University of Virginia Library


The Outward Apartment in the Womens Tent. A Guard of Eunuchs.
Enter Kisler Aga.
K. A.
Tis as I thought: Our Master is betray'd.
Whoever knew a Renegade sincere?
This Dog's a Christian still!

Enter Amasie.
The Victim's prepar'd.
If Lust holds on her Course, and revels yet
In the hot Veins of rash, luxurious Youth,
This Christian Heroine, this second Lucrece,
In Mahomet shall find another Tarquin,
As cruel and remorseless as the first.
If I shou'd fail in my Attempt to Night,
And Scanderbeg survive—Althea ravish'd—
He'll wish himself, I had succeeded better.
Dismiss your useless Train of prying Slaves;
I've Business that requires your Ear alone.
(Exeunt Eunuchs.


A Grecian Chief, who owns our Master's Cause,
Must be admitted to the Captive Princess.
'Tis of Importance to the Sultan's Service,
That he shou'd enter and depart unknown:
I'll introduce him, while you watch without
That none approach to give him Interruption.

This I conceive; but why he mov'd the Lady
To the remotest Part of the Pavilion
I cannot comprehend.

You know your Duty;
Your Life shall answer for the least Neglect.

I shall take Care— (Exit Amasie.)
to ruin thee, thou Traytor.