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Actus 3s.
Scena pra.
Enter The Lady de Averne wth a letter in her hand readinge, and wth her, mayde [or page,]Lady
And howe came you by this
ffollowinge you to'th chappell.
and I protest not thinkinge any thinge,
ffryar Ihon oth' suddeine pluckt mee by the sleev[OMITTED]
but privatly bycause it was a thinge,
only concernd your person,
twas well doonne;
but prthee do no more so, ffor this tyme,
takt ffor a warninge.
madam I am skoold.
doo so or ever loose mee. [heares sweet stuffe,]
can this bee in a vowed monastick lyffe
or to bee ffownd in Churchmen: [nothinge but Love]
[and all Syr reverens like.] tis a question
whether to smyle or vex, to lawghe or storme.
bycause in this I ffinde the cause off boathe,
to Incorradge such a boldnes. yes this letter
Instructs mee what: hee saythe my affability.
and modest smiles still gracinge his salutes.
moovd him to wryte: oh what a chary care then
had womene neede have' boathe off lipps and eyes
when every ffayre woord's censurd liberty
and every kind looke meere licensiousnes.
I have bin heatherto so greate a stranger
to these vnusd temptations. that in trothe.
I knwe' not howe, to take this: sylly ffryar,
madnes or ffolly, one off these t'must bee.
Iff th'one I pitty att the other laughe
and so no more reguard it
madam Iff ought bee in that letter ill.
mee thinks tis good that you can takt so well.
peace you, a brainles weake bee' sotted ffellowe,
but lett mee better recollect my selff
madnes, nor ffolly and add lust to them,
durst [in] not in ffury heate or Ignorans.
have tempted my vnquestiond chastity
wth out a ffowrthe abetter: Iealosy
the more' I ponder' that, I more' suspect.
say that my Lord shoold have a hand in this
[& knwinge there' is such differens in [y]our yeares.]
to proove my' ffaythe might putt this triall on mee.
elce howe durst such a poore penurious ffryar
oppose such an vnheard off Impudens
gaynst my Incensed ffury and revendge,
my best is there-ffore as I am Inocent
to stooddy myne owne saffety: showe this letter
wch onc' my charity woold have' conceild,
to my Lords Iust Incensment. then indanger
myne owne vnblemisht truth and loyalty
by incurringe his displeasure. heare hee coms.
to h
Enter the Lord de Averne, wth som ffollowers: his mā Denis.
L. Avern.
nwe Lady readinge.
yes a letter Sr.
L Averne
Imports it any newes
yes syr strange newes
and scarce to bee beeleeved,
L Averne.
[nay] domestick.
tis howshould busines all.
L Averne.
may I impart: it
oh syr in any case: as one it most concernes
but I intreate you: reade it wth patiens: the simplicity
off him that writte it will afford you mirthe,
or elce his mallice; spleene. nwe by his temper,
and change off countenance, I shall easily ffind
whose hnd was cheiffe in this:
L Averne.
All leave the place.
[Lady] Denis
wee shall syr,
L Averne.
that this shoold bee in man nay in man vow'ed
vnto a strickt abstemious. chastity
ffrom my owne Creature, and ffrom one I ffeede,
nay ffrom a place built in my holliest vowe's,
establichet in my purpose, in my lyffe'
maintaynd ffrom my revenue, after death
ffirmd, and assurd to all posterityes.
that, that shoold breede such vipers,
patiens syr the ffellowe suer is madd
L Averne.
I can be madd as hee too, and I will.
som woold hold meritorious. att the least
Intended ffor an act off piety,
to suffer in my zeale, nay to bee mock't
in my devotion, by those empty drones
that ffeede vpon the hony off my hyve,
to Invert my good Intendements, turne this nest
I built ffor [[illeg.]] pryer, vnto a bedd off Sinnes.
wch thus I'l punish: this religious place,
once [built], vowed to sanctity, I'l vnder myne,
and in one Instant blowe the structure vpp
wth all th'vnhallowed covent.
y'are in extreames.
where one offends shall ffor his heighnous ffact'
L Averne.
some Iustyce I will showe them heare on earthe
beeffore they ffinde it multiplyed [in heaven.] elcewhea«re»
ffor my sake syr do-not ffor one mans error,
destroy a woorke off perpetuity
by wch your name shall lyve. one man offends
lett the delinquent suffer,
L Averne
so 'tt shalbee.
and thou hast well advysd. som pen and Inke theire
what purpose you
L Averne.
thats soly to my selffe,
and in my ffyxt thoughts stands Irreproovable,
Enter Dennis wt h pen Inke & paper
Syr heares pen Inke and paper
L Averne
to his letter my selff will giue an answer,
suer alls not well that on the suddeine thus.
my Lord is so distempered:
I have I ffeare
styrd such a heate, that nought save bloodd will quensh.
but wishe my teares might doo't hee's ffull off storme
and that in him will not bee [ly] easily calmd
his rage and troble boath pronounce him guiltles
off this attempt wch makes mee rather doubt
hee may proove too seveare in his revendge,
wch I wth all indevour will prevent,
yet to the most censorious I appeale,
what coold I lesse have doone to save myne honor
ffrom suffringe beneathe skandall,
L Averne:
see heare's all
tis short and sweete, wryte' this in your' owne hand:
wth out exchange off the least sillable
or doubt-ffull Coma, then subscribe your name,
seal't then wth your owne signet and dispatche it
as I will ha'te dyrected. doo't. I charge you
wth out the least demurre or ffallacy
by dooinge this you shall prevent distrust.
or ffuture breach beetwixt vs. you shall ffurther
expresse a iust obediens,
Syr I shall.
what ere your conceald purpose bee' I shall.
L Averne.
provyde mee horses I will ryde [to day,]
[Lady] Denis
when syr,
L Averne.
Instantly after diner and gee't out
I am not to returne till three dayes hence,
so spreade' it throughe the howse,
what ffollowers syr,
meane you to take a longe,
L Avern.
thy selff no more.
ffor tis a private business: and wth all
provyde mee,—harke thyne eare.
a stronge one syrr
L Averne
one that will howld. wth all giue' private order
at night the guarden gate may bee left ope,
[wth] by wch wee may returne vnknwn to any,
what I intend lyes heare.
all wee servants
are bound to doo, but not examine what.
thats out off our Comission,
L Averne.
twixt vs too
I shall resolve thee ffurther,
I am gone syr
L Avern.
nwe sweate lady have you doon
as you Comanded,
L Averne
Itt wants nothinge nwe
but Seale and super scription I'l see't doon
and marke' mee' nwe at even songe, passinge throughe
the Clooyster to the chappell, when the ffryar[s]
amongst the rest bowes wth his woonted duckes.
add rather then deminish ffrom your smiles.
and woonted ffavours. lett this shee post then,
conveigh this letter to the ffryers close ffist.
who no dowbt gapes ffor answer,
All shall bee'
as you Instruct[s] but punishe syr wth pitty
putt him to payne or shame, but deathe alas.
is too seveare example,
L Averne.
tush wyffe ffeare not
thinkst thou Ile gueld a church man,
Scena 2a.
Noise wt hin58
Iff this [place] villadge bee inhabited wth men, as this place wthin
is wth monsters: Iff wth men that have eyes and can
distinguishe bewty, or that have harts, and therffore.
sence off pitty Iff you bee ffathers and knwe' what
beelonges to children, or christians. and thereffor what
is ment by charity, Iff husband-men and have hope off
your harvest. or Marchants: off your trades Increase,
Iff ffishermen that woold thryve by your' labours [or]
or any off all these that would bee' knwne by your honesty
many off these thou namest have place in vs.
the great'st part, iff not all:
then lend your helpinge hnds. to succor releive' deffend
deliver save secure. patronadge abett and mayntayn
whome what
Bewty vertue, purity syncincerity' softnes sweetenes.
Inocenc and chastity.
gainst what, gainst whome.
oppression, ffrawde rudenes reproch, sin shame.
debate, disease, Theft rapine: contempt off religion
and breach off sanctury, against a magozin off
misedemeanors and a whole monopoly off mischeiff[OMITTED]
I knwe the busines syr iff in that place
These are the too distressed, wracks at sea,
wee sawe this morninge ffloatinge: sweeter guirles
I never yet sett ey on, and opprest,
by too ill lookinge raskells, that to warme' them
wisht all the towne a boneffyre,
miscreant slaves:
ffor one yonge damsells sakes I once, cald [ffather] doughte«r»
and in the absens off there greater ffrends:
I'l stand beetwixt them and these Iniuryes:
These are they after' whome I have bin seekinge, and
my mayster was inquiringe, Iff you will but secure
them heare in the villadge, whilst I carry woord
to my Myster' in the Citty. you shall doo mee a courtesye
and him a most noble offyce.
Itt was no more than promisse, and I shoold
ffayle in my goodnes not to see that doone,
post to thy mayster bid him meete vs heare,
mene tyme my man shall rayse the villadgers,
boathe in the reskewe off these Inocent maydes,
and in deffens off holly priviledge,
I ffly lyke the winds,
and I'l go call the pesants
to rayse another tempest:
hasten boathe,
[and till ayde Com I'l laye myne eare and listen,]
[to heare what ffurther coyle is kept wthin.]
[Alls silent on the suddeine,]
[Helpe Helpe oh ayde, a wretched mayde,]
[or els wee are vndoon then,]
[And have I Caught, and Have I Caught you]
[In vayne it is to roonne then,]
[Som Reskewe when ffrom gods or men]
[Redeeme vs ffrom these Crosses.]
[Tis all in vayne since nwe I gaine.]
[part off my fformer losses.]
[oh Heaven defend what yet no end]
[off these' our strange desasters.]
[To them that ffly there Maysters]
[why to defame reproch and shame]
[poore Inocents thus dragge yee]
[wth your offens theres no dispence,]
[A way then where ffore lagge yee.]
A tmult wth in and suddene noyse enter att one, doore, godffrey wth Coontry ffellowes ffor theire reskewe at the other Mildewe Sarlaboys. Palestra Scribonia.
wheare in what place shall wee beestowe our selffes
ffrom this iniust mans ffury,
Iff compeld
and draggd ffrom sanctuary by prophane hands,
where shall wee fflye to saffety
whether iff
not vnto vs. we often see the gods
giue and bequeathe there Iustyce vnto men
wch wee as ffythe-ffully will see perfformd.
downe wth these saucy companions.
Downe wth these Sacraligious salsaparreales. these
vnsanctiffied sarlaboyses. that woold make a very
Seralia off the sanctuary and are meare renegadoes to
all religion,
stay hold. are you bandetty rovers theives
and wyte you heare to robb and pilladge vs
the sea so late hathe ryffled. these are myne
my chattells and my' goodds. nor can you Cease thē
as wracks I appeale vnto the admirall,
his power I in his absens will supply,
and Cease you all as fforffett, these as goodds.
you as super ffluous Ladynge till that coort
shall Comprimise bee twixt vs.
Ith meane tyme
lett mee possesse myne owne, these' are my slaves
[these are] my vtensills my moove ables: and bought,
wth myne owne private coyne [Coyne to wch I]
to wch I am witnes.
and by' the heyre I'l dragge them as myne owne
weart ffrom the' holly alter
succor [Helpe,]
Are they not Christians.
what nation
In myne owne' Coontry borne' and shall not I
stand as theire' champion then, I tell thee pesant
Englands [not] no broode ffor slaves.
oh syr to you
we ffly as to a ffather
and I'l guard you
as weare you myne owne children
gainst there lord
owner and mayster,
none is bredd wth vs,
but such as are ffree borne. and christian Lawes
do not allowe such to bee bought or' sould,
ffor [h] any Bawde or pandar to hyre such
to Comon prostitution. heare they stand.
tutch but a garment nay a heyre off theres
wth thy least ffinger, thy bald head Il sinke
belowe thy gowty ffeete.
I am opprest,
Is theire no lawe in ffrance,
yes syr to punish [these]
these chastityes seducers:
giue mee ffyar
I will not leave off all this monastery
off you or these, off whats Combustible,
naye off my selff [dispeyring] one moietye vnconsumd,
his ffrend beeffore him wisht the towne a ffyre.
nwe hee would burne the Cloyster, to arch-pillers
and lyke such
our purpose is to vse them, Dare not miscreant,
onc to giue these a name. whome thou calst thyne
no not a beck or nod: Iff thou but styrst,
damadge or out rage: I will lye' thee prostrate.
beneathe these staves and halberts:
Is this Lawe.
yes staffords Lawe.
naye ffeare not prty guirles:
the ffryars them selff, weare they not at theire pry[OMITTED]
wold have doon more then this in Iust deffens,
off theire Imunitys: but in theire absens.
I stand ffor them, nor shall you part ffrom hence.
or dare to squetche, till they them selves bee Iudges.
off Iniurye doon to this sacred place.
or such as I have sent ffor make' appearance
to clayme what thou vniustly calst thyne owne.
nay thou shalt ffind wee have too stringes to our Bo[OMITTED]
Iff hee but styrr then stryke:
this stafford lawe
wch I till nwe heard never nam'd in ffrance.
Is ffor the present a more ffeare-ffull coort.
then chancery or starr-chamber. I want motion, you have made
a statue a meere imadge.
[styrr and thou diest weele maule you]
[Iff heare I can have none lett mee depart.]
[to seeke elce-where ffor iustyce.]
[Keepe him prisoner]
[and sett mee ffree to ffind som advocate]
[to pleade in his iust cause,]
[neather styrr]
[in peyne off too ffrensh too ffrensh crownes and they so crack[OMITTED]]
[neare more to passe ffor Currant.]
[that prsme.]
[misery off miseryes. I am bow'nd hād and ffoote.]
[and yet boath legges and armes at liberty]
[yes by the lawe cald stafford.]
Enter Mr Raphael Mr Treadway and the clowne,
durst then the slave vse my palastra thus.
and dragge her by the heyre ffrom sanctuary,
most trew syr
why didst not kill him
Iff I had had but a swoord I had doon't, but I sough[OMITTED]
the villadge through and coold ffind neare' a cutter
weare there no skattere'd stones lye in the streete,
to have beate his brynes out.
not a stone to throwe att [the] a dogg,
hadst thou not heeles
yes to have kickt hm lyke a dogge but I resarvd
them to roon the more nimbly about your busines,
I nowe spye a newe sanctuary his armes.
In wch I may prsme security
My Raphael.
my Palestra, are you saffe,
Bee ffore I giue due thankes to this good man,
wch tyme shall paye in all pluralityes
and shame off men on whom to bee revendgd,
the storme at Sea, was not more terrible
then this the Land nwe threatens:, againe vndoon
over and over wretched,
See the limbe.
off his ould Syre the Devill.
periurd slave
perffidious but that I abhore to take
the hangmans office ffrom him this should open
a doore by wch thy black soule should ffly out,
vnto assured damation,
bee more patient
proceede wth him after' a legall course,
and bee not swayde by ffury,
well advysd,
what can thy ffalce toonge pleade in thy' excuse,
thou volme off all vyces.
why what not
Is thy hart sear'd thy browe made impudent,
and all thy male ffactions armd wth lyes
against iust testates and apparant truthes:
when I had payde ffull ransom ffor this pryze
why didst thou beare her' hence.
I did not doo't,
these bee my witnes [did] have' I borne her hence.
when I have brought her to thee,
thy bawdes rethorick,
shall not excuse thee thus: ffrends guarde' [[illeg.]] hm saffe,
wee will see his ffooles coate guarded ey and
reguarded too ffrom slippinge out off our ffingers
[wee'l ffinde] amongst vs more then to make him]
[ffower elbowes. elbowe him off all sydes gentleme«n»]
[that hee hathe showed him selff no better than]
[a Cox combe.]
beeleeve mee nwe I do not blame' my' ffrende,
to ffishe in trobled streames ffor such a pearle,
or digge in black mwld ffor so ritch a myne,
but to redeeme a Chast [Ino] and Inocent sowle,
fforthe ffrom the ffierye Iawes off lust and hell,
exprest a most Comended charity,
what second bewtyes that I intreate you ffrend,
that tremblinge fflyes ffrom his inffectious ills.
to patronise her youthe and Inocence.
beneathe that grave mans goodnes.
a lyke suffrer,
wth her in all distresses: lyke in yeares
In vertue no wye differinge, off our nation
who knwes but neare allyde too,
I ffeele somethinge
growinge on mee I knwe not howe to style
pitty or love synce it hath tast off boathe
[yeares] Age minds wracks bondadge, pur suites Iniuryes:
shoold nwe bee separate, the one bee ffreede.
the tother left in durance ffor the want
and pious tender off so small a somme,
I somwhat have in purpose.
Dragge them boathe
bee ffore the magistrate
mee where ffore—why
as his abetter and ill counseller,
one woold have burnt the villadge. and the other
threatned to ffyar the cloyster
boathe acts capitall,
and woorthy seveare censure.
though thou pleadst interest.
In wye off earnest [iff] in palestra yet
robb mee not quite, giue mee ye to-ther back,
my only portion left mee by the Sea
and [sett] stock to sett vpp trade by,
rather tor ture mee
wth any violent death
leave them in trust
and chardge off this grave' reverent gentle man
vntill you heare the Sentenc off the coort.
I willing ly accept theire patronadge,
heare att my howse they shall have meate and harbour
wth all supplyes convenient.
nobly spooke.
meane tyme hale these to'th [Iustyce.] coort,
my Palestra,
stopp his mouth,
my Scribonia
not thou in treate them neather,
Tymes but triffled
awy wth them to Iustyce,
take my skinne then
synce nothinge elce [he] is left mee,
thats rotten all redy and will neather make goodd
leather nor parchement. th towne theire.
com damsells ffollowe mee where I shall leade,
I have' a Curst wyffe at home I tell you that,
but [th] one that I prsme will not bee Iealous
off too such harmeles sowles,
you are to vs.
a patrone and deffender,
bownd vnto you
not as an host but ffather
Scena 3a.
Enter The Lord de averne, his Lady, [Dennis] and the wytinge myde.L. Averne.
Are all thinges redye as I gave in chardge,
redy syr
L. Averne.
Inoughe, and you deliver'd it,
To his owne hands:
L. Averne.
howe did hee tak't
wth'smiles and seeminge Ioy,
L Averne.
sorrowe and shame
I ffear will bee the sadd end ont:
Sr your trobled,
L Averne.
I woold not have you so, pray to your rest,
you shall remoove mee ffrom all Ielosyes.
Iff you beetake you to your sowndest sleepes.
and wthout more inquiry,
Sr remember,
that all offences are not [payde] woorthy' deathe,
ffellowny murder treason and such lyke,
off that grosse nature maye bee capitall,
not ffolly error trespasse,
L Averne.
you advyse well
Lett mee advyse you lyke-wyse instantly
retyre in to your chamber wthout noyse
reply or question, leest part off that rage,
is bent gainst him, you turne vpon your selff
wch is not ffor your saffety,
Syr good night,
L Averne.
[thy watch] howe goes the hower,
tis all most tenn:
L Averne
the tyme off our appointment, you attend
vpon his knocke and giue him ffree admittans,
beeinge entred vsher him Into this place.
that doon reture then to your ladyes chamber
there locke your selff ffast in[OMITTED]
my Lord I shall
poore-ffryare I ffeare they'l putt thee to thy penance
beeffore they have conffest thee,
L Averne.
com wthdrawe
the watch woorde's not yet giuen
Enter the ffryar wth a letter
Iohn to them
ff Ihon
Tis her owne [hand] pen I knwe it synce shee sett
her hand to establishe our' ffowndation,
and sweete sowle—shee hath writt a second tyme
to build mee vpp a newe. My Lord is ridd,
a three dayes Iorney loose not this advantadge,
but take tyme by the ffore' topp (yes I will
by th ffore-topp and topp gallant. at the postorne
[my maide] shee to whose' hnd you gave your letter ffyr«st»
Attends ffor your dispatche, my busines
I hope shalbee dispatcht then, ffare you well.
ffayle mee this night and ever,: I'l sooner' fforffett
all pleasures hopes [con] prfferments wth th assurance
off a longe lyffe blest wth most happy howers.
then this one nights content-ment:
Ha whoe's theire. ffryar Ihon
ff Ihon
the same, you mystresse millisent,
my Ladyes gentle woman,
I am the closett
that treasures all her consells,
ff Ihon,
Is all cleare,
as such a dark night can bee, to' one I ffeare.
that scarce will looke on daye more.
ff Ihon
where's my Lady
attends you in her chamber
ff Ihon
guide mee too t
in this nights expectation,
stye you heare
In this wth drawinge roome, I'l ffetch a light
ffor saffe-guard off your shinnes.
shee might have sayde
ffor saffeguard off his [next] necke.
my sceanes doon
the next act lyes amongst them,
ff Ihon,
my part dothe' but beeginne nwe and I'l act it
in exquisite' cleane linnen and this capp
perffmd off purpose, least I shoold smell ffryar,
what differ wee i th darke save our shaven crownes
ffrom gentlemen, nay Lords, nature hathe araid vs
as well as the best layeman, why shoold lawe
restrayne ffrom vs what is allowed to them,
lett it curbe' ffooles, and Idiots such as througe ffolly
will not, or nyce-nes dare not tast whats sweet
alyke made ffor all pallats:
L. Averne.
howe the slave
Insults in his damation, cease the wretch
I can indure no longer
ff Ihon
such as ban
proffred delights may Iff they please reffuse
whats borne wth mee I will make bold to vse,
L Averne,
and I what thou weart borne too thats a halter
pull wth out ffeare or mercy strangle him
Fry: strangled
wth all his sinnes about him, t'were not elce.
a revendge woorthe my ffury,
I dare nwe
lodge him a whole night by my' systers syde,
hees nwe past strmpettinge,
L Averne:
tis night wth him
hee lyes as quiet:
you did well ffryare to putt on your' Cleane linen
t'will serve you as a shrowde ffor a new grave.
whether shall wee lyft his body,
L Averne
I am on the suddeine.
growne ffull off thoughts, the horror off the ffact
breedes strange seditions in mee.
hee perhapps
but Conterffetts dead sleepe I'l hollowe' to him
to see iff I can wake him:
L. Averne.
Triffle not.
the sinne will proove more serious: [to a consciens
startled wth bloodd and murder.] what a terror
is in the deede beeinge doon wch bredd bee ffore
boathe a delight and longinge this sadd spectacle
howe itt affrights mee.
«[OMITTED] then»
the sinne it selff, the churches malediction,
as doon to one off a sequestred lyffe
and holly order the Lawes penalty
beeinge duble ffor ffeture' off lyffe, and state,
reproach shame inffamy all these incurd
through my' Inconsiderate rashnes.
my Lyffe too'
howe to prvent the danger off all these.
L Averne.
ey that will aske mch bryne much proiect.
shall wee poppe him in som privy,
L Averne.
duble Iniurye,
to praye vpon the soule, and after deathe
doo to the body such discoortesy,
it neather savours off a generous spyritt
nor that wch wee call manly
any thinge
ffor' a quiet lyffe, but this same wry-neckt death,
that wch still spoyles all drinkeinge tis a thinge,
I never coold Indure. as you are noble,
keepe still my wind-pype open,
L Averne.
out off many
museinge ffor boathe our saffetyes. I have ffownd,
one that's aboue the rest most probable.
what what I praye syr
L Averne.
Interupt mee not:
saye I should nwe begett a strat agem.
to save myne owne lyff, myne estate and goodds.
ey and secure thee too
t'were exellent syr
L Averne.
I have proiect ffor all these, as willingely
to lenghen boathe our lyves: and limitt vs
tyme to repent his deathe,
but howe I praye syr,
L Averne
ey there's the difficulty: but nwe I hav't
beetwixt vs and the cloyster's but one wall:
and that off no greate height. coold wee in private.
conveighe this ffryar into the monastery.
Itt might bee then imadgind som off them
might bee' his deathes-man, wch might seeme more probable
by cause as I had late intelligens
theare hathe bin stryffe amongst them,
better still.
L Averne:
nwe howe can wee in curr the least suspect.
ffor what should hee doo' [out off] ffrom the' [monastery] [ffryary]
or what make' heare att this vnseasoned hower,
I apprehende you, and to ffurther this
[theres] In the back yard there is a ladder syr
mont him vpon my backe' and I'l conveighe him
where som, not wee, shall answer, ffor his deathe
L Averne:
As desperate woonds still must have desperate cures,
so all rash mischeiffes shoold have suddeine shiftes:
wee'l putt it to the venter [e].
mount him then
Il once trye iff the ventur off a Ladder
can keepe mee ffrom the halter,
Explicit Actus 3s
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