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De sancta Martha
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De sancta Martha

Sein Martha god womman was as ȝe hureþ aldai telle
He[o] aueng oure Louerd in hure hous as it seiþ in þe gospelle
He[o] was Marie suster Magdalein as ȝe witeþ wel echone
We ne redeþ noȝt þat he[o] euere ibod mannes ymone
And hure soster Magdalein fol womman was inou


And þeos clannost þat miȝte be[o] & to clannesse euere drou
Ac Marie [is] nou mid God for hard lif he[o] gan lede
Ne be[o] þeruore noman in wanhope for sunne ne misdede
Fram Ierusalem hi were idriue þis two wymmen & hore broþer
In a ssipe to Marcile and wiþ hom mony anoþer
Martha was renable of speche & swuþe gracious wiþ alle
Þeruore þat folk to Cristendom þoru hure agrond gan valle
For anon so hi come into þe lond hi gonne hom wide sprede
Ech as wo seiþ a contreie nom to prechi and to rede
In þe contreie þat was Martha in a wode biside
A luþer dragon þer was wiþ alle þat slou men wel wide
He was half best & half fiss grettore þanne eny oxe
And lengore þanne eny hors þo he was fol woxe
Hoked were is teþ & longe for best he was to fore
Þer ne wende nomon þer aboute þat is lif nas sone forlore
For þe kunde þat he was best alonde men he gnou
As fiss in þe water he was and ssipes to gronde he drou
And adreinte þat folk al to gronde harm he dude inou
Men nemiȝte hom wite alonde ne awater þat he to gronde ne slou
Þe contreie com and cride a day on Martha al aboute
To helpe hom of þulke best þat hi ne dorste nower aroute
Þis womman nom holy water and a crois in hure honde
In þe wode heo wende aboute forte he[o] þat best fonde
He[o] fond him stonde & frete a man & al is limes drou
Þis womman ȝeode forþ baldeliche hardi heo was inou
Þat best he[o] sprengde wiþ holy water and þe crois held up anhei
Þe best stod stille as a ston þo he þe crois ysey
And bicom as milde as a lomb to don al hure wille


Martha it bet sore inou and euere it stod stille
So þat he[o] it þreu adoun and bonde it faste anon
Wiþ hure gurdel harde inou þat it nemiȝte a uot gon
Lo he[o] sede to þis folk ȝe seoþ him ouercome
Doþ wiþ him wat ȝe wolle for is miȝte him is binome
Þat folk ȝeode forþ anon wiþ staues and wiþ stones
And eche lime fram oþer hi drowe boþe fleiss & bones
Hi þonkede Martha anon elles it were wou
Þo miȝte hi go ware hi wolde þe contreie was siker inou
Martha bileuede and wonede þer in þulke contreie wel longe
In hard lif and orisons in penance wel stronge
Ac heo ȝeode & prechede ofte aboute gode soulen to wynne
Ac he[o] ne bileuede nower none stonde ar he[o] come þerto hure inne
A day as þis holy womman ouer þis water stod
And prechede men of Cristendom biside a gret flod
A ȝong man þere stod in þe oþer half þat in gret wille was ido
To hure hure prechi ȝif he weste ȝif he miȝte come þerto
So þat he gan to swymme forþ ouer forto wende
Ac is mester so uuel he couþe þat he dreinte atten ende
Monimen stode and iseie hou he sonk to gronde
Þan oþer day þere afterward his frend þat body fonde
Hi bere it to Martha anon and touore hure uet it caste
And sede hou he swam toward hire & adreinte attelaste
And bede as he was adreint for loue of hure prechinge
Þat he[o] fondede þoru Godes grace him to liue bringe
Martha uel doun acrois and spradde along to gronde
Louerd he[o] sede Iesu Crist þat þoledest harde wonde
Þat arerdest fram deþe to liue Lazar mi leue broþer
Þou ert myn hope þou ert mi loue Louerd & non oþer


As wislich as þou were my gist Louerd bidde ich þe
Arere þis man fram deþe to liue þat adreinte for me
Þis ȝongeman anon mid þis word aros fram deþe to liue
Þat folk made ioie inou and come þere aboute bliue
And turnde muche to Cristendom of þe contreie sone
And þonked Martha swuþe inou & herede muche hure bone
Martha liuede þere aboute and hard lif to hure nom
Wel studefastliche al hure lyf he[o] huld up Cristendom
Seueniȝt lengore þanne hure suster heo liuede in Godes lore
Ac hore noþer ne sei oþer biuore þritti winter ne more
Wel weste Martha of hure deþ for oure Louerd hadde ised
Wuche time he[o] ssolde deiȝe twelf monþe ar he[o] were ded
Þis holy womman al þat ȝer in strong siknesse lay
And forpined hure fleiss al awey in pine niȝt & day
Seueniȝt biuore þat heo deide angles of heuene he[o] sey
Marie soule hure suster bere to þe ioie of heuene anhei
Wiþ murie song & melodie Mar[tha] cride anon
And bad alle þat nei hure were to hure sone gon
Beoþ alle he[o] sede glad mid me for ich ise[o] mid min eiȝe
Angles bere mi soster soule to þe blisse of heuene heie
To Iesus þat hure maister was and mi gist also
And ichelle sone after wende for mi lif is nei do
Tendeþ þe taperes & let hom berne to my liues ende
And wakieþ wiþ me ich ȝou bidde forte ich henne wende
To siwi mi leue soster þat to þe ioie of heuene wende
Þis folk dude al hure heste and þe taperes sone tende
And woke wiþ hure studefastliche anon to hure endedaie
At midniȝt þe laste niȝt echone aslepe laye


A puf of winde þer com and bleu þe taperes out echone
Wakinde þer nas noman bote þis holy womman one
Deuelen come aboute hure þicke a bok an honde hi bere
Anon so Martha hom isey he[o] was nei wod for fere
Mi Louerd he[o] sede my leoue gist ssuld me fram min fon
Lo here hi beoþ to me icome to uorswolwe me anon
In hore boc hi bereþ iwrite al min luþer dede
Help me nouþe for icham anon forswolwe ich drede
Þo com Marie Magdalein hure leoue soster anon
Wiþ fair companie of uirgines and angles manion
Þe o suster to þe oþer com to helpe hure in hure fere
Ȝute he[o] þoȝte in þe kunde of blode in heuene þei he[o] were
Wiþ fair liȝt of heuene hi come þe taperes ek echon
Tende aȝen þis companie þe deuelen flowe anon
Þe on suster biclupte þe oþer and ioie inou hi made
Þo com oure Louerd him sulf adoun welle hi were so glade
Com he sede mi leue ostesse þou herborwedest me
And ichelle in þe blisse of heuene sone herborwe þe
Com forþ ichelle go touore þi tyme comþ wel sone
Al þat þe biddeþ in gode wille ichelle ihure hore bone
Oure Louerd and al is companie and þe Magdalein also
Wende to ȝarke a faire sege Martha on to do
Martha isei þane deþ nei as oure Louerd sulf hure tolde
He[o] let hure [bere] into þe court þe wolkene to biholde
Al bar in asken heo lay upriȝt þe crois touore hure stod
Swete Louerd heo sede mi leue gist þat ssaddest for me þi blod
Þi pore hostesse vnderuong Louerd bidde ich þe
Inne me in þe ioie of heuene as þou innedest mid me


He[o] let a clerk biuore hure þer þe passion anon rede
And þo he com to þe laste word þat deyinge oure Louerd sede
In þin honde swete Louerd mi soule ich here do
Mid þulke word heo let þat lif as oure Louerd dude also
To þe heie in of heuene he[o] wende wiþ him in inne to be[o]
Þat wiþ hure ere at inne was þe gist was hende and fre[o]
Þo oure Louerd hadde hure holi soule in hure kunde in ido
Þat bodi he leide is owe honde in is kunde in also
So holy buringe ne sei me neuere noþer er ne nou
For oure Louerd it burede is owe honde ichelle ȝou telle hou
Sein Fronton was a holyman þat an eorþe was þo here
Oure Louerd is deciple an eorþe he was & þe apostles iuere
Martha him hadde al forþ ibroȝt þo he ne couþe him sulf noȝt do
For is norise he huld hure euere & for is moder also
Þo Martha in hure uuel deþ lay þis holyman to hure com
And dude hure riȝte of Holi Churche as falþ to Cristendom
He ssrof hure & houseled ek boþe hi wope wel sore
Þo hi departi ssolde ato & togadere speke namore
Leue sone quaþ Martha icham al at liues ende
Bidde for me ȝif it is þi wille þat mi soule to heuene wende
Þou ert moder quaþ þis oþer siker of heuene blis
At þi buringe ichelle beo ȝif ichot wanne it is
In anoþer contreie þis holyman was þo heo was ded
He ne þoȝte noȝt muche of hure deþ ne do þat he hadde ised
As he wolde is masse singe riȝt as he bigan
As liȝtinge oure Louerd aliȝte adoun to þis holy [man]


Ȝif þou wolt he sede broþer voluelle þat þou bihete
Oure ostesse Martha þat þou iseie ar heo þat lif lete
Com forþ bliue & siwe me eorne þou most vaste
As heo me broȝte into hure hous ichelle hure attelaste
Wiþ oure Louerd þis holyman gostliche wende anon
Þo hi come to churche to þis cors baldeliche hi gonne in gon
Oure Louerd bar a boc an honde þe seruise him sulf he sede
Sein Fronton was as is dekne as it falþ to such dede
Þe clerkes hom answereþ alle hi nuste wat hi were
Þo þe seruise was ido þat bodi to eorþe hi bere
And burede it wiþ hore owe honde oure Louerd & sein Fronton
Of fairore buringe þanne þer was ne hurde ich neuere non
Sein Fronton wel sodeinliche fram þe place me nom
Ar þe buringe were al ido þat me nuste ware he bicom
Ac hou he was þanne inome ichelle ȝou telle sone
Oure Louerd bileuede and folueolde al þat þer was to done
Þat folk stod & gret wonder hadde wat man oure Louerd were
Strange man so he was such seruise to do þere
Þo oure Louerd wende þanne ward & þe seruise was al ido
On com and esste wat he were & wat he het also
He ne answerede him noȝt o word ac is bok he him bitok
And wende him sulf forþ is wei & þe oþer vndude þe bok
He ne uond noþing þer inne iwrite as he turnde uer & ner
Bote þe uers þat ichelle nou segge þat som is in þe sauter
In munde wiþoute ende þe riȝtfol ssel be[o]
Of uuel vrinnge a Domesday ne ssel noþing douti he[o]
Louerd wuch an holy uers bi a womman þis was
Þat þou Louerd þi sulf write holiore neuere nas


Sein Fronton at is masse stod and gostlich was eke þer
Is dekne ssolde is gospel rede and þe beneson esste er
He stod euere as he slepe ac he esste so ofte
Þat he as he awok of slepe gan to answerie softe
Broþer wy hastou þus ido ich was in þulke stude
To burie Martha mi moder as he[o] me hadde ibede
Mid oure Louerd ich wende þuder & mid him ich was þere
And nou þou me hast hider icluped ar heo ibured al were
In muche sor hastou me ibroȝt wy hastou þus ido
Mine glouene ich bileuede þer and mi ring also
Ich bitok is þe sextein þe wile we dude wat was to done
And þou me clupedest wanne [ich] ne miȝte take is aȝen so sone
Leteþ a man is vecche anon bitime he may ȝute come
Þe ȝute þe man was þuder iwend in þe churche ȝerd he fonde [is] sone
Ac arst was oure Louerd þanne iwend & þo he þuder com
Is ring and is one gloue of þe sextein he nom
And bar aȝen & is louerdinges al þat soþe tolde
Ac þe oþer gloue as relike þere was atholde
Sein Fronton dude on is gloue and is ring also
And song forþ is masse anon as riȝt was to do
Nou Louerd for þe heie loue þat þou kuddest Martha þere
Bring us to þe heie blisse þat þin angles hure soule bere