University of Virginia Library


The attribution of this poem is questionable.


Come hither, I'll tell you the nine parts of speech,
Which are in some lessons that school-masters teach.
The articles are as you shortly will see,
First a, or else an; and the other is the.
The nouns are but names; I will just say a few;
John, London, and water, milk, honey, and dew.


The kinds of the nouns then the adjectives show;—
A good boy, a bad boy, a boy quick or slow.
The pronouns are placed where the nouns might have been;—
As, John took his hoop, and he played on the green.
The verbs mean to be, or to do, or be done;
As I am, or you say, the battle was won.
The adverbs tell something concerning the verbs;—
As Mary goes quickly to gather the herbs.
To nouns prepositions as governors stand;—
As, sweet strains of music are played by the band.
Conjunctions the parts of the sentences join;—
As copper and silver and gold are in coin.
Surprise and amaze interjections imply;—
As there! Oh! how pretty! how funny! Oh my!