Fand and Other Poems | ||
Rapt from my purpose by that beauty awhile,
Marvelling, I gazed, till startled by a voice,—
“What seeketh Emer on the shores of Leane?”
I turned and saw a man of rudest garb,
Wild-haired and shaggy—a herd or fisherman—
But keenest-eyed—and asked him, fearing not,
“How know'st my name?”
Marvelling, I gazed, till startled by a voice,—
“What seeketh Emer on the shores of Leane?”
I turned and saw a man of rudest garb,
Wild-haired and shaggy—a herd or fisherman—
But keenest-eyed—and asked him, fearing not,
“How know'st my name?”
Fand and Other Poems | ||