat he ssolde hure warant be[o]
Þe hondes orne anon aȝen ȝollinde as hi dude er
Þe honten com hom wiþoute preie for noþing necaȝte hi þer
Þe king esste war hi hadde ibe[o] so longe out for noȝt
And ware hi leie þat hi nadde noþing hom ibroȝt
Hi tolde him þei hi necaȝte noȝt wuch game hi miȝte finde
And hou hi boþe þe dawes were bigiled of an hinde
Gret wonder þoȝte þe king þerof he swor he wolde iwite
Hou it of þulke beste were ȝif he miȝte out vnderȝite
Þe bissop he nom wiþ him amorwe to wode hi wende beie
To seche after þis seli best wiþ hondes forto pleie
Þis seli best was sone ifonde þe hondes after anon
Ac anon þo it com to sein Gilis þe hondes astunte echon
Reulich aȝen ȝollinge hi orne ac an honte þer was ney
Lenie to sein Giles barme þis seli best he sei
An arwe he nom þis hinde to ssete ac þe arwe gan misfle[o]
And hutte þis selyman sein Giles almest þoru þe kne[o]
Þis godeman was wel uuel ihurt ac þerof lite him þoȝte
Þe honten come þicke aboute & after þis wonder soȝte
So þat hi seie þis holyman sitte biside a tre[o]
Old and hor in monkes cloþes þe hinde lenie to is kne[o]
Hi wende anon & tolde uore þe bissop & eke þe kynge
Al one hi wende boþe auote to wite here of tidynge
Þe king esste at þis holyman þo he him hadde out ifonde


Wi he were in such wildernesse & wo him ȝeue þulke wonde
Here ich habbe quaþ þis godeman in Godes seruise ibe[o]
Inabbe no confort bote of þis best as ȝe mowe here ise[o]
And here aboute ȝe habbeþ ibe[o] to binyme it me
And þo it nuste non oþer red hider it gan forto fle[o]
And þe on honte it wolde ssete & hutte me on þe kne[o]
For God wot þat me is leuere þanne he hadde islawe be[o]
Þe honte sat akneo & bad forȝifnesse of þe wonde
Þe king bihet him leches gode to hele him in a stonde
Nai certes quaþ þis godeman þat nis bote dwele
Ichot þat Godes grace is more in siknesse þan i[n] wele
Þeruore ich bidde mi swete Louerd for is wonden viue
Þat [he] ne ȝiue me þerof neuere hele þe wile ich am aliue
So wole euerich of ȝou bidde þat iwonded were so sore
Ac for Gode ich wene ich liȝe þere fore i nesegge namore
Ac þou broþer þat ssote me þus al be[o] it þe for ȝiue
And grante me þis best in pes þat vint me biliue
Þe king fel adoun akne[o] and gret tresor him gan beode
Nai certes quaþ þis godeman inabbe þerto no neode
Ac nim al þat & rere þerwiþ an abbei here biside
And God wole þi wile ȝulde wel & þe bet þe ssel bitide
Þe king dude as he him bad an abbei he let rere
And so he bad þis holyman þat þe ferste abbot he was þere
His couent he weste swuþe wel of him me spak wide
For is miracles suþþe me com wel þicke go and ride
Þe king of France þat was þo Charles was is name
In a sunne he was þat he nemiȝte noman telle for ssame


Of sein Gilis he hurde telle þat he godman was
He wende to him & bad him ȝeorne to helpe him of þat cas
Ich habbe he sede a sunne ido þat i nemai for ssame telle
Þe ne non oþer man þei ich euere be[o] in helle
Bidde oure Louerd por charite þat he is me forȝiue
Þoru þi bone for i nemay for ssame þer of be[o] issriue
Þe Sonedai þere after as sein Gile masse song
Þe kinges sunne he hadde in munde & þereuore bad among
An angel þer com wiþ a writ as oure Louerd þuder sende
Þat writ he leide upe þe weued & aȝen to heuene wende
Sein Gile radde þat writ anon þer on he fonde iwrite
Þe kinges sunne þat was so luþer þat noman ne ssolde iwite
Þat writ sede ek þat þulke sunne þoru is bone was forȝiue
Ȝif þe king it bileuede & repentant were & þat is issriue
And alle men þat sein Gilis for eni sunne bede
Oure Louerd wolde hore bone ihure ȝif hi bileuede hore misdede
Swete a sonde was þis on þat oure Louerd sein Gile sende
Hopie mai ech man þerto þat is lif wilneþ amende
Sein Gilis nom þis holi writ and king Charles gan bitake
Þo þe king isei is sunne iwrite he nemiȝte noȝt forsake
Ac sore wepinge he þer of ssrof and þonkede God also
And þe holi abbot sein Gilis þat it broȝte þerto
Sein Gilis ladde holy lif al to is liues ende
Oure Louerd him warnede longe biuore þat he wolde after him sende
He deide seue hondred ȝer after þat God was ibore
And wende to þe ioie of heuene þat he seruede biuore


De exultatione sancte crucis

Þe holy rode þat was ifonde as ȝe witeþ in May
Anhansed he was in Septembre þe Holi Rode day
Mani a ȝer þer was bitwene riȝt is þat me telle
Of eiþer feste as it falleþ noþer bileue inelle
A king þere was in Perce Cosdroe was is name
Cristene men alle þat he fond he broȝte to ssame
Wiþ is poer he wan also al þe londes þere aboute
Þo he com to Ierusalem of þe sepulcre he was in doute
Þare oure Louerd was on ileid anon so he is isei
For al is poer þat was so luþer he ne dorste come þer ney
Ac a partie of þe swete crois þat seint Eline þuder broȝte
He tok wiþ him & wende aȝen namore þuder he ne þoȝte
Of þulke treo he was wel prout þei he luþer him sulf were
A swuþe hei tour of gold & seluer he let him sone rere
Ȝymmes & stones precious þere aboute he let do
Þe forme of sonne & of mone and of sterren also
Ssynde as it hom sulue were & turnde al aboute faste
And a þondringe he made eke ofte þat muche folk agaste
Þoru smale holes wiþ queintise þat water ofte þere
He made ualle adoun to gronde riȝt as it rein were
As ueruorþ as couþe enymon make þoru eny queintise
Þe fourme as it an heuene were he made in alle wise
Wende aboute mid queintise and as rein ofte rine
Ac me sucþ wel selde luþer prute come to gode fine
Anouwarde þis tour amidde al þis is sege he let rere
To sitte him sulf on as a god in heuene as þei it were
Inis riȝt half he made a sege is o sone he sette þere
As it were in stude of Godes Sone þat no defaute nere
Inis lift half he made anoþer a uair cok to him me vette
As in stude of þe Holy Gost inis lift half bi him he sette
And sat him sulf al amidde þe Uader as þei it were
And Sone & Holi Gost biside gret prute was þere


Nou was þis a maister hine and a wonder god also
Ac euere me þingþ he was a bastard and also him com two
Eraclyus þe emperor þat Cristene was at Rome
Of is misfaringe prute he hurde telle ilome
Wiþ is ost he wende into is lond & werrede on him faste
Inis heuene he sat as a god as him noþing ne gaste
So þat is eoldoste sone he het wende attelaste
Aȝen þe emperor wiþ is ost and of þe lond him caste
For him ne deinede noȝt for him of is heuene ene aliȝte
Namore þanne it were a god wiþ an eorþlich man to fiȝte
Is sone aȝen þis emperor wiþ is ost forþ wende
Þo hi touward bataile come hore eiþer to oþer sende
Þat hi bitwene hom sulue to þe bataille ssolde do
And al hore ost stonde & biholde and non come þerto
And weþer of hom aboue were habbe ssolde þe miȝte
Of þe oþer is men & al is lond as is wille diȝte
Þo þis uorewarde was ymad togadere hi smite to gronde
And foȝte as it was hore riȝt and made harde wonde
And attelaste þis emperor þane oþer ouercom
And as forwarde was al is folk inis baundone nom
And let hom cristny euerichon and siwi him to is wille
And þis luþer king sat euere atom inis heuene wel stille
As a god & nuste noȝt þat he was bineþe ibroȝt
And so uuel is men him louede þat hy ne tolde him noȝt
Þe emperor him wende forþ in to is heuene anhei
He fond him sitte as a god is sone him sat wel nei
Hail be[o] þou he sede false god in þi fals heuene ifonde
Nim þi sone and þin holi gost ȝe beoþ nei aswonde
Bi him þat þou makedest after þat þolede for us wonde
Bote þou wolle on him biluue þou sselt here in a stonde
Of min honden þolie deþ and þi prute ibroȝt to gronde
For al þin heuene inelle bileue ne for marke ne for pounde
Nai certes quaþ þis oþer þou ne sselt me noȝt so lere


Þat ichelle abowe to enyman bote he herre þanne ich were
Þe emperor drou out is swerd and smot of is heued riȝt þere
His ȝonge sone þat sat him bi þat was inis teþe ȝere
He let cristni and make kyng of al is fader lond
His men he ȝaf al þat seluer clanliche þat he þere uond
Mid þe gold & mid þe seluer þat he fond also þere
Þe churchen þat þe oþer hadde destrud þerwiþ he let rere
And made a lond þere wel biluued and in Godes lawe
Alle þat nolde turne to God he broȝte sone of dawe
Þe holi crois þat he fond þere þat God was on ido
Adoun he nom wiþ gret honour & ladde wiþ him also
To þe boru of Ierusalem and þo he com þere biside
Ope þe hul of Oliuete a stonde he gan abide
Al þat folk aboute him com wiþ gret honur wiþ alle
And þonkede God of þat cas þat hom was þere biualle
Þat þe swete holi crois aȝen moste come
Þat þe luþer king Cosdroe hom hadde er bynome
Þe emperor wende adoun þe hul wiþ fair procession
Þe wei þat oure Louerd wende toward þe passion
Þo he com al to þe boru and wolde in atte ȝate
A uair miracle oure Louerd sende þat he ne com in þerate
For þe stones þat þere were aboue adoun anon aliȝte
And bi þe oþer wal stod emuorþ þat noman in nemiȝte
Sori was þis emperor and al is folk also
And dradde þat hi vnworþe were such holy þing to do
Þer was wop and crie inou on God þat he hom sende
Som grace ȝif is wille were þat hi saufliche in wende
Þo stod þer an angel aboue þe ȝet a crois he huld anhonde
Sire emperor he sede þulke tyme þat oure Louerd was here alonde
Þo he com in at þisse ȝate to be[o] to deþe ido


Op a seli asse he rod in feble cloþes also
He ne com wiþ no gret nobleie so as þou dest nou
Wiþ riche cloþes ne oþer prute þei he were as hei as þou
Mid þis word he wende aȝen þis emperor anon
Aliȝte adoun & al is cloþes caste of euerichon
Anon to is sserte & to is brech sore wepinge wiþ alle
Þe stones arise up aȝen þat were er adoun ifalle
And leie euerich inis riȝt stude as hi hadde er ido
And þat ȝet ope as it was er þe wei clene also
Þe emperor nom þe swete rode and al auote in ber
Þat folk siwede him wiþ gret prece gret ioie & blisse was þer
Anon þer com so swote smul so it fram heuene were
Þat al þe contreie aboute fulde and al þat stode þere
Þe emperor bar þe crois into þe temple anhey
He gan singe þis niwe song touore al þat were þer ney
Þou crois briȝtore to þis world þanne al þe sterren be[o]
Þou ert to honure to þis men & a wel to louie tre[o]
Holior þanne alle þing þou one worþe were
Þat þou þe tresour of þe world al one upe þe bere
Þou swete tre[o] þat bere on þe þe swete nailes also
And þe swete berþene of Godes sone þat on þe was ido
Saue al þis companie þat igadered is
And here today togadere ibroȝt in þin heriinge iwis
Þis sang song þe emperor þat wel is ȝute vnderstonde
For ȝute me it singþ in Holy Churche wanne me berþ þe crois ahonde
Þe folk honurede ek þe crois as hi miȝte come to
Wiþ offringe & murie song and oþer melodie also
Þis was þe Holy Rode day þat in Septembre is
Þeruore me halt ȝute þane day in Holi Churche iwis
Þoru uertue of þe swete rode anon in þe place
Mani miracle was aday þoru oure Louerdes grace
A ded man aros fram deþe to liue & ten museles þat þer were


And four men in strong palsie helde anon þere
And fiftene blindemen and manie oþere also
Helde þoru þe swete grace þat on þe rode was ido
Moni miracles þer habbeþ ibeo woso is telle couþe
Of þe swete rode an eorþe suþþe telle me somme nouþe
In þe lond of Constantinnoble a Giu som tyme was
In a chirche him sulf al one as it fel bicas
He stod and biheld þe rode and oure Louerd forto ssende
He þoȝte do þe rode ssame ar enyman come þere hende
In þe þrote wiþ a swerd he smot þe swete rode
Þat blod sprong on him al abrod þat al he was ablode
Þo dradde þe ssrewe of Cristenmen þat eny come attelaste
Þe rode he bar anon awei and in a deop putte is caste
And orn awei anon him sulf a Cristen man he mette
Þat biheld hou he was ibled on him faste he sette
Ssrewe he sede ware hastou be[o] wam hastou broȝt of dawe
Þou sselt abide here wiþ me and be[o] anhonge oþer todrawe
Inabbe ido certes quaþ þis oþer noman bote god
Þou luxst þerof quaþ þis oþer and isene is on þis blod
Louerd merci quaþ þis Gyu to soþe ich yse[o]
Þat Cristen mannes God is muche non herre nemay be[o]
Doþ mid me nou wat ȝe wolleþ for gulti ich am iwis
For a rode ich smot a deop wonde & he bledde on me þis
Ich it caste in þulke deope put for me ne ssolde come þerto
And ich ȝou bidde Cristendom ar ich beo to deþe ido
Cristen men þat þis ihurde her of were wel bold
Hi wende forþ & nome þe rode as he hom hadde itold
Hy wosse hure clene & sette aȝen as heo was er ido


In þe þrote þe wonde is ȝut isene & euere mo worþ so
Þe Gyu þat hadde hine so ismite icristned was sone
And god lif ladde as it fel Cristen men to done
A cristene man þer was wile in þe lond of Siuþie
A crois he hadde inis hous þer on ofte to crie
Suþþe at is terme day he wende to anoþer inne
A Giu com suþþe & wonede þer & fond þe crois wiþinne
Þo þe rode was ifonde þe Giwes al is nome
And ladde is to hore sinagoge as hi ladde oure Louerd to dome
As hi bete oure Louerd er hi bete þe rode uaste
And spatte on hure and boffeted ek and fillich adoun hure caste
At þe riȝt side hi smite a sper deop in attelaste
Wiþ gret strem þat blod sprong out þo were þe ssrewen agaste
For hi nolde blede þe sinagoge a gret vat hi fette
To hente þe strem of þe blod and vnder þe rode sette
So þat he bledde þe uat bretfol of blod ar hi stunte
Þo ne dorste hi do namore ssame þe rode as hi munte
Ac hi þoȝte proui wiþ þe blod ȝif oure Louerd were soþ God
Euerich sik Giu þat hi weste hi smurede wiþ þe blod
And hi hadde hore hele anon þe ssrewene þo vnderstode
Þat hore lawe nas riȝt noȝt þat ne biluuede on þe rode
To þe bissop hi wende anon and let hom cristni alle
And tolde al hore luþer dede and hou it was biualle
Þe bissop wuste þis holi blod and relikes riche & gode
Gret miracle þer com aday of þulke swete blode
So þat it was in many studes iuet wide and side
And is iholde for relike in moni lond wel wide
Me seiþ it is in mani studes of oure Louerd is owe blode
As it may be[o] in euerich stude among oþer relikes gode


A giu þer com to Rome wile þat nemiȝte him non in wynne
In an old hous he lai adoun fer fram eche inne
For he was so in a wild stude of þe deuel he dradde sore
He þoȝte hou Cristen men hom weste fram þe deueles lore
Þe signe of þe crois he made aboute him an anter wat him bitidde
Þei he nebiluuede noȝt þer on and lai him adoun amidde
A gret deuel þer com at midniȝt as it a maister were
And oþer deuelen suþþe inowe & a chaere wiþ hom bere
Þer uppe hi sette þis grete maister and he hom esste anon
Ech after oþer of hore dede & ware aboute hi hadde igon
Þo euerich hadde iȝoulde acontes of ssrewehede þat hi hadde ido
Þe maister lokede him biside þe Giu he sei also
Wat is he sede þulke maister þat ich ȝend ise[o]
Wo made him so hardi & so wod at oure acontes to be[o]
Forþ up anon & feccheþ him hider he ssel wiþ us telle
So sore dradde þe Giu þat he sset nei out of is felle
Þo þe deuelen come toward him hi ne miȝte come him nei
Ac euerich was nei out of witte wanne hi þe croise isei
Wat nou quaþ þis bolde maister wi nabbe ȝe him ibroȝt
Sire merci þis oþer sede certes we ne mowe noȝt
A uetles it is al amti and wiþoute iarmed uaste
Þo flowe þe deuelen for þe crois so sore hi were agaste
Þe Giu biluuede anon in God þat on þe rode was ido
And let him cristni also sone as he miȝte come þerto
Anonne þer was in an abbey þat a dai ȝeode pleie
An erbe þat me clupeþ letuse heo fond bi þe weie
Þer of heo nom and et a lef and ne blessede it noȝt er
Anon he[o] bicom out of witte and fel adoun riȝt þer


Gret deol made þat folk for hure and echman þat hure say
An holyman þat þer of hurde þuderward wende a day
Anon so he com touward hure þe deuel gradde for fere
A weilawei wat dude ich here bote sat up an erbe þere
And he[o] nom me & swolwe me in and bot me wel sore
Þou miȝt me wite wat þou wolt ac inabbe gult namore
Þou sselt quaþ [þis] holyman anoþer in habbe to ȝere
For he[o] forȝet to blesse hure wel iredi þou were
Þoru signe of þe holi crois þe deuel he drof out þere
Ȝollinge he flei awei wiþ wel grislich bere
Þerefore ich rede ech mon be[o] war þat wilneþ wel to do
Blessi is mete ar he it ete þat he ne beo serued so
Nou God for þe rode loue þat þou were on ido
Bring us to þe heie ioie þat þou us boȝtest to

De sancto Mattheo apostolo et ewangeliste

Sein Mattheu þewangelist apostel he was iwis
Ewangelist & eke apostel for boþe he was & is
Ewangelist for he mad gospellis þat me deþ rede
Apostel for oure Louerd an eorþe mid him gan lede
For as [oure] Louerd ȝeode ouerlond sein Matheu he sei bicas
Is mester do of tollares craft for tollare he was
Fals and trichour of is work and liuede bi ualshede
Oure Louerd him het bileue is work com siwe me he sede
He bileuede þo is work and mid oure Louerd ȝeode
And is fals mester let for he nadde þerto no neode
Fair forbusne oure Louerd ȝaf alle sunfol þo
Wanne he a so sunfol man wiþ him het do
Sein Mattheu is sunne bette and tok to Cristendom
And oure Louerd siwede uaste and apostel bicom
Suþþe þo oure Louerd was into heuene iwend
Þe apostles were wide alonde to prechi isend


Into þe lond of Ethiope sein Mattheu sone ȝeode
To prechi men to Cristendom as it was gret neode
He fond tweie luþer men and strong wicchen þere
Zaroes & Arafaxat þat þe deueles limes were
Þat as hi wolde in gret siknesse monyman hi hadde ido
And monyman þoru þe deuel iheled hadde also
Alle þat þe luþermen [] in siknesse broȝte
Sein Mattheu hom helede anon & wel clene outsoȝte
Sori were þis luþer men hi nuste wat was to done
Tweie dragons þe deuelen were to hom hi clupede sone
Þat caste brimston al furi and slou into al þe londe
Men and bestes þicke þerwiþ hom nemiȝte non atstonde
Þis luþer men hom vette to hom for hi ssolde todrawe
Þe ewangelist sein Matheu and bringe him of lif dawe
Þo sein Mattheu þis ihurde baldeliche he gan gon
Þe signe he made of þe crois and to hom wende anon
Þo þe dragons him iseie to is fet he fel adoun
Hi ne miȝte wawe hore noþer anne uot for al þe toun
Lo ȝe wrecches quaþ þe apostel to þis luþer men tweie
Ware is nou al ȝoure art ouercome ȝe beoþ beie
Ȝif inadde nou mi Louerd for ȝou ȝeorne bisoȝt
Bi ȝou it ssolde nou biualle as ȝe hadde bi me iþoȝt
Þis tweie luþer dragons þat ȝe habbeþ hider ibroȝt
Arereþ nouþe ȝif ȝe mowe oþer ȝoure art nis noȝt
Euere stod þis wrecche men as hi were inome
Sein Mattheu hi dradde sore hi helde hom ouercome
Sein Mattheu þis tweie dragons þoru Iesu Cristes lore
Out of þe lond drof anon hi necome þere namore
And wende aboute and prechede & þe ssrewen let go
Ouercome wrecches as hi were hom nas neuere so wo
Nou wo hom mote euere be[o] wat wolde þe ssrewen þere
Luþer dom on hore heued fram ȝere to ȝere
Hit biuel þat þe kynges sone of þe lond was ded


Sone þe tweie deueles limes togadere nome hore red
And wende þuder ȝif hi miȝte þoru art him rere
Hi dude hore enchantement as þe deuel hom gan lere
Ac þat child lay euere ded for hore miȝte nas riȝt noȝt
Þoru þe king hi were inome and in strong prison ibroȝt
Þe king sende after sein Matheu [] as me of him tolde
Ȝif he miȝte is sone arere for he was so wis iholde
Þo sein Mattheu þuder com to oure Louerd he dude is bone
And arerde þoru Godes grace þis child to liue sone
Þis child aros and herede God ibore of maide Marie
Anon so þe king it isei wel loude he gan crie
To soþe he sede ich ise[o] þat Mattheu a god is
Þei he be[o] in mannes forme god he is iwis
Honure we him as it is riȝt wiþ seluer and wiþ golde
Hy bode him tresour inou wel more þanne he wolde
Nai certes quaþ þis holyman god nam ich noȝt
Ac Godes sergant þat for us to deþe was ibroȝt
Ȝif ȝe wolleþ on him biluue to heuene ssolle ȝe wende
And wo so nele he worþ iwis in pine wiþoute ende
So þat þe king and alle his icristned of him were
Wiþ þe tresour þat hi him broȝte a uair churche he let rere
In þritti dawes he was arered so gret help þer was to
Þat þe king is beden bad and al þe contreie also
After þe tweie enchanteors sein Mattheu gan sende
Zaroes & Arafaxat and made hom þanne wende
In to þe lond of Perce hi wende wiþ ssame inou
Þere misbiluued folk wel þicke aboute hom drou
Suþþe sein Simon and sein Iude to Perce þene wei nome
And þis tweie enchanteors to gronde hi ouercome
And driue hom an alle deuelwei þer mote hi euere be[o]


So þat toward Cristene men ne dorste hi neuere te[o]
Sein Mattheu in Ethiope þe kinges doȝter nom
Þat clene þing was of hure sulue and broȝte hure to Criste[n]dom
And made hure uowe chastete lif to lede clene
Þe maide neuere eft afterward þe biheste ne brac ene
A king of anoþer lond wowede hure wel uaste
And wilnede hure to is spouse & up hure is loue caste
Þo þe maide nolde is wille do to sein Mattheu he drou
And bisoȝte him to be[o] inis half & bihet him mede inou
Com quaþ þe apostel þulke day & ich ȝou wole wel rede
Þat heo holde hure to spoushod & þer inne hure lif lede
Þe king was glad & wende wel þat he it bi him sede
Þat he hure wolde rede to him ac he ne þoȝte noȝt so quede
Þe king com a day & muche folk þat he gan wiþ him bringe
And þis maide ek to hure sein Mattheu is prechinge
Sein Mattheu stod & prechede þat folk al abrod
He preisede mest of alle þing inis prechinge spoushod
Þat þer nas no lif so god þere it was god and clene
Wel hopede þo þe king þat he dude bi him mene
For þat þe maide ssolde to him iwedded be[o]
Sein Mattheu he louede muche and hopede wille ise[o]
So þat suþþe sein Mattheu is prechinge forþer drou
Ȝif þe king he sede hadde a wif þat he louede inou
And a fol come in spousbruche and leie bi is wiue
Þe king wolde beo wroþ inou & bringe him of liue
For he him hadde is wif binome & ymad hure do amis
Of þe heie king of heuene also it is iwis
Ȝif he hadde a gode spouse and let clene lyf
And þer come forþ a fol and binime him is wif


To stronge deþe he wolde him bringe and to helle pine also
Þeruore beo echman iwar þat noman it nedo
Þo þe king hurde þis sone he vnderstod
Þat it was bi him ised for wraþþe he was nei wod
And swor he nolde bliþe be[o] ar he were awreke
Forþ he wende & gan anon sein Mattheu is deþ bispeche
Þis godeman nas noþing adrad ac prechede euere uaste
And confortede þis clene maide þat hure heorte up him caste
Þis maide fel doun to is fet & on him gan ȝeorne grede
Euere þis godeman hire radde clene lif to lede
Suþþe he wende & greiþede him his masse forto singe
Luþer men iredi were isend þoru þe kinge
Riȝt as he stod attemasse on of hom forþ wende
And smot him þoru out wiþ a swerd & is wombe rende
For in he smot him atte rug and atte wombe out
Þo þe godeman was aslawe þe ssrewe was wel prout
Þat folk þat Cristene was wel þicke com anon
Þe kynges paleis forto brenne & to sle is men echon
Ac sein Mattheu is deciples forbode hom euerichone
Þat hi ne dude no such þing & let God iworþe al one
Hi wende & nome þat holi bodi & faire an eorþe it broȝte
Ȝute þe king mid al is miȝte after þe maide soȝte
Ac þo he nemiȝte in no manere to is wille hure wynne
He wende & let sette auure þe hous þat he[o] was inne
Ac sein Mattheu þoȝte on hure al þei he ded were
And fram heuene liȝte adoun to hire & is help kudde þere
For þat fur he drof aȝen to þe kinges paleis anon
And forbrende it al to noȝte & is men echon
A ȝe ȝe wel was þat such gleo ich wolde ihure
An hard puf him was blowe aȝen to teche him pleie wiþ fure
Vnneþe him sulf & is sone ofscapede wiþ þe liue


He miȝte segge wroþer hele he willede after wiue
For wel sone þere afterward musel he bicom
And he nemiȝte wynne is hele gret deol to him he nom
Wiþ is swerd him sulf he slou & is bodi al torende
Nou God it wite [and] sein Mattheu woder is soule wende
Þat folk wende & made anon a nywe king wel blyue
Þe clene maidens broþer þat he wilnede so to wiue
Þat sein Mattheu þe apostel er cristnede wiþ is honde
Ware þoru suþþe Cristendom com into al þe londe
Nou Iesus us ȝiue þe grace þulke ioie to wynne
For þe loue of sein Mattheu þat is holy soule is inne

De sancto Michaele in monte Gargano

Sein Michel þe archangle and is felawes also
Beoþ bitwene God and us to teche wat we ssolle do
A day hi habbeþ in þe ȝere þoru al Cristendom
Þoru uair miracle of sein Michel þe day uerst me nom
In þe on ende of Apuile a gret hul þere is and hei
Þe hul Gargan is icluped for a man was þer ney
Þat Gargan icluped was þe hul hatte þere uore so
Þis Gargan was a richeman and in gret poer ido
Hit biuel þreo hondred ȝer and euene twenti ȝer
After þat oure Louerd for us inis moder was aliȝt her
Þat Garganes ruþeren and oþer bestes inowe
Amorwe upe þis heie hul to hore lese drowe
Þis ruþeren wende an eue hom as hore wone was echone
Bote a bole þat he louede þat was bihinde alone
Op þe hexte toret of þe hul þe bole wel euene drou
Þo is louerd him miste an eue anuid he was inou
Wiþ him he nom men inowe and soȝte him into al þe lond
Vpe þe grete tour of þe hul attelaste he him fond
He nom an arwe enuenimed in gret wraþþe inou
And sset to þis seli best and wiþ gret strengþe drou


Ac is arwe turnde euene aȝen to him þat him sset
And smot him as it were in wreche deop wonde and gret
Nou was þat a wonder arwe and wonder wei he soȝte
I ne kepte noȝt leorni so to ssete ne such arwe þat me broȝte
A wonder ssere wind he was on wonder wat he þoȝte
Ac euere he þat him sset me þincþ þe game aboȝte
Þe folk þat þer stod aboute in gret drede was
To þe bissop hi wende anon & tolde him al þat case
Þe bissop was in grete fere & in gret þoȝte stod
Hit was toknynge he weste wel of uuel oþer of god
Al þe contreie he het anon in orisons to be[o]
And þreo dawes in fastynge þis toknynge to ise[o]
Sein Michel after þe þridde day to þis bissop com
Hou þingþ þe he sede of þis dede was þis a wonder dom
Nis þerof wonder non for mi wille it was iwis
For ichelle wel wite þulke stude þat in myn warde is
And in þis manere ich ssewe it ȝou þat ȝe þat soþe ise
And honuri þulke stude for is wardein ichelle be
Þe bissop wiþ procession swuþe fair & hende
To honuri þis holi stude mildeliche gan wende
A noble churche hi fonde þer wiþ walles swuþe proute
Hy ne dorste noȝt þernei come ac hore preiere dude wiþoute
Þere after al þat lond [] þat Cristene were
Alday come to þulke hul hore preiere to do þere
Suþþe it biuel afterward þat Ȝarazin[s] come
And worrede þulke Cristene men & bataille þerof nome
Þe bissop het þo al þat folk þulke dawes þre[o]
To sein Michel bidde uaste & in fastinge be[o]
Þe þridde niȝt sein Michel to þe bissop com efsone
Let ȝarke he sede al þi folk þe bataille to done
Þat ȝe to day þereinne beo riȝt atte ueorþe tide
And ichelle þer wiþ ȝou beo somwar in somme side


Þe bissop was þo glad inou is folk was sone ȝare
Þe tyme þat he hadde iset to þis bataille uare
Togadere hi smite upe þe hul ac it was ido anon
For þere com a derk cloude and ouercaste hom echon
And liȝtinge smot here & þer þis luþer men to gronde
And six hondred slou of hom in a lite stonde
Þe oþere flowe faste inou & ofscapede vnneþe
Þer nas non þat nas longe sik oþer deide in stronge deþe
Þus sein Michel stod him þo among hom fer and ner
Þo was it soþ þat sein Dauit seiþ inis sauter
Þat oure Louerd makeþ is angles as godes fleinge
And hom þat beoþ is ministres as fur bernynge
Godes ministres angles beoþ sein Michel and oþer mo
Þat as gostes fleoeþ vniseie in forme of fur þo
A wonder game hi pleide þer þat miȝte segge hor fo
Hom hadde betere be[o] atom and ipiked hore two
Þis Cristene men amorwe ȝarkede hom swuþe wel
And wende hom to þis holi hul to þonke sein Michel
Þo fonde hi þere a churche swuþe queinte arered
Þe bissop was þo glad inou and somdel aferd
He nuste hou þis churche com ne wo is rerde þere
Ne wer sein Michel wolde þat he ihalwed were
For him þoȝte it was riȝt to halwi chirchen nywe
Sein Michel ȝeorne he bad þat was is frend triwe
Þat he sende som toknynge wat he ssolde þer of do
Þreo dawes he let þat folk uaste & hore beden bidde also
Ȝute com sein Michel efsone to þis bissop þere
Ne þench noȝt he sede on mi churche þat ich mi sulf let rere
For ich þat it habbe imad ich it halwede also
And þerof þou sselt signe finde wanne þou comst þerto


For wend in atte estor porche and as ich habbe igon
Min uet þou sselt finde isene in þe marbre ston
Sing þere þin heie masse and ȝif þat folk also
Oure Louerdes fleiss and is blod wanne þe masse is ido
Þis bissop sone amorwe to þis chapele drou
And þis folk al wiþ him wiþ offringe fair inou
Atte est porche hy wende in and in þe marbre ston
Þe fet hi fonde al isene as sein Michel hadde igon
Innore more he wende ȝute weuedes hi fonde þre[o]
Iheled wiþ red cloþ of pal þe uairoste þat miȝte be[o]
Of oure Leuedi was þat on þat men ssolde bidde
Þat oþer of sein Ion þe baptist of seinte Peter þe þridde
Þis bissop song is masse þer and suþþe atte nende
Þat folk he let houseli ar he wolde þanne wende
Þat folk to þulke holy stude alday faste drou
And oure Louerd dude þer ofte aday fair miracle inou
So þat þe pope þat was þo þoru þe cardinals is rede
For honur of þe holy stude & sein Micheles holi dede
And for þe mani vair miracle þat þoru sein Michel com
Het halwi Myhelmasse day þoru al Cristendom

De sancto Michaele in monte Tomba

Sein Michel in Nouembre haþ ek anoþer day
Biuore þe feste of sein Luc ac ich ȝou telle may
Þoru wille of sein Michel riȝt as þe oþer was
And þoru is feste he was ifonde ichelle telle þat cas
Hit biuel seue hondred ȝer and in þe teþe ȝer riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd inis moder was aliȝt
Þat to þe bissop Auberd sein Michel com a niȝt
Biside þe montein of Tombe as it were in a siȝt
Ope þulke hul of Tombe a chirche he let him rere
Such as þulke of Gargan and þat it bityme were
Þe bissop esste in wuche stude he ssolde þis churche make
Ichelle þe quaþ sein Michel god tokne þerof take


A bole þou sselt þare finde þat þeoues habbeþ ihud
Ope þe heie hul of Tombe þat nis noȝt ȝute ikud
Þere as þou vinst þis bole ihud mi churche þou sselt rere
Þis bissop wel þis vnderstod and bigan is churche riȝt þere
And rerde is þere uair inou to helpe of monyman
In þe onour of sein Michel as þulke of Gargan
Ope hulles boþe þis churchen were & boþe of sein Michel
Heymon me þincþ he wolde be[o] he louede hulles so wel
He dude wel for he miȝte be[o] atom up is owe
And sitte & wide aboute ise[o] & þe contreie bet iknowe
And hom aȝen þe sonore fle[o] wanne he aliȝte lowe
He ne dorste care of non oþer work to erie ne to sowe
For he let upe heie hulles arere eiþer chapel
Þat folk þat suþþe an eorþe is vnderstod it fol wel
And wanne hi arereþ eny churche to masse & to gospel
Vp eni hul bi costome hi makeþ him of sein Michel
As þe mont of sein Michel & þe mont Agu also
And in eche lond moni oþere wo so nymeþ hede þerto
In þe grete se of occean þe hul of Tombe is
Þat geþ al aboute þe world in þe on ende iwis
Þe se geþ al aboute þe hul & in þe feste day euere mo
Þe se wiþdrauþ him twie a day þat me mai drie in go
And honury þulke holi stude and non oþer time nis
Þat þe se ne geþ al aboute bote þe feste day iwis
So þat it fel in a tyme þat þe se him wiþdrou
Atte feste day of þe stude þat folk wende in inou
So þat a womman mid childe [] com in atte nende
And nas noȝt so swift as oþer were aȝen forto wende
And þe se hure ouertok and he[o] bileuede wiþinne
And flet þere in wel lite reste and in wel feble inne
So þat he[o] bileuede þer in wonder cas inou
Forte it com anoþer ȝer þat þe se him eft wiþdrou


And hadde child þer in þe se and atte ȝeres ende
Hol and sond wiþ hure child to þis feste he gan wende
And saued was in þe deope se þoru grace of sein Michel
For Gode þer nis non of ȝou þat hure couþe habbe iwest so wel
Ne so iued hure ne hure child þat necostnede worþ a strau
For þei he[o] hadde viss & drinke inou ȝe witeþ wel it was rau
And to fleote so in þe grete se wonder þat heo nas ded
Sein Michel was a god wardein wanne we habbeþ al ised
Icholde ech man me ssolde a peni ȝiue þat necouþe hure noȝt wite
Atte feste of þe hul of Tombe þis dede was ido in write
Þe hul of Tombe he is icluped vor he is somdel nare
And longe as me may ise[o] an monnes tombe vare
Þat men beoþ on ileid wanne hi beoþ here dede
Also þulke hul is long and noȝt so brod of brede
Þat is as þe se haþ ibete in eiþer side
And irered upe þat sond anhei as me mai iseo wide
And ymad þer of an hul naru and long iwis
More þanne four hondred uet þe hul is hei iwis
Me þingþ a Myhelmasse day in Holy Churche also
Of a bataille þat sein Michel wiþ a dragon ssolde do
Þat was þe luþer Lucifer þat was is felawe
And somdel is souerein forte he gan misdrawe
Ac þo he þat angel was þoru is [s]ori prute
Bicom to a luþer deuel and biȝet wel lute
And fel out of is heie sege þat he ches amis
To þe deope put of helle as is wonynge is
Fram þe hexte stude þat is wiþ one swenge he com
To þe lowest iwis a wonder wei he nom
No wonder wat was him wi uerde þe ssrewe so
He pleide mid þe valling torn to wel he couþe it do
Iambeleue he com swenge into helle gronde
A murgore in he hadde er þat worse þere he fonde


A wonder sweng me þincþ he made is biȝete was wel lute
Acorsi he may eueremo is misfaringe prute
For as sone as God hadde ymad heuene & eorþe & helle
He made him ferst & is felawes as ich ȝou may telle
And he anon as he was ymad bigan to smite in prute
And wolde be[o] as hei as oure Louerd & biȝet wel lute
Monye hulde faste wiþ him & noȝt alle of one lore
Somme delited inis dede somme lasse & somme more
Somme ferde as hom ne roȝte noþer of on ne of oþer
Þer ne bileuede in heuene non of hom ne hore maister noþer
Sein Michel maister was [] to driue hom of heuene adoun
Þat was þe bataille þat he made mid þe luþer dragoun
Þe maister dragoun Lucifer and is pur felawes echon
Þat faste held wiþ is prute he drof hom to helle anon
Ac hi þat somdel wiþ him hulde and noȝt folliche so uaste
Out of heuene he hom drof and into þe lift hom caste
Al here byneþe toward eorþe þere mest tempest is
And þere hi ssolleþ in pine be[o] forte Domesday iwis
And as hore gult þe more was þe more is hore pine also
And þe worse stude hom is itake hore penance on to do
Ac to helle ne ssolde hi noȝt forte Domesday wende
Ac þere hi ssolleþ þere afterward bileue wiþoute ende
Oþer were þat for hom somdel in misþoȝt were
Ac naþeles hi hulde bet mid God ac vnneþe hi forbere
Þulke wende out of heuene ek and aboue þe oþere beoþ
Anhei vnder þe firmament and Godes wille iseoþ
And so ssolleþ be[o] somdel in pine forte þe worles ende
Ac hi ssolleþ a Domesday aȝen to heuene wende
In eor[þ]lich parais somme beoþ also
And in oþer studes an eorþe hore penance to do
For hore defaute in heuene þoru oure Louerdes grace
Man was ferst an eorþe imad to folfeolle þulke place
For tene ordren of angles þer were ymad þo
And þe teoþe uel adoun in to pine and wo


And nie hondred ȝute þer beoþ & þanne is man iwroȝt
To folfelle þe teþe ordre þat of heuene was ibroȝt
Sone so man was imad and sunegede also
And forgulte þe heie ioie þat hi were ymad two
In helle he was wiþ Lucifer & wiþ oþer luþer vode
Forte oure Louerd hom aboȝte in fleiss & in blode
Þe luþer gostes beoþ aboute mid hore luþer poer
To bitraie wrecche men and bringe into hore panter
And þe gode beoþ eke aboute mid poer þat hore is
Forto wardi men fram sunne þat hi neworche amis
Boþe þe luþer & þe gode aliȝteþ ofte adoun
And to men in slepe comþ and in auision
And sseweþ hom in metinge moni a wonder dede
Ac þe gode of gode þinge & þe luþer euere of quede
And derieþ ofte men in slep & bodieþ sorwe & care
And ofte hi of liggeþ men þat me clupeþ þe mare
For þat is al hore delit wanne hi moweþ do men wo
Ac þeoues hi cheseþ aniȝt aboute to fle[o] & go
Mest hi greueþ selimen wanne hi liggeþ upriȝt
Op hom hi liggeþ heuie inou nere hi nere so liȝt
Hi of liggeþ as an heui stok as hi wolde a man astoffe
Þat he ne ssel wawy fot ne hond ne vnneþe enes poffe
Dai þat such luþer chamberlein þat awakeþ men so sore
And God ȝiue hom sorwe inou & euere þe leng þe more
And alle þat loueþ is companie for he nas neuere hende
Ȝif eny of ȝou him loueþ wel oure Louerd him sone sende
Þe ssrewen wolleþ ek oþerwile mankunne to bitraie
Aliȝte adoun in monnes forme biniȝte & bidaie
And liggeþ ofte bi wymmen as hi were of fleiss & blode
Ac þe engendrure þat hi makeþ ne comþ neuere to gode
And ofte in forme of womman aday and eke niȝt
Hi leteþ men hom ligge bi and bitraieþ hom outriȝt


For hi weteþ wuch beoþ men þat to folie habbeþ wille
Al one in som deorne stude hi stondeþ þanne wel stille
And mani fol hom liþ so by in wode and eke in mede
Ac þer nis non þat so deþ þat ne acoreþ þe dede
Hore membres toswelleþ somme & somme ofscapeþ vnneþe
And somme fordwineþ al awei forte hi be[o] ibroȝt to deþe
More wonder it is iwis hou eni ofscapeþe of liue
For an attri þing it is to lemman oþer to wiue
And ofte in forme of womman in moni deorne weie
Me sicþ of hom gret companie boþe hoppe & pleie
Þat eleuene beoþ icluped þat ofte comeþ to toune
And bi daie muche in wode beoþ & biniȝte upe heie doune
Þat beoþ of þe wrecche gostes þat of heuene were inome
And mony of hom a Domesday ssolleþ ȝute to reste come
Ac þe ssrewen þat beoþ biniȝte and eke bidaie
Fondieþ wiþ wuch felonie hi moweþ men mest bitraie
For þulke tyme þat þe deuel oure ferste uader wan
Þoru þe appel þat he him ȝaf maister he was of man
And faste us hadde al to him forte oure Louerd us boȝte
And for men were so alle his þe lasse of hom he roȝte
Ne noþing he nas engynous as þe ssrewene nou beoþ
For plente nis no deinte as we alday iseoþ
He uerde as deþ a port dogge inorissed in portoun
For he geþ ofte in prece of men among hom up & doun
To men nenimeþ he no ȝeme to berke on hom noȝt ene
Ac among men geþ stille inou bote eny man him hene
Also uerde þe deuel þo for man was al his
And hadde of hom so gret plente he ne tolde noȝt þerof iwis
Ne nas noþing clib to hom to asaili hom wiþ wou
Namore þan þe port hond þat among hom is nou
Ne he nas grim to engini men as he nouþe is


Suþþe oure swete Louerd was ibore of is moder iwis
Hadde he be[o] such biuore as he haþ suþþe iwis
Vnneþe was þare enyman þat nadde ibe[o] al his
Ac oure Louerd after is deþ broȝte him in harde logge
And þane ssrewe teide uaste inou as me deþ a tei dogge
A tei dogge is clib inou wanne man comþ inis siȝte
And grenneþ & bercþ inou and drauþ mid al is miȝte
Ac ȝif enyman him comþ so nei þat he set on is toþ
Siker be[o] he bit sore inou as alle suche doþ
Ac clibbost upe hom he is þat þrouweþ him mid ston
Ac nei noman ne may he come bote wo so wole to him gon
Nou late suþþe he was iteid þe deuel farþ also
He bercþ & grenneþ toward men bote wo so wole to him go
Ac wanne man him comþ so ney þat he him mowe areche
He wole bite harde inou and is lesson teche
Þat bote he turne to amendement & take to Godes leche
And þoru þe prest him lete ssriue him worþ ido gret wreche
Hardost þe deuel bit men wanne eny comþ him to
Of hom þat him arerede er & godnesse habbeþ ido
For þere wiþ me him arereþ mest & suþþe him wolleþ wiþdrawe
And comeþ so nei þat he mowe him reche he cacþ him wel vawe
And ope is poer harde him bit is bites beoþ wel ille
He nemay noman as ȝe seoþ take aȝen is wille
Namore þanne mai a tei dogge þat is iteid in stronge teie
Ac wanne he nemai areche men wide he cast is eiȝe
Ȝif he may enyman iseo þat to him wole drawe


Anon he ginþ to tolli him as man deþ is felawe
For wanne a man nemai noȝt is felawe bringe ner
Wiþ is hond he tolleþ him as wo seiþ icham her
Þe deuel tolleþ wiþ is hond as wel as deþ a man
And fif fingres þer on he haþ þat he wel bisette can
Ech of is fingres haþ a name as we clupeþ oure also
Þe leste hatte liteman for he is lest þerto
Suþþe þe next hatte leche for wanne a leche makeþ oȝt
Wiþ þulke vinger he wole taste were it be[o] ariȝt iwroȝt
Longe man hadde þe middemost for lengost he is
Þe veorþe hatte techare for þerwiþ me tecþ iwis
As wo seiþ lo him þer of wam we speke er longe
For þe þoume strengost is þeruore me clupeþ him stronge
Þanne hatte þe leste liteman þe next him hatte leche
Suþþe þe longe longeman þe techare for he deþ teche
Stronge is þe þoume icluped þou wost wel wi it is
Þe vif fingres þe deuel haþ and hore name iwis
Þerwiþ he tolleþ men to him wanne men stondeþ fer ato
And wiþ fol þoȝt to him lokeþ and not wat he wole do
And is inwit him seiþ þat it gret sunne were
And gret wille he haþ þerto ac he ne der it do for fere
Þe deuel stont & fawe wolde hente him bi þe polle
Wiþ liteman is leste finger he ginþ him ferst to t[o]lle
And seiþ war of erte adrad a wel lite sunne it is
And makeþ þe sunne lite inou for þe finger is lite iwis
Ȝif he nemay wiþ þulke finger a man to sunne teche
Wiþ is felawe he tolleþ next þat me clupeþ leche
And seiþ oure Louerd is god leche & fol of milce & ore
Wel he wole hele & forȝiue þei þe sunne were more
He nis noȝt so wrechfol as me weneþ deore he haþ þe aboȝt
Wel more sunne he forȝifþ þereuore ne drede þe noȝt
And bote he mowe þer wiþ wynne he pult two is felawe
Þe longe þat sit him next þat al were hi todrawe


And seiþ þou ert ȝong inou þou miȝt libbe wel longe
And þi sunnes bete wel þei hi were ten so stronge
Scholdestou nou bileue þi wille wat ssolde þi ȝonge blod
Þou sselt ȝute libbe longe inou & amendi al þi mod
Bote he mowe ȝute make a man þerwiþ do amis
He tolleþ wiþ is techare þat þe nexte felawe is
And seiþ lo þere þulke preost and þulke kniȝt also
And þulke person & manie oþere þat more sunne habbeþ ido
And naþeles it beoþ godemen and god lif ledeþ inou
Þulke man nas neuere ibore þat among ne dude wou
Sein Poul mid is owe honde an hondred men slou
Seinte Marie Magdalein to lecherie drou
Seinte Peter þrie in one niȝt oure Louerd forsok also
And loke ek þis oþer halwen wat sunne hi habbeþ ido
And þei hi beoþ heie in heuene ne worste neuere so heie
More sunne þanne þou wolt do þou miȝt bete ar þou deye
Þou wost be[o] oþer þanne enyman [b]ihold al aboute
A mysdede is sone ibet war of hastou doute
Ȝif he nemai mid is techare make is wei roume
Mid þe stronge he tolleþ þanne mid is ssrewe þoume
And seiþ þou ert strong inou more sunne to bete
Wostou bileue so murie þing þench þat it is swete
Þou miȝt be[o] þerof issriue & it worþ forȝiue clene
Goþ forþ hardeliche naue þou none teone
And bet þi sunne afterward for þe ne failleþ strengþe non
For wel feblore þanne þou ert wel ofte wole misgon
And suþþe do hore penance and naþeles noȝt wel stronge
For oure Louerd is euere ȝare sunfolmen to auonge
In þis manere þe luþer ssrewe wanne he vnderȝet oȝt
Þat men lokeþ toward him & somdel changeþ hore þoȝt
He tolleþ hom euere ner & ner mid is fingres arewe
Nou luþer þrift up al þe hond for euere he was a ssrewe
Daye þat sori wolde be[o] þei he were al tohewe


Forto sunne he bringþ manion & to amendement vewe
Þeruore biþencheþ ȝou wanne he wole ȝou to sunne pute
And wiþ is fingres tolleþ ȝou & seiþ þe sunne is lute
And þat oure Louerd is leche & milsfol & þat þou sselt libbe longe
And þat oþere sunegeþ more þat nebeoþ noȝt so stronge
Anon so ȝe þencheþ such a þoȝt biþench ȝou þerto
Hou þe ssrewe tolleþ ȝou & wiþ wuche finger also
Seggeþ him he lucþ loude wo so deorste him telle
Saue þat he maister is in þe deope put of helle
And God holde him is dignete and is noble maistrie
Forte somme of ȝou ȝeue al is god bynyme him þe baillie
For siker woso vuel deþ and comþ to is tollinge
He wole him bringe euere ner & ner & in deppore sunne bringe
And attenende in þe put of helle þat he worþ euere forlore
Þat vnneþe him tit þe grace to wiþdrawe him biuore
Þei hy nemowe us noȝt ise[o] among us hi beoþ þicke
And þei hi out of helle be[o] hor pine is strong & wikke
For hi fareþ as þe man þat in acces of feuere is
Beo he in hous oþer in felde is bernynge ilast iwis
Fer and ner he mai go ac euere ilast is pine
Hit is bi þe deuel her also and bi is hine
For þei hi out of helle be[o] hy ne ssolle so atroute
Þat hi þe bernynge of helle wiþ hom ne bereþ aboute

De inferno

Þe riȝte put of helle is amidde eorþe wiþinne
Oure Louerd þere al made iwis queintise of gynne
Heuene and eorþe he made uerst & suþþe al þing þat is
Eorþe is a lite hurst aȝen heuene iwis
Heuene geþ aboute eorþe euene it mot weie


Eorþe is amidde euene as þe stre amidde an eiȝe
Muche is þer on more þan þe oþer for þe leste sterre iwis
In heuene as þe boc us seiþ more þanne þe eorþe is
For [ho] so were anhei bi a sterre ȝif it so miȝte be[o]
So lite wolde þe eorþe þenche þat he nessolde hure noȝt ise[o]
Enes geþ heuene aboute þoru þe day & þoru þe niȝt
And þe mone & þe sterren wiþ him bereþ & þe sonne so briȝt
For þat is euene aboue þin heued aboute nones stonde
Vnder þi uet heuene it is at midniȝt vnder gronde
And comeþ up wanne þe sonne arist & ouer þe is at none
Heuene makeþ þus hure cours and aboute comeþ sone
As appel þe eorþe is round so þat euere mo
Half þe eorþe þe sonne bissint hou so it euere go
And non it is here byneþe us wanne it is here midniȝt
As me mai to soþe iseo wo so haþ god insiȝt
And ȝif þou helde a cler candel biside an appel riȝt
Euene haluondel þen appel he wolde ȝiue here liȝt
Þere beoþ atte firmamens such as we iseoþ
Þe ouemoste is þe riȝte heuene in wan þe sterren beoþ
For þere aboue is Godes riche þat last wiþoute ende
Þat we beoþ þerto imaked God lete us þuder wende
Þere byneþe seuene beoþ þat ech of ham iwis
A sterre haþ wiþoute mo þat planete icluped is
Ichelle nemny ȝare seue names and bigynne heiest
Saturnes is al aboue and Iubiter suþþe þe heiest
Þenne Mars bineþe him and suþþe þe sonne is
Venus suþþe þe clere sterre Mercurius þanne iwis
Þat selde is of us iseie þe mone is next þe gronde
Þoru gret wit of clergie hare names were ferst ifonde


For ech of þe seuene may gret miȝte an eorþe do
Boþe of wedere & eke of frut as ȝare poer ȝaf þerto
And also men þat beoþ ibore vnder ȝare miȝte iwis
Scholleþ habbe ȝare diuerse lif euere as ȝare uertue is
Somme lechors & somme glotons and somme oþer manere
And naþeles a man of god inwit of al þulke mai him skere
For planetes ne deþ non oþer bote ȝiueþ in manes wille
To be[o] luþer oþer god as hure vertu wole to tille
And ȝifþ him also qualite to do so and so
And noȝt for þan after is inwit ech wis man may do
For such qualite naþ noman to be[o] lechour oþer ssrewe
Þat he nemay him witie þere aȝen ac naþeles so doþ vewe
Of þis seue planetes also god gret poer ȝe iseoþ
For þe seue dawes of þe wike þere after icluped beoþ
Of Saturnus Saterday and Soneday of þe sonne
Of þe mone Moneday wo so rekene conne
Of a planete euerich day in þe wike icluped is
An Engliss oþer a Latin bote ȝe rekeni amis
And for Mars and Saturnus in ȝare þoer luþer beoþ
And lite god an eorþe doþ as þis clerkes iseoþ
Þeruore me ssoneþ muche þen Saterday bigynne
And þe Tiwesdai eni worke eny god to wynne
Among alle þe planetes þe sonne amidde is
As þe king amidde is men to wissen alle iwis
Also þe sonne þere he mai ssine aboute echon
For alle hi habbeþ liȝt of hure wiþoute hure noȝt on
As me may bi þe mone iseo þe wile he is niwe riȝt
A lite rondel as a sikel me sucþ þer of þat liȝt
And al þat oþer del wiþinne blac as a reuen is
So blac is al þe mone of him sulue iwis
Bote al þer as þe sonne ssineþ þer ȝiueþ hure liȝt al


And makeþ hure so ssine aboute as ȝe ssine of cristal
For wanne þe sonne ssineþ on cristal oþer on water cler
A gret leom it ȝiueþ out aȝen & ssineþ ver & ner
Also varþ þe mone iwis þe sonne ssineþ doun riȝt
Euene on hure and he aȝen among us sent hure liȝt
And for þe sonne is fer aboue riȝt touore þe prime
Bineþe hure þe mone is euene & þe sonne ssineþ somtyme
In þe oþer side al of þe mone and hiderward no wiȝt
Þanne nese[o] we noȝt of hure ne he[o] ne ȝifþ no liȝt
So þat þe sonne byuore geþ lite and lite iwis
And ssineþ on þe hider half on þulke þat ner him is
And makeþ þe mone wuxe so lite & lite bi stonde
So þat wanne it heiuol is wanne þe sonne geþ to gronde
Þe [mone] bigynneþ est arise euene aȝen hure riȝt
Þat in þe half toward us þe sonne sent hure liȝt
Þanne is þe oþer half derk & þe hider half al liȝt
And sent hure leom hider to us & ssineþ al longe niȝt
So þat he draweþ hider ner þe sonne lite & lite abac
And bileueþ cler toward þe sonne þe oþer del al blak
And attelaste is al blac toward us atte monþes ende
And cler aboue as þe sonne liȝt to hure deþ sende
So þat þe sonne in haluendel ssineþ eueremo
Wat aboue & wat bineþe hou so it euere go
And as me may bi þe candel iseo þat is biside a balle
Þat ȝiueþ liȝt on him haluondel hou euere so it falle
And wanne þe sonne is vnder eorþe & þe mone aboue aniȝt
Biside þe eorþe in þe on half þe sonne sent out hure liȝt
An hondred siþe & fiue and sixti as it is iwrite
Þe sonne is more þanne þe eorþe woso wolde iwite
And þe eorþe is more þanne þe mone nye siþe iwis
Þe mo[n]e þingþ þe more for he so nei us is


Þe sonne is herre þan þe mone more þanne suche þreo
Þenne it beo henne to þe mone þe lass[e] he is to seo
Muche is bitwene heuene & eorþe for þe man þat miȝte go
Euerich dai forti mile euene upriȝt and eke mo
He ne ssolde to þe heiost heuene þat ȝe aldai iseoþ
Come in eiȝte þousond ȝer þere as þe sterren beoþ
And þei Adam oure ferste fader hadde bigonne anon
Þo he was ferst imad toward heuene to gon
And hadde euerich day forti mile euene upriȝt igo
He nadde noȝt ȝute to heuene icome bi a þousond ȝer & mo
Siker be[o] ȝe ich segge soþ ileoue woso leoue
Hou ssolde we þer come so late after Adam & Eue
Ac wanne man is an eorþe ded and is soule beo god
He haueþ wiþ hure non heuynesse noþer of fleiss ne of blod
Ȝif he is þanne wiþoute sunne he haþ angles kunde
And mai be[o] nouþe here & þer as quik as a mannes munde
For as þou sixt þe liȝtinge þat of þe cloude deþ wende
Þat comeþ in þe on half of þe world & as sone is in þe oþer ende
Swuþer sset a monnes soule ȝe more þanne suche seuene
Ȝif he is wiþoute sunne þane wei to þe blisse of heuene
O wel raþer me mai to helle come þere uore it is isene
And wel mo þuder goþ ich drede ȝe mo þan suche tene
Bineþe þe lowoste heuene þat þe mone is on ibroȝt
Beoþ þe foure elemens of wam we beoþ of iwroȝt
Next þe mone þe fur is hext echone hi beoþ ronde
Þe eir is þanne bineþe next & takeþ here to gronde
Suþþe is water and suþþe is eorþe þe foure beoþ iwis
Þe four elemens of wan eche quik best ymaked is


Oure Louerd in eche of þis foure sseweþ alday is miȝte
As ȝe mowe in þe stude of fure ise[o] a wonder siȝte
Sitte as [hit] a sterre were bi þe lifte and neiȝ
Ac þe sterren beoþ fer aboue for þer is swuþe heiȝ
Þe sonne mai her among us gret strengþe & miȝte do
He draweþ up þe kunde of þe water and of þe eorþe also
He draweþ up þe eorþe in drowe wedere as it were a drowe breþ
So þat þoru hete of þe sonne aboue þe eir it geþ
And wanne it comþ amang þat fur sone it ginþ to tende
And al bernynge it sset forþ forte it be[o] barnd to ende
Þare fore me ne [secþ] noȝt such þing bote it be[o] in hete
Liȝtinge comeþ ek þer of wanne it turneþ to wete
For of þulke sulue drowe breþ þat is idrawe anhei
Þoru hete þat was biuore and a cloude þere is ney
Anon wanne it afure is it sset þoru þe cloude
Þe wile it in þe water is it goþeleþ swuþe loude
As ȝif me nome a slab of ire þat glowinge were auure
In water he wolde goþely loude þat miȝte me ihure
Also þat fur up anhei þat bi þe cloude is itend
Hit goþeleþ in þe water cloude as it þoru out went
For þat is þe þonder iwis and siker non oþer þing
Wanne þe fur perseþ þoru out þat is þe leiting
Þare sset [abrod] into al þe worlde & comeþ after þe dunte
And naþeles he þingþ biuore for he ne may noȝt astunte
Ȝif þer were a stepel hei and a man aboue sete
And me seie him smite an hei gode duntes & grete
Þou ssost him seo wel longe smite duntes wiþ þin eiȝe
Ar þou ssoldest eni dunt ihure ȝif he were wel heiȝe


For me mai ise[o] a wel fair þing anon so it is ido
Ȝif þar nis noþing bitwene ac men ne mai noȝt here so
Wanne þat fur comþ into þe water gret noise anon þer is
Ac me ne hureþ it noȝt anon for it is so fer iwis
Ac þe liȝtynge we seoþ anon wanne he is þoru ibroȝt
Þeruore it þincþ it comþ biuore ac naþeles it ne deþ noȝt
For wanne þe liȝt is icome we habbeþ anon þe siȝte
Ac þe soun nemay noȝt so sone to us aliȝte
Nou nis þe drowe breþ of þe eorþe neuere wiþoute hete
Idrawe up þat comþ biuore ne iqueint wiþo[u]tene wete
Þare fore bote after hete me ne ssel no þonder ise[o]
And þat weder smit in wete for elles ne mai it be[o]
So me ssel in pur somere selde [þonder] ihure
For þar is þanne selde wet to make quenchinge of fure
Ne in pur winter noþemo so nis þanne no hete
To drawe up þe drie kunde of þe eorþe for muchel wete
Þare uore me seiþ þat winter þonder me ssel selde god ise[o]
For he nemai neuere come bute þat weder vnkunde be[o]
Ac bitwene somer & winter as aboute Aueril and May
And efsone fram heruost forte sein Clementes day
Þanne is þonder kunde inou and liȝtynge also
For þanne is þe weder wet inou & ofte hot þerto
Ȝe mowe ise[o] wanne þonder is menging of fur in wete
Wonder is þat it ne quelþ men bi weies and bi strete
And smit adoun gret treon and deþ oþer mani wonder
Þare uore ich mot ȝou telle more of kunde of þe þonder


Þo oure Louerd þolede on eorþe deþ & þe deuel bond & nom
And debrusede helle ȝates mid þonder þuder he com
Þare fore euere eft afterward war so deuelen be[o]
Of þonder hi beoþ so sore aferd þat hy nute woder fle[o]
And hi þat wonieþ in þe lifte and oþer as wel as he[o]
In strong fere comeþ adoun and nuteþ woder te[o]
And sleþ men bitweie as i fleoþ as me may ofte ise[o]
Þat muche fere ȝam ȝiue God bote þat us þe worse ne be[o]
Anoþer manere þere comeþ harm of þe þonder among
For þere as þe weder is þare is tempest strong
Of wind of water & of fur and þaie þreo were þere
A mulston ssolde al todriue þeie it of bras were
Wanne þe tempest is here so strong me þingþ it nis no wonder
Þei þere come ofte som adoun wiþ þe dunt of þe þonder
Wanne þe wind and þat fur smit þoru þe water cloude
Wiþ gret strengþe it liþ adoun as me mai hure loude
And smit as it were a dunt oþer blast of grete miȝte
No wonder þei it smite harde war it deþ aliȝte
And brekeþ treon & quelþ men & deþ swuþe gret wonder
In þis manere comþ þe harm þat me sucþ of þonder
Me sucþ ofte þe liȝtynge berne hous and ssrenche
Þat vnneþe ssel eny water þat fur þer of aquenche
For of þe water cloude aboue þat fur is out ibroȝt
And for it out of þe water comþ water ne quencheþ it noȝt
Nou mowe ȝe esse in wuche manere water comeþ so heiȝe
And ware of comþ þe rein & snou þat we seoþ wiþ oure eiȝe
Þe sonne þat is al maister here sent adoun hure hete
And makeþ wateres breþi upriȝt as hi ssolde swete


Boþe se and verss water he draweþ up þe breþ
So þat aboue in þe lift þulke mist euene geþ
Nou is þere up in þe lift a swuþe cold stude iwis
For bitwene heuene and eorþe non so cold þer nis
Þere as þe blake clouden beoþ and oþer wederis also
Hit nis upriȝt fram þe eorþe bote milen two
Wanne þe sonne haþ þuder idrawe þe mist þoru hure hete
Hit ne may nower for þe cold ac bicomeþ þer al to wete
And gadereþ þere a water cloud and houeþ þere a stonde
Forte þe time come þat it rine & droppinge vallet to gronde
Ȝif it is cold up anhei þe dropen bicomeþ to snowe
As hy freoseþ adonward ar hi come here lowe
Ȝif it is þoru out so cold þat hi alle ifrore beo
Þanne it is hawel pur as ȝe mowe aldai iseo
Þe breþ of þe water þat þe sonne draweþ up aȝen eue
Wanne þe sonne is to gronde igo hit ne mai noȝt bileue
Wanne noþing ne halt it up and þe hete is al ido
Þanne falleþ softe adoun & to dewe bicomþ so
And hongeþ on lef & on gras forte þe hete amorwe come
And þe sonne lite and lite it habbe eft up inome
Hor forst comeþ wanne it is so cold þat it frest aniȝt
And þe deu freose adonward & wanne he adoun aliȝt
Ȝif þe deu is ek up idrawe & adonward falleþ also
And þer come a þicke mist and a cold forst þerto
Þanne frest þe þicke mist and cleueþ on tre[o]
And þer of comþ þe rim forst & þulke mist deþ fle[o]
He cleueþ in hegges al aboute and in weodes also
And ichot in my uortop he haþ ofte ido
In þis manere ȝe mowe ise[o] þe kunde of rein & snowe


Of hawel of deu of rim forst of horforst þat freoseþ so lowe
Of clouden & of mist for al o þing it is
For al hi comeþ of water breþ þat þe sonne draweþ up iwis
Nou is þer water here an eorþe wel more þanne of þe londe
For som se wiþoute mo is more as ich vnderstonde
For þe grete se of occean inis on ende iwis
Is more þanne þe eorþe be[o] and wonder non it nis
For aboute al eorþe he geþ and abrod is þerto
As þe wite geþ aboute þe ȝolke & more is also
Ech oþer se among us ne be[o] he so gret non
Nis bote a lyme of þulke se þerinne hi goþ echon
Wellen comeþ of grete wateres and muche del of þe se
Þoru ueines al vnder eorþe to þe se wendeþ aȝe
For þere beoþ as it veines were bineþe eorþe manion
Þat tilleþ out of þe se and to wellen goþ echon
Þer þoru eorneþ þe wateres faste aboute fram þe seo
And at welles springeþ out & eft hi turneþ aȝe
And as swuþe as eche water comþ to þe se inis ende
To þe grete se of occean as suþþe it deþ wende
Þer uore al þe wateres þat to þe se doþ gon
Þe se mot euere nede be[o] as euere mo bi on
Þat he floweþ ofte & ebbeþ and wexeþ in a þrowe
Þat is þoru kunde of þe mone & riȝt noȝt of hure owe
Eorþe is amidde þe grete se as a lite bal al round
And pur helle amidde eorþe wo so soȝte þe ground
And ȝute as gret as eorþe þincþ & as lite as he is
Þare nis bote þe seueþe deol þat men wonieþ on iwis
For here in þe norþ half wo so lie nele
For it is so fer þe sonne ne woneþ nomon for chile
Ne in þe souþ half noþemo for þe grete hete
Of þe sonne þat is aboue þe lemes beoþ so kete


And [moni] oþer studes ek þei me miȝte wonie þer inne
Hi ne bereþ no corn ne frut mannes mete to wynne
So þat þei eorþe were ideled wo so it miȝte do bi art
Þer nis to wonie inne men bote vnneþe þe seueþe part
Of þis foure elemens ech quik þing imaked is
Of eorþe of water & of eir and of fur iwis
Mon haþ of eorþe al is bodi of water he haþ wete
Of eir he haþ breþ & wind of fur he haþ hete
Ech quik þing of al þis foure of summe more and lasse
Wo so haþ of eorþe mest he is slou as an asse
Of vad colour of hard hude boistous forme & ded strong
Of muche þoȝt & lite speche of stille groynynge & wreþe long
Of slou wreche & fereblet vast & loþ to ȝiue is god
Sone old and noȝt wiluol stable and studeuast of mod
Wanne water is mest me ssel be[o] wiȝt & fat also
Of nesse her and noþing crips gret slepare & slou þerto
Snyuelinge nose and wet mouþ of lite word & lite drynke
Of ssorte wraþþe and debonere ferblet & lite lust to swinke
Wo so haþ of eir mest a ssel be[o] of god colour
Vat and of nesse here fol large & gret lechour
Lyȝhinge and glad semlant and somdel of prute
Habbe he mete & drinke inou ne kareþ he bote lute
Wraþþe he berþ lite wile ballede he wol be[o] sone
Glad and bliþe and vnstable of þat he haþ to done
Wo so haþ of fur mest he ssel be[o] smal and red
Oþer blac wiþ crips her lene & somdel qued
Hinder and bostar inou hardy and wel lye
Sweriare of many word and fol of lecherie
Prout and wemed & drinkare in wraþþe almest wod


Hardi liȝt and stalworþe and wakiare wel god
And ech of þis foure elemens entempreþ oþer iwis
So þat vnneþe enyman eny pur maister is
As ȝif þou nymest riȝt hot water and dest pur cold þerto
Þou miȝt it makie euene wlak and entempri so
Þo oure Louerd made uerst mon he made him iwis
Of al þis foure elemens as man ȝute is
Þo made he cunde in echman as ȝe mowe alle iwite
Bitwene men & womman of wam we beoþ biȝute
Vil a þing him is þe sed of wan man is isprengd
Boþe of man & of womman togadere it is imengd
Of wyȝt colour it bileueþ as it is iwrite
Forte aboute twelfþe day þat it is biȝite
Þer kenneþ uerst þer of smale bollen þre[o]
Ac ech on oþer faste hongeþ wo so miȝte ise[o]
Of þe hexte comeþ þe brain þe heorte of þulke amidde
Þe liuere þat is neþermost kenneþ of þe þridde
Þis beoþ þe þre[o] hexte limes þat ferst ikenned beoþ
And in ham is al mannes lif as ȝe nou iseoþ
Þere nis non of þulke þre[o] þat hadde eny wonde
Þat euer eft miȝte iheled be[o] ac deide in a stonde
After þe twelf dawes ferst þat þe sed haþ wiȝt be[o]
Hit bicomþ to a þicke blod and changeþ is ble[o]
Nie dawes it þickeþ so forte þe on and twentiþe day
Þanne turneþ it ferst to flesse as þe kunde may
After eiȝte & twenti dawes forme it ginþ to nyme
So þat wiþinne forti dawes it haþ euerich lyme
And in lasse ȝif it is a knaue for he is of more hete
Wanne þe limes beoþ ferst ymad hi ne beoþ noȝt wel grete
A smal web biclippeþ it al aboute to holde it togadere uaste
Fram þat it is ferst ikend forte it be[o] ibore attelaste
Al round it liþ in þe wombe and ibud as an hare


Wanne he in forme liþ for is in is somdel nare
And ibud þe legges beoþ it nolde noȝt elles veie
Þe helen atte bottocs þe knen in eiþer eiȝe
Þat heued ibuyd adonward þe armes ek wiþinne
Þe elbowes toward þe ssere þe vestes to þe chinne
Al i[b]ud him is þe rug so þat nei rount it is
Man ware of comþ al þi prute for þer nis non iwis
Þou makest þe so hei her and to man nelt abowe
Loke hou croked þou were þere & to wan þou miȝt þe powe
Þou nemiȝtest noȝt holde up þin heued ne enes vndo þin eiȝe
Wannene com it suþþe to bere þin heued so heie
Þreo soulen beoþ in echman ac noȝt alle iliche gode
As ich sede ȝou er of þre[o] bollen ȝif ȝe it vnderstode
In þe neþemoste bolle þat þe liuere deþ of springe
Þer comeþ to a maner soule atte biginnynge
As it were a maner lif þat sent norissinge
To þe lymes al aboute and bringþ hom in wuxinge
So þat a mannes norissinge and þe wexinge also
Of þulke ferste soule comþ and of þe liuere þerto
Þulke maner soule is in eche wexinge þinge
In treon and in erbes ek hi ne miȝte noȝt elles springe
Þoru uertu of þulke soule wanne it is þerto ibroȝt
Þat mannes limes iformed beoþ þat þer ne failleþ noȝt
Þanne comþ þere in þe heorte þat þe oþer bolle was
A soule þat bringþ þat lif on þat neuer er nas
Þanne is þat child quic anon ac strengþe naþ hit noȝt


Elles forto wawi him ar it forþor be[o] ibroȝt
Of þulke soule haþ ech man þat he may wawe and gon
Iuelynge & al is lif and is vif wittes echon
Þulke soule haþ ech þing þat yuel may oþer go
Best and foul and eke viss worm & oþer mo
Þeos soule þat bringþ þat lif is atte heorte gronde
Þer uore wo so is þare ismite he deieþ in a stonde
Þeos soule comþ of mannes cunde and þe oþer biuore also
Þere uore wanne a man deieþ hi deieþ boþe to
Ȝute þer is þe þridde soule þat hore maister is
For wan a child haþ al is limes and ech lime quik iwis
In þe ende of þe ueorþe monþe þat it was biȝite
Oþer sone þer afterward as it is iwrite
Þe kunde þat oure Louerd made and porueide also
Þo he hadde ferst man ymad and in parais ido
To menge þe kunde of heuene to mannes kunde her
Anne soule of witte and of liue þat is angles poer
Comeþ fram þe kunde of angles and in þis forme aliȝt
And mengeþ wiþ is wrecche vleiss as oure Louerd it haþ idiȝt
And makeþ þe kunde þat nas her bote as a best vnneþe
Þe kunde of angles wiþ him bere forte he come to deþe
Þulke soule nymeþ is in and bilefþ iwis
In þe childes brain anhei þat þe hexte lime is
Þulke soule euere ilast and ne deiþ neuere mo
Ac went wanne a man ssel deie to ioie oþer to wo
Al þat man haþ biuore a best oþer more reson can
Al he it haþ of þulke soule ware þoru he is man
And wanne man went out of þis liue þulke soule iwis
Biginþ to parti fram þe body þe wile he aliue is
And wend as he haþ ofserued to ioie oþer to pine
Þe soulen þat hure ueren were beoþ sone atte fine
Þulke þat halt a mannes lif þat stikeþ in þe herte


Wanne he ssel wiþ þe body deie þat in strang angwise deþ smerte
Ȝif he vnderȝet is felawe to ioie fram him wende
Þerfore he makeþ signe of ioie & deþ as þe hende
And wanne he deiþ mid þe body fair chere he makþ & softe
And in wuch point þat bodi bileueþ as me may ise[o] ofte
Þe eiȝen iclosed fair inou þe mouþ of faire chere
Ech lime also uair istreiȝt in god point as he were
Þe þridde soule ȝute also þat deieþ atte nende
Þat norissinge to al þat body and to þe lymes deþ sende
He deþ ek signe in þe bodi ȝif is felawe geþ to gode
And bileueþ þe body in fair hiu wiþ oþer rode of blode
Þus soule deieþ in a man wanne þe hete is al ido
Þe erore wanne he leueþ is breþ & wawinge also
Wanne hi seoþ hore felawe to torment ibroȝt
Luþer semlant hi makieþ as it nelikede hom noȝt
And bileueþ þat bodi in foul hiwe þe eiȝene staringe
And þe mouþ of foul semlant and ofte grennynge
Suche signis þat grisliche beoþ þat me may ofte ise
Beoþ signe þat þe wrecche soule in þe luþer weie be
Nou God þat us soule ȝaf us lete hure here so rede
Þat sein Michel is mot auonge & biuore him lede

De sancto Ieronimo

Sein Ieromin was swuþe god clerk & wis þoru alle þinge
Muche he made of Godes seruise þat me deþ in churche singe
For Teodose þe emperor þat þulke tyme was
Isei þe seruise of churche þat noþing iordred nas
He bad sein Ieromine þat he ssolde riȝt ordre þerof worche
He ordeinede þo þe seruise þat me sing in Holy Churche


And suþþe it was þoru þe pope of Rome iconfermed also
Wel aȝte me honuri him þat ferst is broȝt þerto
Sein Ieromin was an holy monk and abbot also
God hadde of is priuete so muche on him ido
Þat he inis bok wrot and sede of þe viftene toknynge
Þat oure Louerd aȝen Domesday grisliche an eorþe brynge
As sein Ieromin ȝeode up and doun inis abbei a day
A lion haltinge com inward atte ȝete he say
Þo þe monkes him iseie hi gonne aturne for drede
Ou foles quaþ sein Ieromine wo teiȝte ȝou so fol dede
To fle[o] for a gist wanne ȝe ssolde faire aȝen him gon
Aȝen him ȝeode þis holyman and wolcomede him anon
Þis lion lotte to him anon and bi him faste stod
An[d] haf up is sore uot wiþ wel dreri mod
Sein Ieromin a mon[k] het to wasse is fet anon
And þat sor suþþe ofseche ȝif him were ibroke eny bon
So þat hi fonde þat a þorn þer inne ismite was
Sein Ieromine held þe uot anon holor neuere he nas
Þis lion lotte to him anon and honurede him also
Þis godeman him het mete ȝiue as me ssolde a gist do
Þis leon et wel mildeliche wat oure Louerd him wolde sende
He bileuede þer tame inou a fot he nolde wende
Þe monekes it ofþoȝte sore for hi were adrad also
Wan he wolde turne to is kunde & eni of ham harm do
Hi made þe ȝet wanne hi weste [] him wiþoute agon
Ac me ne ssolde it noȝt suþþe vndo þat he nolde in anon
Þe monkes tolde þe abbot fore of ȝare drede a day
Þis leon wende forþ mid him þo he þis ysay
Maister þou ert quaþ sein Ieromine to longe gist nou non


Oþer þou most þi mete ofswinke oþer hom aȝen gon
Oure asse geþ to wode adai to bringe elot to oure celle
We ne dorre noȝt bileue in hure lese leste bestes hure quelle
Ne we ne mowe noȝt hure wel uede atom þeruore þou hast myn heste
To wite hure wel in hure lese fram eche wilde beste
Þe lyon after þulke tyme nolde noday bileue
Þat he nolde þe asse driue aueld & bringe hure hom an eue
And driue hure also up and doun as best mete were
And wanne he[o] misȝeode driue aȝen wiþinne þe riȝte mere
After þat þe asse him was bitake fram hure he nolde gon
Hit were betere is kunde to strangli him as ȝe wyteþ echon
A dai þe wile he weste þe asse in hure lese auelde
For werinesse þe lion slep as it fel er wel selde
Chepmen come þerforþ þe wile & þis asse awei ladde
Þo þe lion awok and hure miste wel loude he ȝal & gradde
And orn aboute & soȝte hure wide forte it was aȝen eue
Dreriliche he ȝeode hom þo he nemiȝte leng bileue
Þo he com hom wiþoute he stod he ne dorste go in for doute
Þo hi seie him come wiþoute þe asse & sori also wiþoute
H[i] wende þat he hadde for honger aueld þe asse iȝete
Hi gonne to chide & nadde yment to ȝiue him nanne mete
For honger he ȝal deoluoliche hi het hym aueld gon
And ete þat he hadde bileued and achoke him þerwiþ anon
So þat he ȝal so pitesliche þat hi hadde reuþe echon


And wende aueld ȝif hi miȝte finde eny her oþer bon
Hom wondrede þo hi ne fonde noȝt for ȝif he ȝete were
Som wat þer wolde habbe bileued of bon oþer of here
Sein Ieromine hi tolde uore hou he les is make
Seie maister quaþ þis godeman hou hastou on itake
Oure best we toke þe to warde & þou hure hast awei do
And we habbeþ defaute of oure wode ne sseltou ascapie so
Oþer bring hom oure asse oþer þou wost þat þou most nede
Bringe hom oure wode in hure steode oþer we nolleþ noȝt þe fede
Þe lion bigan to vauni þo as wo seiþ ichelle vawe
Fram daie to daie as ȝoure [asse] ȝoure wode hom drawe
Boþe on rugge & on carte bocsomliche inou
Mildore þanne þe asse dude hare wode hom he drou
And naþeles it bicom him vuele such mester to do
Ich wene þere nis non of ȝou þat him ssolde bringe þerto
A wonder cartare he was on ware were is wilde pas
Wanne we habbeþ al itold a uair miracle þer was
Þo þis wilde best aȝen kunde so hadde iserued longe
A day as he aueld was is charge to vnderuonge
Þis chepmen he sei wel uer come wiþ camailes moni & fale
And þis asse al biuore hi ladde þing to sale
Anon so þis leon isay þe asse he gan forþ to gon
Þe chepmen þo hi seie him come for drede atorne echon
For ȝam was leuere to leose ȝare god þanne ham sulf beo todrawe
Þo þe lion to þe asse com ne ess noȝt ȝif he were vawe
Signe of loue as he couþe he made & of mone
Þis camailes icharged were wiþ eoly euerichone
Wiþ is tail þis lion harde smot & biuore him he drof alle
Þe sackes were so faste ibonde þat hy nemiȝte noȝt falle


So þat þe lion ȝam alle drof biuore him to þe abbeie
Ne dorste non ar hi þuder come ene go out of þe weie
Þo hi come to þe abbei þe freres wondrede echone
Þe lion ladde þe asse bihinde as a maister al one
A bold maister he was on and of gret poer also
Suþþe wanne was it is kunde such maistrie to do
Þo sein Ieromine isei þe camailes þe freres he het forþ gon
To vnderfonge þe gistes faire & wasse ȝare uet echon
As þei it were to merci bidde he nebileuede noȝt on
Þat þe lion newende fram monk to monk & lotte to echon
Euere he ladde wiþ him þe asse as wo seiþ lo her
Him for wan ȝe chidde wiþ me nou ȝe witeþ me sker
Þis freres for þe faire miracle þoȝte gret wonder alle
Þe bestes fet hy wosse clene and teide ham in ȝare stalle
Biuore ȝam hi leide mete inou þat eoly hi helede uaste
Forte þat þer come enymon to esse it attelaste
Amorwe þe chepmen come echon merci forto crie
To þe abbotes fet hi folde adoun for ȝare tricherie
Þat hi is asse hadde istole forȝifnesse hi him bede
And bede hom nyme hore eoly al for ȝare luþer dede
So þat somdel aȝen is wille hi bileuede þere
Of al ȝare eoly haluondel and þat oþer awei bere
And made a chartre to þe hous eche ȝer þuder sende
Hi and ȝare eirs so muche eoly to þe worldes ende
Ȝute is þulke rente iholde and euere mo worþ so
Þis was me þincþ a uair miracle for sein Ieromin ido
Þis holymon sein Ieromin gret clerk was and wis
And nameliche of deuinite þat of alle oþere is pris
And forto be[o] þe deppore clerk bokes he tok a day
Of Platon and of Ciþero þat were of þe oþer lay


Þer on [he] studede muche and naþeles for gode
Þat he þe clergie of God þe bet vnderstode
As he lay a niȝt aslepe grete men and wise
Com him þoȝte & ladde him forþ byuore an hei Iustice
So gret liȝt þer was and cler aboute in a stonde
Þat enes [he] nemiȝte loki up ac fel doun to gronde
Hi esste him anon to wat manere his bileue he nom
Merci he sede wel ȝe witeþ þat to Cristendom
Þou luxt loude quaþ þe Iustice hit nis noþing so
Ac þou ert of Platon is lawe and of Ciþero
Nou were hi tweie wise clerkes ar God were ibore
Ac for hi ne vnderstode noȝt of God me seiþ hi beoþ forlore
Þat folk þat stod þere aboute as þe Iustice het anon
Tormentede þis seliman þat wo was him bygon
A merci merci ofte he sede swete Louerd þin ore
Merci swete Iesu Crist inelle misdo namore
Ich forsake here Ciþero & Platon & ȝare lore
Haue merci ich bidde of me my limes akeþ so sore
Attelaste þo he was ibete þat he nuste woder wende
Þat folk þat him stod aboute dude as þe hende
And for him bede þe Iustice and sat adoun akne[o]
Forte forȝiue him þulke gult and merciable be[o]
Atte laste þe Iustice somdel aswagi bigan
Ichelle he sede at þis time habbe merci of þis man
In such manere ȝif he deþ such trespas amore
Þat he ssel be[o] tormented such twenti so sore
Sein Ieromin it grantede wel & studefastliche [b]ihet
And þis Iustice him deliuerede and al sauf him let
Þis godeman uelde is limes ake wel sore þo he awok
Euere eft after þulke tyme suche bokes he forsok
Somdel harde he was iwarned is bodi wel sore ok
To bokes of diuinite al clanliche he tok
He studede in Belhem sixe and vifti ȝer
And of diuinite made bokes þat nere neuer er


Þat of noble cleregie ȝute beoþ þoru al Cristendom
War þoru suþþe many clerk in to god clergie com
Attelaste þis godeman as God to him sende
In Godes seruice deide and to þe ioie of heuene wende
He deide þre[o] hondred ȝer & foure & þritti riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd inis moder was aliȝt
And also in þe twelfþe ȝer of þe god emperor
Theodose þe ȝongore þat of ech godnesse was flour
Four score ȝer & eiȝte ȝer and sixe monþes also
In gode liue he liuede her ar is lif were ido
Ibured he was in Belhem is put him sulf he wroȝte
In an old dich and het is monkes þat hi þer inne him broȝte
Þer inne him burede þis monkes þat was is liues ende
Nou God us brynge to þulke ioie þat is soule gan to wende

De sancto Dionisio

Sein Denis was in þe olde lawe payn as oþer were
In þe cite of Attenis þare non oþer nere
Þe beste clerkes of þe world þulke tyme were þere
And sein Denis was þulke tyme ȝare maister ȝam to lere
He was maister of þe seue ars and of al þe oþer also
Bote it were of diuinite for he ne com noȝt ȝute þerto
He nuste noþing of Iesu Crist and þo he deide on rode
In Attenes were to gadere ibroȝt al þe clerkes gode
Hi seie þe derke tenebres in þe worlde wel wide
Fram þat he clupeþ non of þe day forte þe niþe tide
Þat was forte nei mid ouer non þe stronge eclips also
Aȝen kunde of þe sonne hi seie forte þulke time was ido
Aȝen kunde it was inou for þe mone heiuol was
Þreo tides ilast also such neuere iseie nas
Of þe sonne þe stronge eclips ne so long ne in suche tyme


For it nemay noȝt bi kunde be[o] bote a lite biuore þe prime
And þat was atte heyuol and þe clerkes wiþ ȝare eiȝe
Fram est to þe west þe mone eorne biuore þe sonne hi seie
And þo þe eclips was suþþe ido hi seie hure aȝen wende
Þer of hadde eche filosof gret wonder inis ende
Þat so muche of sterren couþe and ech sede is auis
And þer ne com in þe riȝte weie non bote sein Denis
Þis word he sede bi pur clergie þis world is nou ido
Oþer God þoleþ an eorþe deþ as man is kunde is two
Þere after he & is felawes þoȝte muche on þis cas
Hi conquerede bi pur clergie þat som god þer was
Þat he of alle godes maister was & he þoru wondes sore
Þolede þo an eorþe deþ hi nuste of him þo namore
Þeruore among ȝare oþer weuedes an auter as hi couþe
Queinte hi made and þer on write þat ichelle þe segge nouþe
Þis is þe auter of þe god þat is vniknowe
Þat auter hi hete honure boþe þe heie & þe lowe
And hete men ham onure þer & þat hi ofte þuder ȝeode
For þe louerd of þulke auter to non oþer nadde neode
Suþþe al in heþenesse sein Denis bicas com
Þere as oure swete Louerd þane wei to heuene nom
Þerefore & for oþer þinge his lawe ne þoȝte him noȝt
And longe him þoȝte ar he were into betere ibroȝt
Sein Poul com to Attenus as he prechede alonde wide
Þe rank of auters he sei a stonde he gan abide
Þe auter of god vniknowe he bihelt it wel uaste
For fram on to on he ȝeode aboute & þat was þe laste
At þis clerkes he esste anon at heie & eke at lowe
Wat he were þulke god icluped vniknowe
Sein Denis þis grete clerk touore al oþere spak & sede
He is ȝute among us [vn]iknowe for we nute noȝt of is dede


Ac is comynge al in heuene is & among us here wel lite
Ac in þat [he] is to comynge is poer he wolde forþ pute
Þulke God sein Poul sede ich prechi nouþe iwis
Þat ȝe clupeþ vniknowe and ichelle ȝou segge wat he is
Heuene & eorþe & helle he made for we were al forlore
For þe sunne of oure ferstefader us he aboȝte þeruore
And for God nemiȝte þolie deþ bote he were er ibore
Þeruore he nom fleiss & blod & bicom man wiþoute hore
Suþþe Giwes him slowe in þe rode fram deþe he arose to lyue
Wiþ mannes forme suþþe he stei to heuene wiþ wondes fiue
A[s] sein Poul þer of spak þer com go biuore
A mon þat hadde blind ibe[o] suþþe he was ibore
Sein Denis sede ȝif þou miȝt þis mannes siȝt bringe
Inis name þat þou of spekest wiþoute eny wicchinge
In þi god ichelle biluue and in þi bileue be[o]
Certes quaþ sein Poul þo þat soþe þou sselt ise[o]
Sei þi sulf þus after me as ich þe wissi can
In þe name of Iesu Crist þat ibore was of womman
On rode deide & suþþe aros to liue þoru is miȝte
Ich hote man þat ert blind þat þou habbe þi siȝte
Þo sein Denis hadde þus ised as sein Poul sede þer
Þis blinde hadde is siȝt anon þat ne sei neuer er
Þo cride sein Denis on God and he þat to is siȝte com
And bede forȝiuenesse of ȝare sunnes & wilnede Cristendom
Is wif þat het Damari sein Denis anon nom
Is children & al is meyne mon and eke grom
And let ȝam cristni alle anon fram þe deuel to bringe
Wiþ sein Poul he was þreo ȝer to leorni is prechinge
Sein Poul him teiȝte þe manere al of Cristene lawe
And þe manere of prechinge men to oure Louerd to drawe


And of oure Louerdes priuetes al þat he sei
So þat he was up inome to þe þridde heuene anhei
He made him bissop of Attenes inis stude to preche
And him sulf to Rome wende & þat folk het to teche
So wel prechede sein Denis þat he turnde to Godes honde
Al Attenes to Godes lawe & muchedel of þe londe
Suþþe as he wende aboute þat folk forto lere
Me tolde him þat Peter & Poul at Rome inome were
He wende anon toward hom to conforti ȝam þere
He nemiȝte so sone þuder come þat hi þere imartred nere
Gret deol he made inis heorte þat he com so late
Sein Clement was þo pope of Rome as oure Louerd ȝaf þe [w]ate
Wiþ him he bileuede longe so þat me tolde
Þat in France were alle luþer men & Sarazins wel bolde
Sein Clement sende sein Denis þuder for Cristendom
Sein Rustik and Eleucher þis godemon wiþ him nom
To Paris hi wende ferst þe chef toun of þe londe
Þere hy turnde muche folk to oure Louerdes honde
Þe maistres þat were of þe lond þo hi herde her of telle
Ofte hi sende tormentors þis godeman to quelle
Ac euere wanne hi ham iseie hy nemiȝte to ȝam gon
Oþer hi bude al to ham oþer hi flowe anon
To þe emperor þe deuel wende to þe luþer Domician
And tolde him al in metynge as þe ssrewe wel can
Of sein Denis & his felawes þat hi at Paris were
Sore of þoȝte þe emperor þat hi aslawe nere
He het ware me miȝte finde mon of Cristene lawe
To tormenti him sore inou & suþþe him bringe of dawe
Þe luþer Iustice Festemium & Sysimium to Paris sone come


Sein Denis and is felawes sone faste hy nome
Villiche hi pulte & spatte on hom & harlede & caste
Hi strupte hom naked & bonde hom to pilers wel uaste
And twelf kniȝtes mid harde scorgen bet ȝam swuþe sore
Þat hare bodi was al torent and þo hi nemiȝte namore
In strong prison and derk & deop sone hi were ibroȝt
Suþþe hi uette up sein Denis forto turne is þoȝt
Þo hi ne spedde noȝt þerof a gret fur hi made & strong
And upe a gridil rostede him and euere þis godemon song
As me him rostede he song þis vers of þe sauter
Al furi Louerd is þi word and þi sergant it loueþ her
Þo he nas þer wiþ ouercome to wilde bestes hi him caste
Bere and lions for hi ssolde todrawe him wel uaste
Signe of þe crois he made sone þe wilde bestes anon
Þat so hongri were mildeliche gonne to him gon
To him hi lotte & lickede him as hi miȝte to him come
Þo þe luþer men it vnderȝete sone he was þenne inome
An ouene hi hatte swiþe hot and pulte him þere inne
Ac þe fur queinte anon þo he com þer wiþinne
Þo were þe ssrewen wroþ & nuste wat ham was to done
Hi honge him up a gibet for he ssolde deie sone
And ȝute to don him more schame þe ssrewen vnder stode
And wiþ harde scorgen leide him on þat al he orn ablode
Þis godeman euere as he heng prechede Godes lawe
Þo hi seie þat hi nemiȝte so bringe him of lif dawe
Hy nome him adoun & bonde him & in strong prison him caste
Euere þolede þis holymon as him noþing neroȝte ne agaste
Þer com oure Louerd him sulf to him in prison at midniȝt
Wiþ fair companie of angles & wiþ swuþe cler liȝt


Is owe fleiss & blod [he toc] sein Denis wiþ is owe honde
Haue þis he sede mi leoue frend of me þou vnderstonde
Mi nowe fleiss & blod þou sselt ise[o ] ar þou henne wende
Do sta[l]wordeliche & com to me to ioie wiþoute ende
Þo oure Louerd hadde þis holyman þis holi dede ido
To þe ioie of heuene he wende forþ & is angles also
Sein Denis was suþþe ibroȝt and is felawes beie
Touore þe Iustice to turne is þoȝt for þreting ne for eiȝe
So þat noman ȝam nemiȝte bringe of þe riȝte weie
He het biheuedi sein Denis and is felawes beie
Hi were imartred at Monmartre a lite biside Paris
Þer dude oure Louerd fair miracle for loue of sein Denis
For þo þe heued was of ismite þat bodi sone aros
And bar uorþ þat heued inis hond war þoru mani agros
Þe montance of two Frensse mile euere he bar is heued
Forte he com to þulke stude as it is ȝute bileued
Þere he lay wel softe adoun & deide þoru Godes grace
Cristene men preste were and burede him in þe place
Þer me rerrede in his onur þe abbei of sein Denis
Of blake monkes þat beoþ ȝut a lite biside Paris
Þe Iustice het nyme þe bodies of is felawes beie
And bere to þe water of Seine & caste þer inne þe tweie
A god leuedi þer was biside þat wel ȝam iloued hadde
Þe þeoues he[o] made wiþ hure ete & þe bodies ladde
Þe bodies he[o] nom þe wile and burede ham swuþe uaste
Stilleliche bi sein Denis he[o] burede ham attelaste
Þere hi beoþ ȝute alle þre[o] as manymen iseoþ
God ȝiue us part of þulke ioie þat hi inne beoþ

De festo sancte Luce ewangeliste

Sein Luc þewangelist non apostel nas
Ac þe apostles he siwede & ȝare deciple was


In Antioche he was ibore clerk he was wel god
And ficician noble inou and is bokes vnderstod
He ne siwede noȝt God an eorþe for he was of oþer lawe
Ac after oure Louerdes up risinge he gan him uerst wiþdrawe
And wiþ oure Louerdes onn deciple þat het Cleophas
Touward þe castel of Eimiaus he wende bicas
And oure Louerd to ȝam com after is up risinge
And bi þe wei ȝam siwede and tolde of mony þinge
Hi nuste noȝt þat it was oure Louerd for al is manhede
Attelaste hi knewe him uerst þoru brekinge of brede
As þe gospel seiþ þene morwe after Esterday
Sein Luc turnde ferst to God þo he þis isay
Is felawes name and noȝt him sulue he nemneþ in þe gospel
For þe gospel he made him sulf and þer mide he dude wel
He ne kepte none veine glorie is owe dede to telle
Þere uore he heleþ is owe name as ȝe hureþ in þe gospelle
Sein Luc was clene maide inou as we findeþ iwrite
Me nemiȝte neuere of flesses wille bi him vnderȝite
Sein Poul is felawe he was and wiþ him in al is wo
Me ne sei him neuere for no drede enes fram him go
Þe tweie uerste ewangelistes sein Mattheu & sein Ion
Siwede oure Louerd here an eorþe and is postles echon
And þat hi seie wiþ ȝare eiȝe of oure Louerdes dede
Ȝare gospelles hi made as me hurþ in Holi Churche rede
Ac sein Mark & sein Luc oure Louerd ne siwede noȝt
For hi nere noȝt biuore þe passion to Cristendom ibroȝt
Þeruore sein Luc þat com after to þe apostles him drou
And of ham and of oure Louerdes dedes he enquerede inou
Mid oure Leuedi he was mest & mest priue of echone
And enquerede of hure priuetes þat non nuste bote he one
Al hou þe angel to hure com and wat he to hure sede


And al hou oure Louerd was ibore & of oþer priue dede
And bigan is gospel al þerof þere fore he one
Telþ more of oure Leuedi dede þanne þe oþer echone
Þoru þat oure Leuedi him tolde & þe apostles also
Is gospelles he made iwis and þoru þe Holi Gost þerto
After sein Ion [&] sein Mattheu is gospel he made anon
And sein Mark þe laste was and þe ferste sein Ion
Sein Luc as þe apostles aboute prechede faste
In þe lond of Butinie he deide attelaste
And wende to þe ioie of heuene as riȝt was to do
Sixti ȝer he was arst old & fortene þerto
In Butinie he was ibured wiþ nobleie inou
For miracle þat com of him muche folk þuder drou
Þanne he was suþþe inome fram þat he was biuore
And to þe lond of Constantinnoble wiþ gret honur ibore
Þere he liþ ȝute to þis dai wiþ gret nobleie inou
Bote he were honured wel me þincþ it were wou
Þis foure ewangelistes þei hi were me[n] pure
Ech was of diuerse forme as ȝe mowe ihure
Sein Mattheu was in mannes forme sein Ion in an ern
Sein Marc a lion & an ox sein Luc þe gode bern
Sein Mattheu was in forme of man for he gan euere telle
Of oure Louerdes manhede mest inis gospelle
Forþ riȝt & aperteliche echman to vnderstonde
As it were a mannes dede þat he sei do mid is honde
Sein Luc was in forme of oxe for boþe ox & calf
Ȝe witeþ wel he is a bocsom best and of goder half
And ipriked & ibust and attelaste as fawe


He geþ to is owe deþ wanne me wolde him þerto drawe
Of þulke manere of oure Louerd sein Luc telleþ mest
Of is meoknesse & bocsomhede as of a milde best
Hou he was iharled & todrawe & mekliche suþþe inou
He vnderueng þane stronge deþ þo me him þerto drou
In forme of a lion sein Marc is iwrite
For þe lion is a best of wel strange bite
As a bold maister he geþ forþ wiþ wel stordi mod
So strong best þat it dorre abide nis bote it beo wod
Sein Mark more þanne eni oþer of oure Louerd haþ itold
Of is holy up risinge þat stordi was and bold
For as leon he aros and alle þing ouercom
And steorne he wol come aȝen & ȝiue oure alre dom
Ern is a foul of alle foules þat wel hext mai fle[o]
And þer nis best ne foul non þat so clerliche mai ise[o]
For aboue þe clouden of inou wel herre he mai te[o]
And fle[o] aboue more wey þanne it hanne þuder be[o]
He flucþ so heie & so nei þe firmament anhei
Þat he forswelþ is feþeren and forbarnt him sulue ney
And wanne he is so heie iflowe þat wonder it may be[o]
Ȝute he may here in þe gronde a smal worm ise[o]
And a smal viss in þe se ne be[o] him sulf so heie
Þer nis quik þing an eorþe non þat habbe so cler eiȝe
Sein Ion is an ern iwrite for inis gospelle
Of oure Louerdes godhede so deop he deþ telle
And so heie flucþ in diuinite ouer ech mannes kunde
Þat vnneþe is þer eni clerk þat it mowe habbe in munde
So cler siȝt he hadde & pur & so deop out he soȝte
Þat godhede þat oure Louerd an eorþe wiþ him broȝte
Þat as seint Austyn seiþ þer nis clerk in þe londe
Þat hadde he out bigonne herre þat him hadde vnderstonde
And þat haþ many clerk yseie as þere ȝute may
In þe bigynnynge of is gospel a Midewinter day


For among alle is gospelles þulke is þe ueorste of echon
In þe forme of an ern here fore me writ sein Ion
Nou bidde we sein Ion & sein Luc & ȝare felawes beie
Þat hi bringe us toward heuene in þe riȝte weie

De vndecim milia virginum

Eflleue þousond uirgines þat fair companie was
Imartred were for Godes loue ichelle ȝou telle þat cas
A king þer was in Bruteine Maur was is name
A douȝter he hadde þat het Ou[r]se maide of noble fame
Cristine he[o] was and al hure kun swuþe noble & queinte
So fair womman me nuste non ne so god in eche pointe
Of hure fairhede & godnesse me tolde in eche side
Þat þe word com into Engelonde and elles woder wide
A king þer was in Engelonde mon of gret poer
Of þis maide he hurde telle gret nobleie ver & ner
To spousi hure & is sone togadere hi hadde iþoȝt
Ac þer nas ȝute in Engelond no Cristendom ibroȝt
To þe king of Brutaine he sende for is doȝter so uaire
Þat he lete hure marie to is sone þat was is eir
Ȝif he were þere aȝen þat þe dede nere ido
Destruie he wolde al is lond & him sulf also
Þo þis message was to þis king ised
Sori and dreori he was he ne couþe þer of no red
For þe king of Engelonde was heþene and al his
And he weste wel is doȝter nolde iwedded beon iwis
And for þe king of Engelond was mon of gret miȝte
And þat he nadde poer non aȝen him worri ne fiȝte
And naþeles triwes of answere aȝen þe messagers he nom
Deol and sor and lite ioie inis heorte þer com
He ne tolde noȝt is doȝter uore of þis reufol cas
And naþeles heo it oftriwede for he so sori was
Ȝeorne he[o] bad God niȝt & day þat he hure ssolde rede
An angel com to hure a niȝt and þeos wordes sede


Ne be[o] þou noȝt aȝen þis sonde as þi fader forto paie
Grante iwedded forto be[o] at a certein daye
Wiþinne þre[o] ȝer þou mowe þi maidenot onure
And þat hi þe wynne clene maidens wiþinne þi boure
Þat þe king & is sone & þi fader be[o] at one rede
To cheose þe ten clene maidens wiþoute ech wikked hede
Wanne ȝe eleuene togadere beoþ þat hi fynde ȝou eke þerto
A þousond maidens to ech of ȝou to serue ȝou alle so
Þat wanne ȝe alle togadere beoþ þat ech mowe inis side
Honure hure maidenot & þin þat it be[o] couþ wide
So þat me nute maide non alosed aȝen þe
And þat he wole Cristene bicome þi louerd þat ssel be
In þis forwarde grante him after þe þridde ȝere
Iwedded to be[o] in Godes lawe naue þou þerof no fere
Þo þis maide hurde þis he[o] was glad of þis lore
Þat he[o] weste warewiþ hure fader bringe of sore
To hure fader he[o] wende & bad þat he hure telle ssolde
Wy he mornynge ȝeode so & he swor he nolde
Ichot wel þi þoȝt quaþ þis maide þei þou it holde stille
Of þi message naue þou no doute ichelle do al þi wille
Þo gan he[o] telle in wuch manere as þe angel hadde ised
He[o] wolde habbe þis heie mon ȝif it were is red
Wel was þe king glad þo he hurde þis
Þe messager he ȝaf answere wiþ gode herte iwis
Þo þe tidinge to þe kinges sone com wel he him paide
Sone he let him cristni for loue of þis maide
And þoru is fader red and þoru þe oþer kinge
Enleue þousond clene maidens þis maide hi gonne bringe
Were me miȝte nou as sone finde as me miȝte þo
I ne wene noȝt me ssolde in al þis toun finde ten mo
Þis maide was of þe companie glad þat to hure com
Sone he[o] gan in priuete ham telle of Cristendom
Þer fore hure loue & hure prechinge alle Cristine hi were


Louerd wuch a companie of clene maidens was þere
So glad was þe king of is doȝter and of hure fairhede
Þat he let ham makie a ssip of gret lengþe & brede
Þat hi ssolde aboute in þe se pleie wanne hi wolde
Þat echmon alonde and awatere hare maidenot presi ssolde
Hi songe ofte awater & alonde & tresches gonne lede
And oþere manere vaire pleies & al of clene dede
Mete and drinke stilleliche to þe ssip hi lete bringe
To þre[o] ȝeres sustenance wiþoute leue of þe kynge
A dai hi uerde into þe se & pleide up and doun
For ioie þere hi hulde ham men of moni a toun
As hi were in mest plei oure Louerd a wind sende
Þat drof ȝam fer into þe se me nuste woder hi wende
Wel glad were hi þo þe wind ham drof wel bliue
Atte cite of Coloine hy gonne ferst ariue
To dameisele Ourse ȝare maistresse an angel þer com þere
And made hure maidens lede wel forte hi imartred were
And sede hi ssolde forþer fare and aȝen wende
And in þulke toun ymartred be[o] for Godes loue attenende
Glad was þis maide for þis word forþ hi wende anon
Atte cite of Basili hi ariuede þo echon
Fram þulke cite euerichon auote hi wende to Rome
Þe pope ȝam made ioie inou þo hi þuder come
For mony of ȝam him was isib and for he was of Brutaine
Kiriac is name was [] hi were wiþ him wel faine
To þe pope an angel com a niȝt and sede þat he ssolde
Wiþ þe maidens imartred be[o] for oure Louerd it wolde
After þis time þe holiman onourede hom þe more
And prechede ham of clannesse & of oure Louerdes lore


Twelf monþe & eleue wike alle þis maidens were
At Rome wiþ þis holi pope þat ham dude wel lere
Ac þe pope þo sein Curiac is conseil clupie bigan
Is clerkes and is cardinals and moni anoþer man
To uore ȝam alle is dignete he tok up a[t] þan ende
And sede he wolde into oþer lond wiþ is maidens wende
Þe cardinals were þere aȝen and sede he gan reue
Wiþ fole wenclen forto go and is dignete to bileue
Naþeles he wende forþ wiþ ham al aȝen ȝare rede
Is cardinals and is clerkes gret ssame him þeruore sede
Tweie luþer princes Maximin and Affrican
Þoȝte þat þis maidens wolde turne moni a man
To ȝare mei prince of Coloine hi sende for þe none
Þat he wanne hi þuder come ham martrede echone
Þat child þat ssolde þis maide wedde as he hadde ised
King was imad of Engelonde þo is fader was ded
Þat ladde swyþe chaste lif and longede swuþe sore
Wiþ þat clene maide to speke þoru strengþe of Godes lore
An angel com to him sone and bad him in alle wise
Þat is moder & is ȝonge suster he lette sone baptise
And þat he wiþ ham to Coloine wende mid al is main
Aȝen is truwe spouse Ource of Brutain
Þat he bonde him to hure faste in worde and in dede
And endede togadere hore lif as he ȝam wolde rede
Þis ȝonge king vawe dude as þe angel him gan lere
He nom is moder & is soster þo hi ibaptized were
And þe bissop Clement ek þat ham ibaptized hadde
Toward Coloine forþ wiþ him aȝen þis maidens he ladde
Welle glad was þis ȝonge king þo he to is lemman com
As glad was þe maide þo he[o] sai him in Cristendom
Gladdost he[o] was for is soster þat het Florentine
Þat he[o] ssolde so clene & so ȝong soffri deþes pine
Our[s]e of Brutaine þe ȝonge king of gret ioie gan him lere


Þat he huld him faste to hure & ne flecchede neuere for fere
Þat hi miȝte in triwe loue togadere imartred be[o]
And in heuene be[o] wiþ Iesu Crist þat hom boȝte on þe tre[o]
Þis ȝonge king grantede al þis his lemman noȝt he ne wernde
Is ferste þoȝt into triwe loue of clannesse he turnde
Þe heþene prince ȝare was þo hi to Coloine come
And luþer men monion & þis companie al nome
Hi houede & cride ȝam assame to gronde hi ham slowe
Also fale wolues among lomb ȝare clene fleiss todrawe
Þo hi come to þis clene þing Ourse of Brutaine
Þo hi fonde a such creature so fair hi were wel faine
Þe prince hure nom & hure bihet to lete hure gon aliue
And for hure noble gentrise habbe hure to wiue
Þis maide sede þat he[o] nolde non eorþlich spouse take
Þe prince was þo wroþ inou þo he was forsake
Archers he let hure ssete anon to deþe attenende
And þus he[o] & hure companie to þe blisse of heuene gan wende
And þe ȝonge king of Engelond and is moder also
And is ȝonge [soster] Florentine to deþe was ido
And þe pope Ciriak and bissops monion
Þat for hope of martirdom wiþ þe maidens dude gon
Ou Louerd þe grete ioie of þe swete uerhede
Þat martirdom for þine loue auonge wiþoute drede
In þe two hondred ȝer and eiȝte and þrittiþe ȝere
After þat God an eorþe com þis maidens imartred were
Þis enleue þousond maidens and al þe companie
Ibured were suþþe in Coloine in a nonnerie
An abbot þer was biside þat heorde of þis cas
And þat ofte of þis clene maidens gret miracle was


He bad þe abesse of Coloine þat he[o] him granti ssolde
A body of þis clene maidens and he it wolde do in golde
Þo þis bodi him was bitake twelf monþe he let it be[o]
Wiþoute seluer oþer gold in a cheste of tre[o]
Þo þe twel[f]monþe was ido as þe monkes echone
At matins [were] a niȝt þis holi bodi aros hure up al one
And enclinede hure to þe heie weued & wende mildeliche
Out þoru out al þe couent fair and stilleliche
Þe monkes þo hi þis iseie adrad and sori were
To þe tombe hi wende þer he[o] was & nefonde hure noȝt þere
Þis quaþ þe abbot is oure wreche for we hure nadde ido
In gold as riȝt hadde ibe[o] for we bihete hure so
To þe abbesse of Coloine þe abbot wende anon
And tolde þe cas al hou it was of þe maide agon
Hi wende forþ to þulke stude as he[o] was ileid er
And houede upe þe lid of þe þrou and fonde hure ligge þer
Vair and euene as heo dude er so lite lime þer nas
Þat nelay as he[o] uerst deode vair miracle þer was
Þe abbesse was þo glad inou and þe nonnes echon
And for þe miracle songe heie and þonkede God anon
Þe abbot bad þat he moste habbe þe holy bodi efsone
And he it wolde honure vawe as riȝt was to done
Ac þe abbesse nolde it grante noȝt ne þe couent noþer
Þat he it ssolde eft lede awei þei he were ȝare broþer
For hi seie it was Godes wille þat it ssolde bileue þere
Þis abbot wende hom aȝen wiþ wel dreri chere
Nou God us granti for is grace þat we mote iwynne
Þe heie ioie of heuene þat þeos maidens beoþ inne

De sancto Simonis et Iude

Sein Symon & sein Iude tweie breþeren were
Marie sones Cleophe as oure boc us deþ lere
Hare moder was oure Leuedi soster ibore in þe olde lay


Sein Iacob hure sone was ek was day comeþ in May
Sein Iude he[lde] þe king Abagar ichelle ȝou segge hou
Þat was bitwene oure Louerd and him iwite ȝe mowe nou
Þis king was in siknesse þo oure Louerd an eorþe ȝeode
Þis word he sende oure Louerd iwrite for is owe neode
To Iesus þat is an eorþe aliȝt saueor of alle þinge
Godes sone is triwe hine Abakar sent gretynge
Gret miracle ich habbe of þe ihurd þere fore ich vnderstonde
To soþe þat þou ert Godes sone icome þoru Godes sonde
Wo is me þat i nemai enes to þe come
For mi siknesse to habbe hele þat it were me binome
Ich habbe vnderȝite þat þe Giwes chideþ touward þe
Awaiteþ þe to sle as me telleþ me
Þere fore fle[o] ȝare companie and com to mi cite
Ichelle þe saui for ȝam alle þat hi ne solleþ þe sle
Bote þou do hi wolleþ þe sle ȝif þou gest among ȝam þere
And help me ȝif it is þi wille þat ich iheled were
Þo þis writ to oure Louerd com he it bigan to rede
And sende him anoþer writ aȝen þat þes wordes sede
Iblessed þou ert king Abakar þat ne seie me noȝt
And wost biluue wel on me wiþ word & wiþ þoȝt
For monie þat iseie me on me biluue hi nolde
Iblessed be[o] þat me neseoþ & on me biluue wolde
To þe nemai ich come noȝt for ich mot folende
Þat ich am fore an eorþe isend & suþþe hanne wende
And suþþe on of min deciples ichelle to þe sende
Þat ssel þe hele of þin vuel and bringe þe of bende
Þo þis lettres to þe king come he made dreri chere
Þat he nemiȝte oure Louerd ise[o] þe wile he an eorþe were
A queinte peintour he sende him to peinte is figure
And bringe him to biholde þeron þe wile it wolde dure
Þo þe peintor to Iesu com he nemiȝte biholde is face


So ssinynge it was and briȝt and aboute al in þe place
Oure Louerd weste wel is þoȝt a linne cloþ he tok
And biclupte þerwiþ is face as we uindeþ in bok
Þo was it pur liȝt of figure in forme and in colour
And al þe face riȝt as his he tok it þe peintour
To soþe i ne wene noȝt þat þer were no peintor þer ney
Þat liȝtloker it couþe habbe imad for he was somdel sley
Glad was þe peintor þo þerwiþ for he ne couþe no such make
Þe king Abakar was gladdore þo it him was bitake
In gret druori he it weste and for noble relike
And nobleliche an eorþe it is ȝut to hele feble & sike
Þe face þer of is swuþe muche wiþ deop and muchele eiȝe
Þe neb long and swuþe steorne þe browen long and heie
Þe wordes þat oure Louerd him sende þat ich ȝou radde here nouþe
Of gret uertue beoþ inou and ȝute beoþ wo so is couþe
Þere nemiȝte þo in þulke toune þat hi were irad inne
None wile no luþer mon wonie þer wiþinne
Wanne eni fon of werrors come toward þe ȝate
Ȝif me radde þat writ aȝen hom hi nemiȝte come in þerate
Þat oure Louerd bihet þe king þat of is deciples on
After is time him ssolde hele he ne brak forward non
For þo he was to heuene iwend sein Iude þuder wende
To hele him þoru oure Louerdes grace as Iesu Crist him þuder sende
Glad was þe king þo he him isei to him he seide anon
Þou ert wolcome for wel ich wot fram wam þou ert agon
Þou ert mi Louerdes deciple isend me forto hele


Ich biluue on him and forsake þe Giwes vniuele
To none þinge inadde so gode wille as bringe ȝam to noȝte
Þat mi Louerd þat ich on leoue to so vil deþ broȝte
Ich am quaþ sein Iude þo inis name hider igon
Studeuast wille haue to him and þou worst hol anon
Sein Iude nom þat holy writ þat oure Louerd him er sende
And roddede þerwiþ is sike lich & it anon to hele wende
He hadde er musel longe ibe[o] he helde him in a stonde
Þis king herede ȝeorne God þat boȝte him wiþ is wonde
Sein Iude wende forþ anon and prechede in þe londe
And sein Symon prechede in Egipt & suþþe þoru Godes sonde
Togadere in þe lond of Perce þis breþeren togadere come
And prechede faste Cristendom as hi hadde er ilome
Tweie luþer men þat ham made as god hi fonde þere
Zaroes and Arafaxat þat made þo luþer chere
Þat sein Mattheu hadde er of þe londe of Ethiop idriue
Ac euer eft forte þo in god pais in Perce hi hadde ilyue
Waradac duc of Babiloine bataille hadde inome
Aȝen þe prince of þe lond of Iude him to ouercome
Þe duk as he was iwoned to is false godes gan wende
Answere forto wite of ham hou þe bataille ssolde ende
Þe ssrewen ne miȝte speke a word þe duc was in gret fere
Atte þe grettoste clerkes of þe lawe þe duc esste hou it were
Þo seide þat hi dombe were for þe apostles tweie
Symon and Iude þat were þo in þe lond alle beie
Þe duk let þe apostles seche þo hi were forþ ibroȝt
He esste anon wat hi were and wat hi þere þo soȝt
Of Giwes þis apostles sede bi kunde we beoþ icome
As Cristene men we beoþ nou and to god we abbeþ inome


For þi god and for þi prou hider we beoþ igo nouþe
Ȝe quaþ þe duk þo ynabbe no space wiþ ȝou to speke wiþ mouþe
For þis bataille ich segge ȝou forte he be[o] ysmite
[& þanne ic wole ihure what ȝe beoþ & more of ȝou iwite
Þe is betere nou quaþ þapostles þat þu miȝt iknowe]
Him þoru wam þou miȝt ouercome þi bataille & þi wowe
Seggeþ me nou quaþ þe duc hou þe bataille ssel ende
Ȝif ȝe beoþ of more poer þan mine godes so hende
Nai ess at Saroes and Arafaxat þis apostles sede
Þat þou mowe iknowe & iwite ȝare wrecche falshede
Þis tweie ssrewen sede þe duk ssolde ouercome be[o]
And strang bataille and manslaȝt me ssolde þer ise[o]
Þo þe apostles hurde þis hi gonne to liȝhe smere
Wat liȝhe ȝe quaþ þe duk and ich habbe so gret fere
Ne dred þe noþing quaþ þe apostles ac be[o] glad in þoȝte
For þi maistrie and pes also wiþ us hider we broȝte
To morwe þou sselt maister be[o] ar þe þridde tide of daie
Þi fo wol come & abowe to þe and be[o] glad þe to paie
Þe oþer ssrewen lowe þo and sede þat hi so spake
For þe duc ssolde al oneiware of is fon be[o] itake
We ne biddeþ noȝt quaþ þe apostles [n]ouþe ne to abide
Ac þat soþe ȝe solleþ to morwe iwite biuore þe þridde tide
Þe duc let þe apostles wite amorwe he made him ȝare
To bataille mid al is men ac ar he come þare
Is fon come him aȝen merci forto crie
And grantede him is wille al & ȝeue him þe maistrie
Þo þe duk isei þat it was soþ þat þe apostles sede þere
He het brenne þe false godes þat fals & luþer were
We beoþ isend hider quaþ þe apostles Godes word to telle


& þe dede forto ȝiue lif and noȝt þe quike to quelle
We nolleþ noȝt ȝif it is þi wille þat for us þou ȝam spille
Bileue ȝare folie ȝif hi wolleþ lete ȝam al ȝare wille
Þe duc bad þe apostles noble ȝiftes ac hi nolde uonge is noȝt
Þo ne finde he noȝt ar he hadde to þe king ȝam ibroȝt
Sire he sede þou suxt þis men þat ich bringe biuore þe tweie
Þei hi in monnes forme be[o] godes it beoþ heie
Zaroes and Arafaxat þis tweie enchanteors
Of sein Simon and sein Iude ȝute hadde gret rebors
Þe apostles þat to apeiri to þe king hi wende
Sire hi seide we beoþ godes & God us hider sende
And þat þou þer of wite þat soþe let biuore us bringe
Þe beste plaidors þat þou hast to hure oþer tidinge
To oure wille we ssolleþ ȝam make so dombe so þe ston
Stronge men we wolleþ make lame þat hi ne ssolleþ a uot gon
Biuore ȝam me broȝte muche folk boþe renable & stronge
Wiþ ȝare enchantement þe ssrewen [] [ham] made dombe longe
We wolleþ nou hi sede lete ȝam speke ac lame hi solleþ bicome
Þo speke hi and folle adoun as ȝare limes ham were binome
Suþþe hi lete ham speke and go and loke brode þere
Ac þei þe eiȝen were ope naþeles pur blind hi were
After oure wille þe oþer sede þus we mowe ȝam make
Nou ȝe seoþ þat we beoþ godes ȝe ne mowe it noȝt forsake
Þe blinde men as it were bicas to þe apostle gonne gon
Biluueþ on God queþe þe apostles and ȝe worþe hol anon
Anon so hi grantede þat hi wolde on Iesu Crist bileoue


Ȝare siȝt com god aȝen no þing ne gan hom greue
To þe king hi wende hol aȝen as hy moste nede
Þe oþer ham wolde efsone blende ac ham nemiȝte noȝt spede
Þe enchanteors were swuþe wroþe hi bede anon þe kinge
Þat þe apostles forto fondi byuore hom me ssolde bringe
Þo þe apostles were icome þe enchanteors attelaste
A gret beorþene of neddre upe þe apostles hi caste
Þe apostles nom ȝam in ȝare mantels & caste ȝam aȝen anon
In þe enchanteors & hi fastnede in ȝare fleiss echon
Hi gnowe & frete ȝare fleiss al quik þat hi nei wode were
As wolues wel soriliche hi ȝolle wiþ reulich chere
Þe king het þe apostles anon þat hi soffri ssolde
Forte hi were al ifrete ac hi sede hi nolde
For hi were isend to ȝiue lif wo so it auonge wolde
And nanne man forto sle for seluer ne for golde
Hi hete þe neddren souke aȝe hore venim þat hi ssadde
Þo were þe wrecches so forgnawe þat hi wel nei awedde
Wel more hi were ipined ȝut mid ȝare aȝen soukynge
Of ȝare venim þanne hi were er wiþ al ȝare gnawynge
Nou ȝe worþe queþe þe apostles in torment dawes þre[o]
And þanne to knowe Godes miȝte hol ȝe ssolleþ be[o]
Þreo dawes hy hadde so gret pine þat nomon nemiȝte more
Hy nuste ware be[o] for wo hi grunte somdel sore
Þe þridde dai þe apostles sede oure Louerd ne wilneþ noȝt
Þat eny mon wiþ strengþe be[o] to is seruise ibroȝt
Þere fore ȝe solleþ hol & sound chese nou attenende
In ȝoure folie to bileue oþer to him wende
Þo þe ssrewen hole were hi gonne fle[o] attelaste


Aȝen Iesu Crist & alle his hi prechede wel uaste
So vuel hi nere neuere er in dede ne in þoȝte
Al Babiloine aȝen þe apostles in gret wraþþe hi broȝte
Þe dukis doȝter in foly mid childe was ibroȝt
Heo sede þat child upe a dekne þat gulti nas noȝt
Þat folk nom þe dekne anon þo þe child was ibore
And þoȝte to wuch deþe him do as þe duc hadde iswore
Þe apostles come go þereforþ & isei al þis cas
Hi esste wuche tide of þe daie þat child ibore was
Bote today þis oþer sede atte þe þridde tide anon
Þe apostles nome þo þat child among hom echon
And hete him a Godes name þat it tolde þere
Ȝif þe dekne is fader was as hi op him bere
Nai for Gode quaþ þat child he ne biȝet me noȝt
For he is chast and euere was of dede & of þoȝt
Þe folk bede þe apostles esse wo is fader were
Nai quaþ þis godemen so ne ssel me us noȝt lere
For oure riȝt is gultelese men to bringe out of bende
Ac non gulti for trespas ne valt us to ssende
A ȝer ihol and monþes þre[o] þe apostles were þere
So þat þe kyng and alle his þoru hom icristned were
And sixti þousond men also to Cristendom hi broȝte
Wiþoute children and wymmen þoru miracle þat hi wroȝte
In þe cite of Suamayr tuei enchantours were
Þat swore to makie þapostles here maumetȝ to honure þere
Þat liþere folc nome þis gode men & to here temple hem ladde
Þe deuelen þat þer inne were loude cride & gradde
Al miȝti Godes apostles what wole ȝe wiþ ous do
We beoþ in pyne in bernynge siþþe ȝe come ous to
Lo seide þapostles þo þat ȝe alle iseo


Þat hit beoþ deuelen we hoteþ hem þat [hi] hunne fleo
Tuei sworte þinges þer flowe out as hit blomen were
Naked bar & grislich ȝullinge wiþ reuliche bere
Þe maumetȝ hi toborste atuo þo hi flowe þer fram
Þo þe liþere men þis iseȝe sori hi were & gram
Wiþ wepne hi wende forþ & þapostles slowe
& al tohewe hem in þe place & eche lyme fram oþer drowe
Þo com þer as hit þondre were & þe temple to grounde broȝte
A liȝtinge þer com afterward & brende hem to noȝte
Þus seint Symon & seint Iude þe holie apostles tueye
Endede here lyf in martirdom & to heuene wende beye

[Seint Quintin þe martir ]

Seint Quintin þe martir of þe contray was of Rome
For Godes loue he þolede deþ er he to heuene come
Þemperour þat was of Rome þat het Maximian
He let turmenti whan he fond eni Cristene man
His men furde as roters & ernde al aboute
& defoulede so Cristene men þat hi neþerfte nowhar atroute
& vrne hi þat arewe were in to þe contray aboute
& flowe þe liþere turmentours þat kene were & proute
Somme hudde hem vnder hulles in valeye oþer in doune
In roches summe & olde diches þat hi neþerste come in toune
For drede of þe stronge deþ & ȝut hi dradde more
Þe longe pyne & strong bifore þat turmentede hem so sore
Seint Quintin was þo at Rome he dude him out also
Of Rome for turmentinge as he seȝ oþere do
Stilleliche he wende him forþ & in to France com
To þe cite of Amias þe riȝte wey he nom
Þer he gan to cuþe furst & prechede al abrod
As hardi knyȝt aȝe þe deuel no leng he nabod
Oure Louerd schowede ek for him gret miracle ynouȝ


So þat to oure Louerdes lawe gret folc wiþ alle he drouȝ
Þemperour sende þo in to eche londe
To turmenti Cristene men þat hi nemiȝte nowhar atstonde
A liþer Iustise Richemer into France he sende
For to siche Cristene men into al þe lond he wende
As þis iustise wende aboute to destruye Cristendom
To þe cite of Amias atte laste he com
Seint Quintin was sone ifonde for he nehudde him noȝt
Wel foule he was iharled forþ & bifore þe iust[is]e ibroȝt
Þe iustise him bihuld anon wiþ wel dreori chere
Belami he seide ich wolde wite what þi name were
& what beo þyne bileue for þu schalt boþe telle
Sire wel fawe quaþ þis oþer noþer hele ynelle
Quintin is mi name icleped & Cristene ich am iwis
& in Iesu Crist Godes sone al mi bileue is
A traitour quaþ þe iustise woltou take on so
Bi myne godes þat miȝtful beoþ þu schalt anoþer do
Wiþ stronge turmentȝ & diuerse ich wole þe lete spille
Sire þu miȝt quaþ seint Quintin bi me do þi wille
Ac bi God þat makede me & heuene & vrþe also
Þi þreting ne drede y noȝt ne ynelle non oþer do
Wele þat þe iustise was wroþ & gram þo
He let clipie his turmenturs þat prest were to wo
Þis holi man hi strupte naked & streiȝte him al alonge
Wiþ harde scourges hi leide him on of cordes & of þwonge
Þe more hi beote þis holi man he makede þe gladdere chere
So swiþe hi leide on him faste þat al weri hi were
Nou weri mote hi beo & vuele mote hem beo idoȝt
For wel was hem whan eni wo to Cristene men was ibroȝt
A voiȝ þer com fram heuene & seide Quintin glad þu beo
Mi leoue seriant beo stedeuast for ich am mid þe
Þo were þis turmentours so wery & so sore
For betinge þat hi fulle adoun & nemiȝte speke nomore
Þe iustise was þo so wroþ þat he nuste non oþer dede


Bote het hem bileue euerechdel & to prisoun him lede
To prisoun wende þis holi man mid glade hurte atte laste
Þerinne [he] was faste ibounde & þe dores iloke faste
He lai þer in afflicciouns & in beden also
A nyȝt as he was aslepe an angel com him to
Quintin he seide aris anon & go amidde þe strete
& preche þat folc to Iesu Crist for noþing þu ne lete
Quintin awok mid þis word & vp aros anon
& out of prisoun strong al sauf he gan gon
& passede o warde & siþþe anoþer þat so faste were iloke
& bileuede hem hol & faste ynou & noȝt on tobroke
He wende as þangel him bad & in to þe strete com
& prechede faste of Iesu Crist & of his Cristendom
For his prechinge þat folc com wel þicke aboute him go
He turnde to Iesu Crist tuo hondred men & mo
Þe gailers þat him scholde witie awoke atte laste
Hi fonde þe prisoun as hi hit makede þe doren iloke faste
Ac hi nefonde noȝt þis holi man þat hi þerinne caste
Hem wondrede hou he out com & somdel [were] agaste
Hi vrne aboute & soȝte him wide & þo hi hadde al isoȝt
Hi fonde him as h[e] hadde þat folc to Iesu Crist ibroȝt
Þo hi seȝe þat grete wonder hi vrne aȝe anon
To þe iustise Richemer so swiþe hi miȝte gon
Sire hi seide wite hit to soþe þyne godes sike beoþ
& alle þat onureþ hem for we þat soþe iseoþ
Þerfore we onuryeþ Iesu Crist þat almiȝti is
& soþfast God as we hit wite þurf Quintin iwis
Beaus amis quaþ Richemer what is ȝou on bicome
As foles ȝe spekeþ & gydie men & ȝoure wit is ȝou bynome
Goþ hunne ich rede anon & turneþ ȝoure þoȝt
For ich wole furst fondi þat þis þeof to deþe beo ibroȝt
He let after þis holi man his turmentours sende


Þo he nemiȝte fram Iesu Crist for noþing his þoȝt wende
Wiþ scourgen of ire he let hem bete & his bodi al tore[n]de
Þo he was defouled so a gret fur he let atende
He let þo walle pich & gresse & ooylle also
& anoueward his rug iwonded al berninge hit do
Siþþe he let nyme brode platen & sette al afure
& pulte to his nakede side þat wonder hit was to dure
Of alle þe turmentȝ þat me him dude vneþe oȝt he velde
Þe brennynge ne hette him noȝt ac him þoȝte al akelde
Louerd moche is þi miȝte as saiþ in þe sauter
On þin halewen þu ert wonderful as me mai iseo her
Þat betinge ne stronge wonde ne berninge of fure
So lute greuede þis holi man Louerd hou miȝte he hit dure
Þe iustise let nyme vynegre & salt atte laste
And makie þerof a biter drench & in his mouþ let caste
Chaynes of ire he nom siþþe heuie & gret ynouȝ
& wond aboute his heued & out of toune him drouȝ
Þe iustise let nyme þo spites of ire tueye
& aboue þe schuldre scheoue hem in & out atte þies beye
& spitede so þis holi man þeȝ he were þerto lene
Euere he þolede al his wo newiþseide he hem noȝt ene
Þo nomen hi ten þinne nailes þat bote schorte & smale nere
& lette hem caste amidde þat fur þat al brennynge hi were
& lette hem smyte in atte fyngres in ech fynger on
Byneþe þe nailes to þoþer ende bituene flesch & bon
Al brennynge hi were in ismyte nou Iesu Crist þyn ore
Þat eni man hurte hadde to turmenti oþer so sore
Louerd moche is þi grace þat þu wolt þyn halewen sende
Þat miȝte beo iturmented so & his hurte noȝt wende


Þo þe iustise þis iseȝ þat hit was al for noȝt
Þis þeof he seide in some manere to deþe schal beon ibroȝt
His heued he let smyte of anon his turmentours prest were
A swerd hi nome kene ynou & smyte of his heued þere
Riȝt as hi þis dede dude a voiȝ þer com anon
Fram heuene þat þuse wordes seide þat hi ihurde echon
Quintin Quintin mi seriant com her anon to me
& vnderfong þe croune þat iȝarked is to þe
Myn angles þe schulle vnderfonge & in to heuene lede
Riȝt as þe swete voiȝ þuse wordes him sede
& his heued was of ismyte as al þat folc iseȝ
A whit coluere cam out at his necke & fleȝ to heuene anheȝ
Hi seȝe heuene openy þer aȝen in he fleȝ anon
Nou God for þe loue of seint Quintin ous bringe þider echon

[Alle Halewe day we schulle holde ]

Alle Halewe day we schulle holde o tyme in þe ȝere
For fele enchesoun Holi Churche þerto ous gan lere
Þat ech nemai at his wille noȝt his feste habbe iwis
For þe grete numbre þat of alle halewen is
Anoþer is for we feble beoþ þat we ne mowe noȝt alle
Þe festen bi hem selue holde as hi doþ bi þe ȝere falle
Þe þridde is for þe ȝer is schort & ech nemai noȝt alone
Ane feste habbe in þe ȝere þeȝ hi habbe on ymone
Þe [ferde] enchesoun is iwis for god riȝt hit is mid alle
Þat we feste makie of hem whan þe tyme doþ falle
For gret feste hi makieþ in heuene & in grete ioye beoþ
Whan eni amendement of ous an vrþe i seoþ
Þe vifte cause for þer was a forbusne bigonne


Longe er þe strenȝþe of Cristendom an vrþe were iwonne
For þe heȝe maisters of Saraȝyns þat an vrþe were þo her
Makede at Rome bi hem silue ech maumet an auter
Ac naþeles hi nemiȝte of ech noȝt se fele godes þer were
& nolde noȝt þat eni god wiþoute honur were þere
Þerfore hi makede an auter comun to echone
To honure al here godes þere as hit were yn one
& siþþe þer com Cristendom & wel wide spradde
& at Rome & elleswhare clenliche þe maistrie hadde
Bonefaȝ þe gode pope to þis auters com
& to þulke of alle godes grete ȝeme he nom
In forbusne þerof a churche he let rere
Of oure [Leuedi] & Alle Halewe in þulke place þere
Six hondred ȝer & fyue oure Louerd þer bifore
Of Marie his swete moder an vrþe were ibore
Þe churche þat was þo of oure Leuedi & of Alle Halewen ifonde
Stont ȝut & is icleped Marie la rounde
Þe pope also Bonefaȝ o day in þe ȝere
In onur of alle halewen he let halewi þere
& het þurf al Cristendom halewi þulke day
In þulke tyme he was iholde þe elleueþe day of May
Ac þis pope Gregori þat þerafter longe com
Iseȝ þat þe day to halewi was þurf al Cristendom
& þat riȝt hit was to ech man þe leste & þe meste
In onur of alle halewen makede þanne gret feste
& þe alre dureste tyme of þe ȝere witeþ hit was in May
So gret feste forto holde as in þulke day
Þerfore he let turne þane day as ȝe him holdeþ ȝute
In þe furste day of Nouembre whan god nas noȝt to lute


Me þinȝþ ȝut [þoȝte] þe gode man þe feste to lute were
Bote men hadde wel wharwiþ þe wombe ioye to arere
Þe furste ȝer afterward þat men þane day so nome
[Of a uair cas ich mai telle þat vel in þe chirche of Rome]
Þe wardeyn of seint Peteres churche þat ȝut in Rome is
Þe feste onurede swiþe moche of Alle Halewe iwis
To an halewe of ech auter of þe churche he gan gon
& onurede ech after oþer he nebileuede non
To þe heȝe auter of seint Peter atte laste he wende
& þer he lai a slepe adoun as God þe grace sende
Þer cam him þoȝte an angel & ladde him to heuene anheȝ
In a chayre wiþ grete ioye oure Louerd him þoȝte he seȝ
Wiþ grete heȝnisse sitte angles him aboute
Þo cam þer a leuede of gret honur wiþ angles a gret route
Þat was oure Leuedi wiþ virgines oure [Louerd] faire [heo] grette
Oure Louerd aȝen hire aros bi him anheȝ hire sette
Þo com þer a man in a sclauyn camayl as þeȝ hit were
An old hor man after him oure Louerd onurede þere
Þat was seint Iohan þe Baptist & þe prophetes olde
& also þe patriarks þat of oure Louerd while tolde
Þo come þer tuelue in one route as bischopes echone
Þe furste as he pope were bifore hem ȝeode alone
Þat was seint Peter þapostle & his felawes elleuene
Alle onured oure suete Louerd þer he sat in heuene
Þo com þer a gret cumpaignye preostes as hit were


Þat were confessours þat hadde Holi Churche to lere
As bischopes & abbotes & oþer gode men also
Oure Louerd onurede alle as riȝt was to do
Of feste þat me an vrþe makede hi þonkede him & bade
For alle þat ariȝt here day hulde & feste of hem makede
Þo gonnen hi singe here matyns & songe murie mid alle
For alle þat doþ here day onure an vrþe as hit doþ falle
Wel auȝte we þulke day onure whan hi þulke day
Such ioye makede for ous in heuene as þe gode man isay
Nou bidde we alle halewen to holde here feste so
Þat hi bringe ous to þe heȝe ioye þat hi beoþ on ido

[Alle Soulen day an vrþe ]

Alle Soulen day an vrþe riȝt is to holde heȝe
Alle we schulle habbe neode þerto for alle we schulle deye
A fair siȝt þerof ek an angel gan þo bringe
A man of Rome as he him ladde as he lai in metinge
Him þoȝte he seȝ meni men ligge in beddes of golde
& meni sitte at heȝe borde & hadde al þat hi wolde
& menie go naked & bidde þat me hem scholde weue
& menie anhongred & bede þat me hem god ȝeue
Þangel him seide wat hit was al þat he seȝ þere
Þat hit was purgatorie & menye soulen were
Þulke þat were at noble bord & riche bedde also
Þat were men for wham þer was an vrþe moche god ido
Þat freondes leuede bihynden hem þat massen lete singe
& god dude for Godes loue here soulen of pyne to bringe
Hi þat acale & afyngred were & no god nemiȝte fynde
Þat were hi þat nadde an vrþe no freond hem bihynde
To lete for hem masse singe ne almesdede for hem do
Þerfore as helplese men in meseise hi ȝeode so
& eke quaþ þangel þat þu telle þe pope herof sone
Þat me holde Alle Soulen day as riȝt is to done
& as wide as Holi Churche þat he makie his heste


Þe morwe after Alle Halewen day þat me holde þulke feste
Þat ech man ententifliche as forþ as he may
For alle þe soulen in purgatorie bidde þulke day
Þat þe pore þat naþ no freond þat for him by name do
Þurf bede of Cristene men iholpe mowe beo so
Þe gode man aros vp anon þo he seȝ al þis
& herede God of þe siȝte as he wel auȝte iwis
Þe pope he tolde al þe cas þat he iseȝ þo þere
So þo me huld þulke festen heȝere þan hi euere er were
Oure Louerd fond furst purgatorie men þeron to wende
Þat here penance her an vrþe ne broȝte noȝt to ende
& þat men of simple synne of wham hi ischriue nere
In þulke turment lyuede þer forte hi ibet were
& men ek þat were ischryue & here schrift fonge also
Of a fol preost & noȝt ynouȝ to þe synne þat was ido
Þulke schulle furst go to purgatorie forte hit beo to ende ibroȝt
Þe penance acordant to here synne & after þe preoste noȝt
For if þe preost enioigneþ penance þat ne beo noȝt ful ynouȝ
In purgatorie hit worþ iȝulde & elles hit were wouȝ
For penance is in [þre] manere lasse oþer more
[Oþer] euene after a manes sinne & noȝt after þe preostes lore
If hit is more þan þe sinne & a man hit do iwis
Al hit schal in heuene turne to eching of his blis
If he is euene to þe sinne þe sinne he wole aquenche
Ac noȝt if he is to lute ech man him þerof þenche
& to a fol [prest] ne triste he noȝt þat to lute penance him set
For siker her oþer elleswhar eche synne worþ ibet


Þat on is penance of Ianekyn & of Robinet þe wylde
Of Annot & of Malekyn þat wolde habbe þane preost mylde
Þulke preost hi siggeþ is god ynou God schilde ous fram his loþ
Go we to sire Gilbert he nis neuere wroþ
He wole ous schryue nesche ynou & oure synne al forȝyue
Bi God whan hi habbeþ al ido hi goþ hom vnyschryue
For here penance schal beo so lute þat here Gibolot & hi also
Schulle gon an alre deuele wei bote God nyme ȝeme þerto
Þer nis no confort in purgatorie bote of one þinge
Þat is hope of ioye siþþe þat oure Louerd hem wole to bringe
Whan men in here deþ vuele beoþ & here penance is iset
& he nemai an vrþe beo forte hit beo ibet
So repentant hi mowe beo þat oure Louerd hit wole forȝyue
Wiþoute purgatorie if he is wel ischryue
Ac if his penance him is iȝyue whan he mot hunne wende
Þerof þat he is ischryue he nemai hit her bringe to ende
On of his nexte freond þat hit miȝte wel for him do
Ac four þinges he moste habbe þat scholde take on so
Gret loue þer moste nede beo þat bituene hem were
Wiþoute loue & deol of hurte such þing noȝt worþ nere
& if hi were ek of one blode þe betere hit were iwis
Ac stedefast loue & deol of hurte al þe maistrie þerof is
Þoþer þing is þat he schal þurf deþ hunnes wende
& nemai habbe no space her his penance to bringe to ende
Þe þridde þing is þat hit mot beo þurf his preostes rede
For nemai noman þer wiþoute fulenden his dede


Þe furde is þat me him take penance ynouȝ þerto
More þan him þat þe synne dude if he miȝte þe penance do
For he wolde for oþeres sinne suche penance her lede
More penance me mot him sette þan him þat dude þe dede
Þerfore whan eni of ȝoure freond haþ ibroȝt his lyf to fyne
Her ȝe mowe iseo hou ȝe mowe bringe him out of pyne
Forte bete his sinne in þisse manere ȝe mowe sikere beode
For Godes loue þencheþ þeron whan ȝoure freond habbeþ neode
In whiche stede nou is purgatorie menye wolde wite
Hit nis noȝt in o stede to alle men ac in vyue hit is iwrite
On is in þe firmament þer as þe grete brennyng is
Of fur þat haþ þer his stede & of sonne also iwis
Þoþer is in þeir aboue þer as þe gostes fleoþ
Þat turmentieþ hem nyȝt & day & neuere in reste ne beoþ
Þe þridde is an vrþe among ous here þe furde in watere is
Þe vyfte is vnder vrþe deope biside helle iwis
Seint Patrik þe while he an vrþe was a stede þerof fond
As God wolde biside þe hul of seint Brendan in Irland
For four þinges purgatorie in þis vyf stedes is
For some man schulde lasse þan oþer in turment beo iwis
& þat me miȝte þurf Godes help þe raþere in ioye hem bringe
& þat men were bi hem iwar bi auisioun & metinge
& for man diliteþ moche to synewy in one place
Þer he schal his sinne bete forte oure Louerd him ȝeue grace
A tale of fair ensample þerof we fyndeþ iwrite
For oure Louerd ous scheweþ such for we schulde iwite


A preost was while in a stede þat let him baþie ylome
Pryueiliche in a stede þat no man neȝ him ne come
So þat þer com ofte a man as hit were bi cas
& seruede him suyþe wel he nuste ho hit was
A day he makede halibred & þis man bitok
To mede for his swynche ac he hit anon forsok
Sire he seide y nemay hit noȝt for hit ihalewed is
& for ynam ȝut holi noȝt y nemai hit noȝt iwis

A Godes name quaþ þe preost ich hote & halsny þe
Þat þu me sigge what þu ert þat so lome comest to me
Ich was while of þis stede louerd þis oþer sede
Ich dilitede moche in þis stede to do a misdede
Al mi delit of þulke sinne was in þulke place
I ne bitte noȝt þe synne a lyue y nadde noȝt þe grace
& after [myn deþe] mi purgatorie þerfore her is
To bete mi sinne in þulke place þer as ich dude amis
Ac woldestou for me masse singe ich miȝte habbe milce & ore
Þat þu miȝt fynde þat ich am sauf whan þu nefyndest me no more
Þe preost song for him massen & oþer godnisse dude also
Siþþe he miste þis seli gost er soueniȝt were ido
For he wende to þe ioye of heuene þat he wel deore abouȝte
Þus meni man haþ his purgatorie þer he his synne wrouȝte
So mai par auenture dame Aldeþe þat naþ non oþer blis
Bote atom in hire alclyne þer al hire moker is
Þeȝ heo bidde at churche hire bedes hire þoȝt is atom more
Par auenture heo schal bete hire sinne þere & abugge hire loue sore


Men habbeþ her an vrþe purgatorie menie for þulke þinge
& meni to warny sum men hem help þerof to bringe
Meni man [is] purgatorie in watere haþ also
Þerof ich wole sigge ensample þat was while ido
Seint Thebaud þat bischop was hadde on his fot ane hote goute
Þat podagre icleped is he hadde þerof gret doute
As his fischeres wende afischeþ an hareuest al aboute
In here net hi nome a clomp of ys þerwiþ hi were proute
For þat ys þat was so cold hi leide to here louerdes fote
Aswagi wolde þe hote goute & bringe him so bote
Þis bischop Tebaud was wel glad þis ys he leide ofte
To his fot & eche tyme [] hit makede him liþe & softe
Þat þis ys was hol & sound hit ne [melte] for non hete
Seint Thebaud þoȝte þerof wonder & for noþing he nolde hit lete
A lute cri him þoȝte he hurde in þis ys a day þere
He coniurede hit a Godes name to sigge what hit were
Ich am hit seide a seli gost & in þis ys ich am here
In mi purgatori forte ich beo of myne synnes skere
Ac if þu woldest for Godes loue þritti massen singe
For me ich wot þu miȝtest out of pyne me bringe
Þe bischop grantede him wel fawe & bigan anon amorwe
Þe masse for þis seli gost to bringe hit out of sorewe
& song ech day after oþer þe deuel hadde gret onde
Þat þe gost scholde of pyne come his wrenches he gan fonde
For as þe bischop þe teoþe day his masse gan to singe
Al þe toun þe deuel hadde ibroȝt in fiȝtinge
Þe gode man bileuede his masse anon & orn among hem faste
& harmles þurf Godes grace passede atte laste
As he gan amorwe his masse þe cri cam al aboute


Þat þe toun bisiged was wiþ grete furde wiþoute
& ech man orn into al þe toun as witles al aboute
Þe bischop bileuede his masse anon & orn toward þe route
He maked pays among þe stronge men þat hi noþing ne reuede
Ac naþeles so þe tuey dayes his massen he bileuede
As he bigan his masse þe þridde day men hete out al aboute
For his court & moche of þe toun afure was wiþoute
Þeȝ hit al forberne quaþ þe bischop & ich me silue also
Inele todai fram þis weued er þis masse beo ido
So þat he song his masse forþ þat folc was busi wiþoute
To laui water & aquenche þat fur þat folc orn swiþe aboute
Þo þe masse was al ido þat fur aqueynte anon
Þer nas apeired noȝt an hous ac hol hi stode echon
Þulke þreo dayes þe deuel hadde þulke wo ido
For he wolde þe masse lette & pyny þe soule so
Þe bischop fond þat ys atom ymolte al to noȝte
Þo wiste he þat þurf his masse þe soule to ioye he broȝte
Meni þinges ane soule helpeþ þat in purgatorie is
As þreo þinges hem helpeþ mest tofore alle oþere iwis
Beden of men & almesdede & song of massen also
Þis þreo þinges beoþ best iwis & mest god wolleþ do
Þat bidde beden beoþ gode þat soþe ȝe mowe iwite
Bi a tale of a clerk þat we fyndeþ iwrite
A clerk hadde while a wone whan he bi churche come
To sigge for alle Cristene soule De profundis ilome
O tyme he com þerforþ late þeoues him come aboute
& assaillede him faste to robbi he nuste what do for doute
Þe bodies þat were ibured þere his bedes hi ȝulde anon
Hi come wiþ wepne him to helpe & sturte forþ euerechon


Euerech wiþ such maner wepne as we vsieþ alyue
Plouȝ man wiþ his aker staf schutere wiþ bowe & knyue
Aboute þis þeoues hi come echon & gonne hem to dryue
To here put hi wende siþþe aȝe þe clerk hamward blyue
& þus his beden were iȝulde þat he bad er ofte
Ich am siker aweiward þe þeoues ne makede here pas noȝt softe
For ich wot non of ȝou nescholde hem habbe so sore agaste
A wonder bataille hit was on hadde hit longe ilaste
For ich wene þer nis no champioun þat hadde þer ibeo
Þat nadde sone ynome his red hamward forto fleo
Almesdede doþ gret god þe soule also mid alle
Þat ȝe mowe iseo bi a cas þat a knyȝt dude bifalle
A godman while þat het Steuene to his endinge drouȝ
A knyȝt his freond for his deþ makede deol ynouȝ
& dude for him gret almesdede boþe nyȝt & day
Þerfore as he lai & slep gret miracle he say
Him þoȝte he seȝ a sliper brugge swiþe long & heȝ
A deope water & swart byneþe a fair mede þer was neȝ
Wiþ swote smel & faire floures vpe þe brugge he seȝ gon
Wiþ grete meseise fele men & fulle in to þe water anon
& meni he seȝ þer vppe gon al sauf wiþoute drede
& meni wiþ ioye & blisse ynou pleyinge in þe mede
Vpe þe brugge him þoȝte he seȝ go in wrechede
Steuene for wham he dude þe grete almesdede
Blake men þer were byneþe þat adounward him drowe
Oþere þer were in white cloþe þat vp him hulde ynowe
Bituene hem ilaste þe noyse longe ech drouȝ oþer aȝen faste
Ac euere hadde þe white men þe maistrie atte laste
Þat were þe almesdede þat for him were ido
Þat þe knyȝt dude for his soule þat drowe him vpward so
Þe blake men þat him doneward drowe þat were his liþere dede
Þat wolde him to pyne drawe if hi miȝte for almesdede


Massen also doþ gret god boþe quike & dede
Þat ȝe mowe ihure bi þis tale & bi oþere þat ich sede
Men were while in a contray þeras a roche stod
Me wende þat þer vnder were gret tresour & god
So þat hi gonne þerafter delue & to wroþere hele atte laste
For vpe hem ful þe roch adoun & hem ouercaste
& sloȝ hem alle bote o man as hit were bi cas
In a maner dich he ful & lay þe roche aboue him was
So þat he nemiȝte noȝt of þe stede ac biputted lay þere
His wyf nuste noȝt of his lyf oc wende þat he ded were
To churche heo wende eche day & let ane masse singe
A lof & wyn & a candle to þe weued heo wolde bringe
& al for hire louerdes soule heo nebileuede noȝt o day
Þe deuel hadde herto gret onde þo he hit isay
As þis wyf ȝeode to churche a day þe deuel cam hire to
& seide þat heo ȝeode for noȝt þe masse was ido
Alle þe þreo dayes þe schrewe bitraide hire so
& þurf his false lore aȝenward makede hire go
& hire offring bere hom þat heo was woned to do
Þe furde day ȝut he com & lette wolde hire þo
Þis wyf þat ileouede him ful wel er þo nolde heo noȝt so
Ac wende to churche & fond þat soþe þat he þat heo mette
Þe deuel was to bitraye hire [] & of hire godnisse hire lette
Sone hit ful þer afterward þat men of þe toune
Wende to bete vp þulke roche þat þer lay adoune
& wende to fynde som tresour & wende & dolue faste
Þe seli man dradde byneþe þat hi þe roche vpe him caste
Delueþ he seide warliche þat ȝe ne sle me noȝt
Þo were þis oþere sore agast & were in gret þoȝt
Ac naþeles hi dolue so biside þat hi to him come


Hi him fonde ligge hol & sound wiþ gret ioye vp hi him nome
Hi eschte hou he hadde ilyued þat hunger him ne slouȝ
Certes he seide ich habbe ihaued mete & drinke ynouȝ
For a lof & a picher wyn mi wyf me sende eche day
& a berninge candle þat me liȝte þe while ich her lay
Bote þreo dayes þis oþer dai noþing heo ne me sende
Ich was neȝ for hunger ded oc heo gan amende
& sende me as heo dude er & fedde me wel mid alle
Alle wyue worþe hire best & best hire mote bifalle
Bi þis miracle me mai iseo & bi meni oþer also
Þat massen & almesdede gret god þe soule mowe do
Þuse godnisses nulleþ noȝt helpe alle iliche iwis
For of men þat hunne wendeþ meni maner þer is
Oþer riȝt god oþer vuel oþer bituene tuo
Godhede helpeþ somme lute þat me wole for hem do
If hi riȝt gode beoþ hi nabbeþ no neode mid alle
Of non vrþlich godnisse þat hem wole þer bifalle
For in þe ioye of heuene hi beoþ as hi were bifore
Ac naþeles þat me for hem doþ neworþ hit noȝt forlore
For hit schal moche hem silue helpe þat þulke godnisse deþ
& alle Cristene soules ek þat in purgatorie beoþ
Þreo maner men þer beoþ gode þat wendeþ to heuene anon
Whan hi of þis wordle fareþ ȝunge childrene þat beoþ þat on
Þat deide after here Cristendom er hi dude to quede
& martirs þat for Godes loue in strong turment beoþ dede
Þe þridde maner beoþ clene men þat er hi hunne wende
Alle here sinnes beteþ her as oure Louerd grace hem doþ sende
Þuse þreo [maner] men nemowe noȝt in purgatorie bileue


Ac smyteþ þurf as quicliche as liȝting doþ an eue
Hi nemowe noȝt bileue þer for whan hi wendeþ hunne
Clene hi beoþ of alle synnes þerfore hi nabbeþ noþing to brenne
For as wode & col wele fede þe fur þat her is
Also sinne fedeþ þat fur in purgatorie iwis
Anon as þe synne berneþ awei þe soule to heuene geþ
Ac wel sone þurf he fliȝþ þat in clannisse þoleþ deþ
As doþ þulke þreo maner men as ich ȝou er of sede
For heuene openeþ hem aȝe as sone as hi beoþ dede
& þat hit beo soþ of alle þreo ensample ȝe mowe iseo
Aȝen children ifulled heuene iopened beo
As oure Louerd was of vyf & tuenti ȝer & tuelf dayes þerto
Er he was ifulled as þe godspel ous telleþ so
Er þulke tyme non vrþlich man nemiȝte neuere wite
Þat heuene openede him aboue as we fyndeþ iwrite
Bote þo he was ifulled of þe holi man seint Iohn
Aboue his heued wiþ gret liȝt heuene openede anon
What bitoknede þulke openinge þat þo was & raþere noȝt
Bote þat þurf Cristendom man was furst to heuene ibroȝt
& þat heuene dore was faste ymaked er Cristendom were
& þat aȝe þe furste Cristendom heuene openede þere
& þat heuene dore iopened is to Cristene men also
& to ȝunge childrene forte hi habbe hit þurf synne ido
For hi schulleþ whan hi hunne wendeþ heuene dore ope fynde
For hi nebereþ wiþ hem no synne to drawe hem bihynde
Ac quic hi doþ as liȝtinge þurf purgatorie gon
& heuene dore fyndeþ ope & wendeþ in anon
Gret folie hit is to wepe as man is iwoned to done


For ȝunge childrene þat deyeþ so þat in heuene beoþ so sone
Away mi child saiþ þe dame þat snyueleþ bi þe wowe
Bi Crist heo auȝte þonki God þat nom hit for his owe
Aȝen martirs þat gode beoþ heuene iopened is
Þat me mai bi þe martirdom iseo of seinte Steuene iwis
For þo me him to deþe hende to heuene he bihuld anheȝ
& heuene openede him aȝen as he anheȝ iseȝ
Lo he seide nou ich iseo þurf Iesu Cristes sonde
Heuene iopened & Godes sone in his fader riȝt hond stonde
Þe furste martir þat euere was & þat euere an vrþe com
After oure Louerdes passioun to holde vp Cristendom
Aȝen him heuene openede riȝt as he þe deþ nom
To tokne þat he wolde so aȝen ech god martirdom
& þeȝ hi were somdel in synne here deþ þo hi nome
Here blod hem wolde þerof wasche er hi to purgatorie come
Men also of clene lyue þat in clannisse here lyf endeþ
Heuene openeþ hem aȝe whan hi hunne wendeþ
Þat me mai iseo bi ensample of seint Iohn þewangelist
Clennere þan he nas neuere man wiþoute Iesu Crist
He seȝ in þapocalips þat his owe bok is
Þat he seȝ heuene dore aȝen him openy iwis
What bitokneþ þulke openinge bote þat he scholde iseo also
Aȝen hem alle þat clene were heuene dore vndo
Vrþlich god helpeþ lute such men iwis
For hi nabbeþ þerto no neode whan hi beoþ in heuene blis
Ac þanne hit helpeþ hem silue moche þat doþ þulke gode dede
& alle þat beoþ in purgatorie as ich ȝou er sede
Ho þat is ek in helle pyne hit helpeþ him lute also
Eni godnisse þat me mai an vrþe for him do


For seint Austin saiþ if he wiste þat his fader in helle were
No more he nolde for him bidde þan for a deuel þere
Ac euere hit helpeþ hem þat hit doþ of Cristenene men also
For no godnisse nis forlore þat me wole an vrþe do
Ac bedes oþer almesdede helpeþ lute of freond oþer of kynne
Bote hi wiþoute wraþþe beo & wiþoute dedlich synne
Ac masse nis neuere þe wors of wham he beo ido
Þeȝ hit beo of a sinful preost of non oþer þing hit nis so
For þulke dede him is so heȝ þat hit nemai aperri noȝt
For no wrecche preost þat hit doþ þeȝ he beo in synne ibroȝt
Þat þe masse ne beo þe wors ich swerie bi mi swere
He þat him singþ in dedliche synne hit schal abugge dure
For sire Gilbert whan he haþ ymassed his lyf he wole so diȝte
Atte tauerne he is aday & bi his quene bi nyȝte
He saiþ whan me clipeþ him preost site stille gode fere
Þe preost hongeþ at churche & ich am nouþe here
His cope oþer his surpliȝ þe preost he saiþ þat is
Ac his cope schal bileue atom whan he schal to helle iwis
Ho so wole þat a ded man of his godnisse afonge
Do hit bityme for þe dede þencheþ after longe
& þat hit beo soþ me mai iseo bi a wonder cas
Þat biful while bi a kniȝt þat wiþ Charles þe kyng was
Þe kyng Charles a dai his ost to strong bataille gan lede
On of his kniȝtes þat wiþ him wende of þe deþe gan drede
A cosyn he hadde in þe route þat to him he þoȝte he miȝte
Mest triste of alle men & so he scholde mid riȝte
Leoue cosyn he seide if ich am her to deþe ibroȝt
Mi stede sul & do for mi soule þat þu nebileue hit noȝt


Þis kniȝt triste to his meyes word þat bihet do his bone
And in to þe bataille wend forþ as riȝt was to done
& fauȝt þe while þat he miȝte & aslawe was attan ende
His cosyn nom his stede sone & hamward gan wende
& to his owe bihoue hulþ hit faste & þoȝte forto done
As moche for þe knyȝtes soule whan he miȝte eftsone
Þis kniȝt com to him sone gostliche in priueite
Leoue cosyn he seide late þu dost þat þu bihete me
Þu makedest me beo in purgatorie soueniȝt mid iwisse
& nou ich am in þe ioye of heuene & þerof þu schalt misse
For þu schalt in þisse daye to þe pyne of helle wende
For þe tricherie þat þu dudest & þer beo wiþouten ende
Þis seli gost wende forþ anon & þis false man wel sone
Deide & wende adeuelewey as he seruede to done
Her mowe þis false executours beo iwar bi þis tale
Þat moche habbeþ of dede men & deleþ þerof smale
Ac þencheþ whan hi riche beoþ to ȝulde hit wel iwis
Þe soule longeþ þerafter sore þat in purgatorie is
He abideþ longe here richesce here god is euere bihynde
Hi schulle go in alre deuele wey & þer here mede fynde
Nou Iesu þat ous deore abouȝte þat we ofte do amis
Of oure soules þu haue merci & bring ous to heuene blis
To oure owe heritage þat þu ous bouȝtest to
Ne leos ous noȝt þat þu deore abouȝtest þeȝ we somdel misdo

[Seint Leonard þe confessour ]

Seint Leonard þe confessour a londe ȝeode her
After þat God an vrþe com aboute vyf hondred ȝer
His freond & his kynnesmen þe gretteste maystres were


In þe kynges hous of France grettere none nere
Seint Leonard was also gret mayster wiþ þe kynge
Of þat he wolde wiþ him do he ne wornde him noþinge
He grantede þat þe prisouns þat he bad fore echon
Vp al his lond þat hi scholde delyured beo anon
Þis holi man wende aboute to prisouns wide
Whan he fond eny of lute gult he ne let hem no leng abide
Þo me clepe him prisones louerd & ȝut me doþ also
For non halewe of prisouns so fair miracle nas ido
Þe kyng of France bisoȝte him faste bi al his miȝte
To bileue stabliche wiþ him bi daye & bi niȝte
Forte þer fulle a bischopriche þat he him miȝte bitake
Seint Leonard hit nolde noȝt ac outriȝt hit gan forsake
He wende forþ aȝen his wille & bad him habbe god day
Furst he wende to Orliens to prechi Godes lay
Longe he prechede þer aboute þat folc forto lere
Siþþe he wende to Aquitayne forte prechi þere
Eche day he wolde at toune beo & prechi Godes lawe
Anyȝt he wolde at wode beo & ligge vnder þe schawe
To beo on his oreisouns ac anon so hit gan dawe
Aboute he wolde to speke of God some gode sawe
Þe kyng hadde in þulke wode noble court & heȝ
To soiourny in & hunti whan he tyme iseȝ
Þe quene was mid childe gret þider me gan hire bringe
To beo þer in solace in hire child beringe
As heo was in trauayl heo nemiȝte hit ouercome noȝt
Heo pynede so sore þat heo was anon to þe deþe ibroȝt
Gret deol makede þe kyng & his þe crie me hurde wide
Þo seint Leonard ihurde þis he gan herkny & abide
Þo he hurde hit was of men he gan þider wende
If God wolde amendement þurf his bone sende


To þe kyng he wende anon & eschte what him were
Beo glad he seide for of þe quene þu neschalt haue no fere
A merci quaþ þe kyng þo al mi lond ich wole ȝyue
Ho so hit miȝte þerto bringe þat heo miȝte lyue
Of þe child ne rouȝte ich noȝt moste ich habbe hire lyf
Sire quaþ þis holi man let [me] iseo þi wyf
If ich mai hire to lyue bringe & þat child also
Þurf mi Louerdes suete grace nere hit noȝt wel ido
Me brouȝte þis gode man to þe quene þat lay al atte deþe
Ouercome heo was so clene þat vneþe heo miȝte breþe
Þis gode man dude his oreisoun & sat adoun akneo
Þat oure Louerdes poer in þe place þat folc moste iseo
Þat þe quene moste to lyue come & þat child also
Forte cuþe his swete miȝte þat oþer þing mai do
Þe quene anon mid þis word delyured was of childe
In gode lyue & eke hire child þer was oure Louerd mylde
Þo þe kyng iseȝ þe quene al sauf & þat child also
For ioye he nuste what he miȝte mid seint Leonard do
He bad him nyme of al his god clanliche what he wolde
I ne kepe quaþ þis holi man of þi siluer ne of þi golde
Bote o place þat ich mote in Godes seruice lyue
Certes ich wole quaþ þe kyng al þis wode þe ȝyue
Ne kepe ich quaþ seint Leonard nomore þerof abyde
Bote þat ich mai mid myn asse in one nyȝte ofride
Ich granti þe quaþ þe kyng newend þu noȝt so wide
Þeȝ he were as quic as eni best bi þe wodes side
Þis gode man vpe þis asse wende aboute þis wode wel stille
& birod as moche place as he hadde to wille
Þe king þo hit ymete was let hit walli al aboute
After his wil he let þer rere noble hous & proute


Þer seint Leonard monek bicom as hit an abbay were
Monekes he nom in to him oure Louerdes lawe to lere
A religioun he bigan of ordre swiþe stronge
Clerkes þat to gode drowe he gan sone afonge
Ner þan a god myle way ne water þer nas neȝ
Hit ne likede noȝt seint Leonard þo he defaute iseȝ
He openede a lute in þe vrþe & his oreisoun made
A fair wel þer sprong vp þat me miȝte fur bi wade
Þo miȝten hi habbe water ynou þe while þe hous ilaste
Þurf God & seint Leonard þat here grace þerto caste
Prisones louerd seint Leonard wel wide icliped was
Oure Louerd schowede for him fair miracle & noȝt for noȝt hit nas
For whan prisouns cride on him meni wiþ dreorie chere
Here bendes gonne to berste atuo & hi delyured were
& menie come to þonki him & here feteres wiþ hem bere
& meni to serui Iesu Crist bileuede wiþ him þere
Somme men wiþ alle here freond þat were of his kynne
Þo hi hurde telle of him solde lond & wynne
& wende & wonede þer wiþ him holi lyf to lede
Þis holi man of Godes lawe gan prechi hem & rede
So fair miracle as he dude noman nowhar nuste
Meni sike men hadde bote þat to him wolde triste
Atte laste þat he scholde deye longe bifore he wiste
His breþeren he let clipie & myldeliche hem custe
To wende to þe ioye of heuene þat God after him sende
Gret deol makede his breþeren þo he hunne wende
If oure Louerd dude an vrþe fair miracle bi his lyue
After þat he hunne wende he dude suche vyue
For miracle þat þer was so moche folc þider gan falle
Þat þe place nowhar neȝ nemiȝte susteny alle
Þat folc cride þo on oure Louerd þreo dayes & þreo niȝt


Þat he schulde if his wille were þerof do som insiȝt
Þo seȝen hi þe contrai al aboute iheled al mid snowe
& amidde a place fair & grene þat me miȝte hit mowe
Þo seȝe hi þat oure Louerd wolde þat seint Leonard leye þere
Hi lete him bere þider anon & fair churche arere
Þat al þat folc þat þider com nemiȝte fulle þe place
Whan oure Louerd him hadde ichose þurf his swete grace
So meni miracle of seint Leonard þer habbeþ an vrþe icome
Of prisouns þat y nemai forbere bote ich telle of some
Þe scherreue of Leouns veteres makede stronge
In þe heȝe tour of þe castel he let hem faste honge
Anheȝ þat ech man hem iseȝe þat bi þe weye gan wende
& pyni mankynne þat þerinne was hem forto schende
Þat men þat seȝe such turment þe sorere wolde drede
Leste hi were þer inne ido to do eni misdede
So þat he nom a true man for so lute lesinge
& let him bynde swiþe faste & in þe feteres him bringe
Þis seli man was mid pyne & sor ibroȝt al to deþe
To seint Leonard he cride a niȝt as he miȝte speke vneþe
Seint Leonard com a niȝt to him in swiþe white wede
For þu me hast ȝurne ibede ich am her he sede
Arys vp & com wiþ me hunne ich wole þe lede
Þis stronge feteres nym wiþ þe naue þu none drede
Vp aros þis holi man wiþ wel glade chere
His feteres toburste anon atuo for hi bicome wel sere
Seint Leonard him ladde forþ his felawe as he were
To þe churche þer he inne lay & his feteres heng vp þere
Euere as hi wende bi þe wey seint Leonard wiþ him tolde
As hit were his felawe bi þe wei he gan him holde
Þis scherreue cam anoþer dai & his feteres souȝte
Of his wraþþe he tolde lute þat him þanne brouȝte


He miȝte beo wroþ soue ȝer er he enes rouȝte
Oþer bendes he moste make for þulke nere noȝt toȝte
A liþer man of gret poer in anoþer stede was also
A gulteles man he hadde ynome & in strong prisoun ido
He hurde telle of seint Leonard þat he prisones freond was
Fram him he þoȝte his prisoun wite mid sum queynte cas
He let of lym & of ston makie a gret put
Mid stronge dores of ire þane mouþ he hadde idut
Anoueward þulke falling dore þo þe gode man was þer inne
He let makie of ire a strong hucche wiþ wel queynte ginne
Þerinne he dude stronge men þe prisoun forto wite
Þat seint Leonard þerinne necome bote he were vnderȝite
Bote þurf þe hucche he nemiȝte noȝt come þer neȝ
& to come among suche laddes he moste beo somdel sleȝ
Þis seli man þat was byneþe in strong prisoun ibroȝt
On seint Leonard cride faste þat he neforȝete him noȝt
A nyȝt him cam þis holi man þis hucche he fond furst þere
Sone he weluede hire vp & doun & alle þat þerinne were
Siþþe he brak þe dores of ire as louerd he wende adoun
Wiþ gret liȝt of heuene & spac wiþ þe prisoun
Slepestou he seide ich am icome þat þu hast icleped so
Godes disciple Leonard woltou oȝt habbe ido
Louerd him seide þis seli man as wis ich bidde þe
As ich am gulteles her ido an vrþe help þu me
Anon riȝt þis seli man þe feteres al to brak
& bituene his armes bar him forþ & noman to him nespak


& so him to his owe hous he bar bituene his arme
& bad him god man forto beo & witie him eft fram harme
Þe liþere men mid al here gin febliche agonne
Hi miȝte honge vp here axe for lute hi hadde iwonne
A liþer man in Alemaigne a vncouþ pelegrim nom
& brouȝte him in prisoun strong & ȝaf him his dom
Þat bote his freond him wolde bugge he scholde bileue þere
Forte he þer inne of lyue ibroȝt were
To þe louerd of þe castel seint Leonard a niȝt com
& het him delyuri his seriant þat he wiþ vnriȝt nom
Þat oþer niȝt eftsone [he com] & þe þridde niȝt also
He het him delyuri his seriant & neuere he nolde hit do
Seint Leonard [ladde] þis [seli] man of prisoun among hem alle
Þe heȝe tour of þe castel after him gan falle
& sloȝ al þe folc þat þerinne was bote þe louerd one
Ac boþe his legges toberste atuo þurf falling of a stone
Þat neuereft nemiȝt he iheled beo of flesche ne of bone
Crokede he was al his lyf he nuste to wham makie his mone
Me þinȝþ hit hadde ibeo wel ido þeȝ his necke hadde ibeo atuo
Þe schrewe miȝte beo þo iwar gulteles men misdo
A kniȝt was ek in Britaigne in strong prisoun ibrouȝt
To seint Leonard he cride ȝurne þat he hadde ofte isoȝt
Strong wardeyns þer were ouer him boþe nyȝt & day
Þer he in strong veteres in stronge prisoun lay
Among alle þis wardeyns seint Leonard com
As maister þurf hem alle wende & þe kniȝt out nom
His bendes he daschte furst atuo & nom him bi þe hond
Þurf out alle his wardeyns to his owe lond


His veteres he tok on his hond & forþ wiþ hem he ber
To þe chapel of seint Leonard & among oþere [heng] hem þer
Þer neþerfte non of þe wardeyns ane word speke wiþ mouþe
Such man mai wel maister hote þat so hem agaste couþe
Þe miracles þat he þe prisouns dude nemai no tunge telle
Nou God schulde ous for loue of seint Leonard fram þe prisoun of helle

[Seint Martin was ibore ]

Seint Martin was ibore in þe lond of Tabarie
Wel ȝung he was ynorisched in þe lond of Papie
An heȝ knyȝt his fader was & al maister of þe furde
In Constantines hous þemperour & al his ost sturde
In bataille ȝung he brouȝte his sone þer on him to lere
Non hurte nadde he þerto for hi heþene were
For his hurte him bar euere to God þeȝ he Cristne nere
He seȝ þat þe bileue nas naȝt þat hi bileouede þere
To churche þo he was ten ȝer old stilleliche he wende
& bihet oure Louerd Cristene to beo whan he þe tyme him sende
Þemperour sende in to al þat lond to eche olde kniȝte
Þat þe sone schulde in bataille for his fade[r] fiȝte
So þat seint Martin nas bote of vyftene ȝer
Þo þe armes of his fader in to bataille [h]e ber
A wyn[ter] as þis child rod bi þe wey alone
A pouere man he mette naked þat sore for chile gan grone
Seint Martin breid out his swerd as we fyndeþ in bok
His mantel he carf half atwo & þis pouere man bitok
Ac he bihuld sone afterward vp into heuene anheȝ
Wiþ his helue mantel iheled oure Louerd Crist he seȝ
Lo he seide to his angles þis neworþ me noȝt bireued
Martin þat is heþene ȝut hermid me haþ biweued


Þo seint Martin þis ihurde & oure Louerd iseȝ þere
Glad ne bliþe nolde he beo er he icristned were
Eiȝtetene ȝer he was old þo he icristned was
Þat he hadde so longe abide ofte he seide allas
Ac al þe tuo ȝer afterward in bataille he wende
For his fader wide aboute as his fader him sende
Hit biful of a gret bataille þat þemperour hadde ynome
He het alle his kniȝtes clene sone to him come
Seint Martin he het wiþ hem wende & armes wiþ hem take
Certes sire quaþ seint Martin þin armes ich habbe forsake
Ich am Iesu Cristes kniȝt & so ich habbe ibeo longe
Non oþer armes bote his ynele neuereft afonge
Hey coward quaþ þemperour nou þu sparest for fere
To fiȝte wiþ þi felawes as þi riȝt were
Sire quaþ seint Martin þat soþe þu schalt iseo
Of þyn armes nekepe y noȝt ac þe furste ich wole beo
Alone ich wole tofore þin ost naked to bataille
Mi Louerdes miȝte þu schalt iseo for he me nele noȝt faille
Þo þis furde ȝare was seint Martin wende anon
Vnyarmed & his swerd adrawe among his fon echon
Þo þat he among hem com þer nas of hem noȝt on
Þat miȝte more hebbe vp his hond þan miȝte þe dede ston
Þe maistrie hi [ȝ]ulde vp anon bote þat hi hulde him alyue
Seint Martin clepede his felawes & he[t] hem com blyue
& seide þu sixt sire emperour which is mi Louerdes miȝte
Er ȝe alle hadde þus ido moche me moste fiȝte
Nou þu hast alle þine fon iwonne þonke God & noȝt me
Haue god day for ynele nou nomore serui þe
He nom his leue & wende forþ he nolde no leng abide
To þe holi bischop seint Hillari þat wonede þer biside


Of him accolit he was ymaked & dude al bi his dede
Oure Louerd to him sende a niȝt & þuse wordes seide
Ich hote þe Martin þat þu go ofte among þi kynne
Spek wiþ hem if þu miȝt oȝt hem bringe of synne
Þeȝ hi heþene beo ne lef þu noȝt þerfore
For god man schal his kyn honure þat he was of ibore
Ac þu schalt suffri gret anuy as þu gost aboute
Ac þe while þu mi grace hast neschal þe noþing doute
Þis gode man as oure Louerd him het to his kyn gan wende
Bi þe wey he mette stronge outlawes here bowes hi gonne bende
Sone þis gode man hi nome & makede him stronge wounde
Forþ hi ladden him to sle his honden faste ibounde
Þis outlawes eschte wher he were so sore ofdrad euere
Certes quaþ þis holi man so siker nas ich neuere
For mi Louerdes help nis nowhar so neȝ as he is in care
So moche is þerto myn hope y nerecche hou ich fare
Of Iesu Crist he tolde so wiþ hem þat him nome
Þat hi him lete go al sauf & Cristene bicome
Þis gode man ȝeode forþ alone & þe deuel aȝen him com
In faire manere he eschte of him whoder þane wey he nom
Ich wole go quaþ þis gode man as oure Louerd wole lede me
Whoder þu go þoþer seide þe deuel wole beo aȝe þe
Ȝe quaþ þis gode man þu most wel mid him also
For whanne mi Louerd is myn help y nereche what oþere me do
Þis gode man ȝeode among his kyn his moder Cristene he made
His fader nolde Cristene beo for al þat hi him bade
Seint Martin fond a ȝung man ded þat wel wiþ him was
Þat bileouede on oure Louerd ac icristned he nas
Gret deol makede þis holi man þat he nere icristned er


To his tumbe he ȝeode & bad for him & wep meni o ter
Þo gan þis dede man fram deþe arise to lyue
Martin he seide ihered beo þu & oure Louerdes woundes fyue
Mi soule was to helle ilad as alle beoþ of oure cunde
Ac tuei angles þurf Godes grace of me hadde munde
& seide oure Louerd þat ich hadde þi disciple ibeo
Þerfore oure Louerd me dude grace for þe loue of þe
& let mi soule to þe bodi for þi loue hider bringe
Cristendom par charite ich esche bifore alle þinge
Gret ioye hadde þis holi man of þat ilke cas
He nolde parti fram him noȝt er he icristned was
Þat folc nom siþþe seint Martyn for he was so god
& makede him bischop of Tureyne moche aȝen his mod
Tuei myle wiþoute þe cite an abbay he let rere
Fourscore monekes of gode lyue he let sette þere
Wiþ hem he lyuede al in pees as he here souereyn were
He newende noȝt out bote for neode þat folc forto lere
In so holi lyf he was þat he hadde to his heste
Fur treo & wormes ek & þe cunde of fowel & beste
Fur wolde his heste do for o tyme an hous brende
Þurf strong wynd þat bleu þat fur to seint Martines hous hit wende
Er þis gode man hit vnderȝet ibrend hit hadde þat on ende
Seint Martin het a Godes name þat fur aȝe wende
Þat fur anon to his heste aȝe þe wynd gan wynde
To þe stede fram whan hit com & ne bileuede noȝt bihynde
& dude aȝe þe cunde of fur aȝe þe wynd to fleo
Þer me seȝ þat fur nemiȝte aȝen his heste beo
As ich seide er to his heste he hadde þe cunde of treo
As bi a fair miracle of him me mai iseo
A dai as vnder a treo he prechede Godes lawe


Þe liþere men þat þerbi stode þoȝte him bringe of dawe
Hi gonne to sawy atuo þis treo toward þis holi manne
Þat hit him afalle scholde for freond nadde he þer nanne
Þurf noyse of þe crusinge þe gode man ihurde
Þat þe treo ful toward him sone he him biturnde
He het þe treo a Godes name vpward aȝe turne
Þis treo aros vp anon for hit nolde his heste worne
& ouerful in þat oþer side meni of his fon
Hi þat ileouede lete hem sone cristni euerechon
Þe wormes buyde for as he wende bi a wateres brymme
A grislich addre aȝen him com bi þe watere swymme
Ich hote þe quaþ þis holi man þat þu aȝe wende
Þat þu neuereft her ne come nowhar in þis ende
Þis worm him turnde anon aȝe as þis holi man het
& swam faste in to anoþer lond & þulke contray forlet
Foweles dude his heste also for as he gan bi a watere gon
He seȝ douedoppes cacche fisch & swolewe hem anon
Allas quaþ þis gode man þis is þe deueles manere
Gulteles þing & vnywar swolewe as he doþ here
& þing þat non harm nedoþ bote weneþ in pees to beo
So awaiteþ þe deuel euere his preye forto seo
Þis foweles he het a Godes name echone hunne teo
Þat hi schulde into wyldernisse out of þe watere fleo
Þat hi neuereft þer necome gulteles þing to take
Þis foweles anon mid þe word þanneward gonne schake
Bestes dude also his heste for as he wende aboute
He seȝ after an hare vrne grihoundes a gret route
Awey he seide þis seli best þat noþing nedoþ amis
Þis foule houndes hit wolleþ gnawe gulteles as hit is
Þis grihoundes he het abide anon & þat best do no wo
Anon hi stente & ȝeode aȝen & lete þat best forþ go
To fewe such freond hi fyndeþ haren þat beoþ ydryue


Ten hondred þousend pound hi wolde for such an hunte ȝyue
Aboute his o man þer come also houndes meni on
So kene þat he nemiȝte him wite ne help nadde he non
Ich hote ȝou he seide a Godes name & in Martines mi louerd also
Þat ȝe me lete apays wende his erande forto do
Þis houndes anon mid þisse worde gonne to stonde stille
& turnde euerech in his wei to do seint Martines wille
A cou also þat gydi was orn aboute in þe londe
& sloȝ bestes & eke men whan heo fond eni stonde
Noþing nemiȝte hire stonde aȝe so strong þe schrewe was
Aȝen seint Martin heo cam vrne as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Sore were þis men adrad þe gode man hire het anon
A Godes name stonde stille and noȝt ane fot fur gon
Þis best þeȝ hit gydi were anon hit gan abide
Seint Martin iseȝ þane deuel anoueward hire rugge ride
Liþere þing he seide what dostou þere euere þu dost to quede
Whi trauaillestou þis seli best þat ne doþ no misdede
Acursed þing þu wend awei ne com hire neȝ nomore
Þe schrewe wende anon awei wepinge wel sore
He nemiȝte bote his heste do nomore þan þe cou
Þo þe cou delyured was as ȝe hureþ nou
To seint Martin heo ȝeode softe & ful adoun anon
& schok hire heued him to þonki as heo nolde fram him gon
Seint Martin hire het vp arise & to hire felawes wende
To him heo loute & ȝeode forþ hom to hire owene ende
Apostles fere seint Martin was for þe Holi Gost aliȝte
In him as in þapostles dude in forme of fur briȝte
A dai as þis gode man sat alone in his celle
His priue men abide him wiþoute & ihurden him loude telle


As þeȝ hit a womman were hi hurde wiþ him speke
Þerof hem þoȝte wonder gret ne þerften hi noȝt in breke
Þo þis gode man siþþe out com hi fulle adoun akneo
Hi eschte of him what þe speche were þat wiþ him hadde ibeo
Ich ȝou mai telle quaþ þis gode man for ȝe beoþ to me priue
Hit was oure Leuedi & seint Anneis þat her inne were wiþ me
Of þe ioye of heuene hi speke wiþ me for ofte hi doþ so
Seint Peter & seint Poul me comeþ her ofte to
Seint Martin at Parys a mesel mette bicas
He custe him & anon þerafterward þe mesel hol man was
Me neseȝ him neuere enes wroþ ne liȝe neþemo
What so euere his men dude amis he wolde bi on go
In wel pore wede a dai he rod out vpe an asse
Heȝe men he mette bi þi wei þat tolde of him þe lasse
Here hors weren of him adrad for his pore cloþe
& fulde hem adoun & vrne abac þerfore hi were wroþe
Hi sturte vp & neme þis holi man & beoten him swiþe sore
He nespac wiþ hem noȝt o word þerfore hi beoten him þe more
Þo hi him hadde sore ibete hi him bileuede atan ende
Ligginge & worþe vpe here hors forþward forto wende
Ac here hors nolde go ane fot for al þat hi miȝte
Smyte mid ȝeord oþer mid spore er þat hi aliȝte
& cride merci þis gode man þat hi him hadde misdo
Ac here hors hem bere forþ anon þo hi toke on so
In an hous þe while hit brende he slep wiþoute harme
His cloþes brende al to cole he nevelde hit noȝt enes warme
Attan heȝ feste as he scholde þe heȝe masse singe
To churche he wende wiþ alle his men me gan aȝen him ringe


A pore man he mette naked þat noþing him nadde aboue
Som þing he bad to helie him wiþ for oure Louerdes loue
Seint Martin bad his arcedekne þat he him scholde ȝyue som cloþ
Þe arcedekne tolde þerof lute he nolde he swor his oþ
Bote cope iupe & curtel seint Martin on him nadde
His curtel he ȝaf þe pore man in an hous þer he him ladde
To churche wende þis gode man in his cope alone
He nemiȝte þe masse bigynne noȝt þat folc makede þerof mone
Whi neltou quaþ þis arcedekne þe masse bigynne
A pore man quaþ seint Martin som cloþ þu most er iwynne
Nou is hit quaþ þarcedekne a gret anuy of þe
Whi deale y neseo no pore man aboute þe
No quaþ þis holi man hit nele þe failli noȝt
Al prest þe tit a pore man habbe þu þat cloþ iboȝt
Þar[ce]dekne in grete wraþþe wende to chepinge
A vyl cloþ he bouȝte for his pans þe bischop he gan hit bringe
Þe bischop ȝeode into þe vestiarie his cloþes he gan of strupe
He nadde vnder his vestementȝ noþing bote his iupe
Vneþe hit helede his durne lymes & vneþe his elbowe
For his bare armes atte masse he hadde grete howe
For his vestementȝ wide were his armes smale & lene
Leste his armes were bare iseȝe h[e] neþerfte hebbe vp his honden ene
Ac þo he nede atte sacrement his honden hebbe vp scholde
An angel helede his armes nakede wiþ tuei sleues of golde
& þo þe masse was ido as al þat folc iseȝ


A briȝt leome of liȝt fram his heued to heuene tilde an heyȝ
To heuene wende þis angel siþþe wiþ þe sleuen of golde
Þe arcedekne him cride merci & bihet þat nomore misdo him he nolde
Þe deuel hadde to þis holi man gret enuye mid alle
Him to bitraye he cam o tyme in reche cloþes of palle
Wiþ hosen & schon of briȝt gold swiþe fair was his face
Martin he seide wel þe beo ifonde þu hast mi grace
Ich am God þat þu seruest wel ich wole me schewe to þe
Þu most sone changi þi lyf & come bi tyme to me
Seint Martin sat in gret þoȝt no word he nesede
Martin mi freond quaþ þe deuel wharof hastou drede
Whan þin owe God spekeþ mouþe wiþ mouþe wiþ þe
For ich blesci alle þat on me bileoueþ þat me nemowe noȝt iseo
& er þis whan þu neseȝe me noȝt in þulke blescing þu woldest beo
& nouþe ert in drede & iseost her me
I nuste neuere quaþ þis gode man þat mi Louerd sede
Þat he wolde an vrþe come in kynges wede
Bote ich mowe of mi Louerdes wondes in þe signe iseo
Oþer of his croiȝ ynele ileoue noȝt þat þu hit beo
Þis foule þing wende anon awei him þoȝte he hadde a boule
Þe stede þerafter swiþe longe of him stank wel foule
Wel narewe þe schrewe him biþenȝþ gode men to bitraye
Nou sorwe & sor him beo next fram daye to daye
Seint Martin iseȝ his endedai wel longe er hit come
Sori were his disciples & gret deol to hem nome


Leoue fader hi seide what woltou do whi woltou ous forsake
Ous faderles wiþoute confort whar woltou ous bitake
Nou wolleþ wylde wolues come & alle þe schep aspille
Ich mot nede quaþ þis gode man do mi Louerdes wille
He makede of axen & of his her a bed at his endedai
& þer feble aȝen his deþ vpriȝt adoun he lai
& þo to heuene he bihuld anheȝ so longe þat hit nas non ende
Me þoȝte þat hit dude him harm & wolde him helpe to wende
Abideþ quaþ þis holi man whi wole ȝe do so
Leteþ me þane stede biholde awhile þat mi soule schal to
After his soule þe deuel com & stod þer mid his fere
Awei he seide þu liþere best what dostou nouþe here
Of me nastou noȝt to done mi Louerd me wole afonge
To him ich wende in his name þat me bouȝte stronge
Mid þis word he ȝaf þane gost angles iredi were
Þat folc ihurde þe murie song as hi þe soule bere
Four hondred ȝer hit was in þe six & sixti ȝere
After þat God an vrþe com þat þe gode man deide here
Fourscore wynter he was old er he deide also
Nou God ous ȝyue part of þulke ioye þat he was inne ido.

[Seint Edmund þe confessour ]

Seint Edmund þe confessour þat liþ at Ponteneye
Of gode men & true he cam þeȝ hi nere noȝt wel heye
Ibore he was in Engelond in þe toun of Abyndone
Glad miȝte þe moder beo þat bar such a sone
Mabille þe riche his moder het þat god womman was ynouȝ
For boþ wyf & widue to holi lyf heo drouȝ
A seint Edmundes day þe king þe gode child was ibore
So clene he cam fram his moder wiþoute eni hore


& so drie þat no cloþ þat neȝ þe moder was
Ne neȝ þis ȝunge child ibore noþing isoilled nas
A seint Edmundes dai he was ibore þo hit was furst dai
Fram þe morwe forte hit was neȝ niȝt as ded þing he lay
Riȝt as he were ded bore for no lyf on him me nesay
[Þe mydwyues him wolde habbe ibured: ac þe moder sede nai]
Aȝen eue he cudde furst his lyf to churche he was ibore
& for seynt Edmundes day hit was Edmund icleped þerfore
Þis child wax & wel iþeȝ elles wonder hit were
Þo hit was of eni elde þe moder hit let lere
& Robert ek hire oþer sone for sones heo hadde hem tuo
& tuei maidenes clene ynou hire douȝtren were also
Dame Margerie & dame Alice þat at Kattesby were ido
& þer in ordre nonnes were & liggeþ þer boþe tuo
Dame Mabille þe gode moder þis children louede ynou
& wissede hem to clene lyue & to godnisse drouȝ
Þe wile [þe] children ȝunge were ofte heo ȝaf hem mede
Forto faste þane Friday to watere & to brede
Þurf mede & þurf faire biheste hi were so þer on ibroȝt
Þo hi were in grettere elde hit ne greuede hem riȝt noȝt
Þe moder werede harde here for oure Louerdes loue
Fram þe schuldre to þe hele & harde hauberk aboue
In suche penance heo ladde hire lyf þis widue þat was so wys
Wel ȝung heo sende boþe here sones to scole to Parys
& bitok hem spense lute ynouȝ as heo miȝte biseo
Hi seide aȝe þat hi nemiȝte noȝt bi so lute beo
Leoue sones quaþ þis moder ich mai beo ȝut wel hende
If ȝe wolleþ don after me ich can ȝou more sende
& hit schal ȝut liki wel bi þan ȝe wite þan ende
If ȝe þore mid so lute out of londe wende
Leoue moder quaþ þe sones we schulle don after þi lore


Ac þu wost we nemowe noȝt libbe bote þu ous sende more
Þe moder tok wel stilleliche ech of hem an here
[& bad hem boþe vor hire loue þat hi wiþ hem bere]
Þat hi werede hem eche wike: tueye oþer þrie þere
& heo wolde hem sende spense ynou þe while hi at scole were
Þis children ȝeode to scole þo & dude here moder heste
& werede here here þrie a wyke oþer tueye atte leste
So longe hi hem vsede þerto þat hi hem nome oftere mo
So longe þat noþer dai ne niȝt hi nolde hem noȝt forgo
Hi vseden hem so wel þerto þat hi werede hem dai & niȝt
Þis was lo a god moder þat teiȝte hire childrene ariȝt
And euere as heo hem sende cloþes as heo hem miȝte iwynne
Þerwiþ heo wolde heren sende isued stille wiþinne
Seint Edmund þe gode clerc to eche godnisse drouȝ
Þat euerech clerc þat him iknew hadde of him ioye ynouȝ
For oure Louerd & his holi grace mid him was wel ryue
& þat oure Louerd cudde him wel in his ȝunge lyue
For as he ȝeode a dai in a mede forto pleye
His felawes he bileuede echon & ȝeode biside þe weye
& alone ȝeode vp & doun & his beden sede
Þer cam go a fair whit child to him in þis mede
Felawe he seide hail þu beo þat gost þe silue alone
Seint Edmund stod in gret þoȝt wannes þis child come
Ne knoustou me noȝt quaþ þis child seint Edmund seide no
Nam ich þi felawe quaþ þis child whoder þu euere go
At scole ich sitte ek bi þe euere bi þi riȝt side
& wiþ þe ich go in eche stede ne go þu noȝt so wide
& þi pleyfere ich am & if þu nost noȝ[t] ho ich beo


In mi foreheued iwrite mi name þu schalt iseo
Signe þerwiþ þi foreheued & þi breost also
Aneue whan þu to bidde gost & aday whan þu risest þerto
Euerech niȝt er þu slepe as in munde of me
& þe deuel ne tit poer non forto greuy þe
Seint Edmund nuste mid þis word whoder þis child bicom
He kneu wel þat hit was oure Louerd gret ioye to him he nom
He nolde forȝete noȝt o niȝt his lore forto do
To croici þrie his foreheued & his breost also
& sigge Iesus Naȝarenus as he hit iseȝ iwrite
Wiþ noþing nescholde a man bet wiþ þe deuel him wite
In penance & in his lore þat child dude al his þoȝt
For Godes loue he þolede moche þat deore him hadde iboȝt
In penance he was so wel yused & þeron ȝung ibroȝt
Þat þo he was of grettere elde hit negreuede him riȝt noȝt
At Parys he was at scole longe & at Oxenford also
He nedude neuere lecherie ne neuere ensentede þerto
As his schriffader wolde telle ofte in priueite
He nemiȝte neuere fynde non of so gret chastete
Pryueiliche at Oxenford þerfore a dai he com
To þe ymage of oure Leuedi & bi þe hond hire nom
And forhet bifore hire truliche wommanes mone
And wiþ truþe holde al his lyf clanliche to hire one
Þe ymage he weddede wiþ a ring as man doþ his wyf
Clanliche to holde in spoushode to hire al his lyf
Aue Maria gracia plena þuse four wordes were ido
& igraued in his ring of golde for hit acordeþ þerto
Wel he huld his truþe siþþe & his wedding also
& true spouse was ynou & nolde noȝt misdo
Ich wot me miȝte fynde ho so soȝte blyue


Somman þeȝ hit selþe beo vntruere wiþ his wyue
& as ful beo of þe mariage & as fawe hit vnbynde
Wele whar eni of ȝou couþe such an hosebonde fynde
His ostesce hadde a douȝter þer he was at inne
Þat louede moche þis holi child if heo miȝte of him eni loue awinne
Heo necouþe neȝ non oþer wit heo fondede forto do
Folie bi niȝte & bidaye if heo miȝte come þerto
Heo bad him þat heo moste a niȝt to his bedde wende
Þis holi child newornde hire noȝt ac dude as þe hende
Þis maide was þo glad ynouȝ for er heo bad wel ofte
A nyȝt þo heo seȝ hire tyme to his bed heo com softe
Hire cloþes he dude of anon as hit is lawe of bedde
& makede hire redi to kreopen in ac wel febliche hire spedde
For seint Edmund hadde a smeort ȝerd þis womman adoun he redde
& leide vp hire nakede rug þat heo neȝ awedde
He nesparede rug ne side noþer er heo to grounde bledde
Quenche heo miȝte hire fole þoȝt mid blod þat heo schadde
& euere seide þis holi man as he leide on hire faste
Maide þu schalt lurny þus awei forto caste
Þi fole wil of þi flesch wiþ suche discipline
Heo þoȝte lute of fol þoȝt er þis gode man wolde fyne
Þis wenche wende softe aȝe hire rug smurte sore
Heo biȝat so lute þo þat hire ne longede þuder nomore
Clene womman heo bicom wiþoute flesches dede
& clene maide siþþe deide as hire schriffader sede
Þis maidenes þat beoþ wilful folie to do
Ich wolde hi fonde such a lemman hem to chaste so
Þo Mabille his swete moder scholde of þis wordle go
Seint Edmund hire holi sone neȝ hire was þo
Þe moder him ȝaf hire blescing þo heo schulde hunne fare
Blesce ek mi broþer quaþ þoþer þeȝ he beo elleswhare


Leoue sone quaþ þe moder boþe ȝe come of me
& he is whan ȝe beoþ o blod iblesced forþ wiþ þe
Ac ich bidde þe for þe loue of God & of seinte Marie
Þat þu somwhar þi sostren do in a nonnerie
Þat hi mowe lede clene lyf in Godes seruise
Þat þu ne suffri þat hi beo iwedded in none wyse
Þis catel þat ich biqueþe þis dede forto do
Al ich bitake in þyne warde & hem þerwiþ also
Þis gode womman deide þo & of widuen was flour
& in seint Nicholas churche at Abyndone ibured was wiþ gret honur
Vnder a ston bifore þe rode in þe souþside iwis
A lute wiþoute þe abbay ȝate þe chapel arered is
Aboue hire hit is iwrite her lyþ on þe ston
Mabille flour of widuen & lesing nis hit non
For heo was womman of gode lyue as me miȝte bi hire iseo
& meni miracle siþþe at Abyndone for hire haþ ibeo
Nou neforȝet noȝt seint Edmund þat his moder him hadde ibede
Þo his poer was iwexe he purueide him a stede
Þat his sostren were ido in a nonnerie
Ac wel vneþe he miȝte hit do wiþoute symonye
Atte laste he com to Cateby in Northamte schire
Igranted him was þer anon al þat he wolde desire
Boþe his sostren a Godes name nonnen he makede þere
& lyuede þer al here lyf & holie wymmen were
Þe vlþere was siþþe priorasse of þe leuedies echon
For hem haþ siþþe God ido miracles meni on
& bifore þe weued anheȝ ibured hi beoþ þere
In a chapel of seint Edmund þat hi lete arere
Þis holi man seint Edmund werede stronge here
In strongere manere he was ymaked þan oþer manes were


He nas isponne ne iweue ac ibroide of strenges longe
& siþþe as me knyt a net iknyt harde & stronge
Of hard hors her ymaked þe knottes deope wode
Þat mochedel his bodi orn in quiture & in blode
Herof he hadde brech & scherte fram necke to þe hele
Vneseliche he miȝte ligge & lutel ese ifele
A strong rop þer was siþþe aboue fram þe schuldre ido
To his buttok of hors her to holde hit faste to
& siþþe he was byneþe his brech igurd faste ynouȝ
Wiþ a strong corde aboue þe here þat faste todrouȝ
So faste was in eche side þe here to him ibounde
Þat vneþe he miȝte bye his rug oþer lokie to þe grounde
& whan he byde him eni þing his flesch was so ignawe
Þat wonder hou he þolede hit to beo so todrawe
Fet & honde þat nere noȝt iturmented wiþ þe here
Necke & heued & al his face þat wiþoute were
He ruddede aniȝt wiþ his here whan noman ne miȝte hit iseo
For he nolde þat no lyme vnypyned scholde beo
A dai he toc al priueiliche his man his olde here
Þat he hem forbrende stilleliche for hi forolþed were
He caste hem in gret fur ac hit necom noȝ[t] þerneȝ
Ac euere hi were iliche sounde as þis man iseȝ
Þo he seȝ hit nebrende noȝt he bond þerto faste
Heuye stones to drawe hit adoun & þe water hit vp caste
Nadde þat fur poer non to tuochi þe holi here
Ac naþeles he tolde his louerd þat hi forbrende were
Seint Edmund & his felawe as hit was ofte here wone
In a day fram Leukenore wende to Abyndone
As hi come in a gret faleye blake [foweles] he seȝ
As hit crowen & choȝen were fleo bi þeir anheȝ
A lute blac sac as þeȝ hit were among hem þis foweles bere
& caste hit vp fram on to oþer as hi hit totere
Þat was a soule for his wickednisse þat hi to helle bere


His felawe stod & bihuld & was neȝ wod for fere
Seint Edmund ȝaf him god confort & tolde what hi were
Deuelen of helle he seide hit beoþ & þat hi bereþ iwis
A manes soule of Stafgrene her bifore hit is
Þat nou riȝt deide late he ne comeþ neuere in blis
He mai singe welewei þat euere he dude amis
Forþ hi wende to Stafgrene þat soþe hi fonde þere
Þe man ded a lute bifore & ligge hot in a bere
No þe gladdere nemiȝte he beo þat þe deueles him so totere
Seint Edmund þis holi man louede wel his lore
For his loue he louede ȝut Godes seruise þe more
Mest he louede an oreisoun þat was of Iesu Crist
& of oure Leuedi his swete moder & of seint Iohan þewangelist
Þat O intemerata bigynneþ a Latyn
Þe bigynnyng is wel god & also þe fyn
Eche dai bi custume he seide þis oreisoun
He nolde hit bileue for no scole ne for no lessoun
Ane dai he hit forȝet he hadde so moche to done
Seint Iohn þewangelist com to him wel sone
A pameri he brouȝte on his hond gret & strong ynouȝ
Seint Edmund he nom bi þe hond & his pameri drouȝ
So heȝe & wiþ so gret eir as he him wolde al todryue
Seint Edmund lay & quakede & dradde of lyue
For if he him hadde ismyte as he drouȝ he hadde ibeo ded anon
He quakede & cride dulfulliche louerd merci seint Iohn
Ich wole forȝeue þe quaþ seint Iohan þu criest so sore
& þench bet on oure oreisoun & neforȝet hit nomore
He neforȝat after þulke tyme nomore þis oreisoun
For no studie ne for no neode ne for þoȝt of lessoun
So wel lurnede þis holi man & suche grace hadde
Þat he bigan at Oxenford & of art þer radde
Of art he radde six ȝer contynuelliche ynouȝ


& siþþe for [to] beo more profound to arsmetrike he drouȝ
& arsmetrike radde in cours in Oxenford wel faste
& his figurs drouȝ aldai & his numbre caste
Arsmetrike is a lore þat of figurs al is
& of drauȝtes as me draweþ in poudre & in numbre iwis
A niȝt in a visioun his moder to him wende
Sone heo seide to what figurs woltou nou entende
Leoue moder quaþ þis oþer suche as we iseoþ
Leoue sone quaþ þe moder betere figurs þer beoþ
Wherto þu most þin hurte do & þenche her on nomore
Heo nom forþ his riȝt hond & wrot þer on his lore
Þreo rounde cerclen heo wrot in þe paume amidde
In þe tueye heo wrot Fader & Sone & Holi Gost in þe þridde
Sone heo seide her afterward entende to þis lore
To heuene aȝe þe moder wende he neseȝ hire nomore
Þo iseȝ seint Edmund þat hit was al of þe Trinite
& þat God wolde þat he schulde ihure diuinite
To diuinite as God wolde þis gode man him drouȝ
Þer nespedde non in Oxenford so wel of ynouȝ
Hit nas noȝt longe þer afterward þat þe Chanceler nesede
& þe hexte maystres of þe toun þat he schulde bigynne & rede
He wiþsede & longe seide þat he nas noȝt worþi þerto
So þat moche aȝen his wille nede hi makede him hit do
So þat he bigan at Oxenford of diuinite
So noble alosed þer nas non in al þe vniuersite
Of redinge he hadde so gode grace þat menion to him drouȝ
His scolers þat ihurde of him gode men were ynouȝ
So pitousliche he wolde rede & so gode grace hadde þerto
Þat his scolers þat ihurde of him nuste ofte what to do
Ac sete as in anoþer wordle & ofte hudde here eȝe
& wepe þat þe teres vrne adoun þat men hit al aboute iseȝe


Vneþe eni ihurde of him þat þe betere ne bicom
& meni bileuede al þe wordle & to religioun nom
A dai as þis holi man in diuinite
Desputede as hit was his wone of þe Trinite
In his chaire he sat longe er his scolers come
A lutel he bigan to swoudri as a slep him nome
Þo þoȝte him in his swoudringe þat a whit coluere com
Fram heuene mid oure Louerdes flesch & þe wei to him nom
& þat swete flesch pulte in his mouþ & siþþe fleȝ vp anheȝ
Heuene openede hire aȝen as þis gode man iseȝ
Þe sauour of oure Louerdes flesch him þoȝte was in his mouþe
And al þe clergie him þoȝte of God þo he awok he couþe
Of þe pure stat of Crist & of his mageste
As angel him þoȝte he couþe & of his priueite
He bigan so deope desputi of þe Trinite
Þat gret wonder me hadde þurf al þe vniuersite
Þat þe gretteste clerkes þat were in Oxenforde þo
Ne þoȝte þat eni vrþlich man so furforþ miȝte go
Ne wite so moche of Godes stat bote hit angel were
Þer nere none maystres in Oxenford þat in gret wonder þerof nere
Ac he miȝte of Iesu Crist iwite more þan was in boc
Whan he vsede oure Louerdes flesch & in his mouþe toc
Ne þoȝte noȝt þis holi man so moche in his lessoun
Þat euere among his þoȝt nas mest in Godes passioun
O tyme he was in grete studie of his lessoun anyȝt
Þat longe he sat þer aboute forte hit was neȝ dailiȝt
Þo hit was toward þe dai anapped he was sore
He lynede adoun vpon his boc þo he nemiȝte studie nomore
So þat he ful aslepe & vnywar also
& neþoȝte noȝt on þe passioun as he was iwoned to do
Þe deuel com to him wel sone noþing to siche he nas


Seint Edmund of him was iwar in swoudring as he was
He wolde him blesci wiþ þe deuel his riȝt hond he gan forþ drawe
Þe deuel him nom þerbi anon he nemiȝte him noȝt wawe
Þo nom he forþ his lift hond to blesci him wiþ also
Þe deuel him nom þerbi faste þat he nemiȝte noþing do
Vpe him he lai as a sak þat he was al ouercome
He nemiȝte him wawe fot ne hond his poer him was binome
Ac delyure he hadde al his þoȝt so þat he þoȝte sone
Of oure Louerdes passioun as he was woned to done
Þe deuel nemiȝte þo bileue vpe him none þrowe
For drede he ful sone adoun bituene him & þe wowe
Seint Edmund aros vp anon & þe deuel ouercom
Strangliche & harde ynou bi þe þrote he him nom
Þurf oure Louerdes passioun tel nou he seide me
Ich axi þe hou Cristene man mai best him witie fram þe
Me neschal wiþ noþing quaþ þe deuel schulde fram mi poer
So wel as þurf his passioun þat þu nemnedest er
Þer lurnede þis holi man as we mowe ek echon
In whiche manere we mowe best þe deueles poer forgon
For he hatieþ Godes passioun as man doþ his fon
& whan a man hit haþ in munde he wole him fleo anon
Eche tyme of þe dai & of þe niȝte seint Edmund him gan biseo
Þat he diȝte him wel to Godes wille þat he nolde idel beo
Oþer he was in oreisouns oþer at his boc
Oþer he et oþer he slep oþer to oþer þing he toc
Þreo tymes him þoȝte he forles whan he com þerto
Whan he rod & whan he slep & whan he et also
For he nas þanne in studie ne in bede noþemo
Ech oþer tyme him þoȝte to som prou scholde go
So longe þis gode man to eche godnisse drouȝ
Þat his godnisse was wide couþ & me spac þerof ynouȝ
Þe beste prechour he was iholde þat me owar vnderstode


For ho so haþ wiþ him Godes grace his dedes mote nede beo gode
Þo þat of þe croserie þe pope sende fram Rome
To bischops of Engelond þat hi a wys man nome
To prechi of þe croserie aboute in þe londe
Þat me wende to Ierusalem & sende here sonde
Procuracies hi ȝeue hem ek þer hi wende aboute
Of persones to nyme largeliche þat non nere wiþoute
Seint Edmund was þerto ichose þis prechinge forto do
For he was prechour god ynou & holi man þerto
He nolde of persones nyme noþing ne no spense take
Ac whan persones him bode ouȝt he hit wolde forsake
For whan he seruede Iesu Crist of his owe spense he toc
& of persones & of oþer men ȝiftes he forsoc
He nefurde noȝt as þis arcedeknes ne þis oþere no þe mo
Þat persones & pouere preostes oueral doþ wel wo
As he prechede a dai of þe croiȝ wel longe
A ȝung man wende among þoþere þe croiȝ to afonge
A womman þat him louede anon þo heo iseȝ þis
Hente him bihynde hasteliche & aȝen him drouȝ iwis
As stif as eni bord hire honden bicome anon
Þat heo nemiȝte hem awolde noȝt noþer synues ne bon
& þe hond was ek forcroked heo makede reuliche bere
Seint Edmund bihuld aboute & eschte what hit were
Sire merci quaþ þis womman wrecchede ich am ynouȝ
As þis man wolde afonge þe croiȝ a lute ich him wiþdrouȝ
& myn hond is al forcroked wharwiþ ich him nom
In ale wrechede ich am ibroȝt allas þat ich euere her com
Womman quaþ þis holi man woltou þe croice take
If ich miȝte louerd quaþ þis oþer ynolde hire noȝt forsake
Þis womman sat adoun a kneo & of him þe croice nom
& þe crokede hond streiȝte forþ & anonriȝt hol bicom
Heo cride & herede Iesu Crist þis was couþ anon
For þis miracle þer toke þe croiȝ men menion
In o tyme of þe Roueisouns þis holi man also


Prechede a dai at Oxenford as he hadde ofte ido
In Alle Halewe churchȝerd in þe norþside
Mid þe baners at vnderne as men doþ alonde wide
As þe holi man amidde al þe folc in his preching was best
Þe grislikeste weder þat miȝte beo com fram þe west
Swart & durc & grislich & ouercaste al þan toun
Þe wynd bleu ek so grisliche as al þe wordle scholde adoun
So durk hit was ek þerto þat vneþe me miȝte iseo
Grislikere weder þan hit was nemiȝte an vrþe beo
Þat folc for drede of here cloþes faste gonne to fleo
Abideþ quaþ þis holi man oure Louerd is god & freo
Þis weþer þe deuel bringþ to desturbi Godes lore
Oure Louerd is strengere þan he ne drede ȝe noȝt so sore
He bihuld to God anheȝ & cride milce & ore
To schulde hem fram þe deueles miȝte þat he negreuede hem nomore
Þo he hadde iseid his oreisoun þat weþer bigan to glide
In anoþer half of þe churche al in þoþer side
Þer hit gan dasche adoun hit nolde noleng abide
Þat vneþe þurf þe heȝe strete me miȝte go oþer ride
Ac in þe norþ half of þe churche þer þis gode man stod
Þer neful noȝt a reynes drope to desturbi a manes mod
Ac in þe souþ half of þe heȝe strete hit leide on for wod
Þat al þe stret awatere orn as hit were a gret flod
Þat folc þat fram þe prechinge for doute of reyn drouȝ
Hi þat wende bi þe heȝe strete hadde þerof ynouȝ
Ac þi þat bileuede þere drie & clene were
Louerd moche is þi miȝte fair miracle was þere
In þe toun of Wircestre ful þulke silue cas
As þis holi man seint Edmund in his preching was
Such weþer þer com ouer him þat [he] drof hit awei also
Me þingþ as bi his lyue fair miracle þer was ido
So wide sprong his holi lyf aboute fur & nher
Þat me ne huld of holinisse in Engelond his per


Imaked he was at Salesbury canoun seculer
Prouendre he hadde of þe hous & was tresourer
Þo he was auanced he tolde þerof lute
He spende aboute pore men þat oþere dude in prute
He spende so moche for Godes loue aboute in almesdede
Þat vneþe he miȝte half a ȝer bi his rente his lyf lede
To þabbei of Stanleghe he wende þanne ilome
& soiournede þer for defaute [uorte] his crop [come]
For maistre Steuene of Laxingtone þat abbod was þo þere
His disciple hadde ibeo while hi at scole were
His fille ne et he neueremo þat eni man hit miȝte iseo
Ne as moche as man nede moste in god poynt forto beo
Of him wondrede euerech man þat him iseȝ ete
Hou he miȝte holde his lyf bi so lutel mete
Of god mete nolde he noȝt þeȝ me wolde him bringe
Hit was what lutles þat he et al of grete þinge
Þane dai þat he masse song flesch ne et he non
Ne þe dai þer bifore for noþing þat miȝte gon
Fram þat me lok alleluya forte com Esterday
He ne [et] noþing þat þolede deþ as al þat folc isay
Ne in þe Aduent noþe mo ac þat was lute ynouȝ
Aȝen his oþer penance þat he al day forþ drouȝ
Hit biful þat þe archebischop of Canterbury was ded
Seint Edmund was ichose þerto þurf þe comun red
Þo þe elleccioun was ymaked [] in þe court of Canterbury
Anon hi sende here messager to him to Salesbury
He wende toward Salesbury ac þer nas he noȝt
He fond him in þe toun of Calne þo he was al isoȝt
In his chambre he was priueiliche at his boc wel stille
Ne þerfte noman to him go forto wite his wille
Ac naþeles on þat was him next as hit were his chamberlayn
God teþinge wende to him bringe þerto he was fayn
He tolde him þat he was ichose archebischop to beo
Þis holi man him chidde anon & het him þanne fleo


Beo stille fol he seide ich hote þe & go out hunne anon
Make faste þe dore after þe & ne let noman in gon
To d[e]sturbi me of mi studie ac let me in pays beo
Of þis teþinge he told lute þerbi me miȝte iseo
So fareþ ȝut þis clerkes hi ne wilnyeþ no maistrie
Ne beo ichose to heȝe men for Gode ich wene ich lie
Þis messagers bileuede wiþoute & carefulle were of þoȝt
For þe dai wende forþ & here message nedude hi noȝt
Hi wende for here gode teþinge to beo nobliche vnderfonge
So murie hem þoȝte here semblant þat hem þoȝte þer wel longe
Here ȝiftes hi miȝte eþe bere þat seint Edmund hem caste
Hi bimende & ofþoȝte sore þat hi hiȝede þider so faste
He naros ane fot fram his boc er God þane tyme sende
As he was iwoned anoþer dai ac so forþ wel softe wende
Þo he cam out of his chambre þe messagers come
& seide here erande hou hit was he toc þerof lute gome
Þo þe lettres were irad beau freres he sede
Ich wole loke what mi felawes of þis þing wolleþ rede
In þe chapitre of Salesbury as riȝt is þat ich do
Hi nadde of him non oþer ansuere þo hit alles com þerto
Þe chapitre of Salesbury amorwe was plener
Alle þe canouns of þe queor þer come fur & ner
To consailli him of þisse þinge þe red was sone ido
For gladliche at one worde hi radde him alle þerto
Beoþ stille quaþ þis holi man what schal þis ised
Worþi nam y noȝt þerto nymeþ anoþer red
Certes quaþ þe bischop þo & þe canouns alle also
Nou þu nemiȝt noȝt þer aȝen beo þu most hit nede do
Þe bischop al wepinge cride on him faste
And in obedience him het atte laste


Þat he nescholde noȝt bileue Godes wille to do
To [beo] buxom to Holi Chirche & to al þe lond also
Þo bigan þis holi man to wepe & sike sore
Nou God he seide ous ȝeue his grace his milce & his ore
& ich take God to witnisse & seinte Marie also
Þat if y newende synewi dedliche ynolde neuere hit do
Þo hi ihurde þis word ioyful ynou hi were
Hi nome him vp wiþ ioye ynou & to þe heȝe weued him bere
And Te Deum laudamus songe murie & heȝe
Euere wep þis holi man as þis canouns iseȝe
So þat hi come to Canterbury & dude as riȝt was þere
& archebischop was ymaked vnþonkes þeȝ hit were
Ne þer noman esche þer whar he toke on wel ynouȝ
& wel wissede Holi Churche & to alle godnisse drouȝ
If his lyf was holi er wel betere hit was þo
In penance he was strong ynouȝ in fastinge & oþer wo
He hadde euere of seli men pite & deol ynouȝ
For him þoȝte þat heȝe men dude hem aldai wouȝ
O tyme on of his pore men wende of lyfdawe
His beste best to heriet me brouȝte as hit [was] lawe
Þo cam þis seli manes wyf þat careful widue was
& mette wiþ þis holi man as oure Louerd ȝaf þat cas
Heo cride on him deolfulliche merci & his ore
& seide bote þat o best lute god heo hadde more
Ne heo nuste in whiche manere for meseise lyue
Heo bad him for Godes loue þat he þe best aȝen hire ȝyue
Gode womman quaþ þis holi man þu wost wel lawe hit is
Þe chief louerd to habbe þe beste eiȝte whan a man ded is
To his clerkes he seide a Latyn þat heo hit noȝt ne vnderstod
Me þinȝþ hit is a liþer lawe & noþer riȝt ne god
Þis gode wyf haþ forlore hire louerd þat hire god forþ drouȝ
& to leose after hire beste best me þinȝþ hit were wouȝ


Nis þat on liþer ynouȝ þeȝ heo ne lore þat oþer also
Þurf þe deuel of helle hit is & þurf God noȝt ido
Gode wyf he seide if ich take þe aȝe þi best to lone
Woltou hit witie to myne bihoue [i]f ich hit esche eftsone
A ȝe sire quaþ þis widue God ȝulde þe þyn ore
Þis widue nom hom hire best & neȝuld hit nomore
Þis cas biful meni o tyme whan men bede him ouȝt
Heriet of pore men ne wilnede he riȝt nouȝt
We nemowe nowhar neȝ rekene al his gode dede
For in penance strong ynouȝ his lyf he gan lede
& truliche huld vp Holi Churche & schulde hire fram wouȝ
Þerfore hadde þe deuel of helle enuie gret ynouȝ
He bigan to rere contek bituene hem anon
& kyng Henri þat was þe kynges sone Iohan
Þe kyng & mochedel of þe lond aȝen Holi Churche was
As þe kyng er his grandsire was aȝe seint Thomas
& þe couent ek of Canterbury aȝen seint Edmund hulde faste
Ofte hi nome a louedai ac þe contek euere ilaste
A legat was þo in Engelonde þat aȝen him was also
Stedefast was þis holi man þeȝ he lute help hadde þerto
Hi nemiȝte acordi for noþing ac þe leng þe wors hit was
Ac þis holi man euere nam his ensample bi seint Thomas
Wel ofte he bad þe king & his consail if hit were here wille
Holi Churche werri noȝt ac in pees lete hire beo stille
Hire franchise as hit was as hit hadde ibeo ȝare
Þe king him þretnede faste anon bote he bileuede his fare
Of þi þretnynge ich drede lute seide þis holi man
For if þu me dryuest out of londe anoþer red ich can
For ich can go to Parys as ich habbe er ido
& wynne me þer mete ynou & cloþinge þerto
If þu letest me to deþe bringe þu payest me wel ynouȝ


Þu nemiȝtest do me nomore honur þan quelle me wiþ wouȝ
Ȝut eft as he dude ofte to þe king he sende
He answerede him þe leng þe wors & nolde noþing amende
Þo þis holi man iseȝ þat hit non oþer nolde beo
Þurf Holi Churche he gan to fiȝte & amansede alle þeo
Þat werrede þe churche of Canterbure & eke dude schame
& somme þat he gulti wiste he amansede bi name
To þe king & his consail þe wor[d] wel sone drouȝ
Ne þer noman esche þo whar hi were wroþ ynouȝ
Þretinge þer was & bost ynouȝ seint Edmund him huld stille
& fast huld vp þe sentence & let hem speke here wille
Seint Thomas com & spac wiþ him & fram heuene aliȝte
& bad him holde vp stabliche Holi Churche riȝte
For non vrþplich anuy ne for deþ ne flecche þu noȝt
Ac nym ensample of me & of oþere þat so deore hire habbeþ iboȝt
Seint Edmund ful adoun akneo & huld vp his hond also
To cusse þis holi manes fet ac he nemoste hit noȝt do
Þo bigan he to wepe sore louerd he seide þin ore
Beo nou stille quaþ seint Thomas ne wep þu so nomore
Whi wilnestou to cusse mi fet hit nere no riȝt to do
Þu schalt nuene þi wille habbe & cusse mi mouþ also
Seint Edmund after þulke tyme stedefast was ynouȝ
To deye raþere for Holi Churche þan me dude hire wouȝ
He þoȝte on seint Thomas hou he out of londe wende
Þe while þe king was in mest wraþþe if he wolde amende
Ensample he nom of him & priueiliche ynouȝ
Wende him out of Engelond & into France drouȝ
He þoȝte ek þat at Ponteney he was faire vnderfonge
& isustened in his anuy þat ileste swiþe longe
& also Steuene of Langetone þat archebischop was
Six ȝer was at Ponteney in þulke silue cas
So þat seint Edmund vnderstod of his ancestres ynowe
Whan contek was of Holi Churche þat to Ponteney drowe


Also dude seint Edmund to Ponteney he wende
To abide þe stat of Holi Churche whan oure Louerd hit wolde amende
Honured he was þer ynouȝ of alle þat þer were
& euere abod amendement fram ȝere to ȝere
Hit biful þat seint Edmund as God wolde atte laste
Velde his bodi heuy ynouȝ & febli wel faste
So longe þat he was so feble þat me neradde him noȝt beo þere
Ac to soiourny elleswhar whar betere eyr were
Þis holi man his leue nom elleswhoder to wende
Þe monekes makede so moche deol þat hit nas non ende
Beoþ stille quaþ þis gode man fare ich wole þurf alle þinge
& come aȝe hider to ȝou a seint Edmundes day þe kynge
Louerd in such siknisse which word þer was ised
Ac whan he nemiȝte noȝt alyue foreward he huld ded
Forþ he wende wiþ his men þer god eyr were
To þe toun of Soycie & bileuede þere
Þer [he] ȝeode so longe as hit was in siknisse ynouȝ
So longe þat he lai adoun & to þe deþe drouȝ
So þat he eschte oure Louerdes flesch & hit was him ibrouȝt
He sat & bihuld hit faste ynouȝ in studie & in þoȝt
Longe hit was er he spac eni þing & þo he seide myldeliche
Louerd he seide þu hit ert þat ich habbe iloued truliche
& truliche on þe bileoued & ipreched of þe also
And þu truliche at myn endedai ert icome me to
Ich take þe Louerd to witnisse þe while ich haue her an vrþe ibeo
Noþing elles y newilnede Louerd bote þe
Louerd þat þis was an heȝ word & he þat þus sede
God & holi moste he beo & holi lyf lede
Þo he hadde ynome oure Louerdes flesch he sat longe in þoȝte
& al laȝinge an Englisch þuse wordes forþ broȝte


Me saiþ game goþ a wombe & ich sigge game goþ an hurte
& in his bed þer he lai vpriȝt he sturte
In oure Louerd þat he hadde ynome wel ioyful he was þo
& al his game was in hurte for his bodi was wel wo
Þe more his bodi pynede þe nher he was his ende
& whan he were of þisse lyue he wiste whoder wende
Þerfore þe more he was in siknisse & in wo
Þe gladdere he was for he wiste whoder he scholde go
& þe more he loȝ in ioye ynouȝ & þe muriere him gan like
Me nuste him noȝt enes ligge adoun ne gronye ne sike
& sat euere glad ynouȝ & lynede wel ofte
Vpe cloþes oþer vpe his hond as þeȝ he deide softe
So fair semblant ne makede he non as þo he was atan ende
In þe morweninge as þe sonne aros out of þis wordle he gan wende
He deide tuelf hondred ȝer & tuo & fourti riȝt
After þat oure suete Louerd in his moder was aliȝt
Me let him openi anon & his guttes take
& burie þer as he was ded in þe minstre of seint Iake
& his holi bodi me nam & faire let hit lede
To þe abbai of Ponteney as he him silf sede
A seint Edmundes dai þe king þider he was ibroȝt
Foreward he huld þis monekes & nefaillede hem noȝt
For þo he necom noȝt aȝe alyue ded he com iwis
& þer he was ibroȝt an vrþe & also ischryned is
& lyþ þer faire ynou & wiþ gret honur also
Meni is þe faire miracle þat God haþ for him þer ido
Nou for his loue we biddeþ God þat ous deore bouȝte
Bringe ous to þe heȝ blis þat he his soule to brouȝte

[Seint Edmund þe holi king ]

Seint Edmund þe holi king of wham we makieþ gret feste
Of þat on ende of Engelond kyng he was her bi este


For of Souþfolc he was kyng & of þe contray wide
For þer were þo in Engelond kynges in eche side
Swiþe fair knyȝt he was & strong & hardi in eche poynte
Meok mylþe & ful of milce & swiþe curteys & quoynte
Tuei princes of anoþer lond þat were of liþer þoȝt
Faste here red togadere nome to bringe Engelond to noȝt
Hubba was þoþer ihote & þoþer het Hyngar
Wiþ grete furde hi come to Engelond er eni man were iwar
In Norþhumberland hi bigonne & þer hi sloȝe to grounde
Robbede also & brende to noȝt & destruyde al þat hi founde
Þo hi hadde Norþhumberland clenliche to noȝt ibroȝt
Also hi þoȝte al Engelond hi neþoȝte raþer bileue noȝt
Hyngar þat o maister was his felawe bileuede þere
& her bi este wende him silf to sle þat þer were
Of þe godnisse of seint Edmund he hurde moche telle
In to his lond he wende anon to fondi him to quelle
In to his hexte toun he com er eni man were iwar
& robbede al þat he fond & makede þane toun bar
Þat folc he sloȝ al to grounde al þat he miȝte ofgon
Ȝung & old wyf ne maide he nesparede non
Children fram here moder breost he drouȝ & let hem quelle
& al todrawe tofore here moder þat reuþe hit is to telle
Þe modres he let siþþe quelle þat reuþe hit was ynouȝ
Þe toun he brende al to douste & þat folc aslouȝ
He ofeschte of þat folc where here kyng were
& hi him teiȝte wher he was hi neþerfte non oþer for fere
For in þe toun of Eglesdone a god wei þannes h[e] was
Þo þe liþere prince þis ihurde he nemakede noȝt softe pas
Ac wende þider hasteliche wiþ his men echone
Hi come & mette wiþ seint Edmund wiþoute þe toun alone
Þo Hyngar wiste þat he hit was he nom him anon þere


& bisigede alle þe men þat wiþinne þe toun were
Seint Edmund was faste ynome in a lute stounde
& ilad tofore þe prince naked his honden faste ibounde
As me ladde oure Louerd tofore Pilatus forto afonge his dom
Þo his dom was iȝyue faste me him nom
& ladde him to a þicke wode & makede him meni wounde
& beote him sore wiþ harde scourgen & to a treo him bounde
So þat þis liþere turmentours þat beote him so sore
Þoȝte þat þeȝ hi him schame dude þat hi him wolde do more
Hi stode afur & bende here bowes & here arewes riȝte
And as to a merke schote to him as euene as hi miȝte
Þe arewes stode on him þicke & al his bodi todrowe
& euere stod þis holi man stille as þeȝ he lowe
As ful as an illespyl is of pikes al aboute
As ful he stikede of arewen wiþinne & wiþoute
So ful þat in none stede ne miȝte an arewe in wende
For oþer bote he his bodi corue & him dude torende
As þe holi man imartred was þe holi seint Bastian
Also hi rende his holi bodi & schote þis holi man
Þat eche pece ful fram oþer wonder hit was of his lyue
Euere he stod as him neroȝte & cride on God wel blyue
Þo Hyngar iseȝ þat he nemiȝte him ouercome noȝt
He let smyte of his heued þat he were of lyue ibroȝt
As þis holi man his bedes bad me smot of his heued
Ac his bodi was er al torend þat noþing nas bileued
& for hit was al todrawe hi lete hit ligge þere
Ac þis heued for me nescholde hit noȝt fynde forþ mid hem hi bere
In þe wode of Eglesdone a durne stede hi fonde
Among þicke þornes hi caste hit & hudde hit in þe grounde
Þo hi hadde of þis holi kyng al here welle þere
Glade & bliþe hi wende forþ liþere men as hit were


Þat heued hi hudde durneliche þat noman þerto ne come
If eni were bileued alyue & þat heued wiþ hem nome
A wyld wolf þer com sone & to þe heued drouȝ
& þer vppe sat & wiste hit faste aȝe cunde ynouȝ
For his cunde were betere to swolewe hit he lickede hit ofte & custe
& as he wolde his owe whelp wiþ wylde best hit wiste
Siþþe þo come Cristene men & in som poer were ibroȝt
Þe holi bodi hi fonde sone for hit nas ihud noȝt
Ac for hi nefonde noȝt þat heued aboute hi wende wide
& longe hi soȝte in eche stede euerech in his side
Hi nemiȝte hit finde for noþing so þat hi come a day
Biside þulke þicke stede þer as þe heued lay
Hi nuste noȝt þat hit was þer þat heued bigan to grede
As hit among þe þornes lai & þuse wordes sede
Al an Englisch. her. her. her as þeȝ hit were alyue
Þo þat folc ihurde þis þider hi vrne blyue
Þat heued hi fonde in þulke stede þer as hit him silue sede
Louerd ihered beo þi miȝte þat þer was a fair dede
Þat heued hi bere to þe bodi & sette hit euene þerto
& bere forþ boþe wiþ gret honur as riȝt was to do
& þe wolf makede þo deol ynouȝ þo hi þat heued forþ bere
He ȝal & furde pitousliche as þeȝ he witles were
He suede hem euere while he miȝte ȝullinge wel sore
Atte laste he wende al awei þer me neseȝ him no more
Hi ladde him to seint Edmundesbury as me clepeþ þane toun
Þis holi man al isound & leide him þeradoun
In noble schryne hi him brouȝte as riȝt was to do
Þer he lyþ al hol & sound as hi seoþ þat comeþ him to
For his bodi þat was so todrawe bicom al hol anon
As þe while he was alyue boþe in flesch & bon
His heued as faste to þe bodi as hit was euer er
In al his bodi þer nas wem as meni man iseȝ þer


Bote as his heued was of ismyte as oure Louerd hit wolde
A smal red lyne al aboute schyninge of golde
Wele whiche fair pelrynage is þider forto fare
To honury þat holi bodi þat haþ ibeo þer so ȝare
Nou God for þe loue of seint Edmund þat was so noble kyng
Grante ous þe ioye þat he is inne after oure ending

[Seint Clement was ibore ]

Seint Clement was ibore at Rome bi olde dawe
Of þe hexte men of Rome þat were in þulke lawe
His moder het Faustidiane his fader Faustian
Vlþere breþeren he hadde tueye here names telle ich can
Þon het Faust þoþer Faustin tuei tuynnes hit were
Glad were þe fader & þe moder þat hem biȝete & bere
Swiþe fair womman here moder was þe faireste þat me wiste
And louede hire louerd truliche for non oþer me nuste
For hire fairhede hire louerdes broþer fondede bi al his miȝte
Hire to bringe to fole loue bi daye & bi nyȝte
Þis gode womman was stedeuast & negrantede noȝt his wille
Ac euere ansuerede him faire & bar hire faire & stille
So suyþe he ofsoȝte hire þat no pees heo nadde
He nuste [wat] was hire beste red ac sore of him heo dradde
Heo þoȝte if heo tolde hire louerd fore [he] wolde anon beo wroþ
& his broþer þe more hatie & þat hire were loþ
Heo þoȝte hou heo miȝte best do þat heo awhile were
Out of his siȝt in anoþer lond forte heo forȝete were
A queyntise heo biþoȝte þat to hire louerd heo seide
A nyȝt in hire slepe heo gan sike as heo of hire slepe abreide


Hard metinge me haþ ymet ynot what is to rede
Sire heo seide nou þin help ich am in grete drede
Me mette þat on of oure godes her com bifore þe
& het þe greiþi hasteliche þyne tuei sones & me
& wende wiþ hem & wonie wiþ hem fur in anoþer londe
Forte ich habbe oþer heste of him oþer of his sonde
Bote þat we sone dude þis he suor bi grete oþe
To liþere deþe he wolde bringe oure childrene & ous boþe
Þerfore sire biþench þe wel what þou wolt þer of rede
For bote hit beo sone ido certes we beoþ alle dede
Narewe heo þoȝte in suche neode þe beste red heo radde
Þis gode man lai in gret care sore þane deþ he dradde
Dame he seide whan hit so is to schulden ous fram care
Þu schalt nyme þyne tuei sones & in to Attenes fare
Þu schalt nyme wiþ þe men ynowe & spense ynou also
Þu schalt whan þu þider comest þi sone[s] to lore do
Þat hi lurnye of clergie & whan God sent toknynge
Þat þu schalt come aȝe þu schalt hem wiþ þe bringe
Glad was þis gode wyf þo mid þis gladful rede
Heo greiþede hire & wende hire forþ bi hire louerdes bede
Heo gan hire tuei vlþere sones toward Attenes lede
Ac Clement wiþ his fader leuede for ȝunghede
For he was vneþe vyf ȝer old & for he scholde beo
His fader solaȝ for he nadde childrene bote hem þreo
Þo þis gode wyf was forþ iwend & hire louerdes broþer hit wiste
Þat hire louede in fole loue nanne red he nuste
For wraþþe he seide to his broþer sire hou goþ þis
Is þi wyf fram þe wend strong hore heo is iwis
Me heo haþ longe iloued noleng hele y nemay
& to bringe me in fole loue heo fondede nyȝt & day
Vneþe ich miȝte wiþ hire me wite for siker ynolde hit do
For synne ne for loue of þe ne for mi trunisse also
Anon so heo hit vnderȝet þat ynolde do hire wille


On of þyne heo louede in folie wel stille
Þat bi hire haþ ofte ileye þeȝ þu hit ne vnderȝete
Heo þoȝte hou best wiþ him beo for heo nolde him lete
Þerfore he biþoȝte a fel wrench of wommanes lore
& is ago wiþ hire copyner þu nesixt hire namore
For ofte me saiþ & soþ hit is þat þis wymmen beoþ
Felle & false & me ofþinȝþ þat we þat soþe iseoþ
Swiþe sori was þis gode man þo he ihurde þis
Þat his wyf þat he louede moche scholde so do amis
& þat heo was so fram him iwend & þat heo neleuede hire bihynde
His sones þat him were so leof þat he nuste whar hem fynde
After he wolde habbe iwend ac he neþerfte for care
Of Clement his leoue sone leste he scholde forfare
Nou vuele iþeo þat him haþ such lesing ibroȝt
Ȝe mowe iseo hou me lieþ on wymmen for noȝt
Forþ wende þis wyf & hire sones as God hire wolde sende
In schipe heo dude hire in þe see into oþer lond to wende
Amidde þe see aȝen a roche here schip bigan to glide
& al todrof & hi flote euerech in his side
Ac a wawe com of þe see þurf oure Louerdes sonde
& caste þis gode wyf al quic into anoþer londe
Anon so heo was vp icast & hire riȝte wit hire com
& miste of hire tuei sones gret deol to hire heo nom
In þe see heo wolde habbe ilope hire silue to adrenche
If hit nadde [ibe] for grete hope of þing þat heo gan þenche
Þat þe see wolde in somme tyme hire sones to londe caste
For me saiþ heo wole eche ded þing caste vp atte laste
Hadde heo enes here bodies iseȝe hire þoȝte heo ne roȝte
Wide & longe heo orn aboute & here caroignes soȝte
Þo heo nemiȝte hem iseo heo ȝal & wep wel sore


Hire traceours heo todrouȝ & caste awei þo heo ne hopede nomore
Hire honden heo wrang & al todrouȝ þat flesch fram þe bone
& al tognouȝ þe synewen sore heo gan whyne & grone
Heo orn as heo witles were aboute in to al þe londe
Wimmen hadde of hire grete reuþe þat heo gnouȝ so hire honde
Hi fondede hire to conforti hi alle nemiȝte hit make
Þat heo wolde in hire hurte enes glad semblant take
In to a wommanes hous heo com þat was longe bedrede
Þat gret reuþe hadde þo heo [hurde] hire so wepe & grede
& confortede hire what so heo miȝte & makede hire bileue
& makede hire riȝt fair semblant forte hit was neȝ eue
So heo confortede þis gode wyf þat heo leuede þer at inne
& mid work of hire honden hire lyflode heo gan winne
Mid spynning & mid sowinge þat heo couþe wel do
Þermid heo fedde hire swiþe wel & hire ostesce also
Sone þerafter hire synewen of hire honden gonne to schrinke
For heo hadde hem er so forgnawe þat heo nemiȝte noȝt swynke
So longe þat heo nemiȝte awelde noþer arm ne honde
To pulte enes mete to hire mouþ as hit was Godes sonde
Þe deol þat heo makede þo no tonge telle ne mai
Allas heo seide þus longe ilyued þat ich euere abod þis dai
For nomore sor þan me is on neuere womman nadde
Þe ioye of mi louerd furst ich lees for synne þat ich dradde
& bileuede mi ȝunge sone þat me so leof is
& mi tuei sones les in þe see þat were al mi blis
& alone am fram mi freond in vncouþe londe
Mid deol & sorewe habbe ilyued bi swynch of myn honde


Nou myne honde me beoþ bynome þat y nemai hem enes wawe
Allas þus in care ilyued þat ynere ibroȝt of dawe
Þe reuþe þat heo makede & deol þat reuþe hit is to telle
Ofte heo was vpe þe poynte hire silue forto quelle
Fram dore to dore heo bad hire mete & mid þat heo miȝte awynne
Heo fedde hire & hire ostesce & bar hom to hire inne
Hire louerd atom after hire longede swiþe sore
He sende men to siche hire ac hi necome aȝe nomore
Oþere he sende in to al þat lond & þo hi hadde longe isoȝt
Hi come aȝe & tolde him fore þat hi nefonde hire noȝt
Þo nom he Clement his ȝunge sone & in god warde let take
& wende him silue into al þat lond for to siche his make
No more he necom hom aȝe wel wide he hire soȝte
& ȝeode aboute & bad his mete þat of his lyf he neroȝte
Tuenti ȝer he bad his mete & his wyf also
In feblesce he ful of elde þat vneþe he miȝte go
Louerd þat her was deolful cas wher euere were eni more
Hard is þe hurte þat hit ihureþ bote he sike sore
Clement þe ȝunge child to clergie was ido
He worþ sone swiþe god clerc god & queynte also
Him þoȝte þurf his clergie þat here bileue nas naȝt
He wilnede moche to wite of God ac noman him nadde itaȝt
Hit biful þat seint Barnabe into Rome com
& seint Clement him ihurde a dai prechi Cristendom
So þat of þis holi apostle he let him cristny anon
& þe beste prechour bicom þat miȝte an vrþe gon
He ihurde telle of seint Peter þat in þe lond of Ynde [was]
Er he to him icome was glad & bliþe he nas
He bicom his on disciple & aboute wiþ him wende
Forto prechi Cristendom þurf wit þat God him sende
Symon Magus þe liþere man ȝeode into anoþer londe
To prechi aȝen Cristendom þurf þe deueles sonde
He hadde wiþ him tuei disciples þat þo hi vnderȝete


Þe falshede þat wiþ him was hi gonne him sone forlete
To seint Peter hi wende anon & his disciples bicome
Þo hi hadde Cristendom hi herede God ilome
Seint Clement tolde a dai seint Peter wel stille
Hou hit of his freond biful þurf oure Louerdes wille
Hou his moder ȝeode awei mid his breþeren tueye
Þat he wende hi were adronke oþer ded bi þe weye
& hou his fader wende to siche hire þo he neseȝ non oþer red
& hou he wende he were adreynt oþer for deol ded
& hou freondles he was vp ibroȝt & to suche lore
Þo seint Peter ihurde þis he wep & siȝte sore
As seint Peter ȝeode a dai prechinge ouer lond
A womman þat gentil þoȝte in grete meseise he fond
Whar heo ȝeode & bad hire mete he axede hire anon
Whi heo nemiȝte hire mete iwynne & whi heo wolde so gon
Þis womman seide such dai was ich couþe mi mete iwynne
& myne honde me beoþ bynome þat y nemay sowi nespynne
More sorewe þan me is nou on neuere nas ifounde
Allas þat ynadde me silue adreynt allas þulke stounde
Womman quaþ seint Peter þo folliche þu dost telle
For þe man þat him silue quelleþ his soule schal to helle
Sire quaþ þis womman & ich wiste þat soulen libbe scholde
After þisse lyue ynolde bileue þat me silue quelle ynolde
Þat ich one stounde miȝte myne sones iseo
I ne roȝte siþþe þeȝ ich scholde euere in helle beo
For mi louerd & mi ȝunge sone ich bileuede at Rome
& wende forþ wiþ myne tuei sones & þo we in þe see come
Þe schip brac & mi leoue sones nemiȝte neuere beo ifounde
Ich was icast to londe al quic allas þulke stounde
For feblesce y nemai wende aȝe ne ynot ho me lede


Ne mi louerd ne mi ȝunge sone ynot if hi beoþ quike oþer dede
Clement quaþ Peter þat myn on disciple is
Telleþ þat his fader & his moder such cas bitidde iwis
Þis womman ful adoun iswowe þo heo hurde þis
Þo heo aros & cride ȝurne for ioye & for blis
Sire heo seide þat is mi sone tel me whar he beo
I newilny mi lyf no leng bote þat ich him iseo
Com forþ quaþ seint Peter ich wole þe to him lede
Ac nebeo þu noȝt iknowe er þan ich þe rede
He nom þis womman bi þe hond & to hire sone hire broȝte
Þo seint Clement iseȝ him lede a womman vuele him þoȝte
He seide nou in þin olde lyue woltou wiþ womman beo
So wroþ he was þat he wolde vneþe him iseo
Þis gode wyf stod bi hire sone heo nemiȝte forbere no more
Heo biclipte him & custe anon for ioye heo wep sore
Hire honden þat hire were bynome anonriȝt hole were
For ioye & for þe grete vertu of þe gode men þat were þere
Wroþ was seint Clement wiþ þis wyf þat heo him clipte & custe
He pulte hire wiþ grete wreþþe & to grounde vpriȝt þruste
Clement quaþ seint Peter þo þerftou þi moder pulte
Cri hire merci & let þe schryue of þe foule gulte
Louerd seide seint Clement þo whar þis mi moder beo
Louerd ihered beo þi miȝte þat ich moste þis dai iseo
Vpe his moder he ful adoun & clipte hire faste & custe
Louerd þe ioye þat þer was þo aiþer of oþer wiste
Sone quaþ þis wyf þin ore whar þi fader alyue beo
Certes he seide moder ynot y newene him neuere iseo
Tuenti ȝer hit is ago þat he after þe wende


Neuereft y nehurde word of him ne he necom nesende
Þo gan þis gode wyf wepe sore ac naþeles for blisse
Of hire sone þat heo fond hire sorewe gan to lisse
Euere stode bi seint Peter þoþer disciples tueye
Þat fram Symon Magus ȝeode & ihurde þis ȝurne beye
Hi hurde hou þis gode wyf tolde Clement hire sone þere
Hou hire tuei vlþere sones in þe see adreynt were
Þo hi hadde þis word ihurd Louerd hi were glad
For ioye hi were witles witles oþer amad
Louerd hi seide whar þis beo soþ þat we ihureþ telle
Oþer ous þinȝþ in metinge oþer in maner of spelle
Hit is soþ quaþ seint Peter oþer we beoþ wode
Hi nuste were beo stille oþer speke ac as gydie men hi stode
Louerd hi seide þis oure moder þat adreynte as we wende
Ihered beo þat hire to lyue broȝte & hider to ous sende
& þis is Clement oure ȝunge broþer þat longe haþ ibeo oure fere
We nuste neuere what he was er þurf Godes grace nou here
Louerd þe ioye þat þer was þat me miȝte þer iseo
Bituene þe gode wyf & hire sones þe swete breþren þreo
Þis gode wyf eschte here tuei sones hou hi to lyue come
Dame hi seide as God hit wolde a bord of þe schip we nome
Þeron we honge & hit ous bar in þe see wel wyde
Mariners ous toke in to a schip as we flote biside
Er hi ous hadde to londe ibroȝt hi nolde neuere fyne
Hi solde ous to a widue þat het dame Iustine
Þat norissede ous nesche & wel as we hire sones were
& God hire ȝulde of clergie heo let ous sone lere
So þat we beoþ Godes disciples mid his apostles here
Oure broþer furst we knoweþ nou þat haþ ibeo oure fere


Nou we beoþ her togadere icome we mowe iseo Godes miȝte
Þat euere wole here while ȝulde þat him seruieþ wiþ riȝte
Wel wot ech man þat þis ihureþ þeȝ we nesigge hit ilome
Þat ioye hem bituene was þo hi togadere come
Þis gode wyf hem tolde of hire ostesce þat ynnede hire bi nyȝte
Þat heo was god & bedrede if hire hele miȝte
Seint Peter hire let fecche & þurf oure Louerdes grace
Helde hire tofore al þat folc anon in þe place
As seint Peter prechede a dai he seide in his prechinge
Þat ho so serueþ oure Louerd wel he schal habbe god endinge
Þo stod þer vp a swiþe old man wiþ lockes swiþ hore
Stopinge [p]ore & meseise & wepinge wel sore
Gret reuþe he seide ich habbe of ȝou þat ȝe beoþ bitrayd so
Ech man falþ as his whate do what he euere do
For þeȝ man swynke & crie on God & bidde ȝurne his bede
Him schal falle god oþer qued as him is biquede
Þeȝ meni man swynke euere & beo wys he nemai neuere bate
& meni doþ vuele & folie & ȝut he haþ god whate
Seint Peter het þis þreo breþeren þat his disciples were
Disputi aȝe þis olde man of þat he tolde þere
Hi stode vp & here resouns sede þat ech man scholde afonge
After þat he wirche wolde elles hit were wronge
For ho so naþ no god ne swynke nele ne of no purueance beo
What whate so him euere beo iquede [] he neschal neuere iþeo
& ho so is wys to wynne god & wel witie can
What so euere his whate beo he worþ riche man


For oure Louerd wole her & elleswhar ȝulde a manes seruise
After þat he wirche wole & after whate in none wyse
Gret clerc was þis olde man he gan disputi faste
Aȝen alle þreo wiþ gret resoun þe plee longe ilaste
Seint Clement was grettest clerc þerfore attan ende
Maister he was þurf þe grace þat oure Louerd him gan sende
Atte laste þis olde man gan to sike & grone
Wel he seide ich wole ileoue ȝoure resouns echone
If ich nadde to moche ifonded of þing þat goþ bi whate
Allas þulke sorful tyme for mi bote comeþ late
Riche man ich was ellerwar þeȝ ich beo a wrecche here
Ich hadde þeoinge childrene ȝunge a god wyf þat was mi fere
Mi wyf ladde mi sones awei þo we hem hadde al biswonke
Nehurde ich neuereft word of hem ich wot hi beoþ adronke
Al mi freond & al mi god ich bileuede me bihynde
& walke her in vncouþe londe if ich hem miȝte fynde
Mi ȝungeste child ich bileuede atom ich wene þat he beo ded
Worse whate nadde neuere man ynot what worþ mi red
Ich am her þer noman me nekn[o]weþ mid meseise ouercome
Mid honger & chile & mine lymes for elde me beoþ bynome
Siggeþ ȝe nou if ȝe hurde euere eni so deolful cas
Ho is hit þat nemai ileoue þat liþer whate hit nas
Þo þis breþeren iknewe here fader þurf þat he hadde ised
Sturte hi wolde him to cusse ac seint Peter hem forbed
If ich bringe bifore þe he seide þi children & þi wyf
Woltou forhote such misbileue & amendi þi lyf
Bileof þat þing comeþ as God wole & noþing bi whate
Ȝe sire quaþ þis gode man hit worþ so wel late
Also hit neuere neworþ þat ich hem iseo alle
So neworþ hit neuere þat moche þing nele bi whate falle


Lo seide seint Peter þis beoþ þi sones þreo
Þat to bringe þe to Godes lawe pleidieþ aȝe þe
Þo þis olde man ihurde þis his lymes him bere nolde
Ac neschede as wex aȝe þe fur & ful adoun vpe þe molde
He lai al cold wiþoute breþe as he no lyf nadde
His sones him clipte & custe anon loude hi cride & gradde
Hi bere him aboute & blewe on him amendement to bringe
Longe hit was er hi miȝte on him iseo eni toknynge
Þo his stat was icome he axde anon þere
Hou hi were forþ ibroȝt so freondeles as hi were
Euerech tolde in his wise of oure Louerdes myȝte
Þat he on hem hadde ido þo he seȝ þe riȝte
As hi tolde of hire lyf euerech in his side
Þe gode wyf orn as heo wod were & swiþ loude cride
Whar is mi louerd whar is mi spouse schowe me him anon
Heo biclipte him & ful adoun heo nemiȝte ane fot gon
More ioye nemiȝte beo in none manes lyue
Þan was þo hi togadere come among hem alle vyue
Þer we mowe alle iseo oure Louerdes myȝte
Þat attan ende ȝuldeþ wel him þat him serueþ mid riȝte
Hit biful þat þemperour oueral sende his sonde
Simon Magus þe liþere man to siche in eche londe
& sle him ho so him miȝte fynde for his liþere dede
Þo Symon Magus hit wiste he was in gret drede
A felonye he biþoȝte for þe breþeren tueye
Þat hadde mid him ibeo & iparted fram him beye
Bi here fader he cam a dai as þe deuel him gan lere
& caste on him his owe forme him silf as þeȝ hit were
Þurf his foule enchantement þat ho so þis olde man iseȝ
Wende þat Symon Magus hit were þer was þe deuel sleȝ
For ioye þat his sones hadde of him one stounde


For he scholde for him beo aslawe if he were ifounde
For euere þe deuel & alle his felonye doþ þenche
& atte laste hi schulle spurne mid here owe wrenche
Symon Magus wende awei þo þat ido was
Þis holi man to his sones ȝeode & nuste noȝt of þis [cas]
He com & gret ioye makede mid his sones & mid his wyue
Hi spette on him & pulte him awei & bede him go forþ blyue
For he was þe deueles lyme hi nolde wiþ him dele
Bote he sone fram hem ȝeode him to wroþere hele
Allas quaþ þis gode man myne leoue children þreo
Whi wole ȝe ȝoure fader bete nole ȝe me nomore iseo
For soþe quaþ his children þreo þu nert oure fader noȝt
Þu ert Symon Godes trichour þu worst to deþe ibroȝt
& þemperoures men þe fynde þat wide þe habbeþ isoȝt
As þe deueles lyme þu worst todrawe for þat þu hast forþ ibroȝt
Louerd quaþ þis seli man whoder mai ich nou wende
Nou myne chyldren me nulleþ iknowe a dai to þan ende
Mest wrecche ich am of alle men whan ynabbe freond non
Bote hem & hi me wolleþ asle whoder mai ich nou gon
Symon Magus þer bifore in Antioche wende
& seint Peter mid lesinge tofore þat folc aschende
& seide he was a manquellere wicche & forswore
Þat folc awaitede him to sle in Antioche þerfore
Seint Peter hit vnderȝet [he] wolde beo awreke him þoȝte
He cam to þis olde man þat him wel longe soȝte
Beo stille he seide & do after me & suffre a lutel þrowe
& ich wole make þi sones & þi wyf þe wel sone iknowe
Þu schalt go in Antioche þer Symon Magus was
As he me desclandred haþ & sigge of þulke cas
In his name ech man weneþ þat þu him silf hit beo
& sigge þat hit lesing is þat þu seide vpe me


& l[i]ȝnye also þyn owe mouþ as hit beo in his name
& þat hit was lees if þu seidest bi me liþer fame
& þat þu ert þerof repentant & þerof wel ischryue
Of lesing þat þu seidest hem bid hem þe forȝeue
Þis olde man him ȝeode forþ in Antioche anon
In meni stede faste aboute as Symon hadde igon
Gode men he seide if ich habbe itold bi Peter eni þing
Bote trunisse & gret god iwis hit is lesing
Her bifore ȝou euerechone ich liȝny myn owe mouþ
For he is true & stedefast his godnisse is wide couþ
Forte sauuy al þat lond oure Louerd him haþ isend
Bileoueþ & wercheþ after him oþer ȝe worþeþ ischend
For ȝou silue & ȝoure god þurf oure Louerdes wreche
Forfare schal bote ȝe do as he wole ȝou teche
If ich eueremore so am in þe deueles lore ibroȝt
Þat ich oþer bi him sigge þerof neleoue ȝe me noȝt
Ac doþ me schame & beteþ me & doþ me out of dawe
As me doþ a liþer liere & a man of false lawe
Þerafter he cam to seint Peter & he his lymes riȝte
And brouȝte him in his owe forme þurf oure Louerdes miȝte
Þo was gret ioye bituene his sones & him & his wyue
Þo hi were in here forme togadre alle fyue
Euere God is strengere þan þe deuel attan ende
& Symones tricherie Magus vpe him silue gan wende
For Antioche wel gret loue vpe seint Peter caste
& sore longede after him & lete him siche faste
Seint Peter cam to Antioche as he hadde er ilome
Men & wymmen of þe lond wel glad aboute him come
& honurede him wiþ grete prute as prince of þe lawe
& as here maister & here louerd hi were mid him wel fawe
In a riche chaire hi him broȝte & knowede him bifore
& beden him hem wardi & hem lere þat here soules nere forlore
Þis was a seint Peteres dai þat comeþ in Feeuerer


Þat for honur of þulke dai me singeþ fur & ner
Þo þis dede was ido seint Peter þannes wende
Symon Magus wende þider & hi him foule aschende
Tofore al þat folc he com moche wonder me þencheþ he sede
Þat ich ȝoure soulebote bifore & ȝoure god gan rede
Þat ȝe Peter þe tricchour nefloȝe þat he neȝ ȝou necome
Ac ȝe alle honurede him & wiþ noblei him nome
& in heȝe chaire him sette as he ȝoure Crist were
Fleoþ him if ȝe wolleþ beo sauf & doþ as ich ȝou lere
Þo þis folc ihurde þis for wraþþe hi were neȝ wode
Trichour hi seide þis oþer dai bifore ous her [þu] stode
& seide þat he was true & god & don after him we scholde
& nou þu liȝnest þyn owe mouþ þi while worþ wel iȝolde
Hi sturte vp & beote þis liþere þeof þat he was neȝ of dawe
Nadde he þe reulikere icrid hi him wolde habbe todrawe
He krep awei as he myȝte wiþ meni a liþer stroc
Þer he him silue as ech swike atte laste biswoc
Seint Peter ȝeode to Rome mid his disciples þreo
He wiste his tyme was icome ymartrid forto beo
Seint Clement bi his lyue he makede pope of Rome
Þat god ȝeme after him to Holi Churche nome
Þo seint Peter ymartrid was seint Clement him biþoȝte
If he bileuede pope forþ as men him bisoȝte
Þurf þat cas whan so hi wolde Holi Churche bitraye
Þat pope miȝte after oþer make al bi his daye
For wardeyn of Holi Churche þurf godnisse me schall take
Noȝt as hit were bi heritage þat o freond anoþer make
He tok vp his dignete for al þat me him bad
& seint Lyn in his stede pope was ymaked
After seint Lynes dai meni men hit wolde
Seint Clement habbe pope ymaked ac for noþing he nolde
Seint Clete was pope ymaked & after his dai anon
Þat folc [helde] seint Clement faste hi nolde more forgon


& mid strenȝþe makede him pope & þo hit com þerto
He fondede to paye riche & pore and ech man also
He fondede to paye þe pore more þan riche
To helpe þe soule more þan þe body for hi ne beoþ noȝt iliche
Sisinne þe Iustise of þe lond hadde a god wyf
A dai as heo was to churche ago to amendi hire lyf
Fram hire louerd [heo] stole wiþoute eni fere
A dai heo wolde to churche go seint Clementes masse to hire
Þe Iustise herof vnderȝet he awatede ofte hire swiþe
A dai as heo was to churche ago he suede after hire blyue
As swiþe as he to churche com & his wyf him vnderȝet
Adrad heo was & hudde hire in a durne stede þer heo set
As seint Clement seide his oreisoun & his clerkes amen sede
Þe Iustise bicom def & blynd & loude bigan to grede
Whar beo ȝe he seide myne men out ȝe mote me lede
Hi sturte anon & nome him vp hi swatte alle for drede
Hi bere him in þe churche aboute hi nemiȝte þe dore fynde
Whan hi wende atte dore beo hi were fur bihynde
Sore was þe wyf adrad þo heo seȝ him so fare
Heo axede whar hire louerd were heo nemiȝte no leng spare
For he wolde heo seide iseo & ihure what were him on bicome
He is blynd & def her in þe churche of Rome
Þis gode wyf bad oure Louerd faste þat hi moste out wende
Þo fonden hi þe dore anon & wenden out attan ende
Seint Clement heo bad ȝurne also to hire louerd come
To amendi him of his lymes þat him were bynome
Seint Clement bad for him to oure Louerd þeȝ hit were wiþ wrong


His siȝt & his list comen aȝe ac he nadde neuer a þonk
For anon þo he seȝ him stonde bi his wyf he wende
& seide þat he bi hire lay & þerfore him ablende
Þis leuedi ȝeode in priueite Iesu Crist bad faste
Þat he hire louerd þurf his grace in betere bileue caste
Seint Peter fram heuene to hire liȝte adoun
& seide hire louerd scholde isauued beo þurf hire oreisoun
For me saiþ a liþer man schal isaued beo
Þurf godnisse of a god womman & so worþ he þurf þe
Þis leuedi ȝeode to hire louerd to prechi Cristendom
So þat he þurf Godes grace to gode bileue com
Anon he let him baptiȝe & al his meyne þere
Þreo hondred men & tuelue mid him ibaptiȝed were
Troian þe liþer emperour of him ihurde speke
For his Iustise he swor he wolde of Clement beon awreke
He comandede Mamertyn þat was anoþer Iustise
Make Clement þe pope to do sacrefise
Oþer out of londe him fleme þat he nebileuede noȝt
For here lawe & here godes were þurf him to schame ibroȝt
Þis Iustise wiþ gret poer seint Clement þo nom
& þo he nolde do sacrefise he ȝaf him oþer dom
To beo out of londe idryue into wyldernisse
He was forþ iharled as a þeof in gret schindnisse
Þo he to wylþernisse com tuo þousend he fond þere
Of Cristene men þat hadde longe þer iwoned for fere
Leste þemperoures men hem hadde in turment ibroȝt
& hi for drede of stronge deþe aȝen God turnde here þoȝt
For meni bi þulke dawe for drede of suche þinge
As bestes lyuede in wylþernisse þo Cristendom gan springe
Wel glade were þis gode men þo hi seint Clement iseȝe
Aȝen him hi wende & cride on God w[e]pinge wiþ here eȝe
Seint Clement hi makede here maister pope as he was
Þer nas non in so god lyf þat þurf him amended nas
Þe nexte water þat hem was neȝ was six myle þannes longe


Al here drinke hi fette þer in weyes swiþe stronge
Seint Clement bad oure Louerd Crist if hit his wille were
His true couent þat he holpe & water hem sende þere
A lomb þer com & merkede mid his riȝt fot a stede
He seȝ þat hit was oure Louerdes wille to do þat he hadde ibede
He ȝeode & smot in þulke stede as þe lomb merkede er
A fair wel þer sprong out gret ioye was þo þer
Þis miracle was wide icud vyf hondred men þerfore
Bicome Cristene to godre hele þat hi euere were ibore
Seint Clement ȝeode among hem & so fair miracle wroȝte
Þat moche folc to gode bileue & to Iesu Crist he broȝte
Vyf hondred of maumetȝ he brouȝte to grounde þere
& sixti churches & vyftene in here stede let rere
So Troian þemperour her of ihurde telle
Of gret poer he sende þider a duk hem for to quelle
Þis duc him nom & bond to him grete stones faste
& ladde him to þe deope see & al amidde him caste
Wel moche was þe deol þat his disciples for him makede
Hi vrne & soȝte him in þe see as fur as hi þerfte wade
Þo hi nemiȝte to him come oure Louerd hi bade
Þat þurf a siȝt of seint Clement his disciples he makede glade
As hi sete vpe þe see & cride on God ȝurne
Þe see swiftliche hire wiþdrouȝ & wiþ gret eir gan vrne
So þat wiþinne þe grete see þreo grete myle & more
Swiþe fair wei & drie þer was þurf oure swete Louerdes ore
Þis gode men in þe faire see in gonne wende
& fonde a churche ymaked of marbre atte weyes ende
& wiþinne þe churche a cofre of siluer & of golde
& þerinne ligge seint Clementes bodi as oure Louerd hit wolde
Louerd moche was þe ioye þat þis gode men inne were
For þis miracle of seint Clement þat hi fonde þere


Hi dude here preiere wat hi wolde & wiþdrowe hem attan ende
Þe see euere after hem at here heles gan wende
Forte heo cam to hire riȝte stede & þer heo gan astonde
Hi seruede God alle þe bet & þonkede ȝurne his sonde
Hit biful ek longe þerafter þurf oure Louerdes heste
Fram ȝere to ȝere soue dayes at seint Clementes feste
Þat þe see wolde so wiþdrawe & makie þe wei wel drie
To þe chapel of seint Clement þat no water nescholde anuye
Þat ech man alle þe soue dayes al drie ȝeode & clene
To onury þe holi bodi as hit ful ech ȝer ene
Anon þe see wende aȝe mid water & mid slyme
After þe soueniȝt huld hire so forte anoþer ȝer þulke tyme
O tyme a womman þider com mid a child hire sone
To honury þe holi bodi as hit was manes wone
Hit biful atte endinge of þe soueþe day
Þat þe see com faste aȝe as þe child aslepe lai
Þat folc þat þer was bileued gan attorne faste
Þe womman louede hire lyf also þat heo nas noȝt þe laste
Þo heo was to londe icome & hire leoue child bihynde
Louerd heo makede deol þat hi nemiȝte hit fynde
Criinge heo orn & longe soȝte bi þe see side
If þe see him hadde icast heo soȝte swiþe wide
Þo heo nemiȝte him nowhar fynde wepinge hom heo wende
& bad seint Clement þat of him som gladnisse hire sende
He bileuede so al a ȝer in gret sorewe & care
Siþþe at seint Clementes tyd þiderward heo was ȝare
To þe chapel blyue heo orn þo þe see was in iweued
Hire sone heo fond slepe in þe stede þat heo him hadde bileued
Sone þis womman him nom vp & wende þat he ded were
Þat child axede þo he was [awaked] what heo soȝte þere


Þis womman for ioye gradde loude þat folc aboute hire wende
& þonkede God mid grete ioye þat such miracle sende
Heo eschte hou he hadde ilyued so longe & if he were oȝt idreiȝt
Hit nis noȝt longe quaþ þe child ac to sone ȝe me habbeþ aweiȝt
Softe & swote ich habbe islepe noȝt fullich þis o niȝt
Moste ich lengere habbe islepe ich hadde ibeo wel idiȝt
Wiþ ioye hi ladde þis child hom þis miracle was couþ wide
Fair miracle dude seint Clement ofte bi þe see side
Þe see wiþdrouȝ meni ȝer to make men drie wende
Ac hit is nou for manes synne bileued attan ende
Þo me fond þe holi hucche in a fair place stonde
Wiþ þe holi bodi clene out of þe see al a drie londe
Þat folc wiþ fair processioun þat holi bodi nome
& nobleche hit ladde forþ & burede hit at Rome
Þer is nou seint Clementes churche ymaked wiþ queynte ginne
God ȝyue ous part of þulke ioye þat his soule is inne

[Seinte Katerine of noble cunne ]

Seinte Katerine of noble cunne com bi olde dawe
Hire fader kyng hire moder quene boþe of olde lawe
King Cost hire fader het gret clerc þat maide was
Þer nas non of þe soue artȝ þat heo gret clerk of nas
Þulke tyme heo was old eiȝtetene ȝer vneþe
& ich wene in þulke vlþe heo was ibroȝt to deþe
Maxent þemperour in eche londe let crie
Þat eche kinriche vnder him come to Alisandrie
Ech man to do for his stat to here god sacrefise
And of hem þat bileuede to do stronge gywise
Þo alle þe men were þider icome to don here lawe
Seinte Katerine baldeliche þiderward gan drawe


Heo stod bihalues & bihuld here gydihede
Heo seȝ honure þe maumetȝ meni Cristene men for drede
Þo hadde heo gret deol in hurte heo blescede hire anon
& forþ anon to þemperour baldeliche gan gon
Sire riche emperour heo seide þu ert noble & hende
Þu scholdest þi poer & þi wit to som wysdom wende
For þe folie ich sigge þat þat ich iseo her do
So moche folc of furrene londe þat þu clipest herto
In gret ioye & wonder in ȝoure hurte of þis temple ȝe doþ so
Þat is ymaked of lym & ston & of ȝoure maumetȝ also
Whi nebiholde ȝe þe heȝe temple þerof ȝou wondri mai
Of heuene þat goþ aboute aboue ȝou niȝt & dai
Of sonne & mone & of þe sterres þat fram þe est to þe west
Wendeþ & neuere weri beoþ & neuere hi nabbeþ rest
Biþench þe bet & turn þi þoȝt to som wysdom ich rede
& whan þyn owene inwit þe saiþ þat nowhar nis such a dede
Almiȝti God þu him holde þat such wonder can make
Tofore alle oþere honure him & ȝoure maumetȝ þu forsake
Mid oþer reisouns of clergie þat maide preouede also
Þat here godes noþing nere þat hi a[n]ourede hem to
Þemperour stod & necouþe answerie in none wise
Him wondrede of hire fairhede & of hire queyntise
Maide he seide abyd herwiþ forto oure sacrefise
& we schulle anoþer wiþ þe speke ich oþer mi Iustise
Þis heȝe man after his sacrefise ȝeode & sat in his trone
& al his folc aboute him me brouȝte þis maide sone
Maide quaþ þis emperour þu þenchest gent & freo
Of what kyn ertou icome wonder me þinȝþ of þe
Sire emperour quaþ þis maide ich wilni swiþe lute
Of mi kyn to telle þe for hit were sinne & prute
For in his boc þe wise man Catoun saiþ also
Þat man neschal him silue preise ne blame noþemo


For so doþ foles þat beoþ idreiȝt wiþ veyne glorie & prute
Ac naþelos ich wole wiþoute prute of mi kyn telle a lute
Ich am þe kinges douȝter Cost þat þu wost wel which he is
Hider ich com to speke wiþ ȝou þat ȝe bileoueþ amis
For me clepeþ him godes wiþ wrong þat ane fot nemowe go
Ne noman helpe in none wise ne hem silue noþemo
Maide seide þemperour if þat þis soþ were
Al þe men of þe wordle were in gydihede & þu one hem scholdest lere
& me schal leoue alle men & more hit wole beo note
Þan a fol womman as þu ert ȝoure bolt is sone ischote
Sire quaþ þis maide þo þeȝ þu lute telle of me
As god mai þe resoun beo of me as of þe
For emperour me saiþ þu ert & echman is also
Þat mai hote & his men mote nede his heste do
Of bodi & soule þu ert ymaked as þu miȝt þe silf iseo
Mid riȝte þi soule maister is & þi bodi hire hyne schal beo
If þanne þi bodi maister is & þi soule his hyne
Aȝe cunde þanne hit is & þu worst þerfore in helle pyne
Þurf clergie þis holi maide resouns makede so quoynte
Þat þemperour ne non of his necouþe answerie hire in none poynte
Maide he seide þu schalt abide in warde her mid me
& bityme ich wole fynde þat schal answerie to þe
Þis emperour sende anon wel wide aboute his sonde
To þe heȝiste clerkes þat were in eni londe
& bihet hem mede gret to do a lute maistrie
To susteni vp here lawe þurf strenȝþe of clergie
So þat vyfti maistres come þe gretteste þat me fond
As wide as me miȝte siche owhar in eni lond
Þemperour hem seide anon whi he after hem sende
Aȝen a womman to desputi þat al here lawe schende
Nou is þis seide þat on gret schame ich vnderstonde
An emperour to siche aboute so wide in eche londe


After maistres to plaidi aȝen a ȝung wenche
Whan on of oure knaues miȝte hire resouns sone aquenche
Nai seide þemperour heo is wisere þan ȝe wene
If ȝe mowe oȝt aȝen hire do hit worþ sone isene
For ich wole bet þat ȝe hire ouercome mid resouns a somme wise
Þan we hire mid strenȝþe makede to do sacrefise
Let bringe hire forþ quaþ þat on & heo schal sigge anon
Þat heo nespac neuere wiþ wisere men er heo fram ous gon
An angel to þis maide com & bad hire noþing drede
For heo scholde hem alle ouercome & to Cristendom lede
Þat þurf hire resouns hi scholde alle afonge martirdom
Þo þis maide ihurde þis gret ioye to hire heo nom
Wel baldeliche heo wende forþ þo mesters hire to com
Sire heo seide to þemperour ȝyfstou a wys dom
Þus fele maistres of clergie bringest & settest abenche
To desputi aȝe me one þat nam bote a fol wenche
& if hi ouercomeþ me þu bihotest hem grete prute
& mid strenȝþe makest me wiþ hem speke & bihotest me lute
& þinȝþ me vnriȝt whan ich am one aȝon hem alle
Ac ich wole whan God is myn help afonge what me wole bifalle
Sai me quene what ertou þat o maister sede
Aȝen oure clergie þenȝþstou speke turn þi þoȝt ich rede
Þu saist þat God almiȝti deþ an vrþe þolede here
Ich wole preoui þat hit nemiȝte beo soþ in none manere
Ho so deyeþ he nemai neuere to lyue come
Whan al þe vertu of his bodi þurf deþ him is bynome
If þu saist þat God is ded þu nemiȝt libbe noȝt
If he þat lyf þe scholde ȝeue is to deþe ibroȝt
Nai seide þis holi maide þu faillest of þyn art
Þe netit bote þu speke bet of þe maistrie no part
God hadde euere & euere schal wiþ [him] his godhede
& for loue of ous in oure flesch he nom his manhede


Of tuo þinges he was ymaked aiþer moste his cunde afonge
For in cunde of manhode ous to bugge he þolede deþ stronge
Ac to bileue ded hit was aȝe cunde of godhede
Þerfore he aros fram deþe to lyue þo he hadde ido al his dede
Þurf þe stronge deþ þat þurf Adam we were on ibroȝt
Þurf godhede ymengd in oure kunde nede moste beo iboȝt
If þu wiþsaist þis reisoun anoþer ich wole þe make
Þat clerkes seide of ȝoure lawe ȝe nemowe noȝt forsake
Platon þe grete philosophe þat was of ȝoure lawe
Seide þat God wolde iscourged beo & eke todrawe
Loke hou hit miȝte beo soþ in oþer manere
Bote þat þe mochele God for ous bicom a lute man here
As god Balaham ȝoure prophete þat heþene was also
In his boc seide ȝe witeþ whar if ȝe wolleþ loke þerto
Þat þer scholde of Iacobes cunde a sterre arise briȝte
Þat boþe kinges & dukes scholde bynyme here miȝte
Þat was þat oure Louerd wolde of Iacobes cunde beo ibore
& ouercome alle þat euere were siþþe oþer bifore
Ȝut þreo kynges of ȝoure lawe of þulke sterre þoȝte
For þe sterre þat God was ibore & þerfore lok him broȝte
Þo þe maistres ihurde hire speke of so gret clergie
Necouþe hi answerie noȝt o word ac ȝyue hire þe maistrie
Certes sire quaþ þis maistres so gret cler[c] non þer nis
Þat to hire reisouns hire scholde answerie for hi beoþ soþe iwis
We seoþ þat þe Holi Gost is mid hire & in hire mouþe
We ne conne answerie hire noȝt ne we neþore þeȝ we couþe
Þerfore bote oure lawe þe betere we iseo


Alle we siggeþ mid one mouþe icristned we wolleþ beo
Hei traitours quaþ þemperour beo ȝe icome herto
Certes ȝe schulle to stronge deþe alle beon ido
Amidde þe toun he het anon forbrenne hem echone
& hi þane deþ for Godes loue afonge wiþoute mone
Ac mest reuþ hi hadde of alle þat hi ifulled nere
Þis maide hem gan to conforti & of Cristendom lere
& seide here stronge deþ þat hi þolede þere
Scholde beo here Cristendom if hi stedefast were
Þis maistres were igladed þo gladliche forþ hi ȝeode
& nome þane deþ for Godes loue þat me wolde hem beode
Hi makede þe signe of þe croiȝ & in þe fur me hem caste
Þo hi hadde longe ibrend & ded were atte laste
& þat fur was aqueynt al hol hi leye þere
Whyttere & fairere in heu þan hi euere were
Þer nas non so lute wem noȝt þe leste of hare here
Oþer of cloþ apeired were hi leye wiþ faire chere
Þemperour let fecche anon þat maide Katerine
Haue reuþe he seide of þe silue & schulde fram pyne
Haue reuþ of þi ȝunge bodi þat so fair is & hende
Þu schalt libbe in gret noblei if þu wolt þi þoȝt wende
In mi paleys ich wole þe make [] heȝist after mi quene
& after þi forme lete make an ymage briȝt & schene
Ouergult & hire sette amidde þe cite
& ech man him schal honure for honur of þe
As me schal a god do þu neschalt mid al þi lore
So moche noblei biþenche þat y þe nele do more
Sire emperour quaþ þis maide bilef þi fole þoȝt
Þu nast no more while to spille þan to speke so embe noȝt
God almiȝties spouse ich am & al þi blandisinge
Ne þi turmentȝ neschulle ene fram him myn hurte bringe
Þemperour hire let strupe al naked to a piler faste ibounde
& bete hire sore wiþ stronge scourges & make hire harde wounde
Þo hi seȝe þat hi nemiȝte þermid turne hire þoȝt
In durke prisoun & in deope sone heo was ibroȝt


Þat noman neȝaf hire mete ne drinke for heo scholde for hunger deye
Oþer turne hire þoȝt to here lawe & beo ibroȝt out of treye
In prisoun þis maide lai tuelf dayes & tuel[f] niȝt
Þat heo noþer ne et ne dronk neseȝ non vrþlich liȝt
A whyt colure fram heuene com to hire eche dai
& broȝte hire fram heuene mete as heo in prisoun lai
A dai as þemperour fram home was afare
Þemperice þoȝte on hire & hadde of hire grete care
Of hire bed wel priueiliche heo aros at midniȝt
& nom wiþ hire sire Porphirie þat was hire priuei kniȝt
Þo hi to prisoun come hi seȝe þer gret liȝt
Hem wondrede wharof hit were þat þulke stede was so briȝt
Þo seȝen hi Katerine in þe prisones grounde
And an angel of heuene smyrie hire wounde
Þemperice cride anon Katerine þyn ore
Mi riȝte bileue tech þu me ynele beo fol namore
Þe kniȝt also god sire Porphirie loude cride also
Þat moche folc þat þer aboute was sone com þerto
Sire Porfirie ful adoun to hire fet & loude he gan to crie
Anon þis maide hem prechede of God & of seinte Marie
So þat Porphirie & þemperice þurf þis maide þere
& tuo hondred knyȝtes ek ibaptiȝed were
Oure Louerd him silf com adoun siþþe to seinte Katerine
Lo her he seide ich hit am for wham þu ert in pyne
Beo stedeuast in þi turmentȝ & ich wole beo mid þe
Þi sige is ymaked in heuene þer þu schalt wone wiþ me
Anoþer dai þis emperour after þis maide sende
Þat heo were for hunger ded swiþe wel he wende
Þis maide was tofore him ibroȝt swiþe fair & round
What he seide hou goþ þis is heo ȝut hol & sound
Whar beoþ þis traitours þat hire in prisoun wiste
Hi habbeþ ifed hire stilleliche þat noman hit nuste
Bi þe fei ich owe Mahoun hi neschulle nomore


He let nyme his gailers & turmenti sore
Sire emperour quaþ þis maide is þis god iugement
Gultelese men for mi gult to bringe in such turment
Ho þat me haþ þer ifed he nedredeþ þe noȝt
For an angel of heuene hit is þat mete me haþ ibroȝt
Do me what turmentȝ so þu wolt & let hem quite gon
For certes of þat þu hem saist gult nabbeþ hi non
Hei hende maide Katerine seide þemperour
Þench on þi noble gentrise for of maidenes þu ert flour
Turn þi þoȝt þu schalt beo þemperesse peer
Heo neschal habbe noȝt tofore þe bote þat heo is mi fer
Gode man quaþ þis holi maide þu spext al embe noȝt
Mid al þi poer þu neschalt fram Iesu wende mi þoȝt
Alle þe turmentȝ þat þu miȝt þenche of pynes swiþe stronge
Þu miȝt do me if þu wolt iredi ich am to afonge
For noþing ne wilny ich so moche as mi flesch & blod iwis
To ȝyue for mi Louerdes loue þat for me ȝaf his
Þo was þemperour so wroþ þat he was neȝ iswowe
Four wheles of ire he let fulle of rasours kene ynowe
& makede hem mid gynne turne aboute þe tuei wheles vpward
& oþer tueie euene hem aȝe in þoþer side doneward
Þat ho þat bituene were in þoþer half nescholde wende
Þat þe rasours nolde al his flesch todrawe & torende
Þo þis maide was ido þeron to schende
Oure Louerd Crist fram heuene an angel gan þider sende
Þis angel wiþ a drawe swerd þis wheles al toheu
& þe peces flowe aboute as corn whan me hit seu
& smyte on þis liþere men wel harde to þe grounde
Þat four þousend þer were aslawe in a lute stounde
Ȝe for Gode þat was wel þer hi miȝte lurne
To fiȝte aȝe Iesu Crist mid here false querne
To wende aboute here rasours þe holie maide to drawe
Hi nemiȝte hit noȝt wel biliȝe þat were ibroȝt of dawe
Þo nuste þemperour noȝ[t] what do for deol ne for sore


Þe emperesse nolde þo hire stat hele nomore
Sire heo seide hou goþ þis for Godes loue þyn ore
Ich iseo þis maide is god & of holi lore
Ȝoure maumetȝ ich forsake y nebileue for no f[o]re
Þo gan þemperour for wraþþe loude ȝulle & rore
Him þoȝte he nemiȝte for noþing fram Iesu hire þo[ȝt] wende
He het þat me scholde hire lede to þe tounes ende
& hire breosten fram hire bodi wiþ kene hokes rende
And after smyte of hire heued hire þe more to schende
Wiþ gode hurte þemperesse þane deþ gan afonge
Þe quellers heo bad hiȝie faste & nabide noȝt to longe
Hi nome kene hokes of ire & hire flesch tognowe
As me draweþ wiþ combes wolle here breostes hi todrowe
Fram hire bodi mossel mele & siþþe smyte of hire heued
Þe bodi for houndes hit scholde ete vnbured hit was bileued
Ac Porfirie burede aniȝt þis holi bodi & god
Þo þemperour þat bodi miste he was wroþ & wod
He turmende meni men þat nemiȝte hem noȝt skere
Þo seide Porfirie anon lo sire whar ich am here
Ich burede þyn holi wyf þat was Cristes make
& to Iesu Crist ich haue also al myn hurte itake
For no poer þat þu miȝt do ynele him noȝt forsake
Þo gan þemperour for sorewe alle his lymes to schake
Mahoun he seide what schalt þis beo hou schal ich nou do
Nou ich haue mi wyf forlore & sire Porfirie also
Whi nas Porfirie al myn hurte neltou me noȝt rede
Þo wende þis oþer kniȝte[s] forþ & loude gonne grede
& we beoþ Cristene bicome euerechone hi sede
We nulleþ þane deþ for Godes loue leue for no drede
Þemperour þo gan drawe his her & sore sike & grone
Mahoun he seide hou schal ich do schal ich bileue alone
Whi neltou raþere fecche me & bringe me of þis lyue
Þan suffri to leose alle mi men after mi leoue wyue
Ac þeȝ þu nulle helpe me ynelle forsake þe noȝt


Þis foles þat habbe forsake þe to deþe schulle beo ibroȝt
He let nyme Porfirie anon & his felawes echone
& let smyte of here heuedes wiþ[out] þe toun as Mahounes fone
Þo let he fecche Katerine Damaisele he sede
Ich wole if þu turne wolt forȝyue þe þi misdede
& wiþ gret noblei as emperesse oueral wiþ me þe lede
& alle þing ich wole do also after þi rede
Certes sire quaþ [þis] maide þis wordes beoþ for noȝt
Þu neschalt me neuere fram him bringe þat haþ me deore iboȝt
Do what þu wolt & haue ido & bring þi wille to ende
For þu neschalt mid no turment mi þoȝt fram Iesu wende
Whar beo ȝe mi quellers þemperour þo sede
Þis wicche ȝe schulle faste bynde & wiþoute þe toun lede
& smyte of hire heued anon & do þe gode dede
Þat heo nebringe ous neuereft in sorwe ne in drede
Þo þis maide was ibroȝt to sle wiþoute þe toun
To God heo makede hire preyere [] akneo heo sat adoun
Louerd heo seide grante me þat echman þat haueþ mone
In eni neode oþer anuy in myne passione
Þat he mote to his wille help habbe sone
Þo com oure Louerd silf & sede ich granti þe þi bone
Com her forþ mi lemman mi leoue spouse also
Heueneȝat yopened is þat þu schalt come to
Þe quellere smot of hire heued as þe men aboute stode
Whit mulc þer orn out of þe wounde & noȝt o drope of blode
Þat was signe of maidenhod þat þe mulc out com
Þat clene was wiþoute synne & wiþoute swikedom
An angel com & nom þe bodi among alle þe manne
& bar hit to þe hul of Synay tuenti iourneyes þanne
& burede hit þer nobliche & faire ynou also
Þerȝut to þis dai þe bones beoþ ido
Of hire tumbe þer vrneþ ȝut holi oylle wel blyue


Wher þurf meni sik man is ibroȝt to hele & to lyue
Wide alonde hit is ilad ho so hit habbe mote
Noble relik hit is sike men to habbe of bote
Þreo hondred ȝer & tuenti after þat God was ibore
Imartred was þis holi maide of wham we tolde bifore
Noou Iesu Crist for þe swete loue of seinte Katerine
Ȝyue ous þe ioye of heuene & schulde ous fram helle pine

[Seint Andreu þapostle ]

Seint Andreu þapostle was seint Peteres broþer
Oure Louerd silf to Cristendom him brouȝte & non oþer
For fischeres hi were boþe & as hi fischede a day
Bi þe se oure Louerd com & here fisschin isay
Come he seide after me & ich wole ȝou make
Manfischers & þis oþere here nettes gonne forsake
& suede him mid þis word & nechose noȝt amis
Hem was so betere þan to pasken in þe water iwis
While oure Louerd an vrþe was mid him boþe hi were
& siþþe hi wende wide aboute Cristendom to lere
In þe lond of Patras seint Andreu siþþe com
He turnde þer wel faste þat folc to Cristendom
Churchen he rerde al aboute & teiȝte me þerto
Egeas wyf þe Iustise he makede Cristene also
Þerfore þe iustise was wroþ & wende to Patras
To þe cite in gret wraþþe as seint Andreu was
Cristenemen þat he þer fond sone he let take
To make hem wiþ his turmentȝ Cristendom forsake
Seint Andreu sone to him com sire he seide nym ȝeme
Þu þat ert so gret iustise seli men to deme
Þe heȝe Iustise of heuene þu haddest neede to knowe
Þat into þe put of helle þe schal deme wel lowe
What ertou Andreu quaþ þe Iustise þat meni dai haþ igo
& idrawe men to þi false god þu neschalt neuereft mo
Ich drawe men quaþ seint Andreu to God þat soþ is
Ac wrecches & false ȝoure beoþ & deue & dombe iwis
Whi saistou so quaþ þe iustise þu wost wel mid alle
Þat þu þerof loude lixt hou miȝte hit so falle


For þe God þat þu of telst þe Gywes while nome
& slowe him as he worþi was bi pur riȝt of dome
Nai certes quaþ seint Andreu riȝt nas hit noȝt
Ac þurf Godes wille ous to bugge he was to deþe ibroȝt
Hou miȝte hit beo quaþ þe Iustise þat his wille were þerto
For þe Gywes him wiþ strenȝþe nome & him slowe also
Ich wot to soþe quaþ Andreu aȝen his wille hit nas
For ich was wiþ him þulke tyme & iseȝ hou hit was
For er wel longe he tolde ous fore hou hit scholde beo
Tyme & stede & euerech poynt as we miȝte siþþe iseo
If þu woldest þat soþe ihure & if þu riȝt vnderstode
Gret vertu ich wole þe telle of þe swete holi rode
Ich wole herkny quaþ þis oþer & bote þu do after me
In þe rode as þi Louerd deide ich wole sette þe
If ich doutede quaþ þis oþer y neprechede þerof noȝt
Ac þeron is al myn hope mi ioye & al mi þoȝt
Þis þu miȝt telle quaþ þe Iustise men þat luueþ þe
& for ynelle hit ileoue noȝt oþer þing þu schalt telle me
Bote þu bileoue on oure godes miȝti of alle þinge
In þe rode þat þu of spext to deþe me schal þe bringe
Almiȝti God quaþ þis oþer ich herie niȝt & day
Ich bileoue on him & herie wole þe while ich speke may
Þe Iustise was þo wroþ ynouȝ seint Andreu he let caste
In strong prisoun & he lai þer þe while hit ilaste
As þe iustise sat amorwe in his sige to him he was ibroȝt
Andreu he seide ich hopie wel þat þu beo bet biþoȝt
& þat þou habbe fram folie þi þoȝt iturnd to niȝt
To libbe wiþ ous in ioye gret & leue þin vnriȝt
Þu liþere bern quaþ seint Andreu þu huntest aboute noȝt
Þe more turment þu me dost þe gladdere is mi þoȝt
For þe mo turmentȝ þat ich þolie for mi Louerd er þat ich deye
Þe more worþ mi ioye wiþ him in þe ioye of heuene heye
Ich doutie more of þe þan of me for mi pyne nele ileste


Bote o dai oþer tueye her oþer þreo atte meste
Ac þe turment þat þu schalt habbe wharto þu schalt wende
In tuenti þousend ȝer ne mo neworþ ibroȝt to ende
Þo was þe Iustise swiþe wroþ he het his men anon
Seint Andreu scourgi so þat him oke ech bon
& siþþe bynde him honde & fet to þe rode faste
Wiþ stronge corden for his lyf scholde þe lengore ilaste
& he þe more in pyne beo & þe more schede of his blode
Þe turmenturs wel ynouȝ his heste vnderstode
Anon to þe bon hi beoten him furst wiþ stronge scourges gode
In to þe vrþe hi pulte faste þe tuei endes of þe rode
Þo seint Andreu iseȝ þe rode adoun he sat akneo
Hail beo þu swete rode he seide swettest of alle treo
Þat þu wiþ mi Louerdes lymes ihalewed mostest beo
& of ȝymmes preciouses wel glad ich þe iseo
& wel glad ich come to þe wel glad afong þu me
For euere siþþe mi Louerdes deþ [iwilned] ich habbe þe
Nym me nou al fram þis men to mi Louerd þu most me sende
For al myn hope & mi wil is þurf þe to him wende
Þo he strupte of him silf his cloþes atte bigynnynge
& bitoc þe turmenturs þat scholde him to deþe bringe
Faste boþe fet & honde to þe croiȝ hi bounde
Þe honden boþe aboue þe heued þe fet toward to grounde
Þat folc com þicke aboute him he gan to prechi faste
Tuei dayes & tuei niȝt þe while his ly[f] ilaste
Þat folc þretnede þe iustise & þicke aboute him come
& wolde him alto drawe anon bote he him adoun nome
Þe Iustise him wolde nyme adoun seint Andreu him forbed
Inele noȝt he seide come adoun er þan ich beo ded
For ich iseo mi swete Louerd & er while ich iseȝ
Þat abydeþ me til ich come he is her wel neȝ


Whan me wolde him nyme adoun hem þoȝte he was anheȝ
No man nemiȝte him areche for euere vpward he steȝ
Here armes whan hi vpward reiȝte bicome as stif as treo
So gret liȝt þer com aboute him þat noman nemiȝte him iseo
Hi hurde him & neseȝe him noȝt þat liȝt ileste iwis
Forte þe holi soule wende þerwiþ to heuene blis
Þo þe soule was forþ iwend & þe holi bodi bileuede þere
Maximille þe iustises wyf & oþere þat þer were
Wiþ gret honur hi hit neme adoun & to buringe bere
Ȝut nolde þe iustise ileoue noþing þat he gan him lere
Þerfore amidde þe wey as he homward wende
He ful ded tofore þe men & his soule to helle sende
Ac seint Andreu was siþþe heȝe ilad iwis
To þe lond of Constantinople þer as he ȝut is
Swiþe glad þat lond is þat he euere þer com
In þisse manere seint Andreu þolede martirdom
A miracle of seint Andreu ful late her alonde
Telle ich mot for heo [is] god ho so hire vnderstond
A bischop while an holi man among holi halewen alle
Mest he louede seint Andreu so his hurte gan falle
Þe deuel for hate of seint Andreu hadde þerto gret onde
To bringe in synne þe gode man niȝt & day he gan fonde
So þat he turne a dai his forme as he gan biþenche
To þe forme of a fair womman for he is ful of wrenche
Fairere womman þan he bicom an vrþe nemai beo non
Wiþ noblei & prute ynou to þe bischop he gan gon
Sire heo seide þe heȝe kyng sauue þi dignete
& holde þi state in honur & ȝyue me grace to þe
Fram furrene londe ich am icome for[to] speke in priueite
Wiþ þe of mi soule neode if þu woldest schryue me
Damoisele þe bischop seide ich habbe a penancer


Þat mai þe schryue wiþoute me for he bad mi poer
A sire merci quaþ þis oþer mi synne is so priue
Þat myn hurte hit nele for noþing schowe noman bote þe
Bi bischops ich com meni on as ich hiderward wende
Ac y nespac wiþ noman for ich wot þat God me hider sende
Depardeus if mi Louerd hit wole quaþ þis holi man
Com & ich wole þurf oure Louerdes grace consaille þe [as] ich can
Sire quaþ þis false maide ich crie þe milce & ore
For care & deol þat ich am on ich wilny moche þi lore
For as mi fader vnder God myn schrift telle ich þe mai
Þat ich habbe clene lyf ilad euere ȝut to þis day
A kynges douȝter ich am iwis & al mi fader lyf
Þerfore mi fader me wolde make an heȝ manes wyf
& God ich take to witnisse þat ich þat do nolde
Ne leose mi clene maidenhod for al þe wordles golde
I nemiȝte no lyf habbe of mi fader bote ich dude his wille
Ac þo ich ihurde of þi godnisse fram him ich stal wel stille
To þe þat schalt vnder God consailli me of mi lyue
So as such a clene þing mot to oþer do whan neode him wole todryue
Nou liþer þrift vpon hire clannisse & hire maidenhod also
Wel felliche heo hire biþoȝte to make þe gode man misdo
Whanne wolde hit hire bicome to beo so god & clene
Nou sorewe & sor vpe hire forte ich hire bymene
Þis holi man hadde ioye of þe schrewes speche
Dameisele he seide God hit leoue þat ich mote þe som god teche
Þu schalt bileue atte mete & siþþe me schal þe rede
Þat nere noȝt to þin onur þis liþere maide sede
For so wickede þe wordle is nou & men of liþere mod
Þat me nolde wel raþere þenche þe liþere þan þe god
Of non vuel quaþ þe bischop neschal noman ous doute


For mi meyne schal serui ous & stonde ous aboute
Þis bischop nom þis false maide & riȝt bi him sette
Al prest his men aboute mete & drinke hem fette
Þis bischop bihuld þis liþere [þing] ofte as heo sat him neȝ
Þat neuere a so fair creature him poȝte he neseȝ
So longe þat he turned his þoȝt & vpe hire his hurte caste
Þat he þoȝte do folie bi hire atte laste
Þe liþere þing him makede also fol semblant ynouȝ
Þermide as me ofte mai to liþer þoȝt heo him drouȝ
Seint Andreu þat he louede nolde him noȝt vorȝite
Fram heuene he aliȝt adoun fram sunne him to wite
Ate biscopes ȝate he com & bed þe porter to him wende
He escte wiþ wam he wolde speke & ho him þuder sende
A seli pilgrim he sede icham wiþ þe biscop ich haue to done
Þe porter sede þe biscop fore & dude is erande sone
Let him in quaþ þe biscop ȝif he wole speke wiþ me
Sire mercy quaþ þis maide þat nefalleþ noȝt to þe
Strange men come up þi mete bote þou wite wat hi be
Vor gilours þat so vele beþ as me mai al dai ise
Ac escche him verst a good demaunde þat be al wel biþoȝt
Ȝif he ansuereþ wel riȝt it is þat he [be] in ibroȝt
Wel seistou þe biscop sede & alle is men also
Lokeþ nou among ous alle ho schal þe demaunde do
Non of alle it nolde do & sede hi ne couþe noȝt
& seide þat þe maide moste vor heo was queintest of þoȝt
Þat nere noȝt quaþ þe screwe vor inam bote a womman
& ȝif my lord þe biscop wole ich wole escche as ich can
Esche him wuche is þe meste wonder þat þe kyng of alle kynge
Our Lord euere an erþe dude in a lutel þinge
Þo hi hurde þis demaunde þer nas so good clerc non


Þat couþe þerto ȝeue an ansuere hem wondred echon
Þer porter escte þe pilgrim ate ȝate as he stod
Ȝe quaþ he me may fel wel þerto ȝeue ansuere good
Þe meste wonder in a lutel þing þat God þoru is grace
Euere here an erþe makede it was in mannes face
Vor among alle þe men þat euere were & euere schulle be
Nas ones face iliche anoþer as me mai al dai ise
Þe porter eode & tolde fore wat þe pilgrim sede
Þer nas non þat þe ansuere ihurde þat nas in wonder & drede
& him het bringe in to wite more of is lore
Abid sire quaþ þe deuel let him erst telle more
Wen ȝe habbeþ more of him ȝe mowe him in bringe
A straunger demaunde ich wole him make & of strengore þinge
Escce in wuche stude erþe heiere þen heuene be
Þer nas non þat couþe ansuere þerto ise
Ac [ȝif] hi of þe verste demaunde in gret wonder were
Such twenti wonder hem þoȝte of þe latere þere
Þe porter escte þe pilgrim as he stod wiþþoute
Ȝe quaþ he of þis ansuere inabbe none doute
Þo God was an erþe man erþe he was inouȝ
To heuene seþþe in is monhede erþe wiþ him drouȝ
& þer as he is in is trone aboue þe heuene he is
Þer is erþe in is manhede heiere þen heuene iwis
Þis porter eode & tolde uore þis ansuere anon
Hi sete alle as hi gidi were in gret wonder echon
Parde quaþ þis luþer best ȝut ȝe scholle to him sende
Þe þridde demaunde he schal ous telle & seþþe let him in wende
Bid him þat he ous telle þis þing wiþþoute gile
Hou muche is bitwene heuene & erþe & hou mony myle
Nou wo worþe is pol so wis & sorwe him come to
Ichot þer nys non of ȝou þat couþe aposy so
Þe porter escte þis demaunde þo he to þe ȝate wende


Escce of him sulf quaþ þis oþer þat þe huder sende
Vor he it met þo he vel fram heuene to helle
Wiþ Lucifer & oþer deueles he may þe bet telle
Queynte was þe escere þat so queinte vnderstod
Ac queintore was þe answeriare þat is answere was so good
Þe porter sede is erande þat þe pilgrim hem sende
Þo þe deuel ihurde þis adeuelwei he wende
Þo non nuste war he bicom þe biscop him biþoȝte
Þat it þe deuel was & in fol þoȝt him broȝte
& þat som mon com fram God & ate ȝate was þere
Wepynge he het is men loke ho it were
Ac þo hi come to þe ȝate hi nemiȝte him noȝt ise
Wo was þe biscop þat he nuste ho it hadde ibe
Crienge he was nyȝt & day in orisons wel stille
Þat God him scewede ho it were ȝif it were is wille
So þat him com a toknynge as he hurde grede
Þat þe womman þe deuel was to vonde him of mysdede
& þe pilgrim was seint Andreu þat vor him þuder wende
To disturby him of þe deuel þat he flesliche him neschende
Þe biscop cride God mercy & clene lif after ladde
& seruede þo seint Andreu betere þen he euere hadde
Nou bidde we seint Andreu þat he ous so wisse
& bidde uor ous þat we come to heuene blisse

[Seyn Nycholas þe holi mon ]

Seyn Nycholas þe holi mon þat good confessour was
Icome he was of heie men in þe cite of Patras
Vor in Patras he was ibore inele noȝt þer of lye
His fader was Ion icleped is moder Epihanie]
Þe furste dai þat he was ibore þe child þat was so god
Ac hit was in a mele ibaþed alone vpriȝt hit stod
As sone as he was ek ibore he bigan beo god & clene
No Fridai he nolde ne Wendesdai soke bote ene


Þo he nemiȝte go nespeke as me siȝþ children do
Laȝinge pleyinge & gameninge he bileuede also
Þo he was siþþe of grettere elde to scole he was iset
He gan to lurni wel ynou me nuste no child bet
Siþþe þo he more wit couþe al his studie he toc
To godspelles & oþer holi writtes & alle oþer bokes forsoc
So clene lyf he ladde ȝung þat deynte hit was to wite
More godnisse nemiȝte beo þan me fyndeþ of him iwrite
After his fader deþ & his moder þis holi man Nicholas
Wel lute tolde of al here god for he here eir was
Pore men he ȝaf hit clene wharso he seȝ neode
Whan hi nolde bidde him non stilleliche he wolde hem beode
An heȝ man þer was þer biside þat siþþe þurf liþer cas
Þat al his god hadde ilore & in gret pouerte was
Þreo douȝtren he hauede gode ynou & clene also
In gret meseise hi were ibroȝt þat hi nuste what do
Þo hi nuste hou best libbe þo here god was bynome
Here red hi nome alle þreo fole wimmen to bicome
& raþer þan hi in honger were libbe in hordom
Þo þe olde man here seli fader gret deol to him nom
Gret reuþe hadde in his hurte þe gode seint Nicholas
Þo he hurde of þe deol þat among hem was
Of his fader god a niȝt a weg of golde he nom
In a clout wel stilleliche & to here house he com
To a durne wyndowe stilleliche softe he gan gon
He caste in þat gold priueiliche & wende out anon
Þis hosebonde aros amorwe & herof nuste noȝt
He com & fond þe weg of gold þat þe gode man hadde ibroȝt
Þerof he was glad ynou he nuste ho hit him broȝte
He þonkede ȝurne Iesu þat on his meseise þoȝte
Þerwiþ he conseillede his vlþere douȝter sone
He þonkede God wiþ gode hurte þat hadde ihurde his bone


Seint Nicholas herof ihurde & naþeles ȝut he þoȝte
Þat þis seli man gret neode hadde þat more god me him broȝte
A niȝt he lokede his tyme wel as oure Louerd hit wolde
& atte fenestre caste in eft anoþer weg of golde
Þis hosebonde amorwe aros þe gold he fond sone
He þonkede God mid gode hurte þat ihurd hadde his bone
& naþeles him wondrede moche ho so his freond were
& þoȝte þat he wolde awaiti if he come more þere
He consaillede his oþer douȝter swiþe wel wiþ golde
Wiþ gret noblei & brudale as oure Louerd hit wolde
Þo þoȝte þe gode Nicholas þo þis was al ido
Þat god hit were to consailli þe þridde after þe tuo
A niȝt he wende stilleliche to þis fenestre eftsone
& caste in a weg of golde as he was iwoned to done
Þis hosebonde hadde iwaked longe to awaiti þis cas
Þo þat þe gode man com wakinge he was
Vp he sturte & suede him & huld him bihynde faste
He nelet him noȝt go forte he was iknowe atte laste
Seint Nicholas ȝurne bad þat he noman for ne sede
Þe while he alyue were of þis priuei dede
Wiþ þis gold þe þridde douȝter wel iconseilled was
& alle þreo were gode wyues þurf seint Nicholas
Seint Nicholas in þisse manere as ich ȝou habbe ised
Bisette al his heritage þo his fader was ded
Whan oþer men ȝeode to pleye he nadde þerto no wille
At churche he wolde in an hurne hi[s] bedes bidde wel stille
Hit biful þat þe bischop of Mirree was ded
Þat folc com to chuse anoþer & þerof nome here red
So þat hi were in here bedes niȝt & dai wel faste
Þat God hem send a god man & he hem ihurde atte laste
For a niȝt þer com a voiȝ as hit were in metinge
To a bischop þat was maister of þe cheosinge
Goþ hit seide to morwe sone to churche er hit dai beo


& þe furste man þat ȝe mowe in þe churche iseo
& þat hote Nicholas takeþ him wel sone
And makeþ him bischop of Mirre for God haþ ihurde ȝoure bone
Þis bischop & þis oþer folc arise er hit dai were
& come to churche & Nicholas sone fonde þere
In an hurne priueiliche hi eschte what he was
& what were his name þo he seide Nicholas
Hi nome & ladde him heȝliche to þe churche of Mirre
& sacrede him to bischop sone & sette him on his ce
Þo he was heȝ man ymaked þis holi man Nicholas
More boxom was & mylde þan he euere was
Lute prute he hadde þat men him wolde aloute
& if hit nere for eye of God him were leouere wiþoute
So prest he was to alle men þat to him bede & cride
Þat such miracle oure Louerd for him dude þat me spac of wide
A gret hep of men o tyme in to þe see wende
In a schip to do here neode if oure Louerd hem grace sende
So þat þer com a gret tempest þat hi wende alle adrenche
Hi bihete God al þe godnisse þat hi miȝte on þenche
So þat hi þoȝte as here schip toward grounde was
Of þe godnisse þat me spac of þe bischop Nicholas
Leoue louerd Nicholas wel loude echone cride
If hit is soþ þat me haþ of þe ispeke wide
In þis peryl sauue ous er oure schip adrenche
Louerd Nicholas sauue ous þat we her ne senche
As hi gradde þus hi seȝe come vp of þe water biside
A bischop in an abyt suiþe fair on him swiþe hi cride
Lo me her quaþ þis holi man ȝe clipeþ me her so faste
Siggeþ me what ȝoure wille beo & wharof ȝe beoþ agaste
Louerd hi seide Nicholas if hit beo þi wille
Sauue ous her in þis tempest þat we her ne spille
Ne þore ȝe quaþ þis holi man herof noþing drede


Þat weder him was stille ynouȝ þo he þis word sede
Hi bihulde after þis gode man hi nuste whar he was
Hi þonkede moche Iesu Crist & þe bischop Nicholas
Þane wei murie & stilleliche toward þe lond hi nome
Wiþoute tempest & wiþ glade hurte to þe londe hi come
Echone hi dude him forþ anon to þe bischop Nicholas
Þat hi neuere neseȝ er ne wiste which he was
Hi stode & bihulde him faste & þo hi to þis gode man come
To soþe hi seȝe þat hit was he þat þe deþ him bynome
Louerd hi seide ihered þu beo to þe we gradde blyue
Anoueward þe see þu come to ous & brouȝtest ous to lyue
Ihered beo þe tyme þat þu most an vrþe among men beo
For suche grace naþ non vrþlich man as me mai of þe iseo
Þis gode man þo he hurde þis þonkede & herede also
Oure Louerd þat wolde for his loue such fair miracle do
Hit biful anoþer tyme of þe bischop Nicholas
Þat gret hunger al aboute in his bischopriche was
So fulle þe ȝeres menye þat no corn þer nas
Gret deol hadde þis bischop of þis liþere cas
Fram ffurrene þer come schipes wiþ corne þer biside
Þe bischop wende aȝen hem anon & bad hem a stounde abide
For þe loue of Iesu Crist leneþ me he sede
An hondred quarters of þe corn þat ȝe doþ þer lede
To þis seli men þat beoþ neȝ her for honger dede
Þat nabbeþ no corn to libbe bi to brede ne to sede
Certes sire quaþ þis schipmen þat neþore we do noȝt
For al þis corn þat þu sixt þat we habbeþ ibrouȝt
Mid swiþe scars met mid alle itake hit is ous echone
For to lede to þemperour we neþore þerof make no lone
Saunȝ faille quaþ þis gode man nedrede ȝe þerof noȝt
Þat if ȝe me wolleþ þerof lene þat ȝou neschal failli noȝt
For þat fulle ȝe schulle take vp þat me tok ȝou to lede


Ȝou neschal failli of ȝoure met noȝt a strawes brede
Þis schipmen vpe trist of þis word wel largeliche him mete
& toke þe bischop wel ymete an hondred quarters of whete
Hi wende forþ to þemperour & þis corn him ladde
& bede þe steward mete wel forte he þat fulle hadde
Hi mete & fonde al þat fulle & wel more þerto
For wonder hi eschte þe schipmen whi hit wexe so
Seint Nicholas hi þonkede þo þat he his neode to hem mende
& tolde anon þemperour hou moche corn hi him lende
& hou he seide þat hit nescho[l]de for him wanye noȝt
& hou hi hadde bi large met wel þe more ibroȝt
Þis gode bischop hi herede swiþe & þonkede also
Þat hadde þurf oure Louerdes grace such miracle ido
Al þe contrai hadde ynou to mete & to sede
Tuo ȝer & more of þis corn þat hi gonne þider lede
Nou was he god borȝ ȝulde were alle men so gode
As god men were lene as sulle ho so hit vnderstode
Seint Nicholas anoþer tyme bi a fair treo com
He fond þer men þat dude þing aȝen here Cristendom
Hi stoden þer as hi ofte dude & dude here sacrefise
To þe deuel vnder þis treo þat men miȝte agrise
Seint Nicholas hem turnde anon gode men forto beo
& makede hem bileue þe deueles lore & hewe adoun þe treo
Þe deuel after þulke tyme to him hadde gret onde
Forto alegge his poer in ech maner he gan fonde
Pelegrims þat were in þe see to seint Nicholas to wende
For godnisse þat hi of him ihurde if God hem wolde þider sende
In forme of a fair womman þe deuel hem com to
Louerdlinges heo seide wel is ȝou þat ȝe mowe ȝoure wille do
For to siche þis holi man þat so milceful is & hende


Leouere me were þan eni þing miȝte ich wiþ ȝou wende
For noþing y ne wilny more þan þan holi man to seo
Ac doþ for me a lutel þing whan hit nemai non oþer beo
Nymeþ her þis gode oignement þat precious is mid alle
& whan ȝe comeþ to his churche smyrieþ þerwiþ eche walle
To onure þis gode man þat is of so gret pouste
& y nemai to him come doþ þat in munde of me
Þis pelegrims mid gode hurte þat oignement to hem nome
To smyrie wiþ þis holi churche whan hi þuder come
As hi wende forþ in þe see sone hit gan bifalle
Þat þer com to hem a swiþe fair schip wiþ noble meyne mid alle
A bischop þer was among hem swiþe fair man & hende
He grette hem faire & eschte anon whower hi wolde wende
Hi seide þat hi þoȝte wende if hit Godes wille were
To þe cite of Mirre to þe holi bischop þere
Ho was quaþ þe bischop þe womman þat ȝou com to
What was þat heo tok ȝou & what scholde ȝe þerwiþ do
Sire hit is an oignement þis pelegri[m]s sede
Þat þe gode womman ous bad to þe holi bischop lede
Þerwiþ in munde of hire whan hit were þider ibroȝt
Smyrie þe holi churche wowes þat we ne bileuede hit noȝt
Ȝe ȝe quaþ þis holi man ȝe nute noȝt what was heo
Schowieþ me þe oignement & ȝe schulle somdel iseo
Þis gode man þis oignement amidde þe see caste
Þe water bigan to berne anon aȝen his cunde faste
Fram stede to stede þat fur orn & þat water brende also
[Nou luþer þrift on hire heued: þat þis oygnement ȝou broȝte to]
Þe liþere deuel of helle hit was he seide þat hit tok ȝou wiþ honde


Forto berne þulke churche for he haþ þerto onde
Þe bischop wende forþ anon þurf oure Louerdes sonde
Þe pelegrims rue þe nexte wei so þat hi come to londe
To seint Nicholas hi wende anon þat hi so wide soȝte
Anon þo hi seȝe þis gode man hi stode in grete þoȝte
Hem þoȝte þat hit was þe bischop þat in to þe see com
Þat schowede hem þe oignemen & þe swikedom
Louerd hi seide nou þin ore more is þi poer
Þat we seȝe in þe see er we come her
Hi herede moche þis holi man as hit wel riȝt was
Me þinȝþ þis is a fair miracle of seint Nicholas
Fairere miracles an vrþe her me neschal noȝt fynde iwrite
Þan me mai of seint Nicholas ho so hit wolde wite
Liþere men werrede in a tyme þemperour of Rome
& destruyde his londes faste & bataille aȝen him nome
Þemperour nom þe grete men & oþere menion
To wende wiþ gret poer to werre aȝen his fon
Þis þreo princes wiþ here men in þe see forþ wende
To fiȝte aȝen here wiþerewynes as þe emperour hem sende
So þat here schipes droue as hit were bi cas
To þe contrai of Mirre as þis bischop was
Þe bischop ihurde of hem telle he wende aȝen hem sone
& bad hem come & ete mid him & hi grantede his bone
Þis gode man for hi nescholde robberi non do
He makede hem swiþe wel at ese & god semblant also
So þat þurf þis holi man hi & here fon
Wiþoute dunt oþer blod ischad acorded were anon
& al to þemperoures gode & his onur also
Þis þreo maistres hamward wende þo þis dede was ido
Hi come & tolde þemperour hou hi hadde on itake
Þemperour was þo wel apaid & gret ioye to hem gan make
Here liþere felawes come sone & hadde þerto enuie
& seide hi hadde þemperour ido gret trecherie
& fol pays ymaked wiþ his fon & mid gret felonie


& in diserteisoun of þemperour hi gonne vpe him þuslie
Þemperour in grete wraþþe let hem nyme faste
& faste bounde alle þreo & in stronge prisoun hem caste
So faste were þis liþere men vpe þis maistres þreo
Þat þemperour swor hi oþ aslawe scholden hi beo
Alle his knyȝtes he let somni þat hi amorwe come
Þis þreo seli men to bringe to deþe þurf his dome
Þo þis teþinge was ibroȝt to þis prisouns þreo
Hi wope & cride dulfulliche þat reuþe hit was to seo
Louerd hi seide Nicholas fram wham wel glade we ȝeode
& as wis as we gulteles beoþ help ous at oure neode
A niȝt as þemperour lai as louerd & sire
In his paleis þat was so strong ibarred al wiþ ire
To him bifore his bed riȝt seint Nicholas com
What þenchestou he seide emperour wiþ þi false dom
Whi hauestou gultelese men in þi prisoun ibrouȝt
& þenchest hem sle gulteles wiþdraȝ he seide þi þoȝt
And let hem out of prisoun go & bring hem out of bende
Oþer ich wole mi Louerd bidde þat he schal þe schende
What ertou quaþ þemperour & of which pouste
Þat in such tyme þerst her come in mi paleys to me
Such bolde wordes to speke wonder me þinȝþ of þe
Ich am quaþ seint Nicholas bischop of Mirre
Seint Nicholas wende also to þe Iustise
In þe paleys biside as he lai & makede him sumdel agrise
Þu witles wrecche he seide what hastou iþoȝt
Þat redest þat þis gode men gulteles to deþe beo ibroȝt
Wiþdraȝ þi red ich rede anon oþer þu schalt an vrþe fordwyne
& beo destruyd & al þi god & deye in stronge pyne
Whar ertou þis oþer seide þat spext wordes so grete
Þat þemperoures heȝe Iustise þerst þrete


Ich am he seide Nicholas þe bischop of Mirre
Bote þu wiþdrawe þi red sone þu schalt ileoue me
Þemperour lai & quakede & sende after his Iustise
Þat adrad was as sore as he & quaked in his wise
Aiþer tolde oþer fore hou he to him sende
& bad hem leue here folie & hasteliche amende
& þretnede hem baldeliche wherfore hi were in drede
& forto schulde him fram his wraþþe anoþer hi moste rede
Þe prisouns hi lete nyme vp & sone bifore hem lede
Þis seli men were sore adrad hi wende sone beo dede
To þe bischop Nicholas reuliche hi gonne grede
& bede him wiþ god entente hem to helpe & rede
Beaus amis quaþ þemperour what maner men beo ȝe
Þat þus mid ȝoure enchantementȝ anyȝt derieþ me
A sire merci quaþ þis oþere whi wole ȝe sigge so
We necouþe neuere of such þing vpe God we woleþ hit do
Ac gultelese men we beoþ & gulteles her ibroȝt
As wis God schulde ous fram þe deþ as we nebeoþ gulti noȝt
Iknowe ȝe eni man he seide þat hatte Nicholas
Þer nas non of hem þat wiþ þis word in gret hope nas
Here honden hi hulde vp anheȝ & loude cride & gradde
To þe bischop Nicholas þat he reuþe of hem hadde
Þurf him quaþ þis emperour to lyue ȝe beoþ ido
Ich ȝou ȝyue lyf & lyme & ȝoure chateaux also
To him wendeþ hasteliche & telleþ him wel blyue
Hou þat ich for loue of him lete ȝou go a lyue
Þe prisouns wende wiþ glade hurte to þe bischop Nicholas
& þonkede him as hi wel auȝte of þis ioyful cas
Þo oure Louerdes wille was þat he scholde hunne wende
Oure Louerd he bad þat he scholde sum angles him sende
Þo he seȝ angles come oure Louerd he þonkede faste
Þe þretteþe saume of þe sauter he bigan atte laste
Louerd on þe ich haue ihoped þat y ne confunded beo


Bouȝ adoun þyn ere & delyure me
He deide atte sixte vers þat an Englisch to sigge is
Ich take mi soule in þin hond þu bouȝtest me Louerd iwis
Þe soule mid þulke word þangles forþ bere
Al þe cumpaignye of heuene wel glad þerwiþ were
He deide þreo hondred ȝer & in þe þreo & fourteoþe ȝere
After þat God an vrþe com as þe boc ous doþ lere
In a tumbe of marbre he was ileid swiþe fair mid alle
Oelle out of þe harde marbre anon þer gan walle
Sike men þer gonne sone þicke þider wende
& smyreden hem þer wiþ & hole were attan ende
In a tyme a Cristene man to a Gyw ȝeode
Forto borwi gold of him in his mochele neode
He nemiȝte fynde nanne borȝ ne wed nadde he non
Þe Gyw to seint Nicholas churche wiþ him he bad gon
Vpe seint Nicholas he swor at a certeyn day
So helpe him God & seint Nicholas as god forto pay
Þe Gyw for seint Nicholas loue þis oþ noȝt forsok
Ac seint Nicholas to borwe nom & þis gold him tok
Ac þis liþere Cristene man þo hit com to his daye
Þis gold nolde ȝulde noȝt ac þoȝte þis Gyw bitraye
Þe Gyw com & eschte whan he hit ȝulde wolde
Þu false schrewe quaþ þis oþer nabbe ich hit iȝulde
Þe Gyw seide nai & he ȝus & al hit was for noȝt
Þe Gyw him let somni þat he was to court ibroȝt
Ac þis liþere Cristene man þoȝte of false enginne
His staf he nom on his hond al iholed wiþinne
Þerinne he dude al þat gold þat he scholde þe Gyw ȝulde
& sleȝliche hit dutte þat me nescholde hit bymelde
Bifore þe baillif hi were ibroȝt þe Gyw & he boþe
He forsoc þe Gywes dette & was ido to his oþe
Þo he scholde his oþ do he leide his hond vpon þe bok
Þe Gyw þe while for to holde his staf he bitok


As moche gold as ich borwede of þe Gyw þat her is
So helpe me God & seint Nicholas ich tok him iwis
Þis liþere man mid his false oþ wel ileoued was
& þis oþer for he was a Gyw noþing ileoued nas
& þu me hast bigyled quaþ þe Gyw mid þi false cas
Ich chargi þi borȝ þat he ȝulde þi louerd seint Nicholas
Þe Gyw wiþ wel sori chere wende forþ anon
Þe false man nom his staf & hamward gan gon
As he ȝeode hamward bi þe wei to slepe he hadde gode wille
As tuei weyes togadere come adoun he lai wel stille
As he slep þis false man a cart þer com gon
& tobrusede his false bones þat he deide anon
Þat o whel todaschte al his staf as meni man isay
Þat gold schadde out al abrod & amidde þe weye lay
Þe Gyw þo he þis iseȝ loude he gan to crie
& þonkede seint Nicholas þat schewede his tricherie
For þe miracle men him radde Cristene forto beo
Certes ynelle quaþ þis oþer er ich more iseo
Ac if God & seint Nicholas wolde þis liþer manes lyf sende
Cristene ich wolde þanne beo & serui hem to mi lyues ende
Fram deþe to lyue þis false man þurf seint Nicholas com
Anon so þe Gyw þis iseȝ he wilnede Cristendom
& bileouede on Iesu Crist & god man euereft was
Þis me þinȝþ a fair miracle of seint Nicholas
Her ȝe seoþ hou hit goþ bi men þat wiþ gyle swerieþ iwis
Þeȝ he þurf gyle swerie soþ iwis forswore he is
A god man þer was in a tyme þat longe was mid his wyue
Þat no child nemiȝte habbe þat euere cam to lyue
To seint Nicholas ofte hi bede a child hem to sende
& bihete him if hit so were to him forto wende


Seint Nicholas ihurde here bone for god he is & mylde
Hit biful þerafter sone þat his wyf was mid chylde
& brouȝte forþ a faire sone glad þis gode man was
He let ȝarki a fair coupe to seint Nicholas
So faire was þe coupe of golde þo heo was ȝaru iwrouȝt
& þis hosebonde heo was so leof þat he nolde leue hire noȝt
Ac athuld hire in his owe hous him silue þerof to drinke
Anoþer to seint Nicholas þe goldsmyth he let biswinke
Þo þe coupe was ymaked to þe louerd seint Nicholas
He wiste hire wiþ gret drueri ac þoþer fairere was
Þo his sone was wel iwexe & hadde strenȝþe & miȝte
To þe pelgrimage of seint Nicholas þis gode man him diȝte
& nom wiþ him his leoue sone & þe coupen beye
Þe furste þat him was so leof to serui him bi þe weye
Þoþer to ofri seint Nicholas whan hi þider come
Hi greiþede hem a Godes name & þe holi wei hi nome
So þat hi come in þe see as hi þane wei wende
After water of þe see þis gode man his sone sende
Fech me he seide of þe water in myn owene coupe
Þat child dude his fader heste & to þe water gan stoupe
Þe coupe ful out of his hond & anon to grounde sonk
Þe child ful in afterward & in þe water adronk
Gret deol makede þis gode man þo he seȝ þis cas
Þat he nadde bote þat o child & he adronke was
Awei he seide þis dai abide leoue Louerd allas
Wel ich wot ich haue agult þe louerd seint Nicholas
Þat ich bynom him þe furste coupe Louerd what schal ich do
Þerfore ich habbe ilore nou mi child & þe coupe also
Seint Nicholas forȝif hit me & ynelle noȝt bileue iwis
Þat ynelle siche þe þeȝ me beo bifalle þis
Þis gode man wende forþ in deol & sori þoȝt
Er he to seint Nicholas com he neturnde aȝe noȝt
Þo he to þe weued com þat he hadde wide isoȝt


Þe coupe he offrede þerto þat he hadde þider ibroȝt
Þe coupe hipte anon aȝe he nolde astinte þere
Ac hipte into þe flor wreche as þeȝ hit were
Þis gode man hire nom vp & offrede hire eft þere
Eftsone heo hipte fram þe weued forþere þan heo dude ere
Þo was þis gode man agrise & þoþere aboute also
Louerd he seide seint Nicholas [] ich haue þe moche misdo
Ich wolde offri þoþer coupe ac y nemai þerto come
Vnderfong þus if hit beo þi wille for þoþer me is bynome
Vnderfong þoþer of mi sone for þu wost wher he is
Let mi sone to þe offri þulke & let me offri þis
For no hope of his sones lyf þe gode man þis nesede
Ac for he scholde his soule helpe & þe whatlokere do what he bede
Mid þis word þer com in his sone þat was adronke
& bar þe coupe on his hond þat was mid him asonke
To þe weued he ȝeode & offrede to seint Nicholas
Wele Louerd þe grete ioye þat of þe miracle was
Gladliche þe fader & þe sone here offring vp bere
& wende hom wiþ grete ioye & leuede þe coupen þere
& herede moche seint Nicholas as hi wel auȝte iwis
Meni is þe faire miracle þat of seint Nicholas is
A Gyw was while in a tyme þat ihurde meni o tale
Of þe miracles of seint Nicholas þat he dude so fale
So þeȝ he were a Gyw vpe him his hurte he caste
& honurede him ynouȝ & biþoȝte him atte laste
An ymage priueiliche he makede of seint Nicholas
& honurede hit in his hous þo hit ȝare was
In a tyme hit biful þat he hadde to done
In þe contrai þeraboute to come aȝe wel sone
He nuste wham his god bitake forte he aȝe come
Seint Nicholas ymage he bad nyme þerto gode gome
Ich þe habbe he seide iloued ynouȝ do me some god þerfore
Wite mi god forte ich come þat hit ne beo forlore
For bi seint Nicholas þat ich louie if hit beo awei ibore


Whan ich come aȝe þu schalt sore abigge þerfore
Þe Gyw wende forþ his wei & tok al his god to wite
Þe ymage forte he come aȝe as hit is iwrite
Siþþe hit biful þat liþere men & þeoues þer come
& breke þis Gywes hous & his god awei nome
Þo þe Gyw com hom aȝe & miste al his god
Deol & sorewe he makede ynouȝ & furde as he were wod
To þe ymage he wende anon as heo bi þe walle stod
What he seide hastou ido þu settest þin harm abrod
Ich toc þe to wite al þe god þat God lente me
Nou hit is ibore awei & al ich hit wite þe
Whan ich triste so moche to þe [& þu nost do my bone]
Bi riȝte lawe as ich bihet þe þu schalt abugge sone
Whan þu ȝolde mi godhede so vuele atte laste
Harde scourgen he nom & þis ymage beot faste
Þat grete pieces wende awei he furde as he were wod
& euere he bad þe seli treo ȝulde hom his god
Seint Nicholas þerafter sone to þe þeues wende
& al towonded & al todrawe as þe Gyw þe ymage rende
To soþe ich sigge ȝe schulle honge bote ȝe hit aȝen lede
For ȝe schulle sum mid me abugge ȝoure misdede
Þo were þe þeoues sore adrad hi nome sone to rede
And brouȝte aȝe þe Gywes god hi neþerfte noȝt elles for drede
& were iknowe of al here gult & þe miracle him sede
Hou seint Nicholas to hem com wiþ sides blodrede
Þe þeoues & þe Gyw ȝurne seint Nicholas þo bede
Forȝyuenisse of þat & nolde neuere do to quede
& þe þeoues bicome true men & nestole neuereft more
& þe Gyw him let cristni anon & turnde al to Godes lore


Anoþer tyme a god man was þat hadde a clerk to sone
For loue of him he wolde eche ȝer a seint Nicholas dai bi wone
Of meni clerkes holde feste & seint Nicholas also
Wiþ offring & feste [at] churche gret honur to do
Þe deuel hadde þerto gre[t] onde a dai he com þere
A seint Nicholas dai to mete as hit a beggere were
& bad for seint Nicholas loue sum god þat me him ȝeue
Anon so þe child him þer wiste he nolde ne leng bileue
Ac bred he nom in his hond þe schrewe forto bede
Ac þo he com toward þe ȝete þe schrewe aweiward ȝeode
Þe child ȝeode euere after him to ȝyue him of þe brede
Ac he ȝeode euere forþ as hit were aweiward him to lede
& þo he com into a durne stede he turnde him atte laste
As hit were to nyme his bred ac anon he nom wel faste
Þe child bi þe seli þrote & astranglede him anon
Þe child lai þer & deide sone & þe schrewe gan forþ gon
Þe gode man þo he miste his sone he soȝte him wel wide
Ac þo he fond him ligge aslawe dulfulliche he cride
Louerd he seide seint Nicholas ich bidde þe milce & ore
Honured ich haue þe meni o dai & ȝut ich þenche more
& for enchesoun of mi sone þe more & for his lore
& þu me sendest ioye of him & schuldest me fram sore
Whi ȝuldestou mi while þus louerd whi dostou so
Seint Nicholas hou miȝtou þus [for] reuþe bi me do
Ȝif me ioye of mi child þat ich him mote alyue iseo
& ich bihote God to serui & god man for to beo
As he was þus in his bedes þat child aros vp alone
& herede God & seint Nicholas among hem echone
Þat him hadde lyf isend for his fader bone þer
& tolde him hou þe deuel him hadde astrangled er
For as moche as he honurede so seint Nicholas
Þis me þinȝþ as meni oþer a fair miracle was
Nou God þat for seint Nicholas [] such miracle hast ido


Schuld ous fram þe pyne of helle & fram dedlich synne also

[Seinte Lucie þe holi maide ]

Seinte Lucie þe holi maide in Cisille was ibore
Wel ȝung heo gan to serui God & bileuede synne & hore
Dame Eutice hire moder het þat hire to womman brouȝte
Of such a child wel glad heo was as heo wel ouȝte
So þat hire moder cam an vuel swiþe greuous & longe
For four ȝer heo hadde mid grete pyne þe meneisoun stronge
In fisiciens heo hadde ispend mochedel of hire gode
Ac þer nas non þat miȝte hire hele þat heo ne bledde blod
So þat wel wide in þe lond me tolde of seint Agace
Of miracles þat at hire schryne come þurf Godes grace
In þe cite of Attenes þer þis holi womman lay
Þat folc wende þider þicke boþe niȝ[t] & day
Bi meni þousend togadere of eche lond aboute
Þo seinte Lucie iseȝ aldai of folc so gret route
Moder heo seide þu hauest an vuel swiþe greuous mid alle
& we hureþ aldai miracles of seint Agace falle
Go we forþ þider mid oþere to þe holie seint Agace
& þu schalt þer to hele come þurf oure Louerdes grace
Nou was Lucie stilleliche iturnd to Cristendom
Ac hire moder heþene was & al þat folc þat heo of com
To an heþene man Lucie was iwedded in ȝunghede
Ac naþeles clene maide he wa[s] wiþoute ech fol dede
Hire moder heo nom stilleliche & mid oþer forþ wende
To þe tumbe of seint Agace hire moder lyf to amende
Þo hi were þider icome hi leuede a stounde þere
& hurde þe masse þer a dai wiþ oþere þat þer were
So þat þe godspel was a dai as Lucie vnderstod
Of a womman þat while hadde þe meneisoun of blod
& com & tuochede þe lappe of oure Louerdes cloþ ene
As he wende in grete presse & was hol anon & clene


Leoue moder quaþ Lucie if þu leouest in Holi Churche
& þe wordes of þe godspel & wolt þerafter wurche
Þurf tuochinge of seint Agace tumbe þu worst hol anon
As þe womman was þurf oure Louerd þat after him gan gon
Þo þat folc was al iwend seinte Lucie com
To seinte Agace holi tumbe & hire moder wiþ hire nom
Þer hi leye in here bedes hi nolde þanne gon
So þat Lucie þis maide worþ aslepe anon
Þat holi maide seint Agace fram heuene to hire aliȝte
Wiþ gret cumpaignie of angles hire croune schynde briȝte
Lucie heo seide leoue soster whi trauaillestou so
Whi biddestou me so ȝurne þing þat þu þe silue miȝt do
Þi bileue þat is so god helpeþ þi moder iwis
Anon þurf þe & þi godnisse þi moder iheled is
& also as þis cite is moche ihered þurf me
Also schal þi contrai beo ihered þurf þe
Þo seinte Lucie awok heo gan to quake sore
Moder heo seide þu ert hol þe neþer drede namore
For þe loue of þe holi maide þat þe haþ to hele ibroȝt
Ne fonde þu neuere to bringe me of mi clene þoȝt
Ne let neuere mi spouse in folie mi maidenhod aspille
Ne let me noȝt leose þe longe lyf for a lute fol wille
Ac al þat þu igranted hast to mi spouse ȝyue mid me
Let me hit ȝyue pore men moder ich bidde þe
Þe moder þo heo hol was god womman heo bicom
& þe douȝter þurf þe moder wille al hire god nom
& delde among pore men while hit ilaste oȝt
To him þat hire spouse was þe teþinge was ibroȝt
To seinte Lucie norice he wende & eschte hire faste
What Lucie were so on bicome hire god awei to caste
& whi heo dude hit so awei & whoder heo dude hit bere
Þe norice queynteliche ȝaf þerof answere
& seide to sulle heo haþ ifounde dureworþe þing iwis
Þat is such a þousend worþ as al hire þing is


Þe beste cheffare hit is ibouȝt þat euere man to drouȝ
Woldestou entri þerinne in part þu were riche ynouȝ
Þe cheffare was heueneriche þat þis maide hadde ibouȝt
Þoþer wondrede of þanswere & stod in gret þoȝt
So þat þoþer vnderȝat þat heo Cristine was
In grete wraþþe he tolde fore þe Iustice þat het Pascas
Lucie was wel sone ifet & tofore þe iustise ibroȝt
Maide seide þe iustise what hastou iþoȝt
Bilef he seide þi folie ich rede in alle wise
& to oure godes as riȝt is þu do sacrefise
Ich haue quaþ þis holi maide al þis þreo ȝer ido
Mi sacrefise to Iesu Crist & ȝut ich wole also
Al þat ich hadde ich haue isold & itake am to his lore
& nou ich wole mi bodi þerto take whan þer nis bileued nomore
Ich ȝulde him vp al mi bodi sire Iustise atfore þe
To spene ech lyme in his seruise do what þu wolt bi me
Nou ich wot quaþ þe iustise wharto þu turnest þi mod
For in hordom & in lechours þu hast ispend þi god
& whan þu nast nomore to spene þu saist in þi speche
Þeron þu wolt spene al þi bodi & þerof þu dost preche
For þu spext as an hore strong whan þu wolt forsake
Þi louerd to wham þu ert iwedded & to lechours take
Iwedded ich was to Iesu Crist þis holi maide tolde
Þo ich ifulled was þulke weddin ich wole holde
Ac to hordom þu woldest me bringe whan þu woldest me make
Mi swete spouse Iesu Crist for eni oþer forsake
Þu him schalt forsake quaþ þe iustise haddestou hit iswore
Oþer to comun bordel beo ilad oþer ibore
& þer schal meni a moder child go to licame
& ligge bi þe ech þat wole in hordom & in schame
Nemai no womman quaþ þis maide of hire maidenhod beo ido


For no dede þat me do þat bodi bote hire hurte beo þerto
For þe more aȝe mi wille mi bodi defouled is
Þe clennere is mi maidenhod & þe more mi mede iwis
Þe Iustise let aboute wide into al þe contrai crie
Þat alle þat wolde bi such a fair womman do eni folie
To hire come alle þat wolde for alle heo scholde take
For in bordel heo scholde beo ido & non of hem forsake
He het his men hire nyme faste & to bordel hire lede anon
Alle þat miȝte neȝ hire come hi droȝe faste echon
Hi schoue & droȝe al þat hi miȝte hi nemiȝte hire a fot awinne
Ne make hire icche anne fot of þe stede þat heo was inne
Þo nome hi ropes stronge ynou & to fet & honden tyde
& alle þat miȝte þerneȝ come faste hi drowe & breide
A þousend men mid al here mayn hire one gonne drawe
& euere heo lai as stille as ston hi nemiȝte hire enes wawe
What hou goþ þis quaþ þis Iustise what reisoun mai þis beo
Þat a þousend men nemowe hire enes of þe stede teo
Sire Iustise quaþ þis maide þu huntest aboute noȝt
For þeȝ þu haddest ȝut to hem ten þousend ibroȝt
Ȝut ich wolde beo for ȝou alle ich fele bi me her
Þe holi vers þat seint Dauid saiþ in þe sauter
Þat a þousend men scholde in mi side falle & to grounde beo ibroȝt
& ten þousend in mi riȝt half & me aprochi noȝt
Þerfore hit is al for noȝt þat þu huntest aboute
God is strengere þan þu beo þerfore nabbi no doute
Þu ert wicche quaþ þe Iustise þerof me mot þe bringe
Mi clerkes & myne enchantours bynyme schulle þi wicchinge
His clerkes he let bringe forþ & his enchantours echone
& hi dude here enchantementȝ aboute hire alone
Þo hi hadde ido þat hi couþe þat folc gan eft drawe


& euere heo lai stille as an hul hi nemiȝte hire noȝt enes wawe
Þ[e] Iustise þo he iseȝ þis for wraþþe was wel neȝ wod
Certes he seide hire wicchinge neschal do hire no god
Stronge temes he let fecche of oxen menion
& bringe þer þat maide was & teye to hire echon
He let hem prikie & harli faste hi gonne to drawe & tuicche
& euere lai þis maide stille hi nemiȝte hire enes icche
Wel ich wene wher me miȝte þurf eni lasse drawinge
Eni womman an vrþe nou to suche folie bringe
Ac for alle men nabbeþ noȝt of oxen so god won
Summe þeȝ hit fewe beo mid lasse drawinge wolleþ gon
Certes quaþ þe iustise oþer what we mote do
Wiþ oþer þing we schulle hire welde whan we nemowe noȝt so
Makieþ vpe þe hore as heo lyþ whan we nemowe iwynne hire henne
As strong fur as ȝe mowe make þat heo al forbrenne
Þo þis fur was strong ymaked he sat amidde wel stille
Nemiȝte þat fur hire enes brenne ne harmi worþ a fille
Þo nomen hi & walde pich & brimston wel faste
& vpe hire tendre bodi naked al seoþinge gonne hit caste
& euere sat þis maide stille hit negreuede hire noþing
Ac prechede euere wiþ glade hurte of Iesu heuene king
Þo nuste þe liþere Iustise what he miȝte do more
Whan he nemiȝte þis clene þing ouercome mid his lore
A scherp swerd he let & kene þurf out hire þrote do
To bynyme hire speche & hire holi lyf also
Þo heo was þurfout þe þrote ismyte þe bet heo spac ynouȝ
& prechede ȝurne of Iesu Crist & wel smere louȝ
Ȝe heo seide þat Cristene beoþ glade & bliþe ȝe beo
Nou nebeo ȝe adrad of noþing for gret ioye ich iseo
A ioyful teþinge ich ȝou telle þat soþ is & les noȝt


Þat riȝt nou is Holi Churche in god pees ibroȝt
For oure tuei wiþerewynes þat habbeþ ibeo so ȝare
Beoþ riȝt nou to noȝt ibroȝt ȝe neþore of hem noȝt care
For þe liþere Dioclician þat so moche harm haþ ido
Ipult is out of his kynedom he necomeþ neuere more þerto
& also Maximian þat so liþer haþ ibeo
Riȝt nou deide in liþere deþe ȝe nescholle hem nomore iseo
Þis glade teþinge ich ȝou bringe þeȝ hi fur hunne beo
Ihered beo God þat ich moste [] þis dai alyue iseo
Ich wole ȝou nou bitake Iesu Crist for ich wole fram ȝou wende
Bringeþ me oure Louerdes flesch for þat schal beo myn ende
Preostes wende forþ anon & þat folc þat þer stod
& fette to þis holi maide Godes flesch & his blod
Þo heo hit hadde vnderfonge & hire riȝtes also
& þe oreisouns were alle iseid þat bifulle þerto
Wiþ þe laste word heo ȝaf þe gost as hi amen sede
Angles al ȝare were hire soule to heuene lede
Þer heo is wiþ Iesu Crist in ioye wiþouten ende
Nou God for þe loue of hire ous lete þider wende

[Seint Thomas þe gode apostle ]

Seint Thomas þe gode apostle ymartrid was in Ynde
Of his lyf we mote rede as we doþ in boke fynde
Þe while oure Louerd an vrþe was wiþ him he wende aboute
Me clipede him siþþe a tuo name Thomas longe in doute
For þo oure Louerd fram deþe aros in doute þerof he was
Þapostles leouede hit wel alle bote seint Thomas
Ac he seide he nolde ileoue bote he seȝe his wounde


& he felde & pulte his fynger þerinne to þe grounde
For his misbileoue me him clipede Thomas longe in doute
As me redeþ in Holi Churche whan his dai comeþ aboute
Siþþe com oure Louerd Crist mid his wounden al ablode
To him & to his oþere disciples as hi togadere stode
Thomas he seide hider þi fynger & pult her in mi side
& nebeo þu noȝt misbileoued for mi wonden þu sixt wide
Þo leouede he wel þat he hit was & also euermore
Mi Louerd he seide & mi God ich bidde þe milce & ore
Þo þat he þat soþe iseȝ of oure Louerd he prechede faste
& his name & Cristendom þe while his lyf ilaste
Hit biful longe after þe tyme þat oure Louerd to heuene wende
Þat Gundofre þe kyng of Ynde wide alonde sende
If me miȝte eni carpenter fynde noble & sleȝ
In eni londe þat couþe arere a paleys noble & heȝ
In þe lond of Sceȝare seint Thomas was þo
Oure Louerd aliȝte þer adoun & aȝen him com go
Thomas he seide þe kyng of Ynde haþ isend her neȝ
To siche after a carpenter þat were queynte & sleȝ
Com wiþ me & ich wole þider to him þe sende
Louerd merci quaþ þis oþer y nerecche whoder ich wende
Bote þat y necome in Ynde þerof me doþ agrise
Send me elles whoder þu wolt & þider in none wise
Þu schalt þider quaþ oure Louerd & ich wole wiþ þe
& whan þu þurf prechinge þat lond hast iturnd to me
Þer þu schalt ymartrid beo & þanne to me wende
Go we to þis messager forþ ich wole þe sende
Hi come & fonde þe messager þat brouȝte hem þis teoþinge
As he com furst vp of þe see amidde þe chepinge
Aban he was ihote oure Louerd sone he mette
& eschte what he souȝte þer & wel faire him grette
Mi louerd Gundofre quaþ Aban þat is kyng of Ynde
Sende me hider if ich miȝte a queynte carpenter fynde


Þat ich hou ich on toke in alle manere him brouȝte
& wiþ catel if he were þral of his louerd him bouȝte
Oþer ich if he freo man were hurede him deore ynouȝ
& forto do sumwhar mi neode hiderward ich drouȝ
Ich haue a man quaþ oure Louerd þat riȝt myn owe man is
Þat whan ich him ofte aboute sende he wircheþ wel iwis
& doþ his mester swiþ wel whoder he euere wende
& euere þat he biȝut he bringeþ me oþer doþ me sende
For queyntere bold he can make þan euere in Ynde were
Ne such man nis in Ynde non þat such bold couþe arere
For myn owe man ich take him þe þat he wiþ þe wende
& ȝe him whan he haþ ido wiþ honur aȝen him sende
Oure Louerd bitok seint Thomas Aban bi þe honde
& vpe þe foreward ymaked he ladde him to his londe
Me þinȝþ he auȝte wirche wel for his borȝ was god ynouȝ
If he makede breke his borȝhod me þinȝ hit were wouȝ
Aban of þis foreward glad & bliþe was
Into þe schip he wende anon mid þe gode man seint Thomas
Sone he eschte seint Thomas as hi bi þe see wende
Whar he purliche his man were þat him þider sende
If ich nadde quaþ seint Thomas purliche his man ibeo
His manrede ich wolde habbe forsake þo he me toc to þe
Sai me þanne quaþ Aban what is þi seruise
Wherof þu seruest þe heȝe man þat ȝe beoþ so wise
Carpenter quaþ [þis] oþer ich am queynte & sleȝ
Paley[s] and bold ich can rere suyþe noble & heȝ
Strong & liȝt & swiþ fair wiþoute & wiþinne
Þat noman nemai hit fille adoun mid strenȝþe ne mid ginne
Ne tempest ne wynd so strong þat hit mowe greue oȝt


So queynte bold nas neuere non to no prince iwroȝt
A dieu merci quaþ þis Aban þat þi louerd gret man is
Þat so queynte man haþ vnder him ynot no such iwis
Heȝ man he is quaþ seint Thomas & heȝ manes sone
Vp an heȝ hul his woning is & þer he wole euere wone
Þer he halþ his heritage & his fader kynedom anheȝ
Þer nis non of fon so strong þat him mowe come neȝ
Sik man ne pore nis þer non so riche þe lond is
So riche lond nas neuere iseȝe of such solaȝ ne blis
Tellinge hi wende forþ so þat þurf gode wynde
Þe soueþe dai hi come alond wel a þis half Ynde
Hi aryuede in an heȝ cite þeras a kyng lay
Þat let weddi to an heȝ man his douȝter þulke day
At þis brudale was ioye ynou song & gret hoppinge
Tabours fithele & sinfonye & murȝþe þurf alle þinge
Seint Thomas & þis Aban wende to þe feste
As ofte menye doþ wiþoute bede & heste
A gleo man song atte mete as hit riȝt was
As he song vp & doun he bihuld seint Thomas
Him þoȝte he was a Cristene man to paye him he gan singe
Cristene men habbeþ o God þurf alle þinge
Þo seint Thomas ihurde þis he bad him singe eftsone
Þis gleoman song vþ & doun & dude Thomas bone
Þe botille[r] chidde wiþ seint Thomas for he bad him singe more
A buffet he smot him vnder þe ere þat him smurte sore
Inele noȝt arise quaþ seint Thomas hunne fram mi fere
Er an hound bringe þulke hond bifore ous alle here
Þo þat folc hadde neȝ iȝete þe botiller wende sone
To a welle out to fecche water as he was woned to done
Þo he out to þe welle com a lioun þer com gon


& hente þe botiller bi þe þrote & astranglede him anon
& todrouȝ ech lyme fram oþer an hound þer com bi cas
& kipte þe hond in his mouþ þat he smot wiþ seint Thomas
& bar hit in bifore þat folc & bifore þe kinge
Þer nas non þat hit iseȝ þat newondrede of þe þinge
Hi seide þis is an holi man þat God doþ for such dede
Bi þe botiller hit is icome riȝt as he him sede
Þe king let clipie bifore him seint Thomas anon
& seide þu ert an holi man þat þus þe wrekest of þi fon
Þu schalt mid me to mi douȝter into chambre wende
& blesci hire & hire spouse þat hi habbe þe betere ende
Seint Thomas gan wiþ þe kinge into chambre gon
Þe ȝunge brude & hire spouse aȝen come anon
Seint Thomas his holi hond vpe here heuedes leide
& blescede hem a Godes name & his oreisoun seide
He nom his leue & wende aȝe & þis ȝunge spouse
Lad him forþ & þonkede him þat he com into here house
A ȝerd of palm com in his hond he nuste whannes hit com
As he ladde seint Thomas wel gladliche he hit nom
Þe ȝerd was ful of dates waxinge as þeȝ hi were
Gret wonder & ioye hi hadde of þis ioye þere
Þis ȝunge man bar his ȝunge wyf þat frut fair & swete
Of þe frut hi nome boþe & gladliche þerof ete
Þo hi hadde þerof yȝete hi nemiȝte forgon
Ac here aiþer lai bi oþer adoun & fulle aslepe anon
Me beddede hem so softe as me miȝte & palles vpe hem caste
& wende alle out bote hem silue & þe dores makede faste
As hi leye boþe & slepe a fair kyng to hem com
& bituene hem stod in fair abyt & in his armes hem nom
Mi leoue childrene he seide myn apostle þat was her
Blescede ȝou for ȝe scholde of heuene beo partiner


Doþ after him & ȝe schullen beo þer wiþouten ende
Stille he let hem slepe & softe gan aȝe wende
Þo hi awoke hi leye & tolde hou hit miȝte beo
Ac hi necouþe for noþing insiȝt þerof iseo
As hi leye & herof tolde seint Thomas to hem wende
Þe kyng he seide þat spac mid ȝou hider to ȝou me sende
Þe dores & þe ȝates beoþ ymaked in he me haþ ibroȝt
If ȝe wolleþ þe ioye afonge [] þat he ȝou haþ iwroȝt
& his blescing þat ich ȝou ȝaf þurf me wite also
In þe ioye wiþouten ende in heuene he wole ȝou do
For ȝe habbeþ ȝut ȝoure maidenhod þat of ech godnisse is quene
Þat neuere ne wanteþ tofore God ac euere is briȝt & schene
Þis ȝunge þinges fulle adoun bifore seint Thomas akneo
& cride on hem þat he hem taȝte hou hit of oure Louerd beo
[Seint Thomas hem tolde anon hou it of oure Lord is]
& brouȝte hem boþe to Cristendom & þe kyng & alle his
On of his disciples siþþe he nom þat ihote was Dionis
& makede him maister of þat folc þat hi nedude noȝt amis
Þis Dionis he maked preost & let him churche arere
Þat folc com þider eche dai & hurde seruise þere
Þo þat lond was ibroȝt in god stat ynouȝ
Seint Thomas his leue nom & toward Ynde drouȝ
Anon so Aban miȝte seint Thomas to Ynde bringe
Wiþ gret ioye he ladde him forþ & brouȝte bifore þe kynge
To a fair place þe kyng him ladde & eschte him in alle wise
If he couþe such bold arere as he couþe deuise
Seint Thomas bihuld þis place sire he seide ȝe
So fair bold nis in al þis lond as y can rere þe
A perche he nom & met aboute as ech hous scholde beo


Sire he seide mi deuys þu schalt sone iseo
Þe halle ich wole furst arere in þis place in eche wise
Estward þe dore & þe porche as þe sonne doþ arise
Þat þe sonne as sone as heo aryst atte dore in schold shine
Herȝund ich wole þe chambre habbe ymete bi myne lyne
Herȝund ich wole þe kychene habbe þe condut þerbiside
He diuisede al euene ynouȝ & long ynou & wide
So noble bold nemiȝte beo as he gan þer deuise
Þe kyng of his sotylte gan sumdel agrise
Certes he seide ich ȝyue þe pris for þe beste carpenter
& queynteste þat ich euer iseȝ & best deuisest her
He tok him gareisoun ynouȝ such bold to arere
& wende him silf out of þe lond þat tuo ȝer he necom þere
Seint Thomas þis tresour nom & wide wende alonde
& moche folc brouȝte to Cristendom þurf oure Louerdes sonde
Churchen he rerde menyon & preostes he sette þere
Such bold noble & queynte hit was þat he wolde þe king arere
Þe þridde ȝer þe kyng cam hom & wende al ȝare fynde
His bold as he hit hadde bispeke þo was hit al bihynde
After seint Thomas he sende þat bitrayde him so he sede
Sone me tolde him hou hit was & al of his dede
Þe kyng him let nyme anon & into strong prisoun do
& Aban þat him þuder broȝte me dude bi him also
& swor his oþ þat hi scholde al quik ihuld beo
& ibrend al to douste & siþþe awei fleo
Þe kinges broþer þat het Gaad al atte deþe lai
Þe king forȝat al seint Thomas for deol þat he sai
He het his men him witie wel & his felawes also
Forte his broþer betere were þat he miȝte here dom do
So þat his broþer deide sone þe king makede deol ynouȝ
He let him greiþi faire mid alle & elles hit were wouȝ


Four dayes he huld him inne þat he agreiþed were
In porpre & cheisil & ȝymmes þat no defaute nere
Þo he was nobliche agreiþed þe furde dai hi him nome
& wiþ heȝe men meni on to his burynge come
As hi wolde þis heȝe man in his putte do
Wiþ gret noblei & prute ynouȝ & wiþ wop & sor also
He aros vp fram deþe to lyue among hem echone
Þo makeden hi boþe ioye & blis þat luste er bet to grone
Broþer he seide þo he aros þu dost an vuel dede
Þat seint Thomas þe holi man to prisoun letest lede
For mid God of heuene he is wel & þurf him ich am nou
To lyue ibroȝt as ȝe seoþ ich wole ȝou telle hou
Þo ich was ded angles come & mi soule bere
& schewede me þe ioye of heuene þeȝ ich vnworþi were
Þat noble bold hi schewede me ek þat seint Thomas let rere
Of tresour þat þu him bitoke God ȝyue ich were þere
Imaked hit is al as he þe seide & noblikere if hit may
Of ȝymes & stones preciouse noblere neuere y nesay
Lo seide to me þangel þo sixtou þis noble bold
Þis haþ seint Thomas arerd of þe siluer & of þe gold
Þat þi broþer him bitok elleswhar to bigynne
Ac þi broþer vnworþi is to come ȝut her ynne
Louerd seide ich þo þat hit ȝoure wille were
Þat ich moste her porter beo for no betere worþ ynere
We schulleþ quaþ þangles þo oure Louerd for þe bisiche
Þat þi soule wende to vrþe aȝe þi lyf forto eche
Forto libbe an vrþe more to don al þi wille
Ac beo seint Thomas of prisoun ibroȝt ich rede þat ȝe him ne spille
Þo he hadde þis tale itold he orn to seint Thomas
& ful to his fet & þonkede him as he in prisoun was
& tolde him al hou hit was & bad him ȝurne also
To forȝyue his broþer þe king þat he him hadde misdo
Þe king þo com vrne also & bad him milce & ore
To forȝyue him his trepas & he nolde nomore


Hi brouȝte him sone of prisoun wiþ ioye & blisse ynouȝ
Þat folc onurede him as a god & þicke aboute him drouȝ
Moche haþ oure Louerd quaþ seint Thomas for ȝou alle ido
Þat schewede ȝou his priueite whan ȝe nebeoþ worþi þerto
Þe paleys is noble & riche ynouȝ þat ich habbe iwroȝt
Mid þe tresour þat þe king me tok to ende hit is ibroȝt
Ech man þat wole do after me þider he schal wende
Louerd & prince forto beo euere wiþouten ende
Ȝe mo[we] wende into al þat lond & iseo al aboute
Ech contray ful of churchen þerfore ȝe mowe beo proute
Sire kyng alle hi beoþ arerd wiþ þat þu me bitoke
If þu nelt ileoue me wend aboute & loke
Þe king & al þat oþer folc þat þikke aboute him com
Hi leouede on God for þis miracle & turnde to Cristendom
Fourtene þousend men to oure Louerd turnde þere
Wiþoute children & wimmen þat meni also were
Seint Thomas hem tauȝte þe riȝte lawe & þerof makede hem wise
At eche churche he sette a preost to do Godes seruise
Þo hi were alle in god poynt his leue faire he nom
& wende forþ in to þe lond & prechede Cristendom
In anoþer contrai he com þer he stinte a stounde
He pulte him forþ baldeliche & prechede al to grounde
Deue & dumbe & oþere ek in siknisse ibounde
He helde anon þurf Godes grace whan he eni founde
Such miracle as he dude þurf oure Louerdes sonde
Nas neuere among hem iseȝe in none stede of þe londe
Þe cri sprong of him wel wide meni iourneyes þanne
Þat God was þer in Ynde icome in forme of a manne
He was man gladdest þat miȝte þider wende
To habbe enes a siȝt of him aboute in eche ende
Þe presse com aboute him þicke of þe contray fur & neȝ


& huld him [God] in manes forme ech þat him iseȝ
Þe riche men þat þer were neȝ a riche croune wrouȝte
Of gold & ȝymmes swiþe riche & to þis holi man brouȝte
Ech maner cloþing þat kyng werie scholde
To cloþi him as a king & crouny him wiþ golde
Gret tresour hi brouȝte him ek if he hit werie wolde
Seint Thomas stod & bihuld þerof noþing he nolde
Ȝe leoueþ he seide mi leoue freond þat ich beo þat ynam noȝt
Inam no kyng such þing to afonge as ȝe me habbeþ ibroȝt
Inam noȝt God as summe weneþ ac ich am his hyne
& he me haþ hider isend to schulde ȝou fram helle pyne
To teche ȝou forsake þe false godes þat nemowe ȝou helpe noȝt
& bileoue on ȝoure riȝte God þat ȝou haþ iwroȝt
Bileoueþ on him ich ȝou rede & ȝe schulle to ioye wende
Þe tresour þat ȝeo beodeþ me pore men ȝe sende
Sike men þer come þicke aboute in eche side
Blynde dombe & oþere ek here hele to abide
Seint Thomas alle þe sike men brouȝte in one place
& among hem sat adoun akneo & bad oure Louerdes grace
Þat he cudde his miȝte in þe place & here hele sende þere
Þat þe folc þat soþe iseȝe þat he almiȝti God were
Þo he hadde oure Louerd þus ibede among hem alle þer com
So gret liȝtinge & schyninge þat here siȝt almest hit bynom
Furst hit ouerspradde seint Thomas þer he lai in his bede
& al þat folc ful adoun riȝt þer in þe stede
& leye in þe place alle to grounde þe mountance of half a tide


Þe while þis grete liȝt ilaste ech bi oþeres side
Þo þat liȝt ipassed was þat ech miȝte oþer iseo
Alle hi rise hole & sounde hollere nemiȝte non beo
Þer was ioye & blisse ynou þer nemiȝte beo nomore
Hi onurede seint Thomas & cride him milce & ore
Þer turnde neoȝe þousend men & ibaptised were
Wiþoute childrene & wimmen þurf þis miracle þere
Þe cri was þo þerof so moche þat al þat lond wel wide
Þerof me spac & þider orn aboute in eche side
Karrik het þe kinges mei þat of þulke londe was
Migdonie het his wyf þat oure Louerd ȝaf fair cas
For Migdonie þis gode wyf to a womman com
Þat heo kneu er & was þo iturnd to Cristendom
Þat hadde six ȝer ibeo blynd & siȝt hadde þo
Leoue soster quaþ Migdonie hou is hit of þe ago
Þat þu hast so longe blynd ibeo & nou ert iheled so
What is þulke wise man þat such miȝte mai do
Certes dame quaþ þis oþer þe nobleste man hit is
Þat among men euere an vrþe com wiþoute God silf iwis
For of siknisse he doþ al his wille he nefailleþ neuere
Haddestou him enes iseȝe þe gladdere þu woldest beo euere
Dieu merci quaþ þis gode wyf hou mai ich on take
Þat ynadde iseȝe þis holi man þat such wonder can make
Wel þu schalt do quaþ þis oþer for to morwe as he sede
He wole prechi al þat folc hou hi schulle here lyf lede
Þu schalt wiþ me þider go priueilliche ich rede
Þi face ihud in oþer cloþes þat noman nute þi dede
Þis gode wif ne forȝat þis noȝt ac dude as heo hure radde
Changede hure cloþes & hudde hure neb & ȝude as heo hure radde
To is holy prechinge he[o] com þat noman nekneu hure þere
And hurde þane holyman hou he gan þat folk lere


Þe grete miracle he[o] say ek þat oure Louerd for him wroȝte
Heo nuste wat for ioie do ac stod in grete þoȝte
He[o] wilnede more þanne eny þing to speke wiþ him anne þrowe
Ac he[o] ne dorste for noþing leste he[o] were iknowe
Hom he[o] wende so al ihud ac euere he[o] hadde in þoȝte
Anoþer tyme wiþ him to speke wanne oure Louerd þane time broȝte
Byuore hure bedde he[o] lay a niȝt & cride on oure Louerd longe
Þat he[o] moste þoru sein Thomas Cristendom auonge
At midniȝt sein Thomas com & stod bi hure attelaste
He[o] nuste neuere hou he com in þe doren were al faste
Be[o] glad [he] sede Mygdoni God haþ ihurd þi bone
Þou hast muche desired þat ich come to þe sone
God wole þat þou beo on of his and þat þou come þoru me
To liue þat euere ssel ileste and þat ich be[o] aslawe for þe
For þe ich ssel ymartred beo and boþe we ssolleþ wende
To þe blisse of heuene and þere beo togadere wiþoute ende
Sein Thomas hure ȝaf Cristendom ar he þanne wende
And teiȝte hure also Godes lawe hure lif forto amende
Þis wif god womman bicom and nolde neuere eft mo
After þulke tyme for noþing to hure louerdes bedde go
Hure louerd was þerof sore anuyd þo he nemiȝte for noþing
Make hure enes nei him come he playnede to þe kyng
Þe kyng het þe quene anon to Mygdonie wende
And rede hure honury [hure] louerd bet & do as þe hende
For wymmen conneþ of oþeres red þer fore þe quene he sende
Þe quene a day simpleliche to þis gode womman wende
And radde hure to hure louerd go to ssulde hure fram vilenie


And noþing iluue þane ualse man þat radde hure to folie
A dame merci quaþ þis oþer þou nost neuere hou it is
Wustestou al þat ichot þou noldest noȝt so segge iwis
For so noble man as he is nas neuere an eorþe ido
Haddestou enes him iseie þou woldest segge also
And iseie þou ȝute þat ich iseo þe wolde wondri iwis
For Sinphori þe noble kniȝt þat of kniȝtes maister is
His sone was todai ded and Simphori him sulf soȝte
Þane holi prophete sein Thomas & to is sone him broȝte
And þare he haþ him riȝt nou arered fram deþe to lyue
And þere he sit nou inis hous & precheþ þat folk blyue
Aboute him also sike men wel þicke comeþ nou gon
Crokede & blinde & oþer ek & he helpeþ ham anon
Leoue soster quaþ þe quene ware þis mowe soþ be[o]
Certes dame quaþ þis oþer and ȝif þou wolt ise[o]
Go we þuder & þou sselt [] þat soþe vinde anon
Þe quene þoȝte þo wel longe ar heo were þuder igon
Hi come & fonde sein Thomas riȝt as þis womman sede
Þe quene stod & him biheld & al is holy dede
To is fet he[o] uel adoun he[o] nemiȝte no leng abide
And bad him ȝiue hure Cristendom & merci faste cride
So sone as he[o] icristned was hamward þane wei he[o] nom
To þe kynge & longe hure þoȝte er he[o] to him com
Sire he[o] sede ich habbe ifonde þis gode wif Migdonie
In gret wisdom & ich wende er to finde hure in folie
And of hure wisdom God ich þonke he[o] partede wiþ me
So þat ich nelle in þi folye namore siwe þe
Þo was þe kyng sory inou he nuste wat here of do
Forto quelle is wif þerfore he nadde non heorte þerto
He clupede Carrik is cosin we beoþ bitraid he sede
Mi quene ich sende as þou wost þi wif forto rede
To bringe hure out of fole þoȝte as þou me er bede
And nou ich habbe hure forlore forþ wiþ hure ich drede
For loue of þe one ylore boþe alas þe wrechede


We mote awreke us of þe þeof þat bringþ ȝam in such dede
He let sende after sein Thomas ȝif me miȝte him finde
Þo þis holyman ifonde was faste me gan him binde
And harly forþ biuore þe kyng is honden him bihinde
So þat he was to deþe ibroȝt in þe lond of Inde
For þo he com biuore þe kyng þe kyng him het anon
To honury þere is false godes þat of treo were & ston
And bote he dude & swor is oþ it ssolde anoþer gon
He wolde him lete tormenti & to drawe fleiss & bon
Þo þis holyman forsok is heste forto do
Plates he let nyme of ire brode & longe also
And lete ham caste amidde þe fure þat berninge hi were anon
And suþþe he made þis holyman barefot þeron gon
Anon so þis holymon is fet sette þer on
A welle of water þer sprang out of þe harde ston
To aquenche al þat fur þat so hot & strong was
Þis godeman wende him forþ þer oppe & noþewors him nas
Þo was þe kyng al out of witte an o[uen]e he let hete
Þat he was al glowynge fur er me wolde him lete
Þis holyman hi nome anon and amidde him caste
Ac þo he was þerinne ido þat fur no leng ilaste
Ac it bigan to aquenche anon þat so gret hete er drou
Þer inne was þis holyman in ioie & murþe inou
Þo þe kyng þis isei he nuste hou on take
Carrik he seide hou geþ þis oure godes us habbeþ forsake
Ne mowe we noȝt þis luþer þeof myd none gynne aquelle
Certes sire quaþ Carrik anoþer ichelle þe telle
We ssolleþ nyme þis luþerman & to oure godes lede
And make him honury ham myd eiȝe and mid drede
Þoru wan he ssel is louerdes wraþþe habbe out & out
And his merueile him be[o] bynome þoru wan he is so prout


To þe maumes þis holyman ybroȝt was wel sone
Mid strengþe to honury ham as hi were iwond to done
Sein Thomas biheld þis maumes as he biuore ham stod
Ich coniuri ȝou inis name þat for us ssadde is blod
Ȝou deueles þat þer inne beoþ and wiþ foles habbe ispeke
Þat ȝe sone þer of fle[o] and þe maumes to breke
Anon so þis was ised þe maumes ne miȝte dure
Ac bigonne al to multe awey ase wex deþ aȝen fure
Þo hi were al to noȝt ibroȝt as hi neuere er nere
Þe men stode al in wonder gret þat in þe place were
Echone hi gonne mid o mouþ wel loude grede & crie
O God is almiȝti on ibore of þe maide Marie
Of wan sein Thomas haþ ispeke to him we wolleþ al take
And þis false godes alle clanliche her for sake
Þo þe kyng & Carrik and þe false prestes also
Þat þe maumes witede ihurde þis hi nuste þo wat do
Þe kyng & Carrik for fin angwise out of þe place wende
Þo hy seie þat seint Thomas hare godes so foul ssende
Hi ne dorste for Cristene men sette on him non hond
Ne also for þe grete miracles þat me aldai wiþ him fond
Ac þe prestes of þe false lawe in grete wraþþe stode
Þe on gripte anon a muche swerd mid wel wroþe mode
Ichelle he sede of þis þeof myne godes anon awreke
Þat ham haþ þus issend wo so it euere bispeke
He leide on þis holyman mid þis swerd to gronde
Op al is body & made him so many a biter wonde
And martrede þis holyman and slowe him in a stonde
Cristene men were wroþ inou þo hi him ded fonde
Þane preost hi wolde habbe forbarnd ac he fley anon
And þane kyng & Carrik habbe aslawe ac hi were awei ygon
Þis holy bodi hy nome anon and to churche it bere
And burede him wiþ gret honur & wiþ gret nobleie þere
So þat strengþe of Holy Churche wexinge euere was
Þus com in Inde Cristendom ferst þoru seint Thomas


Nou sein Thomas þat in Inde Cristendom ferst broȝte
Bring us to þe ioie of heuene to wan oure Louerd us boȝte

De sancta Anastacia

Seint Anastace was ibore at Rome by olde dawe
Of swuþe heie men icome al of þe olde lawe
Heo let hure cristny priueliche þat vnneþe enyman weste
And seruede God stilleliche þat non of hure freond it nuste
An heyman hure louede þat ihote was Papille
Iwedded he[o] was to þis man al aȝen hure wille
And wanne he wolde bi hure ligge oþer folie do
Heo feinede hure euere sik and ascapede so
Þis maide ȝeode to Cristene men & confortede ham ilome
Priueliche in prison as þe luþer men ham nome
So þat hure louerd it vnderȝet he nam hure wel uaste
And wiþ oþere Cristene men in strong prison hure caste
Þis maide lay in prison forte hure louerd was ded
Ac sone he[o] was deliuered þo þoru hure frenden red
In grete nobleie hi hure dude in ioie & wille inou
Ac þis maide euere stilleliche to Godis seruise drou
Þreo maydens hure were bitake hure to serui þere
Þe fairoste þat myȝte be[o] þreo sustren it were
Cristene hi were alle þreo as hare leuedi ham gan lere
Hi seruede God al iuere ac iknowe þerof hi nere
Þis þreo faire sostren þat so uair ham bere
Þe prince louede in folye fram ȝere to ȝere
So þat he wondrede of ham þat hi turnde to God hare þoȝt
Þe þre[o] maidens he nam sone ac hare leuedy noȝt
In a chambre of þe kychene he bilek ham faste
Þer me crokkes and caudrons of þe kychene in caste
So hadde he in a day to þis maidens fol wille
He vnlek þe dore & wende in to do folie stille
As sone so he wiþinne cam witles he was anon


As gidie as he miȝte beo he necouþe iknowe noȝt on
Þe maidens he wende cluppe & cusse as is wille was to do
He clupte & custe þe crokkes faste and þe caudron[s] also
Þat stode þere vnwasse somme among hom he walwede faste
Lolloker schrewe nemiȝte be[o] so bidoubed attelaste
Þo he wende habbe al ido wel glad he wende out
He nesei him sulf noȝt wuch he was to is men he wende wel prout
Nas him noȝt wel iþeined ȝuse me þingþ iwis
His lemman he hadde after wille bote he ȝeode a lite amys
His cosses were wel biset bote þe crokkes were to clene
Þeie somme oþere were yserued so hi nere noȝt to bymene
Anon so is men him iseie so grislich and amad
Hi wende it were þe deuel of helle & sore hi were adrad
Wiþ staues & stones hi leide him on þat he gan nei þat lyf lete
Wy uare ȝe so quaþ þis wrecche wolle ȝe ȝoure louerd bete
Þo were hi wroþer þanne hi were er hi smite on him duntes grete
He nuste weþer him betere was faire speke oþer þrete
Oure louerd hi sede neuere þou nere þi miȝte þe is bynome
Þe were betere atom in helle þanne amang us habbe icome
Þe wrecche nuste non oþer red bote atorn attelaste
And hi leide him on as he atorn mid stones wel faste
To þe emperor he wende to plainte hou is men him hadde ibete
And þo he was fram ham ascaped he gan ham faste þrete
Þo he come fram þe emperor to plaine ope ȝam þere
Hi were al agrise & wende also þat þe deuel it were


Wiþ dinge & stones hi leide him on & somme atourne for fere
Hi spatte on him & smite faste & al hi þe wrecche totere
Weilawey he seide wi fare ȝe so nas ich er ibete inou
Ich com hider to habbe riȝt & ȝe me beteþ more mid wou
Nam ich Iustice vnder þe emperor wi fare ȝe so mid me
Þou luxst queþe þe oþere þou ert a deouel & þat we solleþ cuþe þe
For grisloker deouel þanne þou ert non neuere iseie nas
Þo wondrede him for alle seide þat he so lolich was
Certes he seide ich am Iustice wat so ȝe by me wene
And ȝif ȝou þingþ oþer þanne ich am biwicched ich am ich [wene]
For þe þreo horen þat ich nam þat in myne prison beoþ
For ich lay bi ȝam hi me habbeþ biwicched as ȝe iseiþ
Þo vette þe emperor þeos maidens biuore him anon
And esste at ȝam wat hi were & wat lif hi ladde echon
Sire hi sede we beoþ Cristene & Cristene we wolleþ be[o]
Þou miȝt do mid us wat þou wolt we nolleþ noȝt þane deþ fle[o]
Þe emperor het is tormentors strupe ham naked anon
And bote hi forsoke Iesu Crist quelle ham echon
Þe tormentors hupte forþ hare cloþes of to drawe
And hi alle þane leste þred nemiȝte enes wawe
Ac on ham so faste hi sete as hi cleuede to þe rugge
Hou geþ þis quaþ þe emperor þe wicchen it ssolleþ abugge
For nou ichot þat my Iustice of ham soþ sede
Stronge wicchen hi beoþ alle certes hi ssolleþ be[o] dede
Þer he let ham sle anon þis clene þinges þre[o]
Hare soulen to heuene wende þer hi solleþ euere be[o]
Ac it were lite harm þei many fol þat folie wilneþ do
Toke on as þe Iustice dude and were iserued so
Ferst idaubed & ypined and suþþe iboned faste
Were hi ofte iserued so hi wolde be[o] somdel agaste


Þo þe emperor ihurde of Anastace þat he[o] was Cristene also
For he[o] of heiemen was icome he nuste wat wiþ hure do
An heyman he tok hure of þe londe for habbe hure to wyue
Ȝif he miȝte þoru eny loue changi of hure lyue
He com ferst to þis holy maide & wolde hure cusse in pleye
And ar he it euere miȝte do is eiȝene wende out beye
He stod as a witles man he ne dorste go for eye
To is maumes he wende anon ac me ladde him bi þe weie
Me þingþ so he moste nede oþer he moste steppe amys
To loue hi hadde feble hap þe Iustice & he iwis
Þe on bidaubed and tobete and þe oþer suþþe ablend
Lite was me þingþ hare biȝete hi helde ham boþe issend
Anon he esste þe maumes wi he were ablend so
Þe maumet sede for þou hast Anastace misdo
Þou ert oure lif & soule þou nemiȝt noȝt fram us fle[o]
And mid us þou sselt wiþoute ende in þe pine of helle be[o]
Me ladde þane wrecche hom aȝen & as sone as he hom com
He fel doun ded as a stok and þane heie wei to helle nom
Þo þe emperor ihurde of is frend þat to such cas was igon
Wroþ he was mid Anastace after hure he sende anon
And esscte war he[o] to hare godes turne wolde hure þoȝt
Certes sire he[o] sede nay þou specst embe noȝt
Þo he[o] nolde oþer do a gret fur me tende
Wiþ wode and col gret inou and þis maide brende
And so he[o] let þer þat lif and to heuene wende
Angles fonge hure soule sone þat oure Louerd þuder sende
A Midwinter day heo was ymartred as ȝe habbeþ ihurd biuore


Two hondred ȝer & four score after þat God was ibore
For þe heynesse of þulke daye me singþ of hure þe lasse
For me neseiþ bote a munde of hure atte middel masse
Lesinges me seiþ manion þat he[o] mid oure Leuedi was
Þo oure Louerd was ibore ac neuere soþ it nas
Ac som fals man ferst yound þulke lesinge wiþ vnriȝt
For me haþ of hure a munde eche ȝer þulke niȝt
And þe manere is to muche an eorþe forto luue lesynge
To þe ioie of heuene þer he[o] is inne God oure soule bringe

De sancto Steffano

Seinte Steuene was a Gyu & of Giwes he com
And þoru prechinge of þe apostles turnde to Cristendom
So þat he wende aboute wide & prechede of God wel uaste
In þe sinagoge amange þe Giwes he com attelaste
And prechede ham & prouede ek wiþ gode resons inowe
Þat hare bileue nas riȝt noȝt ac þat hi to þe deouel drowe
Þere arise up of þe Giwes þe wisoste þat þere were
And desputede aȝen him and aȝen þat he gan lere
Ac hare resons were wel badde wel sone hi were ouercome
Þere arise oþer þreo þo þat hare red hadde inome
And sede þat he misseid hadde by Moises lawe
And þat Iesus Nazaren wolde þulke stude todrawe
Ech of þeose þreo luþermen oþer witnesse bar
Þat seinte Steuene sede so þat biuore ham stod þar
Hy nome seinte Steuene anon as it were for þe none
And sette him amidde þe synagoge among ham euerichone
Þo sson is face briȝtore þanne þe sonne liȝt
Þat þer nas non of ham þat miȝte him biholde ariȝt
Seinte Steuene seide ham þo many a pprophecie
Þat prophetes bi Iesu sede þat ibore was of Marie
He ssewede ham ek in hare bokes ware hi were iwrite
And hou hi were to ende ibroȝt ȝif hi it wolde iwite


And þe luþer men he seide wiþoute gult him slowe
Þe Giwes grennede on him uaste & to busmere him lowe
Þis holyman amang ȝam alle biheld up anhey
Iesu Crist in heuene inis fader riȝt hond he sey
Lo he sede ich ise[o] þoru Iesu Cristes sonde
Heuene iopened and Iesus inis fader riȝt honde
As wolues þe Giwes ȝolle on him & nome him faste echone
And ladde him wiþoute toun and hende him wiþ stone
Ferst hi strupte is cloþes of & at a childes fet þruste
And for he ne couþe do namore hare cloþes sat & weste
Helpe he wolde him to sle ac he nemiȝte for ȝonghede
Saul was þe ȝute is name he dude many luþer dede
For þo he hadde mannes strengþe worse man non nas
And suþþe he com to Cristendom and Poul icluped was
Þat was sein Poul þe gode apostel he was a luþer grom
And naþeles he as manie oþere to a godman suþþe bicom
As þe Giwes seinte Steuene wiþ stones hende faste
Þe godeman held is hond up & to heuene is eiȝene caste
Louerd ȝif it is þi wille vnderfong mi soule he sede
Þo gan he sitte adoun akneo and wel loude grede
Louerd ȝif it is þi wille forȝiue ham þis misdede
For hy nute weþer hi doþ wel oþer to quede
Þe Giwes þrewe stones faste so þat he deide sone
And wende to þe ioie of heuene as is riȝt was to done
And þus he þolede martirdom and þe ferste martir was
After oure Louerdes passion so wel miȝte him be[o] þas
For twelf monþe after is deþ and þre[o] quarters also
Þane morwe after Midwinter day to deþe he was ido
Men wende forþ suþþe for drede þat vnderstode is lore
And burede him stilleliche and bymende him wel sore
Anon so he ymartred was and no wreche þerof necom
Þe Giwes were þe hardiore to werri Cristendom
Holy Churche in Ierusalem hi werrede in eche side
Godes deciples were to sprad in þe lond wel wide


Ac seinte Steuene þis holyman vnder eorþe lay
Ar he were in ssrine ido many a long day

De Inuenione sancti Steffani

An holy preost þer was suþþe þat was god Cristene man
Þat louede God & Holy Churche is name was Lucian
In a Vriniȝt as þis preost þe þridde tid of þe niȝte
Lay inis bedde al wakynge him com a wonder siȝte
Þer com to him a uair oldman biuore is bedde alowe
His berd long & swuþe sid is cloþes wiȝt so snowe
Is mantel wiþ croises al aboute wel uaire aboute him drou
Hosen & sson ek al of golde him þoȝte fair inou
A ȝeord of golde he bar anhonde & þerwiþ he smot þrie
Lucian þe holy preost and wel mildeliche gan crie
Lucian Lucian Lucian aris
And seie þe bissop of Ierusalem Ion þat is so wis
And esse him hou longe [w]e ssolle [] in þe eorþe iclosed be[o]
Bidde him þat he us openy þat men us mowe ise[o]
Þat þe holy dore of milce oure swete Louerd vndo
Þ[e] watloker for loue of me & of myne felawes also
Ich ne segge þis noȝt for me ac for mine felawes þre[o]
Þat longe vnder eorþe beoþ & ssolde aboue be[o]
For ich am Gamaliel þat forþ broȝte iwis
And norissede sein Paul þat nouþe apostel is
Seinte Steuene þe holyman bi us liþ also
Þat after oure Louerdes passion ferst was to deþe ido
Nichodemus þe godeman my neueu is þe þridde
Þat to oure Louerd com a niȝt is wissinge forto bidde
Þe veorþe is myn owene sone Abibas þe gode
We ne liggeþ noȝt þere faire wo so him vnderstode
Þo Lucyan awok and þis siȝte hadde al yseie
He nuste wat him was to done he was in gret eyȝe
Ȝeorne he bad Iesu Crist þe sikeror forto be[o]
And ȝif þe siȝte were þoru him þat he it moste eft ise[o]
Þe nexte Friday afterward at þulke sulue tide
Gamaliel efsone cam he nolde no leng abide


In þe sulue abit þat he dude er Lucian he sede
Wy nastou ido þat ich þe bad biþench þe bet ich rede
Louerd quaþ þis Lucian ich was somdel in drede
Þat it bote a sweuene nas to do such holy dede
Þere fore ȝif þou woldest come þe þridde tide
Þou miȝtest gladie me þe more þat ich nolde no leng abide
Þe niȝt eft a seueniȝt com þis holyman
In þe manere þat he dude er to þis Lucyan
He esste him anon in grete wraþþe wi he abod so longe
And wat penance biuore God he wolde þerof auonge
A Louerd quaþ þis Lucian ichelle nou hie faste
Ich ne abod noȝt bote for ich wolde be[o] siker þerof attelaste
Þis Lucian him dude forþ to þe bissop Ion
And tolde him þe holy mannes heste & þis siȝte anon
Þe bissop gan for ioie weope and lufde al þat he sede
And wende forþ hasteliche to do þis holy dede
Hy come and dolue faste inou wel depe in þe gronde
So þat þoru oure Louerdes grace þis holyman hi fonde
Seinte Steuenes holy bones in þe est half hi fonde þere
Þo hi miȝte wonder ise[o] alle þat þere were
For anon so he was ifonde þe eorþe quakede faste
Þat al þe folk wondrede þerof and were sore agaste
Þer smot out also of is bones a noble smul & swote
Þat spradde aboute in to al þe place & monymon com to bote
For þre[o] & seuenti men þat in gret siknesse were
Iheld were þoru þulke smul anon among hom þere
Hy nome op þis holy bones wel clene and richeliche
And to þe churche of Sion bere ham swuþe heiliche
For of þe apostles he was ymad in þulke churche þere
Ercedekne of Cristene men er he ymartred were


In þulke churche his holy bones were ido in ssrine
Nou God for þe loue of seinte Steuene ssuld us fram helle pine

De sancto Iohanne ewangelista

Sein Ion þewaungelist þat apostel also is
Was oure Louerd is aunte sone & sein Iames broþer iwis
Is moder was oure Leuedi soster Marie Salome
And iwedded to is fader þat het Zebede
Zebede hadde twey sones by Marie is wyf
Sein Ion and sein Iame þat ladde wel holy lif
Sein Ion was ȝongore þanne oure Louerd twelf monþe oþer þer aboute
For is kunne he was þe betere man þerof nis no doute
And naþeles he was as ich wene þritti ȝer old ney
Ar he weste of oure Louerd oȝt muche oþer muche of him isey
For oure Louerd nas bote lite iknowe he ne cudde him noȝt
Ar he ibaptized were and to Cristendom ibroȝt
And ȝute nekudde he him noȝt abrod er þat sein Ion were
Islawe for loue of Holy Churche þat he gan Herodes lere
Ac þo he imartred was oure Louerd ne sparede noȝt
Ac ȝeode & prechede aboute forte he was to deþe ibroȝt
To is deciples ferst he ches tweie breþeren þo
Seinte Peter & seint Andreu as he gan bi þe se go
And þer he sey tweie breþeren sein Iame & sein Ion
Wiþ þe oldeman Zebede hare fader avisseþ gon
Ham he clupede also to him & hy bileuede anon
Hare uader & siwede him & chose wel þe betere won
Sein Ion was best mid oure Louerd of þe deciples echon
Þat was isene þo he lenede and slep up his brestbon
For þe wile he made is cene as a Ssereþoresday
Sein Ion lenede op is brest & wel softe aslepe lay
Amorwe as a Godefriday he deide uppon þe rode
His swete moder & sein Ion faste bi him stode


Þere in sein Iones warde is swete moder he tok
Tou wardi as is owe moder as we findeþ in bok
Hure wardein he was after ek þat he to heuene wende
Euere þe wile heo was an eorþe forte he after hure sende
Riȝt it was to wardi hure wanne heo is aunte was
And for þer nas noþer of ham þat clene maide nas
Clene maide to wardi oþer riȝt it was to do
Þeruore inis swete warde oure Louerd hure tok two
After þat oure Louerd was to þe ioie of heuene iwend
And a Witesoneday to is deciples þe Holy Gost hadde isend
Hi wende forþ wel baldeliche euerich inis side
Al aboute in diuerse londe and prechede wel wide
Into þe lond of Assie sein Ion þewaungelist
Wende to wissi þulke side and prechede of Iesu Crist
To þe cite of Ephese attelaste he com
Þer he hadde him sulf hous & hom prechede of Cristendom
Þe emperor Domician þat luþer was inou
Alle Cristene men þat he uond he tormentede oþer slou
So þat sein Ion was icome þat longe was isoȝt
Biuore þe emperors Iustice to Rome he was ibroȝt
Þe Iustice him het anon fram God turne is þoȝt
Certes quaþ þis holyman þerto ne bringest it noȝt
For ichelle do more after God þanne after þe iwis
Wel wroþ was þe Iustice þo he hurde þis
Eoly he nam a tonne uol & let it boily faste
And amidde þe seoþinge eoly þe holyman me caste
Sein Ion þerinne sat so longe so it was
He ne changede noȝt enes is hiu neþeworse him nas
Ac al hol wiþ oute harm of þis eoly he aros
Þe Iustice þat þeron him broȝte wel sore þerof agros
Þis was in Rome biuore a ȝat þat þis dede was ido
Þe Porte Latyn me clupede and ȝute me clupeþ it also
A sein Iones dai it was þat is þe sixte day of May
For þulke miracle me halt ȝut into al þat lond is day


And for þat ȝet het Porte Latyn þat þe dede was ido
Ȝute me writ þulke day of Porte Latin also
Domician þe emperor þo he sei þis cas
Þat sein Ion nas noþewors þat he in eoly was
Sori he was & wroþ inou & naþeles he ne dorste noȝt
For Cristenemen þat he were þoru him to deþe ibroȝt
He het him vleo out of þe londe þat he ne come namore þere
Iharled he was out of Rome as he a strong þeof were
And youtlawed as a þeof þat in þe contreie ne come
Into þe ile of Pathmos he wende out of Rome
And wonede þer in penance twelf monþe ney
Of oure Louerdes priuetes muche þere he sey
For of þe priuetes of heuene oure Louerd him sse[u]de þere
War of he made þer anne bok as Holy Churche to lere
Þat me clupeþ þe Apocalips þat me ret in churche aday
Muche of Godes priuetes þat he þer isay
Þe ferste ȝer þat sein Ion þus ioutlawed was
Of þe emperor þat him drof awei þer fel a wonder cas
For þe cenatour him slou þat was þo of Rome
In contek þat ham was bitwene for hi contekede ilome
Sein Iones pais was sone ycried and alle oþeres also
Þat hadde þoru þe emperor in issil be[o] ido
Sein Ion him wende aȝenward þo mildeliche inou
Touward þe cite of Efese to is owene hous he drou
For he hadde þer hous & hom & kyn & frendes inowe
Men & wymmen of þe toun wel þicke aȝen him drawe
For [to] welcomye him mid grete ioie to toune hi him broȝte
Wiþ swuþe noble procession as hi fol wel oȝte
As hi wende þus þoru þe toun mid þus gret ioie þere
Men & wymmen aȝen ham come mid wel dreori chere
For Drusiane a ded womman toward eorþe hi bere
Þer was for hure deol inou and sori alle hi were
Gret loue þer hadde er ibe[o] bitwene hure & sein Ion


So sone as þat folk him isey aȝen him hi come anon
And cride on him faste inou sire hi seide þin ore
Lo Drusiane þi gode frend þat was under þi lore
Þo[u] wost wel he[o] þe louede muche & nou ne may heo namore
In þis bere heo liþ her ded heo makeþ us karie sore
Heo ne wilnede noþing þe wile þat heo sik lay
Bote þat heo moste þe iseo er hure ende day
And nou it is þus as God wole & þou suxt heo nemay
Þench hou he[o] þe haþ iloued suþþe he[o] þe uerst isay
And ȝif [þou] us wost þe grace do & aȝen to lyue hure bringe
Euere we ssolde herie þe and þe king of alle kynge
Sein Ion gan to sike sore in þoȝte as he were
He bad ham abide anne stonde & sette adoun þe bere
Softe he sat adoun akne[o] and cride on oure Louerd þere
Þis womman þat him louede so ȝif it were is wille arere
Þo is orison was ido þoru oure Louerdes grace
Þis womman aros up hol and sound anon in þe place
And herede uaste Iesu Crist and þe holyman sein Ion
Þere was prece of alle men þat miȝte þuder gon
Sein Ion hure bad go hom anon & greiþe somwat to mete
Atom in hure owene house þat he miȝte wiþ hure ete
Þis Drusiane wende forþ and greiþede mete inou
And made sein Ion fair semlant elles it were wou
In þe cite of Efese sein Ion bileuede longe
And prechede þat folk of God Cristendom to auonge
And ordeinede eke prestes & churchen let arere
Bissops he made þe heioste men þat folk forto lere
Þe godemen þat were vnder him bissops & oþere also
Fondede boþe niȝt & day after is wissinge do
Hi cride on him faste inou alle of þe cite
For he vnderȝet so muche of oure Louerdes priuete
Þe wile he was wiþ him an eorþe & next him was also
Þat he ssolde of is holy liue in som boc do
And al of is cunde wat he was & þat folk aboute lere
Þat hy miȝte al þe bet iwite wat oure Louerd were


Sein Ion bisoȝte þat folk þo for him þat hi bede
In fastinge & in orisons to do such holy dede
And wende into a deorne stude & bad oure Louerd faste
Þe wit of þe Holy Gost inis heorte þat he caste
Þe holy gospel of him to make Holy Churche to lere
Warþoru euerich Cristenman þe bet biluued were
He bad also þat þer ne ssolde þoru oure Louerdes grace
Wind ne rein ne oþer weder come in þulke place
To lette him of is holy dede þe wile he þere aboute were
Oure Louerd hurde is bone wel ne reinde it neuere eft þere
Ne no wind com ȝute to þis daie as þis holiman it bad
Ne no tempest in þulke stude þat þis bok ymad
Holy is þe holy boc wanne so holy is þe stude
Þat þer nemay no tempest come as þis holiman it hadde ibede
Anon þo sein Ion bigan to do þis holy dede
Of þe Holy Gost he was itend þat al þat he sede
He sek of oure Louerdes brest as he þerto lay
Þe wile he made is swete cene a Ssereþoresday
Þer he sek out þat holy wiȝt of þe holy gospelle
Þat he made suþþe in Ephese amang Cristene men to telle
He was þe ueorste ewaungelist and herre nas þer non
And is gospel he made last of ham euerichon
For sein Mattheu & sein Mark & sein Luc iwis
[Hor gospelles hadde long ymad er he bigonne his
Ac sein Ion bigan his hext for þeron he bigan
Of our Lord al what he was er þan he were man
He bigan so heie his gospel of our Lordes kende ywis]
Þat vnneþe eny eorþlich man entendiþ wat it is
For he soȝte out so deope is cunde & of him bigan so heie
In forme of ern he is iwrite as we seoþ alday wiþ eiȝe
For ern is such best of alle foules & heiost he mai fle[o]


For wanne he is in þe lift so heie þat herre nemay non be[o]
Ȝute he may here in þe gronde a lite worm ise[o]
& atte se gronde a smal viss to cheose woder te[o]
He may also heie vleo and þe firmament so ney
Þat he for swelþ is feþeren wanne he is so hey
Sein Ion þat in forme of ern is gospel wel heie bigan
Þer inne he tolde oure Louerdes lif þe wile he was an eorþe man
Þe gospel is wel iholde as wel riȝt it is
For muche del of Holy Churche þer þoru iloked is
Sein Ion cudde is gospel sone & prechede faste also
Ȝute þere were luþermen þat hadde envie þerto
O tyme manye luþermen to gadere hare red nome
And to sein Ion þewaungelist to grete wraþþe come
And het him wende swuþe uorþ to hare maumes anon
And forþ wiþ ham onury oþer it ssolde anoþer gon
Beu freres quaþ þis holyman ichelle ȝou segge o soþ
Ich habbe of ȝou reuþe gret þat ȝe nuteþ wat ȝe doþ
Ichelle do hom chois of two þinges þer of cheose ȝe
Þat ich go wiþ ȝou to ȝoure temple oþer ȝe to churche mid me
Wanne ȝe to churche comeþ ȝif ȝe þoru godes lawe
Mowe make þe churche ualle ichelle biluue on him vawe
And ȝif ich may so ȝoure temple biuore ȝoure owe siȝte
Ich rede biluue[þ] on Iesu Crist wanne ȝe seoþ is miȝte
We granteþ wel queþe þis oþere þou sselt ferst bigynne
To cuþe þine Louerdes miȝte þe maistrie forto wynne
To þe falce temple hi wende ferst & þo hi were nei alle
Sein Ion ham bad stonde auer þat hy nere offalle
Þo hi were alle wiþdrawe auer sein Ion auer stod
Iseo ȝe he seide þis temple alle þat ȝe holdeþ so god
Ich hote nou in my Louerdes name þat he falle anon
Þat ȝe mowe þat soþe ise[o] biuore ȝou euerichon


He nadde bote þis word ised þat it ne uel up and doun
Fram ende to oþer al þis temple mid wel grisliche soun
Þat al þe folk þat þere stod þis miracle ysey
Hy gonne to crie on Iesu Crist and on sein Ion anhei
Twelf þousond men þer turnde to Cristendom echon
Wiþoute children & wymmen þat turnde ek manyon
Aristodimus þe bissop and maister of þe lawe
Ȝute nemiȝte noȝt sein Ion to oure Louerd is herte drawe
For þo he sey þe miracle þat þe temple fel þo þere
Ȝute nolde he noȝt iluue þat it miracle were
He nolde iluue in no manere þat oure Louerd were of miȝte
Sein Ion stod & biþoȝte longe hou he miȝte him bringe to riȝte
Sey me he seide wat ssel ich do þat þou þe soþe ise[o]
And bote ich it do ne luf þou noȝt þat my God almiȝti be[o]
Parfei quaþ þis luþerman ichelle nou herkeny þe
Do nou þat ich þe wolle segge & þou sselt wynne me
Venim ich habbe strong inou þat wo so þer of drinkeþ oȝt
Ne come þer so lite wiþinne him to deþe he worþ ibroȝt
Drink þerof biuore myn eiȝen & ȝif it ne greueþ þe noȝt
To Iesu Crist þat is so god ichelle turne al mi þoȝt
[Þou] seist wel nou quaþ sein Ion bring nou hider to me
Þat stronge venim & ichelle drinke it biuore þe
Þis false bissop him biþoȝte to agaste him sore þere
And for[to] se[o] al to soþe þat is godes of power were
Tweie men þer were to deþe idemd for hare luþer dede
Þe false bissop let ȝam boþe biuore sein Ion lede
And made ham drinke of þe venim riȝt biuore is eie
Anon so it oȝt wiþinne him com boþe hi gonne to deie
Sein Ion suþþe þe coppe tok þo he sei al þis cas
And drank þerof a gret draȝt & noþewors him nas


Ac euere þe leng afterward þe more ioie he made & bliss
Þat folk stod in gret wonder þo hi seie al þis
Hi stode & biheld him lange þre[o] tiden & more
And euere þe leng þe gladdore hi seie him for al is sore
Hy gonne turne to Iesu Crist and cride him mercy anon
So þat to Cristendom þer turnde þo manyon
Ac Aristodimus þe bissop was euere in luþer þoȝte
And nolde biluue on Iesu Crist for al þat he wroȝte
Wat lackeþ ȝute quaþ sein Ion me þingþ it is mid wou
Þat þou ne biluuest on Iesu Crist ne sucstou noȝt ȝute inou
Bote þou most ȝute quaþ þe bissop þe dede to lyue arere
Þat to deþe mid þis venim apoisened nouþe were
Þou seist wel nou quaþ sein Ion ac þat þou þe soþe ise[o]
Ich nel noȝt mi sulf aney ham come ac upe þe it ssel al be[o]
Mi curtel nym here to þe & leie ope ham anon
And in þe name of Iesu Crist hot arise and gon
Þe bissop nam sein Iones curtel biuore þe Iustice
And leide upe þe dede & het ham a Godes name arise
Mid þis word þe dede men arise to liue anon
And ȝeode forþ hol & sonde & þonkede sein Ion
Þe bissop þo he þis isei and þe Iustice also
Cride merci Iesu Crist ȝif hi hadde misdo
And turnde þer to Cristendom & folk also inou
For þe miracle þat hi seie & elles it were wou
Þe miracle þat sein Ion dude no tonge telle nemay
Þeruore þat folk him siwede & þis miracle ysay
Tweie wilde louerdlinges þat ȝonge and stronge were
Siwede him and dude also as he ham gan lere
Ferst hi solde al ȝare god þat ham bileuede noȝt
And turnde al to Iesu Crist hare hurte & hare þoȝt
And siwede sein Ion also þat ham þerto hadde ibroȝt
And prechede of Iesu Crist þat ham hadde deore aboȝt
A dai as þis tweie ȝonge men riche men and heiȝe
Wiþ nobleie & prute inou bi þe weie hi seie


Þoȝte hi such nobleie we were iwoned to lede
In iolifte & prute inou and nou we beoþ in wrechede
In miseise and in pouerte & riche were byuore
Me þingþ sori mowe we beo þat we euere were ibore
Sein Ion weste al hore herte þei he ne hurde hom noȝt
Ȝou foles he sede wat is ȝou wi change ȝe ȝoure þoȝt
Ȝeorden and bowes ueccheþ me and stones also
Þis ȝonge men him vette anon hit was sone ido
Sein Ion turnde þis ȝeorden in pur gold & cler
Þe stones in ȝimmes precious þoru oure Louerdes poer
And þis tweie wilde bachilers ȝaf it euerich del
Here wiþ he sede ȝe moweþ nou habbe many a god mel
A[nd] as muche lond bugge & more as ȝe ssolde byuore
For ȝe habbeþ bote ȝe þe bet do þe ioie of heuene forlore
Þis ȝongemen nome þis tresour and glad þere wiþ were
And to many a goldsmiþ wide aboute it bere
Þis goldsmiþes swore echone þat þis gold iseie
Þat so clene gold ne pur hy ne seie neuere wiþ eiȝe
Hou miȝte fairor miracle [be] oþer fairore poer
Þanne bouwes & ȝeordes teorne in so pur gold & cler
As sein Ion þe waungelist vorþore wende þere
And boþe þis men forþ wiþ him þat so riche of golde were
A ded man toward buringe me broȝte up a bere
Þe moder cride to sein Ion þat he ssolde him arere
Louerd he[o] seide ich bidde þe þat þou habbe ruþe of me
And of mi sone þat is ded ibroȝt here aȝen þe
Haue reuþe of him ich bidde þe for Iesus wondes fiue
As þou haddest of Drusiane þo þou re[r]ddest hure to lyue
Þo gan sein Ion to wepe sore and bad astunte þe bere
And bad oure Louerd for is grace þe dede body arere
Þis ȝongeman anon mid þis word to liue aros þere
Þar was ioie & blisse inou among alle þat þere were
Ich hote þe nou quaþ sein Ion þat ded hast ibe[o] þus ȝare
Þat þou somþing telle þis men þat þou seie elles ware
And namelich here þis tweie men þat beoþ nou forlore


Þat beoþ iturnd nou to þe deuel aȝen wam hi seruede biuore
Þis ȝongeman þat was to liue arered biheld þis oþer tweie
Alas he seide þe wrechede þat ich isey to ȝou beie
Þulke tyme þat ȝe forsoke þis holy mannes lore
Angles þat ȝou weste er weopeþ for ȝou wel sore
And ȝute doþ as ich isei deuelen in hore ende
Made for ȝou ioie inou to wam ȝe gonne wende
Alas wrecches þe muche pine þat to ȝou is al ȝare
Þat ich isei in helle to ȝou to ȝam ȝe solleþ fare
Þo þis tweie men hurde þis hi gonne to crie anon
And wope & made deol inou and cride uppon sein Ion
Alas ȝe foles quaþ sein Ion ȝe nute wat ȝe solleþ be[o]
Ȝif God wole habbe merci of ȝou ȝe mowe sone ise[o]
Iredi he is to sunfol men þat wolleþ to him wende
Þare fore crieþ ȝeorne on him þat he ȝou milce sende
And þat soþe ȝe moweþ iwite wanne he ȝou haþ milce isend
Wanne þis gold & þis ȝymmes to hare kunde beoþ iwend
Hi cride þo in Iesu Crist and in penance were
In fastinge and in orisons þritti dawes þere
Þo turnde þat gold biuore hare eiȝene into bowes of tre[o]
And þe ȝymmes into harde stones as hy hadde er ibe[o]
Þo þe ȝongemen þis iseie glad hi were inou
Aȝen þare as hi ham fette hi bere euerich bou
And forsoke al þe worles prute and token as þe wise
And endede attelaste hore lif in oure Louerdes seruise
A tyme as þis holyman wende into þe contreie
A ȝong partrich he bar on is hond & þerwiþ he gan to pleie
A wilde louerdling þer com aȝen him in þe weie
Iwepned wel baldeliche him ne stod of noman eiȝe
Abusmare he lou sein Ion þo he sei him bere an honde
Þe ȝonge foul and pleie þer wiþ þer of he adde onde
Lo he seide þis olde coeng inis olde lyue


Such prophete as me him halt oþer men to ssriue
Wel bytrufleþ he þat folk here me may ise[o]
Hou pleieþ he wiþ þis ȝonge voul he nemiȝte noȝt wis be[o]
Leoue broþer quaþ sein Ion ich bidde tel þou me
Wat is þat þou berst an honde & war of it serueþ þe
A bowe ich bere quaþ þis oþer and arwen þerto
To sseote wiþ wilde bestes and foules also
Bend þi bowe quaþ sein Ion and loke wat he can do
Þis ȝonge man nom & bende is bowe & bar him longe so
Þer afterward he nam is bowe & vnbende him as he couþe
Wy destou so quaþ sein Ion wat ssel he vnbend nouþe
For he wole quaþ þis oþer þe smertore driue efsone
And ȝyue þe betere dunt wanne ich habbe [t]o done
For ȝif ich bere longe ibend þe feblore he wolde be[o]
And euerich draȝt þe worse driue and þat may echman yse[o]
Beau douȝ frere quaþ sein Ion also it farþ iwis
By mannes heorte here an eorþe þat feble & liþi is
Ȝif he is toward Iesu Crist ibend euere mo
Febly he ssel and be[o] al sad and is strengþe al ago
And ȝif he is oþerwile vnbend and iturnd to solas
Wanne me bent him he worþ efsone strengore þanne he er was
And in gode seruise þe bet dure and be[o] þerto strong
Þare fore mot ech holyman solaci him among
And turne is heorte to somme trufle wanne he may eny ise[o]
Þat he mowe to Godes seruise þe strengore efsone be[o]
Þe ern is foul of alle foules þat heiost may fle[o]
And ȝute he mot nede to reste him aȝen to gronde te[o]


Hou miȝte he euere fle[o] anhei bote he reste him atte gronde
Namore nemay mannes heorte bote he reste him som stonde
Þare fore bel amy þou miȝt þat soþe here ise[o]
Þat pleinde man þe bet may in Godes seruise be[o]
Sein Ion wende wide aboute and churchen he let rere
And made bissops & prestes þat folk forto lere
Ac Aristodimus þe bissop þat he turnde er to C[ri]stendom
In þe cite of Effese swuþe holyman bicom
And a churche of sein Ion in Effese he rerde blyue
And sein Ion suþþe in þulke churche wende out of þis lyue
A dai as þis holyman his seruise hadde ido
A ȝongman he sei þer biside stalworde & fair also
Ac of liȝt red he was & of þunne witte sein Ion biheld him faste
And up a bissop þare biside is eien anon he caste
Ich take þe to warde þis man he seide lo
And þou him lokie & witie wel þat he noȝt ne misdo
Þat þou me answerie of is warde wanne þou me comst eft two
Witnesse ich take Iesu Crist and al Holy Churche also
Sire vawe quaþ þis bissop þis ȝongeman he tok softe
Sein Ion him chargede of þis warde & munege[de] ek ofte
Þat he him wardede so wel as he answerie wolde
And bitok ham boþe Iesu Crist and wende woder he wolde
Þis bissop nam þis holyman and ladde him to is inne
And norissyde him softe & wel sein Iones loue to wynne
And prechede him of Iesu Crist to bileue is folie
So þat þis ȝongeman to gode turnde and bigan merci to crie


And bar him uaire & louede wel God and seinte Marie
And dude al as þe bissop wolde and hard lif gan dreoye
Attelaste þis bissop gan somdel is heorte wende
As ofte verlich bigynnynge fleccheþ attenende
He soffrede þis ȝonge man pleie and to habbe is wille
And lite and lite do folie and let him al aspille
For ferst he gan to haunti wakes and þoru companie
He wax a [s]iutour of tauerne and hantede glotonie
Þo ne miȝte he be[o] wiþoute ac turnde to lecherie
And bicom holour strong and wende al to folye
So longe to holde up is folye smale þinges he nom
After þe smale he nom þe more and strong þeof bicom
So þat he hadde gret dedein smale þufþe to do
Bote it were þe grettore þing he ne turnde noȝt þerto
To a companie of outlawes attelaste he com gon
Vnder non oþer he nolde be[o] ac hare maister anon
Oþere þat er maistres were bicome is men echon
He robbede ouer al to gronde and slou ek manyon
More sorwe nemiȝte be[o] þanne he dude in eche ende
For ofte vuel chastement to vuel wole wende
So þat sein Ion in a tyme to þis bissop com
Wam he bitok er in warde god ȝeme aboute he nom
Sire bissop ȝeld me up he sede þat god tresour ich rede
Þat ich tok þe in warde and acountes of is dede
Þo was þe bissop sore adrad sire merci he sede
Ich ne may þe him ȝulde noȝt for he is ded ich drede
Alas quaþ sein Ion war he be[o] in wuche manere is þis
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer aȝen god ded he is
His soule is ded þei is body an eorþe aliue ȝute be[o]
For outlawe strong he is bicome as manyman may ise[o]
Op an hei hul he woneþ wiþ outlawes manyon
And let quelle & robby ek al þat he may ofgon
Þo bigan þis holyman to weope and sike sore
For deol is cloþes he to tar Louerd he sede þin ore
A feble tresour ich ches and þoru is feble lore


Mi deorworþe tresour ich habbe ilore i ne triste to him namore
Alas sire bissop þi feble warde i ne þonke þe noȝt þer uore
Wanne it nis non oþer ich mot seche þat þou hast ilore
Let greiþi me an hors anon and a man in a stounde
Þat me mowe þane wey teche forte ich him habbe yfonde
Þis holyman þat [feble] was and ouercome ney mid elde
Op a god hors arnde forþ ouer mor and felde
So þat as þis outlawes were he com attelaste
Þe ssrewen were al ȝare sone & nome him sone vaste
To robby him and to sle him ek & hete ho[ld]e him stille
O beu freres quaþ sein Ion ich mot nede do ȝoure wille
Ac ich bidde ȝou for ȝoure corteisi ȝoure maister let me se[o]
And lete him sulue wiþ me do wat is wille be[o]
Þe maister com iarmed wel prikie & erne uaste
Anon þo he ope þis holyman is eiȝene auer caste
And wuste wel þat he it was him gan to ssame so sore
Þat he bigan to fleo anon & ne miȝte him iseo namore
Þo sein Ion þis isey he arnde after anon
And siwede him as hasteliche as is hors miȝte gon
He arnde as he a ȝongman were sone he seide þin ore
Wy flucstou me nam ich þi uader nedred þe noȝt so sore
Spek her wiþ þi feble fader vnarmed & in eolde
Abid nou me and ichelle for þe oure Louerdes reson ȝelde
Ich am prest þe deþ auonge for þe in stronge pine
As oure Louerd dude for us and my soule ȝiue for þine
Spek wiþ me bote þou wolle more ich hote a Godes name
Þe oþer astunte & abod vnneþe he miȝte for ssame
He aliȝte & vnarmede him and wepinge wel sore
He fel to sein Iones fet and cride him milce and ore
And bihet him stableliche þat he nolde misdo namore
Ac louie God and Holy Churche and libbe al bi is lore
So þat he was afterward godman & stable inou
And bi sein Ion is rede ladde is lif & to alle godnesse drou


Sein Ion lyuede here so longe & so monye is dawes were
Þat he nemiȝte ouer þe eorþe go bote as is deciples him bere
Hi bere him for feblesse & for eolde to churche mid alle teone
And euere he prechede ham þat loue ham were bitwene
Þo he was of an hondred ȝer bote o ȝer wane vnneþe
And seuene & sixti ȝer it was after oure Louerdes deþe
Oure Louerd com & is deciples to him fram heuene anhey
Com forþ he sede mi leoue frend to me þi tyme is ney
Hit is ney time þat þou come to my riche feste
Wiþ þine breþeren in my riche þat ssel euere ileste
For þou sselt nou a Soneday þat þe vifte day henne is
Þe day of myn oprisinge to me come iwis
Þis holyman het is deciples þat hi him to churche bere
Þat of him and inis name Aristodimus let rere
Þat folk com sone þicke þuder wiþ deol & sorwe inou
For it was sone couþ þat [he] toward is ende drou
Þe seueniȝt wel tyme [he] bigan his seruise to do
And suþþe he gan þat folk to wisse & to prechi also
Atte uerste cokken crowe he gan to prechi faste
And forte hei vndern of þe daye is prechinge ilaste
Þo het he ham þat a put four heornede hy made
Faste bi þe heie weued mid ssouele & mid spade
And þat hi caste out atte churchedore þe eorþe ȝeorne he bad
Mid wop and mid sor inou þis put was ymad
Þo þis put al ȝare was biuore hare alre siȝte
Þis holy man wel softeliche þeron gan aliȝte
Is honden he held up anhey swete Louerd he sede
Comynde ich am to þi feste as þou me er bede
Louerd muche ich þonke þe þat it þi wille is
To þi gustnynge clupie me for ich wilny iwis


Þin sones ich take þe to loke wanne i nemai ham no leng wite
Þat Holy Churche þi clene spouse þoru me þe haþ bi riȝte
Vnderuong me wiþ my breþeren þat þou broȝtest wiþ þe
Þou bede me to þine feste & come after me
Þo com þer aboute þis holyman so gret liȝt & liȝte
Þat noman ne miȝte for cler leom of him habbe a siȝte
Þis holyman him blessede and wel softe adoun lay
Mi breþeren he sede iblessed ȝe be[o] & habbe wel goday
Þis godeman wende out of þis world al clene wiþoute pine
As he was clene in maydenot he com to a swete fine
Þe cler liȝt þat aboute him was last almest a tide
Þat folk ne sei non oþer þing wel faste hi wope & cride
Þo þis liȝt ipassed was hi lokede þane put to gronde
Þar inne of þis holyman noþing hi ne seie ne fonde
Ne noþing bote smale grenes þat hi miȝte vnderȝite
Þat holy þing is þat icluped manna in holy write
Þe wile God in forme of rein fram heuene to eorþe sende
Þe children of Ierusalem mete þo hi of Egipte wende
Þis manna þis holy grein ȝute to þis daie deþ springe
Of þis put þat many men bringeþ to botnynge
Non oþer þing of sein Ion me nemiȝte an eorþe finde
Al clene ich wene in heuene he is þer nis no lyme bihinde
Of eche halwe me fond þat soþe þat body bileuede here
Bote of oure Leuedy & of him þat maidens were so clere
Worþi a þing is maidenot as it was on ham isene
Sein Ion wende in þis manere out of þis world ich wene
Seint Edward þat was nou late in Engelond oure king
Sein Ion þe ewaungelist he louede þoru alle þing
Me ne ssolde him noþing bidde for loue of sein Ion
Þat he miȝte do wiþoute blame þat he ne grantede anon
A day þer com a pouereman wiþ wel dreori mod
And bad him for sein Iones loue to ȝiue him som god


Seint Edward biþoȝte him þo he nadde nei him noþing
Forto ȝiue þis pouereman bote a guldene ring
Þis ring he louede wel inou and for þe loue of sein Ion
He ȝaf hine ȝute þis pouereman and he wende forþ anon
Þer after suþþe sein Ion com to a kniȝt of Engelonde
As he was biȝende se auntres forto fonde
Wend he sede wanne þou hom comst to Edward ȝoure king
And seie þat he for was loue he ȝaf þisne ring
Him sende her is ring aȝen and þonkede him also
Þo þis kniȝt com to Engelond is erande he gan do
Seint Edward ikneu þane ring & vnderstod anon
Þat þe pouereman þat he him ȝaf was þe louerd sein Ion
Þulke ring is ȝute at Westm[i]nstre in relike ido
As me sseweþ pilgrims þat ofte comeþ þertwo
Nou sein Ion þe waungelist ȝif it þi wille is
Bidde for us þat we mote come to heuene blis

De sancto Thoma archiepiscopo et cantuariense

Gilberd was sein Thomas fader þat triwe man was & god
He louede God & Holy Churche suþþe he wit vnderstod
Þe crois to þe Holy Lond inis ȝonghede he nom
And mid on Richard þat was is man to Ierusalem he com
Þare hi dude hare pilgrimage in holy studes faste
So þat amang Sarazins hi were inome attelaste
Hi and oþere Cristenemen and in strang prison ido
In miseise & in pine inou in honger & chile also
In strang swinch niȝt & day to of swinke hore me[te] stronge
In such swinch & hard lif hi liuede ham þoȝte to longe
For volle oþer half ȝer gret anuy hi hadde & ssame
In þe prince is hous of þe lawe Amiraud was is name
Ac þis Gilberd of Londone best grace he hadde þere


Of þe prince & alle his among alle þat þare were
For ofte al in veteres and in oþer bende
Þe prince he seruede atte mete for he þoȝte him god & hende
And ofte þe prince also god in conseil him wolde drawe
And þe manere of Engelond him esste and of þe lawe
So þat me wolde is felawes muche god ofte do
For is loue & alle hi uerde þe bet for him also
And nameliche for a maide þat louede þis Gilberd uaste
Þe princes doȝter Amiraud þat hure heorte al upe him caste
And louede him in triwe loue in gret mornynge and wo
And þe princes eir he[o] was for he nadde children namo
And of hure he hadde lite blisse and lite harm it was
For he[o] com to betere ende as ȝe ssolle ihure þat cas
Þis maide þat louede so þis Gilberd deorneliche
He[o] spak þo heo sei hure tyme wiþ him priueliche
And esste him of Engelond and of þe maner þere
And of þe lif of Cristendom & wat hare bileue were
Þe manere of Engelond Gilberd hure tolde uore
And þat þe toun het Londone þat he was inne ibore
And þe bileue of Cristen men & þe blisse & þan ende
In heuene ssolde hare mede habbe wanne hi ssoldeþ hanne wende
Wostou quaþ þis maide þo wo so bode it þe
Þolie deþ for þi Louerdes loue Gilberd sede ȝe
And þat him were swuþe leof wo so him þerto broȝte
Þo þe maide him sei so studeuast he[o] stod longe in þoȝte
Ich wolde he[o] sede al my lond bileue for loue of þe
And Cristen womman bicome ȝif þou wolt spousi me
Þo Gilberd hurde þis he was in grete þoȝte
And feinede is word here and þer & ne grantede al noȝt
And seide he was al to hure wille ac he moste him biþenche
For he was strange he dradde ȝut of womman wrenche
He drof euere forþ wiþ faire biheste þis maide longede sore


And louede him deorneliche euere þe leng þe more
Gilberd and is felawes suþþe as God þe grace sende
Prison breke & bi[n]iȝte out of þe londe wende
Þe reue amorwe þat ham ssolde to hare labour lede
Nuste þo he miste ham wat him was to rede
Faste he siwede after ham he and oþer mo
Ar hi come to Cristen men me ne miȝte ham noȝt ofgo
Ac wanne hi ne miȝte hom oftake aȝen hi turnde þo
And dude hare beste aȝen þe prince ac arst ham was wel wo
Þe ma[i]de made þo deol inou þat he[o] was euere ibore
For al þe ioie of þis lyf hure þoȝte he[o] hadde ilore
He[o] weop and made so muche deol þat me nuste neuere of more
Ne telle of womman þat me weste þat boȝte loue so sore
For by niȝte he[o] wende al one he[o] nuste woderward
And of spence wiþ hure nom to seche þis Gilbard
And bileuede al hure gret heritage & hure heie kun also
And ne sparede for non eritage þat hure miȝte come to
Ne for siknesse ne for deþ ne for honger ne for wo
Ne for peril in þe se ne alonde noþemo
Ne þat he[o] ssolde amang Cristene men vylore þan an hound be[o]
Ne þat hi ne knewe hure speche noȝt ne þat he[o] weoste woder te[o]
Ne ware he[o] ssolde þis Gilberd alyue finde oȝt
Ne weþer he wolde spouse hure wanne he[o] him hadde al isoȝt
And naþeles he[o] wende forþ mid wel god pas
Hou þingþ ȝou was he[o] hardi oȝt for Gode me þingþ he[o] was
He[o] wende and esste to Engelond & gret peril anhonde nom
So þat in pine and wo inou at þan ende þuder he[o] com


And þo he[o] elles þuder com he[o] ne couþe Engliss word non
Bote Londone Londone to esse woderward gon
And þare þoru me teiȝte hure þe wey so þat he[o] þuder com
And ȝeode aboute as a best þat ne couþe no wisdom
As he[o] were of anoþer world þat folk þicke inou
To biholde a such mopiss best aboute hure þicke it drou
And nameliche childrene and wilde boyes also
For þe wonder hi siwede hure & scornede hure þerto
So þat mid noise & cry inou attenende bicas
He com aȝen þulke hous as þis Gilberd inne was
And sein Thomas was suþþe þerinne ibore gracious was þat cas
Þat is nou an ospital irered of sein Thomas
As Richard wiþinne was þe noise he hurde þere
Out he ȝede forto awaite wat þat noyse were
He stod þo he hure ykneu as a man þat were forlore
In gret wonder in he orn and tolde is louerd fore
Þis Gilberd þoȝte wonder gret ac þan cheson wel he þoȝte
He het Richard þat he hure nome & mid a god wif hure broȝte
Þare biside fair inou and wiþ semblant hure nom
Suþþe þo þis Gilberd byuore þis maide com
Þe mayde vel upriȝt iswowe anon so [heo] him isei
Þat deol was among al folk þat þare was ney
Þis Gilberd him held somdel stille as him noþing nere
Ac sixe bissops þulke tyme at sein Poules þare were
Ac hi were at parlement for neode of þe londe
Þis Gilberd in þis wonder cas him gan vnderstonde
And ȝeode & tolde ham euerich del red of ham to auonge
Þare of alle hi wondrede and in conseil stude longe
Þe bissop verst of Chichestre is auis sede þanne


Þat it a bitokne of God is and noȝt of manne
And þat he wolde þat hi were ispoused & such cas sende þerfore
And þat þer miȝte som holy child bytwene ham be[o] ibore
Þereuore alle hy radde & bitwene ham gonne byse[o]
Þat þis Gilberd hure ssolde spouse ȝif he[o] wolde Cristene be[o]
So þat þis maide amorwe biuore þis byssops com
Hy radde hure for Gilberdes loue auonge Cristendom
Wel vawe quaþ þis maide þo ȝif he me wole spouse oȝt
For ȝe mowe alle vnderstonde ȝif ich nadde þat iþoȝt
Inadde noȝt bileued al my kun ne so wide isoȝt
Ne mid honger ne mid oþer wo so deore him iboȝt
Þis maide ibaptized was among þis bissops echon
And heiemen þare at of þe lond þer were ek manyon
For reuerence of þe heie kunne & for þe gentil blod also
Of wan he[o] com and for he[o] was seme & fair þerto
Of þis bissops hi were anon ispoused in þe place
Ech man may segge wel þat þer was Godes grace
For þe uerste niȝt þer afterward bitwene ham biȝete was
Þis gode child of wam we spekeþ þe holy sein Thomas
Þis Gilberd anon amorwe so gret wille him com to
To wende eft to þe Holy Lond þat he nuste wat do
Of is wif was is meste care hou he miȝte fram hure be[o] ibroȝt
Þat was so ȝong & ne couþe of þe londes maner noȝt
So muche he carede deorneliche þat it was deol to se[o]
Is wif was eke in grete þoȝte ware fore it miȝte be[o]
And dradde þat it were for hure þat hy were ispoused þo
Ne mai noman clene telle of hore beire deorne wo
Þis ȝonge wif nolde fyne on hure louerd to grede
Forte he þe encheson of is sor al clanliche sede
And hou is care was al for hure to þe Holy Lond to wende


Sire quaþ þis godewif oure Louerd is grace þe sende
Lite we habbeþ togadere ibe[o] & lite ioie auonge
After myne pines & angwises þat bitere were & stronge
And noȝt for þan ich bidde þe ȝif þou hast wille & þoȝt
In oure Louerdes seruise to wende ne bilef it for me noȝt
For ich hopie þat oure Louerd þat me haþ iwest herto
Þe wile þat ich ne kneu him noȝt þat ȝute he wol also
And bet nou ich am of his þeruore ich bidde þe
Ȝif þou wolt inis seruise ne bilef it noȝt for me
And bilef me Richard þy man þat my wardein mowe be[o]
Þat knoweþ me wel & my langage forte ich þe eft ise[o]
Gilberd þo he hurde þis in gret ioie was ido
He ordeinede wel is hous and is meyne also
And is wif hou he[o] libbe ssolde forte God sende oþer sonde
And wende forþ a Godes name toward þe Holy Londe
And was oute þreo ȝer and an half ar he ham com
Þo he com hom he fond is sone a god goinde grom
Þeoinge fair & manliche so eny child miȝte be[o]
Ech man tolde of him pris þat him miȝte ise[o]
Wel it wax and iþei and to eche godnesse drou
Ȝong it was to lore iset and spedde wel inou
Is moder him wolde alday rede and faste on him crie
To lede chast lif & clene and fleo lecherie
And louie for al oþer þing God and seinte Marie
And serui ham and Holy Churche & bileue alle folye
Þis child þei it were ȝong fol wel þis vnderstod
For sely child is sone ilered þar it þingþ be[o] god
Þo þis child was bet in elde of two & twenti ȝer
Is moder wende out of þis lyue þat so muche him louede er
Þis child wolde go leng to scole ac is fader him nolde finde
For child þat haþ ilore is moder is help is muche byhinde
Þis child þoru is fader heste as a man þat oþer red not


Seruede a borgeis of þe toun and is acountes wrot
So longe þat he com to court and was in god offis
Wiþ þe erchebissop of Kanterburi sire Tibaud god & wis
He seruede hym so hendeliche þat in a lite stounde
He made him al is conseiler so studeuast he him founde
Is ercedekne he made him suþþe & dude al bi is rede
Swuþe wel gan þis ercedekne Holy Churche lede
And stilleliche held up hure riȝte as alle men iseie
And þer of nolde þolie wrong þei he ssolde deye
Wel ofte he wende to Rome for Holy Churche also
Such prelates nou to vewe þar beoþ an eorþe ido
So þat þe duc of Normandie ymad was al in pes
Henri king of Engelond after Steuene þe Bleis
Þis king Henri þe gode kyng þo he to londe com
Louede muche wel to do and godemen to him nom
And fondede habbe god conseil & wis bi al is miȝte
Forto holde riche and pouere and echeman to riȝte
Of þe ercedekne sein Thomas me tolde him sone inou
Hou he was stable iwis and to alle godnesse drou
Þoru þe erchebissop grant he made him is chanceler
For euere me mot him abowe þat haþ mest power
Þo sein Thomas was iturnd fram offis of Holy Churche
To a gret offis of þe world þar after he moste werche
Al to nobleie of þe world is contenance he broȝte
Þat me ne held nawer so prout man þei oþer were inis þoȝte
Wiþ more nobleie he rod inou þanne he was iwoned to do
Is loreins were of seluer stirops and spores also
Þat plei he siwede of hondes and of haukes inou
As men þoȝte in euerich point to alle prude he drou
Ac inis heorte it was anoþer hou so he him bere
And euere chast þoru alle þing he was hou so it were
And euere he was for Holy Churche and for pouere men also
Aȝen þe proute courteors þat ham wolde misdo


[To holde vp þe riȝtes of Holi Churche so moche wo he gan dryue
Aȝen þe liþere conteccours þat nuyede him of his lyue]
As he þe erchebissop tolde wepinge we[l] sore
And oþere ofte in priuetes þat louede him þe more
He wilnede mest of alle þing and on oure Louerd gan crie
Þat he moste wiþ honur bileue þulke baillie
And ech oþer seruise of court wiþ þe kinges gode wille
For he nemiȝte noȝt paie is court bote he wolde is soule spille
Ac þe king him fond so stable and so god conseiler
Þat he nolde make for noþing non oþer chanceler
He ne triste to non so muche ne þer nas non so hei
Þat so muche wuste is priuete ne þat him were so ney
So muche is herte on him was þat inis warde he gan [d]o
Is eoldeste sone sire Henri and is eir also
Þat he were is wardein and al is ordeinour
To wissi him after is wille to þe kynges honour
Þe kyng wende into Normandie to soiorny þere
And bileuede is sone mid sein Thomas þat he is wardein were
Boþe þe uader & þe sone mest hore heorte caste
Ope sein Thomas þe holyman þe wile it wolde ilaste
Þer nas man in Engelond þat hadde so gret poer
Of þe kynedom as hadde sein Thomas þat was þo chanceler
Hit biuel suþþe þat Tebaud as God þe grace sende
Erchebissop of Kanterburi out of þis worlde wende
Þat cri was sone wide aboute amang þiwe and fre[o]
Þat sein Thomas ssolde after him erchebissop be[o]
Þe kyng also in Normandie þo me tolde him þat cas
Anon bar is heorte mest to do þar sein Thomas
Þe couent of Kaunterburi desirde him also
So as echman it wolde it was ibroȝt þerto


At Westministre he was ichose to þulke heie poer
Þe vifte ȝer þat he was ymad chanceler
Of eolde he was þulke tyme of foure & fourti ȝer
His owe deþ he aueng and is martirdom þer
For þe kyng was in Normandie ipresented he was
To is sone in Engelond þo non oþer kyng nas
Ac þei it were aȝen is wille he nolde it noȝt forsake
Ac he axede in wuche manere he ssolde þe crois take
Me seide him þat me ssolde auonge Holy Churche so freo
Þat he nessolde vnder noman bote vnder þe pope beo
Ne noþing þenche bote holde up Holy Churche lawe
In þis manere quaþ sein Thomas ich it auonge vawe
Atte Witesontid þis was þat þis dede com to ende
Þis godeman toward Kanterburi anon bigan to wende
Al þe contreie wiþ onur aȝen him com and drou
Þer was for him in Kanterburi ioie & blisse inou
Þe day of þe Trinite isacred he was
And aueng þe dignete þis gode sein Thomas
Sire Henri þe kynges sone was atte sacrynge
And sixtene bissops ek þis dede to ende bringe
Þo þis dede was ido hi gonne sende sone
After þis palm to Rome as riȝt was to done
Þe pope Elysandre was þo at Mounpailers
Þuder wende þis wise men þat were messagers
Þe abbot Adam of Eusam hore cheueintein hy nome
To þe pope Elysandre to Monpaillers hi come
Hore erande hi hadde sone for þe pope noþing ne we[r]nde
Hy nome of him hore leue sone and hamward aȝen turnde
An þis palm was to seint Thomas ibroȝt
Þis holyman it aueng wiþ wel milde þoȝt
Þo he was inis dignete al clanliche ido
He gan to changi is lif and is maners also
Þe here he dude on next is liche is fleiss is maister to be[o]


Sseorte and brech streit inou anon to þe kne[o]
For him [þoȝte] he miȝte wel [] of oþer habbe maistrie
Ȝif he hadde of is owe fleiss al out þe seygnurye
Ȝif is soule is maister were and is fleiss is hyne
Him þoȝte he miȝte is dignete bringe to gode fine
Anouwarde þe her suþþe þe abit of monk he nom
And suþþe clerkes robe aboue as to is stat bicom
So þat he was wiþoute clerk wiþ[inne] monk also
Þoru þe abit þat he hadde on him priueliche ido
In penance and in fastinge he was niȝt and day
And in orisons bote som tyme wanne he aslepe lay
Euere wanne he masse songe he weop & siȝte sore
Faste he hastede þer wiþ nemiȝte noman more
Faire he uedde him at is bord wiþ gret nobleie & prute
And of þe beste him sulf he et ac swuþe scarse & lute
Of is ordres he was wel streit and he was in gret fere
Forto ordeyni enyman bote þe betere he were
Idel nolde he neuere be[o] ac euere doin[d]e he was
In eche manere of betere lyue neuere no bissop nas
Sire Henri þe kynges sone þat wiþ him was ibroȝt
Bileuede euere inis warde and fram him nolde noȝt
Þe loue þat was hom bitwene neuere nas iseie
Ne þis child nadde neuere of noman more loue ne eiȝe
Suþþe it biuel þat þe kyng of Normandie com
To Engelond to loke þe stat of is kynedom
Sein Thomas nom wiþ him sire Henry is sone
And wel faire aȝen him wende to Souþ Hamtone
Þar was ioie and blisse inou þo hy togadere come
Hi custe hom vaste & clupte and herede God ilome
Þe kyng bileuede [in Engelond ] to loke is kynedom
And to al is priue conseil sein Thomas he nom
And huld him euere as he dude er is hexte conseiler


And nolde is þonkes habbe iheued non oþer chaunceler
And naþeles wanne he eny þing dude aȝen riȝte
Sein Thomas was þer aȝen euere wiþ al is miȝte
Suþþe it biuel þat þe bissop [] of Wircestre ded was
And sire Gilberd Foliot as God ȝaf þat cas
Þat was bissop of Herford ibroȝt was ȝute to more
And ymad bissop of Londone þat ne ofþoȝte him noȝt sore
So þat boþe bissopriches vulle into þe kynges hond
Of Wircestre and of Hereford as lawe was of þe lond
Þe kyng ne ȝaf ham anon noȝt ac huld hom wel longe
Inis hond þat he miȝte þe more prou auonge
Hit ne likede noȝt sein Thomas [] þat Holy Churche so
Ssolde for a lite couetise in þe kynges hond be[o] ido
Him þoȝte þat it was wel muche aȝen oure Louerdes wille
And þat þe kyng miȝte so al Holy Churche aspille
In vaire manere he bad þe kyng þat he ne ssolde byleue
Þat ulke two bissopriches somme godemen [he] ȝeue
Þe king anon in faire manere grantede al is bone
And þis bissopriches ȝaf tweie godemen wel sone
Sire Rogger he made a godman bissop of Wircestre
Sire Roberdes sone þat was eorl of Gloucestre
Bissop he made of Herford an holyman inou
Sire Roberd de Melons þat to eche godnesse drou
Anon sein Thomas þoȝte wel þat he nemiȝte noȝt al paye
Þe kyng ne his conseil bote he wolde Holy Churche bitraie
In care and sorwe he was inou hou he miȝte best do
For he nemiȝte noȝt [paie] þe kyng and oure Louerd also
Sein Thomas halwede þulke ȝer þe churche of Redynge
Þat ifonded was and arered þoru Henri þe oþer kynge
Þat liþ þere faire ibured Willam is sone bastard
In þulke ȝer ek sein Thomas ssryned seint Edward


At Westmistre as he lyþ þat biuore kyng Willam was
Bote king Harald was bitwene for is poer no leng nas
Þe loue was euere gret inou bytwene sein Thomas
And þe kyng forte þe deuel destourbed it alas
Lite and lite þe contek sprang for pouere men riȝte
For paie oure Louerd & þe kyng sein Thomas ne miȝte
Þe ferste tyme þat sein Thomas outliche him wiþsede
Was for aȝen pouere men þe kyng dude an unriȝt dede
Þe kyng nom þoru al Engelond fram ȝere to ȝere wel wide
After is wille a somme of panes ideld bi eche side
And suþþe þoru enqueste he let þoru þe contreie enquere
Hou muche echman ssolde paie and hou muche is riȝte were
So longe he nom it to talage þat he esste it attelaste
Ech ȝer for a certein rente þoru al Engelond wel faste
Wat for loue wat for eiȝe non him ne wiþsede
Ac euere þoȝte sein Thomas [þat hit was] an vnriȝt dede
He þoȝte on God and on is soule & bileuede is manhede
And to þe kyng wel baldeliche wende wiþoute ech drede
Sire he sede ȝif it is þi wille þou ert riche and hende
And king of gret poer inou oure Louerd þe more sende
A tailage þou askest her þoru out al þi londe
And axest for a certein rente wiþ vnriȝt ich vnderstonde
For a certein rente ssel be[o] take ech ȝer at a certein daie
And som certein assigne[d] as þou wost wel bi riȝte lawe
Ac þis nis certein itake ac ech ȝer asommed is
Þoru enqueste of þe contreie as talage iwis
War þoru me þingþ a certein rente þou nemiȝt it noȝt make
Ac a tailage and somdel wiþ vnriȝt itake
Thomas Thomas quaþ þe kyng þou ert my chanceler


Þou aȝtest bet holde up þanne wiþsegge my poer
Sire quaþ þis holyman ich habbe ibe[o] wiþ þe
And þou hast God it ȝulde þe gret god ido me
Ac anoþer baillie ich habbe auonge þei it were aȝen mi wille
And ich ne may noȝt loke boþe bote ich my soule aspille
For ich am to lite worþ þe on forto loke
Þanne dude he gret folie þat me boþe bitoke
Þere fore ich ȝulde up hure al out þe chancelerie
And take me al to Holy Churche to God & seinte Marie
Þo was þe kyng wroþ inou more þanne he euere was
Ac naþeles euere is heorte bar mest upe sein Thomas
Þe þridde þing ȝute mest of alle in contek hom broȝte
A preost þer was a luþer man þat of God lite þoȝte
Þat of manslaȝt was bicluped & inome þeruore also
And in þe bissops prison was of Salesburi ido
Þe mannes frend þat was aslawe siwede uppon him uaste
So þat þe preost to iugement ibroȝt was attelaste
Me acusede him faste of þe dede he ne answerede noȝt þerto
Ac huld him al to Holy Churche and ope non oþer nolde do
Iloked he was to purgi him þoru clergi ȝif he miȝte
And þer of him was a day yset þoru Holy Churches riȝte
Þo þe day him was icome he nemiȝte him purgi noȝt
He was sone ilad aȝen and into prison ibroȝt
Þo was þe bissop in gret doute wat was þerof to done
Forto habbe wisor red to sein Thomas he wende sone
He him sende word aȝen þat he ssolde þe preost take
And disordeiny him of is ordre and a lewed man him make
And suþþe in strong warde him do þat he neuere eft out newende
In penance and in pine inou is sunne forto amende
Þe bissop of Salesburi dude sein Thomas heste


So þat þis preost was ibroȝt in tormens wiþ þe meste
So þat þe tiþinge her of to þe kyng com
Þat a luþer þeof and a man quellare hadde so liȝt dom
Him þoȝte þat nas no lawe ne þat nemiȝte noȝt be[o] so
And Phelip de Brois a chanone him hadde eke misdo
Þare fore was ech oþer clerk þe more him aȝen wille
Him þoȝte þat such lawe ssolde pais of londe spille
He wilnede as a god kyng pais of is londe
And in god entente wel to do he dude ich vnderstonde
For þe pais of is londe he wolde holde as vawe
As sein Thomas inis manere Holy Churche to lawe
He sey þat þe deueles lymes þat ycrouned were so
Þat miȝte so allonge day aȝen is pais misdo
For hore iugement was so liȝt þe lasse hi wolde doute
Ac do þufþe and robborye in al is lond aboute
To Westmustre he let somny þe bissops of is londe
And clerkes þe grettest and hexst ich vnderstonde
Beu seignurs he sede inot wat ȝe habbeþ iþoȝt
Ȝif ȝe goþ forþ as ȝe habbeþ ymunt oure pais ne worþ ȝute noȝt
Ȝif a clerk haþ a man aslawe oþer gret þufþe ido
And he mowe be[o] desordeined and to lyue come so
Misdo hi wolde allonge day and þare up be[o] wel bolde
And so ssolde þe pais of þe londe wel vuel be[o] iholde
For wel lite hom wolde recche to leose hare ordre so
Wanne for hare ordre [hi] ne sparieþ þufþe forto do
And euere þe herre hare ordre is me þingþ bi pur lawe
Þe strengore hor dom aȝte be[o] wanne hi wolleþ to þufþe drawe
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas ȝif it is þi wille
Loþ us were do enyþing þi pais forto aspille
Ac clerkes þat beoþ iordeined þou wost wel bereþ a signe
Þat hi beoþ lymes of Holy Churche þat so worþ is & digne


Ȝif hi were þanne wiþ þulke signe to vile deþ ido
Auyled were & assend al Holy Churche so
Ak ȝif hi beoþ ferst desordeined & for þulke sulue dede
Suþþe to deþe þoru dom ibroȝt hit nere noȝt wel to rede
For it nas neuere lawe ne riȝt double dom to take
For on trespas as þou wost wel & sunne it were to make
And vnworþer þanne a lewed man Holi Churche were so
For a lewed man for a trespas nis bote on iugement ido
Þare fore þi grace we bisecheþ ȝif it is þi wille
Þat þou nerere no lawe Holy Churche to spille
For we biddeþ niȝt & day as riȝt is þat we do
For þe and for þi children & for þi kynedom also
Beu sire quaþ þe kyng þo þou seist wel inou
Ich hadde loþ by my concience do Holy Churche wou
Ac lawes þare beoþ & costomes þat habbeþ euere ibe[o] holde
Of bissops þoru al Engelonde as oure auncetres us tolde
And bi þe kynges day Henri þat oure grant sire was
Iconfermed were and iholde þat noman þer aȝen nas
Woltou þulke lawes holde do me to wite sone
We solleþ sire quaþ sein Thomas al þat us is to done
Alle þe lawes & costomes we solleþ holde mid oure miȝte
Þat beoþ to holde & habbeþ ibe[o] sire saue oure riȝte
Saue ȝoure [riȝte] quaþ þe kyng beu sire wy seistou so
I ne ssolde noþing bi þat word aȝen þi wille do
Þat þou nost segge þat it were aȝen Holi Churche riȝte
And so bringe al mi lond in contek and fiȝte
Ac þare wiþ oute hold þe lawes for siker ich vnderstonde
Þat þulke word be[o] uenymous to þe stat of my londe
Sire quaþ þis holyman ne meoue ȝou riȝt noȝt
Wel þou wost þat ech of us ar we were herto ibroȝt
Triwenesse we swore as riȝt was & eorþlich honur also
Saue oure ordre & oure riȝte ac þat was out ido


Hou ssolde we nouþe oþer do ȝe ne aȝte us noȝt beode
For Godes loue hold us to riȝte for ȝe nehabbeþ non oþer neode
Ich ise[o] wel Thomas quaþ þe kyng warto þou wolt drawe
Þou ert icome to late forþ to bynyme us oure lawe
Þou wost make me more wrecche þanne eny euere was
Þou ert ycome þer to late þou hast icast ambes as
Þe kyng aros in wraþþe anon and let ham sitte echon
And to is chambre [wende] forþ and ne grette ham noȝt on
Fram Londone he wende sone in wraþþe as þei it were
He ne sede noman of is þoȝt ac bileuede hom alle þere
Þe bissops þoȝte þo echon þat he was wroþ inou
Þare [were fewe bote] sein Thomas þat toward him nedrou
On sein Thomas hi cride vaste is þoȝt forto wende
Oþer he wolde al þat lond wiþ þulke o word ssende
Kniȝtes and oþere ofte come þat wiþ þe kyng were
And bede ententifliche þat he þat word forbere
And him were gret folie þe king in wraþþe brynge
And destourbi al þat lond for so lite þinge
Sein Thomas stod in þoȝte longe leoue breþeren he sede
Neuere aȝen þe kynges onur nel ich do no dede
Ac ech word ichelle bileue þat aȝen is onour is
Þo were þis oþere glad inou þo hi hurde þis
And radde him wende to þe kyng is wraþþe forto stille
Leof ich hadde [quaþ] sein Thomas mid riȝte do is wille
To þe kyng he wende to Oxenford and wiþ him þer he uond
Grete eorles and barons þe hexte of þe lond
Þe kyng him wolcomede so wiþ wel liȝte chere
Bissops he let clupie and eorles þat þare were
Beu freres he sede ich am kyng mid riȝte of þis londe
Costomes þere were biuore yused ich vnderstonde


And so muche wrecche nam ich noȝt þat ich nele þe lawes holde
Þat vure auncestre[s] hulde wile as oure conseil us tolde
Þare fore ichelle þat ulke lawes iconfermed be[o] echon
Of myn eorles and myne kniȝtes þat hi ne wiþsegge noȝt on
Þeruore ich hote ȝou echon þat ȝe be[o] þulke day
At my manere at Clarindone wiþoute ech delay
To confermi þulke lawes ope peine þat ichelle sette
Ich hote þat ȝe be[o] þere echon þat noþing ȝe ne lette
So departede þo þis court to is inne ech drou
Ac euere was sein Thomas in care and sorwe inou
Þis bissops and þe baronie come alle to þe daye
To Clarindone in Wiltessire þe kyng forto paye
Þis parlement him was iholde in þe elefþe ȝer
Of þe kynges crounement þat so muche folk broȝte þer
Enleue hondred ȝer and in þe voure and sixti riȝt
It was after oure Louerd þat inis moder was aliȝt
Noble was þis parlement of þis Clarindone
For þere was ferst aforeward þe kyng and is sone
And þe erche bissop of Kanterburi and sire Rogger also
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik were þare boþe two
And sire Gilberd Foliot bissop of Londone
And þe bissop Roberd of Lincolne were alle at Clarindone
And sire Nel bissop of Eoly and þe bissop of Wircestre
Sire Roger & sire Illare bissop of Chichestre
Þe bissop of Salesburi Iocelin and Roberd
Þe bissop of Herford and also sire Richerd
Þat was bissop of Chestre þeos bissops echon
Were at þis grete parlement and eorles manyon
Sire Roberd eorl of Cornwale & þe eorl of Leicestre
Sire Roberd & sire Roger eorl of Gloucestre


Sire Conan eorl of Brutaine & Ion eorl of Aungeo
Sire Geffrei eorl de Mandeuile was þere also
Sire Hue eorl of Arondel þat so noble was & fers
Sire Hue eo[r]l of Chestre and sire Willam de Forers
Barons þare were ek manyon sire Willam de Lucy
Sire Reinaud de Warenne & sire Reinaud de Walri
Sire Roger Bigod also sire Richard de Caunvile
Sire Willam de Brewes ek sire Roberd de Dunstauile
Sire Nel de Moubray sire Homfrai de Boun
Sire Symond de Beuchamp louerd of mani a toun
Sire Iocelin [de] Bailol sire Willam de Hasting
Sire Huwe de Morvile so wel was mid þe kyng
Sire Willam Malet sire Ion þe marchal
Sire Symond le Fis Peris gret man þoru out al
Sire Willam Maudut sire Geffrei de Uer
Þeos alle grete louerdlyngs & ȝute wel mo were þer
Nou God helpe sein Thomas for he was al one
Þat wiþsede attelaste þeos louerdlinges echone
Þo hi bigonne þis parlement þe kyng hom esste anon
War hi wolde þe lawe holde þat is auncestres hulde echon
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas ȝif it þi wille is
Echman mot speke for him sulue & ich for me iwis
For my stat & for Holy Churche ich answerie þertwo
Þat alle þe gode olde lawes and þat ȝute beoþ also
Grante ichelle for Holy Churche forto habbe þin ore
Saue oure ordre and oure riȝte þou ne miȝt esse namore
For þat word þe kyng was wroþ þat gan him euere mislike
Sein Thomas wep inis herte and sore bigan to sike
Al to blody was þat word and deore it was iboȝt
For þere fore to deþe he was attelaste ibroȝt
Þe bissop of Salesburi and of Norþwich also


Kneolede wepinge to him þat he ssolde anoþer do
Louerdlings quaþ sein Thomas ich am ȝute ȝong man
And lite wile bissop ibe[o] and þer of lite can
Þare fore of þis olde lawes transcrit ȝe me take
And ichelle þer uppe conceily wuche be[o] to forsake
Þe king him let transcrit take of þis costomes echon
Sein Thomas grantede somme and wiþsede manyon
Þe lawe þat ichelle nou telle he grantede wel vawe
Ȝif a bondeman haþ a sone to clergie idrawe
He ne ssel wiþoute is louerdes leue noȝt icrouned be[o]
For þe man ne may noȝt be[o] ymad wiþoute is louerdes leue [freo]
Anoþer lawe he granted ek þat ȝe mowe nou ise[o]
Ȝif eny man of Holy Churche halt eny lay fe[o]
Parson oþer wat he be[o] he ssel do þare fore
Seruise þat þe kyng biualþ þat is riȝt ne be[o] forlore
In plai stonde in eche place and in iugement also
Bote ware man ssel be[o] bylymed oþer to deþe ido
He grantede ek ȝif enyman þe kynges traitour were
And enyman of is chateus to Holy Churche bere
Þat Holy Churche ne ssolde noȝt þe chateus þere lette
Þat þe kyng wel baldeliche as is owene hom vette
For al þat þe feloun haþ þe kynges it is
And echman mai in Holy Churche is owene vecche iwis
He grantede ek þat a churche of þe kynges fe[o]
In none stude eu[er]e & euere ne ssolde iȝiue be[o]
As to hous of religion wiþoute þe kynges leue
And þat he oþer þe patroun þe uerste ȝift ȝeue
Sein Thomas grantede vawe þeose and oþer mo
Ac þis oþere he wiþsede þat dude him wel wo
Ȝif bitwene tweie lewede men were eny striuinge


Oþer bitwene a lewede & a clerk for Holy Churche þinge
As for [v]oueson of churche weþer ssolde þe churche ȝiue
Þe kyng wolde þat inis court þe play ssolde be[o] dryue
For as muche as a lewed man þe on partie was
Clanlich was vnder þe kyng and vnder no bissop nas
Anoþer was þat no byssop ne no clerk noþemo
Ne ssolde wiþoute þe kynges leue out of Engelond go
And þanne hi ssolde swerie hore oþ ope þe bok iwis
Þat hi ne ssolde porchacy non vuel to þe kyng ne non of his
Þe þridde was ȝif enyman in mansinge were ibroȝt
And suþþe come to amendement & aȝen riȝte nere noȝt
Þat he ne swore noȝt ope þe bok ac borwes finde ssolde
To stonde al þat Holy Churche mid lawe him loke wolde
Þe veorþe was þat [no] man þat of þe kyng held oȝt
In chef oþer in eny seruise in mansinge were ibroȝt
Bote þe wardeins of Holy Churche þat broȝte him þertwo
Þe kyng sede oþer is baillifs wat he hadde misdo
And lokede uerst ware hi wolde to amendement it bringe
And bote hi wolde bi hore leue do þanne þe mansinge
Þe vifte was þat bissopriches and abbeis also
Þat vacans were of prelat in þe kynges hond were ido
And þat þe kyng ssolde al þat lond as is owe take
For[te] attelaste þat him luste eny prelat þare make
And þanne þulke prelat ssolde inis chapel ichose be[o]
Of is clerkes wuch he wolde to such prelat bise[o]
And þanne wanne he were ichose inis chapel riȝt þere
Omage he ssolde him do ar he iconfermed were
Þe sixte was ȝif eny ple in chapitre were idrawe
And enyman made is apel ȝif me dude him vnlawe
Þat to bissop fram ercedekne is apel ssolde make
And fram þe bissop to þe erchebissops court & suþþe non herre take
And bote þe erche bissop to riȝte him wolde bringe


Þat he ssolde fram þulke court biclupe to þe kynge
And fram þe king non herre mo so þat attenende
Plaidinge of Holy Churche to þe kyng ssolde wende
And þe king amende ssolde þe erchebissops dede
And be[o] as in þe popes stude ac sein Thomas it wiþsede
Þe seueþe was þat pleidinge þat of dette were
To ȝulde wel þoru truþe ipliȝt and noȝt iholde nere
Al þei þoru truþe it were þe ple ssolde be[o] ibroȝt
Biuore þe king and his baillifs and to Holy Churche noȝt
Þe eiȝteþe was þat in þe londe citacion non nere
Þoru bulle of þe pope of Rome ac clanlich bileued were
Þe niþe was þat Petres panes þat me gadereþ manyon
Þe pope nere noȝt isend ak þe kyng echon
Þe teoþe was ȝif eny clerk as felon were itake
And for feloun iproued ek and nemiȝte it noȝt forsake
Þat me ssolde uerst desordeiny & suþþe þoru pur lawe
And þoru iugement of þe lond bring him of lif dawe
Þe kyng þeose lawes pulte forþ and monie oþer anon
And het þoru out al is lond þat me ham helde echon
Þis was biuore Candelmasse þe veorþe day ido
Þe kyng het sein Thomas anon and þe oþer bissops also
On þis chartre sette hore sel þat non after tale nere
Þat þoru al is lond þe costome iholde were
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas for Godes loue þin ore
To conseili bet ȝif us leue ar we speke more
So þat respit was inome and eche wende inis side
Sein Thomas nom is transcrit and nolde noleng abide
To Winchestre he wende þanne wiþ sorwe inou
Hou he miȝte Holy Churche ssulde fram þis wou
Wanne oþer men were aslepe he wep & siȝte sore
He bad God helpe Holy Churche & cride milce & ore
He sai þer nas bote o wey oþer he moste stif be[o]
Oþer Holy Churche were byneþe þat mid riȝte was so fre[o]
Carfol he was and sori þat he tok on so


Forto entri into answere þare he ne ssolde noȝt do
Þat he aueng þe transcrit and respit hadde ibede
For him þoȝte al Holy Churche he misdude in þulke stude
For Holy Churche ne ssolde noȝt in no stude stonde to dome
Ne answere king ne prince bote þe pope of Rome
Þe deol þat sein Thomas made no tonge telle ne may
Louerd he sede alas alas þat ich euere isay þis day
Þat ich þe warde of Holy Churche so folliche ssolde take
And so ffre as he[o] was er so þeu hure nou make
He[o] þat was so hei and fre[o] by mine auncestres daye
Þat ich ssolde byneþe bringe alas and so bitraie
For þis martirs þat wile were for hure to deþe ido
And he[o] is þeu þoru me imad alas wi dude ich so
Vnworþe icham al Holy Churche wardein forto be[o]
And as vnworþe þerto inome as echman may ise[o]
For inam and riȝt were fram non ordre inome
Ac fram kynges court to Holy Churche þat uuel wole bycome
Of houndes ich was and haukes wardein wiþ þe kyng
And wardein am of soulen nou þat ne veiþ noþing
Ich þat forsok myn owe soule þe wile ich was chanceler
So mony soule habbe to loke alas wat ssolde ich her
Ich doute God me haþ forsake hou tok ich on alas
Þat deol þat made þis holyman wiþoute ende was
He wep and siȝte niȝt and day he huld him al forlore
Ȝif he miȝte asoiled be[o] to þe pope he þoȝte þare fore
He wende toward Kanterburi sone þe kyng me tolde
Þat þe erchebissop nolde noȝt is status holde
Þe kyng het is baillifs and sende aboute is sonde
Forto greuy sein Thomas ouer al up is londe
Þe baillifs were þo prest inou and ope is maners wel uaste
Nome is bode and greuede him and wende þer wiþ agaste
Sein Thomas let al iworþe and ope God is heorte caste
And wende him wel priueliche biniȝte attelaste


Toward þe se toward Rome þat non of his men it nuste
Bote tweie þat he tok wiþ him þat is priuete mest wuste
Suþþe þo is men him miste and nuste ware he bicom
And hi seie hi were louerdles ech is red nom
Forto do euerich is beste ech wende inis side
As men þat were louerdles hy nuste wat abide
Þis holyman him wende forþ him dude in þe ssip sone
And wende him forþ toward þe se as he þoȝte to done
Þe wind com as God it wolde and drof him aȝe to londe
Suþþe he wende eft in þe se þe passage to fonde
Þe wind him drof efsone aȝen and eft in he wende
Euere he was aȝen idriue as oure Louerd þe grace sende
Þo sai wel þis holyman þat it nas noȝt Godes wille
Þat he þe ȝute of londe wende he turnde aȝe wel stille
On of is sergans sat a niȝt þe wile þat men woke
Inis chambre at Kanterburi is chambre forto loke
In þe euenyng he het is knaue to steke þe dore faste
Þe knaue ȝeode toward þe dore and is eiȝen aboute caste
Þo sey he sein Thomas in an hurne stonde
He orn and tolde his louerd fore and þonkede Godes sonde
Þe sergant ne luuede it noȝt ac naþeles up he aros
And fond sein Thomas in þis heorne somdel him agros
Þer was sone ioie and blis his folk to him drou
And wolcomede him and made feste wiþ ioie & blisse inou
Hi sette bord and spradde cloþ and gonne to soupe faste
Sein Thomas wel mildeliche tolde ham attelaste
Woder he þoȝte habbe iwend and wuch cas God him sende
And hou it was Godes wille þat he þe ȝute wende
Þe tyþinge com to þe kynge þat þis godeman sein Thomas
Aȝen þe status of Clarindone of londe iwend was
For þe status was þat no bissop ne ssolde by non ende
Wiþoute leue of þe kyng out of þe londe wende


Þe kyng sende his men anon to saisi al is lond
And þe erchebissopriche also as is traitour inis hond
Þe baillifs come to Kanterburi as hi ihote were
Þo hi wende habbe al hore wille hi fonde sein Thomas þere
Noþing nemiȝte hi seisi þo hore wei hi hadde forlore
As hi come hi wende aȝen and tolde þe kyng fore
Ȝute sein Thomas þoȝte eft forto fondi more
Ȝif he miȝte habbe of þe kyng betere milce & ore
He ȝarkede him wel mildeliche and to him þe wey nom
He fond him at Wodestoke and to him þuder he com
As is eorþliche louerd he grette him faire inou
Þe king bihuld him al an hoker and ascorn somdel lou
Thomas he sede hou geþ þis be[o] we so grete fon
Þat we nemowe wonie in none londe hou ssel þis Thomas gon
Sire sire quaþ sein Thomas so ne ssolde it neuere be[o]
Ac God sende Holy Churche betere grace to þe[o]
And sende þe wille to louie hure bet & God for is miȝte
Lete me neuere aȝen þi wille do þing wiþ vnriȝte
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik fondede forto bringe
Acordaunt loue bi is poer bitwene sein Thomas & þe kynge
Þe kyng swor anon is oþ þat non oþer acorde nolde
Bote þe status of Clarindone ech bissop holde wolde
And nameliche þeos biuore alle oþere ȝif a clerk hadde misdo
And for felon ypreoued were and for þeof also
Þat me ssolde desordeiny and suþþe anon þoru lawe
Þe kynges baillifs deliueri him to honge oþer to drawe
Sein Thomas isei wel þo þat þer nas wei bote on
Þat he moste stif wiþstonde oþer is riȝtes forgon
He þoȝte þat Holy Churche he nolde neuere bitraye


And þat he nolde neuere in such seruage hure bringe bi is daye
Raþer he wolde [as] oþer were to martirdom be ido
Þane Holy Churche were so bineþe iredi he was þerto
Neuere ne miȝte þe kyng and he acordi noþing þer
Ac departede al in wraþþe as hi ofte dude er
Þe kyng made him wroþ inou þat so ofte in bar[et] was
For o man þat wiþ him sede and non oþer aȝen him nas
In grete wraþþe he swor is oþ he wolde of him be[o] awreke
And þat sein Thomas ssolde anoþer wiþ him speke
He let somni sein Thomas þe nexte Tiwesday þat were
Biuore sein Lukes day at Norhamtone to answere þere
And alle þe bissops of þe lond and þe baronie also
He het be[o] þere þulke day is heste forto do
Sein Thomas is londes ek inis hond is men nome
As to destreini him þat he to is court come
Nou God helpe sein Thomas for oþer frend naþ he non
Among so many tirans to come þat were is fon
Bodi and soule he bitok Iesus Godes sone
And to is day isomned wende to Norhamtone
In þe castel sat þis court of þis tirans echon
Þis holyman a Godes name among hom wende anon
Sire king he sede God þe loke and saue þi dignete
Somens ich hadde at þis daie here to answerie þe
Ac erche bissop of Kanterburi nas neuere isomned so
Ne so destreined of no kyng inot wat þou þengst do
Inot wat is þe niwe lawe þat þou wolt forþ drawe
Bote it be[o] of Clarindone þat þou þengst bringe to lawe
On me nastou power non such destresse [to] do
Imad ich am Holi Churche heued þei ich vnworþe be[o] þerto


Þi gostliche fader ich am þei þou of me lite lete
Hit nas neuere ordre þat þe sone þe uader ssolde bete
Ne þat þe deciple bet is maister al þis were aȝen lawe
Al þis wo so riȝt bihalt þou biginst forþ drawe
And þis bissops also god þat wardeins beoþ mid me
To holde up þe honur of Holy Churche & þe dignete
Beoþ aboute hure to ssende and bring hure in vilte
Sire kyng God ȝiue al Holy Churche betere grace to þe
Ȝif þou wolt oȝt toward me þou wost i nemay noȝt fiȝte
Ȝare ich am þane deþ auonge for Holy Churche riȝte
Inelle noman quaþ þe kyng for Holi Churche quelle
Beu sire þou spexst as a fol anoþer þou sselt telle
Com to morwe bi speche tyme þat þou þe day ne breke
And answere me of oþer þing þat ichelle to þe speke
Þus departede þo þe court amorwe þane Friday
Sein Thomas wende þuder aȝen þo he þe tyme isay
Þe king sat anhei inis ce and acoupede him wel faste
Þou were he sede my chanceler ac al to longe it laste
Ich lenede þe þo an hondred pound ac [þ]ou ne ȝoulde me noȝt on
Sete me þer of a ssort day for þou sselt is ȝulde echon
Sire quaþ sein Thomas God sende us bet þin ore
I ne wende noȝt of þulke panes hure acountes more
For ich hadde þulke tyme betere grace of inou
Of þe þanne ich habbe nou and þat me þingþ wiþ wou
Gode grace ich hadde þo to þe þou lenedest me inou þo
And þulke panes þou ȝeue me and wost ȝute wel mo
Wel ich am þerof iknowe þat ich am aueng of þe
And of þi ȝifte wiþ gode heorte for siker þou ȝeue me
And so hei man as þou ert it miȝte wel be[o] stille
To axi þing þat þou ȝeue er mid so gode wille
Þe kyng him esste ȝif enyman þulke þinge isay
And ware he miȝte þe ȝifte preoue & he sede nay
Nou louerdlinges quaþ þe kyng ȝe hureþ wel al þis
Of þe gerison he is iknowe þat ich him bitok iwis


Ac þe ȝifte nemay he preoue noȝt as ȝe moweþ alle ise[o]
Iugement ich esse of þis court hou it ssel þerof be[o]
Þe court him lokede as he was iknowe of þe þing
And nemiȝte noȝt þe ȝifte preoue to ȝulde eche ferþing
Þe kyng him het ȝulde ech peny oþer sikernesse him make
Oþer is marchals anon uaste is body to prison take
Sein Thomas of is bissopriche hadde wel lite god
Ac helples among is fon wiþoute conseil he stod
Þe marchals iredi were to prison him lede anon
Hy hete him do sikernesse oþer he ssolde wiþ hom gon
Þis holyman nuste oþer red bote soffre al hore wou
Somme godemen þer þat [stode ] hadde of him ruþe inou
Vif kniȝtes nome hom to rede & wende hom to þe kynge
And nome an hond for sein Thomas of alle þulke þinge
Ech of hom an hondred pount for þis holyman to paie
Þo was he al quit inou as to þulke daye
Amorwe þe Wendesday to court efsone hi wende
Forto hure þe kynges wille hore heorte forto amende
Þe kyng sat adoun inis ce sein Thomas byuore him stod
Bel amy þou hast quaþ þe kyng ystole muche god
To longe þou were my chanceler and haddest in þin hond
Abbeis and bissopriches and muche del of my lond
And me ȝoulde þer of non aconte þat reweþ me wel sore
Þer of þritty þousond pound þou sselt me and wel more
Þare fore make þe ȝare anon þine acountes to ȝeolde
For siker þou be[o] þou sselt it do ȝif ich þe may awelde
Alle þat hurde þis demande in gret wonder stod þer
And sede among hom ech to oþer þat hy ne hurde it neuer er
And þat sein Thomas was al byne[þe] þat he ope þe pointe was
To b[eo] icast in prison and non oþer wey þer nas


Sein Thomas stod in þoȝte longe of þat þe kyng hadde ised
And bad he him moste conseily and þerof nyme is red
Þe bissops he nom to conseil þe kyng ne wernede him noȝt
In a chambre fast iloke alle hi were ibroȝt
Þat hi nessolde ofscapie noȝt ar hi responce sede
Nou louerdlinges quaþ sein Thomas her of ȝe mote me rede
For so God me bringe out of care inabbe þer of gult non
Ac me to ssende he askeþ hom mid vnriȝt echon
For ich was wiþ him er wel inou þat bringeþ me nou in teone
And þerfore ne tok ich no witnesse of þat was us bitwene
Þe bissop Henri of Wynchestre ferst bigan to rede
Sire he sede þus me þingþ þou miȝt do of þis dede
Þou miȝt segge þat þulke tyme þat þou were wiþ þe kyng
And þo þou wendest of þi baillie he neaskede þe noþing
And þou auonge þe erche bissopriche so clene and so fre[o]
Þat þou of non oþer þinge ne ssost icharged be[o]
And he quaþ þe quiȝt al clanliche of ech oþer cure þer
Ne esse þe noþing of no dede þat þou haddest idon er
Ware þoru þe þingþ of noþing þou ne sselt answere noȝt
Bote to wardi wel Holy Churche of alle oþer cure þou ert ibroȝt
Þe bissop Gilberd of Londone sede þo is auys
Sire he sede ȝif þou þingst as godman ssel and wys
Wat god þe kyng þe haþ ido and in wuche poer ibroȝt
And hou lite god þer wol come of so wonder þoȝt
And in wuche wo þou bringst us alle & Holy Churche also
And peril of þin owe body bote þou is wille do
Ȝif þou al þis vnderstode me þincþ wel iwis
Þat þou wost fondi him to paie and elles þou dust amis


Þo seide þe bissop of Wircestre sire Gilberd be[o] stille
Wy suspendest such conceil for it nis noȝt worþ a uille
Ȝif þe erchebissop ssolde abowe al to þe kynges wille
Þe riȝtes he ssolde of Holy Churche aneþeri & aspille
Þe bissop Illare of Chichestre bigan to speke þo
Sire he sede my conseil is hou so it euere go
In faire manere to fondy to paie þe kynges wille
Mid faire biheste forte efsone þat it were somdel stille
Þanne we miȝte wanne he were of þis distresse ibroȝt
Þe bet cheue of oure conseil for nou ne do we noȝt
Þe bissop Roberd of Lyncolne radde wel þertwo
Sire Thomas he sede for Gode þou most it do
Oþer þou leost þi bissopriche and par auenture þi lif
And þanne þou biȝute lite me þingþ of þi strif
Þe bissop Bartelmeu of Excetre bigan to segge is þoȝt
In al þe sorwe of þe world & care we beoþ ibroȝt
Betere it were þat on heued in peril him broȝte
Þanne Holy Churche were bineþe and ibroȝt al to noȝte
Þe bissop Rogger of Wircestre longe in þoȝte stod
Inelle he sede on ne oþer for inot wat is god
Ȝif ich rede forto be[o] al to þe kynges wille
Min owe mouþ my sulf demeþ al Holy Churche to spille
And ȝif ich rede aȝen him be[o] in þis place som is
Þat wolde telle þe king fore & make him my fo iwis
Bi þe bissop of Londone þulke word he sede
Þat aȝen sein Thomas euere was mid worde & mid dede
Þare fore he sede on ne oþer inelle segge iwis
God conseil God us ȝiue for al neod it is
Hy alle ne couþe þis conseil bringe to god ende
Ne deuisi hou hi miȝte best out of þe chambre wende
Attelaste ope sein Thomas þis conseil moste gon
Tweie eorles of þe kynges hous he let clupie anon
We habbeþ he sede louerdlinges ispeke of þis þinge
And as uer forþ as we mowe mid riȝte we wilneþ paie þe kynge


Ac for we nabbeþ noȝt iredi her oure conseil al clene
Forte þe nexte day we biddeþ ferst þat ȝe grante us ene
So þat respit was igranted and ech wende inis weie
Monie of sein Thomas is men bileuede him for eiȝe
And kniȝtes þat were ek wiþ him al fram ward him drowe
Sein Thomas nom bi þe wey pouere men inowe
And ladde wiþ him to is in and to þe mete hom sette
And seruede hom is owe body and mete inou ham vette
Þis beoþ he sede Godes kniȝtes oþer men me habbeþ forsake
Þeose kniȝtes ich louie more to hom ichelle take
Þe Sonedai þer nas no court iholde for þe day
Þe Moneday sein Thomas wel sore sik lay
In þe vuel of maudeflank þat to him ofte com
And for þe care þat he was inne wel þe wors it him nom
Me sede þat he made him sik for he ne dorste noȝt forþ wende
Þe kyng in gret wraþþe inou after him let sende
Wel ȝe seoþ quaþ sein Thomas þat i nemay come noȝt
Ac certes to morwe ichelle hou so ich þuder be[o] broȝt
Þei ich ssolde be[o] þuder ibore in barwe oþer in bere
Þuder ichelle þoru Godes grace God be[o] min help þere
Amorwe þe Tiwesday oure Louerd him gan arere
Þe morwe after sein Lukes day as it fel in þe ȝere
Þulke day he aȝte vnderstonde as mony anoþer also
For bi costome al is gret anuy bi Tywesdai com him two
Alle þe bissops þane Tywesday erlich to him wende
Sire hi sede in vuel point þou ert God þe amende
We habbeþ oure red þerof inome & mid one mouþ echon
We redeþ þe to paie þe kyng hou so it euere gon
Oþer he þe wole bere an hond þat þou ert is traitour
And forswore wanne þou him swore to don him eor[þ]liche honur
Ac ne dest him nou onur ac tricherie as he þe wole bere an hond


And bynime þi stat & bi cas driue þe of is lond
Mi leoue breþeren quaþ sein Thomas ȝe seoþ wel echon
Þat al þe worle gret on me one & alle myne fon
And is mest reuþe ȝute of alle ȝe þat mine breþeren beoþ
And me þei ich sunfol be[o] ȝoure fader in torment iseoþ
And beoþ mine meste fon of alle and also beoþ al ȝare
In seculer court to deme me and it nolde noȝt wel fare
For ȝe habbeþ in þis tweie dawes þat bispeke ilome
Nou God helpe Holy Churche and take þerto gome
Ac in obedience ich ȝou hote þat [ȝe] þer ney ne be[o]
Ȝif ich am ibroȝt to iugement ac ȝe raþer fle[o]
And enyman hond on me sette ich [ȝou] hote also
Þat [ȝ]e sentence of Holy Churche for such violence do
And holdeþ op þe riȝtes of Holi Churche þat ȝou is bitake
For i nessel for no drede of deþ hure riȝte forsake
Þe bissops were þo wroþ inou & wende to court echone
Nou God helpe þis selyman for he was þo al one
Bote þe bissop of Wynchestre þare ne leuede mid him non
And þe bissop of Salesburi þat nere alle fram him agon
Sein Thomas triste al to God and greiþede him anon
And song a masse of seinte Steuene ar he come among is fon
He song after þulke masse for as he doþ byginne
Þer ferste offis was propre inou to þe stat þat he was inne
Þe bygynnynge of þulke masse an Englis is þis
For wanne princes habbeþ isete & aȝen me ispeke iwis
And luþer men porsuede me Louerd min help þou be[o]
Mony sede þat þis ihurde nou we mowe ise[o]
Þat he singþ þe masse for þe none for þe kyng & for his


And þat [he] halt hom al luþer men þat aȝen him specþ iwis
Þis word com to court sone ware þoru hi were echon
In þe more angwisse aȝen him and þe more is fon
And somme of þe kynges conseillers to him ofte wende
And sede bote he held him stif al is lond he ssende
Ȝif he grantede sein Thomas at þulke tyme is wille
Is poer inis owe lond nere neuere eft worþ a uille
Bote lete þe clergie al iworþe & hold him sulf stille
And clerkes diȝte al is owe lond and þe reume aspille
And attelaste bi hare owe wille make kyng and cheose
And so ssolde ech kyng after him is franchise leose
Þare fore he moste him wel biþenche & ne flecchi noȝt
Such wordes and many oþere apeirede ofte is þoȝt
Þo sein Thomas hadde is masse ido is chesible he gan of weue
Ac alle þe oþere vestemens he let on him bileue
Oþer armure nadde he non for Holy Churche to fiȝte
Anouward he caste is clerkes cope þat fel him to riȝte
Godes fleiss he tok and is blod wiþ him stilleliche
A crois he nom inis hond and wende forþ baldeliche
Þe vestemens [were] is armure as fel to suche kniȝte
Þe crois was is baner for Holy Churche to fiȝte
Forþ wende þis gode kniȝt among al is fon
Nou swete Iesus be[o] is help for oþer frend naþ he non
Þe crois he bar inis hond and arerede is baner
Þe bissop Robe[r]d of Hereford wende anon him ner
Sire he sede ich crie þin ore þi chapelein make þou me
Biuore þe lete me bere þi crois for it ne falþ noȝt þe
Þe wile ich is bere quaþ sein Thomas and þe fourme ise[o]
I ne douti of noman þe hardiore ich may be[o]
Þo sede þe bissop of Londone þat euere was is fo
I ne rede noȝt þat þou so byuore þe kynge go
For wraþþi he wolde him anon & awreke him in þe place
Ich take me quaþ sein Thomas al to Godes grace


Ȝe al þi lyf quaþ þis oþer a fol þou hast ybe[o]
And þat neltou neuere bileue as me may here ise[o]
Sein Thomas þus wiþ þis crois in to þis court gan gon
Þo þe kyng him sei come so he wraþþede him anon
Louerdlynges he sede here ȝe seoþ hou þis man me schend
In wuche manere is he here in to þis court among us iwend
As ich ne biluuede noȝt in Cristendom ne in oure Louerdes name
Ne mot ich nede awreke me ne deþ he me gret ssame
Þo sede al þe court anon sire ȝe mowe ise[o]
Þat he is prout and contekour and euere haþ ibe[o]
And in despit of þe and þine þis dede he haþ ido
And ȝif þou wolt þou miȝt be[o] iwar to take eft on so
To bringe in so gret poer such as he is
To be[o] þin hexte of þi londe as þou madest him iwis
Þere fore we nemeneþ þe noȝt for þou nost beo iwar biuore
Ac we seggeþ by him echon þat he is purliche forswore
And as bi such man do by him as bi on of þi fon
For he þe swor eorþliche honur and he ne deþ þe non
Þe bedeles and þe oþer schrewene grennede on him uaste
And abide euere þe kynges heste in prison him to caste
Þe king let crie anon aboute ȝif eny so wod were
Þat were at sein Thomas conseil oþer companie him bere
Þat as þe kinges traitour me ssolde him nyme anon
Nou swete Iesus be[o] is help among al is fon
Þe bissop of Excetre to sein Thomas fel akne[o]
Merci he sede for Godes loue for sorwe þou miȝt ise[o]
Haue reuþe of þe and of us oþer þou wolt us alle ssende
We worþe al ybroȝt to noȝt bote þou þi þoȝt wende
Sire bissop quaþ sein Thomas þou miȝt as wel be[o] stille
Go hanne of þe nekepe ich noȝt do echman is wille
Þe bissops wende togadere alle and hore conseil nome
And þo hy hadde hore forme iset to þe kyng hi come
Sire hi seide we beoþ anuyd and ofþencheþ sore


Forȝif us þat ȝe on us bereþ & we nesolleþ misdo namore
Wel we witeþ þat þis wrecche þat ssolde oure chef be[o]
Fals he is and forswore and þat may echman yse[o]
For he swor to holde þe eorþliche honur and he haþ ibroke is oþ
And þat we ssolleþ prouy wel ȝif ȝe nolleþ noȝt be[o] wroþ
For ȝif us þi wraþþe we þe biddeþ and we ssolleþ to Rome wende
To bynime is erche bissopriche and as a wrecche him ssende
Forswore we wolleþ him proue sire bi ȝoure rede
Þe kyng bihet hom gret honur to don þulke dede
To sein Thomas þer he was hi wende alle anon
Þe bissop of Chichestre tolde for ham echon
Sire he sede oure gostliche uader þou were here byuore
Ac for uader we forsakeþ þe for þou ert fals & forswore
For þou swore þe kyng eorþlich honur & nelt him do non
Þarefore to þe court of Rome we biclupeþ þe echon
To answere us tofore þe pope of þat þou hast ido amys
Louerdlinges quaþ þis holyman ich hure wel al þis
Nou swete Iesus beo is frend wanne all oþere beoþ is fon
Þe kyng him let clupie faste þat he come forþ anon
Þe eorl Roberd of Leicestre and oþere manyon
Come after him and het him sone byuore þe kyng gon
Louerdlinges quaþ sein Thomas ȝe witeþ wel echon
Hou wel ich was wiþ þe kyng þei ich habbe nou luþer won
Erche bissop he made me to soþe aȝen my wille
For euer ich dradde for vnco[nn]ynge my soule forto aspille
Þo esste ich byuore al þat folk in wuch manere he me toke
Þe maistrie of Holy Churche to warde and to loke
He me bitok þo Holy Churche in ech manere so fre[o]
To be[o] quit of al oþer court as wiþ riȝte ssolde be[o]


And wanne Holy Churche is so fre[o] inelle answere þe kynge
Ne non oþer inis court of non eorþlich þynge
For led nepasseþ noȝt so muche in bounte as gold iwis
For þe dignete of preost herre þanne lewed is
And is gostliche fader ich am ȝif he wolde nyme ȝeme
Hit is no lawe þat þe sone þe fader ssolde deme
Þare fore ich segge at o word inelle me noþing take
To iugement of kniȝtes court ac outliche it forsake
And take me al to Holy Churche and to non eor[þ]lich dome
And biclupie to fore ȝou alle to þe court of Rome
Saue þe stat of Holy Churche and my dignete
Þat Iesu Crist it saue wel wanne it ne may noȝt þoru me
And ȝou bissops ich biclupie to þe court of Rome also
Þat ȝe honureþ more an eor[þ]lych kyng þanne ȝe God almiȝti do
And so þoru riȝte of Holy Churche out of þis court ich wende
To bringe þis cause of Holy Churche byuore þe pope to ende
Þis holyman wel mildeliche out of þis court gan gon
Þe kyng and al þat mid him was wraþþede ham anon
Hi cride on þis holyman and belwede echon
Mid as gret noise as al þe toun biset were mid hore fon
Hy ne miȝte make more cri þei al þe toun were afure
Þanne hi dude upe þis holyman þat deol it was to hure
Nou God almiȝti be[o] is help for [he] hadde þere lite rewe
For in al is lif he hadde gode dawes vewe
Forþ him wende sein Thomas as him noþing ne roȝte
For more me ssende Iesu Crist þo me him to deþe broȝte


He werþ up is palfrei and to is in wende so
Vnneþe he miȝte wiþ is honde þeos þreo þinges do
Blessy þat folk & bere is crois and is bridel wisse
Þe simple uolk orn him aboute wiþ ioie inou & blisse
For hi wende wel h[e] hadde ibe[o] at court faste inome
Hi herede alle Iesu Crist þat he moste among hom come
To is in at seint Andrewes hy siwede faste inou
Alle þe pouere men mid him to þe mete he drou
And sede comeþ here uorþ mid me for myne frendes ȝe beoþ
Inabbe non oþer frendes þanne ȝou as alle men iseoþ
He let hom vede echone wel for al is hous ney
And him sulf þe gladdore was þat he hom ysey
As sein Thomas sat atte mete þei he no wille nadde
Þis word þat oure Louerd het his redare touore him radde
Ȝif me porsuwede ȝou in o toun into anoþer ȝe vle[o]
Þis holyman þoȝte by him þis word miȝte wel be[o]
And it was Godes wille into anoþer lond to gon
A man as þe gospel seiþ forto fleo is fon
Þe hardiore he was þo of londe forto wende
Wanne he miȝte ofscapie wel & God wolde þe tyme sende
Þo it was toward þan eue tweie sergans come
Sore wepinge & warnede him þat he som red nome
For þe kynges men hadde iswore þoru heste of þe kynge
War so hi him finde miȝte to stronge deþe brynge
Sein Thomas þoȝte anoþer he let make is bed a niȝt
In þe heie churche anhey bitwene two weuedes riȝt
Þo oþer men were al aslepe and noman him nas ney
He ros him up and biheld on þe image anhey
He fel adoun akne[o] byuore þe weued & on oure Louerd gan crie
And sede ferst þe vij saumes and suþþe þe letanye


And wepinge ech halwe bad his help forto be[o]
And at ech halwe up aros and sat suþþe adoun akne[o]
Nou Crist of heuene be[o] is help for neod he hadde inou
For him was toward muche wo as ȝe ssolleþ ihure mid wou
Þo he hadde ido is preiere stilleliche he gan gon
A lite byuore cokkes crowe out of þe churche anon
And wende him out of Engelonde þat noman wiþ him nas
Bote a frere of Se[m]pringham þat wel priue wiþ him was
Þis godeman flei Engelonde for Holi Churche riȝte
Of al is wo neȝaf he noȝt ȝif he it amendi myȝte
Þe niȝt þat fram Norhamthone sein Thomas þane wey nom
To on of is clerkes in auision þer com
A cler uois þat sede of þe sauter þis
As it were a sparwe oure soule ibroȝt is
Out of þe hontares bende and þe bend is vndo
And al defouled and we beoþ deliuered so
On wam was þis auisyon bote of sein Thomas
Þat out of þe bendes of is fon deliuered þo was
Þat word com of sein Thomas to þe king sone
Þe heie men nome þer of red wat were to done
Þe king and al is baronie and þe bissops echon
Þat aȝte wiþ sein Thomas be[o] were is meste fon
To þis conseil euerichon hi encentede atte nende
Þat þe kyng ssolde of is hexte men to þe court of Rome sende
Aȝen him wanne he þuder come and þe pope do vnder stonde
Þat he was fals and forswore and destourbour of þe londe
And to do þis grete neode þe wisoste men forþ nome
And þat þis king were al in pes forte hi aȝen come
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik and þe bissop of Excetre
To Rome wende for þis neode & þe bissop of Chichestre
Þe bissop ek of Londone and of Wircestre also


And grete eorles and barons and clerkes þerto
To bere witnesse of þis falshede wanne hi to court come
Noble ȝiftes & giuwe[l]s wiþ hom also hy nome
For þerwiþ me may þe riȝte bringe to wou
Nou Crist helpe þis holyman ffor he was pouere inou
None ȝiftes he nadde to ȝiue to holde up is riȝte
Fram Norhamthone barefot he ȝeode for Holy Churche to fiȝte
Fram seint Andreu þis holyman fram Norhamthone wende
Wiþ a frere of Se[m]pringham are God þane day sende
Viue and twenti mile he wende to þe toun of Graham
Ar he stunte in eny stude wiþ þe frere of Se[m]pringham
Al norþward he drou him uerst al framward þe se
Þat þe kinges men ne fonde him noȝt to nyme ne to sle
Suþþe he wende fram Graham viue & twenti mile also
To þe cite of Lyncolne ar he wolde to reste him do
Þe morwe ope sein Lukes day Tiwesday was þo
He departede fram þe kynges court mid such sorwe & wo
And þe wei þe Wendesniȝt out of þe toun he nom
Sone amorwe þane Þoresday to Lincolne he com
At an foulares hous is in he nom þere
Al gate is wei he nom biniȝte þat he awaited nere
In water he dude him at Lincolne ar God þane day sende
And þe Friday forti mile al bi water wende
To an ermitage of Se[m]pringham þat amidde þe water is
Þare he bileuede hardeliche þreo dawes iwis
To sein Botulf þanne he wende þat þanne was þre[o] mile
And þare he dude him eft in water and com in to an ile
To þe hous of Auerholt þat of Sempringham eke is


Þe frere him ladde bi þulke hous þe sikeror to be[o] iwis
Fram þanne he wende to Estreie is o manere wiþ riȝte
And þe erchebissops ȝif he were of myȝte
Þat was ney þe se inou he abod wel þere
And lokede is point to passy wanne best tyme were
Seueniȝt he leuede þere forte Al Soulene day
In a chambre riȝt bi þe churche day & niȝt he lay
Þat noman ne ssolde of him iwite ne iwar of him be[o]
Þoru þe churche wal he made an hol þe sacringe to se[o]
And forto hure þare is masse and hi þat to c[h]urche come
Nuste noȝt þat he was so ney ne tok of him no gome
Wuch an auncre he was bicome Louerd þat him was wo
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi þat ne dorste among men go
An Alle Soulenday þe Tiwesday ar God þane day sende
He tok God al Holy Churche and into þe se wende
Hi rewe forþ al þane day and aȝen þe euenynge
A mile hy ariuede biside þe hauene of Grauenynge
Oye me clupeþ þulke stude as hi come to londe
In þe lond of Flandres as ich vnderstonde
Forþ moste þis holyman hors nadde he non
For al is erchebissopriche auote he moste gon
And noman him ne kneu þe abit of frere he nom
And as a frere forþ he ȝeode þo he to Flandres com
Blac was is cope aboue is curtel wiȝt blanket
Op is rugge is cope he bar forto go þe bet
Þe rein was gret & swuþe strong & þe wei deop inou
So weri was þis holyman þat vnneþe is lymes he drou
So weri he was of þe wey and of þe se byuore
Þat he sat adoun & ne miȝte veor bote he were ibore
Þo ȝeode forþ on of is men and hurede him a mere
For an Engliss peni wiþ an halter þis holyman to bere
Þis holyman is cloþes nom and ope þe mere hom caste


And werþ up aboue is cloþes and rod him forþ uaste
A weilawey such a man vuel it was is riȝte
So febliche wende ouerlond muche is Godes miȝte
Vuel him bicom go afote oþer up such best to ride
Holi Churche he boȝte deore þat me telleþ of wide
Wiþ þis haltere ope þis mere forþ rod þis holymon
As a frere and let him clupie frere Cristian
For he nolde liȝe noȝt for Cristian he was
And he was adrad to be[o] iknowe ȝif me clupede him Thomas
At a god mannes hous is in a niȝt he nom
He sat atte bordes ende as him wel noȝt ne bicom
Al is men sete al w[iþ] inne as he lowest were
Is oste nom wel gode ȝeme hou hi hom alle bere
He nom ȝeme of þis holyman atte bordes ende
Hou milde he was atte borde & hou corteis & hende
Hou corteisliche he delde is mete hom þat bifore him stode
And hou lite him sulf he et wiþ wel simple mode
Is lymes also he biheld hou gent hi were and fre[o]
Honden faire wiþ longe fingres none fairore nemiȝte be[o]
Is face brod & long also is front large inou
And biuore alle oþere mest is herte to him drou
Of þe erchebissop of Kanterbury he gan him vnderstonde
Þat it was couþ ouer al þat he was iwend of londe
His herte him ȝaf þat it was he in gret steodie it was ibroȝt
He rounede inis wiues ere and tolde hure al is þoȝt
Is wif after þulke tyme þat soþe also þoȝte
He[o] seruede þis holyman and of deintes him broȝte
Applen and peres and notes ek and fondede in eche manere
Amang al þis oþere men to gladi þis seli frere


He[o] bileuede to serui oþere and upe him was al hure þoȝt
Sein Thomas it vnderȝet he[o] nepaide him þerwiþ noȝt
So þat he bihuld aboute anon after soper
Wel mildeliche he bad is oste forto come him ner
And to sitte bi him adoun to solacy a stounde
A sire merci quaþ þis oþer ichelle sitte in þe gronde
He sat adoun at is fet sein Thomas him bad arise
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer i ne ssel in none wise
Nolde God þat ich bi þe sete my louerd ihered þou be[o]
Þat þou ssost in myn hous come & ich þane day ise[o]
Lyte deinte quaþ sein Thomas of a such pouere man
A seli frere as ich am ihote frere Cristian
Sire þin ore quaþ þis oþer wel ich vnderstonde
Erche bissop þou ert of Kanterburi iwend out of Engelonde
Wi seistou so quaþ þis oþer þou hast selde yseie
Þe erche bissop of Kanterbury in such manere wende bi weie
Sire quaþ þis oþer þou it ert as me seiþ my þoȝt
And ich bidde for þe loue of God ne ofsak aȝen me noȝt
Sely Thomas him biþoȝte þat oþer he moste lye
Oþer be[o] iknowe þat he it was so þe oþer gan on him crie
Attelaste he was iknewe ac wiþ him amorwe he nom
His oste þat he ne wreide him noȝt fforte he a uer wei com
He ȝeode him forþ uer ar day and in wel voule weye
Twelf mile he ȝede gret inou to a grei abbeye
Þat me clupeþ Cler Mareis of greie monkes iwis
Þat biside þe castel of seint Omer is
To þe abbei of sein Bertin fram þanne suþþe he wende
And þare bileuede forte oure Louerd betere tidinge him sende
Þe bissops of Engelond and þe barons also


Toward þe court of Rome wende hore erende to do
To þe king of France hi wende & lettres wiþ him bere
Fram þe kyng of Engelond þat þus an Engliss were
To is louerd þoru grace of God sire Lowes þe kyng
Henri kyng of Engelond sent loue & gretyng
Thomas þat þe erche bissop was of Kanterburi biuore
Out of mi lond is iwend as my traitor & forswore
Þare fore as myn eorþlich louerd ich bidde þe by my sonde
Þat þou ne soffre noȝt þat he be[o] irescettet in þi londe
Þo þis king þis bone hurde a wile in þoȝte he stod
Certes he sede me þingþ þis bone nis noȝt god
So strong þeof nis in Engelond ȝif he in France come
Þat he ne miȝte bileue þer as me sucþ ilome
Nere he iproued so strang þeof oþer hadde þe lond forswore
I nemiȝte him do for noþing þat he hadde þere misbore
And watloker ssolde such an hey mon necome he noȝt so sone
Ac noþer ich ne he nabbeþ wiþ oure bissop to done
For myne bissops wiþ Holy Churche hore wille ich lete do
And fairore were him me þingþ lete his iworþe also
Þanne entre metie of Holy Churche hure riȝte forto aspille
And loke þe pes of is lond me þingþ he deþ is wille
Nemiȝte þe heie men of him non oþer word auonge
So þat hi wende hore wei þo hi hadde abide longe
Maister Herbard of Bosham and oþer suþþe wende
To þe kyng Lowes of France as sein Thomas hom sende
And tolde þe king of al þe wo þat seint Thomas hadde mid wou
Þe kyng wep þo he hurde þis and made deol inou
And tolde ham hou þe kynges men were at him biuore
And wuch answere he ham ȝaf & hou hare wei was forlore
Þis godemen wiþ ioie inou hore leue at him nome
And fram him wende mildeliche to þe court of Rome
Þare nere hi noȝt wel wolcome for þe bissops biuore


Hadde desclandred sein Thomas þat he was fals & forswore
And naþeles þe grace h[i] hadde þat to þe pope hi miȝte go
Him sulf hi tolde in priuete of sein Thomas is wo
Of þe status of Clarindone hou hy ferst forþ come
Hou he was ibroȝt at Norhamthone biuore þe king to dome
Hou he wende out of Engelond in wuche miseise and wo
Hou he changede is name þe sikeror forto go
Þe pope gan to sike þo wiþ wel dreori þoȝt
Þe teres folle out of is eiȝen he nemiȝte hom weorne noȝt
He þonkede God þat such prelat vnder him moste be[o]
So studeuast to Holy Churche and þat he moste þe day ise[o]
Amorwe come þis bissops and þis barons also
To procuri al þat vuel þat hi miȝte do
Biuore þe pope as he sat wel nobliche hi come
And biuore þe cardinals and al þat court of Rome
Þe bissop of Londone þat euere luþer was
Bigan ferst to telle is tale aȝen sein Thomas
He stod up biuore al þe court beu pere he sede
To þe we beoþ icome to mene us of wrechede þat we doþ lede
Ȝoure riȝt it is up to holde alle þat gode beoþ
And foles bringe of folie wanne he eny iseoþ
A destance þer is spronge liȝtliche in Engelonde
Þat destorbeþ al þat lond wiþ vnriȝt ich vnderstonde
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi al aȝen oure wille
A folie bigan in Engelond Holy Churche to spille
To binyme þe kynges ffranchise and is riȝte also
Ac he ne miȝte us makie for noþing concente þerto
Þare fore for wraþþe suþþe for we nolde is wille do
Ope us he caste is owe gult and ope þe kyng also


And attelaste as it were þat lond forto blende
Þat noman strengþe him ne dude of londe he gan wende
For men þat weste þe soþe ssolde vnderstonde
Þat þe kyng him [dude] vnriȝt and driue him out of londe
Þo he hadde al is tale itold and mid is grete wise
He sat adoun and þe byssop of Chichestre gan arise
Beu pere he sede to þe pope me þingþ it falþ to þe
To destorby þing þat valþ to harme of þe comunite
Þat o man ne be[o] isoffred noȝt to go forþ wiþ is wille
To bringe al þat lond to ssunnesse & Holy Churche to spille
Þat haþ þe erchebissop iþoȝt & þat is isene iwis
Wanne echman of þe lond faste aȝen him is
Þe erchebissop of Euerwik þo [he] is tyme isey
Aros him op & gan to telle is tale al anhey
Sire he sede noman ne knoweþ so wel as ich do
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi ne þe bissopriche also
Þe erchebissop is wilfol and wanne he is elles ibroȝt
In a wille þat is lite worþ he ne bileueþ it noȝt
For noman nessel for noþing bringe him of is þoȝt
In such fol wille he is nou þat we habbeþ deore aboȝt
Liȝ[t]liche þer inne he com ac he ne bileueþ it neuere mo
Bote ȝe pulte ȝoure hond þerto to bringe us out of wo
Sire sire quaþ þe bissop of Excetre þo
Þis case he mot amendi sone hou so [it] euere go
And ȝif ȝe ne luueþ noȝt þat soþe þat me deþ ȝou vnderstonde
Send wiþ us fot wiþ fot a leget to Engelonde
To enqueri þat soþe þer and let him þer after worche
For certes bote ȝe oþer þenche ȝe ssendeþ Holy Churche
Þo aros þe eorl of Arondel man of gret poste
Sire he sede for Godes loue a stonde herkne to me
We lewede men þat here beoþ þat ne conne Latyn non


Noþing ne habbeþ vnderstonde þat ȝe habbeþ itold echon
Ac in langage as we conne suche men as we beoþ
Heiȝe barons & noble kniȝtes as ȝe bi ȝou yseoþ
Telle ich wol biuore ȝou alle wi we beoþ hider iwend
Oure louerd þe kyng of Engelond us haþ hider isend
Noȝt þat we wraþþi enyman oþer enyman segge amis
And nameliche oure alre heued þat oure alre chef is
To wam al þe world abouþ þat God holde longe is miȝte
Þat aȝte echman bidde to holde echman to riȝte
And such kniȝtes as we beoþ hider we beoþ iwend
Þoru my louerd þe kynges heste þat us haþ hider ysend
To ssewy ferst þe reuerence and þe grete loue also
Þat he haþ euere to ȝou ibore & euere þingþ to do
And he sent ȝou word bi us as ȝe seoþ us stonde
Bissops eorls & barons þe hexte of is londe
Ȝif he eny herre hadde yheued hider hy hadde iwend
Ac to so heie court as þis is he haþ us hider isend
To ssewy ferst inis name þat as wide as þe world is
So triwe prince nis to Rome ne þat ȝou louie so muche iwis
Ne so muche honureþ Holy Churche and euere haþ ido
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi noble man is also
Þat ȝif o manere of him nere as ich vnderstonde
Þare nere lond in Cristendom aȝen Engelonde
Ne Holy Churche so wel issulde fram ech wou
Vnder swuþe noble prince & prelat god inou
Ac þis erche bissop Thomas haþ a lite wille
Þat appeireþ muche is godnesse & þat lond ginþ aspille
Is wille is such þat wanne he is icome into fol þoȝt
He nele þoru conseil ne þoru red þer of be[o] neuere ibroȝt
In such folie he is nou icome oure Louerd is þoȝt wende
Bote me mowe him þer of bringe þat lond he wole ssende
Þare fore mi louerd þe kyng ȝou bit þat ȝe wiþ us sende


A leget into Engelond to enquere þerof þan ende
Oþer certes he is ope þe pointe al þe lond to aspille
Bote ȝe chaste him þoru lawe and bynyme is fole wille
Of þe clerkes þat þare sete non of ham þer nas
Þat ne preisede muche þis h[eȝe] man for he so renable was
Louerdlinges quaþ þe pope we seoþ wel inou
Þat he to þe erchebissop telleþ be[o] it riȝt oþer wou
Oc we nemowe no dom ȝiue þerof bote him sulf here were
For me ne iugeþ noman bihinde him no riȝt it nere
Sire quaþ þe eorl of Aroundel ȝe mote bet vnderstonde
A certein day us is iset to come into Engelonde
And þe day ne dorre we noȝt breke for oure louerd þe kynge
Þare fore ȝe mote us grace do somdel of þis þinge
We biddeþ ȝou ȝif it is ȝoure wille a leget wiþ us sende
And þe erchebissop hot also into Engelond aȝen wende
And as þe leget þer enquereþ þer after he may do
Certes beu frere quaþ þis pope inelle noȝt take on so
Inot wanne þe erchebissop comþ wat he wole forþ drawe
To deme a man bihinde him þou wost it nis no lawe
Certes sire quaþ þis oþer we ne dorre abide noȝt
De pardeus quaþ þe pope doþ as ȝe habbeþ yþoȝt
Þis oþere were wroþ inou wel faire hore leue hy nome
And wende ham forþ in grete wraþþe & to Engelond aȝen come
Sein Thomas was þo in Flandres in hudinge as it were
In þe hous of sein Bertyn for he abusseþ him þere
Attelaste he aros biniȝte and of Flandres wende
Al priueliche into France as God þe grace sende
Þe kyng of France þat was þo king Lowes god & hende
Hurde telle of þis holyman he lette him sone ofsende
Þo þis holyman to him com gret ioie he gan him make
And het him up al is lond moneie of his take
To spene to him and to alle his war so he euere come


Nolde sein Thomas noȝt abide ar he come to Rome
Þe king him tok spence inou to him an[d] two alle his
And sende wiþ him god condut to bringe him þare iwis
Þo þis godeman to Rome com he was faire vnderfonge
And þe pope was somdel anuyd þat he abod so longe
Me acused him of þe trespas þat þe bissops tolde er
And bad him answerie for is stat & aleggi riȝt þer
Sein Thomas wolde up arise me bad him sitte adoun
Biside þe pope he sat and schewede is resoun
Sire he sede ich am iset þei ich vnworþe be[o]
To warde þe churche of Kanterburi as ȝe mowe yse[o]
And þei ich ne be[o] noȝt wel wis so muche fol iwis
Naþeles nam ich noȝt þat þe kyng and alle his
Ich wolde for noȝt bileue and in such contek bringe
And ȝif ich wolde is wille do and paie him of alle þinge
He me wolde louie inou and al is lond iwis
Scholde at my wille beo and [alle þing] þat is his
Ac my profession þat ich habbe to Crist ido
And þe biheste þat ich habbe ymad ne soffreþ me noȝt so
And ȝif ich ssolde ȝute bileue inadde no neode
To noman to go bitwene myn erende forto beode
A[c þe] churche of Kanterburi was iwoned to ssyne wide
And be[o] as þe sonne amang oþere of al þe west side
Þe sonne þat was er so cler derk he is bicome
Brode cloude & stronge inou hure liȝt habbeþ bynome
Ouercast he[o] is mid þis clouden þat liȝt ne ȝaf he non
Ware þoru þe churche of Engelond ideorked beoþ echon
Þe king þat ssolde hure gouerny binymeþ al hure riȝte
And as clouden hure ouercast þat he[o] nemay no leng liȝte


And [ich] þat ssolde hare wardein be[o] þare aȝen ich mot fiȝte
And stonde aȝe & wiþsegge hore wrong mid al my miȝte
For þei ich hadde a þousond liues as inabbe bote on
Raþer þanne ich wolde þolie ȝiue ich ȝam wolde echon
Þe costome aȝen Holy Churche þat þe kyng haþ forþ ibroȝt
Here ȝe mowe ȝam ihure nou ȝif hi beoþ to granti oȝt
He bigan to rede þe luþer lawen as he hom hadde iwrite
He wep þe teres orne adoun þat deol it was to wite
Þe pope and þe cardinals þat yseie him weope so sore
And hurde ek þis luþer lawen nemiȝte for bere namore
Ac wope also pitesliche and herede God also
Þat hy miȝte fiȝte for a such prelat ouer Holy Churche ido
Þat hulde hure so wel to riȝte and ne soffrede no wou
Hy þonkede God of such a man and onurede him inou
Þe pope let is clerkes alle þoru al Cristendom
Wiþsegge suche luþer lawen ware so eny com
And þat hi nere isoffred nawer hou so hi come to ende
And þat hi deide raþer þare fore þanne Holy Churche ssende
Þo spak him eft sein Thomas wepinge wel sore
Inabbe noȝt he sede so muche wo þat inere worþ more
For þoru strengþe of eorþlich man in such poer ich am ido
Ac ich doute aȝen Godes wille þat ich be[o] vnworþe þerto
Þare fore God þoru riȝt wreche vuel bygunnyng me deþ sende
Ac ich doute for mi wrecche gult þat wors ssel be[o] þe ende
Þare fore þat Holi Churche ne be[o] to gronde ibroȝt
For my sunne and myn vnmiȝte þat i ne may hine warde noȝt
Ich ȝulde ȝou up þe bissopriche and anoþer ȝe mote þare do
Þat hure mowe wardi bet for vnworþe ich am þerto


Is ring he nom & tok þe pope and ȝeld up is bissopriche
Þe pope wel deluoliche and wel inliche gan sike
Þar of conseilede al þe court wat þe beste red were
To lete him beo erchebissop oþer to do anoþer þere
Me þingþ quaþ a cardinal in such cas as nou is
Best it were to do anoþer inis stude iwis
Forto paie bet þe kyng and such cas miȝte biualle
Þat þe kyng wolde swagi and bileue þe luþer lawen alle
For betere it were in faire manere wo so miȝte to ende bringe
Þanne contek holde in such londe & nameliche aȝen þe kynge
And me myȝte porueie þis godeman as god as þat is
Inot wat conseil ȝe wolleþ lede for ich wot ich rede þis
Þo sede anoþer cardinal i ne rede noȝt so iwis
For þat wolde ȝiue ensample alday to don amis
For wanne a kyng wiþ a bissop were wroþ for eny þinge
Anon to bringe him adoun he wolde vuel lawen bringe
And so were Holy Churche þiu þat leuedi ssolde be[o]
Þare fore þis red me þingþ feble a betere me mot bise[o]
Þe pope wende to sein Thomas & tok him aȝen is ring
To bileue erchebissop forþ and stable þoru alle þing
Studefastliche to holde up Holi Churche riȝte
And he him wolde aȝen echman helpe him mid al is miȝte
Ac he ne ssolde noȝt þe ȝut to Engelonde wende
Ac abide betere grace ȝif God him wolde sende
To þe abbeie of Ponteneie to soiorny þere
He sende þis holyman forte it betere were
Wiþ lite folk and lite ese þare he gan bileue
Forte he nadde him sulf noȝt to spene bote as hi him ȝeue
Is men he broȝte in seruise hore mete to wynne þere
Him sulf he was al one ney heyman þei he were


Lif he ladde hard inou he hadde of harde here
Sserte & brech streit inou hardore non nere
Þe strapeles were eke streiȝt wiþ manie a knotte also
Þe sseorte anon to is kne[o] þe strapeles anon to is ho
Þe knotte wode into is fleis aboute in eche side
Wel vnesy was is brech aboute forto ride
Harde miȝte he ligge adoun and harde sitte also
Louerd deore aboȝte he heuene wel aȝte he come þerto
Þe bissops of Engelond þat aȝen him were at Rome
And eorles and oþer ek þo hi to Engelond come
Hi tolde þe kyng al þat cas hou hi nadde noþing isped
So sori and wroþ þe kyng was þat he was nei awed
Alas he seide þulke traitour þat ich habbe forþ ibroȝt
Þat he me ssel such ssame do i nemai it soffre noȝt
Wanne he flucþ out of my lond þat i nemay to him come
Ich wol me awreke of is cunne hi solleþ it abugge somme
He let seche out clene is kun and is frendes echon
And drof ham out of Engelond he ne bileuede noȝt on
Sik ne feble ȝong ne old ne wymmen mid childe
Ne children þat soukynge were so muche he was vnmilde
In armes þat moder bar þat child & in hare wombe somme
Þer hadde þe kyng me þingþ a feble wreche inome
Iharled hy were in gret miseise out of þo londe alas
Ech godman hadde reuþe of hom þat hurde of þat cas
And amang ham sede stilleliche þat [h]e luþer kyng was
More ssrewede þe kyng biþoȝte ȝute up sein Thomas
Þe men þat he drof of londe were ham leof oþer loþ
He made ham swerie ope þe bok eche after oþer an oþ
Þat hi ne ssolde in none steode leue none stounde
Ar hi come to sein Thomas war so hi him founde
And tolde him fore hou hi were out of londe ibroȝt


To brynge him in þe more sorwe ȝif he miȝte turne is þoȝt
Ȝute he biþoȝte a luþer dede more ope sein Thomas
He let hote þoru al Engelond as wide as is poer was
Þat noman ne ssolde for him bidde in churche ne elles ware
As me for þe erchebissop doþ and ido haþ wel ȝare
Louerd muche was þe ssame þo þat Holy Churche bitidde
Wanne me [ne] moste among oþer men for hore heued bidde
Þat folk of sein Thomas kun wel þicke aboute him drou
Alle [d]aie þat were iflemd for him in deol and sorwe inou
And wope and cride deoluoliche and tolde al þat cas
Hou hi for him were idriue and wuch hore sorwe was
Sein Thomas bihuld hom deoluoliche & bigan to siche sore
And naþeles he made fair semlant to conforti ham þe more
And sede þis word to gladi hom þat me vnderstod longe
Ech lond is he sede owe contreie to þe stronge
As wo seiþ þei he be[o] here in stronge contreie ibroȝt
Ȝif ȝe beoþ stronge in Godes lawe it nessel ȝou greue noȝt
Alle þe heie men of þe lond þat hurde of þe cas
Acorsed þe kyng and sede þat he luþer man was
Þis sely men aboute hy nome for loue of sein Thomas
And fond ham sustenance inou in miseise non þer nas
Þo þe tidinge to þe kyng of Engelonde com
Þat þis men were wel vnderfonge gret deol to him he nom
Certes he sede wanne he nemay his hurte þus buye
In more miseise ichelle him bringe þat is lif him ssel anuye
Greie monkes of Cisteus fram ȝere to ȝere
A chapitre made general of abbotes þat þare were
For ech abbot of greie monekes to þulke chapitre com


Wiþinne a certein [terme] as ȝute doþ þoru al Cristendom
Þo þe chapitre plener was þe king þuder sende
To þe abbotes plenerliche þat to þe chapitre wende
And sende hom word þat him þoȝte wonder gret inou
Þat hi wolde so muche do vnkunde dede and wou
To susteini is wiþerwine among hom and is fo
In þe hous of Ponteneie þat broȝte him in such wo
And bote hi him bileuede and nesusteinede him namore
Al þe grei hous of Engelond ofþenche ssolde sore
For ȝif hi susteined is fo no wonder it nere
Þei he awreke him of þulke hous þat inis londe were
Þo þis lettres to Cisteus among þis abbotes come
Of þe þretynge hi dradde sore and gret conseil nome
So þat hi bede sein Thomas is beste forto do
For hi nedorste aȝen þe kynges wille namore him holde so
Þo sein Thomas þis ihurde he gan to sike sore
He bad Iesus him helpe þo and cride him milce and ore
Louerdlinges he sede þat me habbeþ isusteined many o day
In my grete neode Iesu Crist it ȝelde þar i nemay
Þe kyng þat þreteþ ȝou so faste ȝif ȝe holdeþ her me lange
Ȝif Crist wole ȝe nesolleþ for me neuere harm auonge
War ich so mowe an eorþe be[o] fram ȝou ich wole wende
Þat ȝe ne be[o] for me apeired oure Louerd is grace me sende
For ich may ȝute my mete bidde inam noȝt to god þerto
God þat fet þe wilde best me may uede also
Ac hou so it of me biualle God if it be[o] is wille
Holde up þe riȝte of Holy Churche þat he folliche ne aspille
As þis holyman in þoȝte stod woder he miȝte wende
Þe kyng of France þat was so god sone him gan word sende


Þat he bileuede up al is lond warto is herte best drou
Cheose he him sulf and he him wolde finde spence inou
Þare it was soþ for wanne a man is in mest sor and teone
Þanne is oure Louerd is help next as it was þo isene
Þis holyman is leue nom mildeliche and softe
And sore wepinge wende forþ & siȝte sore and ofte
Þe abbot of Ponteneie somdel forþward him broȝte
He esste at him wy he were in so deoluol þoȝte
Ich þe telle quaþ sein Thomas wi ich carie so
Þat þou ne telle noman fore ar myn endeday be[o] ido
Icham siker þat ich ssel deiȝe in martirdom
Fo[r] t[o] niȝt in my slep a wonder metynge me com
In þe churche of Kanterbury me þoȝte ich stode iwis
And striuede [for] Holy Churche aȝen þe kyng and his
Þo come þare four kniȝtes gon and smite me ope þe crowne
Ech after oþer þat my brayn ssadde al abrod þare doune
For me ich þonke Iesu Crist þat ich ssel deie so
And for myne men ich sike sore for inot wat hi solleþ do
Þis holyman wende forþ in care and deol bitweye
Forte he com to Seines xij mile fram Ponteneye
Þar he bileuede in soiorn as longe as he wolde
Þe king him fond to spene inou of seluer and of golde
Þis holyman bileuede þar in pais and reste inou
Ac euere he carede for Holy Churche þat þe king dude so wou
And sende to þe kyng of Engelonde þat he lete be[o] stille
And werri noȝt Holy Churche ȝif it were is wille
Suþþe þe kyng of Engelond as is wille him nom
Passede þe se as God it wolde and to France com
Þe king of France was aboute ȝif God wolde grace sende


To acordy him and sein Thomas ȝif he it miȝte bringe to ende
So þat hy were togadere ibroȝt to a day þat hi sette
Sein Thomas com biuore þe kyng & as is louerd him grette
And to is fet fel akne[o ] and wep and cride sore
Haue reuþe he sede of Holy Churche and ne werre it namore
And ichelle do al þi wille as ich sede er by my miȝte
Saue my louerdes honur and Holy Churche riȝte
Þe kyng made him wroþ for þat word as he hadde ofte ibe[o]
Nou ȝe mowe he sede echon is falshede ise[o]
For me ne ssolde do upe þis word noþing aȝen is wille
Þat he nolde segge þat ich wolde Holy Churche aspille
And þat it were aȝen Godes lawe and in such manere he miȝte
Þat lond destorby and bynyme mi franchise & mi riȝte
Gode bissops þere habbeþ ibe[o] byuore him ȝe witeþ iwis
Ac þat ȝe se[o] [mi] trunesse and þe wrong is al his
As þe wisost bissops þat biuore him euere were
Aȝen þe meste fol kyng biuore [me hem] bere
Do he also aȝen me and paie me wel inou
And ȝif he is aȝen þis forme me þingþ he haþ wou
Oþer him þingþ þat bissop neuere so wis as he non nas
Oþer he halt me þe meste wrecche þat euere biuore me was
Þo sede þe kyng of France and alle þat hurde þis
Certes he sede þou beost him loue inou þe wrong is al his
Sein Thomas stod longe in þoȝt & bigan to siche sore
Þei ich habbe he sede ihed anuy ȝute me is to come more
Ȝif þe erche bissop[s] biuore me hadde ido hore miȝte
It nadde ibe[o] nou no neod to contekki ne to fiȝte
For are þis it were stable þor godemannes siȝte


And costome ne beoþ to holde noȝt ȝif hi beoþ aȝen riȝte
For þe bissops touore me were to nesse as ich finde
Hore folie ich mot nou abugge oþer it worþ bihinde
Ichot þer habbeþ ibe[o] biuore costomes in Engelonde
Ac aȝen riȝte hi beoþ and wrongfol as ich vnderstonde
And þei hi longe isoffred be[o] & to costome idrawe
Þare nemay noman to soþ segge þat it nebeo riȝt ne lawe
For oure Louerd loueþ riȝt and soþnysse & uuel costome non iwis
And he sseweþ bi a word þat in þe gospel is
For oure Louerd him sulf eueneþ to soþnisse iwis
Ac he ne eueneþ nawer to costome for aȝen riȝt it is
Þare [fore] me þingþ riȝt it is þat we to soþnisse drawe
And vuel costomes destorby þat beoþ aȝen þe lawe
Þare fore inelle none costomes soffre by mine miȝte
Þat aȝen soþnisse beoþ and Holy Churche riȝte
Her me may iseo þat vuel lawen no godman ne ssel auonge
Ac destorby wiþ al is miȝte þei [hi] habbe ibe[o] holde longe
For he þat susteineþ vuel lawen as wel he haþ sunne
Bote he is alegge ȝif he may as he þat deþ ȝam bigynne
Þo þe kyng of France hurde þis and oþer þat þare were
Þat sein Thomas þis wiþsede ipaid noþing hy nere
Sire erche bissop he se[de] ich ise[o] nou wel þi wrong
Þe king þe beot loue inou on þe is al þe strif ilong
Wostou binyme lawes þat nere neuere by nome
Ac habbeþ bi holde of kynges þat biuore him habbeþ icome
Gret maister wostou alonde be[o] to muche were þi poer
To muche ich habbe onured þe in my londe her
Bote þou grante þe riȝte lawen ichelle bicome þi uo
And ȝif we beoþ þine uon boþe inot woder þou wolt go
Sein Thomas him held euere in on þe kinges hom made wroþe


And departede fram him so in gret wraþþe boþe
Hy þretnede & made noise inou sein Thomas held him stille
For raþer he wolde þolie deþ þan hore luþer wille
Nou helpe Crist þis holyman for neode he haþ þerto
Nou boþe kynges beoþ is fon woder may he nou go
Iflemd he was of Engelond and of France also
His men made deol inou and nuste þo wat do
And nameliche is kynesmen þat for him iflemd were
Louerd hi sede alas alas þat we of lyue nere
We beoþ idriue out of Engelond & out of France also
Wat ssolde more sorwe Louerd þanne is icome us two
Sein Thomas him made glad inou and gladede is men anon
Be[o] stille he sede for ȝe makeþ nedles deol echon
Ȝoure mete ȝe mowe ofswinke as godemen doþ manion
Be[o] ȝe fram me hi wolleþ beo frend þat nou beoþ ȝoure fon
For ȝe nabbeþ hate of noman bote for me wiþ wou
Ac be[o] ȝe fram me iwend me wol ȝou louie inou
A sire mercy quaþ þis men we witeþ wel al þis
For us sulue nis us noȝt bote for þe iwis
For we ssolleþ oure mete awynne ac we nute wat þou sselt do
Bote þou ssolle for honger deie Louerd ware þou ssolle so
Ich may bidde my mete quaþ sein Thomas inam noȝt to god þerto
God ȝulde ȝam þat for is loue eny god me wolleþ do
Bitwene Borgoine & Prouence as me deþ [me] to vnderstonde
Godemen beoþ and almesfol and of kunde londe
If i nemot in France be[o] þuder ichelle wende
And bidde my mete for Godes loue ȝiue God hine me wole sende
Ȝute som godman me may ise[o] ȝif it is Godes wille
And habbe reuþe and helpe me þat miseise me ne aspille
Is men for him and for ham sulue made deol inou
Þis godeman amang al is wo confortede ȝam and lou


Alas þe deol þat þer was such heyman bitidde
Þat þe erche bissop of Kanterburi ssolde is mete bidde
Deore aboȝte he Holy Churche and Holy Churches riȝte
Wel aȝte echman her after drede aȝen Holy Churche to fiȝte
And ech haþ nou is leue of oþer aboute forto wende
And þis holiman ek inis side woder God him wolde sende
Ware God wolde is mete to bidde forte God sende oþer won
God sende is grace amang ham alle þat sori were echon
Þe kinges messager of France to sein Thomas com go[n]
And sede þat þe king him bad come to him anon
Forþ wende þis holyman ac he nuste for wuche þinge
He tok him al to Godes wille and com biuore þe kynge
Þe kyng anon so he him isei aȝen him com gon
And to is fet fel adoun akne[o] and cride him mercy anon
Blind he sede ich habbe ibe[o] and þat ich vnderstonde
Al mi lond to þi wille ich take þe an honde
Þe wile ich of France am king ich wolle finde þe inou
For ich vnderstonde þat soþe þat þe kyng haþ þe wou
To [Seines] he sende aȝe þis holyman iwis
And fond him þare to spene inou to him and to alle his
More he dude is miȝte ȝut and bitwene hom sende is sonde
To bringe acord bitwene him and þe kyng of Engelonde
At Mon Martre in France þis day was inome
Þuder were þis kynges boþe and sein Thomas icome
Þe kyng of France dude is miȝte þat hi were at on ibroȝt
Ac þo hi hadde togader ispeke al it was for noȝt
For þe kyng swor euere is gret oþ þat he nolde acord non
Bote þe status of Clari[n]gdone iholde were echon


And seint Thomas swor bi is daye he nolde holde noȝt on
Raþer he wolde þane deþ auonge bote þare were oþer won
Wiþ wraþþe hi departede and nolde non oþer do
Sein Thomas gan to sike sore and wep inliche also
Louerd he sede help nou for þine swete vif wonde
Oþer Holy Churche is ope þe pointe to be[o] ibroȝt to gronde
Maister Herbard [of] Bocham þat [on] of is clerkes was
In priuete bitwene ham two sede to sein Thomas
Sire he sede þe Mon Martre þis hul icluped is
As ȝe habbeþ ispeke of þe pais of Holy Churche iwis
As þe name seiþ of þis hul ich doute on my þoȝt
Þoru þi martirdom Holy Churche worþ ferst to pais ibroȝt
Þis oþer siȝte sore and sede God ȝeue it were so
Þat þoru mi deþ Holy Churche in pes were ido
And þat ich hadde wiþ mi blod & wiþ mi lif aboȝt
Þat he[o] were in riȝte lawe and in god pes ibroȝt
Aȝen mid somer hit biuel þat þe kyng [gan] vnderstonde
And in wraþþe of sein Thomas aȝen wende to Engelonde
To seisi sire Henri is sone mid al is kynedom
And to crouny him and longe him þoȝte ar he þuder com
And is conseil sede þat it was mest of alle þinge
Holy Churche & sein Thomas in vnriȝt to bringe
For erche bissop is riȝte of Kanterburi it is
To crouny þe kyng of Engelond & non oþer iwis
And þe king in preiudice of him & to binime him is riȝte
Let oþer bissops crouny is sone and cudde a lite miȝte
Four bissops him crounede aȝen riȝte and wone
Þe erche bissop of Euerwik and þe bissop of Londone
Þe bissop of Salesburi and of Roucestre also
At Westmestre in seinte Petres churche þis dede was ido
Þe fader seruede þe sone atte mete a day
And wiþ þe reume seisede him as al þat folk ysay


Þe tyþinge of þis þinge to sein Thomas come
Of þis vnriȝt he sende sone to þe court of Rome
Þe pope him sende is lettre aȝen & is bulle þat he ssolde
Amansi þe kyng & is conseil wuche tyme he wolde
And suspendi þe bissops þat such vnriȝt dude þare
And entrediti al Engelond forte it amended were
Seint Thomas athelt þe lettre forte God þe grace sende
Þat he miȝte him sulf þe dede do to Engelond wanne he wende
Ȝute com Henri kyng þe olde ef sone into France
Þe king of France was anuyd of þis distorbance
And wende aboute to make acord & aboute wende faste
So þat hi were as God it wolde acorded attelaste
A seinte Marie dai Magdalein ido was þis dede
In a mede þat me clupeþ traitours mede
Also ferde þe acord as þo [mede] icluped was
For þer after a lite stonde noþing isene it nas
Muche hi speke in priuete & mid grete loue partede atwo
And sein Thomas wende þat þe kyng al is wille wolde do
Maister Herbard of Bocham to þe kinge suþþe wende
Ope forwarde þat hi hadde ispeke as sein Thomas him sende
And bate him hote ȝulde aȝen as feruorþ as he miȝte
Þat is baillifs inis bissopriche nome mid vnriȝte
Ȝe quaþ þe kyng wolde he so ȝute he ssel abide
Ichelle ferst loke hou he wole bere him in oþer side
Paranture he may so uaire bere him aȝen me
Þat ichelle ȝulde him ech ferþing þare fore cheose he
Lo wuch acord þis was and hou sone ido
Þe anuy þat hadde sein Thomas nas noȝt yended so
Maister Herbard wende aȝen and sein Thomas tolde fore
Ȝe þoȝte þis holyman þis pes is forlore
Him sulf sein Thomas suþþe to þe kyng wende
To speke more of þis acord ȝif he it miȝte amende


Þe king him wolcomede al liȝtliche as [he] ne hulde noȝt þerto
And wende him forþ to hure is masse & sein Thomas also
He was iwoned to habbe is masse as it fel to þe day
And þo nom he forþ þe soule masse þat noȝt þerto nelay
For he nolde cusse mascos to cusse sein Thomas
Þis holyman þoȝte wel wy þe encheson was
Wel narwe þe kyng him biþoȝte to turne is luþer þoȝt
Þis acord was sone ido and to feble ende ibroȝt
Þo þe masse was ido in conseil longe hi stode
Wel ofte þe king him upbreid þat he dude him er to gode
Hou lou man he com to him & in wuch poer he him broȝte
And þat he aȝte vuel aȝen him be[o] ȝif he him wel biþoȝte
So hi were togadere longe & þo hy hadde al ido
Þei it lite wile ilaste wiþ loue hi partede atwo
Sein Thomas gan to sike sore þo he gan vnderstonde
Þat he hadde so longe ibe[o] out of Engelonde
Þei it were aȝen is wille hit þoȝte him a luþer dede
Þat is bissopriche hadde ibe[o] wiþoute gouern & rede
To þe kyng of France he wende ferst & to oþer god & hende
Faire at hom is leue nom to Engelond to wende
He þonkede ham of al honur þat hi him hadde ido
Wiþ fair condut and gret loue fram ham he wende so
Wiþ gret honur he wende of France toward Engelonde
At an hauene he gan abide þat me clupeþ Wiȝtsonde
Þe bulles þat he hadde of Rome to Engelond he sende
To do þe sentence al abrod tofore him ar he wende
Þe erchebissop of Euerwik in centence he let do
And þe bissop of Salesburi and of Londone also
For hi hadde icrouned þe ȝonge kyng aȝen is dignete
Wiþ vnriȝt inis bissopriche he amansed alle þr[eo]


Þo þe tiþinge to hom com hy made hom wroþ inou
And þretnede þis holiman þei it were mid wou
Sein Thomas ȝeode toward þis bissop to Engelond to wende
A man þer com fram Engelond aȝen him god and hende
A sire he sede for Godes loue ne passe noȝt ȝute þe se
Four kniȝtes beoþ in Engelond iredi þe to sle
At ech hauene hi awaiteþ þe to kepe þe manyon
Ȝif þou comst among hom oȝt þou worst aslawe anon
Certes quaþ sein Thomas inele noleng abide
To Engelond ichelle me drawe tide me wat me bitide
Þe ich be[o] to drawe lyme mele inele bileue namore
To longe ich habbe þanne ibe[o] þat reweþ me wel sore
Þe soulen þat ich habbe to loke six ȝer ne more iwis
Wiþoute wardein habbeþ ibe[o] alas to muche it is
Wel ich wot ich worþe þar aslawe ar come longe
Ichelle for Holy Churche riȝte þane deþ vawe auonge
Ac bidde for me Iesu Crist ich bidde ȝou por charite
Ac for al oþer nameliche o þing bidde for me
Þat God for is holy grace to Kanterburi me sende
Þat ich mot quik oþer ded into myn owe churche wende
Ȝif i nemay noȝt þer aliue come ar ich imartred be[o]
Þat my body mote ded God it grante me
Is leue he nom deoluoliche to schipe to wende þo
He þonkede hom al onur þat hy hadde him do
And biteiȝte al France Iesu Crist and blessede it wel uaste
Þat folk made sorwe inou þe deol longe ilaste
At Douere were kniȝtes ȝare þat hurde of him telle
As sone as he com up þere iredy him to quelle
Sire Reynaud of Warenne & sire Randolf de Brok
And also Gerueis þe ssereue gret folk wiþ him tok
To kepe þis selyman at Douere wanne he come up of þe se
And bote he wolde hore wille do al ȝare him to sleo


To þe hauene of Sanwich þe bissop wel euene drou
And þe oþer abide at Douere wiþ þretinge inou
In þis ssipes seil anhey þis holyman let do
Þe crois þat me uer ysey hy ssowede faste þerto
Þat was signe of is baner for oþer ne kepte he non
Men stode at Sandwich and biheld þe crois manion
We seoþ nou hiderward hi sede oure bissop Thomas
Þe ȝut he was fer in þe se hi weste þat he it was
Þat cri was sone couþ þat folk orn faste inou
And ar he were to londe icome faste aȝen him me drou
Hi cride and þonkede Iesu Crist þat hi miȝte him alyue iseo
Hi wolcomede him wiþ ioie inou nemiȝte non more be[o]
Þe þridde day of þe Aduent biuore Cristes masse it was
Þat he com þus to Engelond þis godeman sein Thomas
Þe seueþe ȝer þat he ferst wende out of Engelonde
For six ȝer and a monþe he was fleme ich vnderstonde
Þis was enleue hondred ȝer & six[ti] ȝer and tene
After þat God inis moder aneorþe aliȝte ich wene
Þat word to þis kniȝtes com at Douere of þis cas
Hou sein Thomas þis holyman at Sandwich ariued was
To Sandwich hi wende faste sein Thomas hi fonde anon
Wiþ luþer semlant inou hi wolcomede him echon
Hy sede hou hastou þane wei to Engelond inome
Þat destorbest þat lond as sone as þou ert icome
And also al Holy Churche as we alday iseoþ
Þat amansest þe bissop[s] þat þine felawes beoþ
Þou aȝtest mid alle lawe loue and pes arere
And þare nas neuere alonde pes suþþe þou bissop were
Ȝif þou wenst wel to do wiþdrau þi dede sone
Oþer me ssel do bi þe as bi such man is to done
Mi leoue frend quaþ sein Thomas soþ it is inou
Þe mansinge ich let do mid riȝte & noȝt mid wou


And by my louerdes leue þe kyng þat ech man in riȝt were
Þat so gret trespas ne wende forþ þat it amended nere
And were efsone afterward mid vnriȝt aȝen lawe
In desertison of my churche to costome idrawe
Þo þe kniȝt[es] hurde þat þe kyng consentede þerto
Hi bileuede hore grete mod & hore þretyng also
And in faire manere bede him vndo is mansinge
To norissy loue to is felawes and bitwe him & þe kynge
Þo respit bitwene hom of þis answere hy nome
Forte sein Thomas amorwe to Kanterburi come
Sein Thomas amorwe to Kanterburi him drou
Þe contrei aȝen com wiþ ioie & blisse inou
Ech prest somnede is parissens in eche ende
To be[o] ȝare aȝen him wiþ procession to wende
So þat wiþ procession monie and faire inou
Wiþ crois and wiþ tapres þe contreie aȝen drou
Þare was ioie and blisse ne may þer non more be[o]
Hy þonkede alle Iesu Crist þat hy moste þe day ise[o]
Of bellen and of tapres so gret was þe soun
And of eche melodie asong þo he com into þe toun
Þat me nemiȝte oþer þing ihure bote þe noise so gret
More ioie nemiȝte be[o] þanne was in eche stret
As oure Louerd a Palmesoneday honured was inou
Þo he rod into Ierusalem and toward þe deþe drou
Also was sein Thomas as þou miȝt ise[o] þere
For oure Louerd [wolde] þat is deþ semlable to is were
Ar þis holyman sein Thomas to is churche come
Þe monekes wiþ procession aȝen him þe wei nome
Of is palfrei he liȝte adoun & þe monkes custe echon
To þe heie weued mildeliche hi ladde him up anon
Þo hi hadde at churche ido al þat þere was to done


Wiþ is men mildeliche to is in wende sone
Nadde sein Thomas noȝt ibe[o] at is paleis wel longe
Þat þis kniȝt[es] after necome hare answere to auonge
Hi bede him as hi bede er vndo is mansinge
And asoili þe bissops þat he let þere inne bringe
Beu freres quaþ sein Thomas þat nemai ich do noȝt
For hi beoþ in sentence þoru þe pope ibroȝt
And i nemay noȝt vndo is dede ȝe witeþ in no place
Ac noȝt for þan ich triste wel so muche on is grace
Þat ichelle asoily ham in þis forme vawe
Þat hi do surance forto stonde to Holy Churche lawe
And to lokynge of Holy Churche and in oþer forme non
Þe kniȝtes þo hi hurde þis bigonne to wraþþe anon
And þo hi nadde non oþer word in wraþþe forþ hi wende
And tolde þe bissops hore answere þat hom þuder sende
Þe bissops made hom wroþ inou and þretnede faste
Ac naþeles tweie of ham wiþdrou ham attelaste
Þe bissop of Salesburi and of Londone also
To Holy Churche hi wolde stonde & oppe hure lokynge do
Ac þe erchebissop of Euerwyk anon ham wiþsede
Day þat he sede þat so follich stonde so at ȝoure rede
Forto do us inis grace þat euere was oure fo
He haþ ido us many a ssame and þanne he wolde mo
Þei he habbe of ȝou poer he naþ noȝt of me
For erche bissop ich am ȝe witeþ as wel as he
Ich habbe ichot a lyte cofre þat stont hol & sond
Þer beoþ inne ȝute atteleste eiȝte hondred pound
Ȝare ich am to spene þat and ȝute me þingþ to lyte
Forte awreke us [wel of him] and forto alegge is prute
Wende we to þe king anon and telle him of þis dede
And þat him ne tit neuere pes bote þer of us do rede
Þis þreo bissops hasteliche ouer se þane wey nome


A lite byuore Cristes masse to þe king hi come
Hy fonde him in Normandie adoun hi folle akne[o]
Hy bede him holde up is onur and stableliche hore help be[o]
Hi tolde him hou þis godeman þo he to londe com
Destorbede al Holy Churche and al is kynedom
And hou he hadde in grete prute in sentence ido
Alle þat made is sone kyng and encented þerto
And hou in despit of him he dude such luþer dede
And þat he nere neuer in pes bote he nome oþer to rede
Þe kyng þo he hurde þis for wraþþe was ney wod
He ȝeode up and doun as witles and ofte in þoȝte stod
Ȝif alle þat made my sone kyng he amanseþ he sede
Mid þe ferste he amanseþ me for it was my dede
Wo miȝte in such sorinesse such lyf longe lede
Þe traitour aspilþ al þe lond and bringþ us in wrechede
Ofte he corsede alle þe[o] þat he hadde forþ ibroȝt
Þat hi of þe false preste is fo ne awreke him noȝt
Þat destorbede al þat lond and broȝte in wrechede
As he ȝeode op and doun ofte þat word he sede
Þis kniȝtes þo hi hurde þis hi stode hom sone stille
Hy biþoȝte hom stilleliche to paie þe kynges wille
Four þat meste ssrewen were biþoȝte hom of gile
Sire Reinaud le Fiȝours sire Huwe de Moruile
And sire Willam Traci and sire Richard de Brut
Hore name for hore ssrewede ne beoþ forȝute ȝut
Hy nome hom to rede stilleliche to passy þe se
And to paie þe kynges wille sein Thomas to sle
Stilleliche hi wende forþ þat noman it nuste
Hi were ney wat atte se ar þe kyng it weste
Þo þe king vnderȝet it after hom he sende
Þat hi leuede hore folye and aȝen to him wende
Ac þis messager ne miȝte oftake him wiþ no gynne
For ar he come to þe se hi were ver þer inne
Þo made þe king deol inou þo hi were forþ iwend


And þat is messager hom ne oftok þat he hadde after ysend
Sein Thomas at Kanterburi a Midwinteresday
Stod and prechede þat folk as many man ysay
Inis predicacion he gan to siche sore
And deol and sorwe made inou ne miȝte noman more
He weop swuþe sore þe teres orne adoun
Þer was ek many wepinge eiȝe sone into al þat toun
Mi leoue frendes quaþ þis holyman wepinge wel sore
Ȝoure preost ich habbe awile ibe[o] ac i nemay nou namore
For myn endeday is nei icome i ne worþ here noȝt longe
Icham for Holy Churche riȝte iredy þane deþ auonge
Biddeþ for me for Godes loue and for Holy Churche also
Þat geþ almest nou to gronde bote God nyme ȝeme þertwo
Ac þane deþ ichelle vawe auonge ȝif it is Godes wille
For þe riȝtes of Holy Churche raþer þanne he[o] aspille
Boc and candle he nom an honde and amansede riȝt þere
Alle þat werrede Holy Churche and aȝen hure riȝtes were
And nameliche sire Randolf de Brok & Roberd de Brok also
Þat þe bissopriche of Kanterburi gret vnriȝt habbeþ ido
For þe wile sein Thomas was out of londe kyng Henri bitok
Þe bissopriche al to loke sire Randolf de Brok
And made Roberd de Brok is clerk þat was þo
Wardein of þis vnder him þat dude þe lond wel wo
Hi destrude al þe bissopriche and two hom sulf nom inou
And let him gret bold arere of þat he nom wiþ wou
Þer inne a Cristes masseday þo þis mansinge was ido
He sat and et nobliche and mony wiþ him also
He caste þe hondes of is bred þat biuore him lay


And euerich hond it forsok as al þat folk ysay
Þo handlede he oþer bred and let menge it attelaste
Wiþ oþer bred þat biside lay and þe hound it caste
Al þat he ihandled hadde þe houndes forlete
And chose out þat oþer þe[re] among and clanliche it ete
Þe mansynge was on him isene anon þulke day
Þare was gret wreche of God as al þat folk ysay
As þis foure luþer knyȝtes of wan we gonne telle
To Engelonde were icome sein Thomas to quelle
To þe castel of Fiss Salt Wode a sein Iones day hi come
Six mile fram Kanterburi and þare hore in hy nome
And sire Randolf de Broc [] to hom com wel sone
Þulke tyme hy nome hore red þe luþer dede to done
Þe morwe a Childes masseday as [God] þan day sende
Sire Randolf de Brok priueliche to Kanterburi wende
Forto enqueri sein Thomas ware hi miȝte finde
Þat he ne drou him noȝt awey ne hudde him bihinde
Þis kniȝtes þane Tiwesday nolde no leng bileue
Ac wende hom to Kanterburi wel ar it were eue
Aboute þe tyme of euesang to sein Thomas hi come
Þan eue [wei] baldeliche to is chambre hy come
Hi come and fonde him stilleliche inis chambre stonde
Wiþ is priue clerkes and gret conseil hadde an honde
Sire Reinaud le Fis Ours grimliche forþ wende
Sire he sede oure louerd þe kyng in message us hider sende
Fram him out of Normandie an heste we habbeþ ibroȝt
Þat þou do is comandement þat þou ne bileue it noȝt
Þat þou wende to is sone þat ȝong kyng ymad is
And amende aȝen him þat þou hast is fader idon amis
And swere þane oþ to be[o] him triwe of þe baronie also
Þat þou halst of him in chef do þat þou aȝtest do


Þe clerkes þat þou bringst mid þe ȝif hi wolleþ here astonde
Swerie þe kyng triwe to be[o] oþer hi solleþ out of londe
Beu freres quaþ þis holyman inelle noþing lye
Ichelle do þe kyng al þat ich aȝte of þe baronie
Ac nolde God þat Holi Churche vnder fote were so
Þat ich oþer mine clerkes [] eny oþ ssolde do
For þou wost þat alle lewede men þat beoþ inis londe
Ne swerieþ him noȝt þulke oþ as ich vnderstonde
Nou were Holy Churche in seruage ido
In more þanne a lewed man nay ne worþ it noȝt so
Me þingþ wel quaþ sire Reynaud þat þou nelt do noþing
Of þe heste þat we bringeþ [þ]e fram oure louerd þe kyng
We hoteþ þe inis half þat þou asoili also
Is bissops þat þou hast [] in centence ido
Beu freres quaþ sein Thomas it nis mi dede noȝt
Ac þoru þe pope owe mouþ in centence hi beþ ibroȝt
And þou wost i nemay noȝt wel þe pope is dede vndo
Þei þe pope it do quaþ sire Reinaud þoru þe it is so
Ȝif þe pope haþ quaþ sein Thomas in sentence hom ibroȝt
Þat habbeþ myne churches misdo it ne mispaieþ me noȝt
In eche manere þou ssowest wel sire Reinaud sede þo
Forto anuye oure louerd þe kyng and þou ert is fo
Ware þoru we wel iseoþ þat þou wilnest him do wo
And bynyme is croune ȝif þou miȝt ac ne ssel it noȝt be[o] so
And king wost be[o] inis steode ac neworst þou neuere mo
Certes sire quaþ sein Thomas i ne þenche noþing þertwo
Ac ich him wole þerto helpe as muche as ich may
And for him and for his onur ich bidde niȝt and day
For þer nis nou noman on eorþe þat ich loue more iwis
Þanne ich do him wiþoute is fader þat mi louerd is
Ac a seinte Marie day Magdaleyin to soþe ich segge þe


Þo þe acord was ferst ymad bitwene mi louerd and me
He sede me þat ich let amansi al þat hadde misdo
In mi churche þat is owe moder is & ich habbe ido also
Auoi sire prest quaþ þis oþer to muche þou spext ney
Þou desclandrest þin owe louerd þou nert noþer god ne sley
Seistou þat my louerd þe kyng in mansinge let do
Alle þat made is sone kyng ne encentede he noȝt þerto
Nas it is owe dede ne bi non oþer mannes lore
Auoi sire prest biþench þe bet and ne sey so namore
Certes sire quaþ sein Thomas þou wost wel it was so
For þou were þare þo þisulf and manie oþere þerto
Erchebissops and bissops and oþer grete and heie
Ȝe vif hondred men and mo as þou þi sulf iseie
Be[o] stille quaþ þis luþer kniȝt hold þi mouþ ich rede
Þou misseist foule þi nowe louerd day þat wo it sede
Wo miȝte soffre such desclandre bote he nome þerof wreche
Bi þe fei þat ich owe to God me ssel þe anoþer teche
Is felawes also euerichon hore armes abrod caste
And ferde as men þat wode were and þretnede faste
To þe monekes hy wende anon comeþ here forþ hi sede
Ȝe holdeþ here þe kynges fo witeþ him wel ich rede
Þat he to þe kynges wille is body habbe ȝare
Oþer he ssel ȝoure lond aboute & ȝoure maners make bare
Sire Reinaud quaþ sein Thomas wenstou ichelle fle
Nay parde noȝt a uot for þe kyng ne for þe
Bi God preost quaþ þis oþer bi þat þou wost þan ende
Þi fleinge worþ lite worþ þou ne sselt noȝt fer wende
Þis kniȝtes in grete wraþþe inou wende ham forþ anon
And let ham army swuþe wel and come aȝen echon
Wiþ swerdes and wiþ axes and wiþ oþer armes mo
Roberd de Brok þe luþer clerk was also wiþ ham þo


In to þe cloister of Kanterburi wiþ gret noise hi gonne weue
Þe monkes songe complin for it was ney eue
Somme for þis grete noyse fel adoun for fere
Somme bygonne to fleo aboute as men þat witles were
Sein Thomas nom a crois an honde and oþer arme non
And þare wiþ wel baldeliche ȝeode aȝen is fon
Þe monekes orne to him sone sire mercy hi sede
For Godes loue abid ȝute her oure Louerd þe may ȝute rede
Soffre þat we þe ȝute helpe oþer þat we wiþ þe deiȝe
Somme wolde make þe dore þo hi þis folk yseye
Bileueþ quaþ þis holyman ȝe nedoþ noȝt as þe wise
Singeþ forþ ȝoure complin and oure Louerdes seruise
Me ne ssel of Holy Churche castel make non
Leteþ foles a stounde aweode and in hare folye gon
Þis kniȝtes come reke in hore folye forto do
Ware is hi sede þis traitour and fals bissop also
Sein Thomas bar þe crois an honde and answerede is fon
Icham here he sede Godes preost traitor nam ich non
Secheþ þat wole ȝou fle[o] o[þ]re drede ȝoure þretynge
No prestore ne beoþ ȝoure swerdes me to deþe bringe
Þanne myn heorte prestore nis þane deþ forto take
For þe riȝte of Holy Churche inele noȝt þane deþ forsake
Þare wende forþ on [anon] and is hure of him drou
And is mantel afterward wiþ luþer heorte inou
Sire Reinaud le Fiȝ Ours porsiwede faste anon
Sire Reinaud quaþ sein Thomas hou ssel nou þis gon
Ich habbe god ido ofte þe and oþer mo
Þou sselt quaþ þis oþer iwite hou it ssel go
Traitor þou ert ded anon non oþer nel ich do
To soþe quaþ þis holy man wel prest am ich þerto
For þe riȝte of Holy Churche þane deþ ich am wel vawe


Ȝif ȝe miȝte þer afterward [] in pes be[o] and in lawe
Ac ich bidde ȝou ȝif ȝe me sleþ in oure Louerdes name
Þat ȝe ne come ney non oþer man harm to do ne ssame
For non oþer gulti þer nis of þat ȝe witeþ me
Ac gulteles hi beoþ bote ich one þerof siker ȝe be[o]
And also as hi gulteles beoþ harmles let ȝam wende
Þis godeman sat adoun akneo þo he say þan ende
And forto auonge is martirdom is heued he buide adoun
And wel softe as some heorde he sede þis horison
Oure Louerd and seinte Marie and seint Deonis also
And alle þe auowes of þis churche in was ore icham ido
Ich bitake mi soule he sede and Holy Churche riȝte
Ȝute he bad for Holi Churche þo he nadde oþer miȝte
Sire Reynaud le Fiȝ Ours mest sorwe of echon
Forto smite þis holyman is swerd he drou anon
Ac Edward Grim þat was is clerk of Grantebrugge ibore
To helpe is louerd ȝif he miȝte pulte is arm byuore
He wonded is arm swuþe sore þat blod orn adoun
Mid þulke dunt also he smot sein Thomas ope þe croun
Þat þe blod orn bi is face adoun in þe riȝt half of þe wonde
Loude gradde þis luþer kniȝt smiteþ alle to gronde
Edward Grim and al is men þat aboute him so were
Ourne aboute ech inis side ope þe weuedes for fere
As it bi oure Louerd ferde þo þe Giwes him nome
Is deciples flowe anon me nuste war hi bicome
For in þe gospel it is iwrite þat oure Louerd him sulf þo sede
Wanne me smit þe ssep hurde þe ssep wolleþ tosprede
And oure Louerd bad þat me ne ssolde is deciples non harm do
Þer on þoȝte sein Thomas and bad for is also
Anoþer kniȝt smot sein Thomas in þulke sulue wonde


And made him buye is face adoun & loke toward þe gronde
Þe þridde in þulke sulue stude þer after smot anon
And made him aloute al adoun is face ope þe ston
In þulke steode þe veorþe smot þat þe oþer hadde er ido
Þat þe point of is swerd brak in þe marbre ston atwo
Ȝute þulke point at Kanterburi þe monekes leteþ wite
For þe honur of þe holyman þat þerewiþ was ismite
Wiþ þulke strok he smot al of þe scolle and eke þe croune
Þat þe brain orn abrod in þe pauement þare doune
Þe wite brain was ymeng wiþ þe rede blod þere
Þe colour was wel uair to se[o] þei it rulich were
Al round it orn aboute is heued as it were a diademe
Al round þere aboute lay war of me tok gret ȝeme
For wanne me peint an halwe ȝe ne seoþ noȝt bileued
Þat þer nis ipeint a round al aboute is heued
Þat is icluped diademe and me say þare a uair cas
B[i] þe diademe of is heued þat he halwe was
Þo þis holyman was ded loude hi gradde echon
Þis traitour is to deþe ibroȝt wende we hanne anon
Siweþ us þe kynges men and þat wiþ him beoþ
Of þis traitor we beoþ awreke as ȝe nou iseoþ
He þoȝte be[o] herre þanne þe kyng & binyme him is croune
And to noȝte bringe al Engelond & nou he liþ þare doune
As þe Giwes bi oure Louerd sede þo hi wolde him to deþe do
Þat he made him kyng and non nas & Godes sone also
Þo þis luþer kniȝtes were fram sein Thomas igon
Roberd de Brok him biþoȝte and aȝen turnde anon
And þoru þe scolle smot is swerd deope wiþinne þe heued
Þo was þe scole al amty and no brain bileued
As þe Giwes smite oure Louerd to þe heorte gronde
After is deþ wiþ a sper and made him þe vifte wonde


Þis luþer men alle in o stude smite sein Thomas
In þe scolle euene abrod as þe croune was
He nas þe man þat enes wolde is heued wiþdrawe
Ne fonde forto blenche awey ne is [fot] aweiward wawe
Ne enes grone ne make cri as mildeliche and softe
His heued held euene forþ þei hi him smite ofte
Þis luþer kniȝtes wende anon to al is tresorie
And breke is doren & is coffren & dude hore robberie
Hi nome is cloþes & is hors and is tresour also
Chartren and oþer priue writes þat inis cofre were ido
Hi bitoke sire Randolf de Brok þat he þare wiþ wende
To þe kyng in Normandie & segge þat hi him sende
Þat he dude þare wiþ wat he wolde & ȝif þere eny were
Þat wiþsede eny word he ssolde is bane arere
Amang is tresour he fond ek tweie wel stronge here
Wel villiche hi caste ham awey as þei it no god nere
And naþeles hi biþoȝte þo and were somdel in fere
And bispeke bitwene hom stille þat he godmon were
Sire Willam Traci tolde of þis godeman sein Thomas
Þe bissop of Excetre as he in ssrifte was
Þat þo sein Thomas was aslawe and hi outward wende þere
Hom agros so sore þat hy were nei witles for fere
Þo ham þoȝte as hi outward wende ne ȝeode hi neuere so blyue
Þat þe eorþe openede vnder ham to forswolwe ham alyue
Þo sein Thomas aslawe was and þe knites out agon
Into al toun of Kanterburi couþ it was anon
Þat folk cride deoluoliche and to churche faste drowe
And onurede þat holy body and custe it ek inowe
Þe monekes come þuder sone and þe holy body toke
And in a bere faire it leide & biuore an auter it biwoke


Þe face was wiȝt and cler inou and no blod þer inne
Bote fram þe riȝt half of is uorheued to is lift chinne
And a smal rewe þare was of blod þat ouer is nose drou
Namore blod nas inis face as al þat folk iseie nou
Þe wonde bledde allonge niȝt me hente þer of iwis
In þe churche of Kanterburi of þe blod ȝute is
Ac he nas of þe worse hiu of al þat he bledde þere
Bote cler & yhuwed wel inou as he aliue were
Somdel liȝinge wiþ þe mouþ he lay as he slepe
Þat folk was aboute him þicke þat blod forto kepe
And forto gaderi of þat blod þat issad was in þe gronde
And of þe eorþe þat was ibled & glade were wanne hi it fonde
For þat hom nolde noman weorne þicke awei me it drou
And wo so him miȝte enes touche he was glad inou
Amorwe þis luþer kniȝtes armede hom efsone
And wiþoute toun nome hore red wat hom was to done
Hi biradde hom to nime is bodi & mid wilde hors to drawe
An[d] on a waritreo honge it suþþe and sede it was lawe
For he nas worþe to beon ibured in churche ne in churche ȝerd
Þe monekes oftrowede þis and were somdel aferd
Hy burede þis holi body in haste þare biside
Wiþ lite solempnite for hi ne dorste noȝt abide
Þis holy body was ibured in þe ministre of Iesu Crist
Biuore seint Austins weued and sein Ion þe Baptist
Hi ne dorste no leng abide forte he iwasse were
Ac al vngreiþid leide it on and hudde it for fere
As hi strupte is cloþes of al wiþoute hi fonde
Clerkes cloþes as him biuel ac anoþer atte gronde


For monkes abit was wiþinne as hi fonde þere
Boþe couele & stamin hi fonde next is here
So þat he was monk wiþinne & seculer wiþoute
Nuste noman is priuetes þat him was aboute
Nexst is fleis þe here was wiþ knottes manyon
Þat deop inis fleiss wode somme anon to þe bon
Þare of he hadde sseorte and brech lite ese he miȝte uele
So þat he was þare on ibonde fram schuldren to þe hele
Wiþ lite ese he miȝte sitte an[d] vnseliliche ride
And vneseliche ligge ek and wende up oþer side
Fol of wormes was is fleiss ek to al oþer wo
In no creature ich vnderstonde neuere nere iseie mo
For in eche stude of is fleiss þo þicke hi were isete
Þat þe grete ne miȝte come for þe smale to hare mete
Faste hi crope and ssoue ek as eneten al aboute
Ac þe smale cleueþ faste to þe grete leuede wiþoute
He deide enleue hondred ȝer and seuenti and on
After þat oure Louerd aliȝte to nyme oure fleiss & bon
Of elde þre[o] and vifti ȝer he him sulf was þo
He hadde many a fair day ilyued in care and wo
Þe king was euere in Normandie and her of nuste noȝt
He made deol and sorwe inou þo þe tiding him was ibroȝt
In þe castel of Argentim he soiournede þo
Wiþoute þe ȝet ne cam he noȝt four dawes ne mo
Ac euere him huld in priuete in wop and oþer wo
For no neode þat me him sede wiþoute he nolde go
He neþoȝte noþing of þe world wel lite he roȝte also
Þe sorwe and deol þat he made nemiȝte neuere be[o] ido
He sende anon to Kanterburi for þis deolfol dede
And þe monekes bede pitesliche þat hi for him bede
And sende ham word þat it nas noþing bi is rede


Ac þe kniȝtes wende forþ and noþing him ne sede
And he sende after hom þat hi come aȝe to me
And ar þe messager miȝte come hi were ver in þe se
To þe pope also god þe king sende sone
And bad in conseil priueliche wat him were to done
And bad him for þe loue of God in such angwisse him rede
Þat he were ischriue & asoiled of þe luþer dede
Þe pope hadde gret pite þat he such word him sende
And gret ioie þat he hadde wille is lif forto amende
Tweie cardinals he sende him wise men boþe two
And ssriue him of þulke sunne and asoile also
And þe bissops to asoily þat were in mansinge
Welle þat þis cardinals wolcome were þe kynge
Þe kyng bad hom deoluoliche to ssriue him of þe dede
And bihet hom stableliche to stonde al at hore rede
He swor ek ope þe halidom þat it nas þoru him noȝt
Ne bi is wille ne bi is heste þat he was to deþe ibroȝt
Ne þat for is fader deþe so sori man he nas
Ne for is moder noþemo as he for him was
And þat he wolde wiþ gode heorte þe penance al auonge
Þat hi wolde legge on him nere hi noȝt so stronge
For he was encheson of is anuy & of is deþe also
For þe knites to paie him broȝte him þertwo
Þo þe cardinals yseie þat he to repentance drou
Hi asoilede him and leide on him penance strong inou
In priuete as riȝt was þat noman it nuste
And þeose ek þat ich nou telle þat þe folk of weste
Þat he fonde in þe Holy Lond to hondred kniȝtes to fiȝte
And al a ȝer wiþ temple[r]s for Holy Churche riȝte
And þe status of Claringdone ssolde al out wiþdrawe
For wan þis holyman was ibroȝt of dawe
And he clanliche ȝelde aȝen þat al bynome was
Þe bissopriche of Kanterburi for wraþþe of sein Thomas
And þat he ssolde is uuel wille clanliche forȝiue
To alle þat he hadde of londe for wraþþe of him idriue


Þe king grantede al hore wille wepinge wel sore
And sede þat it was to lite and bad legge on him more
And sede al to ȝoure wille here mi body ich take
Ȝiueþ me penance inou inelle non forsake
He wende out atte churche dore asoilled forto be[o]
And ne held him noȝt worþe þat me ssolde him wiþinne ise[o]
Wiþoute churche piteisliche he sat adoun akne[o]
Ac þe cardinals nolde noȝt is body al vnwre[o]
Ac somdel aboue is cloþe hi asoilede him riȝt þere
For deol hi wope ek pitesliche moni þat þare were
He made eke ane biheste mid wel dreori chere
Is fader penance to folveolle ȝif he of power nere
Ȝif he falle in feble stat þat he ne miȝte it folende
Þe charge he nom ope him sulue and dude as þe hende
Þus was þis holyman ybroȝt to martirdom
Mani was þe faire miracle þat for him sone com
Me weste in Ierusalem þat he was to deþe ido
Wiþinne þe ferste fourteniȝt þat he com þerto
For a monk of þulke londe inis deþ vuel lay
And is abbot to him com biuore is ende day
And coniurede him þat he ssolde after is deþ þere
Come to him and telle him fore in wuch stat he were
So þat þis monk deide sone as God ȝaf þat cas
To is abbot suþþe he com as he coniured was
And sede þat he saued was in þe ioie of heuene an hey
And tolde him muche of þe ioie [] þat he in heuene isey
He tolde þat þulke tyme þat he to heuene com
Þe erchebissop of Kanterburi þolede martirdom
And is soule þulke tyme to heuene wende anon
Fair was þe procession þat aȝen him com gon
Of angles and patriarcs and of apostles also
Of martirs and of confessours & of uirgines þerto
Hy nome alle þis holy soule and biuore oure Louerd sone
Broȝte it wiþ ioie inou as he sat one inis trone


Is croune was al of ismite blody was is heued
Is brain was issad þar nas noþing bileued
Thomas Thomas quaþ oure Louerd þus it falþ to þe
To come into þi Louerdes court in such maner to me
For þi seruise ich þe ȝiue as muche ioie and blis
As ich ȝaf seinte Peter þat myn apostel is
A croune he sette uppon is heued of gold cler and god
Wel bicom þe briȝte golde uppon þe rede blod
More ioie ne miȝte be[o] þat in heuene for him was
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi þis was sein Thomas
Þe Tiwesday after Cristemasseday þe veorþe þat þer com
Þis holyman in Engelond þolede martirdom
And wanne þou hurst telle of is deþ of men of Engelonde
Þou sselt luue me of þis tale and soþ þerof vnderstonde
Þe abbot sone amorwe ne forȝet noȝt sein Thomas
Ac þe patriark of Ierusalem he tolde al hou it was
So þat forþore in þe ȝere it was wel vnderstonde
Þe pilgrimes þuder come out of Engelonde
Pilgrims tolde al þat soþe as he hadde er ised
In wat manere he was aslawe & in wuche tyme ded
Ikud was þus in Ierusalem þe deþ of sein Thomas
Wiþinne þe veorste forteniȝt þat he imartred was
Þe vifte ȝer ich vnderstonde after is martirdom
Bitwene kyng Henri and is sone gret contek þer com
Þe sone bicom prout anon for is kynedom
And of is fader tolde lite and worre upe him nom
Þe meste deol was wiþ þe sone of al Engelonde
And þe kyng of France also and þe king of Scotlonde
Þo þat þis sely oldeman in sorwe was inou
Al he it weste þe luþer dede þat me seint Thomas slou
He wende out of Normandie toward Engelonde


Ar he come to Kanterburi he nolde reste nawer a stounde
Þo he com ferst wiþoute toun he gan to liȝte adoun
And al auote al bareuot he wende him into þe toun
Inis curtel vngurd as al þat folk isay
And to þe place wende þo þare sein Thomas lay
At is tombe he fel akne[o] wepinge wel sore
He held up is honde deoluoliche and cride him milce & ore
Wepinge inis orisons al fastinge he lay
At þis holymannes tombe on niȝt & a day
And bad God and seint Thomas þat he ssolde him grace sende
And for ȝiue him þe sunne þat he let brynge to ende
Of euerich monek in þe hous he let him discipline
Wiþ a ȝerd & ȝute him þouȝte þer was lute pine
He bad ȝham alle deoluoliche [] to bidde vor him one
He swor eke to legge adoun [] þe luþere lawen echone
So þat he let singe a masse er he þanne wende
Of seint Thomas þis holie man þat he his grace sende
Þe while me þis masse song as God ȝaf þat cas
Þe kyng of Scotlond was inome þat his meste vo was
& manie oþere eke wyþ him þat were hys meste von
So þat hii þat were vninome nadde power non
So þat þys sely olde kyng þat al byneoþe er was
Al aboue was sone ibrouȝt þorw þe grace of seynt Thomas
& hys sone was byneoþe & so he byȝat lute
To werry aȝen hys fader [] vor hys sory prute
By hym men mowe nyme ensaumple [] vor beo to hastyue
Vorto ȝeue ȝhare sones vp ȝhare lond þe whyle hii beoþ alyue
Þe sone þer afterward prouede vuel ynow
Wel longe byuore hys fader toward þe deþe he drow


& vorpinede in þe menyson þat hys lyf him þouȝte longe
& deyde suþþe deoluolyche in greot pyne & stronge
Hys broþer also syre Geffrey þat of Brutaygne eorl was
Deyd[e] eke in þe menyson in þulke sulue cas
So þat after ȝhare vader deþe þer ne byleuede eyr non
Bote ȝhare broþer kyng Rychard & suþþe kyng Ion
Ak syre Geffrey hys chyld [] myd ryȝte lawe in londe
Scholde habbe ibore þe erytage as ich vnderstonde
Þer vore þat mayde of Brutaygne þat hys douȝter was
In warde was al hure lyf vor þulke sulue cas
Þys luþer kniȝtes alle foure þat slowe seint Thomas
Deide in strong deþ inou as no wonder nas
Hi echone repentant were nemiȝte nomen more
Euere hi cride on sein Thomas to ȝiue ham milce and ore
Sone after he was aslawe al hore god hi lete
And wende to þe Holy Lond hore sunnes þe bet to bete
Ac sire Willam Tracy newende noȝt forþ wiþ þe oþer þre[o]
He hopede here in Engelond repentant man be[o]
Ac he bicom þare afterward in gret miseise & strang
Is fleiss bigan to breke out and rotede & foule stank
So longe þat he stonk so foule þat deol it was to se[o]
Þat vnneþe miȝte enyman for stench nei him be[o]
Is fleyss rotede on him ek and alday fel awey
Þat is bones were al bare him ne likede þo no pley
He todrou wiþ is owe honde is fleiss attelaste
Pece and oþer al abrod and awei fram him caste
He todrou honde and armes mest of echon
Þat þer nas no fleiss bileued bote synuen & bare bon
Monyman it þoȝte wel þat bi is wille were
Forto bete is sunne her þat is soule in peril nere
Wrecchedore gost ne miȝte be[o] þane þis seli prison was
Euere he cride deoluoliche mercy seint Thomas


Attelaste he let is lyf in þis stronge pine
Ȝif it Godes wille were com to gode fine
Þis kniȝtes after hore luþer dede deide sone echon
So þat in þe þridde ȝer þare ne leuede alyue noȝt on
For þe sauter seiþ þat such men þat of tricherye beoþ
Ne ssolleþ noȝt hore dawes lybbe as we alday iseoþ
Þei hy be[o] wel repentant as þis kniȝtes were ich wene
Ȝute ne lybbeþ hi noȝt al hore lyf as it was bi hom isene
Nou for þe loue of seint Thomas þat soffrede so strang martirdom
Vs ȝyue part of þulke ioie þat is soule to com.

[Translacio Sancti Thome martiris]

Seint Thomas þys holy man onder eorþe lay
Er þat he ysshryned were [] manye a lang day
He lay þer inne vyfty ȝer ar me comencede þer to
& aboute an heyte dawes er he were of eorþe ydo
God wolde abide a god tyme to do so noble þyng
Whanne hii were boþe gode erchebysscop & kyng
Vor þe kyng Ion þat longe was & euere of luþer rede
Lute þouȝte by hys daye to do so god dede
Ak þe kyng Henry hys ȝonge sone nolde no leng fyne
Þo he was ȝ[o]ng kyng ymad er he were in sshryne
Kyng he hadde ibeo þryttene ȝer ar he dude þys noble þyng
& hit was in þe veorþe ȝere þat he was ymad ȝong kyng
Þe gode erchebisscop Steuene radde euere vaste þert[o]
So þat by hare beyre red þys dede was ydo
Þe pope Honori þat was þo þuder he gan sende
[P]andulf a leget vram Rome vor bringe þys to ende
Þe pope ȝ[e]f alle greot pardoun þat þuder wolde gon
Þat me nuste longe in Engelond so greot pardoun non
Vorto honoury þys holy man þer com volk ynowȝ
Of bysscopes & of abbo[te]s [] monyon þuder drowȝ


Of pryoures & parsons [] & of oþer clerkes also
Of heorles & barouns & many a knyȝt þerto
Of seriauns & squyers [] & hosebondes ynowe
& of simple men eke of þe lond [] so þykke þuder drowe
Þat al þe contrey þer aboute [] & toune wyde & longe
Myȝte vnneþe al þat folk þat þer com vndervonge
So þat þis heye men þat scholde þys dede do
Were in care hou hii myȝte vor presse com þer to
So þat þe erchebysscop Steuene of wham ich ȝou sede
& þe bysscop Rychard of Salusbury nome ȝham to rede
& þe priour Water of þe hous & þe couent also
Wende ȝham alle in pryuete [] þys dede vorto do
By nyȝte þo men leye aslepe [] & lute þer of rouȝte
[H]ii nome up þys holy bones & in a chuste ȝh[a]m brouȝte
& sette ȝham in a priue stude [] vorte þe day were ycome
Þat hyt were icryd into al þat lond þat he ssholde beo up ynome
Þys was in þe monþe of Iulye euene þan seueþe day
Þat bi a Tywes day was þo as al þat folk ysay
Þo þys day was icome to þys munstre wende anon þo
Þe kyng Henry þys ȝonge chyld [] & þys heye men also
Aboute onderne of þe day to þys holy body hii come
Pandulf wende furst þerto þe leget of Rome
& þe erchebisscop of Caunterbury & Reyns also
Þat vor þulke sulue þyng come [] fram byȝeonde se þerto
& sire Vberd de Brouȝ [] þat was þo iustyse
& vore greote louerdlynges þat noble were & wyse
Vp ȝhare ssculdrene hii nome vp þys holy body anon
& bisscopes & abbodes [] eke were manyon
To þe heyȝe weued of þe Trinite [] þys holy bones hii bere
& leyde þe chuste al þer wyþ [] in a noble sschryne þere
Þe kyng Henry was þo ȝong þat he ne dorste nouȝt
Myd oþere bere þys holy bones leste me hurte him ouȝt
Þys was by a Tywesday þat þys bones vp hii nome
Alle hys chaunces þat he hadde by Tywesdawes hii come


By Tywesday he was ibore & of hys moder wombe com
& also as me bryngeþ a þeof vorto vonge hys dom
Byvore [þe] kyng at Norþhamthone [] by a Tywesday
Wyþ greot sschame he was ibrouȝt as al þat folk ysay
Vyloker þan eny þeof þat folk him þer sschende
By Tywesday he was yflemed & of Engelonde wende
By Tywesday at Pounteny oure Louerd to hym com
& sede him þat swete word [] of hys martyrdom
Thomas sede oure Louerd ȝut sschal of þy blode
Alle my churches yhered beo þys wordes were gode
By Tywesday also god to Engelond he com
After þat he was yflemd to vonge hys martyrdom
By Tywesday at Caunterbury to deþe he was ydo
[&] suþþe by a Tywesday ysschryned was also
Þeos seue þynges by Tywesday [] hym come at þe leste
Þer vore me suk manye men [] makye ane byheste
To byleue fleysch þan Tywesday oþer to o mel veste
Vorto hy come to Caunte[r]bury to [] honoury þe heyȝe feste
[N]ou Iesus vor þe swete loue þat seynt Thomas on þouȝte
[B]rynge vs to þulke ioye þat he so dure bouȝte
A . M . E . N .

[Ivdas was a luþer brid ]

Ivdas was a luþer brid þat Ihesus solde to rode
Som wat me may of hym telle ac lute of eny gode
Vor me ne schal noȝt war of wyte bote wo so wole lye
Ruben was is fader icluped is moder Tyborie
Þis Ruben in Iherusalem wonede myd is wyue
Þey ȝare sone a schrewe were hii were of gode lyue
As þis Ruben bi is wyf a nyȝt ileyȝe hadde
Harde metingge his wyf mette whar of is wyf dradde
Hire mette ȝeo hadde ibore a child þat al þe wordle was loþ


& al þe wordle him acorsede & were wyþ him wroþ
& þat acorsed he scholde euere beo þe wule þe wordle stode
& þat al is kun me cors[i] wolde vor such a luþer vode
Þis wyf was wel sore of drad hire louerd heo tolde anon
Ȝe he sede hyt is þe mase & also hyt wole gon
Wel ich wot quaþ þis gode wyf ȝyf ich am wyþ chylde
Þat hyt is toknyng of a bern luþer & vnmylde
Þis wyf rikenede þe time & suþþe heo gan ywyte
& heo velede þat heo was mid chylde & þulke time byȝyte
Sori heo was & sore adrad hire freondes ȝeo tolde vore
Hii nuste wat hem was to done [] þo þat chyld was ibore
Loþ hem was to morþry [] ȝare flechs & ȝare blod
& loþ a bern to norysy so luþer & so vngod
So þat hii biseye ȝam þat hii made a barel attelaste
Þer inne hii dude þis luþer chyld & amydde þe se hyt caste
Þe se him harlede vp & doun as a lute clot
Suþþe hyt caste hym alond vpe þe yle of Scariot
Þer vore Iudas Scarioth euereft icluped he was
Vor in þe yle of Scariot [] ifounde he was bi cas
Þe kyng & þe quene of þe lond togadere were longe
Ak hii ne miȝte chyld for no þing bitwene heom auonge
So þat þe quene eode a day & pleide bi þe stronde
In þe yle of Scariot þis luþere chyld heo vonde
Þo heo ysey þat hyt was a chyld monlich & vayr
Glad heo was and hopede on him habbe an eyr
He[o] lette hit wytye in priuete mid chylde heo hire made
Þe kyng & al þat lond also þer of were glade
Sone þe time ȝeo nom vorþ þat þe child scholde beo ibore
Me schewede vorþ þat luþere bern glad was þe kyng þer vore
Þo he hyt ysey vair & hende he lette hyt nempne Iudas
Hyt nys noȝt al god þat is vayr ysene þer hyt was


Þat child was ido in gode warde as kynges sone scolde
Sone hyt vel þer after as oure Louerd hyt wolde
Þat þe quene myd chylde was of hire louerd biȝute
Glad was boþe kyng & quene þo hii hit vnderȝute
So þat heo hadde a knaue chyld þat vayr & gentyl was
Þe quene vp him hire heorte dude & þe lasse vp Iudas
Þis chyldren wo[x]e swiþe wel Iudas bigan sone
To do luþer & qued oueral as his riȝte was to done
Children þat he com to he wolde smyte & bete
& breke ȝare heued & do ȝam harm & þat god lete
To þe kynges sone he hadde envie vor he was iloued more
Of þe kyng þan he were hit ofþouȝte hym sore
Þer vore he al tobet þat chyld wanne he miȝte it one iwyte
Ak þe quene him bet sore aȝen wanne ȝeo it miȝte vnderȝite
Ak þervore nolde he neuere bileue vor neuere ichasted [he] nas
Sone þe quene vpbreyd a day þat he vinlyng was
After þulke time þis luþer þyng þat chyld hatede ynouȝ
He awaytede his time wel & priueliche hyt slouȝ
Þo ne dorste he noleng abide leste he hadde his dom
Stilleliche he wende to Ierusalem me nuste whar he bicom
Þer was Pilatus þo of þe londe Iustise
Þis Iudas anon vnder him bileuede in seruise
So wel he bilouede him anon þat styward he him made
Of al hys þing & het his men do al þat he ȝam bade
Þe o schrewe wyþ þe oþer mayster was as riȝt is
Vor ech þyng loueþ hys ilyk so seyþ þe bok ywis
Vor þey in al a contreye bote tweye schrewen nere
Ȝut hii wolde felawes beo ȝif hii togadere were
So þat þis tweye schrewen þe louerd & þe styward
A day eode al one pleye vnder a uayr orchard
Swiþe vayr applen Pilatus sey þer inne


Clymme he bad euere Iudas somme þer of to wynne
Iudas brak þe ȝard anon & sone was in ibroȝt
His owe fader orchard hit was ak he nuste hyt noȝt
Com þe godeman þat was is fader & eȝste wat he were
& bi whas leue he brak is ȝard & what he dude þere
Iudas sede ichulle her beo maugrey þine teþ bivore
& of þis applen habbe & bere þey [þu] hyt haddest iswore
Þis godeman was anuyd of þis luþere answere
Þe schrewe him missede aȝen he ne miȝte hit noȝt vorbere
So þat hii nome eyþer bi þe top & made stronge wounde
Þe schrewe was strenggore þan is fader & brouȝte him sone to grounde
So þat he smot him mid a ston bihinde in þe pate
Þat al þe scolle todaȝste þe brayn veol out þer ate
So þat he slou his owe fader & þo me miȝte ywyte
Þat his moder mette of him soþ þ[o] he was biȝyte
Ȝut were is fader betere to habbe ibroȝt hym of dawe
As sone as he was ibore þen he hadde him aslawe
Of þe applen þe schrewe nom & of þe peren also
& bar Pilatus & tolde hym vore al þat he hadde ido
Pilatus wende anoþer day to þe godemannes house
& ȝef Iudas al is good & made him weddi is spouse
Vor he was mayster & iustise he miȝte do vnriȝt ynouȝ
Þo weddede þe schrewe his owe moder & is fader slouȝ
As þis godewyf lay a nyȝt bi hire schrewe louerd þere
Ȝeo gan to sike swyþe sore he eȝste why hyt were
Certes sire quaþ þis wyf [] wel auȝte ich sike sore
Wo & sorwe me comþ to none womman more
Glad ne bliþe ne worþ ich neuere whanne ich me biþenche
Vor ich nadde neuere sone bote on & þulke ich lette adrenche
Suþþe ich vond my louerd aslawe y not in whuche wyse
& myn vnþonkes ich am þe ywedded þoru strengþe of iustise


Þo Iudas ihurde þis sory he was ynouȝ
Certes he sede ich am þy sone & my fader ich slouȝ
Þo was þis godewyf soriore [] þan heo euere was
Sone ȝeo sede what mowe we do after schryft alas
Iudas hurde telle þat our Louerd [] an eorþe þo eode
Þat he halp manimen [] in syknesse & in neode
Þorw his moder red to schryfte [] to oure Louerd he wende
Repentaunt & wyllyngge he was [] hys lyf to amende
So þat he siwede oure Louerd longe to wute of hys manere
Oure Louerd hym made his deciple to beo þe apostolene ivere
Suþþe oure Louerd him made his apostel to vondi his mod
& suþþe bourser [of] is panes to spene al his god
Vor monymen ȝeue oure Louerd god þat were of gode þouȝt
To sosteny his apostles vor oþer þing nadde he nouȝt
Ak þo Iudas wyþynne was & he is myȝte founde
Of oure Louerdes god þat he wuste he stal hyt al to grounde
Bote he myȝte more of ech þyng þe teoþingge he wolde stele
A schrewe he was al hys lyf me may hyt no leng hele
Wel wuste oure Louerd what he was & alle hys luþere dede
Ak naþeles he moste voluulle þat þe prophetes of him sede
Seynte Marye Magdeleyn to oure Louerd com
Tovore his swete passion & muche oygnement wyþ hire nom
Hys vet ȝeo weȝs wyþ hire teres & wypede hem wyþ hire here
Wyþ þis swete oyle ȝeo smurede oure suete Louerd þere


Iudas ofþouȝte þis oyle vor hyt muche worþ was
& sede þat hyt was vuel ido þat hyt ysold nas
An hondred panes hyt was worþ & þer myde me myȝte vulle
Monye pouere men þer myde who so hyt moste sulle
Þat [he] sede vor he wolde ȝef þe boxes hadde ibeo solde
Habbe ispend & to hym þe teoþyngge iholde
Þe teoþingge þerof was þrytty panes sore him ofþoȝte þer vore
Þat so mony panes of is þeofþe scholde fram him beo ibore
Þer vore oure Louerd vor þritty panes he solde myd vnriȝte
Þat he þe teoþyngge of þulke boxes to hym keouere myȝte
Hym sywede ek luþere þeoues vor he louede baret & stryf
He was strong þeof & manquellare & also endede hys lyf
& suche men scolleþ anhonged beo & þo noman hyt nolde do
Hym sulf he heong vppon a treo vor such deþ he scholde to
His wombe tobarst amydde atwo þo he scholde deyȝe
Hys gottes volle to grounde þat monymon hyt yseyȝe
Þer wende out þe luþer gost ate mouþe he ne myȝte
Vor he custe er oure Louerd þer wyþ myd vnryȝte
Nou suete Louerd þat þoru Iudas isold were to þe treo
Schulde ous fram þe luþere stude þat we weneþ he inne beo

[Pylatus was a luþer man ]

Pylatus was a luþer man & com of luþere more
Bitwene a kyng and a fol womman in spousbruche was ibore
Þe kyng Tyrus was greot man [] & of greote fame


Bi a milewardes [douȝter] he lay Pyle was hyre name
And biȝat on hire vnder þe quene þe luþer biern bi cas
Þe myleward þat was hire fader Atus ihote was
Þer vore þe douȝter þat het Pyle [] & þe fader Atus
Of ȝare beyre name hii made & clupede hym Pylatus
Þat chyld wax & wel iþeyȝ & þo hit was of þreo ȝer
Þe womman hyt sende to his fader vor he was of greot poer
Þe kyng hyt louede swyþe wel & lette hyt wel lere
Þe quene hadde bi hym anoþer chyld boþe hii were of one ȝere
Þat chyld þat was riȝt biȝute & Pilatus also
To norisy & to lere wel togadere hii were ido
As hii voxe hii toppede ofte þer nas wyþ ȝam no loue
Ak þat chyld riȝt biȝute euere hyt was aboue
Pylatus awaytede hys poynt & þouȝte ȝulde hys wule
He stal to a day stilleliche & slou þat chyld myd gyle
Þo þe kyng þis vnderȝet sory he was inouȝ
He nuste what do myd þe schrewe þat his ryȝte sone slouȝ
He þouȝte ȝef he slowe hym þat were double wo
& he ne miȝte blyþe beo wanne he him seye owar go
Þe emperour to him sende after truage of hys londe
Þe kyng þouȝte hou he miȝte best apaye hym of sonde
Pilatus he sende þuder as hyt were in hostage
Vor þe emperour him scholde sle whanne he fayllede of is truage
He sende him word þat he nadde chyldren bote him on
& for al þe good alyue his lyf he nolde forgon
& bote ȝef he at is daye sende hym hys truage
Bi his sone do what he wolde as hit riȝt was bi hostage
Þe emperour him louede ak of his schrewhede nuste he noȝt
Þe kynkes sone of Fraunce ek was in hostage þuder ibroȝt


He was bet biloued þan Pylatus felawes þey hii were
& for þe on was good & þe oþer was schrewe good neuere he nere
Þe schrewe awaytede wel is time vor he was fel ynouȝ
Bitwene hem sulue priuelyche hys felawe he slouȝ
Þe emperour him nom anon he nuste what mid him do
He wolde him sle ak his consayl ne ȝef him noȝt þerto
Ak sede þat he was toward suyþe hardi man mid alle
Of such man myȝte muche god in to al þe contreye biualle
Scholle we lete quaþ þe emperour a manquellere alyue go
Sire sire queþ þys oþere þou hast mony a fo
& such man ȝef he bileueþ forþ greot god he mai þe do
& ȝef lawe of londe nele þat þou lete him go so
Wel þou wost þat in þe yle of Pounce schrewen beoþ inowe
Þer ne com neuere no Iustise þat hii sone ne slowe
Þer vore þou myȝt him sende þuder to beo Iustise of þulke yle
& bote he beo queyntore þan eny oþer he ne scapeþ noȝt a gile
& ȝef he þat lond chasteþ wel & bryngeþ al vnder vote
He worþ mon wyþoute per ȝef he dury mote
Þo Pilatus was þuder isend wel he wuste þe gyle
& þe manere enquerede of þe lond þe he com into þe yle
He spak vayre & was mylde & was euere stille
Wyþ vayr speches & quoyntises he hadde of ȝham is wylle
Hii dude after hym al is wylle & huld hine þere Iustise
Þer ne miȝte so neuer non beo in none wyse
Þo þe emperour ihurde þat þat he miȝte þe luþere volk so þewe
He ne heold nowhar so quoynte man as he huld þe schrewe
Of his quoyntyse me spak wyde bi daye & by nyȝte
Hou he maystrede þe yle of Pounce so neuere non ne myȝte
Vor he amaystrede & chastede [] þe yle of Pounce so wel


Pounce Pylat me clupeþ him in crede & in gospel
Þe kyng He[re]des þat was þo kyng of þe londe of Iude
& also of Ierusalem & of Galyle
Of Pilatus he hurde ilome of is wyt and is quoyntise
Glad & prout he wolde beo to habbe a such Iustise
Noble ȝiftes he him ȝaf & fondede in alle wise
Ȝef he wolde out of is londe & bileue in his seruise
So þat Pilatus com to hym & such conseyl hii toke
Þat more þan half his kynedom he tok him to loke
To beo maister of Ierusalem & also of Iude
In is owe warde he athuld þe lond of Galile
Þo Pilatus hadde þer longe þe maystrye veor & neor
He gan to cuþe what he was þo he ysey is poer
Vor a schrewe wole abide his time to cuþe is felonye
He gaderede tresur & oþer god ynouȝ in hys baylye
& wende to Cesar þe emperour þat mayster was ouer þe kynge
Of tresour & of oþer good ynouȝ largeliche he gan him bringe
& ȝef him wyþ þat he moste þe baylye holde þere
Of him as he dude of He[re]des his kynedom as þey hyt were
Þe emperour þat was þe kynges louerd sone him biþouȝte
& gladliche nom þat tresour þat Pilatus him brouȝte
& graunted Pilatus al þat lond to holde bi maystrye
Þat he huld er of He[re]des þat was great trycherye
He wende aȝen to Ierusalem & to Iude also
Hys louerd he dude al his hesten þo he com þerto
He[re]des sende after hym to counti after wylle
Pilatus spak þoru þe emperour & ne ȝaf noȝt worþ a ville
Þo He[re]des isey þe tricherye & þe luþere valshede
He huld hym bitrayed þoru felonye he nuste what to rede
He sey þat he ne myȝte vndo þe emperoures dede
Pilatus he corsede ilome vor his luþere valshede


& þo he ne myȝte him oþer do bote wraþþe him bar wyþ ryȝte
So gret wraþþe hem was bitwene þat no mon telle ne myȝte
Þe wraþþe ilaste vorte oure Louerd [] to þe deþe scholde go
Ac vor ȝare eyþer to oþer sende acor[d]ed hii were þo
Þe whule Pilatus in is lond louerd & sire was
Iudas þat oure Louerd solde to him com bicas
His styward he hym made anon gode freondes hii were
Vor twei schrewen wolleþ beo freond þei noman elles nere
Iudas was þere hys stiward vorte he his fader slouȝ
& vorte he weddede is owe moder wyþ greot strengþe & wouȝ
Suþþe God was inome & scholde beo to deþe ido
Pilatus þorw þe Gywene wylle him dempnede þerto
Vor þe Gywes at Ierusalem in ȝare poer him nome
Þer vore hii ne myȝte him quelle noȝt bote þoru is dome
Longe after þat he was ded he repentede him ilome
He ne dorste noȝt vor þe emperour [] þer uore come at Rome
Ak euere huld him at Ierusalem [] among þe Gywes vaste
Ak sore he dradde þe emperour leste he him slowe attelaste
Longe hyt veol þer afterward þat þe emperour lay sore syk
In strong vuel & wel long þat he nas noman ylyk
Leches he let vecche wyde ak hym ne myȝte hele non
So þat his o messager to Ierusalem com goon
Longe & wyde he eȝste þer [] after som god leche
To a womman he com þat het Veronie þat ȝeo scholde him to some teche
Alas quaþ þe womman [] ȝef þou haddest hyder ygon
Þe wule þe prophete her was þy wylle hadde beo idon


A whare whare quaþ þe messager þe prophete beo bicome
Certes quaþ þis Veronye þe Gywes him habbet inome
To deþe hii brouȝte him in þe rode [] þoru Pilatus dome
Þer vore he ne dorste neuereft biuore ȝou come at Rome
Þe whule þe prophete her was gret ioye ich hadde wyþ alle
Hym to kome & neyȝ him beo ȝif hit miȝte so bivalle
& me myȝte neyȝ him beo ich him bad a bone
Þat ich myȝte his fourme ofte iseo & he me grauntede sone
Mi keuerchef ich him bitok & he wond hyt aboute his face
Þer echman myȝte wel iseo hys myȝte & hys grace
Vor þer bileuede his owe fourme þat in is face was
In ech poynt þo he hyt me bitok no defaute þer nas
Þulke fourme me is bileued þat ich miȝte igladed beo
Þorw þe siȝt þat is him so liche whanne y ne may hym elles iseo
Hadde þy louerd þe emperour þe fourme yseye ene
Ichot he were hol anon & of his vuel al clene
Dame merci quaþ þe messager wher þulke ymage myȝte ouȝt
Vor eny gold oþer seluer to þe emperour beo ibrouȝt
Þat nis nouȝt quaþ þis wyf vor al his gold ywys
Ne miȝte þe leste hurne bugge [] þat þer on ys
Ak ichulle to sauy þe emperour wyþ þe to him wende
Ȝif oure Louerd wole him bote þorw his fourme sende
Ȝeo vende vorþ wyþ þis messager & þo ȝeo com to Rome
Þe emperour hii tolde al þis þo hii to hym come
Anon so he þe ymage isey he was hol anon
He honurede wel Veronye ȝeo ne moste fram him gon
Þe ymage he huld vorþ hyt ne com neuere out of Rome
In sey[n]t Petres churche hyt is as men seyþ ilome


Þo eȝste he whar oure Louerd were & whar he suþþe bicom
Veronye sede hou þe Gywes [] to stronge deþe him nom
& hou Pilatus þe Iustise þe dom ȝaf þer to
A luþer mon quaþ þe emperour haþ he itake on so
Encentede he to þe Gywes whanne he nas noȝt of her lawe
Ichulle ȝef ich to him come anhonge oþer todrawe
Alas þulke holy mon he lette brynge of dawe
Ichot þe Giwes beoþ wel luþer hii wolde beo þer of vawe
In vaire manere he lette sende after Pilatus sone
Þat he com to him as to his louerd as riȝt was to done
Ac Pilatus sende an lettere to his louerd er
Þat he vorȝeue him his wraþþe þat he to him ber
& þat he was gulteles of þe deþ þat me vpe him sede
& þat þe Giwes him slowe al wyþoute his rede
Ak a strong tempest in þe se is messager gan dryue
Into [þ]e lond of Galile & þer he gan ariue
Ak Waspasion þat was þer mayster þe messager vaste nom
So þat neyȝ þe emperour þe messager neuere ne com
Þo þe emperoures messager to Pilatus was icome
& Pilatus hadde of him his erande ynome
He wende þat his owe messager to þe emperour hadde iwend
& þat he hadde vorȝiue him his wraþþe & after him isend
Oure Louerdes curtel he dude on þat he wuste euere wel
Þat vnsowe[d] was of þred as hit seyþ in þe gospel
Wyþ wel glade chere he wende to þe emperour
& grette him þo he com him to mid wel greot honour
So wroþ mid noman vnder sonne þe emperour nas biuore
As he wiþ Pilatus was vor his deþ he hadde iswore
Ak vor oure Louerdes curtel he hadde on þo he biuore him com
His heorte was al asuaged wyþ greot ioye he him nom
& mad myd him al þe ioye þat man myȝte myd oþer do


Vor vertue of þe holi curtel & al his men also
Anon so he was of his siȝt his oþ he suor anon
Þat to strong deþ he wolde him bringe ȝef he him myȝte ofgon
Ak greot ioye he made wyþ alle whanne he to him com
Ak euere whanne he fram him was he iugede him strong dom
Þis manere ilaste longe þat alle þat hurde þis cas
Wondrede much of þe emperour þat he vnstable was
So attelaste Pilatus as oure Louerd hyt wolde
His curtel strupte of bi cas as he neuere ne scholde
& com so biuore þe emperour & he anon him nom
& suor his more oþ anon þat he to wroþer hele þer euer com
Seye he seyde þou wrecche man what hauestou ido
Slowe þou þe holy prophete to wroþer hele dostou so
Certes sire quaþ Pilatus y ne dude him neuere to deþe
Beo iknowe quaþ þe emperour vor þou miȝt as eþe
Bote þe luþere Gywes quaþ Pilatus to þe deþe him brouȝte
Wyþoute þe quaþ þe emperour such þing neuere hii ne þouȝte
Certes sire quaþ Pilatus y ne may noȝt asake þis
Þat ich ne dempnede him to deþe ak ich moste nede ywys
Vor þe enqueste vpe him sede þat he struyde oure lawe
& lawe ȝef þat alle suche me scholde brynge of dawe
& ich þar þat þi Iustise was þorw þin heste & þi rede
Moste nede ȝiue þe dom whanne þe enqueste sede
Whanne þou vnderȝete quaþ þe emperour þe Gywene valshede
Why naddestou ispeke þer aȝen & destourbed þe luþere dede
God hyt wot quaþ Pilatus and Ierusalem also
Þat ich was þer aȝen myd my myȝte þat he nere to deþe ido
Ak hii were vp him so vaste þat me ne miȝte mid no lawe


Whanne þe queste passede bote he were ibrouȝt of dawe
Ȝef þou mid ryȝte ne myȝtest hym saue þe emperour þo sede
Hou dorstestou wyþþoute my red do such a greot dede
Certes sire quaþ Pilatus me ne may þe wyþsegge nouȝt
Þat ich þer of ne mysdude in gult icham ibrouȝt
& me schal bi þe quaþ þe emperour as bi a gulty man do
Þou schelt passi þoru iugement vor þou toke on so
In stronge prison & deork anon he lette hym caste
Þat he ne seyȝ vot ne hond & lette him bynde vaste
So longe he lay in prisoun in honger & in pyne
Þat his lymes clongge awey his body gan al vordwyne
He hadde leuere his deþ þan his lyf so he clonge to nouȝt
So hii dude alle byvore ȝare deþ þat oure Louerd to deþe brouȝt
A day as þe gayler in to prisoun com
Pilatus cryde so deoluolyche þat greot deol to him he nom
Haue ruþe of me sire he sede vor þyn owe gentrise
Wel þou wost knyȝt ich am & whule hey Iustise
& nou here ich clyngge awey & no syȝt ne seo wyþ eyȝe
Let me ene par charite iseo lyȝt ar ich deyȝe
Þe gayler hadde ruþe of him such man he hadde ibeo
& of prisoun he ladde hym out þe world vorto seo
Þo Pilatus com to lyȝte as þe bok vs haþ itold
& iseyȝ his bodi al vorswarted hys heorte veol wel cold
Alas he seyde þis day abide þat ich euere com in lyȝt
So vorswarted as ich am þat was whule a noble knyt
Sire gayler vor þi cortesy graunte me one bone
Ȝef me an appel to mete vor ich hyt may do sone
Þe gayler him tok an appel & he sede hyt ys vnriȝt
Vnpared eny appel to take heyȝ man oþer knyȝt
Such wrecche as ich nou am ich was wule hey Iustise
Len me a knyf þis appol to parye vor þi gentrise


Þo þe gayler him tok a knyf him sulf he slouȝ anon
& smot deope in to þe body & lay ded as a ston
Þo þe tiþingge com to þe emperour þat bodi he lette take
& caste hyt wyþoute þe toun amang olde walle[s] vorsake
Þer ne wende noman þer vorþ aboute in none side
Þat he nas lame oþer wod oþer som messauntre him gan bitide
Þer was þonder & lyȝtyngge & greot tempest þer aboute
Þat men were wytles & adrad þat hii ne dorste uour route
So þat þe emperour let take þe wrecche lycame atte laste
& bere hyt to þe watere of Tybre & þer inne hit caste
Þo com þer so greot tempest þat þer aboute wel wyde
Þe schipes dreynte þer monyon þer aboute in eche side
Þat þe contreye hadde þer of doute & nome ȝham to rede
& into a water al fram men [] þis lycame gonne lede
Bitwene hulle & wyldernesse & þer inne hii hyt caste
Þe þondre smot þer to anon & þe lyȝtyngge wel vaste
Þat body rollede vp & doun [] icast here & þere
Myd weder & tempest of watere þat echmon hadde fere
Amidde þe water was a roch & þo þe lycame was þer neyȝ
Þe roch toclef amydde atwo as al þat folk yseyȝ
& as an arwe schet of a bowe þat bodi schet þer inne
Þe roch smot togadere anon þo þe bodi was wyþinne
And þe wrecche licame þer lyþ ȝut to þysse day
Muche wo þer is of aboute as monimon ȝut ysay
Þus Pilatus endede hys lyf as he wel wourþe was
God schulde eche Cristineman fram so deoluol cas