University of Virginia Library


Illvstr. XV.

[The Figure of a Storke in elder dayes]

A Shepherd carefull of the Sheepe,
At all times, faithfull Watch doth keepe.

The Figure of a Storke in elder dayes,
Was us'd in Hieroglyphick, many wayes:
But, when one Foote, thus grasp'd a Peple-stone,
The other being firmely fixed on
The Staffe Episcopall; in that position,
It makes an Emblem, of a late edition:
By some, thought not improper, to expresse
Their painefull, and their serious, watchfulnesse,
Who take upon themselves, the Pastorall care;
And, in that Function, truely watchfull are.
The Shepherds-Crooke, doth some expression make
Of that regard, which, of their Flocks, they take.
The Peble in the Foote, doth seeme to showe,
That, these must farther diligence bestowe,
(And, use their utmost pow'r) themselves to keepe
From slothfull Ease; and from intemp'rate sleepe:
For, he that hath such Duties undertooke,
(And, must the lives of others overlooke)
Shall finde himselfe, unto himselfe become
A burthen, and a Charge more troublesome
Then all his Flocke, unles, he still provide
His owne, as well as others waies, to guide.
Now, though this Emblems Morall doth concerne
The Clergie most; yet, hence we all may learne
Strict watch to keepe; since, unto all that bee,
A Watchmans place belongs, in some degree.
Which, to discharge, if wee endeavour, still,
Our universall Shepherd aide us will,
And us from harmes and error he will keepe,
For, Hee that guardeth Isr'ell doth not sleepe.