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—A grand illuminated Banquet Hall—in the centre a Gothic Canopy of State, under which are placed three State chairs, on two of which are seated Matilda and Mary—a band of music divided on each side of the Stage in correspondent Orchestras—tables richly ornamented, and decorated with a profusion of Viands, Fruits, &c. —The Clan of Athlin discovered, Ladies attendant on Matilda, &c. in various attitudes and situations.
A flourish of music—Osbert enters, introducing Alleyn, who bows to the Chiefs, is gladly welcomed —Principal Minstrel comes forward with golden flask and goblet.
Flow regal stream (offers it to Alleyn, who drinks)
Minstrels chaunt forth the glee,

Which calls our Clan to deeds of Chivalry.

Scotia's Champions bold advance,
Wield the sword, the shield, the lance.


Exert your might,
In mimic fight:
The Martial strain, the Clash of arms,
To noble deeds the bosom warms!

Combats with the broad sword, dagger, and sword and shield take place to music, in which Alleyn proves victorious—Osbert presents him to his Mother and Sister—Mary descends, dances a Pas Seul, at the close of which he kneels, and receives a triumphal scarf from her hands, and accompanies her to her seat—music sounds—Osbert snatching up a goblet in his left hand, and, drawing his sword with his right, comes forward, the Clan follows his example.
Brave Clan of Athlin join with fond accord
To the memory of our departed Lord!

They kneel and drink—the Castle horn is sounded, and Warder enters, followed by Edric, and the Clan of Dunbayne—Carron bearing a standard with the following inscription:

“Malcolm once more demands the hand of Mary.”


Matilda and Mary shudder at the perusal—Osbert, almost choaked with rage, with a stamp commands Edric to retire, all joining him in treating the demand with contempt and defiance.

Inform your Tyrant Lord, that Athlin's pride,
By threats or promises rests unsubdued!
High Heaven forbids his race shou'd be allied,
To one yet reeking with a Parent's blood!

Edric starts abashed by this reproof; but Carron, disdainfully turning the standard, displays the following threat:

“Dread Malcolm's Vengeance.”

Osbert's Clan half draw their swords—Malcolm's retorts defiance, and is led off by Carron, Edric despondently following.—Osbert, coming forward, kneels, and points his blade to Heaven, all follow his example.

This be our sacred pledge—here we unite!
And at our Gallant Leader's bold command;
Impetuous will hasten to the fight!
And drive the tyrant spoiler from the Land!


Matilda and Mary take leave of Osbert and Alleyn during the following
Brave Osbert, Athlin's gallant Lord,
The very flower of all his Clan;
Thus boldly draws his Highland sword,
To prove himself a Highland Man!
In Tartain plaid, his Troops array'd,
To curb the vaunting Foe unite;
We scorn to yield—high Heaven our shield,
Will guard us in the thickest fight!

Osbert and Alleyn, at the head of the Clan, march them off.