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The Shamrock

or, Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, The Original Production of Ireland. To which are subjoined thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen: with practical proposals for a reformation [by Samuel Whyte]

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See! where Heaven profusely pours
All these Gifts in mingled Showers,
All their sweetest Odours breathe,
And form for Frederick's Brow a blooming Wreath;
Valour, as the springing Rose,
With a crimson Tincture glows;
Wisdom, as the Jonquil fair,
Scents the Zephyrs ambient Air;
While Virtue, as the snow-clad Lilly bright,
Streams on the wondering Eye a more unsully'd Light.



Science, Daughter of the Skies,
Bade his Genius early soar,
Bade the kindling Spirit rise,
And the Paths of Fame explore;
As from Intuition's Eye,
Refulgent, beams the keen all-piercing Ray,
With infelt Vigour hails its native Sky,
Bright with the Splendors of meridian Day:
Through Heavenly Glories led,
Then views the mighty Dead;
Thence of every Gift possest,
Which enlighten'd every Breast;
The Lustre which illum'd the Julian Name,
The steady Blaze expanding Peter's Fame,
And Alexander's Glow, the Energy of Flame.


Wrapp'd in the Glooms, embrowning Forests spread,
The fair Astræa pours her melting Woe;
In dim Obscurity she veils her Head,
While Indignation bids her Sorrows slow:
No longer, hark! the Fair complains,
Her lov'd, her darling Frederick reigns;
Rais'd and assisted by his powerful Hand,
Now she resumes her long-usurp'd Command:
Surmise, and Doubt, and dark Delay,
Affrighted fly, and yield the sovereign Sway;
No longer, Arts, nor double Frauds avail,
To Truth, alone, inclines the unerring Scale;


Pure flows the Stream of Justice from the Source,
With equal Current, and a gentle Force;
While Frederick, clad with terror-darting Awe,
Drives from the hallow'd Fount the Harpies of the Law.