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An extraordinary Courte ye 12th of Iuly 1621

An extraordinary Courte ye 12th of Iuly 1621


mr Deputy Ferrar.  mr Bromefeild.  mr Bartham. 
mr Brooke.  mr Riseley.  mr Combes. 
mr Wroth.  mr Bargraue.  mr Baynam. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Rogers.  mr Robertℯ 
mr Wrote.  mr Blande.  mr Whitley. 
mr George Sandys.  mr Casewell.  mr Smith. 
Dr: Gulstone.  mr Couell.  mr Woodall. 
mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Swinhoe.  mr Harte. 
mr Paine.  mr Leuer.  mr Ayres. 
Dr: Winstone.  mr Edwards.  Wth divers others 
mr Barnard. 

The Court haveinge made request vnto mr Chamberlyne to p̳cure them
some good quantitie of Silkworm seed from beyonnd sea, hee signified
that hee had heard the Seed of Valentia to be held generally the verie
beste for that those wormes would prosp̳ in any place, wheras ye Seedℯ
of other p̱ts would onely thrive in their native and prop̱ Clymate and
no where else and therfore hee promised att their request to solicite
some of his frendℯ that should doe their best to procure (if they
could) [254] some Six pound of Seed from Valentia accordinge to
their desires, for which the Company gave him verie great thankℯ and
prayed itt might be done wth as much expedic̃on as may bee.

The Courtℯ re-
quest vnto mr
Chamblen for Silk-
worme seed.

mr Deputie signified yt wheras Captaine Norton had formerlie agreed
& contracted to carry ouer with him into Virginia besides his owne
pryvate famely the number of 6 Itallyans who within 3 moneths after
their arivall had vndertaken to sett vpp a Glasse ffurnace, and make
Glasse and Beads for the vse of the Company in the Condic̃on of


Tenñantℯ att halfℯ for 7 years the charge of wch workemen wth 2: of
their wives and 3 of thire children beinge transported and furnished
wth apparrell, Victuall, Tooles and all other materialls and necessaries
fittinge for their vse, and of the p̱formance of the said worke should
stand the Company butt in 150li or ther aboutℯ vppon wch condic̃on the
bargaine was entertayned and the same ratifyed and confirmed by the
last Quarter Courte, yett shortly after entringe into a re-examinac̃on
of the State of their Cash they found as things then stood 150li was
more then the Stocke of the Compa: could make good without bring-
inge themselvs into debt, wherof my Lord of Southampton had
admonished them to be carefull, and thervppon they thought fitt to
turne ouer the said Bargaine to mr George Sandys. after this vppon
better considerac̃on, and for some reasons menc̃oned in the said order
of Courte, the Company were willinge to entertaine the said bargaine
againe into their hands; But since that time Captaine Norton had
now p̢sented them a bill of a new charge amountinge to no less then
80li: ouer and aboue the former Sum̃e of 150li wch hee said was to be
disbursed p̱tlie for redeeminge the said workmens apparrell and
Tooles engaged now for Debtℯ, and p̱tly for such materialls as hee
feared could not be had in Virginia, and without which they could
not p̳ceed in their said worke; Hee therfore thought good to pro-
pose itt to the Considerac̃on of this Courte that hee might know their
further pleasure herein, assuringe them that ther was nothinge lefte
in Stocke to discharge so great a Sum̃e, Whervppõ after much dispute
aboute itt, Itt was att length moved and desired that if the Compa-
nies stocke were no ways able to goe through with so greate a charge
that then this Courte would please cleerly to release Captaine Norton
of his former Contract and to yeild the same bargaine to pryvate
Adventurers yt would be willinge to vndertake the same wch moc̃on
was generally held to be both iust and resonable, and ther vppon the
same beinge accordinglie putt to the question itt was agreed wth gen-
erall consent yt Captaine Norton should therby be discharged of the
said contract and lefte free for pryvate Adventurers to entertaine the
said bargaine vppon the same condic̃ons in poynt of benifitt that the
Compa: should have done.
Captaine Norton.
The Bargaine
made wth Capt:
Norton cleerly re-
least and left free
to priuate Aduent-
urers to entertaine
ye said Bargaine