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Hymn 11.

[Thanks be to God alone]

Thanks be to God alone
Who comforts the distress'd!
His faithful word I own,
Which speaks the mourner bless'd:
A daughter of affliction, I
On Jesus cast my care,
And for my native country sigh,
And for my kindred there.
My company is gone
Over the stream before,
And lo! I hasten on
To yon eternal shore:
That happy sharer of my heart
I there again shall find,
Where time and death can never part
The souls in Jesus join'd.
I quickly shall o'ertake
My dear departed friend,
Received for Jesus' sake
To joys that never end:
Even now I taste the blessed hope
Through Jesu's passion given,
It swallows all my sorrows up,
And turns this earth to heaven.


Whom next to God I love,
He beckons me away,
To solemnize above
Our second bridal day:
I come, my longing soul replies,
To Jesu's arms I come,
And force my passage to the skies,
And fly triumphant home.