University of Virginia Library


A child's round face in the tongs;
She is rubbing the brasses bright,
While merry old-fashioned nursery-songs
She croons with a child's delight.


She sees in the glittering sphere
Her broadened baby-face
Smiling back on itself with a wordless cheer,
And filling the globe-like space.
Little friend, by my name once known,
I am rubbing the tongs to-day;
But the face that I gaze on you would not own,
It has lost your child-look gay.
Oh, your world was golden and glad:
Your happy heart was enough,
Though that and the sunshine were all you had,
And earth underfoot was rough.
But one thing I learned from you
I have not forgotten, quite;
No pleasanter work can a mortal do
Than to keep one small world bright.
And, thinking about you, dear,
The face in the tongs has smiled;
In a dream I went back to your shining sphere,
And played with myself, a child.