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The Valley of the Jordan.
Chorus of People.
Behold, he comes!—he whose voice cried
For years within the Wilderness,
Unquelled by hunger, cold, distress!—
Prepare God's way, both straight and wide!
Each valley He shall fill—
Each mount and hill
Shall be brought low;
The crooked shall be straight in growth;
Rough ridge and row
Shall be made smooth;
And all flesh shall salvation see
In God's Paternity.


Enter John.
I do baptize men only for repentance,
Whence comes remission for your previous sins.
O, viperous generation! a Voice hath warn'd you
To flee from wickedness, which dragon-like
Pursues to rend you? Bring forth, therefore, fruits
Worthy of true repentance, nor fall back
On Abraham and the mist-clad patriarch times—
Whose sacred clouds and thunders none may scan—
For God is able of these stones to raise
Fresh children unto Abraham. Now, behold
The axe is laid unto the root; each tree
That bringeth not good fruit shall be cut down
And cast into the fire.

Chorus of People.
What shall we do?

He that two garments hath, let him give one
To those who need: he that hath food, do likewise.


Chorus of Publicans.
We, also, at thy hand
Would be baptized with holy dew,
In this our hopeful land:
Master! what should we do?

Exact no more than justice doth appoint.

Chorus of Soldiers.
Master! what shall we do?

Do violence to no man!—cease your trade
In bloody fields: seek ye the loom or plough:
Be false to none: content ye with your wage.

Full Chorus.
Who art thou?—say!
For we expect thy promised day,
When to all barren fields and sorrowing homes
Messiah comes!
And art thou he?


With water I baptize; a mightier one—
Albeit my brother, younger by six months —
Cometh, the dusty latchet of whose shoes
I am not worthy to unloose; and He,
With fire of life, and with the Holy Ghost,
Shall baptize all who are His chosen grain—
Casting the chaff away, to burn till lost
In ashes and the highway's common dust.


Luke iii. 7, 8, 9, etc.

Luke i. 36.