University of Virginia Library


Without an egg-shell, you'll observe,
Cannot an egg be laid;
The shell should therefore ever be
Of prime importance made;
And if you breakfast on the egg,
And cast aside the shell,
A candid man will hardly say
That such a course is well.
And how can Truth be taught without
A form of words to guard it?
If once, then, you have got the form,
Beware how you discard it:
To get at truth, if ever forms
Be tampered with and broke,
It is as if you cracked the shell
That you might eat the yolk.
There's not a bit of shell, we fear,
In all this writer's hymns;
But like the yolk of egg in wine,
In verse his doctrine swims:
He gives us egg without the shell;
When next he writes, we beg
He'll give us, what we'd much prefer,
The shell without the egg.