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Scene IV

—Holyrood; the vaults under the ruined Abbey
Enter the Queen and Darnley
What whiffs of air! The place is like a skull,
A stony cap for draughts. Some ancient king
Plays tick-and-touch with me. Zounds, it is jolly
To feel the creeps o' Time.

There is an echo;
Move quietly . . . wherefore do you gasp and sigh?

I cannot get along; this broken pavement
Keeps tripping me. So! We have passed the place
Of the raw grave.

It swelled across my heart
That he was yonder—David!

My true servant,
I shall regret him every day I live.


And with good cause. Speak low! Here is the issue,
The moonlight, faithful Erskine. (To Erskine)
To your croup,

My squire! What heat there is about your face!
Traquair, you give me courage. I am safe.