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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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To thee, Lord, will I cry, my strength.
To me be thou not still;
Lest, if thow silence keep, I bee
Like those the grave who fill.


My supplications' voice, O heare,
With cryes when I draw nigh,
And at thy holie oracle,
My hands lift vp on high.

Ezek. 32. 20. Job 21. 33.

Me from the Godles, wickednes
Who work, in death devide,
Whose harts, (whill to yr neighbours peace
They speek), doe mischeif hide.


O give them what is to ther deeds,
Their bade endeavours due;
As with polluted hands they did
Leud practises persew.
Giue them, O giue them their desart.
The works of God they slight,
And how his hands of kings dispose,
Considdir not aright.


Them shall he therfore overturne,
And not the breach repaire.


Blest be the Lord, for hee the voice
Of my requests doth heare.


His prayse my song shal be. 8. A strength
In straits wnto all his,
The Lord to his anoynted one,
A strength for saiftie is.


Thy people and inheritance,
Let sav'd and blessed be;
Be they sustained and lifted vp,
For ever, Lord, by thee.