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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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[v] The Pourtrait of Mars and Venvs.
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[v] The Pourtrait of Mars and Venvs.

Faire Paphos wanton Queene,
Not drawne in White and Red,
Is truely heere, as when in Vvlcans Bed
She was of all Heauens laughing Senate seene:
Gaze on her Haire, and Eine,
Her Browes, the Bowes of Loue,
Her backe with Lillies spred:
And yee should see her turne, and sweetly moue,
But that Shee neither so will doe, nor darre,
For feare to wake the angrie God of Warre.