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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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357. Snow and Rain.
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357. Snow and Rain.

“For as the rain cometh down, and the snow, from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it.” Isaiah 55. x. xi.


Has the Snow, and has the Rain,
Wide commissions to fulfil;
Watering now the barren plain,
Cheering now the thirsty hill?
These are heralds, from above,
That in concert downward fly,
Sent on embassies of love
From the Father of the sky.


All that live in earth or air
Hang on his paternal care!


Does the snow, and does the rain,
(Clothing earth with colours bright,)
Life, in all its forms, sustain,
From Behemoth to the Mite?
Do the oaks,—the pines that tower,
And afar their shadows send,
With the plant, and humblest flower,
On these gifts of heaven depend?


Barrenness and death would reign
But for genial snow and rain!


From the snow and rain proceed
Gifts that claim perpetual praise!


God, through these, supplies our need
In his own ten thousand ways:
In his comprehensive sight,
Every flake and drop of rain
Fix'd effects must bring to light,
In a sure, but devious train!


Having wrought their final end,
Snow and rain to heaven ascend.


Image to instruct the wise!
Emblem of the Word Divine,
Sent in mercy from the skies,
Truth to teach, with voice benign!
Here is peace, without alloy,
Star, that cheers the darkest night,
The commencing Spring of Joy,
Rolling toward the Infinite!


This is rain, from realms on high,
Sent, the soul to fructify!


By the Lord Omnipotent,
(Heaven and earth directing still,)
Every Word, like rain, was sent
To perform his sovereign will.
Not a costly sentence there,
But an instrument has been,
Some, to warn of Satan's snare,
Some, from sin, the heart to wean.


Guiding to a happier place
The successive Heirs of Grace.


Each imperishable line
Kindles with the blush of morn;
Sent to teach, and to refine,
Generations yet unborn!


Clouds the meaning deep conceal,
'Till the destin'd hour arrive,
When the callous learn to feel,
When, to hope, the dead revive!


Then the flood of light is seen,
With no veil to intervene.


Have we heard the Gospel Sound?
Let us love the tidings more!
But, if still in slumbers bound,
Lord! arouse us, we implore!
Not a Word, like snow and rain,
Shall at last return to thee,
'Till it make the crooked plain,
And accomplish thy decree!


On our hearts, great Lord and Friend!
Let thy Snow and Rain descend!