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Poems and Songs Humorous, Serious and Satirical

By Alexander Rodger; Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Ford; New and Complete Edition

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Pity me! what I dree!
This poor aching heart is breaking,
Here I lie, moan and sigh,
Lanely and forsaken.
Lately I was blythe aud cheery,
As the merry maukin;
Now I'm dowie, dull, and dreary,
Baith asleep and waukin'.
Pity me! etc.
On the primrose bank nae mair
I'll flowery chaplets weave me,
Nor deck wi' silken snood my hair,
For ane wha'd sae deceive me.
Pity me! etc.
A' my thochts are thochts o' sorrow,
A' my dreams are sadness;
Not a hope to light the morrow
Wi' a gleam o' gladness.
Pity me! etc.
O! that I had never met him—
Never loved sae fondly,
O! that I could now forget him
Whom I lived for only.
Pity me! etc.
A' my joys are fled for ever,
A' my peace is broken;
Bear, O bear to my fause lover
This unhonoured token.
Pity me! etc.


Tell him o' a tender blossom,
Trampled down and faded,
Tell him o' a stainless bosom,
Now, alas! degraded.
Pity me! etc.
Yet amid this wreck and ruin—
Not a starlet gleamin',
She he wrong'd for peace is suing
To her faithless leman.
Pity me! what I dree!
This poor aching heart is breaking,
Here I lie, moan and sigh,
Lanely and forsaken.

Written for a St. Kilda air, or “Haud awa' frae me, Donald.”