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The Shepherd's Garden

By William Davies

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As down in yonder vale I went when daffodils were springing,
Whereby a crystal stream did go, I heard a maiden singing:
And thus she said, My pretty lambs, now is the sunshine weather,
Come let us dance upon the grass with joyous hearts together.
The hoary hawthorn blossoms sweet,
Gay songsters one another greet,
Glad voices sing in every street
To welcome the May morning.
Then setting by my crook, I sped to where the dainty creature
Trod on the sward with airy steps the gracious time did teach her,
And pray'd my pipe might join her song, and in her blithesome tripping,
My frolic step might match with hers; for that the prime was slipping.
And so we sang the song again,
And danced across the flow'ry plain;
And as we sang our hearts were fain
To welcome the May morning.