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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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An other grace.


An other grace.

All folke that lyue in lyuely fayth,
Confesse wyth one accorde,
That all creatures are fed of God,
And prayse therfore the Lorde.
Lest then we shewe ingratitude
And mere vnthankfulnesse,
By lawe of loue graft in our heartes,
Let vs our fayth expresse.
And prayse the Lord for thys our foode
Here present to vs sent,
And for our helth whyche he to vs
Mercyfully hath lent.
And for hys worde to fede our soules,
We also ought to pray:
So shall we neuer dye, but lyue
Wyth God in blysse for aye.
Through Christ his death, who in thys worlde
Dyd take our fleshe therfore:
To whome be honour, prayse and laude,
Bothe nowe and euermore.