University of Virginia Library


Hymn 13.

[All worship and praise Are Jesus's due]

All worship and praise Are Jesus's due,
So plenteous in grace, So faithful and true!
In great tribulation His fulness I prove,
His strength of salvation, His riches of love.
As sorrowful I, Yet always rejoice,
My Lord is so nigh, So charming His voice:
He whispers, and fills me With comfort and peace,
And keeps, till He seals me Eternally His.
Afflicted and grieved, Forlorn and distress'd,
He kindly received, And lull'd me to rest:
He will not forsake me, My heavenly Head,
But tarry, and make me A widow indeed.
Betroth'd to the Son Of God, I abide,
Till Jesus come down And challenge His bride,
To all His salvation With triumph receive,
In full consummation Of glory to live.