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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Seek not to alter things; but alter thou
Thy mode of looking at them. Thy Soulseye,
Such power dwells in the Godlike faculty,
Can turn what seems most distort to thee now
To best Proportion; until all things grow
Around thee, into perfect harmony
With thine own Being. And how easily
Canst thou accomplish this! how much, oh how
Much easier, methinks, this simple way,
Yet most effectual, to change all things
To that which thou wouldst have them be! for say,
Are they not by thine own Imaginings
As truly changed, and brought beneath thy sway,
(As 'neath the skilful hand the Lyrés strings
With the whole compass of its melody)
As if thou wert, like God, Allmighty? yea!
Thou canst build up the world so lovelily,
In thine own mind, that thou shalt on thy way
Move joyous and content, néertroubled by


The Ills that fret the heart, and turn the hair to gray!