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Gerard & Isabel

A Romance in Form of Cantefable. By Francis William Bourdillon

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[Love is woman's master.]

Love is woman's master.
Vain is all her struggling
If she once allow him;
Vain her resolution,
Vain her pride, her purpose.
In Love's net is Clarisse,
Snared and foiled and helpless
As some simple maiden
In whose eyes a lover
Gazes for the first time.
Heavily the day went
When she saw not Gerard.
And the night was sleepless
When he smiled not on her.
Many a wile well-practised
Knew she, many a love-way
Sweetly coy and secret,
Yet with power as deadly
As the subtle poison
Iseult drank and Tristan.
But the simple-hearted
Bear a triple armour,
Faith and truth and honour,
Strong against all weapons


By a woman wielded.
Failed her amorous glances,
Failed her languid poses,
Lovely arms uplifted,
Snowy bosom heaving,
Floating hair unbanded.
Till desire grew maddened,
And her whole heart's fortune
Threw she on one hour,
To achieve or perish.