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Mary Tudor

A Tragedy. Part the Second

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Scene I.

Gallery over gateway, Whitehall Palace.
Queen's ladies enter in confusion: after them the Queen attended by Gardiner and others.
Madam, we fear all's lost if you rest here.
We pray you to take refuge in the Tower—
Your boat lies ready manned at Whitehall stairs.

Fly? never! Arundel and Oxford true,
My foot stands firm!
Enter Caley.
Sir Henry Jerningham
Bids your Grace fear not for Saint James' Tower.
Bull-headed Cobham batters it in vain.
But much we doubt weak Ludgate may be forced.

What rampant knave is he, who in the front


Of brave old Gage, makes Charing pavement ring
With his black, foaming charger?

Captain Knevett.

Knevett or knave—an if he spurred as hotly
As he can rein, the good old knight were down.
Ho! by the Rood! the knave can spur—and see,
Sir John rolls in the dust—O save him, knights!

Will not your Grace retire? this oriel window
Is perilously sloped to rebel shafts.
What if thus stricken—

Haply I should die;
And thus these woes surcease.

And were that well
For England?

In good sooth, I think not so.
I will be wise and wary. Lo! brave Southwell
Draws up his battle-axes in the front;
And shall protect us.
[She leans from the window.
Gentlemen, in you
We place our trust: abandon not your post.


The troops give way—

Then I will lead them on!
Bring helm and cuirass—though this hand can wield
No sword, at least it can direct a horse;
And teach you how to ride a rebel down.

[Exit attended.
Bears not our Queen a valiant heart? Behold her
Forth issuing from the gate, beckoning her men.
Nor shot of arquebuss, nor push of pike,
Heeds she. Hark!—what a shout! Her work is done!

Re-enter the Queen attended.
We have struck well: the Lord of Hosts be praised!
And rash rebellion grovels in the dust.
Vengeance has done her part. Be it our care
That no just ground of discontent remain.
Summon the council: much is to be done.

An edict setting forth your Grace's title


Should be prepared.

Be careful, clearing that,
To cast no stigma on my sister's birth.
Too much for England's peace may be inferred.
Enough for me that union whence I sprung,
Which Thomas Cranmer most ungodlily
And against law, by wresting texts and reason,
Dissevered, now is held inviolate.
Stablish my throne, remembering I am mortal.
Take heed to ope no quicksand that shall swallow
Succeeding thrones. Save England with my sister.
There is no evil like domestic war.
