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Ah! Jessie! how I envy thee!
Thou dwellest 'mang the mountains,
'Mid breezes pure as thou canst be,
And lochs and laughing fountains!
I would I were beside thee there,
My brow to free winds baring,
To scale dear Scotland's rocky heights,
Wi' foot o' fearless daring.
I would I had a highland home,
Wi' simple comforts smiling,
Where those I luve alone could come,
The canny hours beguiling.
The wimpling burn should lave my feet,
I'd seek the sunny brae;
I'd braid my hair wi' gowans sweet,
And bless the lee-lang day.


Alas! condemned, wi' heart o' care,
To London's crowded street;
The thought o' highland sun and air,
Fu' oft will gar me greet!