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At a Courte helde for Virginia the 10th Iulij 1621

At a Courte helde for Virginia the 10th Iulij 1621


Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Alder: Iohnson.  mr Gibbs. 
Sr Antho: Palmer.  Sr William Newce.  mr Wrote. 
Sr Phillip Cary.  mr Deputy Ferrar.  Dr Winstone. 
mr Wm: Spencer.  mr Wroth.  Dr Anthony. 
mr Georg Sandys. 
mr Smith. 
mr Nicho: Ferrar. 
mr Risley. 
mr Holloway.  mr Casewell.  mr Lawrence. 
mr Cartwright.  mr Barnarde.  mr Couell. 
mr Abdy.  mr Wiseman.  mr Leuor. 
mr Tucker.  mr Ayres.  mr Newporte. 
mr Palmer.  mr Edwards.  mr George Smith. 
mr Whitley.  mr Ruggell.  mr Fellgate. 
mr Darnelly.  mr Essington.  mr Morrice. 
Capt Hamor.  mr Chamberlyn.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Bull. 
mr Bagwell.  mr Woodall.  mr Hackett.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Ewre.  mr Wells.  mr Colethurst.  mr Webb. 
mr Robertℯ.  mr Harte.  mr Dawes. 

Mr Deputie signified, that the occasion of warninge the Courte this
present day was to acquainte them with the aryvall of the Bona Noua
rydinge att anchor neer the Ile of Wight by wch Ship haveinge received
divers letters, and one generall letter from the Counsell of State in
Virginia directed to the Company here hee thought fitt to imparte itt
vnto them att this meetinge and thervppon prayed they would attend


the hearinge of them, wch beinge read the p̱ticular relac̃ons gave the
Companie verie great content to heare that som̃ Staple Comodities, as
Vines, and silke, began to be planted accordinge to the Companies
former dir̃ections and that they prospered with soe good successe, as
allso to heare of a confirmac̃on of a Peace, and of a League wth the
Indian Kinge wherby not onely a great trade and com̃erce wth them
hearafter for Corne and other Comodities is like to ensue and good
means allso for converting them to Christianytie and to draw them to
live amongst our people; [250] Butt fitt occasions likewise seems now
to be offered of further Discoueries vp into the Countrie both for the
findinge out of the South Sea and Certaine Mynes menconed in the
said letters ∥wch∥ will vndoubtedlie conduce ∥to the∥ great honor and
enlargment of the generall Plantac̃on in a short time; Ther was also
read vnto the Company a Relac̃on of three seuerall Voyadges made
this last Sum̃er one to the Southward to Roanocke made by mr Mar-
maduk Rayner.[930]
The Bona Noua returnd
The L̃res reade.
3 Seuerall Voy-
adges made one by
mr Marmaduk

A Second by Ensigne Sauadge in the great Bay wherin is a relac̃on of
a great Trade of Furrs by Frenchmen: A Third mr Dirmers Discou-
eries from Cape Charles to Cape Codd vp Delawarr Riuer, and Hud-
sons Riuer beinge butt 20: or 30 Leagues from our Plantac̃on and
within our lymitℯ in wch Rivers were found divers Ships of Amster-
dam and Horne who yearly had there a great and rich Trade for
Furrs, wch have moved the Gouernor and Counsell of State in Virginia
ernestly to solicite and invite the Company to vndertake soe certaine
and gainefull a Voyadge mr Chamberlyn likewise informed the Compa:
of the great Trade that the Frenchmen had in those p̱ts of Virginia to
their infinite gaine wch might wth farr less charge and greater ease be
vndertaken by the Company.

a 2d by Ensigne
a 3d by mr Dirmer.

This beinge done mr Deputy further signified that the Bona Noua was
∥nowe∥ returned from Virginia, staied onely for direcc̃on from hence
to what Porte shee shall repayre, shee beinge laden wth some 40: or
50000 waight of Tobacco (as hee heard) for the generall Invoice hee
had not as yett received wherof by mr Peirce ye Cape Marchantℯ


ɫres there appeared to be about 16000 waight vppon the Accompt of
the Old Magazine and about 11000 vppon the Accompt of the last
yearℯ Magazine whervppon the Courtℯ resoluc̃on was that ther should
be order giuen to ye mr to dep̱t instantlie for the Porte of Middle-
burrow in Zealand and that the goods should be deliu9ed to mr Arthur
Swaine sentt ouer formerlie as the Companies Factor and that hee
should take them vpp accordinge to the Invoyces, and receave the
ffraight of 3d p̱ pound due vnto the Company and afterwards deliuer
the generall parcell to the Owners or to whome the Owners here
should consigne them; And in p̱ticular the Adventurers of the Old
Magazine concerninge the disposinge of theirs did order.
The Ship to de-
parte for ye Porte
of Middlebrough.
The Goods to be
deliuered to mr
Arthur Swaine
and hee to receaue
ye Fraight of 3d

That mr Swayne vppon receipt of the ffraight of 3d p̱ pound should
deliuer the Tobacco belonginge vnto them to mr Iohn De Clark whom
by the p̱swasions and recom̃endac̃ons of mr Alderman Iohnson and
mr Chamberlyn they did choose to be their ffactor.

mr Swaine to de-
liuer ye Tobacco to
mr Io: De Clark

They entreated mr Abdy, mr Chamberlyne, mr Essington and mr Bull
to meete and consult concerninge the sale of this Tobacco nowe come
home and ther vppon to write their letters of advise and direcc̃on to
mr Iohn De Clark speedylie to try the markett and to returne them
answer how the prizes went, mr Alderman p̱swadinge that the deferr-
inge of the sale a little while would cause a good rise in the price.

A Comittee to Con-
sult about ye sale
of ye Tobacco.

Mr Chamberlyn and mr Bull were entreated to keep accompt of this
present returne and to take order for discharge of the ffraight and all
other duties and itt was ordered that all such monneys as mr Iohn De
Clark should receave vppon Sale of the said Tobacco should be made
ouer to mr Abrah: Chamberlin and mr Richard Bull who for ye same
are to be accomptable to the Magazine Company. [251]

mr Chamb̴len and
mr Bull to keep
accompt of this
present returne

Lastlie vppon the importunate desire of the Adventurers of the Mag-
azine to come to some head in this intricate and tedious Stocke, mr
Essington was desyred with all expedic̃on to make redy the Accompt
some time the next weeke and to present itt to the Auditors appoynted
by the last Quarter Courte to whome for the speedyer p̱fectinge of the
buisines were added mr Abdy & mr Bull.

mr Essington to
make redy ye Ac-


Vppon the Right Honorable the Ea: of Southamptons recom̃endac̃ons
of mr Bolton Minister for his honestie and sufficiencie in Learninge,
and to vndertake the care and charge of the Mynistry, The Company
have been pleased to entertaine him for their Mynister in some vacant
place in Virginia and have therfore referred him to the Comitee to be
treated and concluded wth touchinge his allowance and seated where
they shall thinke fitt and most convenyent for him.

mr Bolton ye Myn-
ister entertayned.

A moc̃on was made yt mr Iohn Pontice §aswell§ in respect of his
owne worth and sufficiencie as allso in reward of his paynes and
endeavors in the Companies service that some place of Comaund
might be bestowed vppon him, and for somuch as ther was so great
vse of a Vice Admirall in Virginia to take care of the Companies
Ships that cam thither and of other matters thervnto app̱teyninge; Itt
was therfore desired the said place might be conferred vppon him wch
the Courte consented vnto, and ordered his Comission to be drawne
vpp for the execuc̃on of the said place, provisionally for one yeare,
and after duringe the Companies pleasure recom̃endinge itt to ye next
Quarter Courte for confirmac̃on.

mr Iohn Pountice
to be Vice Admi-

ffor somuch as mr Peirce Cape marchant had now sent home his
Accomptℯ by this Ship the Bona Noua, Itt was desired that the Com-
ittees appoynted to meet to morrow, would please to examine and
p̱vse the same.

Comittees to ex-
amine mr Peirce

The Contract made wth William Ewens mr of the George accordinge
to an order of Court held the second of May last beinge now presented
and read, and likewise that p̱te wch hee was to seale vnto the Company
The Court did approue therof and gave order to mr Deputy to see
them sealled, And did allso allowe of the letter written on mr Ewens
behalfe to the Gouernor and Counsell of State in Virginia who were
entreated to p̳cure for mr Ewens what fraight they could homewards
in recompence of the losse hee susteyned by carryinge a less fraight
outward in the George then is vsuall for a Ship of her burthen onely
to accomodate Sr Frauncis Wyatt and some other gentlemen the better
in the said Shipp.[945]

The Contract wth
mr Ewens to be
The L̃re written to
ye Gouernor in his
behalfe allowed.


Itt beinge signified yt Capt Norton had p̢sented a bill of a greater
charge then hee had form9ly p̳posed vnto the Comittee amountinge to
80li wch hee demaunds p̱tly for cleeringe the apparrell of the Itallyann
gentlemen glasemen engaged for debt, and p̱tly for buyinge some
materialls for their Glass worke wthout wch they could doe nothinge
wch if the Compa: would please to discharge and sattisfie they should
have for their securitie to be repayd againe the goods of the said Itall-
yans turned ou9 to them [252] vntill ye said workmen might be able
to sattisfie that debt out of the profittℯ of their labor, This beinge
taken into considerac̃on itt was at length thought fitt that hee be
referred to the former Comittee to be treated wth aboute the same,
who are to make reporte how itt may be done wth out too great charge
vnto the Company.

Capt Norton pre-
sentinge his bill is
referred to ye Com̃-

Itt was signified that the Ladie Lawarr desyred the Court would
please to graunt her a Comission dyrected to Sr Fraunces Wyatt, mr
George Sandys and others to examine and certifie aswell what goods
and monny of her late husbands deceased came to the handℯ of mr
Rolfe in the year 1611 and to require yt accordinge to his promise
shee may be sattisfied. And allso to cause the Cape Marchantℯ and
some others of the olde Planters to examine how Captaine Argoll dis-
posed of and to whose vse hee imployed the goods and provisions
transported in the Neptune 16i8 appearinge to be of no lesse value
then 1500li wherby shee is to demand sattisfacc̃on for the same; The
Courte hervppon ordered that the Gouernor, mr George Sandys, mr
Thorpe and some others whom they should thinke good should take
the p̢mises into their considerac̃on, and enquire what goods and Debtℯ
belonged to the late Lord Delawarr deceased and to whose hands they
came and were com̃itted, And whatsoever shall appeare vppon exam-
inac̃on and proofe to be due to cause a restituc̃on to be mad to their
vttermoste value, or otherwise certifie vnto the Company here, that
they may take such order therin for the recouery of them or the value
as allso of ye debtℯ as to iustice shall app̱taine; Provided that her
Lap: out of the worth of the said goods take order yt the Company
may be sattisfied for the Debt they stand engaged for her said hus-
band the Lord Lawarr accordinge to an order of Court the 14th of
March 16i8 and an other formerly made the 14th of Ianuary 16i8.

My Lady Lawarrs
request to graunt
her a Comission


Request was made that such adventurers as were willinge to subscribe
towards a Ioynt Stocke for sendinge a Magazine to Virginia to sup-
ply ye Colony wth apparrell and other necessaries (wherof they were
in great want) would please to vnderwrite to the Roll of p̱chment
what some they are willinge to adventure yt p̢parac̃on might be made
accordinglie in due time some haveinge allredie begann to subscribe
to that purpose.

Request made to
ye Aduenturers to
vnderwrite to ye

The Court beinge informed that the Comittee for the distributinge of
Shares vppon merritt haveing mett the iith of Iune last and taken into
their considerac̃ons the petic̃on of Capt: Maddison, and fyndinge that
hee hadd deserved well of the Company by his constant endeavors many
waies to doe them service, did thinke fitt for his encourragment to
graunt him and his wife their transport att the Companies charge and
two shares of Land and hearafter when the Compa: shalbe able they
thinke fitt hee have two boyes sent him to ∥be∥ his Apprentizes out
of the first number shalbe sent, & besides shalbe especially recomended
to the Gouernor, all wch allowances the Court did very well approve
of and assented thervnto.

Capt Madison &
his wife to haue
their passage free,
& 2 shares of Land
and to haue 2 Boys
sent him

ffor so much as itt appeared yt mr Whittakers had obeyed the Com-
panies orders in buildinge a Guesthouse for entertaynment of Sicke
p̱sonns and for ye releife and comforte of such as came weake from Sea
and had allso begunn to plant vines, Corne and such good Comodities
and rayled in 100 Acres of ground, itt was moved yt the Court would
please to bestowe some reward vppon him for his better encourrag-
ment in soe good a course, Whervppõ itt was agreed and ordered that
hee should have two boyes sent him when the Compa: shalbe able and
that the reward of Tobacco allowed him by the Gouernor of Virginia
shalbe confirmed vnto him. [253]

2 Boys to be sent
to mr Whittakers,
and to haue ye re-
ward of Tobacco
confirmed vnto

Vppon the humble petic̃on of mr Cutbert Essington yt the Court
would please to pay for his passage home and free him from the
Condic̃on of a Tenñant to ye Phisicians place seeinge Doctor Bohune
wthout his consent or knowledg had tyed him thervnto, wheras hee
onely went vppon his owne Adventure with Dr Bohune (as hee made


to appear vnder the Doctors hand) in regard herof and for that itt was
testified by the Counsell of States letters to the Company hee had done
good service in the ffight, wth two Spanish Ships of warr, wher Doctor
Bohune himselfe was slaine; The Court was pleased to graunt him
his request to sett him free and pay for his said passage
mr Cutbert Essing-
ton to be sett free
and to haue his
passage free to

Vppon the humble petic̃on of mrs Newporte widdowe, the Court
ordered that Sr Frauncis Wyat thelect Gouernor and the rest of the
Counsell of State in Virginia should be treated to sett out 32 Shares
of Land in Virginia heretofore bestowed vppon Capt Christo: New-
porte her late husband deceased in reward of his service with an
addic̃on of three wholl Shares for the p̱sonns of 6 men transported
att her charge in the Ionathan Anno 1619 in any place not alredy
disposed of wch is com̃ended to the care of Captaine Hamer to see itt
done accordinge to mrs Newportℯ desire.

Sr Fra: Wyatt to
sett out 32 shares
of Land for mrs
Newporte, and 3
whole shares for 6
men transported.

The Courte takinge the petic̃on of Thomas Webb into their considera-
c̃on have agreed and ordered yt hee shall have 3. Shares of Land old
Adventure in considerac̃on of his Adventure of his monny and p̱sonn
into Virginia and to desire the Gouernor of Virginia att his cominge
ouer to sett out his said Land for him in any place not alredie
disposed of.

Tho: Webb to haue
3: shares of Lande.

Vppon the humble petic̃on of Ioice ffreake a poore distressed widdowe
that the 2 Shares of Land formerly bestowed vppon her by order of
Courte the 13th of Ivne last in respect of hir p̱sonall adventure and for
some certaine goods shee p̢tended shee had lefte in Virginia into the
Companies store might be confirmed vnto her vnder the Companies
Seale and direcc̃on given for settinge out of the said Land, Itt is ordered
that Shee shall have a graunt or confirmac̃on of the said Lands vnto
her, and her heirs and assignes for ever vnder the seale of the Company.

Ioice ffeakes 2
shares to be con-
firmed to her vn-
der ye Compa:



These letters were probably those mentioned in List of Records, Nos. 238, 241, 243–245, 247–249,
pages 147 and 148, ante.


This contract is cited in List of Records, No. 256, page 149, ante.