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All The Blocks!

or, An Antidote to "All The Talents." Satirical Poem. In Three Dialogues. By Flagellum [i.e. S. W. H. Ireland]

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And now the saints began to reign,
For which th' bad yearn'd so long in vain;
And felt such bowel hankerings,
To see an Empire, all of kings,
Deliver'd from the Ægyptian awe
Of justice, government, and law.
Yet when they came to shape the model,
Not one could fit another's noddle;
For ev'ry individual brother
Strove hand to fist against another:
And still the maddest and most crack't
Were found the busiest to transact.
As many different intellects
Are found t' have contrary effects;
And many heads t' obstruct intrigues;
As slowest insects have most legs.

Well, Sir, and pray what think you now of things?
Report talks loud of mighty bickerings:—


If M*lv*lle's in, that S*dm*th will stay out;
Nay, Master C*nn*ng, too, begins to flout:
In short, these mongrels, if I can define,
Are all attack'd with mania canine;
And, quite unmindful who's a friend, or brother,
Like kittens, claw the eyes of one another.

Can that be true?


Yea, friend: and don't you see,
So meagre now is their majority,
The Blocks, at length, have form'd the resolution,
And fix'd the Senate's instant dissolution.
In short, there needs no ghost 'twixt me and you;
The truth is plain—they don't know what to do.

I fully trust they have no cause of fear;
But soon will dazzle, with their bright career.

Faith, if they wish by acts the palm to win,
'Tis high time that their Honours should begin !


But now a truce to all this tittle-tattle.
Of thee, staunch J*nky, next my Muse shall prattle:
Whose sycophancy ne'er was known to lag;—
A good Court hackney, and an office fag.
It matter'd not to which point Boreas blew:
Thy steady weathercock was no less true;
Stood tow'rd St. James's, whether foul or fair,
And pointed thee direct to the back stair:
Where thou hads't access to the R---l ear—
By turns, instilling hope, or doubt, or fear;
Whisp'ring to M*j*sty, that Pitt was ill,
That Fox had got the gripes and ta'en a pill,
How Boney for a surfeit swallow'd physic,
Or that some fête that morn was giv'n at Chiswick.
Such was, dear J*nk*ns*n ! thine envied place;
Such thy sage converse, pretty babe of grace!


Of wond'rous consequence, all tongues must own—
To guard our liberties, preserve the throne.
Oh! next to charm, how bold were thy pursuits!
How like fam'd giant, killing Jack in Boots!
When thou wast bent to march, with sword in hand,
T' exterminate the regicidal band;
And in the heart of Paris plant thy fame,
With reeking carnage, sword, and raging flame!
A flow'ry flourish, truly most quixotic!
With pow'rs endu'd instilling balm narcotic:
A feat well worthy the most crazy wight—
Sancho the 'Squire, thyself redoubted knight.
Stop we not here: sly J*nky ne'er effaces
From memory the sweets of golden places;


Of which should readers wish a prompt solution,
Let them but call to mind Pitt's dissolution:
When, vulture like, the pretty Cinque-ports eyeing,
He nabb'd the spirit of poor Billy flying,
Sneak'd to the back-stairs, and, in suppliant voice,
Pray'd to become the next in k*ngly choice.
The boon once gain'd, all feeling be renounc'd;
Spread wide his talons, on the game then pounc'd:
Which for a Ch*th*m should have been secure—
In blood to P*tt allied, and just as poor.
This is the man now filling post of Sec:
For Home Department! nought can break his neck:
Atlas political, whose shoulders' fort
Can pensions, places, sinecures, support;
Who Mammon's throne would fill to sooth his itches,
And, not content, then rob him of his breeches.
A title wrought no change in H*wks*b*ry;
What simple J*nky was, the lord must be:
For gold he panted, and for pelf doth pant;
True sucking Court-leech; rav'nous cormorant;
The greedy babe, not merely gorging pye,
With mouth, but equally with goggle eye.
Adieu! adieu! to Plutus I commend thee.
As for old Nick, he always did befriend thee:


Most of his imps now form the high state legion;
So I'll not introduce thee to his region,
But take my leave, assur'd the blockish spell
Must break, and waft ye to your native H---.

Tacæ, my friend! how impiously you dash on!

Have I not reason?—teach your Blocks compassion.

Their gentleness, invective should disarm;
Since, if they do no good, they do no harm:
Indeed, such virtue's negative, I own.

So comments, friend, you'd better leave alone.

Then first withdraw your taint against their feeling.

I shall, when John Bull's sores they think of healing.


Their brains, I'd wager, will cure each disaster.

Have mercy! rid us of the drawing plaster
This true quack nostrum, fraught with ev'ry ill
That fools can conjure up, and knaves instil.
Oh, my dear country! when will carnage cease,
And blood-stain'd War be scarf'd in gentle Peace!
When shall we greet each nation as a brother,
And hail dear Mercy as our common mother!
That hope extinguish'd now, so lately 'ray'd
In garb of peace, though not of war afraid:
Alike expert in all the arts of Mars,
As prone to heal Bellona's dreadful scars:
When must we look again those days to see?
Oh! never, till some change of ministry.
For now of blood-hounds view the yelping packs,
War in their mouths, grim terror on their backs!
The cabinet now hoops To arms! to arms!
These the old friends of treasons and alarms;
Who to themselves assum'd exclusive rule,
By sending Britain's Liberty to school;


From Magna Charta ev'ry line erasing,
And Habeas Corpus totally effacing:
Yet soft! I waver from my destin'd point,
And put my poem somewhat out of joint.
Persons, not circumstances, prompt my lay,
Therefore let me consistency obey;
And now resume the burthen of my song:
Come, Geehoo Pegasus!—get on, get on!
Here's drum-head C*stl*r*gh, who all men know
Was ne'er in want of two strings to his bow:


Who of the Union now his night-cap makes,
No breach of faith his golden slumber wakes.
Deaf to the groans of Erin's sons he nods,
And, doubtless, dreams of hell instead of gods.


Calls't thou to mind that epoch when thy voice
Made Ireland's wants thy soul's approving choice;
When heedless of her bigotry and blunders,
Thy lungs supported her in tone of thunders;
But not of sense, for doubtless C*stl*r*gh
When duck't; the river god so frighted thee


As to dispel the few poor grains of sense
Which were awarded thee by Providence.
O! had not fortune stoop'd her brat to save,
Thou hadst been tenant of a wat'ry grave:
Yet soft! fate's stern decree may yet be crown'd;
'Tis said, those born to swing are never drown'd.
First friend to Union and the Catholics,
Now like Saint Paul hard kicking 'gainst the pricks.
Leagu'd with a crew as witless as thyself,
As prone to lay their honours on the shelf;
And in the gen-ral tug for pensions, places,
Change sentiments with sides, change friends with faces,
Change ev'ry thing—presumptuous muse refrain,
All may be chang'd, save what they have not—brain.

I own your ending, Sir, is quite concise.

Why, plague on't, where's the use of being nice.


Rhyme without reason makes the muse a fool,
Therefore I briefly say, a fool's a fool.
Now let us in state's garden take a ramble,
Which tho' late planted o'er with thorn and bramble,
May yet present, in spite of all this pricking,
Some plant that's not unworthy of the picking.

Lord, Sir, I see it; sure no flow'r that blows
Can smell more sweet—Do snuff the state's moss Rose.

'Tis vastly sweet.

Zounds! leave it, Sir, alone;
Its thorns have prick'd my finger to the bone.


I thought as much—Its stings conceal'd are 'ray'd
In Presidency of the Board of Trade;
For, lo! this Rose now helps the new state juggle,
Who 'erst vow'd vengeance against all that smuggle:
Nay, not content, his fury nothing stems,
His ire extended to the sons of Thames.
For, now, i'faith, an anecdote I'll scan,
'Twas that which made him slight the waterman;
Who having rescu'd him once more to run
The new court race—he gave him one pound one .


Good Lord!

Yes, he who from Britannia's ninnies
Hath sack'd so many, many thousand guineas;
Having been thus preserv'd by Providence,
Gave but one guinea as a recompence.

'Tis infamous; the waterman—odd rot 'em,
Why save his stingy carcase from the bottom


Speak of a less, ungrateful wretch, I pray;
For as to R*se, I've not one word to say.

Well, let me see awhile how matters stand,
O! there's the privy seal, Earl W*stm*r*l*nd ;
Who hath as neatly his snug post beguil'd,
As formerly he did the rich Miss Ch*ld.
He state affairs now sapiently doth con,
With visage melancholic as the Don;
And by deportment grave thinks to inspire
Each gazer with ideas of wisdom's fire;


But faith, my lord, the whole stock of your art
Consists in knowing Chesterfield by heart.
From ball to business, business back to ball,
At both alike well polish'd—that is all
Not so, Lord T*gnm*th , for, upon my soul,
He should rank first, not junior in controul.


He's an exception, for his caput's stor'd
With talents worthy first place at the board;
Which simple fact sufficiently explains
The Blocks slight merit; but they have no brains:
Reason, most ample, it must be confess'd.
The treasury now with H*sk*ss*n is bless'd,


It's secretary's post he's call'd to hold;
A worthy wight—he knows the worth of gold;
Long practice fits him for all tasks at ease,
The place is snug, and there are pretty fees.
Hold, for one moment I must turn my steed,
And to the Admiralty once more speed;
In flights poetic, I forgot a lord,
A spick-span new one, I mean Bobby W*rd .
Who once conceiv'd that he lash'd Boney's sins,
When state's sub. sec. he penn'd the bulletins.
Those specimens renown'd of his shrew'd wits,
Long details of the fight at Austerlitz;
Which had been quite complete—I tell ye sooth—
Had they not been deficient all in—Truth.


Those great men B*th*rst , M*ntr*se , and Ch*th*m ,
Are not, in my opinion, worth one d---n.


What greet in terms so harsh three stately peers?

Aye, what of that! lords may have ass's ears;
Which all in vain the junto strive to dock—
Brains cannot be extracted from a Block:


Then who the deuce e'er heard before of C*md*n,
On pole 'twere better fix the scull of Hamden:
His sconce at least with awe the Blocks might strike.

As how?

Why prove to us Britannia's pike,
Restraining them from whatsoe'er should be
Encroachments on Old England's liberty:
Not so this keeper of the privy seal.
What will become of our poor public weal?
Guarded by lords, from whom one might as soon
Expect good sense, as from the babes o'the moon.
In B*df*rd's shoes now marches on R*ch*-mond;
Who late sail'd over the salt-water pond .


He who so closely shav'd the D*ke of Y---k,—
An head he miss'd not—no—it was a cork.
But to proceed, the vessel was not stranded,
A lucky chance, and so his grace is landed,
To give old Cerberus a sugar'd sop,
And should he growl, then make the monster hop.


Bring him to reason with the gun and rope,
Cement the union by the death o'the Pope:
Root out all prejudice for bigotry;
In short, blow up at once the Romish see;
Abolish priestcraft, masses, beads, the host,
And show that Blocks know how to rule the roast.
Nay, I advise the senate's sapient owls
To interdict, slap-bang, all Irish howls,
Whose tones and meaning very ably teach
The style and substance of each blockhead's speech .
We've gen'rals twain, tho' not i'the army—for
Th' attorney's one; t'other solicitor;
But when they're nam'd you'll own I tell no fibs,
Friend Pl*m*r one; and t'other Sir Vic. G*bbs .


Both gifted with rare talents at a quibble,
Both fond of that which made 'em plead and scribble;
Nor more, nor less, than what so oft' hath sold
Fame, honour, conscience, that dear metal gold.
With equal thirst of lucre in his soul,
Each with his friends, no doubt, the ball will rowl
About the sphere, collect th'adhesive snow,
Dead to compunction, deaf to Britain's woe.

You judge 'em hardly.

No, Sir, there's no flaw,
My brief designates them as men of law;
Staunch proof, to vouch the 'foresaid without fuss,
Lawyer and gripe being terms synonimous:
Yet hold, my muse grows weary of these dogs,
These pond'rous Blocks, this useless tier of logs.


'Im truly happy, Sir, twixt you and me,
The lash will end—

Hold, Hold, there's W*ll*sl*y ;
Fam'd marquis, who at Eaton conn'd his book,
There learn'd to speechify by hook and crook:
Whose love of monarchy naught could retrench,
Who curs'd at heart the sacrilegious French;


Thunder'd forth senseless jargon, long his pride,
Howling damnation on each regicide.
Of England's m*n*rch too beloved peer,
Yet doom'd at length from courtly smiles to steer;
Wafting his high-blown insolence to pall
And scare the peaceful natives of Bengal :


While there such anecdotes I could rehearse,
As rhymster ne'er yet chronicled in verse;
Of sums in rearing palace idly fool'd ,
Of slaves in thousands by this despot rul'd.


Legions of troops obedient to his nod,
Hindoos who fear'd him as an heathen God:
Since, when abroad, behind his palanquin,
At least one thousand horsemen might be seen;
And when he offer'd to Dame Cloacinà,
Muslin was spread, no doubt, to make all clean à;
While in attendance, (for such was his rule)
An hundred slaves awaited near the stool:


'Twas there the marquis gave ambition vent,
His proud soul panting for aggradizement:—
Of such his acts he laugh'd to scorn th' inspectors;
Wip'd breech with loud complaints of the directors;
Who, all in vain, expostulated, grumbled,
His lofty lordship was not to be humbled.
At length recall'd, as thought, in dire disgrace,
Instead of trial, he's to have—a place .
For all the Blocks his lordship's worth adore,
And so with spunge they'll cancel the milk-score,
White-wash his black-ball'd fame, and like a barber,
Straight send him forth that none a doubt may harbour.
Yet there's another fact I must make known,—
The noble marquis does not stand alone:


Britannia's tortur'd by an hord of fleas,
Not merely one, but swarms of W*ll*sl*ys .
In vain, when bitten, she their lives would crop off,
The cunning vermin quick as lightning hop off;
The nip evade, and then return to bite,
With tenfold hunger, and with tenfold spite.
But to the race, farewell, and eke to those
Whom peaceful I have suffer'd to repose.
My steed is fagg'd—my muse begins to nod,
And in such case, 'twere better drop the rod:
Therefore, O! Blocks, I tell you one and all,
My hope unceasing is your speedy fall.
Adieu, farewell, I'll cast off spleen uncivil;
Wish All the Talents back, ye at the devil


Dove sono molti capi, sono morti pareri.
It is reported that L*d S*dm*th has had some qualms of conscience, as he does not altogether relish the idea of sitting down at the board with Scotch Hal; for he swears that cutaneous disorders are catching, and smell very much of the felon's side of Newgate. Our able linguist C*nn*ng, on the other hand, will not be harassed with L*d S*dm*th: so, that, what with I will and I won't, and I won't and I will, we stand a fair chance of having every thing but unanimity and talents: however, there is an old adage, and heaven send it may be verified.—“ When knaves fall out, honest men get their own.”

—A trifling change in the lines of Shakspeare's crook-back'd Richard, whose character bears a strong analogy to that of several of the Blocks, are not inapplicable to the present ministerial phalanx.

Yet soft!
I'm sharing spoil before the field is won:
Gr*nv*lle still lives; talents still breathe to reign,
When they are gone, then must we share the gain.

—This rapacious peer, better known by the simple appellation of J*nky, has for years past made it his study to snatch at every opportunity of rising in the world.

Animus quod perdidit optat,
Atque in præterita se totus imagine versat.


No flattery has been too fulsome, no step, however derogatory, too menial, when the price was an augmentation of wealth, and a rise in court favour. As to the back-stairs, it is a story that has, and will stand on record so long as his lordship shall live; but back-stairs are nothing with J*nky, who would with equal alacrity kiss back*d*s, if another place or pension could be procured by so honourable an employment.

—This haughty and supercilious nobleman, respecting whose senseless rant I may well say, that it is

“Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,”
originally ranged with the oppositionists, though secretly a partizan of the court faction; and when at length he was candid enough to blazon forth his shameful hypocrisy, it was at a period, when of all others, he ought to have continued silent; for, deaf to every sentiment of patriotism, he voted against the freedom of his native land, by supporting the union with Ireland in the most vigorous manner: nay, and so strenuous was he upon that occasion, as even to excite the astonishment and contempt of the very party with whom he had ranged himself. Little more need be said as to his character; for the man who could in the face of his country labour to effect its complete vassalage, is
Monstrum horrendum, inferme, ingens, cui lumen ademptum.


—During the contested election for Down, on which occasion this redoubted Block was very deservedly ousted by Col. M*de, the following sketch appeared in a Dublin paper, which was most accurately drawn, and is allowed to be just as natural as the life.

A CHARACTER! [From a Work published abroad.]

“History has already recorded the premature growth of vice; the unparalleled effrontery and unexampled depravity which sprung up in the mind, and influenced the conduct of this most abandoned young man. With a very superficial knowledge either of men or things, by the help of a tolerably extensive vocabulary, and with a most shameful disregard of character or consistency; at an age when virtuous principles and patriotic sentiments take shelter in the human breast, and are hard to be dislodged from it, he obtruded himself on the notice of mankind by the coldness of his deportment, and the concealed corruptness of his heart. By the penetrating eye of a foreign minister, he was observed to possess no honourable feeling for his country, and therefore was he chosen as the only person qualified or capable to bring about and accomplish its subjugation and depredation, to rob it of its honest independence, and in fact to blot out its name from the history of nations.”

From the above sketch, no one can possibly blame the independent Marchioness of Downshire, who, notwithstanding the many strings his lordship has to his bow, was determined, in spite of court cabal and ministerial interest, not to suffer vile pollution; and therefore very dauntedly kicked the peer from the bed of down, into which he had put one leg, and also conceived himself entitled to clap the other.

—The ducking which his lordship experienced, I beg leave to remark, was not inflicted for the discovery of witchcraft in the peer, as every one knows from experience that he is no conjuror; except, indeed, when he is to increase his store by any court manœuvre, and then no gentleman can possibly show more adeptness, that himself, at —Hic presto, begone.

Miraris verbis nudis me scribere versus?
Hos brevitas sensus fecit conjungere binos.

—This pretty flower, which now alternately sits down as vice-president of the board of trade and joint pay-master, was a few years back soused into the Thames, from whence he was rescued as above stated. The emoluments from government reaped from the various appointments this Block has received, would nearly liquidate the national debt. He is prime agent in all electioneering matters and intrigues, was many years secretary to the treasury, and brought into court by a publican for not paying his bill, after having employed him to keep open house for Lord Hood. It must be confessed, the Rose has industry and experience, having padded the hoof through all the degrading and menial stages of political servitude; but as for intellectual capacity, refined taste, expansion of genius, or any one thing connected with real talent, he may boast just as much as his idol Silly Billy, who now sits lord paramount As for the bed of roses, which was so much talked of as the couch whereto the late administration succeeded, it was merely so demominated in consequence of its having been for a long period, the “soft, lazy cushion, on which,” our Georgy R*se, and family, had basked and fattened in the full plenitude of a golden sun, which shone upon their unworthiness, at the expence of the public treasury.

—This noble guardian of the privy seal is, perhaps, one of the vainest coxcombs in existence; and the predeliction which the fair sex have for him is very extraordinary, considering his real insignificance as a man. With respect to the Gretna Green trip with the b*nk*r's daughter, it affords not only a striking instance of his gallantry, but a sterling proof that he was not deficient in his election on the score of interest.

“There's beggary in the love that can be reckoned.”


—It is said of this earl, that when viceroy of Ireland, he could accommodate his manners to all occasions at pleasure, and that, without change of dress, he would repair from his chamber of office to the gay ball-room: but this is not to be wondered at, for being a man for the ladies, “his business was pleasure, and his pleasure business;” being so absolutely a slave to it as never to recollect that he had many things to do besides intriguing and dancing.

Chi tutto si da al lusso merita più il nome di donna, che di huome.

Eo magis præfulgebat quod non videbatur.
Tacitus. The consistency with which this peer has uniformly conducted himself cannot fail to call forth the just tribute of praise from every honest breast; and I am only sorry that his lordship's deserts should be recompensed by a junior situation at the board of controul, instead of filling the most conspicuous post in that department of the state.
But dolts ne'er suffer wisdom to inherit;
Fools love their kindred; Blocks slight men of merit.

This worthy limb of our present administration was one of those supporters of Mr. Pitt who withdrew with that premier, after receiving a snug pension of 1200l. per annum; but upon the recal of that gentleman, the subject of the present note, figured again into office; subsequent to which he was once more accommodated with the station of sub-secretary of the treasury. However, on the accession of All the Talents, he was of course compelled to retire, being himself possessed of none; but now, with the Blocks, he acts a very forward part, for “Birds of a feather will flock together.”

As I have so recently spoken of All the Talents, I beg leave to add, in addition to the reasons alledged in my Dedication, which went to prove that they were truly deserving the title; that it was not only in contemplation, but absolutely resolved, that a total abolition of tythes should immediately take place.

In the war department we have another very interesting Block of the above description, one Sir James P*lt*n*y, its secretary, who, on account of his having failed most egregiously in the expedition to Ferrol, is deemed, of all military men, the most appropriate to give good advice, and conduct enterprises of a similar nature, and which there is no doubt will have an equally glorious termination,

This gentleman, like many of the Blocks, shared the loaves and fishes during the administration of Pitt; and on retiring with that minister from office as one of the secretaries for the foreign department, he did not forget to ensure a pension of 1000l. per annum, as a monument of the worthy services which he had rendered the state. With the Blocks be has once more determined to taste the sweets of a place; and, therefore, being originally bred to the bar, is very appropriately made an admiralty lord, to advise with his martial compeer, the mighty M*lgr*ve; whose charger having ran restive, has carried his rider full tilt from the Horse Guards to the Admiralty, where it is much feared that he will break his neck.

The precious peer who now sits as president of the board of trade, is as well acquainted with the mercantile interests of Great Britain as Lord M*lgr*ve is with naval tactics, or Mr. P*rc*v*l with matters relating to finance; in fine, all the Blocks are raised to situations for which they are neither qualified by their previous habits in life, or the acquirements of study, so that when they err, they certainly do not know it.

“If ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.”
Upon the same principle, Mr. C*nn*ng, as before stated, is our secretary for foreign affairs solely because he cannot speak French, in which tongue all foreign ministers hold their conferences.

It must be allowed, that there is no rule without an exception, as may be instanced in the nobleman who is now nominated to the post of master of the horse; the sole duties of which station consist in riding about in the king's coach, drawn by the king's horses, to see that the palfries' tails and manes are properly comb'd, their stables cleaned, and the mews swept, &c. This very duke, when in office on a former occasion, occupied the place of president of the board of trade, when he committed so many unpardonable faults, and issued so many contradictory orders, that what the merchants understood to be the intention of government to-day, were generally reversed on the morrow; upon which account he, on the accession of his friends the Blocks, rather preferred relinquishing that office, which requires some talent, in lieu of which he accepted the present, requiring no talent at all.

The Earl of Ch*th*m, our master general of the ordnance, may be well termed a cypher and loiterer in business, and is very appropriately crammed in the above line of poetry with his two sapient associates. One thing I must say in praise of his lordship, which is, that he has never, like many of his brother Blocks, been so great an ass as to make a speech in the upper house.

So dissonant his jargon—void of sense,
Why were not four legs his—wise Providence?

—The requisites of our present lord lieutenant of Ireland are very great, and perfectly consistent with the ideas of our junto of Blocks; for instance, his grace drinks like a fish; an excellent specific for the procurement of a cool head in matters of state.

“Corpus onustum,
“Hesternis vitiis animum quoque prægravat unà.”


He plays at cricket à merveille—a school-boy's accomplishment, well suited to keep the political ball in motion, when adroitly struck, as at the present period, with Bats or Blocks. And as to fighting, why he will pistol it with a prince, or a stone wall, with as much coolness as I can eat an apple; and who are such redoubted gentlemen at a shot as your Hibernian blunderers?
Ce monde est plain de fous, et qui n'en veut pas voir,
Doit se renfermer seul et casser son miroir.


As to the catholic question, or the claims of a people, it must be understood, that this Block is merely sent over to govern, being as ignorant of those matters as a mill-post; nay, and where he ever versed in those points, it would be to no effect, as his mouth is padlocked and his hands fettered. In short, he can promise nothing, think of nothing, and do nothing, for the poor inhabitants of that unfortunate country.

Proh supri! quantum mortalia pectora cæcæ
Noctis habent.


This limb of the law, of Devonshire extraction, was educated at Eaton, and after the necessary course of study, was called to the bar, in which profession he distinguished himself as counsel with Mr. (now Lord) Erskine in pleading for Messrs. Hardy, &c. at the Old Bailey, in 1796; from which period to the present epoch it is sufficient to add, that he has been a uniform babe of his profession, and now chuckles (attorney-general of the Blocks) embosom'd in his capacious wig.

—This pompous peer, while studying at Eaton, is reported to have acquired the gift of the gab, by rendering himself conspicuous with the rest of his associates, as the speaker in a mock parliament, which was held among the students for the purposes of debating; and it would certainly be unjustifiable in me not to allow, that every oratorical specimen which he has given at a more advanced period of life, bears so strong an affinity to the rant of a child, that, it would more than appear probable, he is not yet free from the trammels of Dr. Birch, were it not beyond a doubt that he took upon himself the task of whipper-in general, while vested with the supreme governorship of India.

—In order to give a just detail, I shall commence with a description of the person of the marquis, which is of a pigmy size, and much like the ape as to his physiognomy. He piques himself (and that with truth) on its resemblance to the countenance of Bonaparte, whose mind bears an equal affinity to that of our marquis. But that the public may form a better judgment on this head, it should be stated that our peer formed a Legion of Honour at Calcutta, after the model of Napoleon's, which was named Honorary Aids de Camp. To all letters of the most trivial import, the following words appeared by way of prelude : His Excellency the most noble the Governor General, &c. But this was not all; for, to support the mockery of majesty, he regularly held his levees, at which he received foreign ambassadors, seated on a throne which was shaded by a sumptuous canopy; and it was his lordship who first thought of sending ambassadors to other states at a most enormous expence. If invited to an entertainment, our noble peer would not attend, unless a throne and canopy were erected to receive him; and upon entering the saloon, two black troopers always preceded him with drawn swords, in order to clear the way for his sublime nothingness. As to his pomp, he was not satisfied with the countless minions that surrounded him; but even proceeded so far, as to be desirous of making a lacquey of his Aid de Camp C*t*n Gr*v*ll, son of the E---l of W---, whom he would fain have reduced to the station of step-holder of his carriage when he entered the same; and it is no less true, that he quarrelled with the present Ch*f J*st*ce of Calcutta, because that law dignitary would not light him to the door.

“Unreal mockery, hence!”


—The marquis caused a mint of money to be expended on his palace and other buildings at Calcutta, and in the vicinity; and it should not be forgotten, that the scite on which the grand edifice now stands, was formerly covered with numberless cottages, belonging to the poor and industrious Indians, who were all smoked away like rats, to make room for the enormous residence of his little majesty. This lord made frequent excursions up the river to visit a chateau de campagne; on which occasions, the stream was literally covered with innumerable budgarows, or barges, containing his endless suite. It should also be remembered, that these jauntings were effected at the cost of many, many thousands sterling; but that consideration was no preventive to his lordship, who conceived, to use the words of Persius, that—

At pulchrum est digito monstrari & dicier hic est.

The body guards (for the marquis, like Napoleon, must take care of his insignificant carcase) consisted of several hundred men; and, with respect to their horses, they were all conveyed, at a most enormous charge, from Madras, while their trappings, which were wrought at the same place, were expensive and sumptuous beyond all description; the charge for which was of course equal in proportion.

—Aye, and will have one too when the electioneering contests shall be terminated, and that the Blocks know their strength; for the public may be assured of seeing the marquis either First Lord of the Treasury, or Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; that is to say, as shall be agreed between this peer, my Lord M*lv*lle, and the amiable Master C*nn*ng.

—If the reader be unacquainted with this fact, it will be necessary to inform him, that the Honourable H*nry W*ll*sl*y fills the office of Secretary to the Treasuary; the Honourable W*ll*sl*y P*le is Secretary to the Board of Ordnance; and Sir Arth*ur W*ll*sl*y occupies the post of Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

Deus hæc fortasse benignâ
Reducet in sedem vice.
