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VERSES upon the most remarkable Men and Women mentioned in the BIBLE.


Adam was plac'd in pleasant paradise,
Had all the herbs and fruits therein, to choice
Which he should eat, and which he should forbear,
Except one tree, whose fruits most dang'rous were,
Forbid him (on this peril) by that God
Of whom he held his life, and bless'd abode.


Eve, not contented with her bless'd estate,
Believ'd the serpent that she'd be more great,
Did eat of the forbidden fruit, and gave
Her husband also, that he might perceive
Things that he knew not, both of good and evil,
As she had heard and learned of the devil:
But disappointment was their wretched fate;
Instead of knowing more, to their regrete,
They knew far less, and both were quickly driv'n
From paradise, and lost their claim to heav'n.


Abel was good; God therefore him preferr'd,
And his first off'ring greatly did regard:
But Cain was evil; God did him neglect,
And to his off'ring did shew no respect:
Which was the cause the villain did embrue
His hands in blood, and his own brother flew.


Enoch was holy, and still pleased God;
Therefore on earth he had no long abode;
For God took him alive to heav'n, where he
Will reign and walk with him eternally.