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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 111.

[Sons in their Father do rejoyce]

Job 38. 8. And all the Sons of God shouted for joy.

Sons in their Father do rejoyce,
Whose Off-spring all they be,
And hence the Angels lift their voice
In Songs, Lord, unto thee,
By whom they all created were,
And on whom they attend,
And from whom all their dignity
Doth unto them descend:
They cloathed are like unto Sons
With might and glorious power,
And serve the Lord most willingly,
With greatest zeal each hour:
One part of their sweet work's to sing
To God melodiously,
And we by them also are taught
To sing continually.
Then as God's will is done by them,
Let us do it on Earth;
Like flames of fire let us be,
And sing God's Praises forth.