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Hymn 10.

[My ever-living Lord]

My ever-living Lord,
Thy faithfulness I own,
Call'd by Thy providence and word
To trust on Thee alone,
My faith by works to show,
And still on Thee to call,
And witness, as to heaven I go,
That God is all in all.
Already, Lord, I feel
Thou hast my loss repair'd,
With Thee I now in Eden dwell,
And wait my full reward;
My joy, my portion, Thou
Hast knit my heart to Thee;
My Maker is my Husband now,
And shall for ever be.
I dare in Thee confide,
I in Thy mercies rest,
Thou wilt not let me leave Thy side,
Or wander from Thy breast:
Beyond the reach of sin,
The world, and hell's alarms,
Thy love shall keep me safe within
Its everlasting arms.
Long as on earth I stay,
It shall be all my care
With Thee to wrestle night and day
In never-ceasing prayer;


My life, like Anna, I
Will in Thy temple spend,
Till taken to the church on high,
Where prayer in praise shall end.