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Sketches from Life in Town and Country

And some Verses: By Edward Carpenter: With Portrait

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Hard by the mountain springs I heard a dove
Wail long, wail loud, her passionate complaint,
And looking saw the tender God of love
Trip past with arrows sheathed and bow unbent.
Quickly I caught and drew him to my side.
He spake no word, but looked into my face
With childish eyes of wonder opened wide,
And innocent half-hesitating grace.
I thought him bashful or myself to blame
For rougher years, and knelt like one denied,
And kissed his brow and called him by his name;
But he no syllable to all replied.
Then did I fling in petulant despair
A flowery handful at him with: “Away!”—
“Farewell,” he said—and with a smile so fair,
It rankles in my heart unto this day!