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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not high-minded, but fear.” —Romans, xi. 20.

Hast thou, by heavenly grace benign,
From the wild olive-tree,
Been grafted on th' immortal Vine?
Yet fearful, lowly be.—
Rememb'ring this—that He, who gave
Thy honour'd station there,
Must bid thy bough in greenness wave,
And teach it fruit to bear.
Have others, native to the stem,
Been broken off, as sere?
Exult not proudly over them,
But view thyself with fear.


Think not that He, who look'd for fruit
Upon the native bough,
Will, in his own engrafted shoot,
Of barrenness allow.
Thou wast there grafted to bring forth,
In these degenerate days,
Rich fruitage of immortal worth,
To His eternal praise.
By faith thou standest; and they fell
Because of unbelief;
If doubt or pride in thee should dwell,
Thy date, like theirs, is brief.
He, who the native branches smote,
Though merciful, is just;
He thy unfruitfulness will note,
And lay thee in the dust.