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Fedele and Fortvnio

The deceites in Loue : excellently discoursed in a very pleasaunt and fine conceited Comoedie, of two Italian Gentlemen

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Scena secunda.

Enter Medusa, Victoria, and Attilia, disguised like Nunnes, with lighted Tapers in their handes.
Crack-stone liftes vp his head out of the Tombe, and ducks downe againe, speaking this as followeth.
A rope on these passengers, I am in a miserable plight,
I think I shall not get out of this place this night.

Tis almoste one a clock, the fittest houre to binde the Sprites:
And compas euery thing, that best may further your delights.

Then let vs goe.

O che cricca di vacche? what cattell haue we heare?
Be they women, or deuils in the likenes of women that appeare?

Mistres take heed we be not spide, for that may breed vs harme:

No, no, but like a sorte of Nunnes vnto the Church we swarme.

Enter the Chappell, we will make as though we ment to pray:

Read good Medusa.

Ah miserable Pedante, would I were away,

I quiuer so fast, that I feele no ground:
Tis a company of witches I hould forty pound.

When begin you sweet hart?

Make haste you had need,
The day will approche, and the night gon with speed.

A rope on them all, they goe a catter-walling I trow,
Whome they meane to torment I would gladly knowe.

This water and this oyle I haue, is coniured as you see,
In the name of those Sprites that written on this Image bee.
Now must I write the name of him whom you so much doo loue:
Then binde these sprites, him to the like affection for to moue.
I charge you as you meane to purchase fauour in his sight:
And by the vertue of mine art, tell me his name aright.


Thats he that dooth my maister Fedele disgrace,
And this is Victoria disguised in place.

Your name vpon the brest, his on the forehead must I write,
Then coniure, now it is the stillest time of all the night.

Doe so.

I coniure thee thou waxen Image heere,
By Venus fruitfull wombe that Cupid bare:
That in Fortunios name thy force appeare,
To comfort fayre Victoria ful of care.
That by the vertue of mine Art thou be:
In this her greef a present remedy:
I coniure thee Fortunio at the length,
By head, eyes, eares, thy liuer and thy hart:
Thy Guttes, thy vaines, flesh, blood, bones, sinewes, strength,
Thy lights, thy lungs, feet, hands, and euery parte.
That presently thy brest be set on fier:
And all thy bowels boyle with hot desire.
Look that by night thou take no quiet rest,
By day thou lothe thy comfortable food:
Let euery ioy be daggers to thy brest,
See, heare, and touch naught that may doo thee good.
Til fancy make thee for a louer meet,
And throw thee down before Victoriaes feet.
Look that she neuer passe out of thy minde,

But paint her heauenly face in euery thought:
Looue her aboue all Creatures of her kinde,
Prosper not, till by thee her ioyes be wrought.
But waste as this melts at the candles flame:
Amen, fiat, fiat, in Cupidoes name.

What haue you doon? and is the Spirit come vp that you do call?

The greatest Feend of hell come and take you all.

With oyle of Uirgin waxe I thee annointe,
And signe, and marke thee with the holy Crosse:
In Venus name, I water euery ioynt.
That looue by thee may neuer suffer losse.

Now haue you doon?

It must be prickt, and set in greater heat:
Then the Spirits bound, before it doo the feat.

Make haste.

I Coniure you yee Sprites, whose names are on this Image writ:
And now rehearse you one by one, in order as you sit.
Nettabor, Temapttor, Vigilator, Somniator, Astarot, Berliche,
Buffon, Amachon, Suchon, Sustani, Asmodeus.

Ottomanus, Sophye, Turke, and the great Cham:
Robin goodfellowe, Hobgoblin, the deuill and his dam.
O vi possono portar in precipitio.

I coniure you, you foule infernall knot of baser Sprites,
By the moste Mighty power and force of that great God of looue:
Bothe by the Bowe and dreadfull dint of all his feathered Flights,
And by his wingges, and by the smoake of loouers scalding sighes.
And by the smart and sorowe, that this troubled dame dooth prooue:
By all the Planets that our hartes, to hate or liking mooue.
By the desires of her that hath Victoria vnto name:
By Venus Fillet, and the goulden pleasures of her game.
Breake loose I say, and trudge with hasty foot out of your denne,
Hunt and pursue, besturre your selues to seek Fortunio out:
Forsake with speed the stincking fogge of that your vgly fenne,
Possesse, and chace him, see that you returne no more again,
Till you haoue brught him down and humbled him, if he be stout,
Driue him with your tormenting gnawe, the Citie round about.
Goe make his bed of Thistles, and his seat of pricking thorne:
Untill you bring him hether vnto her that is forlorne.

Haue you doon Medusa?

Now must I stick a needle in his hart,
And prick him with the point, before we parte.

I pray you prick him well.

If that I strike the needle through, the gentleman will dye:

Then spare him good Medusa, touch him tenderly.

Heer they throw their candles into the Tombe where Crack-stone lyeth.
Now haue I doon, follow and throw your Tapers out of hand,
Into this Tombe that as you see, hard by vs heer dooth stand:
Set fier vnto their feet, and toast the corses of the dead,
That long haue slept within this place since they were buried.

But will this make him come, and then submit him selfe to mee?

Mistres it wil, and you th'euent therof shall shortly see:

Crack-stone riseth out of the Tombe with one candel in his mouth, and in eche hand one. The women and Pedante fly, crying the deuil the deuil. The women let fall the Image, and Crack-stone taketh it vp.
All is mine, ho, ho. ho. All is mine,
Diuils were smocks, in this latter time.
Such sights, as among the bones of the dead in this Tombe I haue seen:
Would haue made any man but my selfe,
out of his wittes to haue been.
Good Lord: once me thought I saw my Grandam trot round about
me in her gray peticote and her red cap,
Neuer since I was borne, was I taken in such a trap.
Another time me thought I saw the soules,
of all them that died for loue,
Cry out vpon Lady Uengeance, one that was such a fair
woman as nothing could moue.
Little Cuprit him selfe in the bottome of hell:
Curst fayer Lady Pilcher, for burning his skin with a Lamprell.
This coniugation put me in a terrible feare,
If it had continued longer, Termagant, Rawhead, Roste-meat, and
Eatbread, and all the armies of Deuils had been heer.
Whats this? somwhat I perceaue they haue let fall for haste,

An Image in waxe very pretely caste.
Fortunio is written in the forhead of the same,
And iumpe vpon his belly Victoriaes name.
This falleth out very well for me,
I'le sende this to Fedele that he and Fortunio the same may se.
This will make them to hate her wonderfully,
Then shall I haue her in spight of the pye.
What haue we here? a needle in his heart,
And names of Augrem writte round about it with Margaris arte.
Nettabor, Temptator, Vigilator, and Buffon.
They come, they come, they come, tis time to be gone.

Run away.