University of Virginia Library

Prima causa. Magister Iohannes Beleth.

A gret clerk, that callet is
Iohn Beleth, as rede I,
thes causes schewes not amys,
is gode to haue in memorie.
‘ȝif we wilne,’ he sais, ‘to rise
with Ihesu Crist at his rising,
fonde we for to make vs hise
with holi dedes of fasting.
‘For sithen Crist suffret passioun
er he rose the thrid daie,
skil hit is & gode raisoun
we souffre so before in faye,
‘That we to rise moun be bovn
with him that tyme worthily ay,
clene bout any corrupcioun
& wemme of synne clene put away.’


Secunda causa. Item Iohannes Beleth.

The secund cause, as says he,
for Iues agayn hom broȝt were
from Egipt lond in-to Iude
this selfe tyme & all in fere
Be Moiseȝ seruand Iosue,
as in Exodi ȝe moun lere,
this ilk chapetre that wol se
that is titlet holly here.

Exodi xiiijo

Also eft when thai were tan
& in Babiloin broȝt in bond,
this tyme turnet aȝain thai han
with grete ioye to hor awne lond,
& that schewus apertely
by euidence gode and expresse,
for riȝt when thai were commen in hie,
Pasche day with hom worshipt was.
Therfore to do as dyden thai,
the clerk sais, skilful thing hit is
this tyme to fasȝt, in gode fay,
& mend that we han don amys,
That we moun opon Astur-day
from Egipt, Babiloin both i-wis,
be deliueret faire away
o bondaghe in-to mych blys,
That is to wit, from worldus woo
& the dewlus knot of synne
to that ioy that lasteȝ oo,
of heuen blys that neuer shal blyn.
Who-seuer this story all wold see
of the Iewes aȝayne-comyng
from Babiloyne to hor cuntre,
in Ester he schal fynd this thyng.


Tercia causa. Item Magister Iohannes Beleth.

‘The thrid cause,’ says Maister Iohan,
‘gos sumwat by way of kynde,
for lechery thys tyme in mon
most feruent regnys, as I fynd,
‘And mon has more temptacioun
al-way this tyme of the ȝer
thenne any other, leue ȝe moun,
groing hete ymong vs her.
‘Ther-fore that fondyng to wiht-stond,
that we han so flesche likyng,
to fast and pray we mosten fonde
this tyme to be in gode tempryng.
‘That suche fleschely temptacion
bring vs in no mor tene,
to suffer assay we this sesoun
leste synne on vs to muche be sene.’