University of Virginia Library

To Colonel Bellville.

LORD! these prudes–no, don't let me injure her–these people of high sentiment, are so tremblingly alive all o'er– there is poor Harry in terrible disgrace with Lady Julia for only kissing her hand, and amidst so bewitching a scene too, that I am really surprized at his moderation;–all breathed the soul of pleasure;–rosy bowers and mossy pillows, cooing doves and whispering Zephyrs–I think my Lord has a strange confidence in his daughter's insensibility, to trust her in these seducing groves, and with so divine a fellow in company! –But, as I was saying, she takes the affair quite seriously, and makes it an offence of the blackest die–Well, I thank my stars, I am not one of these sensitive plants; he might have kissed my hand twenty times, without my being more alarmed than if a


fly had settled there; nay, a thousand to one whether I had even been conscious of it at all.

I have laughed her out of her resentment, for it is really absurd; the poor fellow was absolutely miserable about it, and begged my intercession, as if it had been a matter of the highest importance. When I saw her begin to be ashamed of the thing, Really, my dear, says I, I am glad you are convinced how ridiculous your anger was, for ill-natured people might have put strange constructions.–I know but one way of accounting rationally–if I was Harry, I should be extremely flattered–one would almost suppose–This answered;–I carried my point, and transferred the pretty thing's anger to me; it blushed with indignation, drew up, and, if mamma had not happened to enter the room at that instant, an agreeable scene of altercation would probably have ensued: she took that opportunity


of retiring to her apartment, and we saw no more of her till dinner, when she was gracious to Harry, and exceedingly stately to me.

O mon Dieu! I had almost forgot: we are to have a little concert this evening; and see, my dear Lord appears to summon me. Adio! Caro!

A. Wilmot.