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A Tragedy, In Five Acts

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An inner court of the castle, lighted by a lamp over the gateway, the stage otherwise dark. Enter Diego and two servants, with dark lanterns, speaking loud and confusedly as they enter.
1st serv.
I could be sworn to it. Go tell my lord:
Why hold we here such idle altercation?

He must not be disturbed.

1st serv.
How not disturbed?

Enter Carlos above, looking down from an open corridor.
Ho! who are ye who talk so eagerly?
What is the matter?

1st serv.
The murderer is found: come down, Don Carlos!
For we would fain pursue him through the wood,
But thus unarm'd we dare not.

[Exit Carlos above.


2d serv.
Ay, he is coming: he will be our warrant,
And tell us what to do.

Re-enter Carlos below.
Well, friends, what did you say? the murderer?

1st serv.
Yes; I can swear 'tis so: I would have followed him,
But, lacking arms, I durst not.

2d serv.
So would I.

1st serv.
Give us some stout companions and good weapons,
And, scatt'ring different ways, we'll scour the wood,
And seize him shortly.

In the wood ye found him?

2d serv.
Yes; as we went, out-stripping our companions,
To bear Don Juan's body to the castle.

How guess you 'tis the murderer?

1st serv.
A youthful cavalier for several days
Has been secreted in the wood. I've seen him;
And the dark form that cross'd my light e'en now
I could be sworn is he.

It is not likely that the murderer
Should be so near the slain. He would, methinks,
Run from the spot forthwith.

True, ne'ertheless
A mind distracted in a wood so tangled
Might run and make no way. (To servants.)
Go ye forth:

I will myself assist your search. But, first,
We'll fetch our weapons. Ha! what noise is that?
[Noise without.
'Tis voices at the gate.

1st serv.
It is the body.

(Voice calling from the outer court.)
Ho, there!
Who watch within? Lend us your aid,
We know not where to bear it.

It is the body.

[Exeunt, running eagerly through the gateway.
Enter Mencia below, who has appeared before listening in the corridor.
He will be found and seiz'd: they'll have no mercy.
The dreadful doom! O heaven, have pity on him!

Enter Inez.
What is the matter, madam? Whither go you?

I cannot tell.

Go in, I do beseech you,
And stay in your apartment. I, mean time,
Will be upon the watch, and bring you word
When they return. Think you that there has been,
For I have listen'd too, a cavalier
Secreted in the wood?

No; heed me not;
I know not what I say.

Yet stay not here, lest you should raise suspicion;
Return to your apartment; be entreated.

[Exeunt, Inez leading off Mencia.