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The West Angles or Gevissi's Lights
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The West Angles or Gevissi's Lights

At Dorcester Birine was Bishop, who
Did Conigild King of the Gevissi
Or the Est Saxons over varnish so,
With Romish Ceremonies flush whereby
Bede there Conversion doth to him apply.
Then Agilbert the Franck from Ireland came
Sat in this seate awhile; but in a tutch
Wafts ore the main to France. Then fell the same
To Vine, who sat at Woster, but a smutch
Be fell King Cynigild. He dropt from such.
He thus apostatizing, Vine goes hence
To Vulfery the Mercian King, and buys
The Bishoprick of London, did dispence
His Light therein; after the Gevissies
Have Elutherius of a French sise.
He rulde them many years and by his aide,


Maildulph the Scot founds Malmsbury Monastry

And so laid down his hilts as its said
After he had restor'd the Gevissi
With Cynigild from his Apostasy.