Misogonus | ||
Actus secundus
scena prima
Clamitant intus serviWhere is he lay houlde on him knoc[ke]
downe w
h him I will haue one ioynt [of]
some ons fleshe.
See yow not by the masse the knaves slipt away
my knighthodd is vtterly stanid for ever
a thousand pounde I had rather haue lost by this day
then this shoulde haue chaunced Ide haue fought my selfe lever.
Fye one yow beggars brattes what a praye haue we lost
a shame take yow slaves how haue you me vsed
Marry sir this Jacke prate will go boste
and say he hath cowde me. shall I thus be abused
I had rather haue found fortye pens my selfe that I had
If I take him right fort ile pay him oth peticote
Ys he gone gads sides. this is too badde
Ile giue him his olde fippens if it lye in my lote
Yow valiant vacabonndes why taried yow so longe
aledge a good cause or Ile rape you oth rages
We coulde not but we must haue sustained great wronge
and shamed your worshippe with my beggarly Jages
Why is not thy cote made of goode spanishe clothe
will not this livery your carcasse besime
To tell yow my selfe I am some what loth
I am so frayde that youle fall in a fime
Tel me then Orgalus as you feare my displeasure
Nay tell me in dede wt hout any laughter
Good Orgelus tell him if thou hast so much leasure
if thou nedst ile doe as much for the hereafter
Ith morninge to reviue his spirites I thinke
and to breade some goode bloude toth alhouse he went
and there calde in for a gallonde of drinke
meaninge a shillinge perhaps to haue spent
and to breade some goode bloude toth alhouse he went
and there calde in for a gallonde of drinke
meaninge a shillinge perhaps to haue spent
As he satt there a while a makeshift comes in
Offeringe to be partaker in the shote
to fill the cuppes Œnophilus a freshe doth beginn
when as the cosiner a fardinge had not
Offeringe to be partaker in the shote
to fill the cuppes Œnophilus a freshe doth beginn
when as the cosiner a fardinge had not
As I came & founde Œnophilus oth ale benche
[My master] sendes for yow (saide I) you must n******
**** [one] worde (quoth he) & then Ile goe *****
[My master] sendes for yow (saide I) you must n******
**** [one] worde (quoth he) & then Ile goe *****
Whats the shote ostis he says Ile be gone
Ten groates and year welcome he lookt for his purse
This cusner had filtcht it & left him alone
to pay for the reckninge and that werse.
Ten groates and year welcome he lookt for his purse
This cusner had filtcht it & left him alone
to pay for the reckninge and that werse.
h that when he sawe how the case wt
h him stode
he requested his ostice to trust him a weke.
not I Sr (quoth she) Ile none of that bith rode
so may perhaps my money goe seke.
he requested his ostice to trust him a weke.
not I Sr (quoth she) Ile none of that bith rode
so may perhaps my money goe seke.
Thers no remedye says he I my selfe am beguild
this pickpurse hath gotten my money & is fledd
she sayd nothinge but snatcht away wt h a wilde
his best liverye cote & in coffer it layde.
this pickpurse hath gotten my money & is fledd
she sayd nothinge but snatcht away wt h a wilde
his best liverye cote & in coffer it layde.
For his manner is when he waxeth once warme
to cast of his cote and take some colde aire.
sometyme perhaps he layst vnders arme
after one ginger bole he seldome doth it were
to cast of his cote and take some colde aire.
sometyme perhaps he layst vnders arme
after one ginger bole he seldome doth it were
When I saw how vnluckely this matter fell out
and the charge that yow gaue to bringe him in hast
I was faigne to goe trie my frendes all about
and so by this chaunce the tyme I did wast
and the charge that yow gaue to bringe him in hast
I was faigne to goe trie my frendes all about
and so by this chaunce the tyme I did wast
For trwly if he had come in his doublet ands house
he would haue made everie one your mastshipp to scorne
that old churle I am sure would haue borde you throughe nose
this trusse in all partes were so fouly torne
he would haue made everie one your mastshipp to scorne
that old churle I am sure would haue borde you throughe nose
this trusse in all partes were so fouly torne
Thou disardly dronkerd thou besillinge beast
Ile bum fiddle the in faith ile swaddle your skinn
must you be wt h your cherye boles makinge a feast
when one me yow should tende will you never linn.
O myne armes o my sides youle kill me bith mas
alas alas alas I praye yow strike not so sore
O my bones o my ribes a ladie & alas
Yf youle spare me this tyme ile never doe more.
sena 2
Intrat Cacurgus.Ca.
Gods sokinges houlde your handes stay ith quenes name
Ile be his suretie what spare him this once
haue a knave betwext you then fy stay for shame
Gods bodye what will yow lay me oth bones
Nay thou art well served for takinge his parte
dost thou drinke all thy thrift thou swilbold swadd
Yow hatt me oth costarde I beshrewe your hart
Yow beginn to be as curst as ere was your dadd.
I deserved mine & more to I confesse willinglye
Yow strike I am sure but of corage & might
[I h]ope to see yow past the nine worthies verelie
[I w]***ent yow wt hin this yeare yow shall be dubd a knight
Ah sirra yow beginn to knowe your dewty nowe
I must nedes loue the i faithe thart as good as ere twangde
I thanke yow that yow sparde my braynes & my browe
if I can helpe sure the old carle shall be hangde.
What did yow not feake him fye thats a shame
Yow promisd me that youe wolde when I sent him out
Cacurgus I must nedes confesse my selfe was to blame
but let me alone ile come mete wt h the loute
Well sayde i faithe but tell me my men
how shall we spende this hole after noone
Marry Sr I had thought to haue told yow eren then
I can helpe yow to huntinge of too legged venicin
What canst thou my sonne marry thou art worth twentye
Yf thou canst Œnophilus tell my master in hast
Ile bringe ye to a morsell that is tender & dentye
sheis not so much as my spann in hir wast
By the mas I knowe hir sheis a good smogly lace
she a hundred tymes better then any scemish rigg
Giue me thy hand thoust haue a house & bringe this to passe
I woulde aske no more of hir but one scottish gigge.
But one Ile promisse ye the gettinge of a bastarde
Yest haue one night at lest & more if I can
Yf ye be shamefast sheile counte yow but a dastarde
Yow must sticke to her & stande to it like a man
Sheis a smurkinge wenche in dede I knowe her of olde.
but when did she make the this promisse tell vs
And yow knewe hir yow woulde say so she is dapper & bolde
Right nowe man in the way as I went to the alhouse
What saide she Oenophilus if thou loust me tell trwe
lett me heare hir owne wordes as yu wouldest haue me doe for ye
Come yu or thy frend at any tyme due
Or thy frendes frende saide she I thinke she did dore me
Gods fishe lettes be gone me thinke now I haue hir
till I see hir Oenophilus I shall thinke the tyme longe
What softe yow Sr yowe may yet say god saue hir
before I goe hence I must nedes haue a songe.
A songe wt h a horsenightcappe singe they at liste
Till I see my trule Ile nether singe nor say
Alas good man he must nedes nowe be kiste
what I pray yow for my sake a litle yet stay
Lettes hate then quickly Cacurgus or Ile be gone too
& lettes haue such a one that will slie vpp delight
Go to I am content then singe one & no moe
beginn you Cacurgus & take your tune righte
fa fa fa sol sol sol cods thats too low
la la, la, me, me, re, bith masse thats as hye
Take hede Sr yow goe not to low for the crowe
& take hede Sr yow goe not to hye for the pye
None of hus to tell the truthe can singe well meane
to hie or to lowe we singe everye one
Well then bycause you take me for your deane
Ile apoynt the partes my selfe by saint John
You shall singe the false kinde I meane yow know what
& thoust bere ye bas because thou art rustye
the counterfet tener is youres by youre lott
my selfe will singe ye truble & that very trusty
A songe to the tune of hartes ease
Singe care away, with sport & playe,
pastime is all our pleasure
Yf well we fare, for nought we care,
in mearth consist our treasure.
pastime is all our pleasure
Yf well we fare, for nought we care,
in mearth consist our treasure.
Let snugis lurke & druges worke,
we doe defie their slauerye
he is but a foole, yt gois to schole
all we delight in braverye.
we doe defie their slauerye
he is but a foole, yt gois to schole
all we delight in braverye.
What dotht awaile, farr hence to saile
and lead our life in toylinge
Or to what end, shoulde we here spende,
Our dayes in vrksome moylinge.
and lead our life in toylinge
Or to what end, shoulde we here spende,
Our dayes in vrksome moylinge.
It is the best, to liue at rest,
and takt as god doth send it
To haunt ech wake, & mirth to make
and wt h good fellowes spend it.
and takt as god doth send it
To haunt ech wake, & mirth to make
and wt h good fellowes spend it.
Nothinge is worse, then a full purse,
to niggardes & to pinchers
they alwais spare & liue in care
thers no man loues such flinchers
to niggardes & to pinchers
they alwais spare & liue in care
thers no man loues such flinchers
The merye, man wt
h cupp & cann
liues longer then doth twentye
The misers wealth, doth hurt his health,
examples we haue plentye.
liues longer then doth twentye
The misers wealth, doth hurt his health,
examples we haue plentye.
Tza bestly thinge, to lie musinge,
With pensivnes and sorrowe
For who can tell that he shall well
liue here vntill the morowe
With pensivnes and sorrowe
For who can tell that he shall well
liue here vntill the morowe
We will therfore, for evermore,
while this our life is lastinge
[Eat] drinke, & sleape, & lemans keepe
[Its] poperye to vse fastinge.
while this our life is lastinge
[Eat] drinke, & sleape, & lemans keepe
[Its] poperye to vse fastinge.
In cardes & dice, our comforte lies
In sportinge and in dauncinge
Our mindes to please and liue at ease
and sometime to vse praunsinge.
In sportinge and in dauncinge
Our mindes to please and liue at ease
and sometime to vse praunsinge.
With bes & nel we loue to dwell
In kisinge and in hakinge.
But whope hoe hollie, with trollye lollye
to them weil now be walking.
In kisinge and in hakinge.
But whope hoe hollie, with trollye lollye
to them weil now be walking.
Gods breadlings are the knaves gone & lefte me behinde them
I woulde they were vp tothe necke ith brooke all three
I may looke longe inoughe or ere I shall finde them.
so god helpe me my master doe you thinke he did not heare me.
Scena tertia.
Intrant philogonus et [Litur] gus.Phi.
Is it true Liturgus that yow tolde me of my sonne
Its too trwe I feare me I harde a great noyse
Alas a a gods will then I am vtterlie vndone
art thou sure thou hardst my frende Eupelas voyce
I am sure he mett with your sonne in the waye
and advertised him to doe his dewtie to yow
after that I am sure there was here fought a fraye.
and one as had ben stickt did crie out and lowe.
Ha ha ha ha ha I must neds laughe in my slefe
the wise men of gotum are risen againe
Peter poppum doth make his master beleiue
that Misogonus his soone hath Eupelas slayne.
Woe worth the tyme that ever I begatt him
such a one I thinke was never yet breade
He did but cuggill him a litle & rate him
the worste I hope is but a broken heade
I woulde it were broken & thine to by my trothe
thou maist chaunce haue thine if thou takst not good hede
how the pickethankes doth make the olde man wrothe
when as yet god wott he hath litle nede
Was ever man so accurst and vnhappye as I
but one sonne ith whole worlde and so gracelesse to be
how he shoulde scape hanginge I can no wayes spie
or from vtter dampnatione how he should be free
but one sonne ith whole worlde and so gracelesse to be
how he shoulde scape hanginge I can no wayes spie
or from vtter dampnatione how he should be free
Alas good frende Eupelas art thou art thou also beaton
my harte is sicke trulie I shall never liue longe
my harte is sicke trulie I shall never liue longe
Die when thou wilt weil haue an oxe eaten
the soner the better thoust doe vs lesse wronge.
What harte of flynte coulde abyde this mishaps
[No]t one in all Europe I thinkes in my case
Nay softe thouste haue yett some more thunder claps
Ile make him defie the even face to face
Theirs no man I am sure that loues his sonne better
or that woulde fayner bringe him to honest livinge
a thousande pound gladlye I would wishe my selfe detter
if yet at the lengthe he woulde tourne to some thrivinge
Why Sr he hath not yet sowne all his wilde otes
he is but yonge trulie he must nedees runne his race
Heile shortlye make the singe the cuccolds notes
thy wife loues him well in space cōmeth grace
A Liturgus remembres thou what
thou wert wonnt to tell me when he was but yonge
My worde is no gospell for all that I thinke not
but he will returne to vertue or longe
I praye god he may but I am quite out of hope
What companie vseth he tell me in faithe
Such companye as in deede will bringe him toth rope
Yf he leave them not the scripture so saithe
The scripture yow Jack sauce a scripp & a staffe
were more meter for such a clumpertone as thou arte
tauke thou of rubbinge horses and of such risse raffe.
the souterlye thikscinn came but last yeare fromth cart
Well there is no remedye heil be my death I knowe
I may suffer a while but I can not longe indure
Gods aboue all thoughe you thinke him past whoo
He may yet reduce him therof be you sure
O that I had provided him tuters in youth.
O that in vertue I had him first traynde
Education is the best thinge that can be of a truthe
Good lorde what hartes ease therby had I gaynde.
O that in vertue I had him first traynde
Education is the best thinge that can be of a truthe
Good lorde what hartes ease therby had I gaynde.
Yf it were to doe agayne I knowe what to doe
I woulde disple him i faythe I woulde tute him a good
he should lacke for no masters and governoures to
he shoulde haue whippinge inoughe be sure that he shoode.
I woulde disple him i faythe I woulde tute him a good
he should lacke for no masters and governoures to
he shoulde haue whippinge inoughe be sure that he shoode.
A curste cowe hath shorte hornes what downe great harte
be good in your office woulde yow whipp him in dede
he shoulde fynde some frende that woulde take his parte
for your whippinge I warrent yow, yow shoulde haue smale mede
He that spareth the rode hates the childe as Salamon writes
Wherby in sparinge him nowe I perceiue
I hatid him much for with hate he requites
my loue thoughe a while he did me deceiue.
Wherby in sparinge him nowe I perceiue
I hatid him much for with hate he requites
my loue thoughe a while he did me deceiue.
[Yet I] marvaile with him how Eupelas hathe spede
******** fayne knowe Liturgus I pray the inquire
******** [ta]lke he semes rather to be dead
**************** [therfore fulfill my des] ***
******** fayne knowe Liturgus I pray the inquire
******** [ta]lke he semes rather to be dead
**************** [therfore fulfill my des] ***
I warrent yow I heis nether wounded nor slayne
had a litle girmumble I thinke & no more
Ha ha. now will I goe playe will sommer agayne
and seme as verie a gose as i waz before
musche a douche yow, vounder.
The foole thinkes trulye I am still at supper
what will sommer frome whence comest thou
Cha bene so farr yt cham sore in my crupper
cha bene sadlinge my gofe cuccolds cowe
A wise reason god helpe him yt ye noddy bringes out.
but tell me didst thou see thy yonge master alate
He was here right now and wt h Jack nophiles fought
cham may say to yow vounder there were a grate bate
Nay thou art decevd it were Eupelas thy cosin
waste not he that I called to supper at night
Vye vye no can knowe him from a dosin
twore he that before put my master to flighte.
Art thou sure of that will marry thats good nuse
did he put thy master to flighte canst thou tell
Otes a grumme horsonne vounder he made him to muse
and put him quite to zilens he looked so fell
The fooles wordes doth my hart yet somewhat releive
but I praye the will whether is thy Mr nowe gone
And youl giue me some dingdonges to hange at my sleife
Ile tell yow by my trothe both whether and when
Mary that thou shalt or Ile pull them from my hose
holde the & tell me true to, & thoust be my lurdinge
Aha this a trime one in dede has a golden nose
Ile tell ye vort, a went in right now a burdinge
A burdinge like inoughe I thinke to cathe a buntinge
had he any dogges wt h him or no knowst thou well
I am sure I heis gone a very horehuntinge
had a brase of houndes wt h him that were good oth smell
But how shoulde I knowe when he comes agayne home
wilt thou here remayne & then bringe me worde
I can tell that thoughe I be but a mome
but cham not fotherdd for all night, had nothinge at board
What welcome Liturgus thou hast well hide
howe doth my frende Eupelas? is he well and in health?
Heis well sir, but at home a while heile abyde
anone heile come see yow thoughe it be by stealth
Weile go home ith meane space then & rest vs both twane
to watch for thy master thoust tarry her still
By my fathers soule I had rather go and come againe
Cham a hungred by my veckinges chil haue my zoule yt I will
exeunt omnes
Scena quarta.
·Interloquitores·Misogonus. Eupelas. Oenophilus. Melissa meritrix.
Come one my swete harte how fare yow be merye
what slandes your minde to speake and weile gett it
ahe my harte of goulde as swete as a cherye
what iste yow fansye speake one shall goe fett it.
There is nothinge my trwe loue that I can desire
I haue inoughe onely when yow I imbrace
Gods populorum she hath sett him one fyer
in hir loue tickes the quene has a passinge good grace
Tell me fare ladye will yow range in the feilde
will yow heare the birdes singe & smell the swete floure
I knowe the delits that the medowes can yeilde
I had rather and it please yow stay here in this bowre
What then my harte route will yow drinke some more wine
Oenophilus goe fetche me heare a whole hogeshedd
Yow shall haue in haste of the best muschedine
Orgalus yt will be goode to supple my codesheade
Its nedlesse (my none) I pray yow sende him not
I haue dronke so muche that my bellie ene grones
What will yow then haue some thinge shalbe gott
that will please yow while youe haue a cast at the bones
And yow will my darlinge I am therwith contente
I playde not beleive me this many a day
Here ye my youthes gett me dice incontinent
at what game faire mayden doe yow moste loue to play
I care not at what so you haue a smale stake
Money I tell yow wt h me now & than draweth lowe
Money woman thers money playe that for my sake
Yf yow lacke any money looke that I knowe
Thers nether of vs tow hath a dye more or lesse
we were never in our lives I am sure worse storde
Gods bodye gett me dice or I shall yow blesse
Yf I haue them not quickly Ile swaddle yow wt h a corde
A man may goe all this towne rounde aboute
and fynde not a dye I thinke of my conscience
Packe yow ye villane or ile slitt you thorowe snout
and doe your deede quicklye without any dalience
It were good also (my Joy) yf some mate he coulde get
that would beare vs companye and make vs some sport
So I might perhaps thoroughe all the stretes Jett
[And] losinge my laboure, soyle my selfe in the durste
*** [whe]n I byde the and gett the some one
***** [of] seruice ile turne the like a beg[gerlye Jacke]
Harke a worde Orgalus what saist thou to Sr John
nether cardes nor dice I am sure he doth lacke
What shoulde I doe wt h ye preist thou bussardly best
Ile haue some younker & there be any ith towne
How doth he differ I pray yow from the reste
heis no more a prist then yow ar & he were out of his gowne
Disdayne yow Sr John as good as yow will haue his companye
as the fellowlist prist that is in this shire
To all the lusty guttes he is knowne for his honestye
has not one dropp of pristes bludd in him my thinke I durst swere
Of all loues I pray let your man fetch him hether
I haue harde a good reporte of him & it be he that I meane
Ey, goe for him Sirra & come agayne together
yf he be such a one I would speak wt h him fayne
I am acquainted wt h him sir and yow please Ile goe call him
both at cardes and dice I knowe him to be skilfull
heile not stick to daunce if company befalle him
in Game wt h a gentleman heile never be wilfull.
He Sr I am sure heis not wt hout a dosin pare of dice
I durst Jepert heis now at cardes or at tables
A bible nay soft youe heile yet be more wise
I tell yow heis none of this new start vp rables.
not one game come comes vpp but he has it bith backe
everye wench ith townes a quaīted with his lure
its pittye (so god helpe me) that ever he shoulde lacke
I shall thinke the tyme longe till I see him come in
I was beholden to him I remembre whent was
Thoughe the drumbledary be longe at length heile him bringe
I am sure my bony wench heile take no nays
Intrat Cacur[gus.]
Gadds baddy so soone haue yow founde out your minion
Is this my mistrisse yt shall be now saynt cuccold blesse yow
this a smurkinge wenche in deede this a fare mayde marion
sheis none of thes coy dames sheis as good as brown bessye
I be foole your harte Sirra yowr to full of your prate
her names dame Melissa my masters owne spouse
Pardone good maddame will ye haue a nutmugge to grate
a minsinge las a honey swete blowse
How likst thou hir Cacurgus is she not like a diamant in thy eye
is she not a sparkinge one dost thou not thinke hir angell
Woulde yow giue me leaue to gett an eare one hir I would doe it by [& by]
I woulde doe it wt h a trisse I sweare by the vangell
Out arrande hore māster woulst thou meddle wt h my woman
What your none mistrisse your masters none wife
I crye me mercye Sr I hade thought she had bene yo[ur] *****
I praye god sende yow many & a louely longe lif[e]
What (my (croute) let him alone this is yowr j [se]***
[It doth] me good to heare some ons mery ********
I faythe (my conye) yow may knowe that by his vesture
the knaues full of bitcherie has a buggitfull of cheites
Intrat Oenophilus.
Ife bene for yon man oth churche & wotte your where I had him
ith alhouse at whipperginnye as close as a burr.
And why broughtes him not wt h the,
I warrent yow I badd him
& hadd pleade but thie trickes heile come as round as a purr
Did not I tell you? I woulde he were vnpristed by Jis
theirs to fewe such as he is, he would make you a fine mann
heile not bash to grope a trul to, smacke & to kisse
we haue daunct & carded a hole weke & nere blanne
Good Lorde how it greveth me yt so longe he doth linger
till he come I shall thinke ereye minnit seven yeare
He hath come twenty tymes at the beckinge of my finger
with a whope Ile haue him now by and by here
What hoe Sr John Sr John
Sir J.
Here ostice here ostice I come quater
Come one Sr John you haue bene in some forsett
my mistrisse sendes in hast your pase yow must mende
Sir J.
I was so fast in that I coulde not thens gett
but where is ye gentlewoman yt for me did sende
Here I haue brought him at your worshipps requeste
and this be not a right man your selfe be iudge
Welcome Sr John now sure heis a beakinge prist
its pitty by my chrissondome thou shouldst be such a drudge
Yf your worshipp lack a gamster ame a gamster very fayre
for a pound or tow Ile kepe yow company by day or by night
at cardes dice or tables or anythinge I will not spare
to kepe a gentleman compa[ny] I doe greatly delighte.
Now surely my cockeril this was good lucke
that so honest a copsmate were fetched vs to day
What master ficker I must nedes chalinge this booke
theirs no remedy Ile haue it and my lesson go say
Bestowe them one him sir John ites a good mery greke
thes bookes by profession of right he must haue
Ile fynde out my lesson or Ile over all seke
o here I hate now hers .K. for a knave.
What game master person do yow now most acquynt
lets haue some fine game that came latest vp
Sr J.
I haue many good games madame as ruff, mawe, & saint
or god a mercy goodfellowe when aboute goes the cupp
Nay but Ide rather at the dice haue a cast
haue yow any dice let vs see master ficker
Sr J.
Dice I haue plenty yow shall see them in hast
heirs even my study, if I hit of good licker
What games can yow play at lets haue thos yow vse weckly
we trifle ye tyme let vs sticke to our tacklinge
***k tack mume chaunce or novunce come quicly
****hinge any thinge its my dayly f[ac]k[ling]
nun[cle] Good vnckle drawe a carde and thou lovest me
drawe what thou wilt for a penney ites thy brother.
What I beleue for my cuninge thou provest me
my gowne to thine it will fall out another
Done Sr John, twenty pound I haue wonn the preistes gowne
looke here my masters doe yow not knowe him bi his shankes
Gods chekinge the pristes sland Ide rather a loste a crowne
the foole has beguild him wt h his knavish prankes
Come let vs make the mach to novū we fiue
prepare your selves everie one in even battell rowe
On then a gods name as many as will thrive
I praye you giue the preist leave to haue ye first throwe
Sett then my masters a good lucke I beginn
rise winnings luckelye seven is my caste
By the mas I see well the preist is like to winn
soft frende giue me the dise your turne is paste
Hafe stake betwine yow & me this tyme Mr vickar
at all this Orgalus now happely rise
Throwe & thou wilt throwe why throwst thou no thiker
throwe dreminge dissarde or else giue me the dise
Gods sacringe I haue lost a noble at two settes
why dise no lucke to night will all be gone
By the mas Mr I thinke ye vickar will beates
forty shillings I am sure at least he hath wone
How now mine owne blossum how like yow this sporte
doth not reioyse yow such pastime to vse
They can haue no better I am sure of the courte
I had rather be your wife then one of the stwes.
Now Markus Marcurius helpe thy master at a pinch
its myne and there were fortye poundes at the stake
The preistes handes ith mustardpott the knave throwe at ninch
has some dise of vauntadge myne oth I durst take
What luck wilt thou nevr tourne why bones what meane ye
I thought twould come at lenghe masse this was well drawne
Sett lustilye my boykins or else I will stayne ye
by the motherkine a god that was knavishlye throwne
God haue mercy for that good disse yet that came ith nicke
one good stake in an houre is worth a meny driblinges
What faynte ye my children fye thats a cowardes tricke
let me haue round game Ile none of thes niblinges
Howe winnes now my masters howe pays here toth box[e]
what is the preist hande ith honye pott yet
Thoust gett nothinge here vnlesse it be knokes
except at this tyme I can haue a good hite
How now vickar ha how goeth the world on your side
what doth dame fortune begin now to frowne
A pox consume it It will now all slide
at everie cast I lesse a noble or a crowne
Prist downe with that ruddake or Ile giue over
Ile not throwe ath bare borde sett and thout play.
By god & all the world I shall never this recover
ther tis be lucky yet, its gone without stay
Nay Ile none of that frende yow play not now wt h boys
ery little wagpasty coulde say nought stake nought drawe
Tut preste bringt out thou hast it weile none of thes toys
we are no such sucklings to take lubun̄ lawe
By ye body of our Lorde Jesus Christe—their all hab or nabes
ether now come or the devill & his dame go wt h all
Ist my tourne be true to your master then my babes
O liuely lucke I haue wone a whole ryall
By S Mary I beshrowe you your play is too sore.
Your men haue a quarrill against me and the prist
Theist goe like a couple of knaves I promisse them therfore
but let them doe their worst thoust not lacke by gods bleste
Gods sydes will yow not trust me theirs my gowne for a pledge
Ile not leaue bith fyne woundes while I am worth a gree groat
Whats his gowne gone too then he may go hange oth hedge
has the Marchant a shillinge so sone to nine pence brought.
Care not man Ile be thy surtie theist doe the no wronge
Orgalus playe fare yow are but a Jangler
By S sunday me thinkes I here the saunce bell goe ding donge
Oh sir John byth mattings yow must out for wrangler
Ile play still come ont what will Ile never giue over ith lurtch
Let them ringe till their arses ake I knowe the worste
Away prest by this tyme they are all come toth churche
for shame gett the hence prest thout be bonably curste
Gods body is a right man in dede. preist kepe thy farme
is worth you all byth mas now I see heis no starter
theirs money sticke to ut I warrant thoust haue no harme
Yf thou nedst ath ordinarye Ile get the a charter
By god I thanke you Sr my parishioners I am sure be content
to misse service one night so they knowe I am well occupied
Its no matter person so they come of a good intent
I ame sure they care not how litle they be nodefyed
Ha then for all Christen soules a man or a mouse
Ist winn all at this cast I durst lay my benifice
The preist nowe againes as busy as a body louse
Ile kepe my monney while I hate Ir pray he go to srvice.
Dise hic dise hic
Is Sr John here at dise can any man tell
my gaffers be all come a prety while since
What Sr John did you not heare when I fidled the bell
their all come i good fayth I pray yow goe hense
My boy tell them he is now busy wt h his frende
he would come full fayne thou maist see if he might
Pray the say so Jake holde the theirs somewhat to spend
and theile nedes hate theist haue a couple ye next Sunday night
Thart but a foole prest to be so obedient
I would make my clarke serue this once & I was as the
Yow say well sir as longe as tis not ye holy tyme of lent
an thou wilt say Jake or theist haue none for me
Tell him what he shoulde say then & lett him be packinge
the fellowe would doe it as well as thou I warrant him for a nede
Fayth Jake its no matter an all thy lessons be lackinge
say a magnificat nunc dimittis an even end wt h the crede
What shall he leaue out ye saumes and his pater noster
what good will ye crede doe without thos and his avy
Yf theile aske where Sr John is wear all here one a cluster
fyve knaves besides my master & my mistris god saue ye
Ile patert as well as I can but if yow knewe who were there
Youde leavth dise with all your hart for one wanton looke
Is susan swetlipps come mas Jack Ile goe sear
pray you Sr giue me leaue but even go to tourne him my booke
Now St thays blesse ye woudst thou goe to the trull
Why man hers womans flesh and that be the worst
I haue dist so longe now that my senses be even dull
Gad when I came hether I thinke I was courst
Gett yow hence Jacke and thy selfe doe the best
care not for thy money man and thou loust me tarry still
By tetragranaton and the blacke santas I do the rest
Yf thou goest a foote farr thy braynes I will spill
Let vs excersise some new pastime now this is stale
the preist and I am wearye weile no more of this trashe
Content my minikin chose what yow will at no game I will fayle
what say yow to dauncinge shall we daunce a litle crashe
Thers none better (my deare) come dare yow lead me a daunce
lead yow me first and I hope the vickar wilbe nexte
By S. paterike damsell for your sake Ile out vaunce
Its good to fetch a friske once a day I fynde it in my texte.
Trifle not the tyme then say what shall we haue
what countrye dauncis do you now here dayly frequent
The vickar of S. fooles I am sure he would crave
to that daunce of all other I see he is bent
Faythe no I had rather haue shakinge oth shetes or sund*******
or cachinge of quales or what faire meliss[a] *****
*** foole I see by him is geuen [holy to scorm] ***
Preste kepe your sincopasse and foot it oth best sorte
now closse qd curyer come aloft Jacke wt h a wim wam
O liuely wt h hie childe and tourne the ah this is good sporte
How ist preist hers for thy larninge a chim cham
Howe fare you Melissa what me thinkes yow waxe wearye
will yow not pause a while alas too sore yow doe trace
Ime well I thanke yow Sr John how doe yow are yow merye
Of all the preistes that ere I knewe he treads the best pase
Ahe mine owne henbourde I must nedes lay the oth lipps
well vauntid byth mas preist thats worth a whope
Bith marye god howe lustelye the lubber nowe skipps
gods precious the skabb wt h my mistrisse doth tupe
This a close carver bith mas heis a right cocke oth kinde
the knaves flesht yow may see he bittes like a cur
a man might racke hell and scase such a crewe finde
how the stoned preist doth kepe wt h yene gossipe a stur
the knaves flesht yow may see he bittes like a cur
a man might racke hell and scase such a crewe finde
how the stoned preist doth kepe wt h yene gossipe a stur
Houle laughe now my masters and yow will Ile make yow laughe
Ile serve them a trust as coltish as they are
I can anger them all & but tourne to a scofe
yest see a hurricampe straight way Ile set all at a Jar
Ile serve them a trust as coltish as they are
I can anger them all & but tourne to a scofe
yest see a hurricampe straight way Ile set all at a Jar
By promisse as yow knowe the old Jochum I should certifye
when his soone from burdinge home did retire
Ile goe tell him now the deed it selfe my wordes will verifye
If I make yow no good sport say Ime a lyer.
exit Cacurgus.when his soone from burdinge home did retire
Ile goe tell him now the deed it selfe my wordes will verifye
If I make yow no good sport say Ime a lyer.
Intrant Philogonus, Eupelas, et Liturgus.
Scena quinta.
Phi.O mercifull lorde god what a company is here mett
what a rablement of rascoles & rackhels haue we here
why soonne thes pernicious practisses wilt thou never forgett
alas Misogonus wilt thou never leaue this geare
What doe yow fale in your fustinge fumes at the first
not the worste of vs but for our honestye wt h your selfe will compare
Why Misogonus into such lewde languish dare you burst
what not your father a litle can you spare
What are yow his spoksman meddle yow wt h your old showes
and he were my father ten tymes heist haue as good as a bringe
Stay a while Eupelas I knowe our laboure we shall lose
but yet Ile tell the vnthrift of his detestable dealinge
Calsta this honest company or is this an honest sporte
to be revelinge and bousinge after such a lewde fashion
I thinke hell breake louse when thou gatst ye this porte
foure such thou coudst scase fynde in a whole nashion
Why father what dishonestye can yow lay to our charge
[Th]ers none of vs woude you should knowe nether theves no[r ho]***
***[h]erst thou me strumpitt? I? speakst thou so large
*** [o]f my sight quene or Ile cart the by gods [bones]
Take hede what yow say master she comes of a good parentage
misvse hir not I tell yow sheis of worshipfull bloude
What come yow in wt h your seven egges if I cache yow oth vauntage
houlde your pease when year well frende or else ye were as good
What if this gentlewoman and your sonne I haue maried
may they not then come together wt hout any offence
Ide rather thou wert hanged theife & he to his graue caried
thou to marye him (varlat) without my licens
Hast thou maried him preist then vnknitt me this knott
darst thou kepe company with another mans wife
thou abhominable sodomit thou execrable sott
so god shall iudge me pild Jacke its pittye of thy life
Why not Sr as longe as he him selfe is in place
whatsoever I doe proceds of pure loue
I doe but what I shoulde doe thats a cleare case
to loue all & hate none it doth prelatts behoue.
Dost thou but what thou shouldst doe yu Idolatrous beste
shouldst thou be the ringleader in dauncinge this while
A good minister would be at church now attendinge one gods heaste
Of all wreches that ever I knewe thou art most vile
Art thou so cocked againe what hast thou to doe to speake
the preist shall live beside the prate till thy belly ake
Sausy boy dost thou thinke to put vs to wreke
Yf thou dost not amende this a drudge Ile the make
Doe your best and your worst I care not a pinn for yow I
ile kepe both hir and the rest in mauger your bearde
Now of truth ites marvaile the house fall not downe sodeinely
he speakes so outragiously he makes me afrayde
Kepe them kepe hogges theife Ile cut the full short
thoust never enioy one jott of my lande
With your great wordes I tell yow doe yow greatly me hurt
when your dead let me see who dare me withstande
Ile gitt away for god sake rather to them that haue nede
when thou shalt then wistell and be glad go toth carte
For god sake mary so might yow doe a good deede
git who you will gitt Ile hate spite of your harte.
Care not for him husband he speakes but in dotage
he may say what he will he can doe yow no harme
O christ how the drevell doth awnswere me in mockadge
a couckstole (sowe) thoust be mad thy tounge for to charme
Houlde your handes yow were best and lett hir alone
Wear able to make yow & your too men to faynt
Gods croust both we your selfe and trusty Sr John
we foure could anger him an he were a verye Saynt
A man were as good met a she beare in ye wood[ds]
[Wit]h hir whelps at hir heles now roringe for h[u]****
****** [stor]ridd vp wt h such a [furious mode] **
In thy youth thou never hadst such helhoundes at thy backe
thadst other manner of fellowes soonne in thy yonge days
That was but bycause discretion he did lacke
its not best for youe sir any of vs to dispraise
Thers no mischeife as they say cōmonly but a preist at one end
it were thy parte to admonish him his father to obay
When soever I mete yow sir looke your head that yow fend
a fart for yow all come Melissa ile away
I praye yow Philogonus no longer contende
Yow haue geuen them a threde which theil never vntwist
Its but a folly in deed wench more wordes to spende
let him say what he will Ile do what I list
Come then lets be gone Ile never strive wt h him more
his lands are myne as sure as a clubb Naue let the world wagge
Wele followe to Michole one afore one afore
Ile quaf perhapps first though here I be lagge
Did yow ere here of man in more miserye then I
was there ever sily soule that was so contemnede
thers no way but one Eupelas I shall surely dye
my calamities will not sease till my life hath an ende
I am as sorye for your case as if it were myne owne
Your anguise & vexation is to me a great smarte
but consider Philogonus to what end should yow grone
seing thers no remedy why should yow take it at your hart.
And Eupelas consider if your sonne were like myne
could yow chose but lament and sith very sore
I coulde not chose indeed Philogonus I must nedes whine
then he should be such a one I would wish him dead before
All yow that loue your children take example by me
lett them haue good doctrine and discipline in youth
correct them be tyme least afterwarde they be
frowarde & contempteous & so bringe yow to great ruth
Good master yet I pray yow make not tow sorrowes of one
but beare it as patiently as possibly yow may
The best is for yow to trust in Christ Jhesus alone
and by faith in his mercy your selfe for to stay
Its verye trewe Eupelas in him is all my ioy
if it were not so certes I had done or this longe
Be yow sure Philogonus it can not yow greatly anoy
his power in weaknes is ever most stronge.
I am sorye that yow Eupelas so often I haue troubled
depart home now I praye yow & make merye wt h your wife
If I coulde doe yow good I would wish my paynes doubled
but fare yow well my prayers for yow shalbe rife
*ett the home also Liturgus Ile will followe thee straigh[t]
** greife here to the Lord in a dolefull ditty [will I vow]
Swete Mr your selfe doe not over much frett.
at your cōmaundement I am readye I will goe my ways nowe.
The songe to the tune of Labondolose hoto
O mighty Jove some pitty take
one me poore wretch for christis sake
Greif doth me gripe, payne doth me pinch
willfull dispite my harte doth wrinch
O Christ thou art my onely ayde
if thou helpes not Ime quite dismayde
Spite doth my mynde so sore oppresse
that this my care will be endlesse
Except thou suckorest me at nede
and sende some sufferayne salme wt h spede.
one me poore wretch for christis sake
Greif doth me gripe, payne doth me pinch
willfull dispite my harte doth wrinch
O Christ thou art my onely ayde
if thou helpes not Ime quite dismayde
Spite doth my mynde so sore oppresse
that this my care will be endlesse
Except thou suckorest me at nede
and sende some sufferayne salme wt h spede.
My sinnes I willingly confesse
Hath oft of right deservd no lesse
I was the cause of this my care
the rodd alway sith I did spare
If I in tyme had him correcte
Ide never binn this sore affecte
tis I tis I that am too blame
My selfe my selfe deserveth shame
I am o Lorde alone in faughte
by sufferinge this selfewill he caughte.
Hath oft of right deservd no lesse
I was the cause of this my care
the rodd alway sith I did spare
If I in tyme had him correcte
Ide never binn this sore affecte
tis I tis I that am too blame
My selfe my selfe deserveth shame
I am o Lorde alone in faughte
by sufferinge this selfewill he caughte.
Yf Phœbus forst was to lament
when Phaeton fell from the element.
Yf Dedalus did wale and wepe
when Icarus in seas was deape
Yf Priamus had cause to crye
when all his sonnes was slayne in Troy
Why should not I then wofull wight
complain in a more piteous plight
myne doth not onl' him selfe vndoo
but me full oft doth worke great woo
when Phaeton fell from the element.
Yf Dedalus did wale and wepe
when Icarus in seas was deape
Yf Priamus had cause to crye
when all his sonnes was slayne in Troy
Why should not I then wofull wight
complain in a more piteous plight
myne doth not onl' him selfe vndoo
but me full oft doth worke great woo
The losse of landes I could well beare
or what thinge else some love most deare
on worldly wealth I doe not stay
god gaue and he may take away
disdainfull tauntes I coulde haue borne
of any else that woulde me scorne
Ye I coulde beart an hundred fold
better to see him laid ith molde
than thus his life in leudnes spende
wherof distruction is the ende.
or what thinge else some love most deare
on worldly wealth I doe not stay
god gaue and he may take away
disdainfull tauntes I coulde haue borne
of any else that woulde me scorne
Ye I coulde beart an hundred fold
better to see him laid ith molde
than thus his life in leudnes spende
wherof distruction is the ende.
A good example here yow see
all parentes o take hede by me
if yow detest vnquietnes
or if yow loue trwe happines
Nurture your youth in awe & feare
*****[e]m their dwetyes often heare
hade I obtaynd [OMITTED]
Wheras now sithes my soule doth sift
and ruthfull sobes my harte doth rift
all parentes o take hede by me
if yow detest vnquietnes
or if yow loue trwe happines
Nurture your youth in awe & feare
*****[e]m their dwetyes often heare
hade I obtaynd [OMITTED]
Wheras now sithes my soule doth sift
and ruthfull sobes my harte doth rift
To the o Lorde I doe retourne
here in this miserye as I mourne
Desiringe if it may the please
my paynes a little to appease
thoughe it be farr beyonde my faith
Yet thou canst helpe thy gospell saith
Helpe Lorde helpe Lorde helpe yet in tyme
and lay not to my charge this cryme
pardon for that is past I crave
wt h hope some helpe of the to haue.
here in this miserye as I mourne
Desiringe if it may the please
my paynes a little to appease
thoughe it be farr beyonde my faith
Yet thou canst helpe thy gospell saith
Helpe Lorde helpe Lorde helpe yet in tyme
and lay not to my charge this cryme
pardon for that is past I crave
wt h hope some helpe of the to haue.
Exit Philogonus.
Misogonus | ||