The Poems of Robert Fergusson Edited by Matthew P. McDiarmid |
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Codicile to Rob. Fergusson's Last Will.
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![]() | The Poems of Robert Fergusson | ![]() |
Codicile to Rob. Fergusson's Last Will.
Whereas, by test'ment, dated blank,
Inroll'd in the poetic rank,
'Midst brighter themes that weekly come
To make parade at Walter's drum,
I there, for certain weighty causes,
Produc'd some kind bequeathing clauses,
And left to friends (as 'tis the custom
With nothing till our death to trust 'em),
Some token of a pure regard
From one who liv'd and died a Bard.
Inroll'd in the poetic rank,
'Midst brighter themes that weekly come
To make parade at Walter's drum,
I there, for certain weighty causes,
Produc'd some kind bequeathing clauses,
And left to friends (as 'tis the custom
With nothing till our death to trust 'em),
Some token of a pure regard
From one who liv'd and died a Bard.
If poverty has any crime in
Teaching mankind the art of rhiming,
Then by these presents, know all mortals,
Who come within the Muses portals,
That I approve my will aforesaid,
But think that something might be more said,
And only now would humbly seek
The liberty to add and eik
To test'ment which already made is
And duly register'd as said is.
Teaching mankind the art of rhiming,
Then by these presents, know all mortals,
Who come within the Muses portals,
That I approve my will aforesaid,
But think that something might be more said,
And only now would humbly seek
The liberty to add and eik
To test'ment which already made is
And duly register'd as said is.
To Tulloch, who, in kind compassion,
Departed from the common fashion,
And gave to me, who never paid it,
Two flasks of port upon my credit,
I leave the flasks, as full of air
As his of ruddy moisture were;
Nor let him to complain begin,
He'll get no more of cat than skin.
Departed from the common fashion,
And gave to me, who never paid it,
Two flasks of port upon my credit,
I leave the flasks, as full of air
As his of ruddy moisture were;
Nor let him to complain begin,
He'll get no more of cat than skin.
To Walter Ruddiman, whose pen
Still screen'd me from the Dunce's Den,
I leave of phiz a picture, saving
To him the freedom of engraving
Therefrom a copy to embellish,
And give his work a smarter relish;
For prints and frontispieces bind do
Our eyes to stationary window,
As superfluities in cloaths
Set off and signalize the beaux;
Not that I think in readers eyes
My visage will be deem'd a prize;
But works that others would out-rival,
At glaring copperplates connive all
And prints do well with him that led is
To shun the substance, hunt the shadows;
For if a picture, 'tis enough,
A Newton or a Jamie Duff:
Nor would I recommend to Walter
This scheme of copperplates to alter,
Since others at the samen prices
Propose to give a dish that nice is,
Folks will desert his ordinary,
Unless, like theirs, his dishes vary.
Still screen'd me from the Dunce's Den,
I leave of phiz a picture, saving
To him the freedom of engraving
Therefrom a copy to embellish,
And give his work a smarter relish;
For prints and frontispieces bind do
Our eyes to stationary window,
As superfluities in cloaths
Set off and signalize the beaux;
Not that I think in readers eyes
My visage will be deem'd a prize;
But works that others would out-rival,
At glaring copperplates connive all
And prints do well with him that led is
To shun the substance, hunt the shadows;
For if a picture, 'tis enough,
A Newton or a Jamie Duff:
Nor would I recommend to Walter
This scheme of copperplates to alter,
Since others at the samen prices
Propose to give a dish that nice is,
Folks will desert his ordinary,
Unless, like theirs, his dishes vary.
To Williamson, and his resetters,
Dispersing of the burial letters,
That they may pass with little cost
Fleet on the wings of penny-post;
Always providing and declaring,
That Peter shall be ever sparing
To make, as use is, the demand
For letters that may come to hand,
To me address'd, while locum tenens
Of earth and of corporeal penance;
Where, if he fail, it is my will,
His legacy is void and null.
Dispersing of the burial letters,
That they may pass with little cost
Fleet on the wings of penny-post;
Always providing and declaring,
That Peter shall be ever sparing
To make, as use is, the demand
For letters that may come to hand,
To me address'd, while locum tenens
Of earth and of corporeal penance;
Where, if he fail, it is my will,
His legacy is void and null.
Let honest Greenlaw be the staff
On which I lean for Epitaph.
And that the Muses at my end
May know I had a learned friend,
Whate'er of character he's seen
In me thro' humour or chagrin,
I crave his genius may narrate in
The strength of Ciceronian Latin.
On which I lean for Epitaph.
May know I had a learned friend,
Whate'er of character he's seen
In me thro' humour or chagrin,
I crave his genius may narrate in
The strength of Ciceronian Latin.
Reserving to myself the pow'r
To alter this at latest hour,
Cum privilegio revocare,
Without assigning ratio quare:
And I (as in the will before did)
Consent this deed shall be recorded:
In testimonium cujus rei,
These presents are deliver'd by
To alter this at latest hour,
Cum privilegio revocare,
Without assigning ratio quare:
And I (as in the will before did)
Consent this deed shall be recorded:
In testimonium cujus rei,
These presents are deliver'd by
R. Fergusson.
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