University of Virginia Library


Ballade of the Wicked Earl


(Lines written after a fortnight spent with Ouida's novels.)

Had I been ‘in the purple born’
(As Ouida loves to say),
I'd treat morality with scorn,
And live uncommon gay:
My bills, of course, I ne'er would pay,
At creditors I'd sneer,
What ‘hecatombs of doves’ I'd slay,
Had I been born a peer!
What wreathes of roses I'd have worn,
All drenched with bright tokay!
What maidens from their lovers torn
Had rued their natal day!
What wondrous odds you'd see me lay,
What fences I would clear,
And gold, like dross, I'd fling away,
Had I been born a peer!


And last, grown aged, stern, forlorn,
My gold locks turned to gray;
My crown of roses changed to thorn
I'd end with some display!
Through foeman's ranks I'd cleave my way,
Through Zouave and Cuirassier,
And die where fiercest raged the fray,
Had I been born a peer.


Ouida, the good old times decay,
And even viscounts fear
To play the kind of pranks we'd play
Had I been born a peer,
My dear,
Had I been born a peer!