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Hymn 9.

[Hail holy, holy, holy Lord]

Hail holy, holy, holy Lord,
Mysterious Three in One,
For ever be Thy name adored,
Thy will for ever done!
For this alone on earth I wait,
To glorify my God;
Admitted to the high estate
Of sacred widowhood.
O may I in Thy strength fulfil
My awful character;
And prove Thine acceptable will,
And do Thy pleasure here:
The children unto Thee restore,
Whom Thou to me hast given,
And rule my house with all my power,
And train them up for heaven.
Be this my hospitable care,
The stranger to receive,
The burden of Thy church to bear,
And all their wants relieve;


My labour of unwearied love
With pleasure to repeat,
My faith upon Thy saints approve,
And gladly wash their feet.
The servant of Thy servants bless
With active earnest zeal,
And every work of righteousness
I shall with joy fulfil:
Mix'd with their guardian angels tend
The heirs of glorious grace;
And still like them to heaven ascend,
And still behold Thy face.
Happy might I the grace receive
Which Thy true widows share,
With God in close communion live
A life of faith and prayer;
In Thee my only Friend confide,
Delightfully alone,
And desolate in prayer abide
Till all my course is run.
Surely I now rely on Thee,
Within Thine arms I am,
And trust the glorious face to see
Of my triumphant Lamb.
I know the prayer of faith is heard,
I feel the answer given,
And haste, by holiness prepared,
To meet my Lord in heaven.