University of Virginia Library



“There are threasures in Ireland as good as a throne,
Mighty pleasant an' fine, could we make them our own;
An' this Prodestan' gun is a very fine thing
Fwhen it fights for ould Ireland and Shemus the king.
Yet to-day in the fray, be my sowl! 'twas no joke,
Fwhen its Prodestan' balls through the Rapparees broke;
But its race' nathe the sway o' the Dutchman is run,
For the Rapparees now own this Prodestan' gun!


Dum erlium di tay, dum erlium ri da,
Dum erlium, fol edrium, dum murlium ri da!
'Tis nate at the patthern to dance a moneen;
'Tis nate for to sit by a purty colleen;
'Tis sweet for to bask by a hedge at your aise,
Fwhen the winds are all warm an' the sun in a blaze;
There's a plisure in strikin' your innimy sore;
There's a plisure in friendship an' whiskey galore;
But the greatest o' plisures that's ondher the sun
Is to turn to a Papish this Prodestan' gun!—
Dum erlium di tay, dum erlium ri da,
Dum erlium, fol edrium, dum murlium ri da!”