University of Virginia Library



Tea is brought from China;
Rice from Carolina,
India and Italy—
Countries far beyond the sea.
Coffee comes from Mocha;
Wholesome Tapioca
Is from the West Indies brought,
Where the Humming-birds are caught.
That same land produces
Fruits of richest juices;
Shaddocks, Oranges, and Limes,
Ripen in those sunny climes.
Tamarind and Guava,
Pine-apples, Cassava
(Or the Tapioca bread),
There are in profusion spread.


Who would get the Sago
Far as India may go;
There the Cocoa-nuts are growing,
There the skies are fiercely glowing.
Indigo for dyeing
Is of her supplying;
Lofty Palms you there may view,
With the feathery Bamboo.
Shawls so rich and handsome,
Diamonds worth a ransom,
From the same far country brought,
Are by wealthy people bought.
Ceylon's balmy island
Long hath furnished my land
Both with Cinnamon and Pearls,
Worn by dames and pretty girls.
Pepper, which so nice is,
Cloves and other spices,
We receive from Indian isles,
Distant many thousand miles.
Sugar so delicious,
Arrow-root nutritious,
Are convey'd, I here protest,
From the Indies East and West.


Plantain and Banana
Grow in hot Guiana;
There the Chocolate is found—
Parrots in the woods abound.
Books that you may read in,
This fact are agreed in,
That Peru and Mexico
Gold and Silver have to show.
White and fleecy Cotton
Grows full many a spot on
In North and South America,
India, and Africa.
Many a one who tarries
For a while at Paris
Buys the treasures of the place,
Toys and trinkets, gloves and lace.
Port and sparkling Sherry,
Wines that make you merry,
Come from Portugal and Spain;
France sends Claret and Champagne.