University of Virginia Library


Hymn 15.

[Who is this, that now comes up]

Who is this, that now comes up
Out of the wilderness,
Leaning on her Strength, her Hope,
Her darling Prince of Peace!
On her Lord and Well-beloved
Sweetly she delights to rest:
Never shall she be removed,
Who leans on Jesus' breast.
See that happy soul in me
By faith on Christ reclined!
Rest from all my misery
In Jesus' love I find:
I a desolate mourner was,
Wander'd earth's wide desert o'er,
Till I found Him on the cross,
And now I weep no more.
Me He call'd, a woman grieved,
A wife in youth forsook,
Kindly all my wants relieved,
And all my burdens took:
Me He call'd His love, His bride,
“See, thine heavenly Husband see,
I am by My Father's side,
And thou shalt sit by Me.


True, and faithful is my Lord,
Infallible my hope,
Lo! I hang upon His word,
Till Jesus take me up:
Come, His loving Spirit cries
Hastening on the joyful day,
Come, the longing bride replies,
My Jesus, come away!