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Scene 3.
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Scene 3.

'Tis wisdom's property to frame redress
To each repugnance of our doubtfull Fate,
We may evade her Lawes necessity,
And wrest her Power to our purposes,
By the plurality of means we form
To guide us to our ends: To which effect
I must attempt to fortifie my Branch,
His tender youth may cherish and sustain
Our fortunes flourishing fertilitie.
Filathes ent.
Filat. encounterd in a discontented posture.
Filathes! How! So full of thought, alone?
What noble subject entertains thy Soul
Can justifie so firm a solitude?
'Tis not the idle dreams of Schooles, take on
The specious title of Philosophy,
Can do't: Nor yet those Gyves Morality
Hath forg'd to force the functions of the Soul
To Rule: As she were to dimension
Subject. Ease hath those useless trifles wrought
T'excuse the sloth of Natures vacant works,
She in the world superfluously hath cast:
Thy Birth and Fate call thee to greater things.


I am surpris'd.—Sr. if the Restriction
To himself.
Of my thoughts hath figur'd to your sense
An unbecoming sadness; 'twas only
The care to be in Action responsive
To their Summons. I might be worthy held
Those happy Beings, I extract from You,
And your fair Industry. Which Intention
With success to make good; I must request
The matter from your hand in some imploy,
On which I may a lasting glory raise.
My name may be no blemish to your story.

The fervour of thy youth I like, but not
Approve; be wise, and vainly not pursue
The inessential appearance of things:
Tast of the fruit, and glut thee with the food
Of Greatness: Leave the Ayery Pompe to those
Who fondly toyl their servitude to frame.
Let my experience trace thee out a way
Securely leads to thy Felicity.
All those endowments grace thy youth, are wont
To make Loves pursuit happy in success:
Prove their attaints on this fair Object we
Intitle to our Soveraignty. Loves rules
Regard not Policies distinctions.
Be Bold, Attempt and Thrive.

How indiscreet a sence my secret flame
To himself.
Would, unrestrained, to this purpose vent.

Nefærius enters.
Turns to Nefa.
Filathes attend me on the Terrace.
Turns to Fila.
exit Fila.
And how Nefarius? did the Souldiers Plumes
Couch their exalted heads? who swell'd with rage?
And who, with a more suff'ring dislike shrunk
His intelligent shoulders? whose shaking head
His wary Reservation, next, implyed?
Who with erected or reverted eye,
Dispenc't the cautions of his Jealousie?
These Notions are of consequence, Nefarius.


Your Honour shall know ev'ry circumstance
In fitter time. The Princes, now at hand,
Expects your conference on this subject:

How comes it to her ear so suddenly.

To the proceeding she a witnesse was.

My Order then was not observ'd with care,
Which charg'd you to divert her by some slight.

Such motives, often prest, were oft repulst.
Ex. Ne.

Return, I come, who would unblamed strike,
Must what he seems to do, not seem to like.
Ex. Si.