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A Tragedy

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Now let the herald summon to the walls
The proud Segestes.

[A trumpet sounds three times.
A Soldier.
(From the rampart.)
Why that piercing clangor?
What does your signal mean?

To call Segestes
To hear our terms of peace.

Lo! here at hand
Segestes comes.

(From the rampart.)
What now does Egbert mean?
Why am I summoned to the walls?


In pity
To all the wretched, miserable Band,
Whom you with fix'd hostility detain
Within those walls imprison'd, I have call'd you,
To treat in friendly parley.

Speak your purpose.

Lay down your arms, and with well-tim'd submission
Atone for errors past; throw wide your gates;
A general pardon will restore you all
To your lov'd friends, to life, and liberty.
With open arms your country will receive you.

Mistaken, artful man! is this a time
To lure us to your purpose? Lo! See there!
Far as my eye can strain, I see the Romans
On yonder plain that terminates the forest;
I see their eagles, their embodied legions;
O'er the wide field their spears, their shields, and javelins
Flash sudden gleams of fire.

There they must halt;
And there encamp. Should they attempt to wade
Through seas and pools, they'll meet with sure destruction.
Or ere they bring relief, our scaling ladders
Shall stand against your walls; our men shall form
Their military shell, to sap your works,
Burst down your gates with ruinous assault,
And in one general havoc all your friends
Will glut the soldiers rage.


In vain, proud man,
In vain these menaces; even now I see
The legions form their lines. Behold! see there!
The battle is begun. From yonder tow'r
I can survey the fortune of the field.
You have my answer.

[Exit from the walls.